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Gone through in the book ship of fools. Stay cheerful. Its our duty. See you monday. Sean welcome to hannity. Great news for the United States of america. The economy is booming after months of projections, the Second Quarter gdp numbers are officially in with over 4 growth. In other words our economy is now moving at its fastest pace in four years. In moments we will explain what this means for you and highlight the president s historic economic track record that the rest of the media and the democrats are ignoring and the days of obamas pathetic economic stagnation are now officially over. Today i interviewed the president about the roaring economy. And so much more. Well play the highlights, plus Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions. Officially announced that the Second Quarter gdp grew at a whopping pace of 4. 1 . Thats double the average yearly growth under obama. Under obama they nearly even made 3 . The first u. S. President in u. S. History not to have at least a growth. This is a key piece of an American Economy that is now booming. Everywhere you turn. The overall Unemployment Rate now is 4 . A 17year low. To put it in perspective the average Unemployment Rate under obama, 7. 4 . Under President Trump africanamerican unemployment is now at its lowest rate ever. 6. 5 . Record low hispanic Unemployment Rate at 4. 6 . Women in the work force lower at 4 . And by the way, 14 states have record low unemployment. Consumer confidence at a 17 year high. Homeownership rate up. The amount of americans on food stamps is down by millions and now there are literally more Jobs Available in america than there are people on unemployment. An economic miracle turnaround. And were negotiating better trade deals all over the world. No trade wars including this week when President Trump and the head of the European Union agreed to push for zero tariffs barriers and subsidies between the two trading partners. Just a short time ago, under obama he gave us 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more americans in poverty. The worst Homeownership Rate in 51 years. The worst recovery since the 40s and took on more debt than any every other president before him combined. On my radio show President Trump very large chunks. It will go quickly. Sean bad news for the media and democrats. They want their power back. The more successful america is, the chances of them getting power back is reduced every day. The huge quarterly gdp growth is great news for every american. Not only does this prove that tax cuts have worked and always work. But it is also clear evidence of the president keeping his promises. Something thats rare in washington to you the American People. Important to keep in mind. We are approaching the most important Midterm Elections in our countrys history as far as i am concerned. By the way, steve bannon will talk about it later. But without a doubt, democrats will be up to the same predictable old dirty tricks and tactics. It doesnt matter what the economy is doing. They want you to believe the republicans are monsters. They are racists and sexists and xenophobic and homophobic and they want to breathe dirty air and water and throw granny over the cliff and kill children. I asked the president about that is so much more. Heres his answer. The democrats want to raise everybody taxes. They want too give back these massive tax cuts that we got and reforms that are so good for everybody. But the tax cuts. They want to raise peoples taxes and open up borders. They want to get rid of ice. I mean the things theyre doing are so destructive. We wont have a country. Sean they want their crumbs back. They want open borders and obamacare and impeach you and stop all investigations into deep corruption. The president is right an ahead of the midterms it is very clear that the left, they really have no plan to improve the lives of oh, the forgotten Men And Women. We lived eight years under testing, no more. So many things have changed. One thing all of their Propaganda Material which has been up for years, the signs and the music, its all stopped. Its all been taken down. So many positive things have happened. And you know, we have time. Theres no rush. I told my people, dont rush. We have sanctions on. We havent taken any sanctions off. I look forward to the time when we do take the sanctions off. When that happens a lot of good things will have happened on the other side. Sean he is not trying to bribe a dictator. This is more tangible progress. The president s diplomatic efforts with little rocketman, kim jongun and at the very least an important moment for those who lost loved ones in the korean war. And negotiations to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula continue. Well update you on everything that has transpired. No rockets fired since december over japan. You say i want this president to succeed because i want my country to succeed. I dont feel that from the Democratic Party. They are not happy today about the gdp members. They would applaud if the president stumbled on the sidewalk. I think, sean, there is a hatred of donald trump that is something that is almost unprecedented. Its extraordinary. How people are actively rooting if the president and the presidency to fail. I think its selfish and narcissistic. Its so pedestrian and partisan. It really is one reason politics has such a foul stench. I think the president could help himself more. You started the program with the great economic numbers. The thing about the economic number, a rising tide is lifting all ships, americans are doing better than ever, wages are going up. More jobs than people seeking jobs. But at its core, this is also a tremendous Civil Rights Movement by President Trump. Sean bingo. He is doing more for the inner city than all of the liberals and the wishywashy socialism. And all the rest of it. Black unemployment historic lows. Hispanic unemployment at historic lows. Were i on the president s team. I would say, this is what you focus on. Say this every day. We are not getting nuked from north korea. Look what we are doing for the cities, look what were doing for the constituencies that voted for my opponent. We are doing more than all of the liberal programs combined. Sean geraldo is right on the money but, judge, ive said if the president cured cancer at this point, seriously, i really believe it if the president cured cancer and gave every american 30 million, the media and democrats would still hate this guy. If he adopted their agenda that failed they would still hate him. There is no question that the hatred towards this president is unparalleled in american history. There is not one metric that has suffered under this president. We are better off in every possible metric. I remember when president obama said all Manufacturing Jobs are a thing of the past. Now we have 400,000 new Manufacturing Jobs in this country. We now have unemployment and i wont repeat all of the good things that have been said. Heres the truth. Geraldo says the president should talk more about the civil rights issue, helping the people who have been forgotten. The truth is he could talk about it from the highest mountains and the press would not report it. But the American People instinctively understood that this was a man, this donald trump who had never run for any office in his life, instinctively understands the plight of the hardworking american man and woman. We gave him a chance to use his words. We had nothing to lose. Every metric has improved. Every day he takes in coming and every day i realize more than ever, this man is a force of nature. He can handle anything and keep fighting for us. Sean geraldo this is a really good point. Every election its the same thing from the democrats. Racist, sexist. Homophobic, xenophobic, islamaphobic, throw granny over the cliff and scare america. Give me one idea that democrats besides impeachment and keeping obamacare and they want their crumbs back. One idea that would deserve us to go back to what . Obamas 13 million additions to food stamps and 8 million more in poverty . What are they offering . Well, medicaid for everybody. Which is a wonderful idea. Public sean we could pay for that too. Free college for everybody. Sean free housing, free daycare, free, free, free. The apparent nominee for the Democratic Congressional seat in the bronx and queens, ms. Ocasiocortez, her platform is wonderful. It spells out a utopian socialist universe. The reality, going back to what i said, is capitalism is the best engine for lifting people out of poverty and into the middle classes and beyond. You have to stress those things. I think its sophomoric of us to avoids the fact that a lot of the hatred directed at President Trump, some is selfinflicted, but a lot of it also is the fear. You remember the huge demonstrations the day after the inauguration by women wearing pink hats everywhere. Their problem was the fear that the president would curtail the rights granted under roe v. Wade. Its a sticky subject and you dont want to hear the other side of it. One advantage at fox, i respect your Point Of View on that. But i cant say that is generally held and theres a fear that the president sean this is weve become best friends and we disagree. Well go out and have a drink and a bite to eat and argue but were friends. Because i believe in the sincerity. Sean you want the country to be better. Absolutely. Sean and judge, thats missing everywhere. Ive seen such a level of dishonesty. They wont focus on the News Channels about all of this success. Were changing the forgotten Men And Women that have left behind are now getting more opportunity than they ever had. And im a guy that started as a dishwasher. I identify with that, with people that are struggling. I struggled for 20 years of my life. 25 years. Well, when you talk about, geraldo, i was in that march in washington. Thank goodness, there were two navy seals with me, retired. At the least, i was protected. But the hate was palpable. When i asked people in that parade or the march or protest what they were protesting, they just hated donald trump. Female unemployment, you talked about at the top of the show, its at 4 . You look at ivanka trump. This woman spent her adult life trying to promote women as entrepreneurs. Sean and look at how they treat her and baron and the granddaughter of the president. Thats right. All of them. But look, heres the bottom line. Americas better off, the left is trying to shut down the right. Ive had my own experiences with it. They call me a fascist. The fascism is when there is only one way of thinking and everyone else has to be shutdown. Sean last word, geraldo . I think what happened to ivanka and her decision to give up her businesses is shameful. She and her husband worked so hard for free, for the country. And for people to attack their buses by sabotage the way they have i think is really, really regrettable. Sean some people work in washington. Will pay more money to lawyers than they get paid. Judge jeannine tomorrow night. When we come back, former Trump White House strategist and the rest of my exclusive interview with Roseanne Barr. Strategist rest of my exclusive interview with Roseanne Barr. As people who love the outdoors, plus, come in today and ask about xfinity mobile. A new kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Visit your local xfinity store today. We are on track to hit the highest annual average growth rate in over 13 years. An i will say this right now and ill say it strongly as the trade deals come in one by one were going to go a lot higher than these numbers and these are great numbers. Once again, we are the economic envy of the entire world. When i meet the leaders of countries, the first thing they say invariably, is mr. President , congratulations, nice to meet you, congratulations on you economy. Since i was elected we added 400,000 new Manufacturing Jobs. That was the obsolete deal. Why is it obsolete . We have to make things. Manufacturing jobs are among our best jobs and were just getting started. Sean that was President Trump earlier today going over what is a remarkable economic story. Since he has taken office these unprecedented numbers are sure to help republicans. 101 days away from what i call the most important Midterm Election in our lifetime. Breitbart came out with today a list of seats that the gop must maintain and hold to maintain their majority. Joining us now, former trump strategist steve bannon. This is battle 2018. They want to get their crumbs back and impeach the president and keep obamacare and cover up the corruption to steal the election. A lot at stake. Sean, you said its the most important midterm. I would rephrase that. I think is President Trumps first reelect. Its a referendum on the trump presidency. They are very focused. The opposition will be very focused on trying to win the house of representatives and try to win congress to impeach trump and stop the entire progress whether its the Economic Growth or his America First National Security or southern Border Security. You pick it. Theyre going to try to unwind it. This is really i mean, the democrats go it one thing, they got a do over. This is november, 100 days and a wake up were going to have essentially a National Election and thats going to determine the second half of the first term of President Trump and i think 2020. People ask me about 2020, right now were going to have a referendum. And im going to tell everybody, the way to win this is exactly like we won in 2010, you have to go door to door, ring doorbells, do Voter Registration drives. President trump has delivered on the action. Now its time for the populous movement, conservative everybody that turned out in 2016 you have to do it all over again. Or the first action theyre going to take is to try to impeach President Trump. Sean i went through the numbers. In your old hometown. Only 100 seats are really up for grabs. The others are safe. Theyre not in play. You have 86 of those are republican seats. And youre talking about the republicans have to win 61 of the 86. So thats a lot and historically and i asked the president about this earlier today on my radio show. Historically seats are lost in the Midterm Election for the party in the white house. How do people save these 61 seats, plus because i would like to have a Comfort Margin there. Heres what you have to do, we picked up 62 seats in 2010. Its not about money. Its about ideas and turning out votes. President trump has delivered. He said he was going to take action. He took action with the destruction of isis. And look at the economic numbers today. They are unbelievable. And the trade deals, what hes doing is reorienting the world supply chain away from china. He is fully engaged going on china on the economic war theyve had on us. President trump has delivered on judges. Everything he has said he is going to do he has down or is in the process of doing. Its incumbent on everyone who supported him in 2016 this is about the Old Fashioned way. Its going to be muscle. The opposition is very different than in, 16. Hillary clintons arrogance and cockiness, they missed what we were doing in the Upper Midwest okay . To really break that blue wall. This time, the times up movement and the resistance are very focused. They are going doortodoor. Everybody who supports President Trump has to understand this will be the oldfashioned way. Go doortodoor and knock on doors. And get your neighbors to come out. This is all about turnout on november 6. Sean were calling this bannon battlefield 2018. But next week what were going to do is name every district and put it up on the screen so the audience can see. Heres the thing. Because there are some people that rightly will look at their congressman and theyll say to me and you, hannity, bannon, my congressmans a rhino. My senators a rhino. You ask me to support this guy . I supported trump but the stakes are so high what they want to do to the trump agenda which is my answer this is a National Referendum whether its a rhino or establishment figure or a congressman or a senator that you dont fully support. That is not the question now. The question is about the trump agenda and about President Trump and his agenda. You have to just put sometimes vote for people that youre not totally comfortable with. And that means some establishment figures and some rhinos. It doesnt matter. Its an up or down vote on the trump presidency. If we force everything to november 6th well win this. Heres the benefit of not having a blue wave. When they dont get the blue wave they have been selling, theyre going to turn on themselves in a civil war in the Democratic Party and its going to make 2020 much easier. Sean and its already developing. Just look at the job numbers. Put aside the success north korea and yes, we now have remains from that war coming home this very day. No more rockets being fired and a dismantled nuclear test site. Jerusalem is the capital and now we have record low unemployment in this country in 14 states for woman in the workforce, africanamericans, his tannicamericans and asianamericans and the military that are out of work and millions are off the food stamp rolls with more jobs than people on unemployment. This didnt happen as fast when reagan was president. And im a reagan conservative. If you look at the actions he has taken including the judges, its been nothing short of extraordinary. Donald trump is a historic president and a transformational president. If you want to keep it going, thats why this november is not a Midterm Election. This midterm is the first reelect of donald j. Trump. Everybody has to put their shoulder to the wheel. Its what we did in august of 2016. We brought the Establishment Movement together and grass roots conservatives together and against the media and all the money the clintons raised we won and won big in a historic landslide. That can happen again and it will happen again if people start to focus on what november 6th which is a National Referendum on the presidency of President Trump. Sean were going to bring you on once a week until election day. Steve does not like doing tv. But you think this is so important. You want to identify. Well do this next week. Well identify every single district thats going to matter, where the real well, battle the bannon battle fight of 2018. I think people need to focus on where the battle will take place. People will have to put their shoulder to the wheel. Its game on and we have to leave everything on the field and no tears. Im tired of hearing the whining on our side of the football, this candidate and that candidate. We have to stop whining and get focused on what is needed for a victory. Sean bannon battlefield 2018. Next week we define the defining races in this midterm. When we come back he wants to be the next speaker of the house, jim jordan and why he wants to be speaker and more of my oneonone with Roseanne Barr that a lot of people are talking about. Straight ahead. Just one free hearing test at his local miracle ear helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. Just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh. And less of the Background Noise around him. For helen, just one visit to her local miracleear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. Just one free hearing test could help you hear more. Laughter. Music. Life. Call now for your free hearing test from an Industry Leader miracleear. Whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. 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They went so far left with the social democratic agenda they have. Its critical. Heres what is at stake. Think about the last year and a half. Regulations were due. Taxes lower. Unemployment lowest in 20 years. Economy is humming. Gorsuch on the court and embassy back in jerusalem. Out of the Crazy Iran Deal and the hostages back from north korea. And im forgetting a few things. What is amazing about that list as well is congress only helped a little bit of that. Congress has to do a better job. Thats i didnt want to be the next speaker of the house. We have to do what we told the American People we would do. Delivering on health care, delivering on Border Security and all the other issues. Sean how did it happen in the middle of the Health Care Debate we discovered there are about 100 House Republicans and Senate Republicans that voted to repeal obamacare in 2015 same bill and they changed when it mattered. Six republican senators voted be ernst the exact same legislation they supported before after getting elected and taking the senate in 14 after winning the white house in 18. We have not delivered on Health Care Reform or Welfare Reform for ablebodied people and not delivered on controlling spending. Thats what we told the American People we would do. Sean but the president on his own has accomplished a lot. Hes doing it. Sean why is there this reluctance among some republicans is the president is not the conventional establishment figure . Its icon klaasic, hes bold, he tweets, he calls out fake news. What is it some republicans dont like . Its the town. Its washington. The swamp is the swamp. They dont like donald trump coming in and changing the swamp and the way that town works. There is just this reluctance to ever change even though the American People said in 2010 were going to put you in charge of congress to go change things. In 2014 they gave us the senate to say go change things and even though in 2016 they gave us the white house to go change things there is still this reluctance and the president feels it every sinkin day. He is bound and determined to do what he told the American People he would do and the house needs to do the same. Weve done some good things but not near enough. The reform we need to do. Like the president has been doing. Sean the house has been doing better than the senate. It sure has. Sean 14 states with record low unemployment. Record low unemployment for africanamericans and Hispanic Americans and women in the workplace. And huge massive great economic news. One after the other. You mentioned the Foreign Policy successes. And im thinking theres a track record to run on. Of course. Lets campaign on it and tell the American People you put us back in power in the house of representatives we will do what we said. We will help President Trump accomplish what you told us you wanted to accomplish in 2016 and what we ran on. Sean if you become the speaker. I will support you for speaker. The Freedom Caucus has been the most committed to fighting for keeping their promises and literally the single Biggest Group fighting to defend things that are conservative in the country and helped the president the most. We formed our Group Three Years ago. We talked about the countless number of americans who feel Like Washington forgot them and left them behind. We want to fight for those people. I say this all the time. I say it because i believe it. We make the job of being a member of congress way too complicated. Its simple. What did you tell them you were going to do . Go do that and stand up and have the debate. All too often we forfeit even before the debate even happens and the referee blows the whistle we just say were going to forfeit the game. Lets play the game and wrestle the match. Let make it happen. Sean how will you be different . Thats simple. The omnibus Spending Bill. The Spending Bill we were poised to hold spending down on nondefense spending because Chuck Schumer shut the government down on friday. Over the weekend the American People said you are crazy on monday he said i will open the Government Back up. Because he was losing in the Public Relations world. So he opened the Government Back up. A few weeks later we had a chance on that big Spending Bill and hold the headline on Everything Else and what did we do . We said we wont even have the debate. Even though we had a guy in the white house great at taking the message to the American People. We just said lets do what we always do, spend more money on everything and the deficit goes up and the debt goes up and the band plays on. Sean and the president is squeezed because he wants the money for the fence. We sent him a bad bill. Sean jim jordan, good luck. Do we know when ryan is leaving . We dont. He said hes going to stay. Sean when we come back, more of my exclusive interview with Roseanne Barr as hannity continues. Chicken . chicken. Bill marher the stuff he has sad over the years, that are atrocious. If you dont like my show you have the power to turn the dial. We live in an environment where its not just disagree. Disagree and get an opportunity and dont accept the apology and try to destroy the other show. I refuse to be a part of that because i do believe that in freedom of speech, number one. I make my living with it. Number two, i do believe people make innocent mistakes. I listened to your background and read all of this stuff about you and your background and your mom and your dad. I want to say i have the best relationship with my mother today. Sean i understand. Weve done the work that needs to be done in my family and im very proud of that. There is nothing but love. Sean understood. But having multiple personality disorders. That was a tough one. Sean i b. E. T. Was. Was that like having voices in your head . No, thats schizophrenia. Sean what do i know . Im not an expert. Waking up and noting where you are and how you got there. Its loss of time. Sean just disappeared . Yeah. Sean and you were another person and didnt know it. No memory of any of it. When i had it, i had like four prescriptions for glasses. But i did wake up and find myself in unsafe places and didnt know why i put myself there. And thats just terrifying. And i no longer do. That but you know, my whole life i spent like that. One time i woke up in a truck in new york city. Sean i dont think theres one viewer, honestly, that doesnt have a family member, a friend, a neighbor with Mental Health issues . Sean i think everybody watching knows somebody. What you just described to me is scary. It was scary. I told abc, i dont feel that i am in a good mentally balanced place. I had been working way too many weeks sean leading up to this. And going on promotions crossing from ohio to new york and i became ambien dependent. A lot of people had problems with it and i am one of them. Id find a house full of tris cuts and a pound of cheese. Sean you didnt remember when you woke up . I will see it in the kitchen. Sean you would see it and say i must have eaten this . Yes, and trying to make brownies. Sean and not remember it . No. Till the morning. But this is like sean scary. Ambien does that to people. Sean you want to do another hour . I forgot. Im sorry. Sean what is next . I told abc, you guys, i will go get my meds checked. Sean you knew were going to a dark place . I knew i wasnt keeping up. You know, i dont absorb vitamins. I found out that i was really depleted. And that affects your Mental Health. Sean you were doing too much and not getting the time you need i am supposed to go to the hospital every 8 weeks and get infusions because i dont absorb iron and vitamins. I just kept saying, i wanted that show. I wanted a Second Season so bad that i worked myself almost to the end. Sean tell me what is next for you . Porn. [laughing]. No. Sean really . No, i am kidding. Sean what is next . Porn. Theres your headline. I love doing my own stuff in my own studio. Sean you want to go back on stage . I want to go back on tour, yes. I want to go on tour and do my standup. I love looking out there. I dont have, like i have a really diverse audience of fans and im very proud of that. I dont just have i have all kind of opinions and i try to e unify what is universal between all of us. Sean when we come back the video of the day. Straight ahead. Video of the sta. At Bass Pro Shops and cabelas we stand together for you. Shop our stores and online for great deals on great gear. Like savings of 25 to 40 on select mens and ladies clothing. And save 30 on select towables. Bass pro shops and cabelas your adventure starts here. But then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. 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Always fair and balanced. Have a great summer weekend. A lot to get back to monday. See you then

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