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On a stride in steel exports is highly regrettable and its bad policy when were down by thirty billion forty billion sixty billion the trade war hurts them doesnt hurt us but the truth is quite the opposite. Trade will stop bad and easy tools will be a loving loving way to like us better and they will respect us much more. Also coming up the next syria is just a matter of time today a dire warning from the United Nations this month it is used which is in the words of the sector general hell on earth. Next month or the month after it will be somewhere else where people face an apocalypse. Oh we begin the day with trumps tree to tirade in the threat of a tit for tat reaction the u. S. President is adding verbal ammunition to his promise to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports yesterday at the white house he lashed out at the European Union again accusing europe of pouring its cars on to the u. S. Market unfairly or today the e. U. Responded European Council president donald tusk took trumps own words and turned them around saying trade words are not easy and that there are no winners or this comes amid yet another stunning resignation from within the Trump White House the top economic adviser to the president gary coleman announced late yesterday that he is quitting cohen is known for his adamant opposition to terrorists his departure stoking fears that the u. S. President will make good on his tirades and start a trade war. Motorcycles jeans and whiskey could all be about to experience higher charges in europe trump has repeatedly said he will levy penalties of twenty five percent on imported steel and ten percent on aluminum imports putting thousands of e. U. Jobs in jeopardy the president argues that the tariffs are a matter of National Security but today european commissioner for trade cecilia monstre called the move deeply unjust find that assumption just should clear european states. Because its not related to dumping subsidies cases is really to close a market of United States. And therefore we need to. U. S. Steel and Agricultural Products on the e. U. s list. Has a knife is that countermeasures could escalate the situation into a trade war. Is that where were headed with a talk about that im joined here at the big table tonight by our business anchor daniel winter and from our Washington Bureau our correspondent carsten phenomena gentlemen welcome to the day let me start with you daniel we know that trump went on a rant yet again this time against the European Union when it comes to trade and trade tariffs and he drew some fairly stern responses to us right city of donald tusk as we saw people inside the white house dont even agree with trump let alone all of the people who you know back in business in the e. U. Make no mistake when he says that the e. U. Has treated the u. S. Unfairly hes not recognizing the fact that the e. U. Is the number one export market for the u. S. When buying all of his products so he needs us on his side and yet it comes out with this angering so many people but if we put this into perspective the e. U. Sends about five billion dollars worth of steel to the u. S. At sort of six hundred billion euros a dollars of exports so these tariffs a tiny what everyones watching for is what happens next is this the start of a new trade yeah i mean it is a good point there youve got the numbers there and cars to talk about gary coleman and his resignation as trumps top economic adviser i mean we saw that spooked stock markets is there anyone left inside the white house who has the president s ear and who is against imposing trade tariffs. On the must be a few but those people who are opposed to those terrorists are not saying so publicly Steve Minucci in the treasury secretary who has long been seen as an ally of gary cohen today defended the terrorist that the president plans and he also says he doesnt believe this would hurt growth in the United States. The president s son in law another moderate in the white house also stays mute on this issue at least in public stance there are hard core protectionists like Economic Advisor Peter Navarro who seem to have the upper hand right now and navarro is also supported by commerce secretary roba ross who has been arguing for days now that the effects of tariffs on Consumer Prices in the u. S. Will be minimal and there wont be a full blown trade war all right so there are some voices that are still there inside the white house and in the administration you mentioned Cecilia Melson from the European Union take a listen to what she had to say earlier today. The root cause of the problem in the steel and aluminum sector is global overcapacity it is rooted in the fact that a lot of steel and aluminum production takes place under massive state subsidies and under known Market Conditions and this can only be addressed by cooperation getting to the source of the problem and working to get. Subsidies non Market Conditions there is you saying that trump is correct when he says that the Global Market for steel and aluminum are element in yemen is skewed against some and against others so lets just lay this out on the table brant the elephant in the room is china now its easy to say that they overproduced because they produced fifty percent of the worlds steel just china alone however when it comes to trumps policy he is harming his allies first because the u. S. Imports much more from canada from the e. U. From visit brazil mexico that evidence from china that like eleven from the list of steel imports for the u. S. So hes harming his allies first rather than just talking directly with the chinese they say theyre already working on reducing overcapacity its fine to be skeptical but dont hurt your allies when you need the most to go against what china is doing china is the operative word here karsten take a listen to what u. S. Senator Chuck Schumer said today regarding the difference between china and the European Union in terms of tariffs mr president focus on china go after china and do it in a smart focused but sharp edged way dont create a policy that hurts our allies more than it hurts china and causes china sort of giggle at our ineffectiveness a trade war is not what we want. Making china play by the rules is what all americans want except that handful of businesses that just see their interest and raise in their profits no matter where their jobs go where they sell goods. There youve got youve got Chuck Schumer there talking about the giggling chinese cars and how much support is there in washington for targeted tariffs. Well there is indeed a lot of pressure on trump the white house from outside the white house not to start a trade one and not to start a trade war in particular with allies like the European Union canada and so on its not just the democrats its also Republican Leaders in congress its economists its a large part of the Business Community who are against this and indeed the white house today said that there might be in fact exceptions for some countries under some circumstances from those tariffs but its not clear what that means under which circumstances such exceptions would be granted so this is all a bit mad and lets not forget strum is very inconsistent you never know what happens what he will do next but on the issue of tariffs to protect american businesses he has been pretty consistent over decades so it could still be that he will follow his protection as instincts here and snap tariffs on everyone you know thats a very good point usually is the person he last spoke with but not when it comes to these trade tariffs dana briefly before we run out of time could there be a possibility could be right and in the end europe will feel more pain than the u. S. If there is a trade war that similarly sized economies but the u. S. Is just so influential its going to harm others more than it will do us but this is a negative sum game its only going to be lose lose if a trade war does break out our business thank you daniel when i hear the big table with us and carson phenomena in washington gentlemen thank you very much. Well if you watch our program on a regular basis i dont need to tell you we have reported time and time again on the misery that is syrias civil war the latest chapter in this dark history the battle for the rebel held on klav of eastern huet today the u. N. Is warning of a potential apocalypse in syria warning that any help or aid now may be too little too late for the people trapped there after weeks of religulous bombardment the syrian army and their allies say that they have taken full control of the area just east of damascus. But childhood from. The Syrian Civil Defense workers must dig children out from the rubble after yet another bombing raid taking them to safety if anywhere in east ghouta is safe the United Nations high commissioner for human rights says its urgent to reverse course and refer the Syrian Regime to the International Criminal court. This month it is eastern which is in the words of the sector general hell on earth next month or the month after it will be someone else will people face an apocalypse an apocalypse intended planned and executed by individuals within the government apparently with the full backing of some of the foreign supporters. Progovernment militias reinforced syrias regular troops. And the government itself is backed by iran. And especially russia which says it is coordinating with the regime to offer an aid. And to help get people out. There we managed to evacuate thirteen civilians including five children we also plan to evacuate about one thousand sick and wounded people but the rebels did not give us the chance old people women and children are being held as hostages and used as human shields. But many observers blame russia for blocking un resolutions or for helping the Syrian Regime violate them how on earth has no end in sight. Well im joined now here at the big table by yahoo bovines he is an analyst on syria hes also reported many times from what is now a big battle zone while it is good to have you here at the big table we ask about the Security Council meeting today. Met to discuss this failed ceasefire in eastern huta but at this point when you look at the reality of the situation isnt it just too late for the u. N. To try to intervene if its been too late lets say from day one from that they are suspected of carrying suspected chemical weapons attack in the whole of the same region which is this the populated urban dejan that was hit with chemical weapons and hundreds of civilians were killed not just the u. N. The obama if you remember yeah failed to enforce the socalled deadline red line the green light not just to assad but also to russia and lets not forget to hit on this is not that the forces assads forces itself the ilo ites forces and the clown that would include is too weak to want this attack on the majority sunni population majorities in the middle being that was what it is and the population of syria and this is done through russia and iran she experienced she our forces attacking it was your duty so in the civilian population so what do you. I think there is is the reality on the ground tonight weve got reports that assads forces have taken all of eastern huta weve got reports that only half of the enclave has been taken and that the rebels control at least spots of it what do you think is the truth or does it even matter where. You know its a beseeched area so. Militarily its going to be very difficult for it to hold on for a long time it has been holding for forty years now and its been besieged. Militarily of course is that because the situation as us forces have been advancing but that our main cities and little dumas and which are in the rebel hands that it would take many things of war for the forces to advance there was it didnt add up or what by the start of and saddened and carpet bombing by by that g m and this is not always the force that it but its of the between son and remind our viewers who are the rebels in eastern huta they are from the sun who thought available with ovens they are delusional so that residents of eastern whose is these are people who five ten years ago were just living their lives there and it was peacefully initially against assad and these are the same people if you dont know but obama called them dismiss them as plummet as dr just engineers them to go to people who took up on that and they were of no military value for the United States states if you dont have a better looking for minute event you are allied with the would they could this militia would be that became became. Who was backing the rebels in eastern hoot again nobody objected when they started nobody gave them a chance they were peaceful protest that is against against us and then as they had but they learned the lessons from the one nine hundred eighty s. Cetus when the population rose up against us that in the one nine hundred eighty s. And the result was very similar to no action in the you skipped scale if you consider how little seed Us Population was then but then they. A sworn duty. To desist doesnt need the experience of the nineteen eighties you know its in the majority population against may not the other way to jeem backed by iran and russia you and i weve spoken before. About you know the problems in the middle east but what i hear you saying tommy time again is how far this goes back in history of in shock about the one nine hundred eighty s. But you talk to me times about the obama admin yet the Obama Administration do you think there were fatal mistakes made by president obama that have led us to this apocalypse now that the un has described the woman said what exactly you are saying through his speechwriter at rhodes once it was a speech with him and obama repeated it privately and even publicly saying look oh the thought of tribes and theyve been fighting for centuries and dismissed it as a stick that he and i think like us is doing today but its about basically them and lets not remember that. The void syria was a horrible place to be. Injured minos trying to present it as it is not is not just for solid or wise an analyst on syria but a lot of experience reporting on the ground there we appreciate you coming in and sharing your insights thank you for. Well tomorrow thursday march eighth is International Womens day now this year marks the one hundredth anniversary since women won the right to vote in britain or one of the activists at the forefront of that campaign was Emily Pankhurst a century later we called up with her great granddaughter helen to ask about where gender equality stands today. Weve got to say that. She is celebrated like a rock star Helen Pankhurst great granddaughter of emily and pancoast one of britains most eminent campaigners for womens rights at a womens march in londons trafalgar square. To be speaking here on the exact same platform used by my grandmother sylvia and my great grandmother and myleene was. During those very very difficult Suffragette Campaign feels incredibly surreal to me. People have always asked Helen Pankhurst about her name and as a consequence she got involved with feminism from a young age she now writes books and uses her famous name to raise awareness of the battles that still need to be fought as you put the sash on if that engagement with. The past. The same would still relevant today and you feel quite energized over one hundred years ago helens family sometimes used militant tactics to fight for womens right to vote they were put in prison and went on hunger strike. Today women do have equal rights but for helen pancoast there are still many injustices in daily life the overruled miss option either overruled male entitlement at home. Putting themselves backwards to hold. Pink. Space just as so many ways in which we still have a major problem helen pancoast says there is still a lot of work to do in parliament itself thats despite a third of british m. P. s being women and that being female Prime Minister theresa may she often works with female politicians. Were still in a very male dominated outlets here and we still had i had a colleague in previous call going to twenty fifteen saying he was with the chamber from by conservative m. P. Nicholas soames and that kind of behavior still goes on its a very adversarial atmosphere. At events and parliament and also at the womens much as Helen Pankhurst stands shoulder to shoulder with britains politicians and theyre listening to have. What we need is feminism without borders a world where the voices of the people us women count as much as that of the richest man theyre rallying calls oh just as good as ever peace no words peace no worth was with. Deeds not words so were joined tonight from one going by Katherine Meyer shes the cofounder of britains Womens Equality Party shes also a journalist good evening to you catherine and welcome to the day you only launched a Political Party i understand back and forth twenty fifteen why did you see the need here in the twenty first century. Well sadly as your report just pointed out not only do women not yet have equality but actually some of those rights that weve won look very precarious right now with saying not just stilling of progress but a potential rolling back of the rights and protections enjoyed by women and that by the way damages everyone that damages men to that damages the economy too so in twenty fifteen i was looking forward to the coming general election in the u. K. And i realized that there were a lot of women who were not going to vote in the case at the previous election too so here we were nearing the centenary of the first women getting the votes had me you k. And women were so turned off by politics that they werent even using that hard won right so thats what they inspired me to start a purty jeffrey will give me an example of where you see the rights be the where this rollback of rights and freedoms are most likely to take place. Well you see it all the time globally i mean the most obvious exemplar of it is is donald trump and the administration that he represents where youre seeing already you have already seen for example the lifting of the global gag rule which means the restriction on funding for. Planned planned parenthood for. Anything that might possibly lead to abortion worldwide you have seen also moves like in the u. K. Brecks it which in the real hatchery ation of laws into this country is likely to affect secondary legislation and thats where the devils in the detail of their lives that the protections enjoyed by women may actually just disappear at the strike of a pen in the backrooms do you think thats a real danger for women in the u. K. Catherine that once breaks it is said and done you may actually lose freedoms in rights compared to the e. U. Its possible a lot of the reason for the e. U. Introducing some of those rights and protections was not actually concerned about gender equality but trying to even out in equity between labor markets but that it the reasons why these laws are it should cease these directives were introduced doesnt that doesnt really matter what mass is is that we hold on tool at this and in fact the experiment. Some of these rights because you know you were portals i said women have equal rights thats not strictly true there are still areas of inequity but but what helen panka said is absolutely true that this is also overwhelmingly cultural i mean just look at things like parenting one of the reasons for the gender pay gap is. Assumptions about the roles performed by men and women both privately and in the workplace and the idea that parenting is primarily a womans job and as a result of that you know sadly see employers paying women less because they assume they may take time off to have children you see employers paying men with children more than they pay men with children its one of the interesting statistics there catherine my own version of running outside but very interesting talking with you Catherine Meier with the u. K. Womens Equality Party john thank you very much we appreciate your time. And to mark International Womens day tomorrow t w duce will be bringing you special coverage all day on thursday featuring strong women who are changing their world and should have to be in for that the day has nearly done the conversation continues online you see right there where you can write is in reaches and remember no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see the end of the. Your lot more than just functional. Playing with. Combining. Moving spaces. Next. Mafia. Jet. Music. Hall this classic comedy some like a top. Control the speed of gangster films dramas the link a person. Can believe theres some like it hot hes cold i dont know man nobodys perfect. With that women might be lost. But the world is still far from complete gender equality because the need to movement influence the world why did based on sexism International Womens day twenty news seem to focus this week on. Just listen this is the sound of time passing as forests the size of twenty five football fields are lost every minute adding to Greenhouse Gases but what is the sound of a tree not for us the sound biodiversity Tourism Community Development Reliable food and water. The United Nations Development Program is listening and working with communities to protect forests for the future we want if youre hearing what were hearing find out more. I want to welcome to another edition of your own max im your host meghan li we are celebrating women and female related movements on the show today heres a look at whats coming up. Game set World Records our steffi graf made tennis history. Fearless cheerleaders television

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