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Ballance less than ideal for cleaning up the ocean now his project has been launched. But first lets take a detour into the Animal Kingdom everyone knows that elephants into act in complex ways and ahead but other species have fascinating social lives as well. Chickens for eggs we have members of the group. When white stalks head to their Winter Quarters flying together in large groups the ones who spend the summer on it like constance on the swiss german border set off for spain some fly no further and went to their own landfill sites after trip of about nine hundred kilometers. Others keep going and flying three and a half hours in kilometers to west africa how come what determines who goes where. Biologist and they are flock is the first scientist to have researched this question in any depth it had have limited to no one had looked into it yet because its really difficult to gather precise data on the behavior of groups of wild animals. Stalks are quite quite you cant get close and stare at them and how can you observe in detail vast flocks on the way dr flock found away in twenty fourteen she equipped sixty stalks with tracking devices and accelerometers and hope that some of these individuals would end up flying together. Shes about to introduce us to one of those sixty birds who has a distinctive manner of flying. Past their fire a bell. Shes on the right then she demonstrates what flak finds interesting about her. Shes not a champion flyer the other one overtakes her with. You have bears mirabelle authority mediocre a flying doesnt matter much in everyday life but when they migrated she struggled to keep up with the others. Mirabelle flaps her wings a lot while the other one coast smooth sailing. Hypothesis was that the good flyers who travel fast head for africa and the slower ones who flop a lot only make it to spain. Data from the accelerometers let the researches know if the stalks are gliding or flapping. It takes a lot of energy to flap the wings gliding is pretty much effortless. But thats only an option where there are thermals that is a currents of rising warm air. All the birds have to do then is spread their wings and be carried upward in a wide spiral. The. Updraft becomes weaker the higher they go then a coast to the next flapping their wings as little as possible to conserve energy. But how do they find the funnels does each individual bad look for them or does a group follow the lead of specialist scouts who go exploring to find the ark drafts. As luck would have it twenty seven of the sixty stalks being studied did form a group flock and her colleague martin knowledge analyzed the data from the tracking devices and determine that there are indeed leaders and followers within a group the leaders are martin blue theyre experts at coasting and soar high on the thermals among the followers is mirabelle she doesnt fly so high and she follows the leaders. We were surprised that the slower birds at the rear make use of information provided by the ones at the front they watch how the leaders are flying so they can steer a better course through the thermals. And. These were groundbreaking research findings. To keep up with the leaders even the followers have to be quite fast. Its clear that not all stores have the same flying skills. Some started practice at a very early age. Others prefer to lounge in their nests and where it turns out are more likely to be merely average performers on the wing like our poor mirabelle she has to work really hard to keep up. Many posters have followers flap their wings a lot they expend a lot of energy does meaning they have to work harder as they migrate so they can travel such a great distance they tend to stop in spain and go no further while the others carry on to africa india africa. The experts on the long haul flight glide most of the way and expend as Little Energy doing that as if they were standing on their nests. The results of this Research Project are so rich that its not possible to predict the destination of any given bird. Hunting because indeed weve seen that these behavioral strategies are so important that shortly after they take off we can already tell how far it will go. We only have to observe the first five minutes of flight to know if it will migrate to africa or only to spain. What about our friend mirabelle she called it a day in Northern Spain and winter on a landfill site. Stalks returned to Northern Europe every year after chilling in the sunny cell phone line months is that perhaps at the root of the myth that stalks deliver babies another theory has it that stalks confuse them with their favorite food frogs really. Mothers would certainly disagree. They only ever see the best in their babies. And when nursing they produce the best possible nourishment milk that researchers have discovered is tailored to meet their childs needs. Its instinctual shortly after birth a baby will move towards its mothers breast in search of milk and latch on to her. Ideally the first breastfeeding session should take place within an hour of delivery hormones are stimulated in response to the baby sucking that regulate the release of milk. Is just five months old and is being exclusively breastfed by his mother ricardo. Its always arrives at the right temperature and its always hygienic i always have it with me i cant forget it im facile and the medical emotional aspects were really important to me and harvesting. Breastfeeding has a lot of advantages not just for the baby but for the mother too its natures ingenious invention a mothers milk contains antibodies that help protect the baby against infection on a long term basis. By as. Much with an infant that has been exclusively breastfed even if its for just three months has half as many middle ear infections as a baby that hasnt been breast fed and respiratory and gastrointestinal infections are much less common among breastfed babies than babies who arent being breast. But is there Something Special about your own mothers breast milk human milk contains complex sugars called human milk oligosaccharides or h. M. O. Those and their composition differs from woman to woman and it changes over time. Every mother creates these substances especially for her child there are hundreds of variations that also depend on the childs particular situation in life. And they protect the child from an infection by the bacteria and its own intestines. Doing occurred. Most bacteria and other germs cant cross the barrier of the intestinal wall themselves but need to be transferred via receptor. These human all of those sucker writes form a kind of protective wall we believe that when a baby is sick the antibodies in the mothers milk change. Its not entirely clear what the signaling pathways are there so we do know the immune composition of the breast no adjusts and responds. To the nutritional composition of breast milk is also ideally adapted to the babys needs as ricardo herself has experienced. Sometimes the babies just thirsty and breast milk starts of being thinner more thirst quenching and with fewer fun when the baby is hungry they stay on longer for the milk that contains more facts and theres strong evidence that its not just babies who benefit from Breast Feeding you know mentioned that many people dont realize that the mother also profit for example women who have breastfed have a reduced risk of getting Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer and type two diabetes is less common to. Reduce risk of Breast Cancer why might that be. Medical experts only discovered in recent years that breast milk contain stem cells these cells can develop in particular ways in accordance with what the body needs little is known about how they might affect the baby. And we know from test tube experiments that to. Cells for example are changed or killed by the stem cells that can be want to spread nationwide women who have breastfed on less likely to get Breast Cancer. And also why breast fed babies have lower rates of certain childhood cancers because. The hormone oxytocin helps the mothers womb shrink after childbirth and it curb stress levels but that doesnt mean breastfeeding is always easy. As an. Infant they are still at the beginning it was very difficult very painful it took me two months to get to a point where i felt comfortable with it. And thats a really nice feeling if i find it physically very relaxing i can really let go. So im kind. As well as having a positive psychological effect on the mother towson is widely dubbed the bonding hormone because it strengthens emotional ties between mother and child. Some studies suggest that breast milk might help reduce the risk of a child becoming overweight also later in life. Breastfed babies learn how to determine for themselves when theyre full and theres a link to the leptin that regulates upper targets later in life it seems to me and the hormone leptin is contained in breast milk. Carton darwell look pretty satisfied with their milk. From ghana. My question is why after some children resemble. Or the father sometimes takes the color. Or the color. Or sometimes. Go to stumble. Or to find a quiet question. Why is this. Why do some children look like their parents and others dont. It used to be said that babies resemble their fathers scientists thought it had an evolutionary explanation that it was natures way of confirming paternity and encouraging fathers to take care of their own children. But the latest Research Shows that babies dont necessarily resemble their fathers or their mothers for that matter. And babies the world over look more like each other instead nature is made sure they look adorable. Big eyes. And all. Thats how babies ensure a ready supply of adult caregivers. Theyre so cute even a stranger walk here for them if something happens to their parents. And what happens when children are adults sons tend to look more like their fathers sons daughters their mothers thats due to the effect of sex hormones. What about specific features like eye color. Well if the fathers eyes are brown and the mother is blue their childrens eyes will probably be brown because brown eyes is a dominant trait. But sometimes children dont resemble their parents much at all in the mix of the mothers and the fathers genes has millions of possible combinations. Nature enjoys for writing so many babies resemble no one in particular only themselves. If outlet is right why ave. Even if you. Do you have a science question that youve always wanted answered it were happy to help out you send it to us as a video text over oyster mail if we answer it on the show well send you a little surprise as a thank you can just ask. To find as i do w dot com slash science or drop us a line at d w underscore site tech on facebook d w dot science. Children learn best through play and good teachers know that italian dr Maria Montessori developed a method of education with the basic premise help me do it myself. No limits to a childs imagination so topics involving space are always popular with the young. When she was an audience as astronaut Samantha Christopher ready tapped into that with a Fitness Program for kids and she isnt the only educator to get them involved in space. Palmdale california. As evening approaches talk man prince and his three colleagues from southern germany are getting ready to leave for their First Expedition into the night sky. The kids were ready to go when very excited and i hope itll all go well. Sophia the flying telescope is fully fueled all of the safety checks are done and everything is ready for takeoff. Twelve hours later were visiting a physics class at a school in hanover. Plains and students are waiting for news from nasa they have video skype in with their teacher in california. The first ya. The teacher has just returned from his first flight on the repurposed boeing seven four seven which is now a flying telescope. His students are eager to hear more. On what did it feel like when you got on the saffir. You know honestly good question it was very exciting we had to put on headphones because its very loud on board its not soundproofed in there we were pretty excited i have to say. The soviet aircraft was fitted with an infrared telescope it can observe the birth of stars and galaxies from high above the earths atmosphere which normally interferes with our view the telescope was extended out of an opening on the side of the aircraft. To publicize its research and get young people interested in his work nasa sometimes takes teachers on board. And did you see if the new star has just been formed. As a strong as cant actually observe a star being born its not like theres a bang and suddenly theres a star it takes hundreds of thousands of years before you can see anything but i could see a lot of stars a different stages in their development and i could compare them and say aha after twenty thousand years thats what a star looks like after one hundred thousand years like that and after two hundred thousand like that so that gave me a sense of how a star develops over time. Plan. If you saw a planet or several planets which one was your favorite. Theres one planet neptune that the astronomers didnt find all that interesting but we thought it was really great to get to see neptune but what was especially exciting is that the magnification of the telescope also allowed us to see its largest moon tried on youd never be able to see that with the kinds of telescopes we know from back home. But the students werent just interested in science and new discoveries. Did anything go really wrong on the flight or did something dramatic happen yes. Fortunately everything went smoothly theres a fear flying observatory return safely back to earth. And tomorrow the teacher will be back in germany bringing photos with him to school. Teachers have a huge influence on the children in their care how you were taught in school often affects choices you make later in life we were curious about your learning experiences so we asked on facebook whether there was a teacher that really inspired you and in what way. For chris ryans from the Philippines School was the second home and he says it had a big impact on developing his skills he likes looking back on his early years in grade school. Jonathan zealot from kenya remembers hearing that studying hard would one day allow him to buy an important product razorblades he didnt understand why at the time he was still young. Cocoa pull my own career from pakistan told us about a math teacher who was a major inspiration he credits her with his love for members. And his teacher wrote back saying she was glad to hear it and always did her best. Book group then replied again saying his success in the subject had a love to do with her encouraging smile. Thanks to both of them and all the rest of you for sharing. With help from role models children can also make things happen pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai for example says she was inspired by her father and only ten Felix Finkbeiner from germany founded the plant the Planet Initiative with other kids he organized planting projects based on ideas propagated by one gallery much like. The Nobel Prize Winning activist. And there are many other inspiring young people trying to make a difference lets meet one of them. More than five billion tons of plastic trash now litter our oceans the debris is accumulated over more than half a century plastic just doesnt go away. At the age of sixteen slot decided to tackle the problem eight years on his Ocean Cleanup is now becoming a reality the floating boom system devised to collect this debris was recently towed five hundred kilometers from the port where it was assembled pass prominent San Francisco landmarks and out into the open ocean. After years of planning the twenty four year old dutchman finally wants to prove what his huge garbage catcher can really do clean up the Worlds Largest marine garbage dump the socalled Great Pacific garbage patch. One of the worlds five major gyrus is located between hawaii and the coast of california. The swirling circulating currents have brought together gigantic amounts of Plastic Waste the garbage patch is believed to cover an area around four times the size of germany. Now our Research Found that there is about eighteen kilo of plastic protein around which constitutes to one point eight trillion pieces of plastic inside the Great Pacific garbage that. Is not has been thinking about his garbage patch for a long time but he just couldnt get the idea of cleaning up the Plastic Waste out of his mind he raised money using crowd funding and drummed up support for his idea start is now backed by a team of sixty five scientists and in twenty fifth. The clean up crew stage their first spectacular event and carried out their first Waste Collection Campaign Thirty boat sailed parallel to each other moving through a clearly defined ocean patch and collected rubbish the aim was to obtain reliable data on the actual level of plastic pollution for the first time slots team collected enormous quantities of garbage but the data was not enough slot he wanted more to collect the Pacific Ocean garbage in its entirety this young man from the netherlands thinks bit how would you know cross a large area well you would jump on an epic so what if we got ourselves to do this. And that actually the first area Reconnaissance Mission and ocean garbage that. Was the latest surveying technology onboard experts were able to create a three dimensional image of the pacific dump and this shows garbage floating meters deep in the sea. The floating Boom Construction looks simple at first its a six hundred metre long hard plastic tube with an apron attached at the bottom that reaches down three meters deep into the water it automatically creates a u. Form when its launched. All the construction needs to work is the current the waves in the wind the garbage itself will be shipped away for recycling. Critics however see the construction as a danger to certain kinds of marine life. The whole thing is an ecosystem this is the surface of the ocean were talking about not a desert these organisms are important they have a function the goal of this initiative is to tackle this problem on a large scale this will kill off these organisms on a grand scale too but slott is hoping that the construction will move organically through. The water the idea is that the construction drifts just like the plastic does. The next few months will show if the project works as expected. Will be happy if his system survives the winter without major damage. Then hell assess the first results next spring. Thats it for now but join us again next time when we visit a researcher breaking down the math when large numbers of people try to flee in a single direction surprising results in crowd dynamics that and much more next time until today see you then. Every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word alleged illegal. Is in germany to learn german and why not go with him. Book online on your mobile and free south d w z e learning course nikos free german from a to z. Time for an upgrade. Their clothes or buy. A house with. Poor design highlights you can rate yourself. Trends tips and tricks that will turn your home page for special. Upgrade yourself with d ws interior design channel on you tube. I know nothing. About it just sometimes i am but i stand up and whip it that gentle think they can to jam a culture of the can of stereotypes the question to me is think this beautiful country that im. Needed syncretic for this drama day out to eat its all about a bob no im a joke join me for me jeff and funded up your. Post. Im scared that if i work that hard and in the end its a me youre not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. The smugglers would lie and say. Whats your story. Im what i was and women especially of victims of violence. Take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. Another visitor another guest you want to become a citizen. In for migrants your platform for reliable information. This is you know reviews live from berlin a glimmer of hope for yemen the warring sides edged closer to peace talks raising hopes of an end to the devastating war that has pushed millions to the brink of starvation also coming up. Shock arrests in the sun boss karl is gone is to t. V. To in japan accused of underreporting millions of dollars of income and misusing company funds. Also risking jail for freedom hong kongs prodemocracy leader

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