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Political life as senior ministers deserve him and contest his leadership but he says he will quit politics if his Liberal Party no longer supports him in a second leadership vote on friday the government has suspended parliament to try to resolve this crisis no australian Prime Minister has succeeded in serving a full three year term in over a decade. Lets bring in australian journalist Roger Maynard for more on this good Morning Roger is australia on the verge of getting a new Prime Minister it certainly seems that way its very likely that australia will have the new i mean but tomorrow let alone one hundred percent. Depends on whether a lot illusion for a spill succeeds tomorrow if that does happen then nothing to the Prime Minister said he will resign and he will stand down and open the way flora heres a is near misses to stand along with also be two other candidates the treasurer Scott Morrison and possibly the foreign minister julie bishop so its all up at the moment very very undecided about exactly whats going to happen but humans are likely to be an interesting day to say the least ok roger what prompted all of this what was there a galvanizing issue. Well the brahmanist has been on the outer if you like in the past few months now hes full and dramatically in the Opinion Polls and so has his party the Liberal Party thats partly because of the governments an Energy Policy Prime Minister up turnbull is seen as a center left if you are going and some people say he has more in common with the Opposition Labor Party than he does with his own conservatives and hes very supportive of the Climate Change Action Mission targets and that has coincided with a dramatic increase in Energy Prices here in australia almost over the past year and a lot of people are rightly that and thats what the criticism and his a slump in the opinion poll as of late ok well lets take a listen to how now to what Prime Minister turnbull had to say about whats going on. The reality is that a minority in the party room. Supported by. Others outside the parliament have sort through. Bullied intimidate others into. Making this change of leadership that theyre seeking. Ok allegations there of bullying of intimidation why are australian part of politics so turbulent. Well i suppose its partly because of israeli and generally pretty cynical about their politicians theyre disillusioned with most Political Parties and thats right what one of the reasons why many Prime Ministers dont stay in power for their long weve had eight or sort of fall from ministers in the process eighty years one of them sir twice but thats an indication of you know how cynical people are about politicians and how that they simply dont trust them and whether or not you you take Malcolm Turnbulls word for it a lot you know hes i was thinking from his his own viewpoint there but generally speaking the electorate dont really have much time for either the liberal or labor party Roger Maynard for us are from sydney today roger thanks for bringing us up to date i grimaced. Well mark is here now at the business desk because just a few hours ago the u. S. Slapped a twenty five percent tariff on Sixteen Billion dollars worth of chinese imports and of course its the second round off a tariff there against china and because donald trump and his Administration Says there are unfair practices from beijing that need to be punished and of course china responded immediately as it announced also with some Three Hundred American Products ok and all that means tough times ahead for american regions that export billions and products to china take the city of wichita for example in kansas according to the Brookings Institution no other metro area in the u. S. Is being impacted more by the u. S. China trade dispute Alexander Phenomena visited wichita to find out what Business People there are saying in the american heartland. From handrails and. John hood and his brother own the company in which that hope for a wide range of aluminum however should trump decision its becoming more and more difficult for the brothers to calculate their Contract Big Impact here for a deal in about six months now but if. We didnt affect our market we had to be very careful and we did project to give it a project lets say in january and then it goes up thirty percent by march in your bid is not very good anymore and im going to hurt a lot tear of our taxes on imports and exports says karen paige c. E. O. And president of kansas Global Partners one twenty five years hes been working to help local companies to improve their position in Global Markets now she has to deal with more and more businesses suffering from trade policies it were hearing from companies they they may have to lay off people they can only. So or you know the head on their Profit Margins for so long and then theyll not be competitive that competitive they cant south they cant sell they have to lay off. According to a recent analysis which should tell with its focus on Aerospace Manufacturing and agriculture more exposed to chinese terrorists than any other us metro area but its not easy to find Business People ready to talk about that some of them its off camera that they dont want to be seen to contradict president in this deeply conservative state for now many manufacturers here say theyre holding their own but with one in four dollars in which the us economy coming from exports to tariffs are expected to have a huge impact an estimated Twenty Thousand jobs are at stake and at the moment its the farmers who are paying the biggest toll one of them is kids the male are at Third Generation farmer hes been the rat for the last two years now hes afraid of losing china as the market dropped despite the fact that he soybeans are doing just fine. Her prices are we are receiving are and you are from a dollar to two dollars less than there was three months ago and its called. Her real concern whether were going to be able to get those prices back in the near future and were were definitely worried about the worth of the income is going to come to the fore nevertheless keith miller still supports. His the first president fighting for you ask interests he says the farmer hopes to try him can strike a deal with china and most of all hopes that this will happen soon. Well before the u. S. And china can strike any kind of deal those tariffs are causing ripples certainly on Stock Markets monica whats been the reaction of the markets of course that we can see reacting our asian markets and stocks in Shanghai Hong Kong and shane say in slipped in early afternoon ill be you know dramatic reactions as those tariffs were expected of course hong kongs hang seng for example was down more point seven percent shanghai indices lost more point three percent but the chinese commerce a Trade Perspective and this isnt having a knock on effect in terms of the companies reinvesting into their businesses and this could have a knock on effect in terms of Productivity Growth so there were Chinese Government is calling this in or aware of this issue which again bring it back to the point why why we do think that they could be a resolution sooner rather than later and just very very briefly catherine from your perspective which side is more interested in resolving the dispute. I think both sides are and when we look at the the sectors of the industries that the americans have so far been really targeting its very much the industries that a comment about a change that internet related industries and again thats why with likely that the resolution could come in terms of more old economy china which again is Energy Related so we wait for the americans because of the deal being struck in china giving in to the americans and for china we do have a lack of Energy Sometimes from a seasonal perspective so be a win for them too right cats if again very busy days right now in washington d. C. President trump has accused his former lawyer Michael Cohen of lying under pressure from prosecutors investigating Campaign Finance violations the white house is grappling with the allegations the president orchestrated an illegal cover up to buy the silence of two women who claimed he had affairs with them now as a result the president is confronting mounting legal and political threats. In his guilty plea Michael Cohen to admitted to violating Campaign Finance laws during the twenty sixteen u. S. President ial election he said he was instructed by a candidates understood to be tunneled trump to make payments to two women to finance their obligations they had Extramarital Affairs with trump in an interview and Fox News Trump denied breaking the law. Did they come out of the campaign they didnt come out of the campaign they came for me and i did about it you know i put i dont know if you know but i tweeted. About the payments but they didnt come out of Campaign Fact my first question when i heard about it was did they come out of the campaign because that could be a little dicey and the line out of the white house is clear. As the president said weve stated many times he did nothing wrong there are no charges against him he did nothing wrong there are no charges against him in the us he did nothing wrong there are no charges against us congress which wales as much authority is the Executive Branch at least on paper may see things differently impeachment becomes a possibility when this evidence of what the Us Constitution calls High Crimes And Misdemeanors but no make is a treading carefully prepared i just dont think that engaging in speculation is the way to go and certainly i think Impeachment Talk is something that is not something we should be engaging in right now i dont think ive witnessed anything like witness over the last year and. Probably the American People havent in modern times if there werent people in our view of your show you wouldnt expect me to. To make it be sitting on impeachment and do you hear what the House Of Representatives very do thats because its the house that votes to open an Impeachment Trial which then takes place in the Senate Republicans control both houses of congress that might be of some comfort to trump but by no means office total security. We want to talk now for some of the other stories making the news today the Democratic National committee in the u. S. An attempted hack into its Voter Database has been thwarted now this comes two years after russian operatives hacked into d. N. C. Computers during the president ial election facilitating the release of Tens Of Thousands of emails its not known who was behind this latest hacking attempt. Half the or hinge of children crossed into bangladesh without parents were orphaned by violence of me in march it was previously thought that they had simply been separated from their living parents now this new finding by the charity save the children comes one year since me and more began forcibly expelling Seven Hundred Thousand One hundred muslims. The leader of socalled Islamic State appears to have resurfaced after more than a year recording from here although gaddafi has been released by the group the secretive i as leader has been reported killed or wounded a number of times the authenticity and date of the latest recording have not verified. The german chancellor Angela Merkel begins a trip to three former Soviet Republics Today Georgia Armenia and azerbaijan have all been caught up in ethnic conflicts and territorial disputes Security Issues will be on those agenda as well as political and economic ties to are just keen to join the European Union and nato that for protection from its much larger neighbor russia the chancellors first stop will be the Georgian Capital Tbilisi earlier this year demonstrations in that city exposed deep divisions in georgian society thousands took to the streets in protest after police raided a number of night clubs searching for drugs the citys community spearheaded the push back calling for a more liberal society. Sure one takes a closer look. This is the soundtrack for Social Change in georgia. Techno clubs like he did. Part of a movement pushing for bt rights and to ease the countrys unusually strict drug laws There Islands Of Freedom in a conservative post soviet society. Club culture is growing very fast but. The years to change the mentality of the people who. Many. People like. Strange. Dont deserve to be part of this society so. Change. Trying to change that. Dancing became political in may after armed Georgian Police raided two of to be most renowned clubs gallery and looking for drug dealers in response to what many saw as the heavy handedness of authority these hundreds took to the streets to protest the government and to fight for Progressive Values by down say. Gay rights activists live on video need to organize the regular night at one of the clubs that was raided he says the community often faces abuse and violence in georgia and thats why they are a key group in the push for a more liberal Society Community as well as other groups have enjoyed by see any as a safe space as a space where they can enjoy a very quality freedom. Which is quite lacking outside of. Those club scenes its very conservative site and though the club rates for presenting this threat to the safe environment. Georgia. Is to be at a crossroads between its past and its future but conservative forces including the Georgian Orthodox Church are also very powerful in the country and in recent years several nationalist groups of appeared on the georgian political scene. I. Mean he is a musician and hes also the cofounder of the Ultra Nationalist Movement Georgian March which has rallied crowds against migrants and for what he calls traditional family values. Me feels georgia is losing its National Identity to western liberal values. We want to know why pushing towards why are we rushing towards darkness where we can see anything. Saying georgia is european country is absurd this is the caucasus country. At the bottom of. A candidate from Georgia In March will be running in georgias president ial elections in october but with different groups and generations pulling the country in Different Directions it will likely take much longer for georgias future to take shape. We have some Football News now and for the very first time in the fee for Corruption Scandal a major figure in International Football has been sentenced to Jail Sentence being handed down in a new york courtroom yok speight did abuse forces here to talk about it yeah this is a watershed moment for what happened yes so this is the former head of brazilian football Joe Samaria Marine and hes been sentenced to four years in jail on corruption charges and stems from an Investigation Led by u. S. Authorities which started almost three years ago but we have a report to give us a bit more Background Information on this particular case. Just say maria marine until his conviction and u. S. Court in december spent a lot of time moving between his temporary digs at new yorks trump tower and a federal courthouse that ended with guilty verdicts on six counts related to taking over six Million Dollars in bribes while handing out broadcast and marketing rights for major soccer tournaments. The former head of Brazilian Soccer Marine was one of the qadri of men at the top of the sports Governing Body. On a cold december morning near feed his headquarters in zurich in Two Thousand And Fifteen swiss and u. S. Investigators coordinated a raid on a luxury hotel. Marine and a handful of other futile Power Brokers were arrested some extradited to the u. S. It was an Exclamation Point to the Corruption Crisis at fever. The fever Corruption Case ranks as one of the largest criminal prosecutions by the u. S. In recent years with some forty defendants most foreign nationals half of them have pleaded guilty marine did not. Nor did codefendant one and held up coat of paraquat who once was head of south american soccer hell be sentenced next week almost certainly to prison based on the judges comments for taking over ten Million Dollars in bribes himself. This was one of the biggest u. S. Court prosecutions in years this must be terribly significant for its present and its future yeah its massive i mean its the biggest investigation into full stop the allegations. Really allegations of corruption largely revolved around bribery now in football big contracts are awarded to Media Organizations for the rights to broadcast Football Tournament so were talking millions if not billions of dollars here and these officials were accused of taking bribes to ensure certain Media Organizations won those lucrative contracts so thats what were looking at here forty two people werent dictated and we saw marine has been jailed the first high profile official to be jailed and perhaps the pope will follow next week ok how did this all unfold what happened to bring all this to light yes so i mean the the investigation from u. S. Authorities started almost three years ago when they charged through the rick hotel and this really took faith by surprise no one before had really tried to interfere with the way faith does a business and from this stems an internal investigation by faith as Ethics Committee and from that sepp blatter was banned from play for eight years on different charges. And then new president Johnny Infantino came in and he came in on a promise to clean up footballs Governing Body ok everyones looking at him right now in france to see if he will do that job thanks so very much for that. It is being hailed as a giant leap forward for Weather Forecasting after sixteen years of intensive Planning Testing and construction a new satellite was sent into orbit last night to monitor when systems around our planet. Begin to see the satellite was launched from the European Space agencys spaceport in french yeah its been named eolus after the keeper of the winds in Greek Mythology scientists hope the Data Collected will help more accurately predict extreme weather and Climate Change. More joins me from leipzig hes a mere all just at the Library Institute for Research Good morning to you. Can we have our Weather Forecast to be more accurate from now on when it says its going to rain well yes i can give the d. J. s yes because wind is one of the fundamental part of me just as a model need proof and they dont have it their profiles are given for ten percent of the glow person needed for the whole globe will work and i almost as i love the laser will provide solace. Picture since it always a go and that makes it into predictions cannot be business and you also nation so if youre also nations a prediction will be much better and you look ok the predictions can only be as good as the observations but how can this Satellite Measure Wind on our planet when the satellites out in space. Yeah so if you have some of the minutes i can explain but i have to make sure my short version so this. Yes so this is in line does this Laser Dispersion Firing Positives and say gold was a on the way to the us this kind of makes some light from arrows or skull procreates ice just inspectors a satellite and from that get a good picture of the back scatter answer tricky thing this jets is able to see even to movement of the passes so not only is it content Even Movement and then its easy to translate this information in wind speed and direction thats a simple trick ok that sounds that sounds good but will this Technology Help us tackle Climate Change and extreme weather the type weve been seeing in the summer i guess savior for this question because its not only major one in climatology its really since this laser is this is everything it is tacit cease fire small from california all those who are also world sees clouds everything and we get much much better picture on all of the interaction between pollution resorts crowds presentation and we will do that all over the lot in the pool our regions in the top leagues and simulators so it im sure that will be a big big Big Step Forward for the next three years with our science albert on xmen thanks so much for breaking down what eolus will be doing for us from leipzig joining us this morning saying youre. Lets give you a modern now some of the top stories were following for you australias Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull this claims of power and this calls for his from his own party for him to resign turnbull says so quit if his labor party no longer supports him and his second leadership vote thats on friday no australian Prime Minister has served a full three year term in over a decade. And the u. S. And china have slapped a new round of tariffs on each other both targeting Sixteen Billion dollars of goods u. S. And chinese officials are holding talks in washington to diffuse this escalating trade dispute. This is deja vu news live from berlin thanks so much for being with us. Sleep on. This week on conflicts the limits of school to expose you not secondly follow. Minister to gary has been among the politicians searching for a common you approach on the question of law migration as a compromise has been found is a fair deal for everybody conflicts. In sixty minutes. Lehman brothers ten years on a story of Ambition Greed and megalomania. We are so clever the medium control the rich but its one. Of Investment Bankers on top of her or so with her stock. Everybody was wrong the wanted to ignore the reality of

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