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Demanding answers from the fbi on what they see as a lack of action on the alleged hunter biden emails in that New York Post story. Joe biden calls the report part of a smear campaign. Lets grab the news now. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel gathering it for us in washington. Mike . Harris, good afternoon. Today the director of National Intelligence took aim at some criticism of his hunter biden alleged email and laptop issue. Let me be clear, the Intelligence Community doesnt believe that, because there is no intelligence that supports that. We have shared no intelligence with chairman schiff or any of the members of congress that Hunter Bidens laptop as part of some russian disinformation campaign. It is simply not true. Radcliffe responded to adam schiff of california. Schiff is blaming the russians for its controversial story dropping at a critical stage in this president ial campaign. Clearly, the origins of this full smear are from the kremlin, and the president is only too happy to have kremlin help in trying to amplify it. Fox news obtained four alleged hunter biden emails, two about his business dealings in ukraine in 2014 and 2015, two about his 2017 business dealings in china. One of those china emails was verified as being authentic by a source on the email chain. The former head of u. S. Cyber command says the email should be carefully studied. Lets investigate it, lets get some factual evidence, lets get the metadata, and see if this is accurate or not. Im not in the position here to say. Over the weekend, the democratic nominee for president was asked about this matter of his sons alleged laptop and emails, and joe biden did not care for the question. I know you would ask it. I have no response. Its a smear campaign. Right up your alley. Those are the questions you always ask. The fbi was front and center at the end of the 2016 campaign due to questions about Hillary Clintons emails and a private server. So far, the fbi has tried to avoid jumping into the middle of the 2020 campaign. Now prominent republican lawmakers are asking what they knew and when they knew it. Harris . Harris when i was ten, my mother used to say, emotion is not an answer. Good to see you, mike. Thank you. Meanwhile, the Trump Campaign is suggesting the president will bring up the hunter biden controversy at thursdays deba debate. The moderator doesnt bring it up, i think youre pretty safe to assume that the president will. Again, these are real simple questions that joe biden needs to answer to the american public. You Better Believe are going to talk about all the foreign corruption, the foreign money coming into the biden family. If joe biden cant answer these real simple questions, you know hes running from something. Harris i want to bring in now sarah sanders, former White House Press secretary and fox news contributor. Great to see you, sarah. Lets start with which voters this particular topic about hunter biden resonates with. Who are you trying to hit when you are a campaign or you are a president running for reelection when you bring it up . Well, i think every american should be concerned about whether or not the former Vice President accepted money or whether or not his son accepted money on his behalf from one of our most dangerous adversaries in that of china. If he did, and if compromised, itll be very difficult for him to stand up to china if he were to be elected president. Thats a question that every american should be concerned about and should want an answer to. Its very simple. The media needs to ask joe biden whether or not the emails were real, and whether or not either he accepted or his son hunter accepted money on his behalf. And they need to keep asking until they get an answer, the same way they have done to President Trump every single day on completely unsubstantiated claims and attacks. They were relentless for more than two and a half years. They spent every single day badgering him and everyone around him, and everyone that works for him, to ask about russian collusion, which we all know now is nothing more than a huge hoax. But the media was relentless in asking, yet they give joe biden a free pass on this. They let him answer one time and move on quickly. They need to hammer this home and they need to get an answer. Harris well, look, we saw with our own mike emanuels report, this is likely to come out during the next debate, whether its a moderator or the president of the United States. Joe biden will need more than that emotion, hell need an actual answer. I want to get to this, trip advisors from the campaign talking about that next debate. Lets watch together, sarah. The next debate, that final debate between trump and biden, is so important. Trump has to be on his best behavior and layout to the American People the Amazing Things hes done for American Workers and businesses. When you talk about style and approach, i do think President Trump is going to give joe biden a little bit more room to explain himself on some of these issues. Harris your reaction . One of the things that i think the president needs to do, and certainly his campaign should be doing in these final two weeks, is reminding americans how much better off. Most americans say in every poll weve seen they are better off under donald trump than they were four years ago. They also trust donald trump more on the economy. They should be having those points home and reminding voters what it would look like if donald trump is not president , that they will be better off. The danger that comes with allowing the liberal mob to take over our country and certainly take over our economy. These are two areas where the president has a great amount of credibility, a great story to tell, and i think he should really hammer that home on thursday at the debate as well as his Closing Argument in these final two weeks of the election. Harris north of 20 Million People had already voted before we went into the weekend, and early voting across many states now. Ahead of bringing the Room Research look up recent polling, this one, fox news, and also abc, wall street journal. Kind of an aggregate. Anywhere between 28 of the electorate right now undecided, and that is much less than 2016 when the undecideds were about 13 going in to november. I say that because we are trying to get an idea of how close things might be. Former Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus pushed back yesterday on the Washington Post report that he is worried about the president s chances in the oncoming election. Lets watch that. Is that right, you are concerned that the president is headed for a loss . No, not at all. These are unprecedented times. The polling is all over the map. This is something thats going to come down to the wire, and i hope and expect the president to win. Harris first of all, do you agree itll come down to the wire . If it does, how important is it to speak directly to those undecideds . I certainly think its a close race, and the president , again, has a great story to tell. I think he is doing the right thing by being out on the campaign trail, making the case to the American People, nobody sells his message better than donald trump sells it. I think it is smart for him to be out there. I hope he will really zero in on the message that does matter to undecided voters. That has a huge part to play and how to november 3rd turns out. The economy is still one of the biggest drivers for voters going to the polls, and that is an issue that donald trump wins in almost every single poll, hands down. He needs to hammer that message home and i think he will continue to do that more and more as it leads up to november, thatll be a good thing for the president. Harris sera, real quickly before i let you go, i want to get into your kind of headspace. It can be personal. Youve been there, running for the United States of america, as things start to tighten. What is something you would want to communicate to voters at this point . Running for office is an extremely difficult process, but its such an important one. Often times people forget is not just the candidate with the entire family that is invested, its one of the things i actually really love about the trump family. Its not just the president thats out there. Its the first lady, its all of his Adult Children out on the campaign trail, day after day, fighting for this country. I think it is such a huge testament, too, to who the president is. That all of his kids are out there spending every single day, willing to take the hits, willing to take the negative attacks, because they believe in their dad and they believe in our country, and they know that he is best suited to lead it. I love that about this family. I think its one of the best selling points for the president , the fact that he has a support system around him that are so committed to what hes doing that they are willing to undergo the relentless attacks that they do every single day. And yet, they keep fighting right alongside him. I think that is so important for our country, and im glad theyre out there doing that with him every day. Harris and we get to see the people around, the surrogates of both these candidates. I just want to hear from you personally. I appreciate you taking that question. Thank you, good to see you. You bet, thank you, harris. Harris the clock is ticking. The white house, the democrats, once again try to cut a deal on a coronavirus release package. The deadline, whether Senate Republicans are going to get on board. And then, theres this. After Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed by the senate, joe biden and congress are going to try to add a number of justices to the Supreme Court so they can tilt it their way. Harris Senate Republicans move forward with the nomination of judge Amy Coney Barrett to the u. S. Supreme court. Joe biden says hes no longer going to wait until after the election to reveal his stance on expanding the u. S. Supreme court. What impact will that have on how people vote . Senate Judiciary Committee member Chuck Grassley joins outnumbered overtime. There he is, hes live. We are coming right back. 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We are saying to them we have to freeze the design on some of these things, are we going with it or not . And what is the language . Im optimistic. Weve been back and forth on all of this. Harris thats House Speaker nancy pelosi setting a deadline of tomorrow to cut a deal on a coronavirus release package. She and treasury secretary steve mission are in negotiating this afternoon, President Trump even hinted he could intervene if Senate Republicans oppose a potential deal. Chad pergram lives for us with the news on this from capitol hill. Hey there, harris pretty good afternoon. They are starting to run out of track. They are down to about 36 hours to try and get a deal here, this backandforth has been going on for quite some time between the secretary of the treasury, steve mnuchin, and House Speaker nancy pelosi. Itll take time to get this into legislative form and communicate this to members. Keep in mind, theres always been a disagreement over the numbers. Listen to President Trump yesterday in reno, nevada. I think nancy pelosi maybe is coming along. Well find out. We want to do it. I want to do it at a bigger number than she wants. That doesnt mean all the republicans agree with me, but i think they will in the end. If she would go along, i think they would, too. On stimulus. Senate republicans outright rejected an Administration Plan to spend 1. 8 trillion, and President Trump doesnt have a lot of Political Capital now among some republicans. Republicans and a few competitive races are trying to distance themselves from the president. Its also hard to see how the administration would agree to a bill which would require democratic votes to pass. There seems to be a disconnect between the president and many Senate Republicans. No, he is willing to go higher than my members are. We spent a lot of time on this. Even the president s higher number, he shes not willing to match anyway. I dont think it leads to an outcome. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell will put a bill on the floor tomorrow, 500 billion. Very silly to the bill that was filibustered by democrats back in the middle of september. It would also reload the pavement protection program. And we always say its about the math, its about the math, its about the map. They have to get 60 votes to cut off a filibuster, and that is unlikely. Harris . Harris chad pergram, thank you very much. I want to bring in our republican senator from iowa and Judiciary Committee member, Chuck Grassley joining me now. Senator, great to see you today. First of all, lets talk about the numbers. Our correspondent, chad pergram, now talking about that its about the math but also the timing with all this. Would republicans in the senate agree to an increase, a multitrillion dollar deal for Coronavirus Relief . We dont even have to talk about that now, because there is so much within this package that we agree on. So the republicans in the United States senate this week are going to move through what is really urgent and what we know that there is bipartisan agreement on, and see if we can get some debate in the United States senate to move something along. We cant wait for mnuchin and pelosi to get together. We are doing the things to help Small Business retain their employees. To help k12 education. We are going to do things in the very needed area of testing, and make sure that weve got enough money to get the vaccines out when the vaccines developed. That is the vote today on this week. Harris that is making some news, because when you hear about the negotiation that is upcoming between the speaker of the house and steve mnuchin, what you are saying is you dont even need that to happen at this point. Give me some details now that we are breaking some news. What does Small Business retention of employees look like . K12 education, what are we talking about specifically with those issues . As close as i can be on money, similar to what we had in the cares act of march last year, for ppp. In the neighborhood of 300 billion, i believe. 100 billion for k12. Lesser amounts for testing and forgetting the vaccines around. Harris okay, so it would be a slimmer bill. You think that can be gotten through expeditiously . Very interesting. Go ahead. We think maybe democrats dont like it, but if you want to move things here, you got to at least bring things up for discussion. The first vote is going to be, shall we even have a discussion of this bill . Thats got to get 60 votes. If the democrats dont give it 60 votes for that, then they are really saying they dont want anything, even if theres good bipartisan agreement on all the parts. They want to stall it, probably blame republicans, and hope for something that pelosi can get done. If she cant get it done, what we need to do is move ahead with this bill, with the 60 votes, and the way the democrats want to change it in the senate, let them offer amendments. But you cant even offer amendments until you get the bill up. Harris yes or no, then ive got to move on. Is it helpful to have the president of the United States come to the hill to help get something done . Well, i think that is helpful, because there is response by republicans in the senate when you have the leader of your party saying those things. It doesnt mean we will do exactly what he wants, but it does help to move things along. Harris okay. Well move to this. Tomorrow, your committee, the senate Judiciary Committee, set to vote on issuing a subpoena for twitter Ceo Jack Dorsey to testify on friday. After the social media site blocked users from sharing two New York Post reports about hunter biden, the son of joe biden, and his dealings with that Ukrainian Energy company, burisma. What is your response to all that could be playing out next in your committee . First of all, i think youll have to ask senator graham about a subpoena, because he is the chairman of the committee. For my part, they ought to be brought in to testify, hopefully they will answer in a voluntary basis, so the subpoena doesnt have to be issued. And its all about freedom of speech, freedom of press. Do the democrats want the people to know you back they should want them to know. We shouldnt have these platforms, social media, twitter, facebook, et cetera, holding up discussions of importance to people or denying people the right to know peer thats what they are doing. It looks like they have an awful lot of guts to do that when they say its because it could be russian disinformation. Weve got plenty of proof by the director of the National Security this morning, saying its got nothing to do with russian disinformation. Just think what sort of superspreaders they were of disinformation when they brought up the steele dossier, and we all know that was russian disinformation. They didnt close their books on any of that stuff. Harris okay. Senator, thank you for taking so many of my questions. I have one more for you. The senate Judiciary Committee also is set to vote on judge Amy Coney Barretts u. S. Supreme Court Nomination this thursday, likely setting up that confirmation vote on the senate floor in the coming days after that, possibly the next week. Meanwhile, joe biden now says hes going to reveal his position before election day on adding seats to the u. S. Supreme court. Finally we will get to hear that, potentially. What is your reaction . Well, they are going to once we get done with barrett being on the Supreme Court, and she is going to be there, because of her qualifications, not just because republicans have 51 votes to get the job done. They are not going to like a court that is 54 or 63, fairly conservative, although id rather say strict constructionist, textual list, stuff like that, then saying conservative or liberal. But they are going to want to put a tenth, 11th, 12th, 13th person on the Supreme Court, and they are going to be of the other variety, the people who are going to interpret law and stretch law, and stretch the constitution. Just everything that judges arent supposed to be doing. They are supposed to be interpreting the law. They want to do that so theyll have a 76 majority, and theyll probably get the job done if they do away with the filibuster and put more people on the court. Because they did exactly the same thing in 2013, when they wanted to pack the d. C. Circuit court of appeals. Harris you know, its interesting, not lost on you on the hill. You know how things work. Joe biden not wanted to answer that question. Hes been on record, like Many Democrats have, like dick durbin, they dont want to pack the courts, but theyve got that pesky far left that no doubt they are listening to. Senator Chuck Grassley, i hope youll come back, from the great state of iowa. Great to see you today, thank you. Ive been waiting five years for you to invite me. Ill be back. Harris oh oh, my goodness you are just toying with us. Im calling you tomorrow. Okay, ill be here. Harris [laughs] take care. As President Trump warns the u. S. Will see more economic lockdowns if joe biden becomes president. One of the very few states which saw a week of declining cases is now seeing a resurgence. Missouris republican governor, mike carson, on his plan to battle the virus. There he is, live. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. 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If i listened totally to the scientists, we would right now have a country it would be in a massive depression. We are like a rocket ship. Take a look at the numbers. Harris President Trump they are saying joe biden would call for more lockdowns to curb the spread of covid19 if he gets elected. Those comments come as Infectious Disease chief dr. Anthony fauci says he is not surprise the president caught covid19 after seeing him at a recent rose garden event where he nominated judge Amy Coney Barrett to the u. S. Supreme court. Were you surprised that President Trump got sick . Absolutely not. I was worried that he was going to get sick when i saw him in a completely precarious situation of crowded, no separation between people, and almost nobody wearing a mask. Harris here is Jonathan Serrie with more from atlanta. Jonathan . Hi, harris. In the interview, dr. Anthony fauci also said that he is not in favor of a national lockdown. Instead, americans really need to embrace those simpler safety methods such as wearing face masks and social distancing as coronavirus cases continue to increase. Having said that, dr. Fauci does say he plans to go out and vote in person this year. Take a listen. I like the atmosphere of going on voting. I think a lot of people want to vote in person, but they are afraid. If somebody asks me, im 75 years old, i have hypertension, and im a little bit concerned, alleviate your anxiety, do an absentee ballot. No problem. But they could do it in person if they were careful . Right, yes. The daily mail reports that pfizer has already manufactured several hundred thousand doses of a potential coronavirus vaccine. They are being stockpiled for rapid distribution if and when Clinical Trials prove the vaccine is safe and effective. Today cvs announced it will hire license pharmacy tech to help provide coronavirus vaccinations and tests. Experts say onto large numbers of americans are able to be vaccinated, the nation cannot let up on maskwearing, social distancing, hand washing, and other safety measures. We do have vaccines and therapeutics coming down the pike. When you actually look at the time. For that, the next 612 weeks are going to be the darkest of the entire pandemic. And a wisconsin judge has reimposed a state Health Department order limiting the capacity of restaurants and bars and other indoor venues to 25 . That cap is facing a legal challenge from an industry. Harris back to you. Harris meanwhile, lets take a look at missouri. Cases are back on the rise, but after a week with a deep line in new cases of more than 10 , they were making news for days. The only other state to see that much of a decline was last week in vermont. Joining me now, missouri governor mike carson who himself battled covid19, recovered now pay that was last month. So great to see you on the mend and healthy, governor. First of all, will come to the program. Think you. Harris what first went right . You were going in the right direction, driving down those numbers. Right. I think the thing of it is we took an early approach. We put a bell in don my plan in place, balanced approach that we do testing in the state. We anticipated this fall could be extremely rough for this virus and we had to prepare for it. I think we were very aggressive. At one point we can only do 2,000 tests a week, and now we do 100,000 tests a week. We took the mentality right now state from 8 , close to 8 , down to 1. 4 . We now have testing in every school in our state. We are testing wastewater. By really taking this balanced approach with fighting the virus, we also kept our economy open. We are one of the lowest states in the United States right now with unemployment numbers of 4. 9 as of last month. We got 62 of the people that lost their jobs back in the workforce. Consumer spending was up 6. 3 in september. So, you have to take a balanced approach to that. For our kids in the state, 89 of kids in the school are back in a classroom. They have to prepare for this and understand its a virus, and we are going to have to deal with it for several months. Weve got to continue working harder every day in missouri and im confident. Harris i hear you and a lot of governors are taking note that what you and the governor of vermont are doing, that balanced approach. I know here in new jersey our own governor murphy is not pulling restaurants or schools. We are contending to open up like youve done in missouri. My former home state, i should point out. What he is saying is its these larger gatherings of people. People are just stubborn, they still want to do this. What are you seeing make the spike come back recently for your state . This all comes down to personal responsibility. We can do a lot of things that the government level to say things and recommend things. We recommended a mask from day one. Social distancing and personal hygiene. All three of them are just as important as one. I think sometimes because of the political thing the mask has been the issue. At the end of the day, we all ought to be trying to figure out how we help each other out to get through this virus. That is the way we are going to have to fight this virus. Its going to be here. Theres not going to be a vaccine for everyday people for some time. Weve got to work together. Misery, as you well know, being from here, how diverse it is. When youve got st. Louis, kansas city, so much of rural in between there. Its really a diverse state. You have to take a balanced approach, and thats what we did. Really, by implanting things early on in our programs here, on our recovery plan, its been able to help us get through this. Its a challenge every day. This is not over. Every dave got to go to work working hard to fight this virus. We will continue to do this in missouri but also keep our business is open, our kids in school, and were not going backwards. Were not going to shut the state down. And we all know what our responsibilities are angry take on on ourselves as individuals. Harris it is the show me state, you are showing ways to get this done with what you are working to keep people safe and also the economy open in the state of missouri. Governor, again, so glad you are well from covid19. We will keep watching missouri and what youre doing there. Thank you. Thank you very much for having me on. I appreciate it. Have a great day. Harris you come too. Joe biden leading in national polls, but the president s victory still fresh on their minds. Democrats say this is far from over. Should they be worried about history repeating itself . Plus, comedian bill maher mocking Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barretts catholic faith and urging democrats to make it an issue. The power panel, next. Once Mitch Mcconnell and company are done the fedexig Amy Coney Barrett to the bench, seven of the nine justices will be catholic. Look, i have nothing against catholics except my entire upbringing. Mortgage payments by 250 a month 3,000 a year, what would you do with the money . Save for your retirement, update your home, maybe buy a new car . Record low rates have dropped even lower. Use your va streamline refi benefit now. One call to newday is all it takes to save 3,000 every year. Harris White House Press secretary . 90 tweeted this photo, or video, i should say, lining the streets, supporters, for President Trumps motorcade during his visit to california. That enthusiasm that you see there, center screen, among other things, has some democrats reportedly fearing a rerun of the president s surprise victory in 2016. Heres a Washington Post headline. Biden leads trump, sorted hillary clinton. For democrats is a worrisome campaign deja vu. Politico reports democrats are scrambling to account for the hidden variables that could still sink their nominee, or what you might call the known unknown. Power panel now. Ethan bearman, radio host of left coast news and cochair of hometown value pack. And bruce levell, executive director of the National Diversity coalition for trump. Gentlemen, great to see you. Ethan, i will come to you first. What are the known unknowns that can sync joe biden and has some democrats worried . We know back in 2016 there were people who intended to vote for donald trump who would tell pollsters they were afraid to share that information. I dont think the fears are quite what the press secretary was talking about there. We have a strategy. We know that rallies arent votes, and the democrats are focused on the science, which is to keep social distance, keep their masks on, keep the hygiene, and do early voting whether its male in balloting or drop off votes like i did here in california. The collegeeducated women are the ones who are going to swing this and they are turning away from donald trump wildly, by like 26 points, than they did in 2016. We are feeling pretty good about it, actually. Harris so, rallies arent votes, bruce. There are boat parades and all sorts of other gatherings for the president , where he isnt even present. Show me that enthusiasm and with the democrats should be worried, or republicans are overplaying it all. Bruce well, thanks for having me. Democrats should be worried. The president has a solid record, harris. Lewis on the point in history, lowest black unemployment, catalyst in terms of the step one act, releasing black men from prison, which was a heinous bill that bill clinton signed, which was authored by joe biden. Most of all, harris, the people elected President Trump because he ran on a platform of not being tied to special interests and lobbying. He has proven that, time after time after time. Unlike joe, you see whats going on now, hes going to have to account for whats going on, saying he didnt know his son that he didnt know anything what was going on. I have the 22yearold, we talk every day. I know exactly what my son is doing. Hes going to have to push back on that. Its running flat. The American People want to keep the commander in chief in office, because he has a proven track record and he has the ability to take us over the top. They want to get back to normal america, harris. We dont want to be shut down, we want to govern ourselves safely, and thats what the American People are wanting. Listen, you stand in line for four hours, youll go to the polls. Harris certainly. People are doing that. They are finding all sorts of ways to vote. You guys mentioned two separate groups of people. When we come back later in the hour, you gave us some statistics for people of color. That is an important voting block this time around. Suburban women, you were talking about, ethan. They are very different voting blocs. It will be interested to see who goes out the most. Ill see her in a few minutes. Thank you critics accused twitter for blocking any unflattering is about joe biden. Now backlash over the nominees big ties to big tech himself. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. I try so hard, i cant rise above it dont know what it is get a dozen double crunch shrimp for one dollar with any steak entree. Only at applebees. So im voting yes. Nineteen allows seniors and all homeowners 55 and older to transfer their homes low tax base to another home. It also protects the right to pass my family home to my son. Weve all worked hard for our house and we should be allowed to give it to our kids without a tax penalty. Its time to limit taxes. Vote yes on 19. Harris twitters decision to block a New York Post article on hunter biden has reignited allegations of political bias. Now the Republican National committee has filed a federal elections complaint over the sharing ban, claiming it amounts to an illegal corporate inkind contribution to joe biden. Jackie deangelis, tracking the developments for us. Jackie . Good afternoon to you, harris. While twitter is firing back over these recent controversy about censoring that New York Post article on hunter biden last week, and defending its employees made some harsh statements about the president specifically in the past, now Senior Executives have shown antitrump hatred. One engineer tweeting and cherry of 2017, trump should die in a fire. Other examples with expletives and name calling, as well. In a statement, jennifer christie, chief hr officer of twitter, told fox business, we do not hire based on political beliefs and completely support our employees has rights to express themselves and support the causes they care about. Our employees are professional and we require them to bring objectivity to their work regardless of their personal views. Jack dorsey, well, he apologized for his censorship of the New York Post story, saying in part in a tweet, straight blocking of urls is wrong. It didnt stop the rnc from filing done like filing the complaint over twitters actions, claiming the ban on the story, as you said, is essentially a legal inkind corporate country into the campaign. Mark meadows, white house chief of staff, weighed in. If theres any interference in the election, its by twitter and facebook right now, trying to put a particular narrative out there. They are going to have not only a problem with the American People but they are going to have a problem with congress. This will bring republicans and democrats together to make sure that they once and for all are held accountable for their actions. In fact, harris, the Senate Judiciary will vote tomorrow on whether to subpoena jack dorsey and they are planning for a hearing on friday. Back to you. Harris will cover it as it happens. Jackie, good to see you. Thank you. Hbo host bill maher stepping up his attacks on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barretts religion. And, you know what . He wants democrats to do the same thing to her. Power panel, slides back in. Three thousand dollars. Three thousand dollars thats how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. Record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. With the va streamline refi theres no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out of pocket. One call can save you 3000 a year. Bqpxg p ozn ou clapping hey, you alright . Find the nonpartisan facts behind the real stories at usafacts. Org tech every customer has their own safelite story. This couple was on a camping trip. When their windshield got a chip. They drove to safelite for a sameday repair. And with their insurance, it was no cost to them. Woman really . Tech thats service you can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Pundits earnestly debating whether she will vote to overturn roe vs. Wade, of course she will. Shes been groomed since birth to overturn roe vs. Wade. Shes like the terminator. A robot programmed to fulfill one task. Except she wasnt sent from the future, she was sent from the past. A Chuck Schumer democrats wont make her religion and issue, but they should because being nuts is relevant. Hbo host bill maher attacking judge amy connie barretts catholic faith and saying democrats should make her religion an issue in the Supreme Court confirmation process and not just that, the high court already has too many catholic justices. Power panel slides back in, i am coming for you first. Last we saw each other a couple minutes ago, he want to try to reach women to come to the polls, right . Does this help you reach women going after a woman and saying things like shes been groomed like a robot since birth . Bill maher has a history of not liking religion. His movie specifically attacks all religion which represents over 20 of americans who dont identify and dont belong to a church which is similar in number to catholics in the United States so there is a point about an overrepresentation of one specific sect of a religion. But heres the important thing in amy connie barretts judicial philosophy is whats going to bring women into the polls to vote for jo joe biden and it hao with the fact that she rejects Womens Health reproductive rights, reject griswold because that will allow people to make choices for themselves regarding reproductive rights like pills. She will also reject using that philosophy, things like interethnicity marriage. Her philosophy is so wrong and will bring us back to a time before. You know she has adopted children from haiti, right . That doesnt matter. Definitely black, just want to point that out. Bruce, im coming to you. I think America Needs to celebrate this great nominee. I will say this for the record, probably one of the greatest nominees ive ever seen in my lifetime, harris. A great mom, a great judge, a family person, and i will say this as an adopted child, a child who was rescued from an orphanage, this judge took these babies into her home and called them her children. This judge who puts her hand on the bible and all the rest of our Founding Fathers who have this where we put our hands on the bible that we go from congress, go through senate, there is a moral pulse navigation here that qualifies this great judge to be in our Supreme Court. And let me tell you something, i saw my sister in tears at the church yesterday, and i know what the tears were, the fact that no matter how we agree or disagree, we have great leaders in the highest office of the land and in our court system that is accountable to god. Whether you agree or disagree, its worked very well all these years and i say this is the greatest nominees for the record that america has ever seen and thank god for her. Ethan . Thats religious. Thats who we are as a nation. Thats who we are as a nation. Already ruled that we dont have to put our hands on the bible. That is your prerogative. Thank you for doing that and proving your point. You asked my opinion. Let me step in here because we are running out of time and i understand where youre coming from, ease and because may be the bible is not how you pray. I dont know anything about your faith but i will say this, democrats are making it an issue by going after her faith. They listen to guys like bill maher, i dont listen to tacos, but thats just me and my standard. Ill bring you back on another day. Thank you. The daily starts now. Dana with just 16 days to go until election day, both candidates going big on battlegrounds. Im dana perino and this is the daily briefing. The candidates making their way around key states with only a couple of weeks ago but already, millions of americans have cast their ballots as early voting is now underway at nearly 40 states. We have team fox coverage. Bret baier standing by with analysis, peter doocy with the latest from the Biden Campaign and we begin with john roberts. Good afternoon to you, the president will be in prescott, arizona, for a

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