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Mentioned, a deal that both sides of the aisle have negotiated, but does not mean everybody is on board. Well, of course not. It is congress. Nancy pelosi gave a record breaking eighthour long speech on the house floor, demanding commitment from Speaker Paul Ryan to address the expiring dreamers program. She wants the same agreement that has been made in the senate. Why should we in the house be treated in such a humiliating way, when the Republican Senate leader has given that opportunity in a bipartisan way to his membership . Without that commitment from speaker ryan, comparable to mcconnell, this package does not have my support, nor does it have the support of a large number of members of our caucus. You were probably watching on fox, speaker ryan responded, saying he is committed to addressing the dreamers, but wants to get the budget done first. I know that there is a real commitment to solving the daca challenge in both political parties. Thats a commitment that i share. To anyone who doubts my intention to solve this problem and bring up a daca and Immigration Reform bill, do not. We will bring a solution to the floor, one that the president will sign. We must pass this budget agreement first so we can get on to that. So please know that we are committed to getting this done. Harris there is this. Democrats, including john tester from montana, urging Speaker Pelosi to back off on her demands. I think it is a good deal, and we dont want to let the perfect get in the road of the good. But she is saying no, no votes from my caucus until ryan gives us the same commitment. Chris, i think ryan should give that commitment. I think it is a fair thing to do. If he doesnt, are you okay with the householding up this build . No. In the name of democrats . I think this bill needs to move forward. Harris Mike Emmanuel is live for us from capitol hill. Mike. Harris, good afternoon. We expect things to heat up first in the senate. The senate relationship whip, the guy responsible for rounding up votes at dressed critics of the two year deal. They want to cut the military . Do they want to deny states like mine disaster relief. There have been people waiting a long time, not even back in their homes. And so im going to support the deal. It is not perfect. It is far from perfect. But i think it is necessary. Opponents of the two year budget a greet, 165 billion for the military, 135 billion more for domestic programs. A debt ceiling through 2019, 90 billion for funding of hurricane and wildfire, and keeping the government open through march 23rd. Some conservatives are worried about the surge in spending. You know, to have this much of an increase in spending, and almost nothing in the way of pay fors, it is, for me, very problematic. I think, you know, obviously the military has issues that need to be dealt with and i am a strong supporter of the military. But we also need to offset spending that takes place. This morning, top House Democrats talked about their vision for infrastructure and other upcoming issues, and nancy pelosi, who was part of the budget negotiations was asked about the agreement. Many of our priorities are in the bill. I have an unsees wieas with it, hope the speaker will man up and have guaranteed in the senate, a vote on the floor. Im pleased with the product, not with the process. You wont vote for it . No, i wont. She should be pleased with the product. She was one of the negotiators. Paul ryan needs democrat votes, and he tried to reassure them hell get to it after they approve the budget. Harris thank you very much. Can we start with nancy pelosi for just a second. This is tough for her anyway, jessica, because she was the first who stood out there and took verbal abuse, if you will, from democrats who were dreamers. They say they want the chance to vote, and blah, blah, blah. All of that. And they felt like she wasnt hearing them on this issue. So it doesnt surprise me that she is fighting so hard. Jessica nancy pelosi is really stuck between a rock and hard place here. No one wants a government shut down 80 of americans want a solution for dreamers. But paul ryan is saying were maybe not going to do it at this point but well make sure it gets done. She has to go back and account to this group. This is riled up the entire Democratic Party on both sides. You saw john tester harris is she in trouble. Jessica i feel like shes always in trouble. Harris whoa. Jessica it is difficult to please a caucus that is so split, a centrist middle and in terms of shutting down the government and not divisive, we all want a solution for dreamers. What she did yesterday was remarkable. I appreciated the bipartisan praise what she has accomplished. She got a lot. And i thought paul ryan was especially gracious about it today and said he couldnt have done it. It is going to be a difficult with spiked high heels. Jessica i couldnt do anything in those high heels. Harris this a lot of money, david, in this bill. There are conservatives who think it is too much. People who look at the stock market and think it is too much. You look at the stock market tanking right now. Come on, it is not tanking. When it is over 400 to the downside, one of the reasons, if not the reason for todays problems with the market, just about 400 down now is theyre worried about the budget deal. When democrats, and you focus on the negative, but there are a lot more positive people, at least in the senate, it looks like this thing might pass, when democrats and republicans are happy about spending more of our money, im really worried. Really, really worried. It bothers me when theyre working together well. Im glad there are some outliers and pelosi and Freedom Caucus that are objecting to this. Whats going to happen, the reason the stock market has been freaking out, because inflation is going up and Interest Rates are going up and that kills economic progress or at least business expansion. This is only going to make things worst, because it is there will be all these bonds out there. Last week, you and i were talking about how 1. 1 trillion theyre going to have to borrow. With this bill, theyll have to borrow more than that. In order to put the bonds out in the market, youre going to have to raise Interest Rates, thats going to raise inflation, make things on wall street worst. Harris kennedy, i see you nodding your head and i know youve got an ounce of i told you so, too. Kennedy this is why many of the republican lawmakers are in congress right now, because they road the tea party wave. People were sick of this fiscal irresponsibility. There are ways where democrats can and should Work Together on things like cur tailing the surveillance which weve talked about a lot. Immigration, when it comes to spending money, thats the absolute worst place. You know, it is bad when they talk about trillion dollar infrastructure plans, but when youre also talking about increasing discretionary spending, in creedicreasing mil spending, and talk of inflation and the impossibility of servicing this much debt, that is what is freaking out the markets now. Thats what jim jordan of the Freedom Caucus is saying. Jim jordan is calling this thing a monstrosity. He cant believe paul ryan can move forward with this. Kennedy he fancies himself as a cost cutter, someone who really understands budgets and numbers from the inside out. At this point, he only understands making them bigger. He doesnt want to make meaningful with everything you say, kennedy, with one exception. It is possible to have entitlement reform. There is tremendous waste. The president can do this by himself, the same way he did deregulation by himself. It is different from look, we have waste and fraud of 60 billion a year in medicare. Waste and fraud of maybe 120 billion harris that doesnt even approach what this lists in caps. If you can cut down on fraud and waste, you can cut out 200 billion a year. You cant agree on what that is. They have vastly different views as to what fraud and abuse is. Doctors overcharging, thats pretty clear. The question, though, about why paul ryan would support Something Like this, that sandra brought up, it is an important one, though. What is the end goal here . We know entitlements, he wants to do that. He is likely going to leave, if not before slightly after the midterms, so his out the door is i got tax reform, i gotten tightments. Whats the end game here. What does it do to the economy . As i said, the economy itself is going strong right now. But there are headwinds, and thats what the market the market is a little ahead of what the economy is doing. The market is seeing the headwinds, and the head winds coming from inside the belt way. A lot of it was noise over the past few months, they dont worry about the crazy stuff. But this the longterm debt issues, i mean, those are real. And when those start to manifest, thats when the market will really get there was a sweeping wave, we have all the white house leadership from the party that says it is the fiscal hawk. It does there is another thing and i dont want to get too wonky, so kick me if i do. The fact is, the Central Banks around the world are starting to unload the bonds that they have. 1. 5 trillion. Thats coming onto the market when all this new debt from the United States is coming on the market, and that means Interest Rates Interest Rates will go up and inflation. Youre going to spend more for what you buy. Simple. Harris i tell my kids, zip it. They dont listen either. Rob porter is stepping down from his post, after Domestic Abuse allegations against him were made public. How the white house is responding. And the clock is ticking down on whether President Trump will block the release of that democratic memo. Will we get to see it without redaction . And the potential fallout if we dont. Next. Alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. Especially when inside another amazing machine. Your an amazing machine. The lexus es. With Standard Technology like lexus Safety System plus. The lexus es, and es hybrid. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. On the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. And snoring . Does your bed do that . 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It was a picture of her with a black eye that set in motion all of what happened here in the last 24 hours, colby told me that she was on vacation in florence, italy, with rob porter. That they had a fight in the hotel room, and that porter punched her in the eye. She was quite definitive, and detailed in her recollection of the story talking to me. Though the white House Reading a statement from porter yesterday, told quite a different story. Listen here. These outrageous allegations are simply false. I took the photos given tots media nearly 15 years ago and the realty is nowhere close to what is described. Ive been truthful, but i will not engage publicly with a smear campaign. I asked colby about that, and she told me that porter did indeed take the very first photograph of her, the one with the puppy eye that you saw a couple of seconds ago, but that she asked him to take that photograph, so that she would have evidence if it ever happened again. The photos of her with the black and bruised eye she took herself. As to the story being vile claims, she said she stands by her story. Thats what happened. She also told her story, someone else knows about this. She told her story to the fbi on january the 25, 2017, when she was interviewed by the fbi as part of porters security clearance process. She said she told them about several instances of physical, verbal and emotional abuse, she claims she suffered at the hands of porter. She also gave the pictures to the fbi. The fbi im told also heard similar information from his second wife, jenny willoughby, though there was no evidence he gave her a black eye, as he allegedly did with colby. Colby tells fox news that she shared her story with another woman on the day of january 24th, 2017. That woman is samantha drabis, an attorney with the epa, and tl is a photograph of her there, who was dating porter at the time, in recent weeks, porter broke up with drabis, and began dating hope hicks. While their relationship was a known secret here at the white house, it became public very recently, which is when all of the allegations about porter began to swirl. Sources tell fox news that a small group of individuals here at the white house knew about some of the allegations for a period of months, not sure exactly how long, chief of staff, john kelly, was a fierce defender, in a Statement Released earlier this week. It is a statement actually that hope hicks helped him craft. Kelly said, quote, rob porter is a man of true integrity and honor, and i cant say enough good things about him. He is a friend, confidant and trusted pro tegs nfessional. After these photos of Colby Holderness with the black eye surfaced, kelly released a statement that was different in tone. Saying, quote, i was shocked by the new allegations released against rob porter. There is no place for Domestic Violence in our society. I stand by my previous comments of the rob porter i am come to know since becoming chief of staff and believe every individual deserves the right to defend their reputation. I accepted his resignation earlier today and will ensure a swift and orderly transition. The white hawes house has had af meetings today and the briefing has been pushed back twice. We were expecting it to happen in the 1 00 hour and now it looks like it wont happen until 2 30, or beyond. We havent heard rob porters side of the story. I dont know if the white house will come out with that or not. But clearly, theyre huddled in the bunker, trying to figure out a way out of this. Harris Sarah Sanders read the statement during the 1 00 hour yesterday, and we do know he has called these claims outrageous. There is reporting today that some of the white house staff and there is no gender attributed to that, so we dont know if it is women or men, and that would potentially make a difference, i suppose, in terms of the tone and tenor, but there is pressure now on chief of staff, john kelly, to come forth with what they knew. Were having this 37,000 foot conversation about the treatment of women in this country. So i just pointed those reports to see if there is anything youve learned from the white house. Reporter you know, not on that front just yet. Were getting information from them on this today. It is very difficult. But it is, and again, to reiterate, interesting to point out, that Colby Holderness told this story to the fbi on january the 25, 2017, more than a year ago. And nothing surfaced out of the white house on this. Now, the fbi does these background checks for security clearance, and i dont believe that they are inclined to share the findings of the information with the white house. They either recommend approval of the security clearance or not. Our understanding is that porter had an interim security clearance, but never got permanent clearance. It is unclear at this point when people here at the white house learned about this information, but it has been in the hands of Law Enforcement since january 25th of last year. Harris he does have supporters, orrin hatch has supported him today, saying if this is true, he should get help so he can segue back into politics. John roberts, great to see you today. Thank you for breaking this down for us. The clock is ticking whether the president will okay the release of the democratic memo that allegedly counters gop claims of obama era surveillance abuses by the fbi, and justice department. John kelly has Given White House lawyers until the end of today to make recommendations on how to handle the document. Then kelly will brief President Trump, who has until saturday to decide whether he wants to block its release, and whether any redactions will be made before it is made public. Heres republican congressman, peter king, earlier today. Ive read the memo. Ive read it several times, and i want it out there. I want people to be able to compare the republican memo and the democratic memo, as i read it, i show nothing in there that rebutted any of the main points we made, any of the points we made. Sandra he told me that if any redactions have to be made, he said the president shouldnt do them. He should give it back to the fbi, have them make the redactions, since the president is not blamed for them. Weve seen adam schiff putting stuff in that he thinks will be redacted, just so he can eventually say when it is redacted, that this is a coverup. But we got a taste, i think, of whats in the democratic memo. I called around to a couple of people inside the belt way, who either have read or know people who have read the democratic memo. They said jerry nadler gave us a taste of whats in it. Suggesting that nothing that the republicans have said has discredited the trump dossier. We learned from fox news that one of the contributors was sit blumenthal, the dirtiest in the i didnt think that was the that was a rumor. David fox news has done Due Diligence in suggesting this may have happened. Nobody is denying it as far as i can tell. The bottom line, if this dossier had as much junk in it as it would emanate from sid blumenthal, the one who called Monica Lewinsky a predatory monst monster, leading the attack against women going against bill clint clinton, this is what he is about. If the democrats are standing by that let them have it. Jessica i already voiced my initial concern. Im not sure about the confirmation about that. Well, either way, we know that there are issues surrounding the dossier to get it. Adam schiff is on record saying they only used portions that relate to carter page to turn over to fisa court judges, which we know carter page was under investigation, and bragged that he was a kremlin advisor in 2013. This is assault salty character way. We were doesiscussing this morn, it would be nice to hear from the nib as well. Harris how has this damaged the conversation that we need to be having about spying on americans . Youre seeing great political distractions. Were talking about subjective memos that are describing objective intelligence. Lets see the objective intelligence. Lets see whats in there. Lets really figure out what the relationship was, between Christopher Steele and the dnc. Christopher steele and the fbi. Because the problem is, if you have part of a dossier that is s salacious, then how can you extract parts that say are true. David too easy to spy on americans. We have judges rubber stamping these applications, 99. 9 of them, one was turned down, and there is no oversight, once the judges put the stamp on it, after that harris you need to have a conversation about that. They can surveil whoever they want. Harris at a high level. Big difference this time around, right, the republicans are saying democrats memo, get it out there. Lets see it. It wasnt that way with the republican memo. There were initial concerns about it, and i said last week, you know, once we saw it, because we were here when it broke on friday, they were saying that there were National Security issues, and thats why it couldnt come forward. There is nothing that looks like it should have been redaktsed. All names we knew. Mccabe we could see it this weekend. Im excited. Harris i knew poll giving insight on what america thinks about President Trump handling the american economy, and come midterm elections. Plus, joe biden slamming President Trump, calling him a bully, amid talk of the 2020 run. Could his message backfire with blue collar voters who crossed over to trump. Well surely debate that. Who in gods name would have thought we would be here at this moment with this president. You know, he is in the process of shredding some of our core values. The best simple dishes ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Almost 800 when we switched our auto and Home Insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey. Oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to Liberty Mutual, you could save 782 on auto and Home Insurance and still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782 when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. You or joints. Something for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Harris heading into the second day of the policy annual retreat, which will be in washington, former vicepresident , joe biden, blasted President Trump repeatedly during his keynote speech yesterday, and made a bold prediction of what he sees coming in the midterm elections. Biden is expected to hit the campaign trail for several democrats. Look, i kind of view the Trump Presidency as a tragedy in two acts. He pushes his nationalism, and this ugly and phony populism. Since when do we give hate safe harbor. Im absolutely convinced we can win back the house. Wow, as i look at him, i think do the democrats not have any options right now . I mean, where are those bold fresh faces . Ive heard you say it time and time again, jessica, you have them, and youre frustrated. Jessica im not frustrated by joe biden speaking. There are fresh faces around. There are the likes of tim ryan, who challenged nancy pelosi, people from virginia who will be big leaders, pennsylvania. But when you see the board of all the hopefuls, were see joe biden and Bernie Sanders are a little disturbing. Sherrod brown, i like to see that conversation happening. But it certainly tim ryan, so completely opposite. It just shows both parties both parties are completely split. Theyre both having a very difficult time figuring out what it means. Because we talked about it, Susan Collins and mike lee, not from the same Republican Senate caucus at all. Tim ryan and someone like camilla harris, she is a progressive, and tim ryan is at least trying to find Economic Solutions or tack onto the economic success that the republicans have been able to cobble together. But the rest of the people on the list, theyre so far left, there is no way but you say progressive, and trying to cobble together. Youre being kind by the say. State theyre from. Camilla harris is from california. Would you like to see joe biden run for president . Would that be good for your party . I am a big joe biden fan. It is a straightforward question. I dont want joe biden for our candidate. I would love a new barack obama. A new barack obama. Do you think this helps, though, biden or anybody else in your party in terms of the messaging . I mean, you know the attacks . The attacks on the current can i give one shot, though. Let me give joe biden a shoutout at least he is not degrading people who voted for donald trump. In fact, this old line, that everybody votes for donald trump is either deplorable or racist or anything, he said im going to quote him here, you know, all these socalled racist who voted against us last time, remember, a black man and an Irish Catholic kid won where trump beat clinton. He is suggesting that you have to reach out to trump voters, because trump hit a cord. One cord biden always hits is patriotis patriotism. His son proved that he is more than just all hat. I mean, his family believes in patriotism in a good way. So at least he has that, and he is not denigrating trump voters. Blue collar voters, can he get them . Some. There are a lot of people that say that joe biden is the only one that could have won against trump, because he would have that kind of bellwether appeal there in the middle. He is the one that stepped aside for hillary clinton, knowing that he could win he was going through a very difficult time. I understand the personal is,s went into his decision, but he is not out there boohooing. He is not out there complaining and raining negativity on every single public appearance, like she is. Hold on for a second. Bernie sanders is going to run. Goesing to to be we were sitting here together. Different studio. Joe biden, we wondered, because it was the longest im not running speech. In fact, it took so long to get to the point, it sounded like a campaign speech. It sounded like the indictment nonindictment. Harris so much fun. Speaking of midterm elections, what was once a grim picture, new polling on the economy and how americans plan to vote in november, painting a new picture. Well lay it out, next. No, please, please, oh shrieks in terror heavy breathing and snorting no, no. The running of the bulldogs . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money aleia saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. You wto progress. Move. To not just accept what you see, but imagine something new. At invisalign®, we use the most advanced teeth straightening technology to help you find the next amazing version of yourself. Its time to unleash your secret weapon. Its there, right under your nose. Get to your best smile up to 50 faster. Visit invisalign. Com to get started today. The roasted core wrap. Belly fat. 3, 2, 1. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . Now thats cool coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. And no surgery. Results and Patient Experience may vary. Some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. Ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit coolsculpting. Com today. For your chance to win a free treatment. A new poll showing things are looking up for the republicans. President trumps approval rating, his best overall score in seven months, according to the latest quinnipiac poll. 70 of the u. S. Economy is excellent or good. The highest rating this poll has ever recorded since it first asked the question back in 2001. And for the First Time Since the election, americans are giving President Trump the credit. 48 say trump is responsible for the recent economic boom. While only 41 now say former president obama is. Thats an interesting stat. And democrats lead over republicans on a generic house ballot, already down four points, since late january. So theyre giving the president credit for this booming economy. There is jobs growth, Companies Issuing bonuses as a result of changes to the tax code. I mean david you wouldnt know any of that if it wasnt for bfox business. Main survey, because of what happened with Donald Trumps economic policies. It is interesting how you didnt see the dow record after record on any banners on any networks. Then when it went down 12 points in a day, it was everywhere. Harris look how the New York Times giving they loaned their oped section to them. They didnt do it in the headlines. David one interesting thing. Were talking about an economic boom, and youll notice the market today is not booming. It is selling off a decent amount, off 434 points, it was down over 500 points earlier. Can you make sense of that for us, david . David as i said before, i think it is mostly because of the concerns about it started with concerns about inflation going up. Dont get into the fed on us. The bottom line is whats happening now is concern about whether the government instead of getting smaller and more organized, more focused and less regulated, and less, you know, more taxes, were finally going into the right direction. But this budget deal makes it look like old times. Harris thats what kennedy says, because they all spend the same. Theyve become so addicted to spending, and we used to rely on the government, and now that theyre in power, they spend more money, as much as they can. With the tax cuts, and with the regulations being rolled back, that is what is boosting so much economic optimism. Thats one of the real metrics for how the economy is improving. With that, you also have to cut spending. You have to get it under control. When you cut taxes and cut spending, then the economy is there are hard numbers and hard evidence this economy is doing very well, jessica. Does the president deserve credit for that and will that help republicans come midterms. He absolutely does. I dont think ive ever not given him credit for whats gone on in the optimism. People elected a businessman president. They did not elect him because they love some of the things he says about women, or you know, his past history, offcolor comments. This is a man who will turn around the economy for those who want it. He got voters in ohio, michigan, and i give him credit for that. I give president obama credit for what he sounds like a big but coming. It is interesting to see those numbers, who is getting credit. It is increasingly hard for democrats to campaign on setbacks weve suffered. We know elections are won and lost, jenner gi lost. The lower righthand of the screen, thats trumps fault. Oh, yeah, some will. But some americans know unless it goes on for months and months on end, they shouldnt be frequenting out and these things happen. If you look at the trend line, we were discussing this the other day, the graph from 1924. This happens a lot. And if people we have to break. We have more stuff to get to. It does not make a trend. President trumps wish to have a grand military parade in washington is drawing a lot of criticism, but could the president be setting a trap for democrats . The argument that this is a genius move, well debate it next. As far as the parade goes again, the president respects his fondness for the military, it is reflected in him asking for these options. I love a parade at ally, we created a savings account with a great rate. But if thats not enough, our app helps monitor your spending too. And if thats not enough to help you save, we could start a carpool. Look at this traffic. Dont worry. Ok, if thats not enough well start a trainpool. Oh i have a meeting in five minutes. And if thats still not enough. I got it. Well just create a shortcut. Well do anything, seriously anything to help you save. Ally. Do it right. Talking 4th quarter . Yes. Outnumbered in just a moment, but first, harris in a few moments. Harris im going to be busy. The chairman of the republican conference, john thune will join me as the shut down clicks toward the midnight deadline. Is the Senate Spending deal a sure thing . Will they make changes to please the house where you know nancy pelosi is saying no, no, no. And on the eve of the Winter Olympics in south korea, Vice President pence has the toughest sanctions yet on north korea. Ill talk to ted yoho on this. He is on the Foreign Affairs committee. Outnumbered overtime, top of the hour. Thank you. The president s vision of a military parade in washington, like the one he saw last year in france. A step closer to reality. The army reportedly tapped to draft for a plan, defense secretary, james mattis, was asked for some details yesterday. I think were all aware in this country of the president s affection and respect for the military. We have been putting together some options, well send them up to the white house for decision. The parade idea has plenty of critics, slamming the optics and the cost. It reminds of you what the soviets do, and what the chinese do. And the world knows that. And we need to honor our men and women in uniform. And but i think we ought to do so in a way that does not necessarily appear bellcoast or threatening to the rest of the world. Im not looking for a hardware display. Thats not who we are. It is cheesy and it shows weakness. We have a napoleon in the making here, and i believe that we have so many issues around the world in terms of preparing for wars that are ongoing, and wars that may be, you know, in the offing. A piece of political calling, the president s plan, quote, genius. A genius political move, a former speech writer for george w. Bush, daring the democrats and allies in the media to stand the part and oppose it. By doing so, they look like kill joys, complaining about excessive costs, or as diminishing the achievements of the military or need to extol them. All in all, a clever trap. David ill say. We have the most powerful honorable military in the world. We sure do. And those who love the military, many of them feel we dont necessarily have to put on a parade, but perhaps a better way of taking care of our veterans is to make sure they have more choices in health care. And better deals all around. I mean, vets are getting the raw end of the stick in many ways. When i hear comments saying weve got a napoleon in the making, just like in the soviet union. Come on. We know the difference between napoleon and donald trump. However, most heros in the military are very quiet, unassuming people. Youve met my son, he is a hero. My best friend, a former navy seal. They are quiet people. The real heros are the ones that died in the battle they think. I dont think we need other than veterans day and memorial day, i dont think we need a military parade with a lot of hardware in washington. What we need are more memorials for the military, more help for the veterans who need help, who arent getting the help they deserve. More freedom in terms of choice, and absolutely right, get the government out, get the private sector in. And more films, and more plays about them. We as a country need to honor the military more than we do. Were getting close. Moving in the right direction. But i dont think a military hardware show will do it. I tend to agree with you. Jessica. I agree too. Oh, my god. Where is the fight . How much you love the idea of a parade, and you want to see when i see a parade, i run right into it, just to float around. No, as you said, we have veterans day and memorial day and even Independence Day as well we do honor those who serve the country. I dont this wasnt one of trumps ideas that made me cringe. I think it is always great if we can celebrate people who are not celebrated enough. As you say, veterans need a lot of help, extremely high homelessness rates, mental illness, ptsd, i would love to use those funding to make sure were serving that community as well as we can. This isnt for democrats, a stake to die on with trump. He was sitting there next to Emmanuel Macron who has a big parade. He wasnt sitting there with jim jongun. The french dont do everything right. The spirit of the idea, right . But this president keeps military leaders close around him. And while this might be his idea, and one that he has had for some time, i would have to assume that he is going to listen to the advice of the military leaders by his side. And no, im not going to speculate on that. Weve heard things already. Can i say one thing about the military leaders. There are tkinds, one by kissin the right you know what, and the others that rise up because theyre heros on the battlefield. He has surrounded himself by the second kind of military guys. Theyre the ones i respect most and im with you 100 . If they say it is a go, i am okay with it. If they say no, im okay with that. Maybe it isnt the parade that youre all cooking up in your head. Maybe it is different. We dont know the details. But i agree, meaningful longterm ways to honor men and women in uniform and veterans, it might be more appropriate. No other country like ours. No. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. 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T minus 11 hours and counting. The clock ticking down to a midnight funding deadline. The white house, Senate Leaders touting the bipartisan deal in the

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