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>> thanks for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday on fox news and don't forget on social media and i everybody calm down to her, hey girl. parks across and listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. good night from new york city. it can be they republican, you can be a democrat, just don't be a [bleep]. there is. ♪ ♪ >> joey jones and charlie hurt, welcome to the "big weekend show". the big boy tonight, calm, circumstance and politics for president biden in paris, biden telling the world that climate change is the only existential crisis to humanity. then claims is the son of the american revolution. what has correspondent peter doocy with the president tonight in paris. >> where the sun is setting what president biden is trying to say, he thinks putin could move further into alluding to the fact that a different dictator did that here in france, not that long ago. >> i meant france for the leadership as well. over 107 billion dollars in ukraine since the war began because you know what happened. >> there is a greater that can't be battled with standing armies or drones. the president said during a brief statement, it's climate change directly work together for peace and stability like good security and counterterrorism. that threat of climate change growing later working together to accelerate to net zero. only existential threat to humanity including nuclear weapons is that we do nothing on climate change. i could go on. >> president biden and first lady attended equity stake dinner a palace denver nuggets. tomorrow morning they will light a refund world war i memorial before jetting off to delaware. >> with us. thanks guys, gorgeous. what you think, existential threat of climate change is the only word? >> if you go with the horror movie and make climate change the only existential threat, you need to. the problem is he's making his mixing it with others like vladimir putin and. >> nuclear war. >> maybe i misread this but the way i heard him and who knows what he's saying ever but i thought he said including nuclear weapons, climate change is still the only existential threat which raises the question like -- thank god this guy isn't in charge of protecting the united states from auto, nuclear war. >> it does seem to be the same he focuses on regularly climate change in general so he's fitting it into a broader message about democracy and ukraine and the things the man was a what is important to president joe biden, climate change, he thinks it's an exit central threats to democracy it's funny, he said we know what happens if putin succeeds and he didn't say this because of where he was in the 80th anniversary don't want to talk about the campaign but media has, we know what happens of donald trump wins the election. there is this constant comparison by many on the left that trump is just like putin, i'll go further, the clinton said it -- hitler and that is the scare tactic they are trying to say. he must vote blue because of the don't, you will see what happens. there will be no more democracy and three branches of governm government. >> president biden does seem to get out there and enjoy telling a good story once in a while and me but genealogist to work with this one. >> one thing that's been election to my family is my middle name. allegedly i've been told i my grandfather not going to get, maybe someone could help me, i am a son of the american revolution because he came over with lafayette and never went home. stayed in the united states it makes me a son of the american revolution the middle of the story, the french pronunciations he worked in, i love it. what you think, are you a son of the american revolution? >> i am a son of a penal colony so my ancestors were indebted came in for hard labor. [laughter] he pronounced his own name two different ways that. i can't get over that, is it robin a, robinette -- he's inferring whoever that is, was french so he's been irish, he's been italian, he's been mexican and puerto rican, he's been some version of african-american and now french. he is the baskin-robbins of presidents, we love him. [laughter] this is not something we should even concern ourselves with. it's not what you hope they can, is just no concern, he's lied his way all the way to the top of our government we obviously as a voting demographic except these lies. we let someone you play dress and lie about important things like how his family was killed in a car wreck and let him lie about his son and everything. let him lie about being french, do you want to be french? i want to be french. fine, go ahead at least get the right country though. i was impressed he dropped the french pronunciation in french, that's a step in the right direction. >> i think it was coincidental. [laughter] he corrected himself a few moments later. >> he touched -- we touched on this a few moments ago, the subject of democracy must make sure you are worried about democracy, take a listen. >> they understood democracy as democracy. here we prove i guess of our democracy when democracy is at risk across the world in world war ii, we defend democracy. it's never guaranteed. talk about democracy. american democracy. american democracy -- >> democracy. >> democracy. >> political calling it a wake up call to americans but it seems fear mongering may not be working. this is in newport beach, california, hundreds of trump supporters lined the streets as a former president) fundraiser. this crowd, liberal californ california -- [chanting] >> two days ago in san francisco trump raised $12 million at the silicon valley fundraiser. >> my house was sold out and by the way, the protesters outside, those were broke trump demonstrators. the number of people who were protesting against trump, there's maybe a couple dozen versus hundreds who are broke trump so even on the streets, a tremendous enthusiasm gap and that's what's happening in the broke san francisco, what does that tell you throw the country? >> so much money in politics is mind blowing and this is postconviction. >> it is liberal campuses. 85% of san francisco voted for president biden in 2020. i thought the number would have been higher. if you are republican in san francisco or even california for the most part, you're in witness protection. now you have, for years later, broke trump rally outside and the man who endorsed donald trump, venture capitalist, a popular podcast, he represents ingenuity and what we are seeing from the biden tc, biden d.o.j. is trying to strangle american innovation and what we do with artificial intelligence and etc. they don't like that. the law like but now that they are hosting a dinner for the president, former president and having supporters outside, it is mind blowing. >> there's this headline, it may mark the end of an american era. this cnn, no time since june 6, 1944 has the unshakable u.s. leadership of the west and support for international values has been so in question, democracy facing stern tests generations from far right populism. >> i think if you believe in -- i don't know what that person means but internationalist world order but if you believe in america first like donald trump thus, you believe in a strong -- concerned about american interests first that includes having a strong hand abroad. what it does mean is launching in two unnecessary wars or allowing unnecessary wars to happen and what we have seen president biden is supposed to be the world's greatest expert on foreign policy, we seen two wars start in the world because of his inability to govern and in america first agenda so i think -- it's all politics and you're right, the idea that joe biden is talking about concern for democracy is the party in america, democrats are trying to jail their primary opponent, nuts. >> final thoughts as we are talking about joe biden's perception of this threat to democracy. >> i guess, want to impeach someone twice and now convicted or found them guilty in several criminal court, more popular than they ever are, he speaks to what people are thinking at home. after january 6, trump didn't really hand them talking -- people casually observe politics, turned off by january 6 and have trump handled it, i can say that objectively. i was turned off, i thought it was ugly. now you fast-forward and they have this football they can run with and they spike it on third down. they don't use it, to go into this law fair and economy and foreign policy and national security are greatly more important to people then the character, no matter how you slice it, the individual who runs those policies he may believe biden is a good person, he's ruining the country. he may believe donald trump is the person we saw in the apprentice for ten years that makes comments in mexico all my god -- but think about where you were five years ago and that is the conversation, just can't hold? >> a lot of people care about kitchen table issues, that is for sure. coming up on the "big weekend show" -- [chanting] >> a stunning side-by-side as israel rescues hostages held by hamas since the seventh, thousands of pro- hamas protesters causing chaos steps from the white house. plus, facebook post that could throw out trumps conviction. also ahead, finished fanatical strike extremist? absurd claim about people who like to work out. ♪ ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". for hostages held by hamas since october 7 are not home with the families and israel after baroque rescue by the idea. hours after rescue, chaos outside the white house at the hands of protesters all while the president is in france. >> i want to echo president macron's comments walking the rescue of hostages returning to the families. won't stop working until all hostages from home cease-fire is reached. >> chief washington correspondent mike emanuel the anti- israel protest in d.c. he is would here with us tonig tonight. >> good evening, protesters calling on president biden and his administration to stop sending bombs and military aid to israel. we are told some of the protesters here today travel as much as 16 hours ciattarelli in our nation's capital. the folks here are furious the president said israeli military operation would be a redline yet israel ignored him so protesters were read to create a human redline around the white house. >> joe biden, you may speak in our name but not with our consent. we charge you with genocide. it was designed to make us become quiet. >> protesters vandalized the statue of andrew jackson handprints suggesting the biden administration has blood on its hands. they used books raping to call for the boycott of israeli products. this was the third major pro- palestinian protest in washington over the past eight months. secret service took extra precautions with crowds expect expected. we heard free palestine and biden, biden, he will see. palestine will be free referring to the president is genocide j joe. of course president biden is in here, he is in paris. still, protesters sending a message to the president and his administration. >> thank you, mike. important to say in comparison of this moment on the left, pro,'s supporters surrounded completely surrounding the white house with a red banner that protesters declare is there redline. they do not want the u.s. to support israel. on the right, pure joy of rescued hostages and families reunited after more than eight months. those hostages affected from the music festival. >> it is boggling we are even having to discuss this because it's amazing to think of these for hostages among over a hundred ducted and 120 we think are either now in custody but still in custody if they are still alive. emerging from captivity on this glorious day only to find out in washington d.c. there are protests in favor of their captors. i can't even wrap my brain around it is so insane cynical remarkable date and to see home, it's wondrous. one of the most recognizable hostages taken they and swept away from the music festival on the back of a motorcycle and one of the most torturous parts is hamas is given little information about the people that continued to hold among them, americans including : where they released video in april, a young man, american in california kidnapped had his arm blown off. miraculously survived in a forced video so remember there are still right now 100 hostages held and among them, americans. many headlines note many casualties as a result of this effort and successful rescue, a brave rescue but they were not being held, they want nothing elderly men and women and they take miraculous bravery, it wouldn't be necessary. miraculous day but there are two sides. >> these are not combatants held, these are innocent people at a music festival. joey, your among the few people that can imagine what this is like but israel lost a commando, portmanteau for others live. hamas only gives up one of their lives in an effort to kill people but the guy dies a hero obviously. >> i will take that everyday, if i die and for innocent people come home, that's why signed up for. they work but about a leader, commander so the way israeli army operates, their leader closing from what i've read, it's a cultural thing food of the labor of going in >> he would never know that from these lunatics spray painting andrew jackson statue at the park. >> read handprints and the numbers in the headline of the washington post from the ap come from the health ministry gaza and consider the numbers because they have access to the hospitals and marks. i'll put numbers on because these facts could help inform the public debate about what is going on as many the size isra israel. sixty children killed in gaza climbed sharply, 64% of casualties after in october after the invasion and killing and in april it went down to 38%. did you see the headline in washington post and i would like to think it's a turn but maybe not. >> you will never find a case where israel intentionally killed innocent people. >> to get a heads up and they weren't about to do this. >> the entire tactic is to kill an object innocent people, the story and if that doesn't tell the difference in your hopeless i guess. >> coming up, social media, facebook post that could get trumps conviction thrown out. that's next. ♪ i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". possible bombshell and follow trunk trial. the judge notified trump defense team about facebook post : one of the jurors discussed guilty verdict with the family before the jury set up. the post said my cousin is adjourned incest trump is getting convicted. thank you folks, for all your hard work. trump campaign official those books and digital it is investigating the matter. it's important to note it's not verified the person who posted this can do any of the jurors but the judge sent a letter not just trumps team but the assistant da and if the judge is a letter that this person is akin to a juror it looks the judge like he's not on top of it so where to be dealt with this? >> i think this might delay -- it might delay the sentencing because trumps team will say let's push for an investigation and the judge has to bring in jurors say this is anyone's cousin? i go back to the way it's handled by the judge and the legal person for donald trump said why did you let these men and women go home for memorial day instead of sequestering them? high-profile unprecedented case is what is going to want to talk about and they would have spoken about with friends and family so if it's true must judge merchan might have wanted to do it in the beginning. >> i'm in line with that, it makes the judge look kind of b bad. take all the things we've heard from jonathan turley and others on the network how this is how a normal case would go and look at objectively 130 million people in this country, billions on social media block don't know if this person is legitimate and sent a letter to both teams and it seems like he would investigate that before you notify. >> you would think. you have to assume the judge knows more than we do. >> the judge knows more than what he put in the letter again, we have no idea if there is in relation the end of the cousin really is on a jury but you have to assume he knows more of the other thing is, the problem is the judge denied everything they've made and what i saw, i thought maybe this is the off ramp where guy gets to embarrassing him self and it's out of doing whatever crazy think he'll do that will haunt him the rest of his career because the trial has to go down as the worst thing in his career so i don't have any faith that he will recognize that. >> next step is sentencing and applying for an appeal and is pushed out that way, is this grounds for mistrial? do you want a mistrial, what do you want? >> if you watch it, we seen a number of legal and was talking about transfer appeal that could potentially happen here in the course had but when it comes to specific individual who may or may not be a cousin of roger and the precise timing of the post before the deliberations, he had a 25% chance of being right no matter what the individual posted. >> i can't believe there are hundreds of thousands being investigated. it's like somebody tried to stir something up, carlo how real that is, a lot of questions house taken. the judge mentioned is so it takes it up, it has to be taken seriously and republicans are concerned. >> it seems a lot to me. there will columnist and attack on getting jacked claiming right wing if you work out. that's next. ♪ >> make sure you're watching one nation that o'clock eastern ti time. there's me and then there is dana white. exclusive sit down with one of the most successful people in the country, advice for you and magic of donald trump and ufc plus keepsake except ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". they say working out builds muscle. >> you need to go? >> i wasn't expecting company. this doing my workout. two says back. >> you asked me to come by. >> one liberal columnist, working out will turn you into a right wing jerk. she writes, you caps on and more energetic and you think you are master of your own destiny high on self-righteousness and you situate others problems within your failure. this is true if you don't know them and it's just a bunch numbers. these people with ibs, imagine how much better it would be they took responsibility for their health the way you have. charlie, you work out a lot. [laughter] >> i do the same and have the same results to show for it. or lady, she's confused and obviously bad at the gym and were set friday. she talks how she thinks is conservative to be the master of your own destiny and the cannabis and climbed the whole thing for independence, taking control of your life because you get to choose your own destiny. how is that a bad thing? >> i didn't disagree with the word of that. [laughter] i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings. it might be the answer for a lot of people. where is the problem here? i didn't understand. >> she also says in the article, fitness has a capitalist logic because there's so much money in it so nothing is ever enough it as soon as you can run a 5k, you want to run ten was competing and striving for growth even of micro human strength. you have internalized market unfortunately. you're getting on everyone's nerves, does it change your mind? >> the whole premises if you work out, his ethical and legal and now set another one. stop the press, could you believe somebody would live their life that way? what are we supposed to do? they're supposed to wallow in our city believe the truth is we can't survive without the government, we can't take control of ourselves and lives in destiny, supposed to taken everything offered for all the symptoms we have, not change our diet or physical health, but big pharma from that. we are supposed to buy in to the system that makes us invalid every way possible because that's what makes naturally week or choosing to be weak people about i'm sorry but i don't do it. i've had my legs blown off in afghanistan and will be in the gym everyday and it makes me a jerk -- [laughter] >> right wing joke. [laughter] why bring politics into this? she's pretty for herself. >> i want to yield my time, i don't have enough to say but i googled about this to see if it was something emphasis fyi story five years ago, more likely to be right wing. a cousin to the studies so it's not the most original article of work. >> if you are republican, prettier, more attractive than the democrat a lot of people would defend that and say us because we republicans have more money, they can spend more on what they look like. >> to cinderblocks workout with. by choice. he lives an alternative lifestyle and is in good shape. >> one last thing on wheel of fortune so where do game shows go from here? we have that next. ♪ (birds chirping) well this isn't gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this... will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show", the end of an era. sajak officially retired as the host of wheel of fortune, christina coleman more on his office from los angeles. >> millions of loyal viewers thank during his farewell speech something. >> big time has come to say goodbye and i've always felt privileged came with responsibility to keep his daily our is a place for family. no social issues, no politics, nothing embarrassing. gradually became one of place where kids learn about us and people from other countries home and wish skills and famous concussion) neighbors and entire generations. what an honor to have played even a small part of the mexico city look or should 41 years and post a thousand episodes. every time he went to the show, he met three people from all parts of the wonderful country is that they were kind and considerate to write and talking of the family, friends and hometown. during his goodbye speech he expressed how great it was to work with dana white who cohosted the show with him 1982. >> i will miss our nightly closes and laughter and good nature. a very special one and i know you are all pleased to know joe be back next season ryan seacrest will post wheel of fortune from now on as for pat, he has his next gig lined up and will start a plane is in downtown duluth. >> he looks amazing. congrats to pat sajak and he had a nice thing to say, no politics, it's about the letters and something you can watch at the family cement pat sajak is a staple in my life, my grandmother watched the show and my mom watched the show and now about to turn 38, i've never watched more in my life and i do now but my daughter, she's not about to going to kindergarten and in the letter show right now it's recognizing letters so it is a great thing to do with her and she loves it. got one right, he's a native veteran and a lot of people know that in my past life i would take groups of limited veterans show them around and go on site with different shows and end with the motorcycle ride so one trip i took on wheel of fortune last and they were in the middle of taping and we went in to look from the side and they stopped the taping thank you ñ-letter letters behind the. afterwards i found out they do that every time and every time, a group of veterans coming in the culture of the show, i wish him well but i will miss it a wonderful source look tough to follow macbeth is beautifully set beautifully set. >> the idea when you look around people's longevity and jobs, it's like eight years now and not only for a guy to do this for 41 years but do it with his partner 41 years is extraordinary. >> they had amazing chemistry, they really did. i said i wonder if they have an affair it was like no, never say that tv royalty it was the chemistry, relationship like brother and sister and they said an interview i did, they had one fight in 41 years. [laughter] was about whether a hotdog should catch up. she likes ketchup and mustard. >> speaking of, we have a clip from the 80s show hosted by chuck on fox nation. take a look. >> we love each other but very competitive. >> but no matter what happens, we will still love each other. [laughter] >> i wouldn't touch that with the forklift so here we go. deceptively simple around. i feel like you're not paying attention and it probably doesn't matter. [laughter] >> some punks sexy ladies. [laughter] >> doesn't stand a chance but you can see on fox nation it looks amazing. >> i'm not into game shows, i am not a big wheel of fortune guy but i definitely will watch that for sure. >> shannon bream -- listen -- >> i love chuck, one of the og's just like the police exciting about the clip you shared that. the people in it -- it looks awesome. >> it is magnificent and is probably a suit of his. >> i am jealous i lived in the 80s decade but old enough to like that. >> the make up the apartment had a blast, for sure. >> they need to get me on. [laughter] >> fox nation's most of check in case much and now available on fox nation and stick around. big weekend flops are next. ♪ ♪ >> okay back to the big, it is the time for a big weekend flops these are big for what we think the biggest feels the week and i'm going to go first, yes this one is pretty tough, hardly democratic town council, in wethersfield connecticut refused a thin blue line like to honor fallen to relate kind of duty. >> it is now been used by poison from certain other far right types of fruits and even many police department thoroughly country has indicated that i think it's a authorize or use that like to employment out of the city councilmember literally, that would was wondering do damage control for female number of female and don't remember her name is that some pretty important things and really, within blue line flight to racism and hatred in all be think about i guess what bothers me think of pride flag they flew to half mast of the american flag this one of the things were this bike has been around for hundred years enemies were going to memorialize those give their lives serving their community and if trying to hijack that, pushback and keep ownership of it and then to be it means from adobe so week pretty. >> it seems pretty simple okay major bill of the major discovery of essential for thousands of tons of lithium to be extracted annually from wastewater generated by tracking has been discovered a bit dirt dream difficult to refusing covenant have into the source it is further evidence, that that the whole environmentalism, green new deal, fa is a given to give more power to government and they do not actually want to solve anything because they cannot have a utopia without lithium and batteries. >> it is better for to get from china. [laughter] i guess right. >> porch pirates a doorbell camera captured footage of a thief fake amazon best posted as a delivery driver hazel packages from a home in massachusetts and so he walks up and he was dressed as a delivery driver within of the box and put them to box down on the porch and then stole the real box and porch piracy $8 billion a year theft in. >> there's one video pretty polls the box it blows up on him and i think everybody needs to be able to do that. >> go out. >> with dog manure. >> the latest bizarre food trended making the rounds of social media kcal bars smothering catch up yes and the skills here you go. and this is for you. >> no no no. >> this is a break me off moment, these are made it to be shared. >> that's not possible, that is not possible. >> the vertex, the vertex, charlie. >> no no no. >> i think the thing to do is you look awfully cancer first and then you eat the chocolate. >> this is an improvement on catch up. and the dozen for us and we will see you tomorrow the big we can show starts right now. ♪ ♪

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Demographic , Lies , Car Wreck , Lie , Country , Step , Pronunciation , Fine , Listen , Direction , Subject , Sea , Watercraft , Vacation , Travel , Spring Break , Championship , Race , Endurance Sports , Ocean , Fan , Risk , World War Ii , American Democracy , Wake Up Call , Fear Mongering , Running , Supporters , Chanting , Fundraiser , Streets , Hundreds Of Trump , California , Liberal , Newport Beach , Player , Protest , Festival , Triathlon , Parade , Marathon , Pride Parade , Long Distance Running , Exercise , San Francisco , 2 Million , 12 Million , Sports , Cycling , Duathlon , Athletics , Heptathlon , Road Bicycle Racing , Singer , Protesters , Number , Trump Demonstrators , Silicon Valley , Tree , Plant , Money , Mind , Hundreds , Enthusiasm Gap , Black Hair , Part , Postconviction , Witness Protection , Chest , Mouth , Broke Trump , Podcast , Venture Capitalist , Neck , Eyelash , Trunk , Muscle , Biden Doj , Ingenuity , Artificial Intelligence , Innovation , Biden Tc , Biathlon , Headline , Law , End , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Generations , Support , Values , West , Cnn , Democracy Facing Stern , June 6 1944 , Populism , Strong , World Order , Wars , Interests , Hand , Foreign Policy , Expert , Inability , Idea , Party , America First Agenda , Nuts , Thoughts , Perception , Jury , Institution , Police Officer , Trump Didn T , Talking , January 6 , Police , Law Enforcement , Football , Forward , Matter , Individual , Policies , Character , Economy , Comments , Apprentice , Person We Saw , Mexico , My God , Ten , Five , Lot , Issues , Kitchen Table , Ceiling , Rebellion , Fiction , Comics , Costume , Motorcycling , Hostages , Hamas , White House , Israel , Thousands , Chaos Steps , Seventh , Half Marathon , Website , Movie , Web Page , Conviction , Plus , Facebook , Strike Extremist , Claim , Lcd Tv , Public Transport , Weightlifting , Physical Fitness , Indoor Games And Sports , Exercise Machine , Exercise Equipment , Rings , Gymnastics , Artistic Gymnastics , Individual Sports , Emergency Vehicle , Display Case , Auto Show , Pc Game , Shopping Mall , Haze , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Atmosphere Of Earth , Cloud , Skyline , Wind , Pollution , Fog , Mist , General Motors , History , Blazer , Senior Citizen , Portrait , Water , Alcohol , Gas , Service , Science , Facial Hair , Moustache , Drug , Prescription Drug , Plastic Bottle , Chemical Compound , Liquid , Health Care , Medicine , Skin Care , Diagram , Paper Product , Parallel , Bottle , Triangle , Asphalt , Woody Plant , Human , Nature , Property , Grass , Leaf , Lawn , Grass Family , Yard , Garden , Residential Area , Branch , Soil , Shrub , Roof , Landscape , Houseplant , Landscaping , Sash Window , Backyard , Siding , Public Space , Outdoor Structure , Drinking Water , Jaw , Wrinkle , Chin , Nose , Organ , Head , Solution , Dietary Supplement , Pet Vitamins Supplements , Fire Extinguisher , Hair , Hair Care , Water Bottle , Bottled Water , Drinkware , Mineral Water , Fluid , Microphone , Pianist , Student , Household Supply , Artwork , Sign Language , Management , Beard , Glasses , Vision Care , Thumb , Tourist Attraction , Museum , Art , Living Room , Couch , Toy , Play , Restaurant , Lego , Dollhouse , Action Figure , Video Game Software , Design , Animation , Textile , Modern Art , Home Accessories , Lighting Accessory , Wallpaper , Finger , Gadget , Material Property , Mobile Phone , Smartphone , Communication Device , Nail , Portable Communications Device , Portable Media Player , Electronics Accessory , Feature Phone , Figurine , Robot , Playset , Audio Equipment , Animated Cartoon , Plush , Plastic , Stuffed Toy , Mascot , Flavor , Arm , Loudspeaker , Party Supply , Balloon , Christmas , Kindergarten , Classroom , Selfie , Telephone , Iphone , Telephony , Cellular Network , Mobile Device , Motor Vehicle , Automotive Design , Driving , Personal Luxury Car , City Car , Rear View Mirror , Automotive Mirror , Hood , Eyewear , Performance Car , Illustration , Macro Photography , Organism , Petal , Square , Pool , Shoe , Ball , Standing , Sleeve , Shirt , Happy , Blouse , Teacher , Photo Shoot , Tartan , Model , Bathroom , Plumbing Fixture , Wall , Tile , Bathroom Sink , Eyebrow , Eye , Lip , Sitting , Layered Hair , Cheek , Red Hair , Tooth , Ear , Portrait Photography , Bob Cut , Bangs , People In Nature , Grassland , Wilderness , Natural Environment , Meadow , Hill , Prairie , Rural Area , Friendship , Pasture , Adaptation , Love , Forest , Hill Station , Field , Mountain , Adventure , Crop , Plain , Steppe , Farm , Romance , Mountainous Landforms , Ecoregion , Highland , National Park , Mountain Range , Land Lot , State Park , Food , Natural Foods , Fruit , Superfruit , Vegan Nutrition , Diet Food , Juice , Flower , Vegetable Juice , Acerola Family , Ingredient , Superfood , Orange , Citrus , Fell , Bridge , Terrain , Valley , Mount Scenery , Glass Bottle , Soapberry Family , Food Group , Clothing , Spring , Jeans , Shorts , Summer , Floristry , Botanical Garden , Annual Plant , Floral Design , Waist , Bouquet , Lavender , Cornales , Leggings , Hydrangea , Denim , Flower Arranging , Cut Flowers , Flowering Plant , Hydrangeaceae , Cattleya , Violet Family , Creative Arts , Retail , Playground , Park , Amusement Park , Swimwear , Street Fashion , Online Advertising , Laugh , Elbow , Sports Equipment , Human Body , Temple , Artificial Hair Integrations , Hair Accessory , Restroom , Plumbing , Urinal , Sink , Hardware , Dance , Zumba , Choreography , Aerobic Exercise , Fitness Professional , Dancer , Modern Dance , Salsa , Nutraceutical , Snack , Citric Acid , Headgear , Hat , Cap , Herbal , Herb , Wedding Ceremony Supply , White , Monochrome , Black And White , Monochrome Photography , Moonlight , Texture , Horizon , Coast , Ship , October 7 , Panorama , Photobombing , Rescue , Families , Hands , Macron , Baroque Rescue , Chaos , Echo , Mike Emanuel , Won T , D C , Cease Fire , Chief Washington , Administration , Some , Bombs , Military Aid , Tonig , Monument , Memorial , Statue , Folks , Redline , Israeli Military Operation , Nation S Capital , Marching , Demonstration , Middle Ages , Marching Band , Social Work , Human Redline , Hobby , Genocide , Consent , Andrew Jackson , Sculpture , National Historic Landmark , Plaza , Horse , Nonbuilding Structure , Estate , Jumping , Historic Site , National Monument , Classical Sculpture , Books , Handprints , Blood , Products , Boycott , Headstone , Grave , Town Square , Presidential Palace , University , Official Residence , Course , Crowds , Jj Joe , Precautions , Palestinian , Secret Service , Eight , Basilica , Place Of Worship , Mike , Pro , Football Player , Right , Red Banner , Joy , Barechested , Music Festival , Arrest , Fur , Soldier , Hospital , Home Appliance , Major Appliance , Medical , Medical Equipment , Office , Clinic , Hug , Human Leg , Footwear , Knee , Comfort , Chip , Mother , Kiss , Technician , Boggling , A Hundred , Custody , Captivity , Abducted , Brain , Protests , Captors , Favor , Washington D C , Parts , Motorcycle , Back , Fencing , Cold Weapon , Weapon , Video , Information , Blown Off , Headlines , Men , Effort , Casualties , Women , Result , Flesh , It Wouldn T , Bravery , Sides , Combatants , Lives , Commando , Portmanteau , Guy Dies A Hero Obviously , Everyday , Leader , Commander , Israeli Army , Leader Closing , Cuisine , Alcoholic Beverage , Social Group , Distilled Beverage , Meal , Eating , Labor , Lunatics Spray Painting , Numbers , Health , Washington Post , Ministry Gaza , The Park , Tap , Facts , Marks , Children , Hospitals , Public , Size , Sixty , Captain America , Superhero , Avengers , Invasion , Killing , Case , Heads Up , Turn , Doesn T , Tactic , Coming Up , Difference , Meteorological Phenomenon , Cumulus , Freight Transport , Vegetation , Natural Landscape , Nature Reserve , Biome , Morning , Alps , Geology , Mountain Pass , Summit , Tundra , Massif , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Lake , , Pleased , Aerospace Engineering , Airplane , Aircraft , Aviation , Air Force , Aerospace Manufacturer , Jet Aircraft , Lens Flare , Operating System , Emblem , Symbol , Optical Instrument , Camera Accessory , Tripod , Camera Operator , Telescope , Cinematographer , Cameras Optics , Videographer , Filmmaking , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Action Film , Still Life Photography , Scene , Supervillain , Iron , Prison , Metal , Digital Compositing , Street Light , Cash , Currency , Banknote , Dollar , Money Handling , Paper , Saving , Stock Photography , Agriculture , Paddy Field , Bumper , Military Aircraft , Fighter Aircraft , Ground Attack Aircraft , Lockheed Martin , Lockheed Martin F 35 Lightning Ii , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Lockheed C 130 Hercules , Airline , Military Transport Aircraft , Fighter Pilot , Pilot , Lane , Automotive Tire , Parking , Traffic , Infrastructure , Tire , Parking Lot , Limousine , Commercial Vehicle , Full Size Car , Pickup Truck , Street , Truck , Hybrid Vehicle , Supercar , Sports Sedan , Subcompact Car , Sedan , Boating , Boat , Kite Sports , Water Sport , Surface Water Sports , Windsports , Sailing , Inflatable Boat , Shadow , Silhouette , Fashion Design , Backlighting , Coat , Anime , Clay Pigeon Shooting , Shooting Sport , Shooting , Precision Sports , Outdoor Recreation , Competition , Choir , Elder , Professor , Sunlight , Peach , Heat , Jersey , Sports Uniform , Sportswear , Curtain , Theater Curtain , Peking Opera , Winter , Snow , Woodland , Wildlife , Ice , Freezing , Northern Hardwood Forest , Old Growth Forest , Twig , Frost , Snowshoe , Birch Family , Blizzard , Birch , Mammal , Animal , Vertebrate , Bison , Bovine , Herd , Terrestrial Animal , Snout , Cow Goat Family , Horn , Livestock , Bank , Wetland , Moose , Swamp , River , Watercourse , Bayou , Pond , Floodplain , Liqueur , Wine , Pub , Beer , Whisky , Factor , Coffee , Latte , Dish , Chocolate , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Hot Chocolate , Cup , Cockpit , Wine Glass , Stemware , Barware , Champagne , Champagne Stemware , Floodlight , Cooking , Recipe , Baking , Cookware And Bakeware , Churro , Machine Tool , Steel , Kitchen Stove , Kitchen Appliance , Engine , Automotive Engine Part , Rim , Exhaust System , Gas Stove , Stove , Countertop , Kitchen , Cooktop , Bearing , Milling , Hardware Accessory , Microwave Oven , Small Appliance , Cook , Oven , Kitchen Sink , Cabinetry , Drawer , Laptop , Washing Machine , Bidet , Grille , Red Meat , Grilling , Meat , Kobe Beef , Beef , Horse Meat , Steak , Venison , Coffeemaker , Mixer , Breakfast , Side Dish , Wok , Popcorn , Produce , American Food , Vegetarian Food , European Food , Asian Food , Junk Food , Finger Food , Banana , Banana Family , Churrasco Food , Yakiniku , Salt Cured Meat , Japanese Cuisine , Espresso , Apple , Car Seat , Sandal , Brassiere , High Heels , Shelf , Pottery , Ceramic , Plywood , Computer Cooling , Bed , Clothes Iron , Baby Products , Bathtub , Carburetor , Automotive Lighting , Computer Case , Helmet , Leather , Beige , Scale , Compact Cassette , Fashion Accessory , Espresso Machine , Elliptical Trainer , Blender , Food Processor , Woodworking , Bread Machine , Personal Computer , Computer Monitor , Gps Navigation Device , Computer , Stomach , Light Fixture , Document , Writing , Calligraphy , Dishwasher , Juicer , Belt , Portable Stove , Glacier , Glacial Landform , Winter Storm , Geological Phenomenon , Automated Teller Machine , Software , Gopro , Radiology , Medical Imaging , Earth , Magnesium , Strength , Bone Health , Benefits , Skate , Surf , Snowboard , Qunol Magnesium , Qunol , Surfing , Boardsport , Surfboard , Surfing Equipment , Wetsuit , Wave , Wind Wave , Skimboarding , Extreme Sport , Water Park , Open Water Swimming , Snowboarding , Ski Equipment , Eski , Winter Sport , Swimming Pool , Concrete , Skateboarding Equipment , Skateboard , Skateboarding , Longboard , Street Stunts , Skateboarder , Chemistry , Packaging And Labeling , Cool , Neighbourhood , Basketball , Streetball , Town , Bike , Road Bicycle , Bicycle Wheel , Mountain Bike , Flatland Bmx , Spoke , Freestyle Bmx , Softball , Traffic Congestion , Rv , Honda , Honda Ridgeline , Ford , Volkswagen , Beanie , Knit Cap , Tournament , Bus , Lunch , Brunch , Supper , Suburb , Urban Design , Mansion , Manor House , Château , Villa , Aerial Photography , Stately Home , Judge , Bombshell , Trunk Trial , Trump Defense , Apartment , Cousin , Jurors , Incest Trump , Post , Verdict , Work , Campaign Official , Letter , Juror , Assistant Da , Delay , Sentencing , Push , Investigation , Anyone , Men And Women Go Home , Friends , Kind , Beginning , B Bad , Collaboration , Network , Billions , Teams , Social Media Block Don T , Jonathan Turley , 130 Million , Relation , Guy , Doing , Off Ramp , Career , Crest , Trial , Faith , Mistrial , Grounds , Appeal , Transfer Appeal , Chance , Deliberations , Timing , Kroger , Somebody , Questions , Columnist , Republicans , Attack , Wing , Dome , Steeple , Dana White , One Nation , Advice , Sit , Magic , Ufc Plus Keepsake , Valentine S Day , Heart , Carmine , Ice Skating , Plaster , Condominium , Corporate Headquarters , Academic Conference , Training , Business School , Seminar , Publication , Newspaper , Book , Flyer , Payment Card , Pharmacy , Pharmacy Technician , Fence , Flowerpot , Buzz Cut , Throat , Flash Memory , Computer Data Storage , Recruiter , Lecture , Turquoise , Walkway , Evening , Sunset , Arch , Baseball Field , Baseball Park , Baseball , Artificial Turf , Bat And Ball Games , College Baseball , Ball Game , Team Sport , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Positions , Pitcher , Pitch , Baseball Player , College Softball , Soccer Specific Stadium , Afterglow , Dawn , Dusk , Net , Sunrise , Race Track , Sunglasses , Goggles , Crew , Sand , Mountaineering , Rapper , Sports Gear , Baseball Uniform , Pesäpallo , Field House , Bmx Bike , Bicycle Motocross , Basketball Moves , Cheering , Infielder , Catcher , Baseball Protective Gear , Baseball Glove , Glove , Baseball Umpire , Batting Helmet , Fireworks , New Year , Diwali , New Year S Eve , New Years Day , Fête , Explosive Material , Fire , Cricket , Independence Day , Scoreboard , Gym , Workout , Weight Training , Strength Training , Bodybuilding , Biceps Curl , Briefs , Barbell , Weights , Bodybuilder , Jerk , Working Out , Powerlifting , Contact Sport , Decathlon , Crossfit , Destiny , Bunch Numbers , Problems , Self Righteousness , Failure , Responsibility , Ribs , Dumbbell , Lady , Results , Life , Conservative , Control , Master , Independence , Cannabis , Answer , Feelings , Article , Fitness , Logic , 5k , Wrestling , Everyone , Micro Human Strength , Market , Growth , Nerves , Premises , Freestyle Wrestling , Press , Truth , System , Symptoms , Diet , Big Pharma , Legs , Joke , Afghanistan , Republican , Studies , Prettier , Choice , Wheel Of Fortune , Game Shows , Lifestyle , Shape , Freeway , Waterway , Channel , Army Men , Visual Arts , Cowboy , Brick , Fur Clothing , Hatchback , Firearm , Gun , Rifle , Trigger , Assault Rifle , Airsoft Gun , Air Gun , Shooting Range , Gun Barrel , Revolver , Tongue , Cowboy Hat , Cherry Blossom , Waste , Adventure Game , Score , Isn T Gonna Work , Birds Chirping , Scooore , Walmart , Golf Equipment , Golf , Golf Club , Putter , Professional Golfer , Golf Course , Wedge , Golfer , Pitch And Putt , Match Play , Hickory Golf , Wrist , Sand Wedge , Foursome Golf , Brochure , Nail Polish , Glitter , Nail Care , Cosmetics , Manicure , Perfume , Embellishment , Diamond , Jewellery , Ring , Bling , Gemstone , Engagement Ring , Body Jewelry , Silver , Wedding Ring , Platinum , Necklace , Bracelet , Jewelry Making , Crystal , Outlet Store , Mixed Use , Soccer Player , Soccer , Soccer Ball , Kick , International Rules Football , Goal , Goalkeeper , Tackle , Icon , Emoticon , Soccer Kick , Gaelic Football , Futsal , Playground Slide , Outdoor Play Equipment , Net Sports , Volleyball , Referee , Rugby , Rugby Union , Australian Rules Football , Rugby League , Handball , Clip Art , Computer Keyboard , Office Equipment , Output Device , Computer Program , Software Engineering , Computer Icon , Reading , Plan , Floor Plan , Solar Energy , Rabbit , Rabbits And Hares , Pet , Traffic Light , Cat , Felidae , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Architecture , Sphere , Performing Arts Center , Auditorium , Concert Hall , Casino , Opera House , Convention , Function Hall , Bowling , Gambling , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Rabbi , Disco , Air Hockey , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Slot Machine , Professional Wrestling , Organist , Player Piano , Electronic Instrument , Bathroom Accessory , Hiking , Orange Drink , Apricot , Mango , Lychee , Comcast Business , Speed , Speeds , Cost , Customers , Plans , T Mobile , At T , Verizon , Road Trip , Public Utility , Van , Light Commercial Vehicle , Thoroughfare , Speed Plans , Miss , Prepaid Card , 49 99 , 9 99 , Paragliding , Crescent , Cityscape , Intersection , Pat Sajak , Host , Millions , Viewers , The End , Los Angeles , Privileged , Farewell Speech Something , Place , Big Time , Four , Goodbye , Skills , Countries , Concussion , Ewish , Neighbors , Kids , Show , Honor , Episodes , Mexico City , A Thousand , Fish , Goodbye Speech , Hometown , The Show , Closes , Him 1982 , Land Vehicle , Nissan , Lexus , Nissan Murano , Headlamp , Mazda Cx 7 , Pat , Gig , Ryan Seacrest , Plane , Congrats , Downtown Duluth , Composite Material , Mom , Letters , Grandmother , In My Life , Family Cement , Daughter , Veteran , Got One Right , Taping , Veterans , Shows , Groups , Last , Motorcycle Ride , Trip , Site , Group , Side , Source , Macbeth , Culture , Partner , Jobs , Longevity , Relationship , Brother , Tv Royalty , Sister , Affair , Clip , Interview , Speaking Of , Ketchup , Hotdog , Mustard , The 80s , Take A Look , Chuck On Fox Nation , Attention , Forklift , Wouldn T Touch , Doesn T Matter , Punks , Ladies , Fox Nation , Sure , Shannon Bream , Dog , Nation , Most , Blast , Check , Stick , Big Weekend Flops , Bodybuilding Supplement , Stimulant , Solvent , Fish Oil , Physician , White Coat , Research , Mp3 Player , Steering Part , Steering Wheel , Bicycle Tire , Bicycle Part , Bicycle Frame , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Tread , Groupset , Bicycle Chain , Tire Care , Hubcap , Synthetic Rubber , Bmw , Clock , Optoelectronics , Electricity , Rock Concert , Master Of Ceremonies , Big , Weekend , Blue Line , Town Council , Biggest , Duty , Wethersfield Connecticut , Poison , Use , Police Department , Fruits , Types , Signaling Device , Councilmember , Damage Control , Enemies , Half Mast , Pride Flag , Racism , Hatred , Bill , Lithium , Pushback , Adobe , Tons , Essential , Discovery , Ownership , Evidence , Dirt , Wastewater , Tracking , Environmentalism , Covenant , Efa , Green New Deal , Batteries , Anything , Utopia , Power , China , Box , Delivery Driver , Footage , Packages , Hazel , Massachusetts , Thief Fake , Porch Pirates A Doorbell Camera , Porch , Polls , Piracy , Theft , Billion , 8 Billion , Rounds , Dog Manure , Food Trended , Go Out , Social Media Kcal Bars Smothering , Vertex , Improvement , Cancer , Cg Artwork , Mythology , Dinosaur , Bald Eagle , Beagle , Bird Of Prey , Bird , Accipitriformes , Accipitridae , Sea Eagle , Beak , Falconiformes ,

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