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Back. A pretty big accomplishment. Many states ran perfect election with integrity that people have full trust and confidence in. It h democrats, they got everything they wanted. Millions of mailin ballots, many with no postmarks, many received and counted after election come things in some states. No voter i. D. Acquired, no proof of citizen ship required to. Weeks and weeks of early voting. Observers blocked from viewing the process which the law actually allows them to do. Specifically, language in the law. The other laws altered entirely regarded. Right now, as we speak, they are still outstanding votes that have yet to be counted. Its now nine days after election day. More reports of dead people voting from beyond the grave. Amazing system we set up. Coming up, Kayleigh Mcenany, she has brandnew affidavits, the one for michigan, and now she has some from another state. Serious allegations under the threat of perjury being made surrounding election a relic ofa get there is irregularities. Democratic secretary of state is not allowed to arbitrarily push back pennsylvanias deadline past the three date state limit. Not allowed to do that. It will have more on that in a moment. Tonight, shocking video of project veritas tonight. Allegedly showing United States postal worker, you will hear from him, coerced and intimidated by federal agents after blowing the whistle on voter fraud that he has described at the Postal Service. Its time for a special hannity investigation. We have a law of ice two dots, teas to cross the reason weaver right on russia, ukraine, duke lacrosse, uva, ferguson. Baltimore, we take our time and we do investigating. Thats one of the major systems that were is used to cast the balance last week. If the Company Called dominion voting, used in 28 states reported by just the news. Com and john solomon. They came under heavy fire after allegation the machines because thousands of votes and one michigan county to be switched from donald trump to joe biden. Take a look. An interim county, ballots counted for democrats that were meant for republicans. Causing a 6,000 votes going against our candidate. The county clear came forward and said that tabulating software glitchrd can cause a miscalculation of the vote. Since then, weve now discovered that 47 counties use the same software in the same capacity. Interim county had to hand count all of the ballots and all the counties that use the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies. Sean tonight, we reached out to dominion and theyre claiming that this was caused by a human error. It had nothing to do with the operating system. According to several reports, there may be a lot more to the story. Back in june, during georgias primary, theres a lot of serious issues surrounding the states domain and Voting Machines. According to the New York Times, in some cases, the new machines required to much extra power for aging polling locations blowing fuses and never powering on. And others, workers still being trained just days before the election, they struggled with the set up. Thee times goes on to write the a electric pole books were user error. Keep in mind thehe president ial election, dominion Voting Machines were used in all of georges 159 counties and as we all know, thats the state with a razorthin margin. The question must be asked to come up with a white, dont expect the media mob to ever ask it. Our dominium systems prone to human error . 72 million americans voted for donald trump. All of them, all of us deserve an answer. Thats not the only concern being raised. 2018, lets go to the liberal ap reporting dominion the long skimped on security in favor of convenience making it more difficult to detect intrusions. In fact, dominion voting systems were rejected three times by Data Communications experts from texas secretary of state and Attorney Generals Office for failing to meet basic simple security standards. Once rejected in 2013. Twice rejected in 2019. That would be last year. In 2018, the a prominent tenured princeton professor who specializes in electric machinery, policy security, name is andrew lapel, had an oped blasting dominion over security concerns. According to the professor, at the dominion image cast evolution looks like a pretty good voting machine, but it has a serious design flaw. After you mark your ballot and after you review your ballots, the voting machine can print more votes on it. Its a big problem. He then goes on of course, the legitimate software installed by dominion wont do that, but the machine is physically capable of it and fraudulent software can exploit that ability. During a hearing on capitol hill, 2017, tenured professor at princeton, i assume youre pretty smart guy. To explain how fraudulent software could be used to seriously alter elections. Just two short years ago. Take a look. Each voting machine is a computer running a computer program. Whether the computer counts the votes accurately or makes mistakes or cheats by shifting one vote from a candidate to another depends on what software is installed in the computer. Installing the software is how youli hack the machine to cheat. Installing the vote stealing program and the machine takes 7 minutes per machine with a screwdriver. Itte but the software i built ws not rocket science. Any computeret program i could write the same code. Once it is installed they could steal elections withoutit detection for years to come. Sean sang tonight this happen with dominion and the cycle, no, how would i possibly know . We dopo know that there have ben so many warnings in the New York Times, the associated price, congressional hearings. They twice last year rejected the system. The princeton tenured professor all trying to warn us about the system. 28 states used at this election. I will add, if we want to have as a country Election Results with integrity that the people of the country will have confidence in, we can easily and absolutely have a system forensically checked. By the way, i will even argue allowing both republican and democratic engineers to do their forensic checks together. For example, if texas rejected the system, well, three separate times do we owe every american to know which is the best, the most reliable, and accurate system so we can have confidence in the voting in the country . We are a powerful country. We are in advanced country. Guess what, we can and must eliminate any chance of fraud or abuse, or corruption, or questioning of integrity and confidence. There is good reason here not to have confidence buried or not to believe this is fair. In states with a razorthin margins like georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, we must avoid to the American People to do all Due Diligence and make sure that every legal vote is counted. Sadly, thats especially hard to do in states with widespread mailin voting. The New York Times may have forgotten their own reporting. A kind of like joe biden. On this very subject. At 2012, they warned about the increased fraud and abuse it with mailin voting and they ran a frontpage story, not saying hannitys awful or evil. They cast doubt on the reliability of widespread mailin voting and indicated that its more vulnerable to fraud than conventional voting. New york times said that. Forti once, they got something right. The past several weeks, we witnessed the predictions play out in real time. One particularly egregious example came from a u. S. Postal service whistleblower. His name, by the way, that we love to whistleblowers . Even here saying whistleblowers. His name is Richard Hopkins, postal workers work by gently backdating polls. We have not confirmed the contents of the footage from project narratives but we will let you want to decide for yourself. Youat decide. I was casing my route. I saw the postmaster pulled the supervisorson into design. The supervisor, they postmarked. All these ballots were coming in, tomorrow, yesterday, there were also must be postmarked. Sean following the allegations, project veritas was reporting hopkins was subject to an hour long interrogation where federal agents have reportedly attempted to intimidate him. Actually get Richard Hopkins again, it whistleblower to change his story. Guessis why . Apparently, its reported. If years undercover video totally showing part of that interview. By a guy that we may suspect actually from twitter which he is now taken down emma doesnt like donald trump. Again, unlike big tech companies, we will make you the decision. If you decide. Pa im not i am, i am trying to twist you a little bit. We like to control the mind and convince ourselves of memory. But when youre under a little bit of stress, which were doing to you purposely, your mind can be a little bit clearer. Were doing an exercise to make your mind a little bit clearer. This is all on purpose. I am not scaring you, but i am scaring you. Sean according to project veritas, one of the federal agents was a devout democrat frequently posting far left political beliefs on twitter and his twitter account. Again, thats been deleted. He allegedly posted tweets praising stacy abrams and encouraging people not too watch the president s town hall on october the 15th. Openly criticizing his mother for praising donald trump and watching fox news, even spreading smears and slander about the president s tax return. That gets credited to big tech. Weve reached out to the Postal Service for comments. They havent gone back to us yet. After the end investigation and the Washington Post, not sure where they got this where there whistleblower, Richard Hopkins, had recanted his claims of voter fraud. Richard hopkins is calling the reporting absolutely false. Hebs is now standing by his clas that the Washington Post said that he recanted. It take a look a for yourself. At this point, no . Do you think the agents are interested in and investigating fraud . I dontfr think they are. You heard him tell a supervisor they where backing the ballots to make them appear they collected them on the third. We stand by that . Yes . Yes. S sean we got to be tough on you and make sure that this is the truth and you cant lie. Its a crime to lie to federal agents. Remember greg papadopoulos, lying under oath roger stone. Thats right. Of people that lie that a republican ever get prosecuted. In 2014, they published a poll. In the poll they showed that 68 of americans think elections are rigged. Bidens top pick up for the potential chief of steph, hes the one that they cited is the idiot that did everything wrong. Thats because they are rigged. This is what theyre talking about, ron, this is what they meant . Or maybe theyre talking about the partisan observers that were blocked and now signing affidavit after abba david are talking about state officials changing election laws two days before the election. May be talking about dead people who managed to vote beyond the grave. Many states are getting elections done fairly and theyre doing it the right way. The states arent are hurting the entire country. We, you will, the American People deserve better. Joining now Kayleigh Mcenany and he will come back and think you for being with us. Two nights ago on the program, one countyo in michigan, you hd 24 affidavits. You had the successful lawsuit in pennsylvania which by the way, i didnt think we would ever leave us because you can change election laws two days before. But now you haveor affidavits fm pennsylvania. It tell us you have. This is a big deal in country as a fundamental right in this country. It means there has to be uniform standards throughout the state of pennsylvania, but what we saw here and we have the evidence tf prove it is this. There was one system. Democrat county, theres another system for republican counties. You haver the courts in pennsylvania saying that there is no way to fix your mail in ballots in advance. Except as we found out in seven democrat counties. We have Text Messages that provided your producers emails are in our affidavits sworn that show that democratic voters were being contacted and in some cases by democrat campaign. He was voters in the democrat counties contacted sing your ballot has been canceled, you need to come fix it. We have other affidavits that people in republican leaning counties say that tonight i voted for 15 years, 15 years absentee. I turned in my ballot and informed after the election was canceled. No opportunity to fix it in advance. This is a equal protection violation and let me add one more thing and new part of our filing tonight. That we believe in the counting process. That ballots without signatures, dates, addresses which are required by law were counted in some democrats counties but not in republican counties. This was i the now potentially o tens of thousands of ballots that were counted improperly and we must look into this. Sean you have the issue in georgia where there is a. 3 margin of difference in the vote. It. 8 in pennsylvania,. 3 in arizona,. 6 in wisconsin. But where theres differing standards for those thats because of a democrat lawsuit. Who voted in person, you had one signature verification standard. You voted absentee or mailin voting, you had a whole different one because the democrats sued and the secretary of state went along with the ridiculous agreement. Thats exactly right. It was one system of checks and balances there if you vote in person and another if you vote by mail. The secretary of state is so important that your viewers understand how important the local elections are. That were raking this from the onsite, secretary of state in pennsylvania that was any out of wood and t trump elected. Her twitter feed says soo and will she doing advance . Telling the Supreme Court we wont count the ballots, we will put them to the side if they come in three days late and changing the guidance. It today, big victory for the trump campaign. She was rebuked by a court saying no, you must listen to the Legislature Come of the article one of the constitution requires. Democrat secretary of state, huge r problem for the election andug elections to come. Sean all the affidavits, is there a website for people that really want to see again, people signing them under the threat of perjury and youre getting hundreds and hundreds of them. Is there a website where people can go and look at them . Absolutely. Go on donald j. Trump. Com, theyre all public and i would encourage you to read them. Read throughld some one of the affidavits, i have three binders sean hold up. Can i see a question mark i have three binders, these are affidavits. But theyre startling. You get the clear image of what it was like to be a poll watcher. Republican poll watcher, its your legal right but your shouted out, racials lawyers used against you. And this ishr not the way the democratic process works. President trump ifighting for them. Sean thank you, for the good of our country we cant have this. Again, i have a message to the readily demand radical socialist mob, be careful for what you all work towards and wish for over the last four years. What do i mean about . Ive been thinking about this a lot. All of you democratic socialists, Democratic Party with the aid of your willing accomplices, all things democratic socialist, extension of your press office, the media mob, your big tech cohorts. May have successfully, been able to hide. Yeah, joe biden during this campaign. We argue is a massive scandal in its own right. You certainly never asked the weak, frail, cognitively struggling former Vice President any tough questions. Never asked for example about his praise of a former klansman or working with the former clansmen to stop the integration of schools. Didnt want his own kids going to integrated school. He never gave a real answer, or packing. I will say this. Good luck if your dreams come true. Your friend joe is going to be hiding biden in thes white hous. Heres a hannity prediction. Your dreams come true, you better buckle up because i predict what will be i will use the term greatest political shift the show on earth will unfold before your eyes. Withr biden, we know that this script will right itself. You know it too. Every democrat i know, they cringe every time he opens his mouth. Oh, guess what. You own all of this, you covered biden, you covered for biden. You let him hide away in his basement bunker. Good luck trying to defend this predictablego mess the next four years. Good luck defending programs that, well, so shall, socialism has failed everywhere its tried it and will fail spectacularly. By the way, i promise you i will be reminding people every single day of howry you failed to do yr job. Failed the American People. If your dream comes true. E. Biden will become your nightmare. But unfortunately, it will be theie countries also. I will add to, i honestly hope im wrong. I hope im wrong. For the sake of this great republic. I hope, by the way, for the people of the great republic, theyre the people that make america great. T cnn, msn, dnc, Washington Post, all you big tech giants that went all in and tea trump for four years, provide and, well, pro hiding biden. If im right, the American People will Never Trust Anyone not they do much now with the media mob are the big tech, Democratic Party because you will be exposed as institutionally corrupt. Abusively biased and never to be trusted. Notice, no republicans are having hissy fits on tv. None are sayingg were going to move, were going to leave. This is a white flash and all the creases he met grace in this we you prove it to us the last five years. You have broken it and now you will own it. Lets count all legal votes like joe said he wanted. Not greats, Reince Priebus will respond when we continue now, simparica trio simplifies protection. Ticks and fleas . See ya heartworm disease . No way simparica trio is the first chewable that delivers all this protection. And simparica trio is demonstrated safe for puppies. Its simple go with simparica trio. This drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures; use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. Protect him with all your heart. Simparica trio. Sean joining now to react, breaking news, the author of firebrand, by the way, perfect title. Lets be honest. Our friend congressman matt gaetz and former white house chief of staff, Reince Priebus. Congrats on the book. I dont know how much youre ready to talk about yet, but theres a number of issues being brought up in individualal stat. Where do you see it right now . Thanks, sean. Congrats, congressman gaetz as well. First of all, its important to know the sequence of the states that are coming in. Georgia has to be done by the 20th of november. Then pennsylvania by the 23rd. Then wisconsin, then arizona. We will know a lot about whats happening in georgia by the time we get to the actual filing for a recount in wisconsin. With all the things youre talking about with Kayleigh Mcenany, i was listening to that where people have to remember. Every one of those complaints, when she was talking about the fact that some poll workers and Election Officials were filling in ballots for w democratic wor, but not filling in the ballots of republican wards. If what they are doing now in michiganwh is their training tes of people on that particular issue. On the issue of not properly filling out a absentee ballot. There training people on the issue. Indefinitely, capacity aided people. Of those are people in nursing homes. If youre training different teams on each one of the issues because why . Because when it comes time, the recount to take place, you have to have a actual body in the chair saying i object to this ballots fort this reason. I object to that ballot for this reason. This one, this one. So if you are down by 12,000 in georgia or 19. 5 in wisconsin, you have to make sure that you aresi flagging and taking that many ballots with the proper objection in each state. Whats happening in the state, sean, that all of these teams are out there getting trained and being in place to actually followup now on the allegations that kayleigh is coming forward with the affidavits. Sean mats, look how well we learn from the 2016 and governor desantis, the governor of ohio, your thoughts as you look at this. You know, how does anybody have confidence and faith, trust in the system when we see the standard and everything that we have discussed. Here is what we know. At the chairman of the federal Election Commission said that there wasle fraud in the electi. When you take the mailing ballots and bounce them against the registry of people who addresses, you see that theres tens of thousands of people, 17,000 alone in georgia who actually moved and then voted in the state that they moved from. Reince mentioned them nursing mysteries coming in the state of pennsylvania. More people over tha over the a0 voted in the combined four years combined. The notion that there is this immediate interest and surgeon voters over the age of 90 during ave pandemic. Weve yet to find one nursing home where the democratic registrations were occurring in mass that seems to suggest that those ballotss may have been ugturned in by someone other thn the person they were addressed to. This is not impossible to fix an end for thatt we have a standard that requires a review of the mail in ballots before election day. That way, were able to give the greater scrutiny and assure a proper identity. The Dominion Software systems, they change more votes than Vladimir Putinn every dated and we spent three, four years, tens of millions of dollars on this fixation of the russia collusion campaign. A few more weeks ensuring we have a Fair Election, its worth a great nations time. Sean i think we got your media sound bite in for tonight. I hope people were paying attention. Thank you, Reince Priebus and matt gaetz. We have to do everything we can do to instill confidence and trust in the election system because it is the basis of our great republic. Unfortunately, democrats, the mob, the media they would spew more hate, division, chaos then address these important issues. It wasnt a barack obama trying to claim we should not be looking into any of these election irregularities. Really . Take a look. What are the false claims of widespread Election Fraud . What are they doing to our country right now . They appear to be motivated in part because the president doesnt like to lose. Never admits loss. I am more troubled by the fact that republican officials who clearly know better are going along with this. Our humoring him in this fashi fashion. It is one more step in delegitimizing, not just the income of the administration but democracy generally. Thats a dangerous path. Sean we have more on the former president in a minute. Joining with the reaction, dan patrick. Trump director of press communications aaron carini is with us. Let me ask you, dan patrick buried three separate times, twice last year, almost one year ago, your state rejected Dominion Software. Why . Our secretary of state and Attorney Generals Office dispatch experts. They looked at it, the dominion salespeople where they are with the reps to demonstrate, they wanted a big contract from texas. Every one of the experts, sean, said do not buy this system. They found out that they were fragile, errorprone. They did not meet our standards. They changed the ballots. If people could vote because we tested voted the machines, you could test in your ballot didnt count. These machines, lets put it this way. If dominion were designing software for an airplane, i would not advise you to get on it. These g are, in my view, a piece of junk. We said we cannot have these machines in our state. Es furthermore, they said that these are prone to manipulation and fraud. In one case, one of our experts, sean, took their cell phone, hooked it up to a usb port, and were able to download all of the information from the voting machine into their cell phone. These machines were used in Maricopa County and we need to recount. At 65 of 83 counties in michigan, we need those to be recounted in every recounting in georgia and not just about the president , sean. It is about the very possibly we already have our 51st senator because those votes for purdue may have miscounted. I put upth 1 million award do macro art that leads to arrest, conviction and pay up to 1 million for those cases, sean. We have to get it right now just fore the election but for the future of the country. Sean it was one year before the election, november 4th, i have it right here. This of the report. Why texas rejected there were system. I cant say definitively tonight that that happens, i can barely download an app. But they rejected after a investigation. The issue in michigan needs to be look into. My question is, why not have so we can still make instill confidence in people, Forensic Experts and democrats have a look at it . Absolutely. We need to make sure that we maintain a free and Fair Election process here in the United States. Thats what President Trump has been trying to do the entire way. Making sure safeguards are in place. Trying to provide more daylight into the election process. While people were trying to stop republican poll watchers from going in to ensure election integrity, we are standing for more daylight into the election process. Gh the big question there is why do democrats want to hide . What are they trying to hide here. We want to make sure that these votes are counted. That valid votes are counted and we maintain a free and Fair Election system here in the United States. President trump has been unequivocally clear that americans who can vote to should and should vote. For democrats to do anything and in any state whatsoever to try to up and an election system and make us not believe the resultsl really undermine democracy. Thats why President Trump, our campaign are fighting the litigation battles to make sure we maintain the greatness of america and the safety of our election process. Sean secretary, thank you both for attending. Thank you, thank you aaron perini. Moreover reaction ari fleischer, Fox News Contributor mike huckabee. You are very clear. This is healthy. By the way, something biden said in the first debate to that he would do, wait till certified. Not waiting, is he . As usual , President Trump is exactly wrong. This doesnt delegitimize our ielection but legitimizes it again. This is the exact type of review do you do after to give people faith the system is proper. If its proper and nothing was done wrong, thats good we should all know what. But if they find things like when Kayleigh Mcenany was talking about the seven counties in pennsylvania were democrats get to cure their ballots in advance and republicans dont, thats exactly what the democrats did to the bush campaigngn in 2,000. They saw a recount in the three most democratic states run by democratic officials. Weth have seen the game plan before. It doesnt mean that theyre going to be able to get the president over the top. The margins too high for him to climb. But in good government, its what you do after in an election especially a close one. Sean governor, if we dont have the integrity, look how great your state runs an election. It look how great the states rue election. No one will be able to convince me we cant get this right if we wantng to get it right. They dont want to. I have a document here, this is september 23rd, 2020. This came from the house judiciary committee. Jim jordan rankingca member. Democrats are attempting to sew uncertainty and accuracy and delay in the 2020 elections. Everything that happened he predicted. The president predicted. Governor, can you hear me . Yeah, i didnt realize you are throwing the question to me. Let me just say, sean, the crazy thing is we can take votes on the american idol. And judge a comedian with 100 million votes in less than one hour. You cannot tell me that something is important as the presidency of the United States cannot be tabulated and its going to take us for several weeks. I would suggest that what joe biden will do, if hei wants to bring unity and the 71 million trump voters together, let him be the one to call for a full transparency investigation, a complete clearing of all the ballots to make sure they are legit. You dont want to, if it turns out to show that he did in fact get more votes and won the electoral college, then we go quietly into the night licking our wounds. But what you cant have is an election that has lots of dark clouds hanging over it because this election is too important. You cant on fry the catfish once its in the grease. Im afraid sometimes that these reporters in the News Agencies to try toso anxious get this resolved agreed to by everybody before we know what the results really are. It thats what i hope peoplenos will understand. Sean you know, already, governor, we talked about joe being weak and s frail. Struggling cognitively. A lot of democrats told me that. I am not sure every democrat i know, let me put it this way, they cringe any time biden opens his mouth. Theyre not going to be able to hide him e is he going to hie the Biden White House bunker n now . Yeah, but joe biden has got and address me crazy, its an easy going for escort. He saw the first news conference, all they did was put balls on ts for him to be asked about asked about. Sean whyn do you hate donald trump . Tell us why you hate trump, tell us what you hate trump. Ina have no faith they will e tough on joe biden hold him to account. Joe biden cann skate if they lt him get by and thats been the pattern all along. One thing, sean, i have to say going back to what governor huckabee said about shrimp, fry pans, something. Translate that to new york you can take the cream cheese off the bagel after its toasted. [laughter] sean he wrotee a whole book about these things. Anyway, i would fear if im a democrat that theyre a great nightmare would be that their dream ever comes true, god forbid, a donald trump announcing hes running in 2024 and hes going to literally be on every issue every second every day and dominate the new cycle and bidens not capable of it,us governor. It would mix things up. I think there 71 million of us that would be ready to go if he gives the word. Ari was exactly right, they throw pitches like you would throw at a 5yearold and a peewee again. When donald trump goes up to the plate there throwing at his side as a 98 miles per hour. How the American Public cannot see how the price has discredited its self shamed itself, disgraced itself, thats beyond my understanding. Sean you know, we used to send election observers to other countries. W maybe we need other countries to send them here. Sad. Toto me, its sad. Were capable of so much more. They dont want the capability. The New York Times has a banner headline that says there is no fraud. The story said its not for a max of s fish to put the numbers of the top, but the headline said theres no fraud in america. I want to know, sean, we know that theres three people, 30, 300, 3,000, we have a right to know that. We need to run this to ground. Sean we need to have legal standards that apply for everybody, every state so people have confidence in results s and it shouldnt happen again. Governor, thank you, when we come back barack obama going after President Trump and the supporters selling a new book. We will tell you what he has to say. Reaction, kansas olins, leo 2. 0. Straight ahead. History also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. Especially during this Holiday Season of hanukkah. When i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day this now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. Your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. This is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. The communists came and wiped it out. And now were coming to her and saying, its okay to have faith. Its okay to light the hanukkah candles. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Sean all right, democrats continued to spew divisive hateful rhetoric and attack the president and his supporters every cent current, every hour, every day. For example, new book coming out, former president obama exploited millions of americans spooked by a black man in the white house. Ending his victory in 2008 to lead to a new toxic brand of politics. Fueled by politics. 72 million people, john mccains running mate bosarah palin. Joining now with reaction, blackout author, Candace Owens and civil rights attorney leo 2. 0. He said that millions of americans spooked by a black man in the white house, he promised an elixir for the racial anxiety. It didnt donald trump do bettet than any republican in many years with africanamericans and hispanicamericans . Or did i misreadye that . You did not misread that. It let me say this, the language hes using and the rhetoric coming on the former Barack Obamas father is not short of absolutely despicable. At this as a man that ran on the american dream. Everyone remembers where they w were on the night that Barack Obamahe won. They finally arrived in a place in the country where we could put the past in the past. He ran on that image, not on race, denigrating half of americans. He was the majority of white country, 62 to, 13 . Barack obama became the president because White American supported him. Ratherus show unity and some respect for this country that gave him literally every thing he asked, he turned his back on the country and said look at the despicable country. A its broken. Hes the first president who ever sat in the white house to come under the president and the white house hating america. Thats when i believe about barack obama today. Sean leo he says email and xenophobia, conspiracy theories, black and brown folks. Were finding their way to center stage in 2008. Im finding like, well, he says conspiracy theories, thats all weve gone from his party for thee last four years. It lies in conspiracy theories. Its a classic situation. Identity politics. At what candace said is absolutely correct. Heres a man who is now blaming his failure for eight years based on racism. Lets look at what happens during his eight years. A black lives matter came about. Black on black crime. Black poverty rates increased. Its a man whos using racism as a basis to justify his failure. Hes playing the race card and you know what hes right about one thing. He gave donald trump the rise because donald trump asked black americans what do you have to lose . Us you have eight years of barack obama, nothingyo happene, give me a chance. Guess what . After 2016, more and more africanamericans and people of color look at donald trump for one reason. Hes not playing the race card. He looks at performance and in those three and a half years, four years of donald j. Trump, hes done more than the eight years of obama andig biden. Thats what frustrates barack obama. So, thats why he has to go to the race card. One other factor, leo terrel and candace so when, weve never argued before in our life. Sean candace, think about the opportunity zones. Record low unemployment for every Demographic Group something that biden obama never got done. Historically black colleges you know. Why did they not get it done. Ill tell you why, democrats look at black voters and they see them as a means to end. At the one that is a permanent voting block and thats the truth. Nt it is remarkable to me, sean, they cant look and just assess things as they are. Despite the rhetoric. Despite the rhetoric, them calling donald j. Trump a racist, hes been called racist then any other human being that what the face of the planet. Despite that, he increased the support among black women and garnered half of the black male boat. The numbers have gone out. You think they could have the humility to pause for a second and say, you know what, maybe not every america is a racist. Maybe its because were getting something wrong. Theres something happening and people extend behind donald j. Trump because hes a good and effective leader that tells the truth and doesnt is leo pointt out doesnt run on identity politics. Sean 32nd spread of barack obama partnered with a guy who prays the former clients meant to stop school integration. This is the problem. Your racism is excused. If you have it do you next your name. At donald trump has done more for blacknd americans, the platinum plan, anyone else. I want to embrace one other point. Joe biden, no basis for having an unmade income but they dont represent me, candace, black lives matter, you are a french socialist and thats a mistake. Sean both of you and candace, you predicted more africans and americans would be moving for the republican party. Youre right. Of leo 2. 0 is right. And thank you both. Of. 0 more hannity after this after the break. Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. Call Coventry Direct to learn more. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. Our friends sold their policy to help pay for their medical bills and that got me thinking. Maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. Im skeptical, so i did some research and called Coventry Direct. They explained Life Insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. We learned that we can sell all of our policy or keep part of it with no future payments, who knew . 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If we would not get close to that. Sean can i take a second and ask you a question . Laura hiding biden. Sean how did they cover this . Laura theyre not going to cover it. Laura it will be won because a profile about jill is breaking new groundl as the firt may be pieces about her workout routine

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