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Chair apparently. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Greta is up next. Tonight, on the record, new york values is sizzling again as the president ial race moves to the big apple. G. O. P. Frontrunner donald trump stepping up his attack on senator ted cruz over cruzs crack over new york values. During the debate cruz criticized trump for having those socalled new york values. Lyin ted cruz came today. He couldnt draw 100 people. Our friends in the media are very comfortable with the new york liberal who has supported andrew cuomo and Hillary Clinton. Do you remember durings the debate when he started lecturing me on new york the values in new york city are socially liberal or proabortion or progay marriage. I have got this guy standing over there looking at me talking about new york values with scorn in his hatred of new york. The people of new york know exactly what those values are. They are the values of liberal democratic politicians. So, folks, i think you can forget about him. Radio talk show host and life set. Laura ingraham. Good to be with you, greta. New york values, does ted cruz have to worry about that remark . Well, a couple a of things. Look, ted went to princeton and harvard and his wife worked for goldman sachs. So he knows new york. And he has to know, of course its a very diverse place. You have immigrants. You have the finance capital. Media capital. Communications capital. Upstate was nailed by globalization deindustrialization its a rich stew of voters. How does he walk that one back . I think its actually easier than he has made it out to be. Maybe not so easy because new yorker vas long memory. The whole region its dont mess with texas but if you like dont even think about messing with new york. Each state is proud of what the state has done. So you wouldnt go to texas and say austin, texas is liberal. All those musicians is horrible. Didnt help when secretary kerry called bam bow field lambert. Texas has Sheila Jackson lee and lots of liberals in houston, castro bothers. Not like texas saul conservative, right . He goes to new york and he has this kind of a disaster yesterday in the bronx if i were he would say i misspoke. This is the home of joe torre. Bill buckley made this his mommy. There are great conservatives. This state is going to have great leadership when im president. Im going to be president of from from texas busy want to be the president of blue state and New England States unlike president obama who i would argue gave short change to the red states. I dont think that donald trump is anxious to let him off the hook. Here is what he said today. The values in new york city media. I saw something that no place on earth could have handled more beautifully, more humanely than new york. Kaboom. When you are in new york and you are looking for moments of pride. Obviously 9 11. Ted cruz knows this. So, again, if i were advising i would say ted, obviously you shouldnt have said it. We know what you meant but new yorkers are taking it a different way so deal with it head on. Talking about the liberals in new york city. New york is liberal. There are lots of conservatives. I just came back from buffalo. Wendy long is running for senate against schumer. There are a lot of conservatives up there. A lot of people who like cruz and a lot of people who like trump in new york. Advantage. But i just i would play it a little maybe a little more contrite than he has done it. He might be a little late. He should have done that coming out of wisconsin. Do you know what i respect about the fact that he is there and he is not playing as a regional candidate and trump isnt either. Movement if you write off a region. Im not going to play in new york or connecticut. Im going to play east, west, midwest, south. Im going to play american samoa. Im going to be the president of all the people. He is going to try to do that. Its not going to go away at least in new york. Laura, nice to see you. Good to see. You how will this new york values feud play with the voters former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani telling the New York Post is he going to vote for trump. The on the record Political Panel is here from real clear politics and from u. S. News u. S. News and world report David Catanese. Mayor giuliani also said that he understood what ted cruz meant, that he meant the democratic new york values, whatever those are. But, nonetheless, is he going for trump. Rudy also said that new york is like a family. So if you come to new york someone like Rudy Giuliani can make fun of new york because its a loving way. If you are ted cruz, you are visiting, not part of this family, its not fair for you to come in here and mock new york values. He saw both sides of the argument and he decided ultimately to back donald trump, at least to vote for him if not outright endorse him. ott ted cruz. Its amazing how verbal ied. One comment in a debate and that was a couple months ago. And he is senator ted cruz is still dealing with it. This train is out of the station. And it is going to dog him for two weeks. He was pandering to juans juans iowans. Remember what he was doing. He need to do win iowa off the first state on the calendar. Two months later in new york its pretty dang important. The new york tabloids love. This they are eating it up. The daily beast post. Going to put this on everyj day. How about syracuse or auburn, ithaca . Some place. But right into the heart right into the heart of it. Its the first stop that defines the sort of media narrative and he got heckled. He got booed. And the new york values thing came up later. It wasnt great for cruz. Remember is he in third right now. He is not only behind trump is he behind kasich. Whats the victory for senator ted cruz in new york second place at this point if he is beat out johns1 kasich governor of ohio. Its a question of where does he place statewide and more a question of how many did he goes can he scrape together . And of course as you know, greta, this is not only a statewide contest but also by Congressional District. And any district where cruz can hold donald trump below 50 and come in second place, he wins the delegates. So that would be a big deal for ted cruz if he is able to get maybe a dozen delegates from Donald Trumps home state. And the state has a total republican 95 that they are all vying for. Lets bring the viewers. In now is your chance at home viewers to vote on twitter. Should senator cruzs new york values comment hurt him on april 19th . Tweet yes or no using greta. We will show your live votes throughout the show. That means should he be punished. I think he is going to get punished. I think trump is going to get 70 or 80 delegates. Cruz can hope for 5 to 10. Is he playing in a couple Congressional Districts. Even if he gets second you are only going to get a delegate here or there its going to be interesting how much time he ends up spending in new york next two weeks or looks at another Northeastern State to try to win. Matters to the 1237 delegates that donald trump wants. It does. Every delegate matters at thisav point. Thats why i could very well see ted cruz going to pennsylvania. Going to california, not focusing entirely on new york because he is really going to only come away with a few delegates at most there. Why not focus on the states where you can actually pull together a win. Okay, panel. Some of the candidates are trying to get in the new york state of mind as they take on the big apple. My first term when we changed from tokens to metro cards. I really i love it because its so convenient. It is the best way to get around. How long have you been working here . 46 years. Feel good about it . We love new york. God bless you. Get out of the bronx. Imthrilled to be here. I have had a lot ofn4c v motsa but it was always in the box. I know you are a little busy. I didnt but i read about it. Is this voter or pandering and annoying. Lets go first to you, david. To me it looks like when secretary clinton tries to board the subway she looks less like a new yorker and more like a tourist. I have had problems with that kind of stuff. Its shameless pandering. The thing about the clinton standard dynamic is sanders gave this interview to the daily were. Didnt know how to get through the new york city subway. Joking about jumping over the turnstile. Thei clinton people hammered him for it she goes the next day and cant get through. Everybody has trouble with their passes. I have trouble with my pass here in the moat throw d. C. A lot. Not with a bunch of cameras around. These people dont use this subway. They travel in suvs everywhere. Shameless pandering. Shameless pandering to you. Do you think its shameless pandering to most new yorkers or do they sort of shrug it off . New yorkers seem to me like people who would not else inly be swayed either way by Hillary Clinton riding the subway. I mean, its kind of funny, because the campaign so rarely goes to new york sovo used to seeing politicians pander in iowa. Go to the iowa state fair and eat a big pork chop on the stick. We never get to see them in campaign doing campaign sorts of things. I think its really funny. Shows how dangerous it is in terms of politically dangerous whether you have senator Ted Cruz Making the remark about new york values and former secretary clinton remember secretary clinton with foreign minister with the reset button. If russia had the wrong translation. But, they love the visuals. Visuals you are rolling right now. They love hillary on the subway. The pictures are great. The part where she got stuck isnt great. But her around real people on the subway is a great visual. You know, politics is a lot about imagery. Ted cruz imagery you are showing. That shows them as real. They are interactive. They are not in their bubble even though they are. It shows them outside of the bubble. I think we havent even gotten started for tonights late night comedy shows. The ammunition on all these candidates today in new york. Its so rich. I mean, even unfair that the comedy routine should get such material. Sure. But its so hard oniu the president ial trail in really any setting to act like a normal human being because so much of it is scripted. You always have cameras around. There are all these people. Its hard to be relatable when you are a politician. It really is. You raise a good point. I seej these politicians when i watch them at rallies or watch them on tv or if i see them like in the green room. They are so different one on one. Actually each one of them really wants to do a good job. Its when we get in to sort of the staged stuff that gets weird. I think we are all a little different on camera versus off. I think there is a degree to it with some of these politicians. But, you know, the new york pandering happy has been epic. John kasich said he would put derek jeeter on the ticket if he is the nominee. I mean, talk about pandering to new yorkers. I would assume he is joking on that one. It shows they dont even care they are pandering. Openly proudly pandering in new york. Im never going to sort of victims of us. They know if we Say Something like that they know we will be talking about it. Say Something Like that and we will be talking about it stay withyv us. Donald trump and ted cruz at each other. Governor john kasich gone to brooklyn to try to get as many delegates as he can get. John is in. Montel williams about to introduce Ohio Governor john kasich. [broken audio] that audio isnt very good. We were hearing one of the supporters one of the supporters of governor kasich was introducing which is montel williams. Very well known. He has been a strang advocate for governor kasich. So, governor kasich needs to rally tonight and get the votes the next couple days. The factreync that is he number two i think is quite extraordinary. Help him make the case that he belongs in this race frankly. After wisconsin you are hearing ted cruz suggest he should drop out. Donald trump really demanding that he should drop out. Even urging Reince Priebus to jump on that bandwagon with him obviously. The rnc will not intervene. This will help kasich make his case that he has a place here in this race. Vcuz does kasich take votes from cruz or trump . That is the big debate. Cruz and trump have both said they want kasich out of the race but they want the oneonone. I think it depends on the state you talk about. A state like new york, i mean, you could argue that kasich is taking some trump voters because is he in second place right now. Interesting to see if cruz is able to leapfrog kasich to get second place. You say second place though trump at 52, kasich at 25, that second place is 27 points behind. So its a big number. Anyway, panel, thank you. Donald trump was due in california later this week but scratched that one. He has decide to do stick around home, new york. He doesnt want to risk losing new york to senator cruz or governor kasich. And trump has Just Announced leadershipqs team. New york businessman and honorary cochair for Donald Trumps new York State Campaign karl pelidino goes on the record. Good evening, sir. Hi, greta. How are you . Good. Tell me, why do you like i think the formula is pretty simple. The American People have been festering with a certain anger over the years and its sort of like really took off after the election of barack obama. Disturbed over the leadership. Disturbed over america becoming something that a parent couldnt necessarily describe to his child anymore as our parents described what america was to us. And i think its that festering anger suddenly heard somebody who not only thought the ideas of confronting this present leadership but also is the type of person that can actually go out and get into the arena and beat these people down and get rid of them. I think the americannus people want if there is any one thing, its the change of leadership. Now, you are obviously in new york state but he just took a bad beating in wisconsin to senator ted cruz and after new york state if he does win new york state he has 27 point lead in front of the number two governor kasich. He moves on to the other states. Does he have a new strategy because if he gets into a contested situation inh cleveland, he has got a problem. I know the strategy in new york we have been working ton for four or five months. This isnt something hopping on the bus right now. We have been out to get every single delegate in new york. Were going to do that every Congressional District. There is 27 Congressional Districts. We will take somewhere probably in the area of 60 to 65 of the vote in every Congressional District in new york. Why do you think he got walln wisconsin . I think a lot had to do with scott walker. I dont think that anybody expected scott walker to structure. The Party Structure to defeating donald trump and it was also a massive effort by the present washington leadership and the press to particular place. They were announcing beforehand that that was the turning point, the press couldnt wait to announce that. And for that reason, i think it was overemphasized just how important wisconsin was. Every state has been important as we go down the road. And the reality is this i have yet to see af; republican republican leaderboard who is not ohio could say looking at him and experiencing that person, all right. That that person is not cowardly. And when they Start Talking about what they are going to do in cleveland if trump is short maybe a auto or 100 votes or whatever, that they are going to broker a convention. I would like to see them do that because i think or try to to do that. American people are going to see the real colors of the media and washington elite who have taken advantage of the people and tried to deny the people the right to pick their leadership. Its terrible. Is there a strategy is there a groundwuca strategy in cleveland should hefm2÷ not get the 1237 votes, delegates that he needs and it goes to a contested convention . Does he have a ground strategy already set up and moving to organize in cleveland . I believe that there are strategies that have been set up right nowkgi ÷ and thac are in discussion. Ive heard part of them. And i dont think its right that we reveal what our strategy is on television. Sorry. 1x carl, thank you very much for joining us. And, of course, you at home keep hearing about that possibility of a contested convention. Do you know how that works . Well, governor john sununu is standing by to tell you. Also, is secretary Hillary Clinton getting nervous about senator Bernie Sanders . Now the democratic race is turning a tad bit nasty. Thats next. Would you trust me as your Financial Advisor . I would. I would indeed. Well, lets be clear here. Im actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] [laughs] no way i have no Financial Experience at all. That really is you . If theyre not a cfp pro, you just dont know. Find a certified Financial Planner professional whos thoroughly vetted at letsmakeaplan. Org. Cfp work with the highest standard. Family road trip fun check engine. Not fun but, youve got hum. Thats like driving with this guy. 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Hello, greta. 2012 you were the chairman of the rules committee for the convention; is that correct . Thats correct. All right. Do those rules apply this time or can you or will the new rules committee come up with new rules . They specifically do not apply. Rule 42 from the last set of rules said they only apply to the 2012 convention and new rules have to be done for the next convention. And so what will happen im sorry, go ahead. No. You go ahead, sir. What will happen is the rules committee usually convenes the day before the convention. Two representatives from each state and the territory, so about 110 all together. And they go 0 through the old rules and make the adjustments and one of the things you try to do with the rules is make the rules reflect the needed that the convention has relative to the structure of the candidates coming in and the calendar and all of that. One of the things that we had to take into account last time was that we had lost a day because of the hurricane. And so we had to be frugal if you will with Television Time and thats where the 8 state rule one of the reasons the 8 state rule was considered so that we wouldnt waste the Television Time. That does not mean the limitation of that rule does not mean that people that are not nominated cannot be voted for. And the last one mitt romney, of course, most of the people released their delegates and mitt row got around 2,000 votes. Ron paul got around 190 or 200 votes on the first ballot. I think Rick Santorum got a couple of handfuls of vote. Michele bachmann got some votes and so on. That limitation of 40 b that everyone is talking about really determines who gets a formal nomination from the floor is allowed a floor demonstration of x minutes and i dont remember how long that was and allow to do have a number of speeches totaling in the last one 15 minutes so that their friends can tell us why they are the best one to be nominated. But thats the limitation. Not who can get votes and not does not dictate who delegates can and cant vote for. Okay. So it seems to me in listening to what you said the thing that i seized upon committee, which is very powerful is going to have two representatives each state. Who picks those two representatives each state . Because if im running for president , i want to. Generally the delegates of each state. Each state in essence picks their two delegates to go to the rules convention. And so if somebody controls the delegates like wisconsin, ted cruz came out of wisconsin, im pretty sure ted cruz leaning people will pick the two people from wisconsin. To go to the rules committee. If there is sort of a split in a state with delegates with the proportional delegate situation, you can have the Trump Campaign and the Cruz Campaign fighting over who their delegates fighting over who are going to be their representatives. If its 50 50, they will settle on one each or Something Like that. Anyway, we can allyn agree on what its not going to be dull. Governor sununu, thank you for joining us, sir. And senator Bernie Sanders says secretary Hillary Clinton is note 8 qualified to be president. Well, she has something to say about that. Thats next. Its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. 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I dont know why is he saying that. Is he a relatively new democrat. And, in fact, im not even sure he is one. Is he running as one. So i i dont know quite how to characterize him. I will leave that to him. You voted for the war in iraq. You supported virtually every trade agreement. You are raising millions of dollars from wall street. Im going to trust the voters of new york who know me and have voted for me three times. Well, its not just the republicans. The 2016 democratic race is, oh,fatc getting nasty. Senator Bernie Sanders says secretary clinton is noths qualified to be president. She fires back. Its a silly thing to say is what she says. Thats not a compliment to the senator. The on the record Political Panel is back real clear politics rebecca bird and David Catanese its getting uglier. It is getting ugly and im going to Say Something contradictory but that makes sense. I think for Bernie Sanders to say Hillary Clinton is not qualified is ridiculous but i think its good for him, because it shows he is finally willing to take on the fight. He has been reluctant to really go at her to expose her vulnerabilities for months now, right . He is getting tough. I actually think the flip side is that finally shes getting tough on him. I mean, this is just like 2008 when show thought that she was going to waltz into the nomination and senator barack obama because she thought that he would be anr]9r easy one to beat. I mean, here she is running dependence a guy who didnt want to be a democrat. He actually asked not to be on the ballot as a democrat. And the dnc let him debate as a democrat. And suddenly today now on april 7th she thinks maybe he is not a democrat . Where has she been . She has been light onek him. How could she have not bumped him out of the way . Its amazing. This race could be completely different by now if poet of them had gone aggressive sooner. Still amazing to me if you compare this democratic primary to the republican primary. Democratic primary even to the democratic primary in 2008. This has been a remarkably civil primary. This is what i dont get is that who gets to be on the nomination for the democratic nomination the nomination of the Democratic Party . You dont have to be a democrat. Thats the lesson. You dont. He makes he has never even said he was one. Donald trump is barely even a republican. At least he is registered as one. Thats true. And at least he says m that he has quote evolved. I mean, Bernie Sanders, the senator says he doesnt want to be one. Thats his appeal, i think. His appeal to what . People are sick of politicians that check the boxes. I get that but you would think then he would run as an independent. Instead, the Democratic Party embraced him. Thats the problem. And now they have created a problem for their lead candidate. They also under estimated him, right . No one thought that Bernie Sanders was going to be the force that he is. No one thought senator barack obama in 2008. Maybe the Democrat Peak party. Maybe the Clinton Campaign should wake up. Both parties have been asleep at the wheel. Its clear. Sanders isnt in the same position as barack obama. Obama was ahead at this point and hillary was trying to catch up. Super tuesday in 2008 nobody dreamed everyone predicted she was going to waltz to the nomination. Im thinking she is a little in awe this is happening. Like 2008. Like 2008. She is ahead this time and probably impossible for him to overtake i think it is impossible for him to overtake her because of thes rules that the Democratic Party has. She wouldnt be running against him if she had been tough and smart in the beginning because he is not a democrat and doesnt want to be a democrat. Running as an independent on the democratic ticket. He waltzes into the Convention Even if he is not able to win the demonstration. He is going to have a huge presence there. Has the money to continue up until july. It stills the folly from her. Not good. Not good at all. Rebecca and david, thank you. Now to the republican race, senator ted cruz taking on upstate new york. On the record griff cruzs event in scotia, new york and he spoke to some voters. Im voting for ted cruz. Why are you supporting ted cruz . Is he awesome. Is he a staunch conservative. I love his style. Is he a conservative . Is he a constitutional conservative. He stands for all the things i believe in. Someone in there that supports the constitution. [ applause ] are you wearing a ted cruz jersey . Yes, i am. Let me see that true conservative. And he supports the constitution. Kurt, why ted cruz . I believe ted cruz is a constitutional conservative. And our country is straying away from the constitution. Thats what made our country great. We like what he8aupds for. The constitution. He just seems like he represents what we should aspire to. I think his values are very similar to mine. And i think thats what our country needs. And tonight senator ted cruz taking his campaign from upstate new york to new york city. And tonight, we have a brand new video of one of the brussels terrorist suspects. You will see that new video. Thats next. 18yearold College Freshman brutally murdered. A live report on the investigation is straight ahead. And when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Prosecutors saying they were able to follow his trail for about 8 minutes. After that, the trail goes cold. Meanwhile, Salah Abdeslam a key suspect in the november 13 paris attacks will be extradited from belgium to france. Right now he still is being questioned by belgian investigators and if in a few weeks the fbi will get their chance. Comey unveiling how they unlocked one of the iphones from the vicious tastes. Catherine, i thought they couldnt get this information . Well, the fbi director has now offered some new details about how they got into thev n r iphone of syed farook. He was a terrorist in san bernardino, california,aq4yy who killed 14 along with his wife fash feel malek. The director says the bureau bought the technology from an outside contractor. There is broad reporting that it was an israeli firm. Or some 13yearold kid in the basement some place in the united states. Not 13yearold kid. Quite stunning that the fbi couldnt get into this. But now were finding out they can get into it and they didnt have to force apple to do it. Thats right. Is only good on the iphone 5 c and its also a type of technology that exploits a vulnerability that cyber is a weakness in the phone that the user is unaware of. It has a very limited shelf life and if any of the data that is recovered from the phone using this tool is entered into court, the fbi would have to disclose the tool and technology, which would effectively makeiu n useless in the future. Have they found anything . Mark is whether they have found evidence of an overseas connection or some kind of overseas support or direction from isis or al qaeda for this couple in california. All they have to do is if they videotape into this iphone they can avoid a lot ofru the criticism from the defense should there be some criticism later. It is peculiar how this conflict between apple and the fbi seemed to roll itself back very quickly and silently given this technology is so limited. Now here is a random question. How much does it cost us for this tool . Was it expensive . To me, it has the feel of like a gentlemans agreement. The director said this wasj likeminded didnt say Intelligence Service but entity so this says to me it was one of those. Get it for a dollar. Just tell us. All this gamesmanship that they play. Tell us. The terrorists know this and our enemies know it but we our enemies know it but we dont. Know. Make me really dig for it . Catherine, thank you. Did you a good job. College freshman murdered, her body abandoned in a creek in the hunt for the suspect is on. A live report is next. And dont forget to watch sean hannity tonight 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Herman cain joins sean tonight at 10 oclock p. M. On hannity. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. And i quit smoking with im chantix. 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Hiim here to tell homeowners that are sixtytwo and older about a great way to live a better retirement. Its called a reverse mortgage. Call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. It answers questions like. How a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money. And more. Plus, when you call now, youll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, youll learn the benefits of a governmentinsured reverse mortgage. It will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you taxfree cash from the equity in your home and heres the best part. You still own your home. Take control of your retirement today another horrific murder, this time the university of texas campus. Police in austin are now searching for this suspect in the brutal murder of an 18yearold freshman. The murdered freshman was found in a creek. The murderer has the campus this is a tragic day for our university of texas family as we mourn the loss of one of our own haruka wiser in a brutal murder. She was awesome. Yeah. Apparently she was a great i didnt know her do did. On sunday night, april 3rd, 2016, between 9 30 and 9 45, haruka was seen leaving the Drama Building here on the university of texas campus. She never made it to her dormitory that night. An autopsy was performed and the medical examiner has ruled that this is aycc . U homicide. Being a woman, it can be frightening. I just hope that her family is okay in the end. Going to be a different feeling around campus after what happened . We do not know the identity of the suspect. And we will definitely need the support of our community. Reporter tony is live. We look at that video and see somebody pushing a bicycle. Why do you think do we;o think that is the spect . Is that her bicycle. That is part of the questions tonight. They do believe the man in the video is a person of interest and a likely suspect in harukas murder. They are still trying to identify that person. According to those videos and according to what police said today, there are also other people in that area that they are trying to locate at this time who are also seen in the videos who could be potential witnesses and could potentially provide very important clues and crucial clues in this investigation. She left the Drama Building for her dorm about 9 30, 9 45 p. M. Any idea how long it should take . Imk mean, did her roommate say she had a bicycle . Was she going to ride back to her dormitory . No. As far as we know. What we know is that she left that Drama Building some time sometime around 9 30 to 9 45 sunday night. It is our understanding from Law Enforcement that she was in communication with a friend during her route back to her dorm. And her dorm is really a short distance, maybe 100 yards from this Drama Building. And then when she did not return to the dorm, as scheduled and as planned, that is when her friends, of course, began getting concerned and then by the next morning that generate add missing persons report to the university of Texas Police Department and began a search for haruka. So i dont get the pike kel. You know, why are they fixated on this man with a bicycle. In fact, at one point they said the bicycle is pink or red. I see a Black And White video. Maybe they have a colored one. Why are they fixated on this . This particular person. That is one of the Big Questions that we try to really drill down with Law Enforcement today. Why this person and why are you so, you know, seemingly singularly focused on this one Single Person but authorities would not elaborate other than providing the video. All right. How far is this creek where a body was found from the Drama Building or her dormitory . Not very. Very like on campus . Like a half a block or a mile . Yeah. Its within feet, and, in fact, whats so striking so many people, the university of texas is, of course, a big urban campus. And this happened, you know, on a big urban campus where you have students walking across campus ought all hours of the day and night. The idea that somebody could be attacked with so many potential witnesses is so alarming and so striking to many people here tonight. Indeed. What a terrible story. Anyway, tony, thank you. It absolutely is. You bet. And get ready to speed read the news. An update to a murder we brought you here on the on the record a dallas woman accused of arranging a hit man to kill a dentist who was dating the suspects exboyfriend. Added to the most wanted fugitive list. Wanted for capital murder in the december 2015 murder of hatcher. It was committed in the parking garage. The feds have offered 100,000 reward. A a manhunt is on in Washington State for a dangerous fugitive who escaped from a p 58yearold Mark Alexander has now been captured. Actor Charlie Sheen is under criminal investigation by the l. A. P. D. Police saying the investigation involves threats sheen allegedly made against exfiance previously saab assault and battery and fears for her life. Thats tonights speed read. I have a warning for you. I will tell you off the record. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies plus energy support. Its a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. Mmmmm, these are good nice work, phillips the tasty side of fiber, from phillips. Mobility is very important to me. Thats why i use e trade mobile. Its on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle. And it keeps my investments fully mobile. Even when im on the move. Ahhh. Andhey, were opening upnts and we need some new signage. But cant spend a lot. Well, we have low prices and a price match guarantee. Scouts honor . Low prices. Pinky swear . Low prices. 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Insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. Contact your health plan for the latest information. Lets all go offtherecord. The system is rigged against you. And do you know what . Its gett uz worse. Remember the local Office Supply store if you bought something that didnt work you could bring it back and get it replaced because the store owner had pride in his shop. We have chains if you buy a bum product you stand in line only be told by less than enthusiastic employees they cant do anything about it tough luck with chains you dont get the pride. As disappointing and impersonal as chains can be. There is something worse monopolies. Because when businesses, even chains dont have competition prices go up, wages remain flat. Since no employee can cross town and work at the other chain. Which brings me to this. Staples and office depot want to merge. The federal trade commission is against it god for them. We dont need more consumer pain that comes from monopolies which comes to this. Yes, everyone is consumed with the sexer topics what one candidate says about the other. Lets multitask lets demand that the 2016 candidates robust antitrust in their Justice Department to protect us or sell us out to big, big, big,st big business. Take a good look at our economy. Am i right . Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Campaign flash. Governor john kasich taking on brooklyn the governor is holding a town hall at vfw post. Cruz is rounding up meeting in brooklyn. Senator Bernie Sanders taking a break for a new york minute and heading to philly. Senator sanders spoke to the alfcli in philly. Senator clinton had to swipe her metro card five times before getting through the turnstile. Clinton took the subway two stops and thats tonights campaign flash. Live twitter Voting Results on your screen right now, should cruzs commence hurt him on april4jjn 21 say no and 79 yes. Dont forget to vote on twitter every nate. Thats it for now. See you tomorrow night right here at 7 p. M. Eastern. Good night from washington, d. C

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