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A weekly report on economic developments features interviews with business leaders, information on Investment Opportunities and financial advice. Well as the e. U. Beginning to buy more soybeans from american farmers. We are seeing real progress. American exports are on the rise. This is a Strong Economy and leadership on improving our Trade Relations for American Jobs andworkers. When do you expect them to announce another solid trade deal. Will you be able to announce them before the midterm elections. We are encouraged about the free Trade Agreement. The u. S. Trade representative continues to believe there is a possibility before we get to labor day we might have a reformed nafta agreement. Those details are still being worked out. Look, the president came into this administration with the belief that for too long americans, our economy, our workers are being taken of reelection. You have andy barre in kentucky saying the Bourbon Makers are being hurt by retaliation in europe. We have Many Companies complaining about high prices. We think a better Trade Agreement with the European Union will benefit every american. We respect members of congress. Its remarkable to think about all of the progress we have made has been a partnership with majorities. Its an unprecedented level of democrat obstruction. Its amazing to think in the last year and half we have faced more filibusters called by Chuck Schumer and the democrats in the senate by a factor of four times more then any administration going all the way back to the carter administration. We respect members of congress. We respect them standing up for interest in their district. We are grateful for the support they provide and re remain confident that it will win for their districts. The lack of democratic support brings you to my next question. Is this a ploy to remind the American People that yours is the party of tax cuts before the midterm elections. The truth is you wont get any democratic support for that. Do you think the eaxon my needs more stimulus. We worked closely on tax cuts 2. 0. The realty is before christmas of last year President Trump signed the largest tax cuts and reform in american history. Going forward. We dont want policies that diminished the economy. When you travel across the country you sense the confidence. Like a steelworker said in granite city, illinois yesterday. He said we are back. I sense that all across the country. People see in President Trump someone who has a boundless confidence in the american future. Also they see a President Keeping his promises to cut taxes, roll back red tape, unleash American Energy and the people are responding. The Second Quarter numbers 4. 1 growth. On track for 3 growth. After 16 years that averaged less than 2 growth. Its a testament to the leadership. Its a testament to congress and the republican majorities that supported the president. Also the confidence of the American People and President Trumps vision. That is being robbed by the chinese. Lets talk chana for a moment. They are using tariffs to get the chinese to stop stealing Intellectual Property. They have been transferring technologies. Are tariffs the answer. They wont admit they are doing it. When you look at the trade deficit around the world. Maria, as you know half of that is with china. For two long china has had unfettered access to the American Economy and consumer. American companies have faced significant barriers. This is a real threat. This is absolutely essential that we protect Intellectual Property from being stolen from interest in china. We end the tok Technology Transfers that exist. As the americans take a strong stance and pursue a policy of Raising Barriers until we receive a reciprocal relationship with china. Based on the Relationship Tractor Trailer forged and some things he said on those issues. Many reported for the first time talked about those who prospect Intellectual Property. We believe raising those issues and recognizing the need for a fair and balanced Trade Relationship gives us hope we can improve the relationship. President trump will continue to stand strong until we receive free and fair and unreciprocal relationship. Ill ask about you and the president and the white house. Was it necessary to throw out kaitlin from cnn, what happened . Let me say, this administration believes in the Freedom Of The Press. President trump and our entire administration have provided extraordinary access to the media. The president answers so many questions. I can assure you well continue to do that. Maintaining the decorum thats due at the white house is an issue. Im very confidence with any network this will ensure the access of the American People to this administration. This is incredible progress. On this day she was the reporter. She was repping representing everybody. I just remain very confident. Look the relationship between any white house and press corp. Is always, you know, its always healthy and robust and occasionally represents disagreements. Im confident they will be able to workout the relationship in a positive way. Every network and news organize will continue to have access. We stand for the Freedom Of The Press in this white house. More of my exclusive interview with the white house coming up. Follow me on twitter at maria bartiromo. We have a lot coming up. More with Vice President and Lindsey Graham. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. The president s efforts to roll back tape med with incredible object instrumentation. With this administration we faced four times more filibusters in our first two years then any of the last administrations going all the way back to jimmy carter. What the president and i believe as we travel across the country is that we need to communicate our majorities and have more republicans in the house and senate. As more americans see what the president is doing and enthuse enthusiastic about the commitment and america standing tall and fighting for American Jobs. Those same americans should know we have only be able to do that because the partners on capitol hill will continue and build on the momentum of the economy with more partners. All right, a quick break. More from my interview with mike pence. Plus a showdown in turkey over a pastor. Senator Lindsey Graham is coming up live. We have a lot to cover this morning on sunday morning futures. Ron soh really . Going on at schwab. Thank you clients . Well jd power did just rank them highest in Investor Satisfaction with full Service Brokerage firms. Again. And online Equity Trades are only 4. 95. I mean you cant have low cost and be full service. Its impossible. 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Literally one of the most distinguished minds in the country with a proven record for limited government and Second Amendment and religious liberty. What i would say is judge Brett Kavanaugh deserves a fair hearing and deserves their support to be confirmed as the next justice of the court of the United States. Many try to make this about abortion. Is this about aban abortion for. The president was looking for a judge with extraordinary credentials and intellect. Judge kavanaugh has that philosophy. He has a proven record. Thats what the president made this nomination about. Thats what well carry to republicans and democrats in the senate. We will remain confident before the fall is out the judge kavanaugh will be justice kavanaugh. You will meet next week of the families of the remains being sent from north korea. A lot of people are very emotional about this. Why are you going to meet with those families. President trump asked many eato do many things on this behalf of the president. Ive never been more humbled to be asked to represent him as the remains of the american heros of the korean war to ride back on american soil. My dad was in the u. S. Army. He fought in combat in the korean war. He fought or Pork Chop Hill in some of the battles that took place there. He came home with a metal on his chest. My dad has been gone now 30 years. He raised us to understand that he always that you go heros of the korean war were the ones that didnt get to come home. The fact that this president sitting down with kim jongun to negotiate the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula also had our fallen heros on his heart should tell you everything you need to know about President Trump. We are deeply moved and hon be honored to be there when our boys come home. I know america is watching with enough emotion. You and the president have spoken about large sanctions against turkey a nato ally. You threatened to improse them about the they dont release the american pastor under house arrest. The United States will impose large sanctions on turkey on pastor andrew brunson. You will go the whole way with this. You will put sanctions if not released . Pastor andrew is an innocent man. Hes a man of profound Christian Faith that mensterred in turkey for more then 20 years. He was swept up in arrest in 2016. There is no credible evidence of wrongdoing. This was a year without being charged. For the last several years he has been in a turkey prison. President trump and i engaged the a turkish government directy to release him and send him home. Those negotiations have been on going and continuous. We welcome the news this week that turkey made the decision to transfer the pastor to home arrest to his apartment in turkey. I spoke to him and his wife shortly after they arrived. Pastor andrew should be freed and allowed to return to his family, to his home, to his church, and nation of the United States of america. The trust is. As i said earlier this week. Pastor before yo andrew at homes not good enough. We are prepared to bring sanctions against turkey until pastor andrew before yo is free. Have you received a response from turkey . We have heard from certain officials in turkey but we have made it clear that this innocent man of faith should be released and allowed to return to the United States. We will continue to take a strong stand. Well bring sanctions against turkey. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you so much. Since my conversation with the Vice President the state Department Said secretary of state pompeo spoke to the Foreign Minister saturday about the case of pastor andrew. The secretary and minister will continue to address other issues of concern. Turkeys president said they wont back down in the threat of sanctions. After my interview with the president. That interview took place in the eisenhower executive office. He took me on a tour of his private Office Inside the west wing. A place thats full of history. He showed me a photograph of his father Second Lieutenant edward j. Pence receiving the bronze star for his service in the war. As well as the metal itself. He showed me both of pitch he proudly displayed. This is rare gleams tomorrow morning. Join us tomorrow morning. Still ahead senator Lindsey Graham is here. Judge Brett Kavanaugh all discussing this on sunday morning futures. This is next. Lets bring in senator graham. Its gotta to see you this morning. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. A lot to talk about. North korea, my thoughts, the only reason we are moving forward is President Trump convinced North Korea Ehe was serious about them giving up their Nuclear Program. Having the remains returned to the United States is much appreciated by the families in the country as a whole. We are looking for complete irreversible, verifiable denuclearization. China is trying to run the clock out. If i were President Trump i would keep the pressure on and be willing to walk away. The only way to get a deal that matters is to convince them we will stop the Nuclear Program if we have to. Do you think the north believed that now or has it been emboldened . I think china is undercutting President Trump when it comes to north korea. I believe they believe they wont allow them to hit the homeland. He set his policy in stone. Complete, verifiable, irreversible. Iran is watching, russia is watching. The only way to get there is to put a deadline on this. President trump said he wanted this to happen. I see the timeline slipping. That worries me. The only way we made progress is because trump has been strong in the eyes of north korea. You have to stay strong. I dont want a war with north korea. There will be one in chinas backyard. I hope china understands that. Let me move onto it other nuclear power. Do you want to see sanctions put against russia . 100 . I will give President Trump credit for being tough on russian that obama. Thats without a doubt clear. Army, the ukraine, expelling diplomats. Its not working, maria. This week was good news for me in two ways. The president with a National Security council on friday. Thats president ial leadership ive been looking for. I talked to Homeland Security folks. The good package is coming out of the administration. Pompeo told ma then degrees he would work with myself and put new sanctions on the table with russia. Im come out with sanctions on russia. What we were doing is not working. We wont see putin come meet with the president at the white house. Let me ask you about the Micheal Cohen news. He taped his clients which seems unprecedented to me and Rudy Giuliani said they tampered with the tape. The one thing about Micheal Cohen is ive never seen a lawyer act this way. When it comes to Micheal Cohen you should be suspicious of what he says. People like him will make things up. I spoke to richard yesterday. He appeared before Congress Talking about a lot of things. This idea he told trump about the russian meeting before it happened is to us knew news. Mr. Cohen, if you have something new to say you need to come and say it under oath. In terms of him saying it under oath is that a possibility. Will he testify again. I dont know but im tired of having President Trump in the media. Mueller is the leaker of stories in the news. This is new information about the russian meeting regarding President Trump. Ive been lawyer all my adult life. Thats the media strategy. I know what he said in the past art President Trump not knowing anything about the meeting. Hes on record and if he has something new to say dont leak it to nbc news. Come to the committees and say what you have to say under oath and to ever american. I would be as yo suspicious of l cohen. I have to talk to you about iran. Ill do that after the break. We are back with lendcy graham. Seems like the Trump Administration has a bid to create new security and Political Alliance with the middle east. Give us the latest in terms of your viewpoints. Ive never before more pleased for President Trump then iran. Hes working to isolate iran. The European Union needs to help us. Instead of doing business with d. I. Auto who ask a religious nazi. Our friends should break the back of the regime. I like the idea of withdrawing from the agreement. He took the money and spent it on military. They are headed with the women. Keep it up secretary pompeii yo. Regime changes are coming to iran. Then there is ch china. Does it straighten the unity of the u. S. Together to go up against chinas bad behavior. Thats the only way when it comes to china. The European Union and the nations are being effected by trade practices. This is how the movie ends. The airbus and that hurts boeing. They have a 10 tariff made in america. Its two and half percent. Lets go and ged rit of this and reunite. If you stay in the wto you will have new rules to abide by. Kick them out or we get out. Hes been tough on china, thats for sure. Yes, he has. Let me ask you do you have to votes to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Hes expecting a confirmation before the midterms. There is a lot of doubt when it comes to Brett Kavanaugh. I have zero doubt he will be on the supreme court. Hes highly qualified and well deserving. The president couldnt have chosen better. He will get confirmed with democratic votes. All right, we will see which one they will be meeting with next week. Thank you so much. See you soon. The House Republicans are working to declassify key portions of the fiza document. Well have more next. Every page is blacked out. I would like to ask you about that. You basically said, look, this has to be declassified for the American People to understand. Tell us why . Its like groundhog day. If you remember a few weeks ago we were talking about the heavyvy heavy redactions done on what they were doing. They had been totally redacted. The media was attacking the republicans work. This is another situation where the fisa document. There is so much thats redacted, maria. Yeah. If you notice the left and Mane Stream Media said. We were exonerated once this came out. We putout the memo or the dirt used to get the fisa warrant. Now, if you look at what they are saying but the really juicy stuff is the stuff that proves collusion and how bad page really was. Thats what is redacted. That was the news report after 48 hours. Once they found that back in june to declassify up to 20 pages. You will hear nothing. They dont want transparency for the American People. The president has the letter from us. I think his lawyers are looking to declassify it. As soon as it comes out the better off we are. Whats left is what is redacted. Yeah, thats what i would like to ask you about. I read this in the Wall Street Journal. Devin was washington memo number one. What else is in the application is worse. You identified a specific number. Can you tell us what could possibly be worse than using an unverified peace of nonsense to get a warrant to spy on an american citizen. There is the problem. The Mainstream Media and left can say what is really bad is the public cant see. It redacted. The realty is thats not the case. They have been providing over site of the issue. Several members have been going through it piece by piece. We are contax cuts den conift when the American People see it that will be shocked. Has the president read the unredacted portion . I have no idea what the president has or has not read. All i know is we sent him a letter back in june asking him to reclassify the 20 pages or more. The more the better. I think most of what we would like to see are 20 pages in the last fisa. Seams like the midterm elections are that much more important. We wouldnt know any of this stuff without your committee and colleagues and over site. We wouldnt know half of the stuff tax cuts took place in the 2016 elections. What happens if the house flips and takes the majority . Well thats what i said in the Wall Street Journal interview. I stated that im quiet confident because ive seen this played before. There is a stall game going on. They are trying to stall as much as they can that the republicans would lose the house in the fall. This would shutdown everybody. Rod wouldnt be held for contempt. All of the investigations will be shutdown and you will be left with Media Narratives saying oh, what the public cant read. Whats blackout is whats really bad. Thats why the sooner the president declassifies the better. The American People need to understand how important it will be to get out and vote in the election. Tell us were the investigation stands right now. Is Rod Rosenstein preforming . What i can tell you is there was a move late last week to begin impeachment. I think there are grounds for impeachment and we should hold them accountable. Congress has given them way too much power. The way i understand it is the Judiciary Committee and over Site Committee got commitments that documents will be provided. We are suppose to see those this week. In addition to the interviews deposition they will begin in august. They will conduct interviews with very important witnesses that need to be interviewed as we get to the bottom of the russia gate scandal. Let me ask you with Whats Going On with twitter and Shadow Banning. Are they censoring conservative views and speakers . Yeah, i hod no idea what Shadow Banning was. I had no clue. For several months people have been contacting me saying i tried to find you on twitter. I couldnt find your account, why is that. Then we had a report that came out where there were four people in the House Of Representatives and four elected officials that were quoteunquote, they dont call it Shadow Banning. There was a trap were people couldnt see our twitter feed. That was mr. Gates, mr. Jordan, and myself. It looks like they are censoring people. They ought to stop it. We are looking at legal remedies to go through. Mr. Chairman. Thank you so much

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