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Here youll find the latest digital news and trends including interesting apps the latest gadgets helpful tutorials and of course our shift reports. Like us comment and tell us what you think on t w digital. And theres always on shift we leave through the exit the internet find of the week today marvels magnets and music. Videos of marble runs are extremely Popular Online little toy blocks made of wood fidget spinners dominoes and magnets are all obstacles for a tiny ball this video has generated more than a million views on you tube since the beginning of the year. Whats unique about you tube or doodle chaos is videos is that Classical Music plays in the background. This marble run is perfectly timed with tchaikovskys beautiful waltz of the flowers so that the marbles roll in time with the music. Now for the grand finale. And next week. The dutch police have begun using all commented reality to solve cases hundreds of kilometers away the system streamed video shot by offices of seeing to experts elsewhere providing remote investigators with interactive three d. Models virtual Crime Fighting next week poncho. Expressive and provocative African Art Tonights Identity Culture and political statement. Story come on the most mild gatherings. Manifested. In our special ops Twenty One African often. In thirty minutes. Anxiously waiting. Waiting for a lifeline to syria. Good morning where are you why and you answered a different call brings them closer together. But it hurts because they feel powerless to help. You. They worry about the ones theyve left me. That im trying to be strong on. The war continues to haunt those who fled from syria. And the war on my farm for two Part Documentary Starts December Eighth on t. W. So this is the view from my seat in the horn section. Sarah willis knows her stuff. Think this is going to be the most incredible. Musicians and conductors. And she shows just how diverse Classical Music can be if. Sarahs music contemporary classical. D w. I know nothing out of the jam well i guess sometimes i am but i said nothing with that research i dont think even for Gemma Culture Looking at. Stereotype but he is thinking hes a country guy now not ten. Pm needed change will pay for his grandmother via. Its all that. Look im a child join me from the gem and funded up the. Post. This is v. W. News live from berlin nato urges moscow to comply with a key cold war arms treaty the Alliance Says a new russian Cruise Missile violates an agreement that has guaranteed europe security for more than thirty years as nato Foreign Ministers discuss the issue in brussels fears grow of a new International Arms race also coming up. How Climate Change is affecting reindeer in norway and threatening the way people live in the north of that country for centuries. And overcoming the odds we meet the nigerian taxi driver with no legs whos worked out his own way of getting through the notorious city traffic in lagos. And in venice like a Football Nuremberg and leverkusen live a gruesome draw any west and wild encounter a Trouble Downpour made conditions almost unplayable as german football persisted with its unpopular monday experiment. Im brian thomas great to have you with us nato says russia is running out of time to comply with an arms treaty that bans certain types of Nuclear Armed missiles the u. S. Has threatened to pull out of the one Nine Hundred Eighty Seven i. N. F. Treaty because moscow has failed to respect the agreement on this issue is set to top the agenda of nato Foreign Ministers meeting in brussels today europe appears to have persuaded washington to delay its withdrawal from the treaty for two months but as the teri schultz reports the issue is far from resolved. European leaders know the moment is near when the Nuclear Agreement between washington and moscow a traditional safeguard of their security will be declared dead we all know that the time is running out. But this is not tenable but we have norms were told agreement which is all respected by one part nato Secretary General u. N. Stoltenberg emphasizes the dangers of the missile russia has developed which goes beyond i. N. F. Limitations on flight ranges it is hard to detect it is Nuclear Capable and it could reach european cities with little or no warning time numerous u. S. Briefings have convinced european allies that moscows missile arsenal makes a mockery of the treaty but even as europeans acknowledge that some are doubtful killing the i. N. F. Will increase their security this of course is of concern to europeans because the europeans are in the line of fire and theyre in the line of fire between the russian Cruise Missiles and if the United States decides to bring back Cruise Missiles on the european continent who would be the first target europe so this is their Interest Friends Secretary Of State might pompei o shown here visiting nato in april was expected to formally announce i n f withdrawal this week in brussels which would kick off a six month period until the exodus final but european leaders wanted a two month delay and their last minute interventions appear to have won out the announcement is now expected in february the German Marshall Fund bruno lettuces europe needs to act now and examine his wider security as the i. N. F. Is just one of the former pillars now crumbling the question for europe and the nato allies in general is do we want to try to save those three days of the ninetys that no longer work do we want to try to save and change them or do we want to get rid of all these structures of the ninetys and come up with something new the problem here however is that there is nothing new on the table and this is perhaps something that the nato ministers should really start thinking about especially because theres no sign so far that russian president Vladimir Putin is thinking about changing course. So. Can the i. M. F. Treaty be saved at this point and should it be for some analysis this morning we have here with us sarah a young from the German Council on Foreign Relations good morning thanks for joining with us russia is violating the letter and the spirit of the i. N. F. Treaty so shouldnt be scrapped thats exactly the position of trump and his Secretary Of State pump a you but from european perspective its crucial to European Security because in fact if russia is to do or has as a c. Eight who are violent and i. M. F. Those would reach europe and not the u. S. So its in european interest to to uphold it ok so its especially europe at risk will President Trump has come out on twitter and hes made a pitch for new arms control talks not only with russia but with china as well is this the best the approach at this point to guarantee not only american and European Security but the Alliance Security as well so for it for the ass and for russia it could be a strategic benefit to include china because they also having i in africa relevant missiles but that makes it even more complicated especially for europeans because its crucial to their security but partners of those treaties are russia yes and maybe china are so it makes it will be. Difficult for for your pains to uphold that treaty ok so that would be a bad idea in your opinion no it would actually it could be a good idea or another idea could also be to limit i n f only to europe so that russia and u. S. Would be allowed to develop those weapons but only for you that outside of europe that could be maybe a more more viable way to do it because at some point it would be very difficult to include china because they wouldnt have any interest to to limit themselves at what would be russias interests in creating a new approach to the are enough. So russia in fact is. Is not as strong economically as the acis so at the moment its in their interest because its a strategic benefit for them because they have those i. M. F. Relevant missiles and the u. S. Doesnt have but in the longer term russia is not able to compete with us in terms of an arms race because they just have a much smaller economy they have their life ways worse ways worse off in terms of Technology Ok also on the agenda in brussels today is a potential flashpoint between the west and Russia Ukraine do you see nato stepping in as some point in guaranteeing Ukraine Security you know that would that would be a higher risk of a Military Confrontation between nato and russia which both sides want to point what we will say is maybe or what we at least will see as a verbal support for ukraine and condemnation of russias action we may also see air patrols less likely sanctions thats what the u. S. Is pushing for but the European Partners they want to they want to postpone it to have more and more room for leverage for devastations with russia on diane f. Treaty briefly if you could with ukraine out there with the i n f all but dead are you concerned about a new arms race a new Nuclear Arms Race yes i think most most people are because if i if is is not able to or is not not being uphold will definitely see an arms race in terms of intermediate missiles and we still have a new start in place which in limits of strategic messiah was bad they may be connected so if we see i. N. F. Going down the drain not may also have problems for long you start it could unravel other agreements yes it beginning of that at least seven pagan from the German Council on Foreign Relations thanks for being with us. Now for some of the other stories making the news at this hour. In the United States president bush and his wife molony a have paid their respects to former president george h. W. Bush former president s lying in state the u. S. Capitol building in washington the president has in the past clashed with the bush family but will attend the Funeral Service on wednesday. The first of those charged with rioting in paris over the weekend have appeared in court in fast track proceedings many were accompanied by Family Members fifty seven suspects face a range of public order charges stemming from the violent protests third round of yellow vests antigovernment protests on saturday spiraled into some of the worst such violence in central paris since the one Nine Hundred Sixty s. Egypts first arms fair has opened in cairo with four hundred companies exhibiting weapons from rifles to tanks forty countries are represented at the three day event the fair comes in this delegations from International Human rights organizations that egypt has used european made weapons against civilians to suppress Opposition Accusations cairo has strongly denied. The u. N. Climate conference in poland enters its second day today on monday the u. N. Secretary general antonio terrorist told delegates the world was quote way off course in the fight against Global Warming the aim of the meeting is to flesh out the twenty fifteen Paris Climate Accord which comes into force in twenty twenty. Over the weekend seventy nine chinese cities triggered Air Pollution alerts as severe winter smog covered large parts of the country. Fighting pollution is just one of the many items on the agenda at the Climate Change conference in cutover itself but for many countries the price of confronting Global Warming is steep just the fact that poland is hosting this gathering has been slammed by environmentalists groups because of its dependence on coal the polish president dismissed the critics. With Vanya Exhaustible not using ones own Natural Resources and polands case coal is a severe but its and basing Energy Security on them does not conflict with climate protection. And with progress on Climate Change. The un begs to differ it says Greenhouse Gas levels are again at a record high worldwide if that trend continues temperatures could rise by three to five degrees celsius this century. Extreme weather ranging from hurricanes to droughts. Flooding and wildfires would become the norm not an exception even as we witness the devastating climate think back scalzi of auk across the wolves we have still not doing enough not moving fast enough to prevent eighty five c. Home and catastrophic climate disruption the us has said it is planning to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord but Many American states and cities are deeply committed to the pact they even brought their big guns to poland like former california governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to try and show theyll be back i wish. Well Climate Change is not only affecting Humans Wildlife is also increasingly at risk a growing number of rolls of lee warm winters north of the Arctic Circle is making life difficult there for reindeer well take you now to tromso in norway where the saami people of his observe how Global Warming is affecting their source of food. Its Early Morning Three Hundred Fifty kilometers north of the Arctic Circle reindeer heard a rave alexandersson is on his way to the mountains near tromso it is here in the arctic where Climate Change is happening much faster than anywhere else in the world and hes responding by doing something that Reindeer Herders here have never done before hes feeding his herd roaming freely in the wilderness

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