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Get into later. Espn, versus itself, which is crazy story. Kaepernick versus foreman, something a lot of people are talking about. All coming up. Matchup number one which is trump versus the establishment. This wide open feud between President Trump and Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. It has been a big story this week but now, new developments, just minutes ago, the white house released a statement confirming, these two men will meet, hold a previouslyscheduled meeting after the august recess. As part of the white house statement, president donald j. Trump and senator Mitch Mcconnell remain united on many shared priorities, including middle class tax relief, strengthening military, constructing a border wall and other important issues. As the president was more inclusive in his public remarks today. Watch. We have no division too deep for us to heal and there is no enemy too strong for us to overcome. Because in america we never lose faith. We never forget who we are, and we never stop striving for a better future. Together, we can not fail. Connell all right, congressman lee zelden is the first guest from long island. Thanks for coming on again. We always appreciate it. Thank you. Connell the president s comments, i think he is not referring directly to senator Mitch Mcconnell but now the white house in its statement is. Are the two of these men in middle of drawing some sort of truce . More importantly, do they need to . Well, yeah, absolutely and that can be a very good thing because there is a lot that the president wants so accomplish to accomplish that the Senate Republicans want to accomplish, the House Republicans as well. You take tax reform, everyone may be in agreement on at least 90 of what it should look like. As far as the appropriations process goes, securing the southern border, the house passed legislation just before the august recess for the appropriation. On the senate side, if theyre going to have any difficulty getting the 60 votes i agree with the president , that the senate should change their rules and just pass the appropriations bill with 51. It fund the need to secure our border. It avoid a government shut down. What the American People voted for last november. Connell talk about government shut down, well talk in a few minutes, that is one of the things rattled market a little bit. Nothing crazy. Wall street was down. That came up at the president s rally last night this feud with mcconnell out there, now looks like theyre trying to patch up, that is bothering investors as well. You think the president realizes he needs senator mcconnell . Well, i think that they, in many respects they need each other because they have priorities. Senator mcconnell, Senate Republicans want legislation passed into law they want the president to sign of the president has important priorities he campaigned on still pushing, that needs to get through congress first. Idea lonally, they actually agree on a lot more than their political opposition is willing to give them credit for especially on the highest priorities that were all talking about as, looking forward with tax reform and appropriations process. Connell i dont know if it matters, congressman, but who is right in your view with this president and back and forth between the establishment and his own party . The president is trying to shake the status quo and he is absolutely correct in his advocacy for the Senate Republicans to change the filibuster rule, to insure that we are able to get the government that the American People voted for. When you see that there is a House Republican majority now, a Senate Republican majority, President Trump now in the white house, not Hillary Clinton, and what we campaigned for, if, if you need eight democrats, Senate Democrats to pass our priorities, theyre not going to give us the most important stuff. They will play games. They will abuse the filibuster rule. If they will abuse it, many respects theyre punishing, penalizing the American Public for it for their own political gamesmanship. Connell a lot can get done if the Republican Party gets together on some of these issues. Maybe theyre trying to now as they look to patch things up. Congressman selden thanks for coming on. Always good to see you. Connell now this. Were building a wall on the southern border which is absolutely necessary. [cheering] build that wall. Build that wall. Build that wall. Now the obstructionist democrats would like us not to do it but, believe me, we have to close down our government, were building that wall. Connell congressman, andy biggs is our next guest. He joins us now. You were at the rally last night, right out in arizona . I sure was. Connell something we heard, i mentioned to congressman zeldin, you hear about the government shut down, investors we talk to theyre concerned about that, that would seem to hurt the president s entire agenda, tax reform included. Do you think he was serious last night about the Government Shutdown threat . I think he was serious about the Government Shutdown threat but it is important to understand we dont know what he meant by the Government Shutdown threat . Did he mean cart blance much across the board, generic shutdown or something more finite or articulated. He is probably talking about something more articulated. In particular he mentions democrats, i think what he is talking about the of 0 vote filibuster rule you were talking about with lee 60 vote. That is on his mind. There is tremendous leverage there. I dont think he is talking about pulling the plug on the entire government. Connell okay, but what he said was, if we have to shut the government down well do it. We have a vote coming up that could do just that. You can see youre absolutely right. We have a vote coming up that could happen. I dont think that is going to happen. If youre talking just across the board, i dont think President Trump would say, lets hamper our military. Lets stop the border enforcement guys. Lets stop all that. I dont think he means that. Connell do you think things can still at end of the day only matters if things can still get done. Congressman, do you think things can still get done . Tax reform, first and foremost of peoples priorities. Shut the government down, hard to imagine even getting to tax reform . That would be a really, really big deal. So he has got priorities. We all have priorities. Tax reform has got to get done. Every republican knows that. Connell you need a win. Yeah. That is the win. You have got to get that done. And so you got to do that. But, and the good news is that the republicans in the house already voted out that border wall funding. Now it is up to the senate to deliver the good there. Connell congressman biggs, good to see you. We appreciate it. Thanks. Want to bring up new numbers might give us an idea why the president thinks he can maybe win this battle such as it is with the establishment of his own party, even if there is an attempt to patch things up tonight. Mr. Trumps campaign pollster, says republicans will still blame congress, not trump, if nothing gets done. These are numbers he tweeted out himself. 2,000 selfdescribed gop voters polled who is to blame for the Obamacare Repeal and replace failure, 82 said gop and congress, not the president. So with us now, fox news political contributor, tammy bruce, democratic strategist Kevin Walling as well. All right, tammy, to me looks at these numbers, the president , this is his own pollster putting them out, i know theyre saying all the right things patching things up between he and senator mcconnell but he attacked so many people in his own party, there must be a method to the madness, no . A lot of that is of course selfdefense of the we saw what happened last year, positions many people in the Republican Party took obviously. So im sure mr. Trump knew when he was coming in there would be a fight. That the establishment wasnt just giving up. They werent giving up last year but of course were defeated. Beyond President Trumps own pollster, quinnepiac has poll with congress. In march they were 18 . Now 10 . That is 44 drop in midst of health care fight. President trumps numbers steady in the low 40s. Not stellar but more than 10 . American people responded to congress being the bad guy. Normally individual get voted on as individuals for their own seats, so they tend not to worry about a congressional rating but both senator mcconnell and senator flake are drowning in their states now. Theyre both at 18 . That is a signal i think, a warning bell to other republicans not only will the republican level be low, approval rating, but individual republicans are going to be seen as being a particular problem. They will be affected. I think that will move some republican as well, when it comes to helping the president , not being obstructionist themselves. Connell tammy, on the war within the Republican Party, democrats licking their chops over this . What is the approach from that side . Even in case you missed, signs this evening to try to patch things up with the statement put out, what do you think of it . I agree with tammys comments, these are not stellar for president and gop support in congress. The president s own pollster says he has seen an erosion of six Percentage Points since june of his base support. Now that support for gop congress is down 30 . These are great numbers for democrats across the board. Im working with a number of congressional campaigns across the country competitive because of these numbers, as tammy points out with erosion of gop support for senators flake and mcconnell and others. And were seeing those number across the board. Were getting more competitive as democrats in races tammy, with this statement, Mitch Mcconnell put out a similar statement, none of this makes any sense, fighting amongst themselves. Lets not mistake fact republicans are not being well liked in congress that the American People will turn to democrats. We know what their fund raising problem. The fact they have become a weak Regional Club when it comes to seats connell they dont get anything done at all. Somebody pays some price for that. Yes, they will, but there is also people being primaried. You have got new republican candidates. There isnt this finite bubble who will run for office and who can be in the senate but i do think that the president s comments last night, perhaps a wakeup call to mr. Mcconnell. Numbers he is facing are wakeup call. Connell right. You cant be never trumpers when American People voted this in and options like for mr. Flake. It might not be him but it will be a republican who will be in that seat. I think democrats have to get their own act together as they have no bench at all. They have nowhere to go. They have no money. Republicans have tons of money but theyre stuck with being, jealous of mr. Trumps win. Connell come back to all of this. Thanks to you both. You will be back. There is breaking story from overseas. Pass along the mayor of rotterdam in the netherlands says a concert by an American Band has been canceled. This follow as warning from spanish authorities. Sometime after Police Stopped a van with spanish license plates. It allegedly contained gas bottles, near the venue of the concert. The vans driver is in custody. Well see. Well keep you updated on any developments from overseas on that. Our next match, right or wrong, does President Trump win every single time he attacks the media . Thats next. Parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try parodontax toothpaste. So we need tablets installed. With the menu app ready to roll. In 12 weeks. Yeah. The world of fast food is being changed by faster networks. Data, applications, customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Fast connections everywhere. Thats how you outmaneuver. Only people giving a platform to these hate groups is the media itself and the fake news. You would think they would want to make our country great again, and i honestly believe they dont. If you wanted to discover the source of the digsdivision in our country, look no further than the fake news and the crooked media. Connell well, President Trump absolutely blasting the Mainstream Media at that rally in phoenix last night, blaming them for divisions in the country after charlottesville, then the president added to comments on twitter today, last night in phoenix i read things from my statements on charlottesville that the Fake News Media didnt cover fairly. People got it. Now to be fair, what we didnt get was the full story. The president omitted a portion of his comments that sparked the most criticisms use of term, many sides, when he was talking about the violence. But when we talk about the president , against the media, the question tonight is, does it matter . Who wins when trump versus the media . Chris hahn, joins us progressive radio show host, former aide to senator schumer, liz peek, columnist for the fiscal times. Good to see you both. We talked about this topic over and over of the last night was different level in many ways. I think there is calculation believe it or not here, even as many people made, i understand it, leaving out the many sides comment, the president and his team are calculating we win every time we go after the news media. What do you think . Sad thing, it is like trench warfare. Neither side is winning and neither side can afford to back down. The media can not back down on allout hatred for donald trump. Nothing is bert for subscription levels of washington post, New York Times, than donald trump. Really the case four out of five are top stories things really hateful an venomous about donald trump. That tells you all you need to know. By the way it is working for donald trump, 65 of americans, including majority of democrats think the Mainstream Media is full of fake news. Connell we say all the time the guy goes on instincts chris, i mentioned tony from polling, those numbers and others you can not lose with this, even if, again to be fair, even if youre not always telling the whole story as he did last night. He yadi yadad for seinfeld fans, over the best part. You dont pick a fight with people buy ink bit barrels and picks cycles by the billions. It will catch up. Connell he has under yet. I think his numbers are dropping quickly. I disagree with the term hate. I think the media is hating on donald trump. They are rewarding what he is saying and doing. He is not acting like a president. He is acting like a reality star. He takes everything personally. They rise above it. Every now and then they take something personally but this president connell quinnepiac number, overall polls showed from quinnepiac that the media is trusted more than President Trump. That is what overall numbers showed but they also showed here, liz, on party breakdown, republicans have almost no trust in the news media. They trust overwhelmingly their president. So even if, they trust what he says. They dont by the way much better out come than gallup. Gallup had media at 36 media approval rating, same as donald trump. Depend who you look at. When you say there isnt hatred in the media, have early on how fashion industry that donald trump is won, because they much rather dress Hillary Clinton then melania trump. That was a true story. I read everything. I dont know what youre talking about. True, fashion section, excuse me, let me. Fashion section of New York Times. I read it because every section of New York Times i clear live dont read fashion section. Maybe you should. Every section of the New York Times has indulged in this antitrump venomous coverage. It has been relentless. I think you know, i think he tried in the beginning. He sat down with the Editorial Board of the New York Times, wall street journal, et cetera. Connell all consult its say believe me and nobody else cult its. Pretty soon winter is coming with russia. He doesnt want anybody to believe. What Mitch Mcconnell wind up saying about i am had, what senate. Is is about to be censured in september. Connell you say yadi yada, she says russia, russia, russia. Cheeseburger, cheeseburger and russia. I will read the fax section. Connell marcia, marcia. Another big story, former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, im sure you heard of he was on with our own neil cavuto whether he thinks President Trump will grant him a pardon. It was a first on fox interview. Well talk about that coming up next. Free . Yeah. Could save thousands. You should probably buy me dinner. No. Go to lendingtree. Com for a new home loan or refinance. Receive up to five free offers and choose the loan thats right for you. Our average customer could lower their monthly bills by over three hundred dollars. Go to lendingtree. Com right now. Let me get your sense of what president was hinting at last night, has he talked to you personally on the phone. He has not, that is okay, they put a press thing out there would be no mention of this at rally. But knowing the president , he has guts and courage. My gut told me, he was going to do it. Connell neil cavuto there on fox Business Interview asking former Sheriff Joe Arpaio about a potential president ial pardon, President Trump declared that rally last night in phoenix he thinks joe arpaio will be just fine. And white house was and has drawn up pardon paperwork. Should the president choose to pardon him, the question, is now the time to do it . We welcome tammy bruce and kevin wall back on that. Pardon is coming we know that. It is just a question of the timing of this. Do you see Political Risk for president in this pardon given a racial component to the sheriffs case after charlottesville . I sure do. This is a guy joe arpaio over 20 years abused power, neglected to pursue hate crimes and sex crimes and u institutionalized racism for 17 months after a court order told him not to do so, found guilty of criminal neglect in july, sentence could be upwards of 6 months, this president takes a great risk in pardoning him. He has to keep his powder dry for pardon power for folks closer to him with this russia investigation playing out. Connell from what i read and heard, he likely would never get jail time. Is kevin on to something, does president risk something by going ahead now. You heard, my friend say this is political. You heard his description in the dynamic of the accusations made against the president. And the own Obama Administration went after joe arpaio almost immediately. Connell after charlottesville . I think that president as we heard in his statement, i dont think he needs to be careful or just what he does based on who his political opponent, what they will accuse him of, that is false. The moment you become a reactary by making decisions based on your oppositions accuse you of i is a problem. The president will do what he thinks he is right, he is a loyal man, if he decided to pardon own joe arpaio there will be a good the reason. He will explain it. I think that for 85yearold man, who was the victim of a political hit job, if you will, i think that it will be made clearly. Connell real quick. He was doing his job, you heard that last night in rally. You heard rally. Saying, so. I think that it is coming, i think you will see president issue pardons and do his job in a way that is different from others, people say this is against the rule of law. Bottom line, that president will do what he thinks is right, and i trust him to to so. Connell he will do it, that is clear. Get to our match ups talk about the espn story. This is espn versus itself, a story that tells you where things are in the world and country, well discuss it coming up next. In the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. And lifes beautiful moments. Ns get between you flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. It helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. Pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. Flonase changes everything. Connell breaking news, a followup from overseas, Associated Press reports a counter te counterterrorism official said that van in read orotterdam is not connected to spain. Well keep you posted, that is all we know. Another story espn, accused of over reacting by choosing to remove a playbyplay broadcaster, named robert lee, from a virginia football game, the broadcaster, an asianamerican. Espn response came in a statement, said we collectively made the decision with robert to switch game as tragic evens in charlottesville were unfolding because of the coincidence of his name, in that moment it fell right to all parties. Ford and tammy with us, i dont know. Where do we begin with this . I have not heard anyone taking espins side, what does it them us that it even happened. You have to wonder who is running espn, anchormans ron burgundy . This is prepos perrous. Lee the broadcaster is asian, and still alive and did not serve in the war. This is how then the attract stupid progressive network. When espn saying, charlottesville is not a safe place, last year our Football Team won two games. We. To be serious for a second. I wish ford would have an opinion and express it. Connell a serious point, they must have thought that that was risk he would go to the game something would happen to him. It is strange, at first i did not believe it. Connell 100 it happened after the show, we thought is this a hoax. This is where you get to, when i speak about mass hysteria, there is a hysteria, you begin to not make decisions that are reasonable or based in logic. They complain it a shame this has come up we have to this an issue. They are the ones that made it an issue. This speaks to our argument of conservatives about slippery slopes. You start going after statues, then you start going after uscs horse because it is named traveler, the same name about robert e. Lees horse, and now we have mr. Lees issue. This not normal, it is a slippery slope, people get paranoid and afraid when violence is attacked on reactions, people adjust themselves and act in a manner that is not normal. There were tweets about it almost everyone condemned it saying along the you know, Something Like what you are saying. One that was interesting. From bob lee, a more famous lee at espn. He said, rather worried by employee i. D. Pass may not admit me in theam. Life as scripted by onion sports. That is right. Bobob has been at espin since 1979, he is one of the original hires here, cannot believe it. Tammy is right about slippery slope, in particular with college campus, but when espin trying to make amends for a fantasy football, they include other people in to it and brought the university of virginia into this. College football is king of all sports in college. Connell that is a point. Uva part, had not thought about, that you would, thank you. Lets hope that mocking, keeps this from happening again, people think twice. Connell maybe a little bit of a wakeup call, issues are serious but there is a line. Be rational. Speaking of issues, serious, and debates, now about nationalist and globalist, a fight we can have any night, but today there are new development, they are on free trade. So are globalists in the lead or will the president tear up nafta . Well be back to talk about that. Engineering. Its a performance machine. With this degree of intelligence. Its a supercomputer. With this grade of protection. Its a fortress. And with this standard of luxury. Its an oasis. The 2017 eclass. Its everything you need it to be. And more. Lease the e300 for 569 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. [ male announcer ] with customink, you can design custom tshirts and other great products for every occasion from the first day of school to game day and everything in between. With the best collection of styles and graphics to choose from, its easy to go online and create custom tshirts and more for all of lifes events. [ all shouting ] get Free Shipping and ontime delivery guaranteed. Go to customink. Com to get started today. Connell federal trade commission cleared way for amazon to buy whole foods. It requires no furthercutting antitrust scrutiny, they hope to have it closed later this to have it closed later this year. Well be right back. Fiberenabled broadband to more than 65,000 fans. And why a leading car brand counts on us to keep their Dealer Network streamlined and nimble. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. When heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. Fast relief in every bite. Crunchy outside. Chewy inside. Tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. David toda connell today we heard from u. S. Trade representative, echoing that he might tear up nafta if we cant renegotiate it. We have another episode of nationalist versus the globalist, and implication for the economy. Kevin kelly here, managing partner at kelly and company. Liz peek also as well. This is big theme we can talk about every night. Who wins this one . Who is where is president on trade. This is another one of the situation like afghanistan, president campaigned on something that is hard to make happen. When he is presented with facts and figures he will decide, no, we went blow up nafta. This is important, mainly to our auto industry. Connell snee he is not a protectist . I dont think so. He talked about free trade and fair trade being sinc synonymous is right. Connell how do you manage that. We dont get into enough new anneuheisel answers with that, we have the quote, unquote nationallives saying tear it up circumstance in a balance here. There a plan, because this is not just about jobs but also about quality and standard of living for here in United States, if we can foster specialize skills, and advantages we could have over 94in other nations work. We should be making good products, think about how we benefit from low price of iphones. Connell we have cheaper stuff from overseas. Kevin, where do you think that president is on this. I think he is more practice more protectionist. Connell will he tear up nafta . I dont think he will tear of nafta. We have strong trade leaders, we can benefit more from modernizing nafta than ripping it up. He is working with our trade rep on this. Farmers have benefited from nafta, only we have about a 55 billion trade deficit with mexico if you talk out autos there is a trade surplus, there are Many Industries you will be hearing from who will say this is not going to work. Connell is there anything to this idea that there was a shift last week in the administration . Kevin do you believe with bannon out . I think so, if you look at where dollar has been, so far this year, down about 7 , there is no talk about making it stronger, that was a big Campaign Promise of donald trump. He thinks we should make it stronger. Look at what happened, you see who leaving the white house. Connell correct me if i am wrong, he talked lately about a weak dollar helping american companies. Not to benefit, you order for a company to reinvest in United States they need to know their dollar will be stronger going forward, they would want to buy property plant, equipment and reinvest in people, as opposed to dividend, stock buybacks. A lot ease caree easier to expert from u. S. If the dollar is weaker. Connell right. 66 of the economy, services were not a giant exporting nation, we should not be. I would differ with you, i think back to nafta discussion well look at a lot of Different Things they started renegotiations, i think there will be changes and further protecttion, main thing that trump will want to talk about is wages have to go up in mexico, that is what they will talk about. That would be a big win for him. It would diminish the gap between mexican labor and hours. Focus on automation as biggest job killer we need to specialize our jobs and labor force here, people who have been hurt most are those without degrees and lower skilled jobs. Connell and many were Trump Supporters he got a lot from those types of people, we have to go now, thank you, appreciate it. Other topic tonight, that seems to have disappeared, is north korea versus President Trump. There are new fears that north is developing a better missile as u. S. Navy docks a second guided missile destroyer after that deadly collision. Are we ready for what coming next . Well talk about it. So new touch screens. And biometrics. In 574 branches. All done by. Yesterday. Banks arent just undergoing a face lift. Theyre undergoing a transformation. A data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Hello, mr. Deets. Every Branch Running like headquarters. 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I am sure there are backchannel talks to work this out, publicly we see heightened tension, heated rhetoric, then all of a sudden they come to some kind of a pause. That is where we are right now. He ordering more solid rocket motors being built, is threatening he is continuing to work on warhead, is threatening. And building up industrial capacity with carbon on carbon manufacturing capability,. Davidcape bill. Connell idea that north korea somehow res us now. That is something where kim jongun has probably taken measure of President Trump and realized, he cant really figure him out. He is up predictable. What we have needed in our National Leadership is the unpredictability that keeps enemy off balance. We have very predictable leaders on both sides of aisle, democrat and republican, have been very forth coming in when were doing and with Obama Administration what were not doing. That is invaluable for an enemy for a potential adversary, this president is keeping everyone off balance. Connell what if kim jongun goes forward with a test . Like it has been 27 days, but now if he tests our president once again, given that there is a pause, is there a different or more appropriate response rather than what we were talking about a couple of weeks ago. I think people have become numb about the 12ing regime, shooting missiles off of sea of japan does nothing but rile up the japanese and embarrass the United States and quote world community. Because the United Nations has put sanctions and stepped them up in july to get them to stop, he is not. You have to belligerent little guy over there firing off missiles, if any of those missiles were to head in direct of japan or of guam, then United States would be compelled to take action and shoot those missiles down. Connell for now were in a pause, were thankful for that. Looking at that distance, captain nash was talking about with north korea threat. Good to see you. Thank you. You bet. Connell we split up show, President Trump versus media and establishment,men. Next, kaepernick Philip Morris man kaepernick versus foreman, whose side are you on . Well be right back. L lets do. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. Jim aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. Potsch and best of all, this new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing is everything ok . Adt, i could hear crackling in the walls, and my mind went totally blank. All i remember saying was, my boyfriends beating me and she took it from there. 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I dont think they are mutually exclusive, i think what foreman said is perfect with what kaepernick is doing. He might be getting a bit of a penalty, the nfl is a business. He will be on a roster by week three, injuries happen, he is still a viable option, the jets could do worse than kaepernick. They are doing worse than kaepernick. And cleveland browns, chris. Im going to have to take George Foremans side, Collin Kaepernick is being unpatriotic, that is why he is being blackballed by nfl, a there is a saying protect th the shield at all cost, if he is kneeling he is not protecting the shield. Were not quarterback expert. I was a college quarterback. I won my Fantasy League last year without kaepernick. Connell he is good enough to be better than most of back up. Ford makes a key point, economic question. If he was good enough to carry a team, make a huge difference, then people would look past this. There are people who have done far worse than kneel during a national anthem, which is your right under the constitution, but it is your right as a team not to sign him. Right, ill tell you why kaepernick is being stupid, that is why not stay in the league, and use your star power to go on talk shows, magazines, muhs paper, newspapers be he is cutting his own knees, look at kareem abduljabbar, in 70s be heh a sim problem, he understood, there was a business, there was a way to actually get civil right activist. Connell he retired alltime leading scorer in nba history, kareem abduljabbar. Mohamud ali lost out, but one of best fighter in world, and kaepernick is not that. He is not one of the best quarterbacks but he is a viable option, i guarantee, he will be on a roster. There is a bigger thing, patriotism is a problem for folks under 35. No draft, no cold war, they dont always know what the flag means. This is generational. This is not just black america it is white america, i see serve day on college campus. Connell do you agree there there are generational things here that is part of the problem. He has a 20 million salary request right now, which will hurt a lot of teams on salary cap, once that season starts, he is not getting that full 20 he will be a viable option for somebody. In nfl thing that matter most is winning, a lot of people will boo him in cities until he throws a couple touchdown passes. They i still dont outweigh his baggage. Connell miami would have signed him, they are puppin pulling guy out of retire. Namenstikov shoul miami. Cutler is a different situation, a different story, cleveland or jets would be most prime. Connell somewhere in nfl there is a head coach asking his gm to hire this guy. Guy. Were more about sports. You got the right guys on. That is what matters, i am a giant fan. Struggle earlier. We thank you for joining us. Making money, i will connell, i will see you back tomorrow night, lou dobbs is next on fox business network, have a great night. David i am david asman in for lou dobbs, he is on vacation, President Trump headed back to washington after a two day trip out west firing up his supporter, president this afternoon speaking to American Legion in reno, nevada, he called on americans to unite. Heal wounds that divide us. A more m measured tone for president last night torched National Left wing media and relentless effort to take down his presidency, john roberts with our report. Reporter it might be a tuesday thing, a week ago yesterday that presi

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