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A recap of the days headlines and a look at whats in store for tomorrow. And others are not. The latest higher for the New York Times Editorial Board comes with impressive credentials, articles in the atlantic, Washington Post and the times magazine but also baggage of inflammatory and racist twitter posts which had a fierce backlash on conservative websites. Between 20132015, that white men are worse than goblins and bs, marking up the internet with their opinions like Dogs Blanking on fire hydrants. How much joy i get out of being cool to old white men. I do you to get on wikipedia and play things white people can take credit for, really hard. The times said in a statement her journalism and the fact she is a young asian woman made her a subject of frequent online harassment. For appear go of time she responded that harassment by imitating the rhetoric of her harassers. She sees this approach only served to feed the vitriol. She regrets it and the times does not condone it. And she understand how hurtful they seem out of context. Is a woman of color she has faced torrents of online hate such as if i saw you i would talk you in your lesbian face, shut the blank up, you dog eating dredging up offensive tweets, and they parted company. After an uproar over homophobic slurs with white supremacist. The atlantic hired and quickly fired nationals Kevin Williamson over controversial tweets like the law should treat abortion like any other homicide. Williamson said today places like the times should hold the line against Mass Hysteria and Mob Mentality of social media. Most journalists have a path if it is used against them. If they join the online vitriol the consequences can be just as ugly. Jillian lets talk about the media discussion. More from Sarah Sanders today during her back and forth with the press corps. When i was hosted by the Correspondence Association of which all you are members of, you brought a comedian to attack like appearance, called me a traitor to my own gender. As far as i know im the first Press Secretary in history of the United States required Secret Service protection. Jillian steve brown and White House Correspondent for the daily caller who was at the fiery briefing, there was more to it. Outlining specific instances, they are factually correct. I went to say this. The media, like certain outlets, are the envy of the american people. If you trace the historic analog of those comments they are not comments a us president should ever make. We have a First Amendment that protects the media. 13 of the World Population enjoys a free press, everybody else doesnt have one. Those smack of dictators. They are inconsistent with rule of law with a Democratic Society that depends upon free press that holds our government to account. The president makes comments like that, he is delegitimizing the important work the media is doing. Jillian they are showing up and having briefings, they cant stop him from answering questions, he will take straight questions getting on marine one, it is good for your job, you are there. He wants to talk and joust with the media, he likes the challenge of this going back and forth. How did it feel to you . The problem is as you discuss your issues with the president s comments, the president is not going to disavow that position. What jim did is put her in a situation he was trying to get her to disavow her boss. Her job is to speak on behalf of donald trump. He said the Fake News Media is the enemy of the people, she is not going to stand at the podium and disavow that. Is more matter of what you looking for in a question. The deck of the press briefings to extract information on the policy of the United States government. She answered that pretty clearly and in terms of what he was going for im not sure. Shannon making the story about him knowing he was not going to i dont know what his intentions are but these turn into protracted struggles, and shouting and that is what becomes the story whereas we did not get much information about what is going on with a host of different matters. People complain about the policy of this or that and in the Briefing Room we Start Talking about the squabbles. Jillian the Media Research center look at the first portion, abc, cbs, reporters and nonpartisan forces, 10 of comments about the president and his policies were positive, 90 were negative. It seems like a vicious cycle, the president feels attacked all the time by these networks. I feel for him, he is not well equipped to respond by twitter. Shannon he loves that, that is how he got people to vote for him, talking to people directly around the media. The Washington Post has been rather, we can shrug off dan the first trumps attack on the press, they are undemocratic and incite violence. Facing down hostile crowd, supporting colleagues, competitors and the General Public is a must. We had this and many other things that happens, we reached a new level of vitriol. What i would say, why do we have so many reporters in the room if we are supposed to ask the same question and take the same advice from the socalled media gods . We have a free press so we can stand and interpret it and look at it the way we want to. Jim acosta decided to handle himself one day, i decided to handle myself another, and ask about russian interference in our election. Jillian which we are going to talk about. The conversation will continue. It was supposed to be the main event, a dream team representing every major intelligence agency, National Security advisors answering questions about the strategy to metal in us elections. Kristin fisher breaks down what we have learned. Reporter two weeks ago Vladimir Putin promised donald trump that russia did not meddle in the election and would not meddle in the upcoming midterms but today five of the administrations top security and intelligence officials said that is a lie. Russia attempted to interfere in the last election and continues to engage in malign operations to this day. Reporter the Trump Administration is sending up red flares. 100 days until the midterms. The threat is real, it is continuing and we are doing everything we can. Our democracy itself is in the crosshairs. Free and Fair Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. Reporter they insist the interference never affected the vote count but it had an impact in terms of Sowing Discord and undermining confidence. They outlined a strategy involving teamwork with private tech companies, intelligence sharing between federal officials and Ongoing Operations most of which could not be discussed. Democrats were quick to say they should do more and overwhelmingly apply the show of force and solidarity in the white house Briefing Room. And all government approach, great to hear the agencies, i was encouraged by what they said today. They had good command of what we need to do but do they have support from the president . Reporter donald trump had a chance to put the question to rest at the rally tonight and chose not to. Shannon thank you very much. In pennsylvania the president said russia is unhappy he won the election on the heels of a real morning from National Security issues on the russian influence campaign, the president ask critics say too little too late. Remarkable that the institution, essentially moving around their leader to execute these policies, these things should have been done immediately after 2016. Shannon here to discuss, bradley maas and cia analyst and Intelligence Unit member, good to have you with us tonight. A lot of snark came after the briefing where the left has been pushing the president to get serious about this. They talk about it and one article said they produced no new orders and no new information. They are taking this seriously. Mark warner is a ranking democrat, glad to see the white house do something about Election Security even if it is only a press conference. If only it was backed up by anything the president has said or done on russia. They have offered briefings to Senate Democrats on what is happening in the election and it is negative so far. I was once an intern for senator warner many years ago. The problem senator warner and others have is there is no one seemingly in charge. What we heard today in the briefing with the fbi director, great descriptions of what they are doing as an agency. We cant flatfoot in 2016 but who is running it . We had someone brought in to compile all the data, be the person in charge, you handle this part. He was running at this time . Shannon you heard from Secretary Neilsen today. And former ambassador john bolton, National Security adviser, he outlined everything. If you want to see the letter, talked about all the things they are doing, Cyber Security experts conduct vulnerability investments, provide expertise and Incident Response and facilitated training and exercises for Election Officials and equipping them every way we can and readied themselves to provide Rapid Response for cybersecurity incidents and mentioned we are happy to brief the more sensitive classified nature of this to Senate Democrats. There are two important components of this problem, Cyber Hacking and intrusion. That is where you have publicprivate partnerships and others to make sure there are not russian attempt to get into servers or election Voting Machines even when there are ways to intrude on those. Then there is the propaganda aspect, sock puppets on facebook and twitter trying to spread fake news or false information. These are not problems you ever illuminate. It reminds me of the Terrorism Discussion as you try to mitigate risks and working at a federal bureaucracy with lots of different pieces. That are trying to do their best. Everybody needs to understand there is no universe in which there is no propaganda on the internet from foreign countries, no efforts, pretty lowtech unskilled hacking efforts, things like fishing that rely on social engineering. You send someone an email, im the it network, Doesnt Matter what dhs is doing, if you give somebody your password and dont realize it is in cyrillic you have a problem. Shannon we heard from nielsen, the way she estimates cyber attack and the danger of that versus a physical attack from a foreign country. Here is what she said a couple days ago. I worry a lot about cyber. The Cyber Attacks are much bigger than physical attacks that affect all of us, teaching kids through a computer. Shannon what do you think of that . It is clear there are a mess of problems. There is an aspect of this that will never go away. Social media disinformation will always be there but there has to be a measure of leadership, a true consistent message. The one problem this administration has and what they are seeing in terms of how they are fighting back is you get these briefings which were great, which gave what the public needed in terms of reassurance for three or four hours later the president goes to a rally and talks about how it is all russia oaks and Vladimir Putin wants to be my friend. Shannon the president will continue to say there is no evidence of that. The president is clear there was no coordination between his campaign and any of these russian actors we have seen but you have to look at the broader context, the democrats who are complaining, you saw mark warners tweet, the president is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt, he has the most senior National Security officials and a detailed discussion to the degree they can. They wont talk about cyber, doing everything they can to say we got this, trying to make this election as clean as possible. In 2016 the Obama Administration decided not to do more. That was a political calculation. It was a political calculation, not a National Security calculation. Keep in mind i have a feeling some people will be unhappy with the measures no matter what we do. Shannon great to have both of you here tonight. Donald trump on the Campaign Trail and miscellaneous something for current congressman lou barletta and how the administrations successes. You have the lowest level of unemployment in history of our country but how does somebody fight that . How does somebody fight that . Shannon getting more fired up on the Campaign Trail, conservatives or the antitrump resistance, karl rove live with analysis next. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Maybe not. Maybe you could trust you wont have to actually talk to your neighbor. Are you watching the game tonight . Or. You could just trust duracell. When you barely clip a tpassing car. Duracell. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. Maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different Insurance Company. 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When bernie tells how wonderful things are he wants to raise your taxes, create massive amounts of crime, open the borders. Think about it. When he goes out and i say one thing, africanamerican, hispanic, asian, you have the lowest level of unemployment in the history of our country. How did somebody fight that . Shannon is the president doing more to energize the Democratic Base . Senior advisor to george w. Bush karl rove joins us from texas. Good evening. Shannon i want to read something from an article on the whole, democrats are gleeful about trump commanding the spotlight with fewer than 100 days until the midterms. They know his Approval Ratings even if they picked up modestly in recent weeks, they contend his involvement will just democratic turnout which will outweigh any beneficial effects on gop voter enthusiasm. You see these rallies, Tens Of Thousands of people showing up, isnt enough to make a difference in the midterms. Lets be careful about taking rallies as an indication how the election might turn out. These are terrific rallies but in 1972 George Mcgovern was met with huge turnout throughout the country, in 1988 Michael Dukakis was wellreceived, Walter Mondale could have big rallies. Got to be careful about this because in the foxhole that came out a few days ago, july 11, 46 approve of the president s job performance. Only 28 strongly approved, 18 somewhat approved. Disapproval, 51 , but 41 strongly disapprove. The opposition is energized. How does the president handle the issue of energizing these people and not adding to the way over here, a difficult thing to do for anybody in the white house but the president is smart to go out and do these rallies now to get people just up but at the end of the campaign it will be smart in many contests for the president to absent himself from the scene and the candidates shine through some people say if i like trump i will vote for the person who stand with trump but if im not so hot on trump let me make a decision between two people on the ballot. We have seen that with all kinds of president s, president obama stayed away from races that could hurt the candidate but folks are going to look at 2016 and say the polls were so far off they were never told the president had a legitimate chance of winning, a 2 chance and look what happened. Is that dangerous for conservatives and gop voters to say i dont trust the polls . Is it better for republicans if they say i do trust them and i need to show up . Three things. Republicans can make that argument without having the president in every district or every critical contest at the end. The candidates can make that point. It is important to remember who will decide this election. Back to the foxhole 43 of the people in the july survey were democrats, 41 republicans, 15 independents, candidates have to have a message that at the end of the day keeps their base and it is a significant slug of independence, not just by the president but by them. He can help raise money, Recruit Volunteers but at the end the president going into these districts in the end they are running the risk of his message, im donald trump, im your president overwhelming their issue which is on your candidate and i will represent your values and views. The final point, running for president when your name is on the ballot like Donald Trumps was in 2016 is a lot different than a midterm in which people are voting by and large in a midterm voting against the party in power which is why we had rare moments like 20021998 in which the party that holds the white house made gains. Shannon they may keep coming out. Keep multiplying. I want to get you to respond, Rudy Giuliani representing the president saying i say this not as a lawyer but this election is going to be about impeachment or no impeachment, who wins the issue better . That issue if it is at the center of the election is they are wired up about it but if the issue is one in which republicans say if we go the other direction we are going to be in a bad place as a country, wont be constructive and i know enough about this republican candidate that they will do what i want needs to be done so democrats make a mistake by beating the drums too much, republicans could beat them a little bit, dont drown out the noise of how strong the economy is an steps to make it stronger and things democrats want to do to impede or reverse this great economic dynamic. We had a lot of that from the president and he is looking forward to being in ohio and many other places, he is happiest on the Campaign Trail, thank you for weighing in. On day 3 of the trial of paul manafort, special counsel Team Questions one witness, manaforts bookkeeper, she didnt know he had any foreign financial holdings, the mueller team charges he could 69 of fees hidden from the irs and his money dried up for a while in 2016, that is when prosecutors allege he doctored Financial Statements to get loans. No talk about russian collusion, no mention of the president. Muellers lawyers said he had every intention of calling their star witness to the stand. He got a plea deal and is cooperating with the mueller team. More news next. Yea,that and homeowners, renters, motorcycle and boat insurance. Huh. Thats nice. What happens when you catch a fish . Gecko whoa. Geico. More than just car insurance. See how much you could save at geico. Com. Im ok mike tobin in chicago. Reporter a big difference between this and other demonstrations is it happened without the blessing of city leaders because a core issue was a call for the resignation of romney manual. Rahm emanuel. But this was about money. They took the demonstration out of impoverished neighborhoods on the west side and took it to the nice part of town demanding Economic Development in other parts of town. One of the organizers tells me a primary complaint was Violence Prevention Money goes towards organizations run by white people, something he frequently says, black death in the city of chicago as a hustle. They hire black folks to work for them but we can run our own organization. We dont need a gobetween. Reporter the message got muddy, they demonstrated against black on black violence but this was about police involved shooting, demonstrators invoked the mcdonald shooting blocking traffic, making sure demonstrators were safe even as they went to wrigleyville. There were more police on the street and demonstrators. Reverend gregory livingston, one of the organizers says what was accomplished with the voices given to people who were Disempowered And Political Will was created. Shannon time now for Where In The World . White farmers, get stunning and catastrophic, the nations Ruling African National congress endorsing proposed constitutional changes to allow the state to legally seize land owned by white farmers without compensation. Attentive Land Transfer to black ownership since the end of apartheid but that is only a third of the targets. Force transfers of white land in zimbabwe, violence broke out in the economy crashed. Google looking to launch a censored version of its search engine in china. Documents reveal the Search Apps Names dragonfly blocks search terms like human rights, democracy, religion and peaceful protest. Pope francis agreed the Death Penalty is inadmissible under all circumstances and the Catholic Church must work to abolish it. It is a change to the official Church Teaching and reflect his view that all life is sacred and there is no justification for statesponsored execution, the new Church Teaching says this constitutes an attack on the dignity of human beings. When we return exclusive footage of some of the items returned from north korea, personal effects and military gear only on fox next. Mike walsh also ways in on a provocative message from iran. Military quitman Scientists Say is authentic to us soldiers during the korean war era, buttons and helmets, campaigns have been recovered as Government Scientists working on identifying presumed remains of those lost in the korean war. We saw remains that were consistent from what we found from korean war recoveries over the years. We found remains that were consistent with being americans. Shannon colonel mike walsh is here to weigh in on diplomatic efforts with north korea. What do you make of this . The president says it represents the tough talks, negotiations in singapore, and they are getting rid of the nuclear program. Before we get into the negotiations can i reiterate when we go into combat we make a solemn oath to brothers and sisters to the left and right of us that we will never leave a fallen soldier and if the worst happens, our fellow americans, government will do Everything Possible to get our remains back to our families. I cant over emphasize how important it is to have that closure. They suffer the burden of our service. We think our veterans and take an extra step, it is a team effort to defend our country. In the broader effort, the previous high in terms of remains, and 5000 still missing. They would allow the joint teams of american Forensic Experts to go in and help find these remains rather than trickling out a few dozen at a time. We have over 5000 to get to. Shannon noreen loper talks about her brother, james omeara, missing since 1953. She said it has been a long time. For most people it is a forgotten war. For me there was never any closure. I keep thinking am i going to find out in my lifetime . I have got to know what happened to him even if it is only bones. What this means for people who dont have answers or any piece of their loved one so they can say goodbye to them. I wake up every single day thinking how i can make that day worthy of the americans that we lost. How can we all be worthy of the lives that are sacrificed and my heart goes out to families that Dont Have Closure and this is an important step. My hat is off to donald trump for putting it front and center in his negotiations with kim jong un. Shannon we heard that iran left to have a massive naval exercise, that was no secret but we have a tweet saying u. S. Navy cant find its way around our waters. Perhaps they havent figured out its name, persian gulf as it has been called for 2000 years longer than the us has existed or maybe it doesnt know what it is doing in our backyard 70,000 miles from home. An ageold dispute between the arabs in the middle east and the persians with you, the arabian gulf for the persian gulf. And literary circles, the arabian gulf because our allies, the saudis and others is what they call it but what this is is the uraniums Saber Rattling and diverging attention to the United States because it is so bad internally right now in iran. Donald trump rightly withdrew from the iran deal, reimposed sanctions because he knows, john bolton knows and others know the achilles heel of iran is the economy. The currency is tanking, inflation is spiking, the regime is in real trouble. The president of iran has been called to the carpet on not being able to find basic services to his people and i applaud donald trump for putting his foot on the neck of the iran he and economy and the regime which mind its pocket with what he received. Shannon the people will make the difference and they are speaking out. We will watch closely. The Trump Administration kicks another obama era regulation to the curb. A number of left leaning, we will see you in court next. From any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. Economy standards instituted during the Obama Administration. Reporter the latest and arguably biggest Potential Rollback of obama era regulations to date. Under the proposed rule the Trump Administration, at year 2020 levels, 40 miles per gallon, rescinding the rise to 54. 5 miles per gallon by 2025. Opponents see it as a bonus for automakers struggling to meet standards, some having cheated to meet them. Supporters see it as a win for consumer choice. They will be empowered to choose what kind of vehicle they want to drive, not being told what vehicles to drive from bureaucrats from washington. Reporter 20 State Attorneys General condemned the proposed change announcing plans to sue voting a final rule would weaken efforts to produce carbon pollution, improve Water Quality and save money on gas. The Trump Administration moved to withdraw californias cafe waiver. California history 3 emission standards than 13 other states representing 40 million americans. California sued in may in anticipation of these actions. California will do what it takes to maintain the clean car standards. Reporter both sides argue saving lives is their primary concern, proponents noted to meet standards automakers have reduced vehicle weight. The lighter the vehicle the higher the risk for the driver. Reporter the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety finds two thirds of vehicles with the highest death rates were small cars but opponents of the proposed change site california wildfires, mudslides and childhood asthma as manifestations of Climate Change brought on by increased co2 levels spewing in part from auto tailpipes. The earth is not flat and Climate Change is real. Can someone please inform the folks at the white house . Reporter of the will becomes finalized it will not change the ability of low emission 0 emission cars, already making in rodents the marketplace constituted by 5 of sales in california alone with greater market share available. Shannon stay with us, our Midnight Hero is next. Money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. 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