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Thats taking the easy answer son. I. Think my father would be angry sometimes i think the intent. Starts joining. Hello and welcome to focus on europe im michel henery good to have you with us turkeys citizens head to the polls to determine the fate of their countrys future for months now many have said that the reelection of president great czech Tayyip Erdogan is a foregone conclusion and no matter who wins the vote brings in major constitutional change one that would transform the next presidency into one with unprecedented executive powers richard Tayyip Erdogan has ruled turkey since Two Thousand And Three that means an entire generation has grown up with only him in power and with half of the population under thirty the country young people will be the ones who dictate the outcome of the vote despite recent polls suggesting most would likely vote in line with their parents our reporter met with two of them a young woman who passionately longs for change and a young man who is one of the current governments biggest supporters. When the ferry docks at the pier in iskandar and the passengers disembark i mean saudi olo is there waiting hes complaining here in istanbul for the a. K. P. President their demands justice and development party. The best game in his twenty eight and studied Sports Management hes admired the president for as long as he can remember. In the last one with. Her some say that our president is tired but its not true youre aware he has so much energy or emergency there to young people and thats are very motivating you was here and he isnt tired young folks shouldnt be either. Gets married you have controlled us going its always oh you dont love what you do you dont get tired we love this country this nation all fight for it or you can resolve it youll be going to what was it that we will be saying no to this one man regime on june twenty fourth when youre still behind in the neighboring district of. Cullen there is drumming up support for the pro kurdish Peoples Democratic party. Its president ial candidates. Has been in custody for nineteen months on terrorism related charges xanga dish its time for a change people are being detained without reason and nobody asks why this is happening to send the money up to this photo of the nineteen year old john sue trained as a legal assistant like many young people in turkey she come from member a time when alderaan wasnt turkeys leader but unlike a k. P. Campaigners shes had enough of him in a thread he invests in rather than in education he behaves like a racist a warmonger or a nationalist he doesnt care about the people thats why we say its enough to add one he and his people say we build roads and bridges for you but in fact so many people dont have her. Or anything to eat. Turkey is the youthful country roughly fifty percent of those Alledged Will To Vote are under thirty an entire generation thats grown up with the address and the religious conservatism of his justice and development party. Fashion design everything has an expiry date an error one is already out of date done done talked on titan dish but theyve changed their minds. They voted to begin with or wanted turkey a lot of good but things have taken a turn for the worse its time for a change in new blood. Still many in the Turkish Community are hostile to exiled turks such as shuffle should live. Together with some two thousand other academics he signed a Petition Calling for peace in turkeys kurdish regions he could now face trial in turkey for supporting terrorism. Has been welcomed by germans who have a lot to do with the Turkish Community. Does usually see people in rich berlin where there are artists among them activists academics. I know some of them from the days of the guese park protests. Hosted its very nice for us to have them here and but i would say its a very difficult situation for them fish like. Joshua and his german wife little face that turkey will be getting a new government any time soon. As turkey transitions to a president ial system experts say the country is nearing an economic crisis not only is tourism a major source of income down but their currency is losing value and investors are losing confidence and any successor would also have a tough job on their hands uniting the fronts for many people the term suburb evokes images of medicare Vons Childline Streets and a sense of tranquility and frats however the bone you suggest neglected high rises torched cars and lighting young people residents many of whom are Working Class immigrants feel stigmatized by society and forgotten by the government our Reporter Metal Man who grew up there and is now determined to transform not just the general perception of paris the suburbs but the outlook for its young people. Training is just getting under way at the Deadly Boxing Club and sixteen year old at leo is warming up he trains every day together with his three siblings. And i e says proud that she can take heart she especially loves her pink boxing gloves. At leon who will finish High School Next Year takes his education seriously but boxing here in luck on the outskirts of paris is his life. Off a lot of my big brother started boxing and i went along with him so he took me under his wing and ive been boxing for five years now. Looks at the brokenness uncle. The brothers trained together for three hours a day every day the atmosphere is respectful and caring though it might look otherwise. This boxing club is one of the best known in the band use of paris lack of nerve is no hotbed of crime but its hardly a borzois suburb although boxing coach mohammad doesnt pull his punches either. He works in a warehouse but volunteers his time to train the kids i know i dont doubt it everyone is welcome girls as well as boys provided they abide by The Rules Discipline Politeness and respect to our prerequisites. For. Moxon allows you to restructure to be more disciplined to learn how to deal with others and share those are values we teach here at the boxing club thats very important. Values that they might not learn at all so well focus on convict. But here they certainly do. Theyre taking a weekend excursion to the stadium just north of paris kids come from all the suburbs of the french capital theyre not here for a soccer game but for a mad. Of a different kind of a dictation competition its in french and its voluntary. Mohammed is here with his entire group of young boxers from lack of its a matter of honor. Secrets of our pop off the top of what happens here is very important it shows that things are not how theyre often portrayed in the media they say people from the banu are just good for nothings who dont succeed at anything thats not true because were not second class citizens we have a head on our shoulders in addition to legs and hammers. Thats why mohammed registered all his boxers for the dictation it gets you going for the new club is like a family which is why we all came together and we want to talk i really want to when there was a guy. Who was at leon gets down to work along with the other One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Three participants of well heeled and this is the man who dreamed up the idea of the big dictation because she did some turkey grew up in the manual himself so he boxed at the same club atlanta now does and had problems at school today some talk he is a well known writer going to an adult but they wants to pass on his passion for the french language want to shout you. Lose i want to motivate these young people thank you. See i want them to say i was in the dictation of that was cool because of it maybe it will awaken something in them i desire to do something new to pursue a new direction given for me that would be a good start once i did. In forty minutes its all over so how it helps to hand out the gifts for the children not watchable so much support for me its not about winning the news it was just fun its easy you. Know grades are awarded but a winner is named volunteers correct every single dictation and in the end the winners are announced to great applause. The young boxers from lack of nerve arent among them and maybe a little disappointed but knowing they gave it their best shot they all go home happy. Ever since the conservative law and Justice Party came to power in poland its been tightening its grip on the countrys media insulting the president or the country may now result in a Jail Sentence and such laws are now being used to crack down on the cultural sector too like comedy was satire is considered a clever way to be critical of society especially the government and poland it seems the punch line can be a prosecution. Polish satirical puppets here cloudier your hero with her very own Miniature Version of you know its Love Kaczynski The Chairman of the countrys ruling law and Justice Party piece. Them at the time supposing its got to them said ill be peace i take issue with what the ruling party is doing and how its ruining my country. And satire is ideal for lampooning just graceful actions. Its very effective when youre telling it like utilities so funny out of a thirty devoid of words it on dr raj you his her videos online here she plays a doctor who diagnosis kaczynski with suffering from National Idiocy him and ten year old dont get a woman has a ten year in an ironic commentary about poland state affiliated t. V. Channel t. V. She used the stations logo now shes being accused of Copyright Infringement and i have the u. P. S. s that the Public Prosecutor is investigating my case for political reasons for this i cant believe i could end up in jail because this is an example of everything thats wrong the opponent today. And tony has been producing satirical sketches since the one Nine Hundred Seventy s. Now he also pens newspaper articles lampooning polish politics. Just shutting down a few ideas here i have our political leaders in mind who are absolutely adore. And one article criticized polish lawmakers for cozying up to religious figures like when they attended an event by catholic Radio Station maria. To players to the bottoms of us called poland stupid and narrow minded now hes accused of disparaging the polish state. My article was only a page but the Police Report about my article was a full thirty five pages just it must have been written by somebody especially brainy. You such expert this. Spock is charged with defaming the Nation Police have questioned him his trial could begin soon. As there are still is a lot of this is a horrible accusation to make against someone in a free country where the constitution guarantees press freedom so a satirist a journalist is entitled to criticize the government thats all im doing. In a statement the prosecutor merely confirms spock is being investigated and that he could face up to three years in jail in accordance to section one thirty three of polands penal code Poland Satire show the presidency here is hugely popular here the german chancellor is visiting kaczynski to get his endorsement of European Council president donald tusk why Dont You Support Donald Running for a second term i mean your polish hes punished i dont understand that. You assume you dont understand just what kind of an interpreter are you. Its something sticky. And ends up. So far polands authorities have not taken action against the show its an issue even so its creator expresses solidarity with his colleague and tony spock in a slightly satirical manner of course. If our colleague is sentenced ill be the first to go to court to protest and free and that is that with the book we will dig a tunnel to his prison or our modern attack on the broad daylight or to meet them. At that we havent been within the. Puppets here cloudy a hero has been questioned by the police as well she could face a two year Jail Sentence and then she receives endless sexist hate mail just for Critiquing Polish politicians. Themselves yesterday i thought i was part of the happy generations of that for the first time in two hundred years can enjoy life in a free country it gives me goosebumps just talking about this because i love the free and open conant a place cough i looked in law and Justice Party has unleashed opponents demons sort of its all about us political thinkers have them on their well germany celebrated Twentieth Century satirist kurt to hold ski famously proclaimed that satire should be allowed to target anyone and anything these days some in poland seem to disagree. Whether cloudy or anthonys cases ever which trial is uncertain but even without a verdict the threat of punishment has already proven effective with many performers no longer commenting on politics and thats no laughing matter a trip to rome would not be complete without a visit to the Trevi Fountain The Eighteenth Century Landmark was made famous by films such as three coins in a fountain and the dolce vita but the countless numbers of people who make a wish after tossing in a coin probably dont realize that theyre not merely making a romantic gesture but in fact helping the needy. Sand but if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain you will return to room but you can wish for other things as well you just have to stand with your back to the fountain and toss the coin with your right hand so what are people wishing for the border door here goes his have beautiful city it got be that Interview Stage so i hope my interview we are to be passed. Health and happiness for my family. Lots of wishes means knots of coins three times a week the municipality sends a team around to collect the cash they vacuum eats into a big pot the pickings are rich up to Eight Thousand euros per connection in the summer season when the tourists are out in force. We explain to people that the koreans will go to those less fortunate to also have dreams and hopes in their hearts and would also a Tosser Corner near if they could but i cant afford to. See what i mean. The cash is taken to a Catholic Charity with. Only and his team clean the coins sort them and remove all kinds of other objects and trinkets. Some coins come wrapped in a piece of paper with a message written on it. But shows over this huge sometimes very heartfelt wishes or even prayers usually written by foreign visitors where that sort of thing appears to be common. We still felt. Last year the coins are these up to One Million Four Hundred Thousand euros. Theres still much here before they take into the bank ultimately the money goes to charities that are within one of the most of the money goes to help families in need of the citys social Services Department decides who gets. To be to try to do the money back at the Trevi Fountain the. Goings keep on flying and suddenly she is not even fulfilled on the spot but whether they are fulfilled or damaged at least the coins go to a good calling so. If you ever get a chance to go perhaps throw in a coin or two your wish might not come true but at least youll be helping someone thats all for today if you would like to find out more about any of todays stories visit our Facebook Page d. W. Stories or better yet send me a tweet do join us next week for more personal stories from all over europe until then good bye for me and the whole team. To. Cut. A move. Into the conflict zone two suggestions afghanistan is fighting on many different fronts these days not just with the militants but also against human rights abuses Condom Aasif Corruption My guest this week here in london is Abdullah Abdullah peace countrys Chief Executive why are you so so much disunity in what is supposed to be a unity government conflict so for thirty minutes most of the for. Most of. You accidentally shattered some of. The traumas of. Time in the field. How can you get out. With him because. Oh a serious. Shift this week on the w. We make up obama we watch as a caucus. Legislators we are the Civil Service or. The want to shape the continents future. To be part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. To Seventy Seven percent. Platform for africa charge. Clinton. Climate change is affecting us all for it. Rising sea levels and erratic level. Streets. Change balance. Through entire communities. Are going to. Go for the good news is our own choices in energy conservation. Recycling. And transport. All the line find out what you can do today read all the lines out all

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