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Authorities are treating this as a likely terrorist event. I want to have bring in to the discussion the information that you have just mentioned which goes to the idea that there was a level of coordination and likely a cell that was involved in this attack. We have the initial event, which was the plowing down of pedestrians, tourists, families On Las Rambla, which is pedestrianized. It does allow for some vehicle traffic. Now a followon event in a nearby street with the police, individuals apparently armed. Now, as you have been reporting for the last 90 minutes, shepard, they have also shut down the subway systems. Based on my experience, covering this area for more than a decade, they shut down Commuter Systems when they believe they have an ongoing operation. So they are trying to prevent followon attacks and they are trying to limit movement in their effort to identify suspects on the rental vehicles. Renting a van tells you that they wanted to maximize casualties, whatever their motivation was in this particular attack. You noted that an individual has been identified who rented one of the vans. And then we have a second van, which is 40 miles out of the city. There are two scenarios that would be considered here, based on my experience. One is that it was a get away vehicle. But perhaps one of the more likely scenarios is that there had been a plan to have at least two vehicular attacks in barcelona today but for some reason that was abandoned. We have an ongoing situation. The driver of the van that plowed down the pedestrians is holed up there and reportedly armed, now from a u. S. Government perspective, i can tell you in the last two hours, youve seen all of the relevant agencies in this country gear up and get entirely focused on barcelona. Homeland security, the acting secretary There Elaine Duke has been briefed and is monitoring the situation. The fbi is willing to offer help and engage. Though for the time being this is seen as an ongoing situation thats unfolding. But they will assist and provide assets if necessary. The National Counter Terrorism Center or nctc which is the Group Responsible for gathering information and monitoring information. They are very engaged. Until recently the homeland secretary john kelly now Chief Of Staff has been keeping the president up to date. So all of the key agencies, all of the players are fully engaged. Now, just as a final point, we dont know who was responsible or what group may have been responsible or their motivation. But what we do know is that isis social media accounts have been celebrating the attack in barcelona. Now i want to emphasize this is not considered a claim of responsibility and these are not what are described as Leadership Accounts for the terror group. They are called fan boy accounts. They kind of jump in when there is violence around the world. But they are very much engaged. One of my contacts who does social media collection for Government Agencies has told me that there was an isis Affiliated Telegram posting in early july, specifically about bars lopena. And i mention this because Social Media Postings from isis accounts about spain are very rare. Very infrequent. And for that reason that was passed along to Law Enforcement in this country. If we learn that has a greater significance than a most on social media, we will certainly bring this to you. What we are seeing unfold right now is something that seems to have many parts, a degree of coordination, and it speaks to the likelihood that this was a small cell that coordinated this mission, shep. Potentially for more suspects and they have one suspect holed up inside a turkish restaurant. This car rammed into. Fired at police. Were told escaping on foot whether they were able to track those people down to what degree they were connected to the initial attack. All of those things are left for speculation, so you go ahead if you want. But the police havent said these two things are related in any way. But, we dont really have to wait for police on that particular matter. New information from john glenn and a new photo from the intersection of the car that hit police. We have on bat 3. That is the vehicle that hit the white ford focus that i described just a short time ago. This is the vehicle that hit the police. Our understanding of things and we only have just a couple of lines from the State Television there. But this vehicle came and rammed into police. The people got out of the car. And then began firing at the officers there on scene. Incredible that all of this is going down in this tightly packed tourist area. The busiest month of the year. People from all over Europe Vacationing in barcelona and across the region. And now this really horrendous attack. Getting an update from the Westminster Studios of sky news now. Lets listen. Attack we are seeing has been arrested by the police. But in addition to that, we have been reporting reports from local media about the possibility of armed individuals making their way into a restaurant or a bar. The police have said in reaction to those reports that there is no one held up in a bar in boston. It may well be the case that were actually at the end point of this Terrorist Attack given that one individual is in custody. Shepard in fact, we have just gotten this tweet from police translated into english. There is no one interspersed in any bar in the center of barcelona. We arrested a man and treated him as a terrorist and then attack barcelona and ramblas. This has just come from the authorities there. So, as i was mentioning to you earlierer, it was widely being reported Standoff Ands who tanks and all the rest. We believe now that the confusion on that and i said at the time, first reports are often inaccurate. Sure enough. The confusion was that these people had barricaded themselves inside a restaurant fearing that there might be a gunman out there somewhere. Word was transmitted through social media and otherwise to local media, local media were attempting to get to the scene to find out for themselves but the whole area was cordoned off, which is why i said earlier it seems very strange that were not getting more Information On. This well, now, the police have come forward to say what everyone thought was a standoff was actually people holed up inside a building trying to protect themselves. Not as if they were under attack in any way. So the driver of the van that was at the end of las rambla, the driver of that van is now in custody and being treated as a terrorist. The second van is a ways away and 40 miles away. As you heard from the reporting of sky news, getting this just as we were, it appears now, we can hope, that this thing is winding to a close. Still left unknown is how this attack on police is related specifically to this incident. Of that we cannot be certainty moment because authorities i will show you the ford focus again. It was up on bat 3. The ford focus that rammed into police. This is the scene. We know it happened. We know that according to the police who were there, they got out and started firing on them. And then escaped on foot. One could presume that they are now trying to find that person. We have just gotten new information about the suspect in this case. The man who has been arrested or at least the one who has been identified as the suspect by the authorities has apparently posted some matters on facebook. Remember i told you that the person who rented the van, which crashed there in to the people On Las Rambla is a Guy Named Chri named dris ouk. Our understanding set one arrested as a suspect. We knew he rented the van. Its our understanding now he is the one that has been arrested as a suspect. And he, according to some Media Reports, he had a lot to say on facebook. He is being widely reported on across spanish media at this moment and im going to wait until we hear from authorities specifically on this because this happened two days after jerusalem old city. Response to that he was recently railing over the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Lands and has now carried out this attack in spain. So, authorities will let us know soon enough. But it sounds like they are getting to the bottom of who this arrested suspect is. No doubt they are attempting to interview him at the very least. And sky news with some further reporting on this. Lets listen. Never going to be a shortage of Police Officers in the vicinity. How they manage the Situation Zeal to look at in the future, im sure. Pretty much is very difficult was the vehicle is in motion to bring that vehicle to a halt. I imagine that this attack probably only lasted for a couple of minutes in total. So, we mustnt get into the realms of how they done well or havent they done well. Sure. We will find out when whether we find out this person been arrested. What his history is and whether i should have been stopped before that. There was clearly a priority for the American Services to establish a cordon. Not simply a 50meter cordon around the vehicle itself but a fairly substantial cordon in the heart of, you know, one of europes busiest most metropolitan cities. What is the thinking, the strategy behind that . So what you are trying to do is create and island site which can you control. Shepard they are working to do that even now after this most recent attack on police as reported by State Television in the last 20 to 30 minutes. Our coverage will continue now and throughout the afternoon on Fox News Channel, on satellite and cable. For those of you watching on one of our local fox stations on on my network television. We thank you for your time. We will return to you your regular programming. Im Shepard Smith fox news, new york. And continuing on Fox News Channel now with the latest on the lets turn to Joseph Wilson who is a reporter for the Associated Press who is in barcelona. Joseph, do you have anything on this police on adiagonal there. No. There is Nothing Official on that. Shepard well, the only thing im saying is that the State Television, Public Television in barcelona is reporting it. And they have a picture of this vehicle. I guess there is just Nothing Official from police yet. What can you tell us about the initial attack On Las Ramblas . What we know is that there was a white van that it started to pick up speed and swerve down the middle of the podest pedestrian street. Which at this time in august is if you feel tourists. It seems to have hit several preds. Pedestrians. One dead and 32 wounded. The police chief said that that would probably death count would probably go up and the local media report reports shepard sounds like we have lost the phone connection. Are you still there . Yeah, Phone Connections have been spotty throughout the day. We lost the reporter for the moment. We know a suspect is in custody. Shorts have confirmed that to us. We know the name of the person who rented the van. The renter of the van, we have confirmed is dris oukabi. And now local media in spain are reporting that its dris oukabi the renter of the van who was arrested for driving the van, swerving and picking up speed along that boulevard. But authorities have not confirmed that to us. But its certainly being widely reported all across spain and europe 312 injured and 10 of them very seriously. That translates to critical in a u. S. English parlance sky news is updating on this. Lets listen. Unfortunately almost get worse. However bad this is. It could have been so much worse if the vehicle was contained. Its as simple as that and we have to bear in mind that this is a evolving threat. One that we have to give our Police Officers protection. Still, one imagines that in barcelona there will be as there has been in the aftermath of the London Bridge attack. A reappraisal of what measures can be put in place to try and guard against incidents of this type. What we did in 2005,. Shepard get a little bit more information. Joseph, we dropped off from your connection when you started talking about the injury total there. Yeah, the official count is that there is one person died and 32 have been wounded. Although local Media Reports say that there could be up to 13 dead. And also the regional police chief said unfortunately due to the number of seriously injured that the number of deaths could go up. Shepard what do you know if anything about the renter of this van who has been identified as dris oukabi . At the moment everything is based on local Media Reports. There has been Nothing Official. Nothing has been confirmed as of yet. The only thing that is official is that the Catalan Police arrested one man. A man held up in a bar surrounded by police. Right off the ramblas. There is nobody in that bar. So it seems that the man had sounds if the Police Arrested him. Shepard sounds as if there are others. Police are confirmed a van 40 miles away set to have been use used in this plot. Whatever that means. They have gone through that van and there are no explosives there. Do you know anything about that connection . It appears. Its still very fluid and very confusing at the moment. At least they suspect that there were other people involved in the attack and, yes, there are reports that there is a second van that has been found. Also, the center of the barcelona has been cordoned off in large areas and also it seems that in there where they found the van and the city nearby city as well. That they have blocked off the area to investigate. Shepard Joseph Wilson reporter for Associated Press with us from barcelona. We will get back to him as news develops. We certainly appreciate it, joseph. We turn to Trace Gallagher now who is getting new information from the scene. Trace . And just to pick up, shep, on what Catherine Herridge was talking about and that reporter in barcelona as well. The rented van seems to follow a pattern. Because the London Attack back in june we did extensive research on isis and their connection to these attacks. If you go on their social media website you will notice isis is saying to their followers All Over The World to use vehicles to attack but they are specifically saying that these things should be rented or stolen. That seems to be the pattern they are following. But its not just attacking with vehicles. They are also giving instructions on the knives to use once you get out of the vehicle. Did you go over as many people as you possibly can and you get out with a knife or a gun and you try to kill more people. If you go back to the london Terror Attack, it was the same m. O. 1245 happened today in barcelona. The van runs over as many people as possible and the suspect or suspects get out. They go to the nearby bars or restaurants and they try to attack people there. That seems to be kind of what we are seeing here. The Terror Experts we talked to about then, shep, says there is no coincidence to the fact that this happened in las ramblas which is a very heavily populated Tourist Destination or happened at the London Bridge or Westminster Bridge or Christmas Market in berlin last year. These are all packed with tourists. So this method oriented attack isnt just focused on spaniards or the brits. This is focused on the entire world. The hope is with a lot of tourists that. So casualties might be have various spots around the world. We saw that in the paris attacks, again, a couple of years ago so as you look at these various attacks and you read these social media sites involving isis. You kind of get the feeling that these are, you know, these are inspired and these are promoted in a certain category and all of them, at least that we have gone back the past six or seven have kind of followed a very similar m. O. Across the board. Shep . Shepard trace, have you gotten anything on this attack on police . This white ford focus that Authorities Say rammed into a police car and then began firing, the occupant . We have got nothing except what have you reported. We have looked on twitter and looked on Breaking News Sites and no specifics at all on that. Only what have you reported on this so far. And its unclear if there was an attack on police one. And two, was it in any way connected to this attack that happened On Las Rambla. Of course, the translatiOn Las Rambla is the avenue and las ramblas the avenues in barcelona. There is no no bearing attack las ramblas. We have no brand new information except what you have reported, shep. Shepard new information coming in from local authorities. Calalanian government sent out official report, 13 people are now confirmed dead and 50 reported injured. The number in hospitals is said to have been around 50 about an hour ago. As one local hospital that is very nearby had reported exactly that number. And now the catalonian government 50 wounded and 13 killed. First video from the scene that came out, its just hard to imagine walking upon a scene of this nature. Remember, the report is that the van driver came on to this pedestrian area. You have been to european cities where there are thousands and thousands of pedestrians standing around. And here comes this little car through there. Its just kind of how they roll. So you can get cars in these largely pedestrianized streets. Open up for the cars to come by at a very slow pace. Our understanding this van got up there starting out very slow and then just hit the gas and went down this pedestrian way for about a third of a mile before coming to a stop at an intersection and then the driver of that vehicle getting out. R. Initially the driver kind of got lost in the crowds of tourists there, according to the reporting. And then there was this widespread report across all sorts of media, including from some police on scene, widespread reporting that the suspect was holed up in this Restaurant Bar type place. It turned out that wasnt the case. He was arrested not far away from there. We know who the renter of the vehicle is. And we know that they have arrested a suspect, but we dont have a way to know yet whether thats the same person. A lot of some news organizations are making a connection there. We know who rented the van. But we dont know who was driving the van on that street. That hasnt been confirmed to us. We have not seen a picture of the driver. We cant put the two together yet until authorities go there because thats just not how it works. Tara maller is with us again. Senior policy advisor. Former cia analyst. Tara, i dont know the connection between the ramming of this Police Vehicle and the shots fired there. And this initial scene. But if they are connected as one might suspect, then this is wider than first realized. Sure. It seems like there is a very good chance theyre connected. But it could also be, perhaps, a copycat situation. We just saw a things happen in a short perst. It suggestions there is connection. I think we have to wait and see. They will be looking at that individual who rented the van rather closely. You pointed out correctly we dont know if that was the driver. Could be the case it was rented under another name, for example. It could be the case another person rented intentionally perhaps the driver of the van or Somebody Else on the attack on somebodiens radar. Rented it through Somebody Else. We dont know that yet. All of them are parts of the puzzle and looked and investigated into by authorities. As i said earlier, usually within the next 24 to 48 hours we have a lot more complete picture of what actually happened mere. Who these people are and where they live. Im sure authorities are going to be looking at their cell phones and laptops, Anything Thatting can obtained from their places of residence. Key to this is apprehending all the individuals that were involved and making sure that they are not part of a large are cell. We know larger cells have been a problem in europe. You know, a lot of focus has been on places, for example, like brussels just because of foreign fighter flows. But barcelona has also potentially homegrown terrorism there as well. So authorities really need to rule out that this is not part of a larger more orchestrated plot themselves. Shepard im sure they are working on that as we speak. Continuing coverage of the Terror Attack in barcelona. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. With the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses and automatically adjusts on both sides. The new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. And right now save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. Thats why theres trintellix, a Prescription Medication for depression. Trintellix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. Tell your Healthcare Professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. 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We have these as two separate reports without context. Were waiting for local authorities to give us to bring us some context. And were confident that at some point they will do that. This is not that point. So, were left with a series of bits of information confirmed for you. Tv 3, State Television for the region of cat leona in spain where barcelona is, tv 3 reporting that a man has died in a shootout with police. Some three hours after the initial incident On Las Ramblas. We know that about a half hour ago, maybe a little longer a white ford focus ran into Police Check Point on a diagonal street there. That whoever was in that vehicle got out of the vehicle, began firing at police. Then escaped on foot. We know that there was a manhunt for that person or those persons. Now, separately, maybe, there has been a shootout and during that shootout, a person being described by authorities as a terrorist has died. Lets listen in first of all, lets go to rich edson at the State Department. Secretary tillerson spoke on this matter, recidivism. Hmatter, rich. He did, shep. U. S. Consulate in barcelona issued an Emergency Message to inform u. S. Citizens of the attack. U. S. Citizens should have security awareness, Monitor Media and local information sources. The u. S. Stands in solidarity with spain according to this. And crimes like this cowardly attack only reinforce our shared resolve to stop these senseless attacks that target the innocent. This comes just a short while after the Secretary Of State, after a meeting with his japanese counter parts here at the state Department Led off his remarks talking about this attack. He said it has the hallmarks, it appears, of a Terrorist Attack. That the embassy is assisting americans and others there. And that terrorists around the world should know that the United States and its allies have the resolve to bring you to justice. Just to dial back a little bit here on may 1st, the State Department updated its european Travel Warning ahead of the busy european travel season. A lot of americans go to europe and travel and the state Department Just wanted to warn that attacks like these have been becoming more common please and extremists focused on, transportation hubs, markets, parks and soft targets. They use objects like knives and vehicles as ramming objects. So that warning from the state Department Months ago ahead of the busy Holiday Travel season in europe over the summer as the Secretary Of State and now the State Department all speaking on this warning americans to stay vigilant over there. Shep . Shepard thanks very much. Rich edson reporting from the State Department this afternoon. Sky news with some new video. Let much listen. As you can see some, understandably enough wishing to get as far away from the scene of the attack as possible. We do have some other pictures. And, again, a warning, these Arent Graphic Images showing the immediate aftermath of the attack. We see many more seriously injured individuals. Perhaps even worse. Everyone is surrounded by passers by. Not Emergency Personnel but just ordinary people stopping to help. Others standing dazed and confused. And you can understand why. Joining us in the studio now, Chris Phillips the former head of the National Counter Terrorism Security office. Chris, thanks for staying around. I know that you have to leave shortly. I just want to get your thoughts as we appear to be in the end moments of at least the active Police Operation on the ground. Your thoughts about the way in which this has been handled . I know this is far too early to pass judgment whether it has worked or not. Clearly there was a plan in place and the plan has been followed by the police. Yes. Absolutely. Lets not forget Spanish Police are used to dealing with terrorism. Thats a good start. There is very little that you can do when a Vehicle Pavement and runs people over. What you are judged on then, i think, is your ability to stop the vehicle, to arrest the suspects and to bring it all to a halt. That, they appear, to have done. Thats great. We also must not jump to any conclusions here that we are hearing that they have been arrested and one has been shot. Actually, this still could be ongoing. The fact that two vehicles were rented by the same person at the same time is interesting. And, of course, the police will be wanting to follow up that case. And as to whether there is other people that may be involved in a group or whether this is indeed one person acting or two people acting together. Is it not a reality of the 21st century that if you are in a major city center, on a busy, you know, normal busy day, that one has to start giving some thought to the prospect that Something Like this might happen . Yeah. And i think there is no there is no secret that this is going to be this has been hang. Its going to happen in the future. People should be aware and be looking at how they can protect themselves. But, its also interesting, again, that this is another iconic site. This is really everyone that goes to barcelona will go to this venue there is a meaning behind that that means it involves everyone from all sorts of different nations. They will probably be injured and dead from lots of different nations. That will mean the Press Coverage of this will increase across the world. And that is exactly what the tastes want. And its very difficult for us to try to stop that because actually what he theyre doing is succeeding at the moment. We will face this for a few years to come. Again. Many people assume this is a relatively recent phenomenon, that this is a new tactic. We are just seeing it increase in frequency. As we will actually you can go all the way back to the mumbai hotel attack and find a similar set of circumstances. This is not a new tactic but it clearly is one being used with greater frequency. It is. Isis and al baghdadi came up with this to tell his people to go and do this. So, thats, i think, is where the acceleration has come from. Thats where this has suddenly happened more and more. Of course, its a really simple thing to do. Kinetic attack with minimal planning and in fact we dont know yet, but the terrorist could say have made this decision to do this just seconds before he mounted the pavement. Thats almost impossible for the police to stop. Chris phillips, we appreciate you staying with us for as long as you possibly okay lets bring in james brown, director of geopolitical specialist in political and security risk. James, just your first thoughts on what we have seen develop this afternoon on the sophistication or otherwise of this latest Terrorist Attack in western europe. Well, i think my first reaction was probably pretty similar to a lot of other peoples. This isnt a great surprise. We have seen a series of attacks in Western European major cities over the last couple of years. Particularly Vehicle Attacks. Not surprising at all. We saw the nice attack, berlin attack and also the London Bridge attack most recently. One the striking things is that two decades jihaddists have been looking for ways for ordinary, unskilled sympathizers to conduct very impactful attacks with a minimum of training. And what we see now is they found actually the combination that allows them to do that. These Vehicle Attacks are extremely difficult to stop. It is that move from the skilled, you know, jihad camp trained individual to someone who merely just agrees with an ideology. Of course, we dont know the nationality. We do not know the background of the attackers involved in this particular incident. But, Chris Phillips was saying a moment ago has been effective in the sense that people have died and people are talking about it. Yes. Exactly. And the challenged for the Security Forces throughout west europe and in america as well is going to be the shear success of this attack will lead to further attacks. Jihaddists will be watching this footage the same we are thinking this is a very successful attack. Easily carried out and cant be stopped. There must be more of them. Just in terms of the way in which the police and one presumes in the margins other security services, other Spanish Security services have operated, what do you make of the protest prots they have clearly had in place and deployed. All the major police and Security Forces are ready for attacks like this. What we saw very quickly are Armed Police Response units deployed on the streets and so on. Very capable, very rapid. At the end of the day, by the time they are on the streets, a lot of time the attack has already taken place. Again, as we look here, it does feel, we have yet to have any confirmation from Catalan Police. It does feel we may have reached the end point of this particular terrorist incident. But as with the attack that took place in London Bridge and market, one imagines that those responsible for governance in the city of barcelona will be looking again at their preparedness and what. Shepard as they talk about preparedness and certainly cities around the world are having to come to terms with that, we have gotten new Information On this man who died in a shootout with police. Remember we have the picture of the ford focus, which rammed into a Police Check Point about an hour and a half after the initial incident. And this is that ford focus. Police reported that the driver of that focus got out. It actually said the passengers got out and began firing at the police. Turns out there was but one driver of that car. The driver got away. Then ended up, when police found that driver, on foot, they ended up in a shootout. The driver of that vehicle died that person is believed to be in some way attached to the original incident, where the van came plowing down las ramblas. Killing 13 and injuring 50. How they are connected, we dont know. We dont have anything official on a connection from police. We are now led to believe that a News Conference will be coming soon. We have translation on stand by and we will bring that to you live as Fox News Channels coverage continues this afternoon. Having moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis is not always easy. Its a longdistance run. And you have the determination to keep going. Humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. 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And the premise on which he is speaking is false. By snopes but there is the president input for today. Bring in former commander of the fbi hostage rescue team. They have a suspect in custody. One suspect is dead. They have one in custody, believed to be the driver of that van. I would guess you can get a lot of information out of him now. Absolutely. You know, this is a terrible event, shepard, as you know. And very difficult to prevent. An active shooter or an active killer situation cannot be prevented unless you have actual intelligence and by arresting this man. Interrogating him. Knowing he faces severe consequences over there. He might very well cooperate with the authorities giving them enough information that they can go out and round up more of these guys before they do the same thing. Shepard that or if you believe the reports out of media over in europe, an actually some of in United States now, his facebook suggested that he was mad about other matters. He was concerned about the jews in Palestinian Territories and the like. I dont know why. I dont know anymore than that. You know. Who the hell knows with these people anymore. You can only protect yourself so far. What they want to do is change our way of life. They would like it so that everything is locked down and we cant live the way we want to live and, you know, already out of barcelona. Already out of barcelona we are hearing were not going to change our way of life. They will be back at it again tomorrow. Quick commercial break. Coverage tips after this. Continues afterd this. Roven to, moisturize, and freshen breath. Try biotene®. Try biotene®. I know when i hand them the its gonna be scary. Car but i also know that were gonna have usaa insurance for both my boys. Its something that theyre not even gonna have to think of. Its just gonna be in the family. Were the tenneys and were usaa members for life. This is lloyd. To prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. Hes agreed to give it up. Ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. Well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. Yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. More pills. Yep. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain. I want my aleve. Get all day minor Arthritis Pain Relief with an easy open cap. 25 miles i should say 25kilometers. 17 or 18 miles north of barcelona. Rented this white van. Apparently rented it yesterday. And he is the one, according to police, who drove the vehicle down the crowded tourist street, las ramblas and killed 13 people and 50 others. He is certainly innocent until Proven Guilty but he is the suspect in doing so from police. Now, he had a Facebook Page up, not long ago. In fact, in the mid part mid to late part of july. I think it was july the 21st, he was railing against Israeli Occupation of palestine as he put it. And concerned for arab children and upset with Israeli Occupation. That was on his Facebook Page. It has since been taken down. His Facebook Page is not accessible now. They have taken it down since he was i implicated in this matter. The attack that happened three and a half hours ago, he is one of two suspects. This suspect was arrested by police after he got out of the van at the end of las ramblas, after this one third mile trip running over all these pedestrians on the street there. He got away. Then police captured him. And he is the suspect. Dris oukabi. We expect to get more from authorities on him shortly. First, lets get to Trace Gallagher with more details for us. Trace. I want to update you, shep, on a story we brought you earlier about the american u. S. Mens College Basketball teams over in barcelona during this Terror Attack. We have now checked in and all of those teams, were talking about the university of oregon, university of arizona, clemson and tulane. We have now gotten reports from all of those teams that their players and associates and coaches, everybody who was traveling with those teams is safe. This was important because they were all staying in hotels very near las ramblas. And their tournament was being played in that vicinity and there was actually a video sent out earlier this morning around the time of the attack. We cant verify that showing some the University Oregon players actually visiting different Tourist Destinations. There was concern about the safety of these americans. Now we know they have all checked in. No injuries, no problems with any of those teams. We have also noted that clemsons Basketball Game Tonight has been cancelled. That team will come home tomorrow. Other teams apparently will stay there for the next several days. So good news on that front in a horrific day in barcelona. Clearly, this was targeted at more than just the spaniards. They knew this was a Tourist Destination as we were told earlier on sky news. The m. O. Here is to go after and kill as many people from as many different places as possible. So the news media from All Over The World has a sincere and avid interest in covering. This basketball players, mens basketball players from the u. S. All safe and accounted for. Shep . Shepard thats good news indeed. Trace gallagher. Thank you very much. I have been reading up on this suspect for you. If you choose to you can search this mans name on twitter, and you will find a lot of interesting information out there. Some thats verified and some that isnt. But this matter of his Facebook Page, we can vouch for that. The Facebook Page has been taken down and he is very upset about Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Lands. And that was part of it. Clearly of arab dissent. I dont know where he has been living. But were expecting a News Conference from police shortly. We know that he is the one who rented the van. Rented it yesterday and then is accused of driving that van through these crowds in barcelona over the last three and a half hours or so. He is from morocco. He lived in spain. And we believe he is well, we believe he is 27. But we know he is in his late 20s. Dris oak oukabir. Thats his name. And he is under arrest. We we told you earlier that one person was killed in a shootout with police. And we know that thats the person who ran up on a Police Check Point and began firing on police, according to those authorities afterwards. That person eventually died in the shootout with police. We really dont know his exact ties to the main incident, to the van plowing through all the people. We dont know if has any connection to dris oukabi the suspect in this cases. We dont know yet. The scene on the crash at the diagonal at the Police Check Point happened there werent media around there at the time except for the photographer. You saw the picture of the white ford focus on scene there. We showed it to you earlier. Just that one picture. Thats the white ford focus and previous was the suspect now, the one who police say is alive and brought into custody dris oukabi who is a man in his late 20s from morocco had been living in spain and he is in spain and in custody and apparently speaking with authorities though we dont know the degree to which he is cooperating of the Spanish Civil Guard as they called it first confirmed this is the man who rented the vehicle. There was no way to confirm he is the one who carried out this attack but they began circulating his picture, its our understanding to authorities there on scene. They were looking for this particular man and then authorities on scene in barcelona found him

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