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Philosopher and pop star adored and despised karl marx icon of communism a man whose ideas changed the world but also divided it how relevant is he today and what influence does he have on politics and general culture on his two hundredth birthday karl marx and arts twenty one special and the documentary marx and his heirs g. W. Bush. Share hash tag a special edition on the booming business of user data. Today trading users private data how to protect against Data Collection and surveillance dystopias but first finding for data Privacy Protection of private information on Social Networks is unsatisfactory at best the Facebook Cambridge analytical scandal has brought the issue back to the fore its time users reclaimed control of their data. Every move we make online leaves a data trail Social Networks apps and Information Brokers collect those data and trade them. According to estimates data trading generates around One Hundred Twenty Billion euros a year worldwide and that number is rising the Business Model behind it to make users transparent without their realizing it. And this is one of the biggest risks with with lack of privacy on the internet is that things happen without us knowing we are denied credit or refused were not shortlisted for a job or Something Like that is happening without us knowing because somehow information about us has been garces to and then use out of context. But what do. To do facebook and google collect its possible to download a copy of your personal information although if you have an account with google that data alone could be several gigabytes. Google saves all of our searches. And knows things like when we need to have our phone repaired. It keeps track of places we spend time in and follows us as we move through city. Your facebook data includes the private messages you sent right down to the post. Both google and facebook can share their users data with third party. Users cant control what happens with their data once its been shared whats more interesting is how that data used and used to target and attempt to influence and manipulate not just the people who have the data access but almost everybody i think it is true that in some ways they control so much that its life like a dictatorship but a kind of hidden dictatorship is working with soft power rather than rather than do it we have or thirtys to do so is i think one of the most important things for us to establish in terms of terms of data retirement. Impossible to stop leaving dated trails but we need to be aware of how our data are used. Shifts as our data belong to us. And now appears in coach Internet Users are being influenced without their knowledge by Social Media Algorithms. Users will only see content that is relevant to them thats what Social Networks promise. So what determines which content is relevant the Social Media Algorithms that work with user data. The most important data on likes which topics does if you like this he or she prefer videos or takes to. Which post so popular across the network. Algorithms use these data to select a post for an individuals feet conflicting opinions or too many details are withheld from the user. According to experts an algorithm needs around Three Hundred lines to really know a user. Algorithms can also be private details users havent shared on the network like whether their parents are divorced. Using data benefit Something Else to. Advertising which is a profitable business for Social Networks. They are paid posts to the feet selected according to. Users can turn this preselection. Shown in Chronological Order but that preference isnt safe so the next time they log on they will again see posts selected by an algorithm using that data. And no Social Network or commercial platform whats the true purpose of facebook the us Company Makes a lot of money thanks to its detailed user profiles something that data advocates and others are protesting against. Facebooks main mission according to founder Mark Zuckerberg is to connect people online but the Company Makes most of its money selling ads in Two Thousand And Seventeen around ninety eight percent of its revenue over Thirty Billion Euros came from advertising. Whether its for a Political Campaign or for a commercial Company Facebook can identify the correct target group and send them specifically tailored content. Interaction alone reveals a lot about any given user such as their ethnic heritage gender Sexual Orientation and political or religious views predictions made using interaction are correct eighty percent of the time and feed into the personality profiles with up to Fifty Two Thousand variables that facebook uses in its economic model. In this new body all we need to talk. The impact of the new Economic System users across germany are being made transparent but theyre sort of classified targeted by companies that are not aware that this is happening about. Facebook also collaborates with other Data Collectors the largest data brokers have more than five billion personality profiles meaning that every person with Internet Access has been recorded in some form. Data brokers analyzed browsing behavior and user searches on line in addition there is the data from retail groups this information is added to postal addresses email addresses and location data almost anyone with a smartphone can be analyzed. Data brokers make individuals Information Available to facebook so that the company can improve its users profiles in turn facebook gives data brokers access to some of its data. Broker market is huge specially in the u. S. Its also due to the Data Protection laws just like the ones we have in europe exist in the us means the mining and trading data is basically fair game. Wouldnt. Change as between a company like facebook and other data brokers takes place in a figurative black box. And black book starts with. Data brokers servers are often located in the us beyond the jurisdiction of european however the service also contain data belonging to european users. Considering our views and opinions can manage users are really should know much more about. So youre coming from. Russia will do some cities could ultimately influence them. Facebook says it wants to provide more Data Protection but would they give up the lucrative day to trade. Shifts as more transparency please. Handle short and sweet its the ship snapshot. Online Data Collectors use trackers to analyze users behavior among other purposes the information gathered is then used for targeted advertising those who do not want to be tracked around the web theres the previously badger free Browser Extension. The extension keeps your browsing behavior from being tracked unlike other Blocking Tools previously badgered doesnt happen list of common trackers instead the add on learns what to block does so once it has identified the same track on three different websites. Alternatively users can configure the add on themselves. The Browser Extension was created by the u. S. Nonprofit Electronic Frontier foundation a previously and Digital Rights group. A snapshot and now has always believed shift through the accept the Internet Find of the week to day surveillance. Whats behind these mirrors. Do you sometimes feel like youre being watched. South korean Media Artists sign wanly follows his protagonists everywhere thanks to our many present Surveillance Cameras he never loses sight of them. But who is he watching. A real person. They digital image. Short film watched by being watched questions identity in the digital age. What is real. And what can a data set reveal about a human being. How have crypto currency has changed since bitcoins been called everything from dot Web Currencies for criminals to alternative investments because if miriam and co next time on shift. Culture. A hair. Style icon. Led a. Lifestyle during. The last. Thirty minutes. Its all happening the face of. Your link to news from africa and the world. Your links to exceptional stories and discussions hello and welcome to the Assembly Program and from the needs anything from these eaves i would say d w to africa join us on facebook at g. W. Africa. Every journey begins with the first step and everything reaches the first word and the physical cohesion germany to german the Food Business us why not come with the faroe its simple online on your own mild and free. To suffer. D. W. Zeal or ning course cause fuk sure maybe see. Imagine being born as. Your ally to come prove it since you want to look at the no school. You want to be useful but on a loved one. When youre sick the doctors know. When you fall in love they wont. You dont have children for fear theyll be invisible to. Have knows. When you die theres no proof of the ever exist. And every ten minutes. Someone this is. Ten Million People in the world the stakes have no nationality in the total made up of all and. That everyone has the

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