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Hannity is giving us his slot for this hour of reporting. We have been all over the country the past few months. Its amazing, peoples stories is a big part of the mid terms. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. This is a fox news alert. An ebola scare in washington, d. C. Today a scare near the pentagon. A bus packed with people quarantined when the woman got sick and falsely claimed she had been to africa. Also today, president obama pointing an aebola caesar to point the nation to this giant medical crisis. Not a doctor, no medical background, a lawyer and lobbyist and Democratic Political operative. Is this the best person for the job . The best president obama can do . The white house already under fire for handling of Ebola Response. Has the administrations Ebola Response been botched right from the beginning all the way back in march the World Health Organization reported Ebola Outbreak and then in august the World Health Organization declaring the epidemic to be Public Health emergency of international concern. What did the Obama Administration do many say nothing or at best the white house is very slow to do anything. Tonight we have Live Team Coverage with all the ebola developments. Galveston, texas, awaiting cruise ship, carrying Quarantine Lab worker from Presbyterian Health hospital. She was in a lab with ebola samples just days before boarding the ship. Andrea watkins joins us live. Andrea, tell me whats going on with this ship and this passenger . All right, greta. Well, as far as we know, this use cruise ship called the magic from carnival crews lines is going to be docking on sunday. Thats actually the scheduled docking day. But they headed home a little bit early because cozumel refused to allow them to doc today. The cruise line said they learned Late Wednesday from the cdc that there was a patient on board that had been in contact with contaminated medical waste from dallas presbyterian. That is where the ebola patient Thomas Duncan passed away. The medical worker was selfmonitoring at the time she boarded the ship on sunday, but apparently she didnt tell the crews line that now, carnival says the woman is now quarantine on the ship even though she hasnt shown any signs or symptoms of having ebola. Right now she is 19 days into that crucial 21day incubation period. So the cdc considers her at very low risk of ever contracting the disease, but nobody is taking any chances. Belize did not allow her or her husband to get off the ship. Then the surprise this morning came when cozumel would not even allow the ship to dock. That puts the rest of the passengers maybe disappointed what you could say. They were tweeting they were stuck outside of cozumel but carnival is offering them 200 credit on their account and auto off the next crews cruise line. Whether or not things are really strained on the ship we will find out sunday when it docks here. If the ship was over here at this port, you would be able to see its a massive ship, of course, on my other shoulder, over here is utmv galveston, they are the best when it comes to infectious diseases. Research and doctors here. They say that they are ready if indeed its necessary to take this patient in across the street from the cruise ship. They will take her in for observation. Right now they havent had to do anything medically for this patient because she is not presented with any symptoms whatsoever. Back to you, greta . Andrea, thank you. Of course this woman is 19 days into the 21 days which he we understand the to be the cut off. Wait until you hear this. Did you know there is a special ebola screening machine, the military uses it in africa. Believe it or not, the dallas hospital at the center of the ebola crisis has one, too. So why arent they using it . And why didnt they use it on mr. Duncan when he first showed up at the hospital on september 19th when ebola type symptoms . Patrick tucker joins us. Nice to see you. Thank you. What is this machine . Its called a film ray, from a Company Called biofire. Its about toaster size. You take a sample, you stick it in there after about an hour its going to tell you what you have got. It depends on what kit you arm it with. Right now the f. D. A. Has approved the use of this machine for detecting certain types of illnesses like listeria, types of influenza. If you want to use it to detect ebola, you have to get a special kit for ebola. Like a Little Software pac. The thing is though this dallas hospital, though they had the machine, they werent authorized to use it to screen for ebola because it wasnt a researchuse only machine. According to the f. D. A. Guidelines. Did they have the software . I understand there are two considerations here. Whether they had the software to make it so they could test for ebola is the first thing. Seconds thing whether the machine was capable. And then, of course, the other is a designation. Could it have done it . If they had the software, they did not. So you have to designate the machine as researchonly. You call get you the software kit immediately. They are very up on this. That is just a fedex exchange be that needs to happen. They didnt have the kit. You have to change your designation in order to get it then once they had that it would have taken an hour to properly diagnose. What designation it had in this hospital . Well, its a clinical diagnostic machine. You use it. But if you say its only for research, you vkdz looked for ebola . Exactly. If you tell the f. D. A. Were only going to use this for research, then you can use it to actually take care of parents that might have ebola. If you want to use it to, you know, clinically diagnose listeria and not for treating ebola patients, then it gets to retain its clinical diagnosis status. You agree thats a little nutty only one. Pretty crazy. Patrick, thank you. The first dallas nurse infected with ebola nina pham is now in the d. C. Area. She arrived on a specially equipped private jet last night and now being treated at the National Institutes of health. Catherine herridge is live at nih with the very latest. Catherine . Thanks, greta. Thats right. Nina pham is being treated here at the National Institutes of health. Before heading to maryland, the dallas hospital released a video where pham thanked them for their care and they thanked her for volunteering to help Thomas Duncan, the first ebola case to die in the u. S. Really proud of you. After the threehour flight, doctors here at the nih, told reporters that pham was well enough to walk off the jet and on to the ambulance. But they described the transfer as extremely taxing and draining for pham who tonight is described to be in fair condition. The nih also provided this photo to reporters today of the Isolation Unit where pham is being treated while at the same time, he they are gathering data to better understand the virus, whether its mutated and the best way to treat symptoms. Bizarre episode at the pentagon today, a woman claiming to be a defense contractor who had recently traveled to liberia got on a shuttle bus, then said she felt sick and got off and threw up. This created a lot of investigation here in washington, d. C. This afternoon over whether the people on the bus should be quarantined and whether the First Responders should also be tested. But our contacts tonight tell us once they got that woman to the hospital, and they got on the path to testing her for ebola, she quickly revealed that she had made the entire story up, greta. Catherine, that falls under the headline never dull. Thank you, catherine. And the nations new socalled ebola czar ron is a former chief of staff to Vice President biden and Obama White House advisor. Now has many asking why did president obama chose political owe pointee instead of medical expert to lead the fight. Joining us is bob cusack, the Washington Post jackie kucinich, and the chief Political Correspondent byron york. I dont know why we needed a czar. I would have been happy to have the secretary at the cabinet level burr well do it but anyway i dont get to make that call, how about ron klein. If they did choose one, why did they choose one without any medical experience . Its a big question mark. The white house says they did it because he has extensive managerial experience. They have pointed to the fact that he was in Vice President bidens office when the administration was handing out billions and billions of dollars in the stimulus which worked across a bunch of government agencies. They have point that to as his main experience. Is that transferable to dealing with ebola . I just dont know. The last problem is he doesnt report to the president himself. He reports to the Top National Security bureaucracy. You wonder if its adding another layer into this so far bureaucracy. I dont know if you wonder. I think its practically a given that adding another layer. Jackie, your thought on this . He knows how to navigate the bureaucracy and they trust him. Trust is a big deal to this particular white house. I think thats another reason why. Navigate bureaucracy how to deal with all these hospitals and patients. Also a bureaucracy in a way. So, and also he has a relationship with the hill, which is he worked for biden when he was at the Senate Judiciary committee as well. Also someone who knows how to navigate those personalities as well which they are not too good at. Sounds to me they are hiring a baseball player to play football own weekends. Unusual pic, administration prerogative if he doesnt do welling we will still be talking about this issue. I did think they need to bring somebody in because at the press conference this week on the second patient in dallas, there was no one from the federal government at that press conference. Thats outrageous. We have people, we have a cabinet level. Hhs secretary. When we had the anthrax scare we had Tommy Thompson who took charge. Whats wrong with having secretary burwell do it. Maybe furwell but frieden has lost credibility. He said hospitals are equipped to do this clearly wrong. Fine, get burwell. At the white house News Conference this week josh earnst said this is before the appointment of cain said that the National Security advisor was i understand grating the response. Does that mean she is in charge . He said no not really. He listed all these other agencies. He said is there any one person in charge you . Would expect him to answer the president of the United States and he didnt. I wouldnt expect him because on august 11st, this is what the president said about ebola. I wouldnt be surprised he cant answer that question. On august 1st he said in part, keep in mind ebola is not something that is easily transmitted. Thats why generally outbreaks dissipate. Not easily transmitted, hows come people in hazmat suits dr. Brantly got ebola. On august 1st he doesnt even think its very con teenagous. Contagious. Dont they all know that . It seems like this is a political move. In a lot of ways, to say okay, look, we are bringing in someone else who is just going to handle it. Bring in dr. Tom coburn, u. S. Senate, bring in a republican who might at least put down some of the temperature on the political. Thats a lot of the criticism that you are hearing, someone with some medical experience. Burr well has got to deal with obamacare so she has her hands full already. You arent appalled by this choice . I think its an unusual pick. Unusual or appalled . Lets see how he does. This is a political choice. One operative today told the new york times that klain would help with messaging and turning down the political heat on that. It is inconceivable to me that we are talking about making political choices when many in the nation, whether rightfully or wrongfully terrified of ebola. Inconceivable that everyone in washington is stepping all over each other adding to the bureaucracy and picking someone with no experience. Maybe its just me. Its the mid terms so close. Sometimes, you know, if we were a little bit smarter. In fact if we paid attention to the World Health Organization in march, we wouldnt have this problem. Best way to deal with the politics of this is to deal with the substance of it successfully and show that a5.  you are on top of things. Indeed, thank you, panel. There is growing outrage over the cdcs Ebola Response. Many americans are wondering how at risk healthcare workers were allowed to board cruise ships, tom frieden saying from now on no one involved in Thomas Duncans care will be able to traveled uncontrolled environment meaning public transportation. John mccain joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening. Your thought tonight . We have a cruise ship, bus in washington. Questionable things going on right now. People traveling on airplanes. What should would he be doing . First thing we should be doing is declaring that anyone in one of those countries now afflicted with ebola, if they want to come to the United States, they should be quarantined for 21 days and then given a blood test there should be no one coming from those countries to the United States of america unless we are absolutely sure that they have not been tainted by ebola. Until we do that in my view, we are putting the American People in danger. And i would also like to say that the appointment of mr. Klain who has no experience whatsoever on this or any other medical issue as a lobbyist and a democrat frankly does not fill the bill for a czar and the capabilities because he has no experience or knowledge or background in medicine. I know that you were or you are in favor of a czar. Maybe not mr. Klain. I disagree with that and im curious if you think im wrong. Thats sort of the job of the secretary of hhs. Tommy thompson was the secretary anthrax scare. We do have someone with that job. Now that we have a czar we introduce a whole new bureaucracy. Turf wars warning who is supposed to do what. Already have a cabinet level person, a secretary of hhs who answers to the president. Why do we need a czar . For weeks now no one in charge. Largely the secretary of hhs, Sylvia Burwell very capable individual. There was nobody. Thats why some of us said, look, who is in charge . Put somebody in charge could have made her the czar. The American People need to look to someone who has the knowledge expertise background can assure them we are taking the measures necessary. And frankly i dont think mr. Klain fits the bill as a partisan democrat. Certainly not in any effort to address this issue in a bipartisan fashion. Back in march, the World Health Organization roared a a rash of case of ebola the worst ever seen in africa. We have done something maybe he wouldnt have come here to the United States. I think one thing that is very clear we have been reassured quite honestly falsely. We were ahead of the cdc that ebola wouldnt come to the United States of america. Now there is allegation that this come called the dc saying i have got a temperature can i fly on a an airplane . They say go ahead. Thats what happens when you have a lack of leadership and discipline and that isnt just this issue. Its the irs, its the secret service, frankly, its also our entire approach to the situation in the middle east and this iraq and syria which continues to deteriorate. Is there anybody who believes that what were doing now will degrade and destroy isis . I dont know of anyone. All right. So, i guess that you havent named the person but do you believe the blame squarely falls on president obama being sort of, you know, slow to react to these crises . Of course. But he has been slow to every one. What leaders are supposed to be. I hearken back to ronald reagan. Ronald reagan would have been on National Television looking in the camera and saying my fellow americans we are facing a crisis here and here is what i am doing because im in charge. Here are the people that you can look to. From there is ways of addressing crises and it requires, first of all, president ial leadership. That has been missing throughout the last six years. Disheartening that we knew from the World Health Organization and apparently got no attention until it has now exploded all over us. Hopefully this is the end of it and its not going to get bigger. Senator, thank you. Who has he chosen to be the ebola czar in you wonder . Go to gretawire. Com and hear his answer. Charles krauthammer says the u. S. Government still steps behind the ebola virus. That sounds very grim since ebola moves very fast. Charles krauthammer goes on the record next. Plus, tonight there is ebola vaccine being tested on humans. We are going to take you inside that Government Lab where its being done, a tour you will only get right here on the record coming up. And, of course, everyone is asking about bentley he is nurse nina phams dog. Is he in quarantine, too. See how bentley is doing for yourself. Stay tuned. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. People who know me, to this day they say,tix. I never thought you would quit. You know, i really didnt either but chantix helped me do it. 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Charles, slow to respond . Slow to respond and always behind. You hear the administration say a travel ban is not off the table. We have been hearing for weeks is a terrible idea it will make it worse. Its the most logical thing to do. British airways is not flying into these countries and it will be done. Only a question of time. On the other end of it where the cdc has been assuring us. You know how to handle. This we know how to trace contacts. Yes, but they dont know what to tell and handle the people once they have identified the context. You cant tell people as we are even now doing to selfquarantine. Ordinary people have no idea what that means. You have to have a government step in and i would say this is not a thing that we like to do. Override civil liberties. Were going to have to quarantine a lot of folks who have come in contact, thats the way you control an epidemic like this. You know, you talk about tracing contacts. I guess that i take you know, and the government, the administration being slow to respond. I take it back. I think its lousy that we are in a position of tracing contacts. We had notice at least as early as march. We could have stopped and headed it off at the pass before it even got here and helped a lot of people in a lot of these western africanamerican nations. Not even sort of not knowing how to trace the contracts. Everyone was asleep at the wheel im not sure we could have stopped the spread. If we had had real controls, for example, the suggestion that we heard from senator mccain makes perfect sense. Anybody who wants to come to the United States, you spend 21 days in quarantine in the liberia, give you a big space, a flat screen tv, excellent American Food and lots of entertainment but you have got to wait 21 days and then you come here. Thats elementary. D noou well, i dont see that happening. Let me turn to the czar. He has chosen ron klein. Look, its a farce. Its a Public Relations maneuver. Here we are looking at epidemic and as we heard from byron york there is an official quoted in the times today saying that klain was chosen because is he good at messaging. This isnt a messaging issue. This is an epidemic issue. This is a medical issue. I dont think is he going to do any good one wap or the other. I dont think is he going to do any harm. Its the way the administration responds. It thinks that its failures on all fronts is a matter of messaging, Public Relations rather than the substance. You want to calm the public . Show that you have a handle on the epidemic that you know how to quarantine people that you will impose a ban on travel if you have to. And why do they wait a day or two to release the name of a victim. If you want people to be aware of any contact, the fastest way to make them aware is to release the name. But, of course, for reasons of privacy, we dont. That is completely misplaced. We have to get out of those habits and understand we have got a serious issue here. Charles, always nice to see you, thank you. Pleasure. And straight ahead, how do we know if an ebola vaccine will really work . You have to take the vaccine and expose yourself to live ebola virus in the lab where the vaccine is being tested is next. Want to change the world . Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. Solve problems the world needs solved. What are you waiting for . Changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring americas future engineers. Energy lives here. Now you are going to get a rare inside look at the testing of ebola vaccine. Yesterday we took you to the Walter Reed Army of research where the first vaccine test on humans in the United States has just begun. Tonight we are taking you inside that lab where they are performing those critical tests. Whether testing hiv or ebola or some others, the procedures are all the same. Might be something in particular. The general procedures are generally the same. It takes a little bit of fine tuning for each different pathogen that you are going to test. Its kind of like, you know, you everyone can cook the cake generally the same way. Getting it out correctly. What do we have here . By the way, nice to meet you, im greta. Im told not to touch anything, not going to shake your hand or anything. Explain this to me. So, this particular laboratory does cpr normally for h. I. V. Testing of Service Members in the military. Meaning what . Preliminary chain reaction. Testing for acid testing virus for [inaudible] in this case from the h. I. V. Virus. And count detects for genetic mutation and specific for. So, this lab, [inaudible] and they have been kind enough and ebola vaccine testing. Ptr test. Thats where the genetic material in the vaccine virus help us quan at a quanitae that. A swab of saliva. We frm three different types of samples for this particular trial. Plasma, take blood thin it down and get the mazda that. Thats the blood spun into the yellow, basically . Has some amount of the virus in there from the vaccine. Its actually spun. Spun in the centrifuge and pull doesnt have any cells. And then we take a little portion, put it into, freeze it down, send it over to these guys. And they are able to test it to see if there is virus in there. We also have urine samples that we send to them and also do a swab in the mouth that we put into a special storage lab and also test that has the virus or create the vaccine . What are you testing it on. Safety and how the vaccine behaves and individuals that are vaccinated. How long its in your blood. Is a live have a and urine. Think you might be able to detect vaccine virus. And well be able to track how long its there at what point do you vaccine testing. Every day individuals come early period. Nonhuman primate studies, the monkeys tested with the similar vaccine. You know, typically early on in the trial. After they were vaccinated, they had a short period where you could detect the vaccine virus in their bodies. And so forth trial volunteers, getting sampled very early after vaccination following them until they are negative. Cant defect it anymore. This is how the vaccine is doing. I asked this earlier and still confused. If i go through the whole trial everything is fine. How do i know if i have vaccinated against ebola . Dont i have to go out and expose myself or is there some test. When you go out and expose yourself. Im not im trying to think how do you know if a vaccine works . Again, there is typically two ways. I will compare it to it i will throw in another scenario malaria. Wea,uxn do a malaria vaccine here. A challenge model. Normally when you vaccinate; you know, you can do all your nice preclinical work or parallel work in nonhuman primates or monkeys, vaccinate them with a similar product in a similar manner. Those animals can be tested against the disease such as ebola you can get a good estimate of how good you think that vaccine works. However, the monkeys are not people. So, in people, we measure immune response and sigh if we get similar immune responses to the monkeys or other vaccinations need to show similar, like protective level of protection. Otherwise, traditionally, you have to go do field trials. So, for whether they get ebola or not . Malaria trial. You have to go to a place malaria. We have whats we grow malaria here and raise your own mosquitoes and do it in a very controlled setting. Its a great advantage. We can go within our own building vaccinate and assess people for did the malaria vaccine work four . It helps us develop that particular vaccine. For ebola we cant do that. We have no challenge model for ebola. Really again its going to take looking at the animal and field trial. Vaccine i understand a vaccine may work for you but not for me, right, a particular vaccine . Is it also true that a vaccine, polio vaccine may be more effective than the malaria vaccine . Vaccines have different efficacies . They do. Vaccines have different efficacies and different rates of response and people. It all depends on the construct of the vaccine. You can see more of our interview and tour at the Walter Reed Institute of research go to gretawire. Com. Nigeria and boko haram reaching a deal to release hundreds of kidnapped school girls. Plus, we will talk with a christian man shot in the face boko haram just because he is christian. This man is here next. People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. 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Common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. Government and islamic extremist. Boko haram agreeing to a ceasefire. Deal released hundreds of kidnapped school girls. April 14th the terrorist group kidnapped more than 270 girls to their school. No word on when or if the girls will actually be released. Of course, there is much concern about their condition. There have been reports of mass rape and sell of some of the girls. Nigerian christian man shot in the face by coca haram says the school girls kidnapping brought back memories of his own terrifying ordeal. We spoke with survivor hadamu. Tell me what happened. What kind of day was it . Wednesday 2 0th november, 2012. Around 11 00 p. M. The boko haram came to my house around 11 p. M. Come out. Did i so. Did you know them . Ever see them before . No. They have covered their face there are four of them with ak 47. All that i am here we are here to do they are there to kill me. And what i did, i submitted myself to god surrendered myself to god. Did the four men say anything to you . Yeah, we i told them that im a christian. You knew that was an answer that was a death sentence . Yes. And one of them if i can change my mind, i can live my own life. And i say no,. And . One of them fired ak 47. Hitting you where . From my nose the bullet passed through my nose. Ak 47. More often. Worse. In fact, greta, if i may, what has happened is that isis boko haram has not capture ited territory. Killing christians. But, again global spotlight is not there. One4v;evi;n show. Thankfully we have a big audience and gretawire. What i dont understand is why there is not more attention from the American Media actually International Media whats going on in nigeria by boko haram is equal to whats going on. Actually killed more than isis doing numbers. Doing numbers. Doing nationalities because boko haram has killed people from over 15 countries, including norway, britain, the united kingdom. Italy, germany, they have people they have killed. But some there is still this false notion that this is request b. Economic nawttlez in the country. No its not. Its about jihad. Its the same spirit. Its about the same ideology. Same theological. Theology. If you are a christian, you are dead. If you are an infidel. How many people did they kill that night . 14. Im the sole survivor. Christians we know each other. We are few. Only kill the men and leave the women. But now they have changed it they will kill even the little ones, 2 years. Is it more cruel . Is it what they think is just more cruel than shooting someone in the head . Whats the point of that . Yeah. Because they have seen some people surviving. Head shot . Yeah. Because you lived . Yeah. You you can see more of this christian mans story. Our full interview is posted on gretawire. Com. And straight ahead, reports isis now has fighter and the former u. S. Ambassador to iraq and syria joins us. Thats next. Protection of depend underwear. Show them theyre not alone. And show off a pair of depend. Get a free sample at underwareness. Com save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness. From the stevia leaf. This is disturbing, a report tonight that pilots training isis to fly fighter jets. That is according to a syrian activist group. The command says it is not aware of isis flying jets in syria. Joining us iraq and Syria Ambassador ryan crocker now dean of the bush school of government texas a m university. Good evening, sir. Good evening was the detearation of iraq inevitable. I. I think we made some mistakes. Iraqis made some mistakes. Good news there is that mistakes can be corrected. I dont see inevitability about it. The mistake we made was not just with drivewaying our troops at the end of 2011 but also putting an end to high level political engagement. The iraqi system wont run on its own. Its not mature enough. It takes us in the middle. We pulled ourselves out i think that led to where we are today it can be corrected if we get back in the game in a big way couldnt. Couldnt get a status of forces agreement. A lot of disagreement whether we could have gotten one or not gotten one. In your opinion we have gotten one which would have enabled us to withdraw in a different manner . Well, we got one in 2008 when i was ambassador. I think we could have gotten one again if we had perhaps taken a different tact. But, you know, we can argue about that all we want. The reality is we now have a status of forces agreement. Accomplished in a few hours. This is time for a new era. Time for the u. S. To reengage. What would you recommend now, in light of where we are now, whats the best way to put a lid on this and move forward in the best way . First the main effort right now i believe has to be political. I think secretary kerry is going to have to be spending a lot of time in baghdad. I think same thing as we work with the iraqis to make sure they have inclusive government that brings in sunnies, she a and kurds in a common front against a common enemy. Thats only going to happen if we do some high level heavy lifting. The second thing is i think we need to substantially increase the number of our special forces deployed to iraq and as the iraqis regroup their military forces with our help and that will be a heavy lift too. Need to start embedding our advisors with their forces at least down to the ba battalion level if there is going to be hope of rolling isis back inside iraq. Well, there is always so much to discuss. Always so short of time. I regret to have this short ambassador. I do hope you come back. I also know you spent time in syria. Rich history and experience help us all learn. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Coming up. Many of you have been asking about bethly. Nurse nina phams dog. In quarantine, too. Straight from the kind people taking care of him next. Sweered lobstersory endless shrimp ends soon the years largest variety. Like new spicy siriacha shrimp, or parmesan shrimp scampi. As much as you like, any way you like. But it wont last long, so hurry in today. And sea food differently. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. One pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Ask about xeljanz. Have you been many of you have been asking about nina phams dog. How is he doing . Griff jenkins reports from dallas. Bentley is doing great. Is he a wonderful little dog. Dr. Kate mcmanis is a veteran overseeing bentley pham the puppy currently being monitored for symptoms of ebola. He is away from his mom. Is he away from his home. He is in a strange environment in people with space suits. He still just wants love. Is he eating great. Thats a good sign. Called operation bentley. The mission to save this dog now under quarantine after his owner nina pham contracted the ebola virus. We really dont know what the possibility is for a dog to be shedding the virus. And we do know he has been exposed to his mom. Its a mission led by jody jones, director of dallas animal services. The dog is going to be here with us for a couple of days. The quarantine period is 21 days. That they are recommending. And we want to make sure that we can keep him as comfortable and happy during that 2 days as possible. Comfortable and happy is a tall order for a dog in full quarantine. He is treated very much like a patient that would be cared for that had the ebola virus as far as lack of contact, direct contact with him. But for nina and her puppy, some comfort amid the crisis. I talked to nina the other night. I said the biggest thing we have to worry about is your dog being fatter than a house by the time he guess out. What did nina say. She laughed. I said we will deal with that issue when you guys are back together. Lets all go oftd record. Any doubt saving lives. Preventing the spread of ebola highest priority. You know that i know that i know some of you are curious. Nurse dog bentley. Pickup going pup going to get ebola . I dont know. Glad he is being taken care of. You have all emailed me asking about bentley. Some of have you mentioned in your emails that maybe you should not be asking about a dog in a time like this. Mindful of the fact that human lives are on the line. I see nothing wrong thinking about our dog. We can both doo both humans and pets. They are innocent, nonjudgmental. Wagging their tails when you get home even if you are late. Savages like isis from boko haram no regard for human life and behead innocent and we scramble to help those in great need even little dogs. Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Thank you for being with us. See you monday night at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Right now i want to tell you go to fox news go and the fox news app. Fox news got. Com. Always watch on the record any time any day

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