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United states. We are here today to discuss matters of vital importance to us all. Americas security, prosperity, and standing in the world. I want to talk about where weve been, where we are now, and finally, our strategy for where we are going in the years ahead. Over the past 11 months, i have traveled Tens Of Thousands of miles to visit 13 countries. I have met with more than 100 world leaders. I have carried americas message to a grand hall and saudi arabi saudi arabia, a great square in wausau, assembly of the united nations, into the seat of democracy on the korean peninsula. Everywhere i travel, it was my highest privilege to represent the American People. Throughout our history, the American People have always been the true source of american greatness. Our people have promoted culture and promoted our values. Americans have fought and sacrificed on the battlefields All Over The World. We have liberated captive nations, transformed former enemies into the best of friends, and lifted entire regions of the planet from poverty to prosperity. Because of our people, america has been among the greatest forces for peace and justice in the history of the world. The American People are generous. Youre determined to come to your brain, you are strong, and you are wise when the American People speak, all of us should listen. In just over one year ago, you spoke loud and you spoke clear. I november 8th, 2016, you voted negotiated disastrous trade deals that brought prosperity to foreign countries, and said factories and millions of american jobs to those other countries. Our leaders engaged in nationbuilding abroad while they failed to build up and replenish our nation at home. They undercut a shortchanged our Men And Women in uniform. Within etiquette resources, unstable funny, and unclear missions. Our very wealthy allies pay their fair share of defense a massive and unfair burden on the taxpayer and our great u. S. Military. They neglected a Nuclear Medicine north korea. Made a disastrous and a copy ugly bad deal with iran it allowed terrorist like isis to grab a large parts of territory all across the middle east. They put American Energy under lock and key. They imposed punishing regulations and crippling taxes. They surrendered our sovereignty to foreign bureaucrats in faraway and distant capitals. Over the profound objections of the American People, our politicians left our borders wide open. Millions of immigrants entered illegally. Millions more were admitted into our country without the proper venting needed to protect or security and our economy. Leaders in washington imposed on the country and immigration policy that americans never voted for, never asked for, and never approved. A policy where the wrong people are allowed into our country and the right people are rejected. American citizens, as usual, have been left to bear the costs and to pick up the tab. On top of everything else, our leaders drifted from american principles. They lost sight of americans as destiny and their belief in american greatness. As a result, our citizens lost something as well. The people lost confidence in their government and eventually even less confidence in their future. Last year, all of that began to change. The American People rejected the failures of the past. They rediscovered their voice and took over control and destiny of the country. I january 20th, 2017, i stood on the steps of the capital. To herald the day that people began the rulers of their nation again. [applause] now then less than one year later, the entire world has heard the news and has already seen the signs. America is coming back, and america is coming back strong. Upon my inauguration, i announced that the United States would return to a simple principle. The first duty of our government is to serve its citizens. Many whom had been forgotten. They are not forgotten anymore. With every decision and every action, we are now putting America First. We are rebuilding our nation, our confidence, and are standing in the world. We have moved swiftly to confront our challenges, and we have confronted them head on. We are once again invested in her defense, almost 107 billion, record this coming year. We are demanding a stray strength which will hopefully lead to long and extraordinary peace. We are giving our courageous military Men And Women the support they need and so dearly deserve. We have withdrawn the United States from a job killing deals such as the transpacific partnership, and the very expensive and unfair paris climate accord. On our trip to asia last month, i announced we would no longer tolerate trading abuse. We have established strict new Vetting Procedures to keep terrorists out of the nine states and are vetting is getting tougher every month. To counter iran and a path to a nuclear weapon, i sanctioned the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps for its support of terrorism and declined to certify the iran deal to congress. Following my trip to the middle east, the gulf states, and other muslimmajority nations, joined together to fight radical islamist ideology and terrorist financing. We have dealt isis one devastating defeat after another. The coalition to defeat isis has recaptured 100 on most of the land once held by these terrorists in iraq and in syria. Great job. [applause] great job. Really good. Thank you. Thank you. We have a great military. We are now chasing them wherever they flee, and we will not let them into the United States. In afghanistan, our troops are no longer undermined by artificial timelines and we know longer tell our enemies of our plans. We are beginning to see results on the battlefield, and we make clear to pakistan that while we desire continued partnership, we must seek Decisive Action against terrorist groups operating under territory. We make massive payments every year to pakistan. They have to help. Our efforts to strengthen the Nato Alliance set the stage for significant increases in Member Contributions with tens of billions of dollars more pouring in because i would not allow Member States to be delinquent in the payment while we guarantee their safety. Dominic and are willing to fight wars for them countries that are immensely wealthy should reimburse the United States for the cost of d. This is a major departure from the past, but a fair and necessary one. Necessary for our country. Necessary for our taxpayers. Necessary for our own thought process. Our campaign of Maximum Pressure on the north korean regime has resulted in the toughest of her sanctions. We have united our allies in a unprecedented effort to isolate north korea. However, there is much more work to do. America and its allies take all necessary steps to achieve a denuclearization and ensure that this regime cannot threaten the world. [applause] the situation should have been taken care of long before i got into office. When it was much easier to handle. It will be taken care of. We have no choice. At home, we are keeping our promises and liberating the american economy. We have created more than 2 million jobs since the election. Unemployment is at a 17 year low. The stock market is at a alltime high, and just a little while ago, hit yet another alltime high. 85th time since my election. [applause] we have cut 22 regulations for every one new regulation. The most in the history of our country. We have unlocked americas vast energy resources. As the world is watching and the world is indeed watching us, we are days away from passing historic tax cuts for American Families and businesses. It will be the biggest tax cut and tax reform in the history of our country. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. We are seen the response we fully expect. Economic growth has topped 3 for two quarters of a year. Gdp growth, which is way ahead of schedule undermined administration, it will be one of americas truly greatest weapons. Optimism is surged. Confidence has returned. With this new confidence, we are also bringing back clarity to our thinking. We are reasserting these fundamental truths. A nation without borders is not a nation. [applause] a nation that does not protect Prosperity At Home cannot protect its interests abroad. A nation that is not prepared to win or, is a nation not capable of preventing a war. A nation that is not proud of its history cannot be confident in its future. A nation that is not certain of its values cannot summon the will to defend them. Today, grounded in these truths, we are presenting to the world our new National Security strategy. Based on my direction, this document has been in development for over a year. It has the endorsement of my entire cabinet. Our new strategy is based on a principle of realism guided by our National Interests and rooted in our timeless values. This strategy recognizes that whether we like it or not, we are engaged in a new era of competition. We accept that vigorous military economic and lyrical contests are now playing out All Over The World we face world regimes that threaten the United States and our allies. We face terrorist organizations, transnational, criminal networks, and others that spread violence and evil around the globe. On we also face rival powers, russia and china, they seem to challenge american influence, values, and wealth. We will build a Great Partnership with those countries, but in a manner that always protects our national interest. As an example yesterday, i received a call from president Vladimir Putin thinking our country for the intelligence that we were able to provide them concerning a major Terrorist Attack planned in st. Petersburg when many people, perhaps in the thousands could have been killed. They were able to apprehend these terrorists before the event with no loss of life, and that is a great thing. The way it is supposed to work. That is the way it is supposed to work. While we seek Operation Dominic opportunities, we will stand up for ourselves and country like we have never stood up before. Thank you. Thank you. We know american success is not a foregone conclusion. It must be earned and it must be won. Our rivals are tough. They are tenacious and committed to the longterm. Come but so are we. We must integrate every element of our national strength, and we must compete with every instrument over national power. Under the trump administration, americas gaining wealth, leading to enhanced power, faster than anyone thought with 6 trillion more in the stock market alone since the election. 6 trillion. With the strategy i am announcing today, we are declaring that america is in the game in america is going to win. Our strategy thank you. [applause] are strategy advances four Vital National interest. First, we must protect the American People. The homeland and a Great American way of life. The strategy recognizes that we cannot secure our nation if we do not secure our borders. For the first time ever, american strategy now includes a serious plan to defend our homeland. It calls for the construction of a wall on our southern border, indian chain migration, envy horrible visa and lottery programs. Closing loopholes that undermine enforcement and strongly supporting our Border Patrol agents, i. C. E. Officers, and Homeland Security personnel. [applause] thank you. Our Strategy Calls for us to confront, defeat radical islamic terrorism and ideology. And to prevent it from spreading into the United States. We will develop new ways to counter those who use new domains such as cyber and social media, to attack our nation and threaten our society. The second pillar of our strategy is to promote american prosperity. For the first time, america strategy that Economic Security is National Security. Economic vitality, growth, Prosperity At Home is absolutely necessary for American Power and influence abroad. Any nation that creates away its prosperity for security, trades in a way, it will end losing both. That is why this National Security strategy emphasizes more than ever before the steps we need to take the prosperity of our nation for a long, long time to come. It comes calls for cutting taxes and really back unnecessary regulations. It calls for trade based on the principles of fairness and reciprocity. It calls for Reform Action on unfair Trade Practices and theft, and protecting our industrial and innovation base. The strategy proposes a complete rebuilding of american infrastructure, our roads, bridges, airports, waterways, and communications infrastructure. It embraces a future of American Energy dominance and selfsufficiency. The third pillar of our strategy is to preserve peace through strength. [applause] we recognize the weakness is the surest path to conflict. In bible power is certain means of defense our strategy breaks from the damaging defense sequester. We will get rid of that. [applause] it calls for a total modernization of our military. In reversing previous decisions to shrink our armed forces, even as threats to National Security grew, it calls for streamlining acquisition, eliminating bloated bureaucracy and massively building up our military, which is the side benefit of creating millions and millions of jobs. This strategy includes plans to attack modern threats, shutting down cyber and electromagnetic attacks. It excises space as a competitive domain and calls for multilayered missile defense. [applause] this strategy outlines importance important steps such as economic and political aggression. Our strategy strengthening alliances to cope with these threats. It recognizes that our strength is magnified by allies, who share principles and our principles and shoulder their fair share of responsibilities for our common security. Fourth and finally, our strategy is to advance american influence in the world. This begins with building up our wealth and power at home. America will lead again. We do not seek to oppose our way of life on anyone. We Will Champion the values without apology. We want strong alliances and partnerships based on cooperation and reciprocity. We will make new partnerships with those who share our goals. It may common interests into a common cause. We will not allow a to become an obsolete obstacle to peace. We must pursue the vision we have carried around the world over this past year, a vision of strong sovereign and independent nations that respect their citizens in respect their neighbors. Nations that thrive in commerce and cooperation rooted in the history and branching out towards her destinies. That is the future we wish of this world, and that is the future we seek in america. [applause] thank you. All with this strategy, we are calling for a great reawakening of america. A resurgence of confidence, and a rebirth of patriotism, prosperity, and pride. We are returning to the wisdom of our founders. In america, the people dominate. The people rule. The people are sovereign. What we have built here in america is precious and unique. In all of history, never before has freedom rained. The rule of law prevails, the people prevail for more than 250 years. We must love and defend it. We must guard it with vigilance and spirit, if necessary like so many before us with our very lives. We take declare that our will is renewed. Our future is regained. Our dreams are restored. Every american has a role to play in this Grand National effort. Today, i invite every citizen to take their part in our vital mission. Together, our task is to strengthen our families, build up our communities, serve our citizens, and to celebrate american greatness as a shining example of the world. As long as we are proud, and very proud of who we are, how we got here and what we are fighting for it to preserve, we will not fail. If we rediscover our resolve and commit ourselves to compete in win again, together we will beat our children and grandchildren, a country that is freer and prouder and in america that is greater than ever before. God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. [applause] dana data President Trump at the Ronald Ronald reagan bug for the strategy going forward. The strategy has been working on for over a year. As of four pillars, protecting the homeland, promoting america prosperity, preserving peace through strength, and advancing american influence abroad. The National Security strategy a congressionally mandated strategy. Something that every president tries to do to help guide National Security decisions paired the president also spending time on his America First strategy. Join me now, fox News Politics editor, chris stirewalt. Lets go to general jack keane, a four start retired general. Fox news strategic analyst but how important is this, general keane, for the United States government to have a strategy from which to base decisions for all the things going on around the world cannot speak out we have always said it is important, as before. The fact of the matter, was the ministrations really dont use it as much of a guide. It comes down to the second or third year. It has a lot of lofty words and it in high expectations. Usually, most of the time, administrations really go about business moving from one crisis to another, not guided by the specifics of a National Security strategy. What i think this in administration to attempting to do is to take this effort very seriously. Its one of the things why he came out in the first year and another reason why is this president is delivering it himself. I think they look at it as kind of a pragmatic blueprint for how america sees the world, how america sees itself, and how they are actually going to be guided by it. It remains to be seen, from the strategy today, that there will be specific plans and one thing i like about it, it sees the world for what it is. We are in a new era of big power competition, namely russia and china, and we have rogue nations that are clearly threatening the global order in north korea and iran. We have transnational actors, drug trafficking, and radical islamists who are disturbing the Peace Keeping of the world. It needs to be done with, and it is not America First, because it is also not america alone. We are not going to do this by ourselves. We will do it with our allies. We will be shoulder to shoulder with them. I think what is surprising me about this, and what differentiates it it from others, the degree of preoccupation with what the issues are at home in terms of our border, immigration, the problems with Cyber Attacks and espionage and also the amount of attention he has provided to the economic wellbeing of the United States, and Economic Security is National Security. Laying out some of the things we all know are taking place in folding that and under National Security. I think that is quite the departure in the past. Dana thank you, we do have a ntsb Press Conference we are waiting for it will go now to chris stirewalt, r fox News Politics editor. On the first half of the speech, something you might have heard that any possible speech that President Trump gave as he goes to all the things hes done, and how we got to the presidency. The back half really didnt lay out the strategy as he sees it, and one of the things he said, he wants to see a reawakening of the American Spirit and resurgence of patriotism. Your thought. Dont we all. Thats a freebie. This the law that causes this to take place was put in 31 years ago when they reorganize the Department Of Defense and try to fix up a lot of problems. What they end up doing dana chris, im sorry, but ntsb had just started the Press Conference about the train derailment. Lets listen in. The ntsb is launching a go team to dupont, washington, to investigate the derailment of amtrak train number 501, which precious money. Before i continue what we would like to all express to the family and friends and all of those affected by the tragic accident. The National Defense authorization act will be led by ted turpin, who will serve an investigator in charge. He is accompanied by ntsb staff, with expertise in the following area. Operations, mechanical track signals, human performance, and survival factors. Also, accompanying the team, members of the ntsb office of transportation, tda, and media relations. This accident meets the criteria of the Rail Passenger disaster family assistance act. Rtd specialists are already working closely with officials at the steen locally as well as with amtrak to assist them in their efforts to support all of those but is accident. Some of the investigators on the west coast will be arriving on scene this afternoon. The rest of the go team expect to arrive at the scene late tonight. For the latest information on Media Briefing, i encourage you to follow up on twitter at at ntsb goteam. Will be holding a number of Media Briefing at the scene over the next few days in washington state. Now, i would be happy to take a few questions and if you like to ask a question, please raise your hand, and i would recognize you, and then please identify yourself and your media outlet. Do you think this acronym could be speed related it is too early to know. We are sending investigators to the scene, so will find all that. We ought to give you is Accurate Information as possible. Washington post, do you have a number of fatalities that is updated . You probably heard a lot of numbers reported, by different news outlets, and we leave that to the local authorities and that varies. Cbs, it was a newer train, was any new technology on on te strength . At this moment, we do not know, because we do not have an investigator on scene. They are going there as we spea speak. Relook at that, because you want the right information. We do not want to speculate. Here with the ap, conflicting reports that this was a brandnew track or new route . Can you clarify . The nature of the track and the train . Was it a new route . The question is, is this a new route, has there been any information about whether the track was new . We are aware of the fact that this was called Inaugural Run. We want to check and make sure what that exactly means and find out more information about that. Do know that the conductor what the status is . Has any of the Trained Personnel been interviewed, and that is what we will be doing as soon as our investigator gets on scene and the one in charge is in route right now as we speak. Less question. The website said this point, uses technology that allows the train that you have to speed down as it approaches and using gravity instead. Is that new or Different Technology that wasnt already in place or used in other amtrak trains . Was there any new technoly used on this track, and that is why we have lots a go team and experts it will pass that on as soon as we find out exactly what type of technology and what kind It Technology or speaker. It is on that. Dana youre listening to the ntsb briefer, giving us as much as she could in terms of information about that train derailment. They are sending a go team to the area. We will have a lot more information in the future, but that she was, trying to give that information as best she could. Of course, we listen to President Trump, who gave his National Security strategy speech from the Ronald Reagan building and a lot to talk about. Please stay tuned to Fox News Channel and Visit Fox Nation Good i am dana perino in new york. Like our top story. Six people are dead after highspeed train derailment. Youre going to want to stick around, because we have dan springer come alive on the ground and it dupont one of the questions i came up in the News Conference was whether or not this was an inaugural route, taking and that is the case. This was the first time it has passengers. They have been testing this route, amtrak has, at least the last 11 months. We know since last january, they began testing amtrak trains going down this route from seattle all the way down to portland. These tax are not new this has these tracks have been use by the Freight Train that bsb railroad. They put in today for passengers essentially, who want to go quickly down from seattle to portland. The idea behind this route was that it would shave between 51, because it is more direct. As far as the investigation unseen here, we cannot tell you, this is a recovery operation. We have confirmation from that county sheriffs department, all of the survivors who were on this train had been removed, and we have dozens and dozens of people, at least 77 people we know of equipment taken to area hospitals, five different hospitals have received patients. All various degrees of injuries. There are at least six fatalities according to the associated press. Weve not been able to get confirmation from amtrak or from local authorities, but ap has reported six fatalities. You can see the massive entanglement of train cars up there. This was a 12 car train, and at least nine of them left the track this morning at seven 40. The height of rush hour. These are the southbound lanes of interstate 5, 50 miles south of seattle in a town called dupont. They will be looking at speed. This was built as a highspeed route going from seattle down to portland, and there is a long straightaway that parallels the freeway, the southbound lanes of i5. A long straightaway going directly south, directed to the righthand side of this southbound lane, and then there is a sharp curve, at that sharp curve, that is exactly where you see the trestle, where the trains are over the side of the bridge. It is a sharp curve. Obviously, you have to reduce your speed, the max speed is set at 79 Miles Per Hour. There is no way you can be close to 79 Miles Per Hour as you take that sharp curve, in fact, we have heard from reports that the speed was supposed be down to 3t sharp. Thats one thing that ntsb will be looking at. The speed at which this train is going. All of the survivors who were on these cars, these train cars have been removed, taken to all local hospitals, and again, latest report at least six people dead. All lanes of southbound interstate 5 have been closed since this happened. We understand there is significant damage to the trestle, the bridge, the stretch of interstate 5, going all the way from canada down to the Mexican Border will be shot for some time. Ntsb is supposed to be showing up here. A team will be on the ground this afternoon, and again, they will have more people showing up tonight. It could be a full year before we know exactly what happened. If they get preliminary details, they will help in other investigations in other areas of transportation safety. They will release that. Typically, these cases take a long, long time to go over all the things human error, track condition, weather condition, and of course, the speed at which this train was traveling, which of course will be central to their investigation. Dana . Dana dan springer live at the scene. For that report, Trace Gallagher has more from los angeles. Before, i want to piggyback on what dan said. The 501 from seattle to portland would be along the waters, along and today was the Inaugural Run of the 800 million bypass. The idea behind the stretch is that it saves about 11 minutes because it avoids the slow curves and singletrack tunnels that run along the water. Instead of going along the coast, the train is rerouted to go inland at a higher rate of speed. The route was also meant to separate the amtrak trains for the much lower Freight Trains that often cause delays. Last week, there was a warning when people know that as of today, they would have these trains running near the base going about 80 Miles Per Hour. In fact, it appears when this train derailed, the train was doing just over 81 Miles Per Hour. The speed limit on that stretch is 79 Miles Per Hour, and we know those tracks go through a number of neighborhoods, roads, as dan said, along interstate 5. There are no switches. There is no road crossing in the immediate area. Weve also been reporting that the mayor of lakewood warned that the high speeds could lead to tragedy. As of four reports come at the train may have struck something with no road crossing or switches, we still have not confirmed that, but that is one of the things being talked about. We should note, this new stretch of track is positive train control, and Automated System that slows the train down when they head into curves or dangerous conditions. The ptc has not been activated. It is mandated across the country, the ptc must be operational by the end of next year. When you hear passengers say, it did not feel like the train was slowing down before went off the track, that seems like a Fair Assessment if you go back to april of 2016, that crashed in pennsylvania where they that was one of the things, ptc may have stopped that crash and who knows, but he may have stopped this one as well. Dana Trace Gallagher, thank you so much for the repor report. We will have more of the president s speech with Adam Kinzinger after the break hi, im joan lunden with a place for mom to help find the Perfect Place for their mom or dad thank you so much for your assistance in helping us find a place. Mom feels safe and comfortable and has met many wonderful residence and staffers. Thank you for helping our family find our father a new home. We especially appreciate the information about the va aid and attendance program. I feel i found the right place. A perfect fit. 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The first thing you are concerned about a terrorist in a derailment, anything like that, im not making that implication, but thats the first thing you have to be worried about. Secondly, what went wrong. The speed to high around a curve or something . It is tragic. Dana it is incredible this is the first time that that train had people on it, the very first time. I share your concern, of course, everybody would with how it happen. And ntsb was on earlier, and that was an initial brief and it will continue to update us. In the meantime, we had live, President Trump remarks on the new National Security strategy. I understand you had a briefing on the policy of your initial thoughts . Speak of the speech was good, i think the strategy is good. We have eight years where you walk away from a lot of issues asia, middle east, europe, President Trump of president obama spoke a great game, but had no action. It will be a long process. It will be difficult. And the president speech was good, talking about the pride in america, America Being on top again. With a Strong Academy and potentially 4 gdp growth, that its going to be the engine for us to have the impact we have on the world. The key will really be the action to follow. We look at syria, it is a big concern of mine. The growing influence of iran and on the border of israel. The growing influence of russia. This will take some time to push back. Of course, north korea, we need to invest in resources. The president will need to follow through this beach with great action. Dana he talked about readiness and the importance of it. As soon as you all finish with this Tax Reform Proposal and get it to his desk by the end of the week, i understand you want to turn to Military Readiness and the the international guard, i wonder, just how desperate is the military to have the caps remove and be able to rebuild so our troops have what they need. We are desperate, because this is a stupid policy. Descent question was we are crypt, but we need the resources to make that a reality. Dana are you satisfied and happy with the Tax Reform Bill as it is and will you be voting. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. I promise to have and to hold, from this day forward, till death do us part. Selectquote can help you keep your promise. With Life Insurance starting at under a dollar a day. But you promised dad. Come on. Selectquote helped jim, 41, keep his promise, by finding him a 500,000 policy for under 27 per month and found kathy, 37 a 750,000 policy for under 21 per month. Since 1985, weve helped millions of families, by finding them affordable coverage by Impartially Shopping highly rated insurers, offering over 70 policies. Dad youre coming, right . You promise . I promise. Keep your promise

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