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Youre watching news coming up next doc film the renaissance factor part two theyll be more at the top of the hour thanks for joining us. Europe ill be going to. Put whats become of it. What will it look like tomorrow. Evening for a Better Future isnt enough. Requires work which is sufficient. You know actions twenty nineteen may twenty sixth on g. W. The renaissance was when people started keeping track of time. Locksmith peterhead life invented the pocket watch in fifteen ten it soon became a profit tool merchants and a fortune with it. And it is out seafarers to navigate the distant oceans. Shortly before Christopher Columbus had arrived in the americas and the known world triple up inside. People began to understand our planets in new ways and an empire rose on which the sun never sets. This was all thanks to the new portable timepieces scholars could measure and calculate the paths of the heavenly bodies more accurately discovering the mechanisms of Planetary Motion and ultimately placing the sun at the heart of our solar system. The way to the stars was opened at least in the mind of the pockets. Watch and the other inventions of the renaissance helped Transform Europe and the world. Needs. Florence in fifteen zero four you noted of him she was a towering figure in an era that became known as the renaissance when the best known painting of all time was created. The mona lisa the mysterious beauty with the inscrutable smile. Its probably a portrait of Lisa Del Gioconda the wife of a cloth and soap merchant from florence. Apparently leonardo took years to finish it the artist always struggled with his works he was never satisfied with them and was always trying to perfect them. Or the tenth one set of him this man will never accomplish anything how wrong he was. Not it was a polarizing figure charming and erudite he was also described as for bush and vain a man who was openly homosexual at a time when gay men were persecuted even burned at the stake. United of inchy is considered one of the most versatile geniuses of all time. The star of the renaissance was much more than just an artist he was also an architect anatomist sculptor mathematician iconoclast inventor. For the brilliant creator of The Mona Lisa painting was perhaps just a necessary evil. I mean a thirteen paintings are attributed to leonardo today most have been lost because he was constantly experimenting with new paint mixes many of which decomposed over time he cared more about his inventions than he did about painting. You know when it came to his innermost desires leonardo was a seeker and explore someone who was interested in new ideas mystery rather than a painter who laboriously tended to his craft every day brush stroke after brush stroke and hunt. Deeply. We know that he sometimes made just minor corrections to a painting and that he wasnt in front of a canvas all the time. Maybe he just painted to make a living. His paintings were in great demand after all. They were extremely well done at least those that he finished. With. Maybe he just painted her on the money he needed to have the freedom he needed to pursue his scientific research. Because. In the fifteenth century issue he was ravaged by numerous conflicts then is defeated paddler and florence come to peace in force you know fine in fourteen thirteen the neapolitans attacked rome. In Four Hundred Forty four florence went to war against both naples and venice. The talon cities had an insatiable appetite for conquest but their constant battles feel progress. Had become a promoter of art. The war didnt just have negative effects and the renaissance it ensured that huge sums of money were mobilized to the conduct of the military contractors. They were often based in small cities or towns from where they waged the wars of the big players for big money. That meant well from florence milan Naples Venice and rome flowed into smaller places. If you go to italy and enjoy the beauty and diversity of these small towns you get an idea of what it meant back then to turn war and iron into gold and gold into art school. Milan in Four Hundred Eighty Five you not os employer was loaded because what you group the city state. You know to apply to work for him as a Military Engineer and maker of weapons mentioning his painting and sculpture in passing that if eco had great expansion. It was reading himself for war. And so leonardo ended up building High Tech Weapons for the sports. Inspired by antiquity he can bind the idea of an enclosed chariot with the torches formation used by the roman legions in seats warfare. It was supposed to be an Armored Vehicle with incredible firepower but it failed in practice it was too heavy to move easily and the steam engine hadnt yet been invented. The Codex Atlantica contains more than a thousand pages with sketches by leonardo he designs of Perpetual Motion Machine a gearbox and vehicles powered by springs. But many of his creations still puzzle us even now. Something this called device was a mechanical calculator other critics say that interpretation goes a step too far in the renaissance there was no way of actually constructing a mechanical gear train like this of course leonardo knew that but that didnt stop his theoretical innovations and some of them were groundbreaking. You know his love of mechanics chimes with the spirit of the times like him many pioneering minds was searching for machines that might save people the earth and the universe in motion. Clocks were the most mechanically elaborate devices of leonardos time. When Pacer Henline invented his pocket watch in the early sixteenth century people started believing themselves the masters of time. But those who earn money with time by learning money for said periods while Charging Interest a mortal sin. Time still belong to god alone. The program bishan on Charging Interest is in the Christian Bible its one of the really important biblical probably almost as important as thou shalt not kill. Thats because people believed that humans shouldnt profit from time because time belong to god. But in the late middle ages and the renaissance the economy had come to play a totally different role. Money had to be available in the economy and making money and Time Available was beneficial so you had to make it worth your while. For. As a result there were more and more ways of getting around the ban on Charging Interest in practice from. The imperial decrees of the sixteenth century and now allowed christian Money Lenders to charge and next him a five percent interest on money. Until then the Credit Industry had been solely in the hands of jewish Money Lenders this now changed. Most elusive still denounce the practice of Charging Interest but the swiss reformer john calvin had quite a different opinion. For. Calvin said that people could determine from their economic success whether they were predestined to salvation or damnation. What that meant people didnt just sit around to see whether they would be chosen. They worked incredibly hard. The great Sociologist Marx Of Aber said that calvinism was the father of capitalism. But we know that other religious movements of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries did just as much to spur the economy. It was really the overall forces in society at the time along with technical developments that led to the incredible economic boom. The city of cyrix started setting up official Currency Exchanges in fourteen nineteen. The Money Changers tended to be goldsmiths or coin winters because they had to be able to tell the value of the coins. They changed currencies and they also made loans. With this and calvinist traditions switzerland became a Banking Pioneer and affluence became a symbol of divine favor. Measuring time is still inseparably time to exploring the heavens. Renaissance thinkers had already set their sights on the stars many medieval time pieces were astronomical clocks. The exact measurement of time is a necessary requirement for studying the motion of the sun moon and planets. It was the start of an age in which scholars began to challenge the churchs worldview saying that the sun didnt revolve around the earth and the earth was not the Center Of The Universe. From book in poland in around fifteen forty. Nicolaus copernicus was a canon at the cathedral there as well as a high ranking government official. He was also a lawyer physician and mathematician as well as an economist who wrote a highly regarded work on the. Theory of money but his real passion was astronomy. His astronomical observations and calculations contradicted the generally accepted model originally posited by the ancient scholar Claudius Ptolemy namely that the earth was at the center of the solar system. This Geocentric World View was essential teaching Of The Church. Copernicus believed the sun was at the center of the solar system. But even though he spent thirty years working on his theory he kept quiet about it his friends and confidantes including some high ranking clerics tried to persuade him to publish his work but without success. The fire burning because it was scared of publishing his theory because he was afraid he would make himself a laughing stock. Educated people knew that the earth wasnt flat that it was a sphere. In copernicuss world view this fear was also moving. Spawn on its own axis and also orbited the sun at high speed. People believe that this would have an perceivable consequences the earth would be subjected to strong headwind and objects would tip over and things like that. And then there was the theological aspect that Martin Luther threw into the mix. He told copernicus that the bible said that the sun moved around the earth and not the other way around so copernicus was wrong and that scared copernicus into keeping quiet and it appears that. Martin luther called copernicus a fool and his model was dismissed not so much as heretical but more as fantastical. It was only seventy years after his death that galileos observations provide a convincing arguments. But the physical proof had to wait for another Three Hundred years nevertheless Nicholas Copernicus had provided the s. A nominal model of our solar system and refuted the ancient Scholar Ptolemy and that in itself was revolutionary. The earth was ultimately removed from the Center Of The Universe and classified as an ordinary planet that orbited the sun along with others. Copernicus saw how the apparent motion of the stars in the night sky was really the result of the earths own rotation. Everything orbited the sun so the Actual Center of the solar system had to be near it. Hardly any other discovery has had such a great influence on our time. Our voyage to the stars began five hundred years ago without copernicus they would be no space flight all Satellite Communication Systems and our lives today would be very different. Tones her to her a calculations performed by Copernicus Have had a real impact on us today we sent our space ships into space knowing where the planets were if ptolemys worldview had been correct we would have reached none of those planets and it all would have been a waste of time. The advent of The Cross Stuff also known as jacob staff made it possible to determine latitude at sea using astronomical calculations. This breakthrough in Maritime Technology made it possible to navigate on the high seas. And further achievements came with if America Astronomical tables calculated by the german astronomer and mathematician you had this miller who was also known as montana. His tables recorded the location of celestial bodies from fourteen seventy five to fifteen zero six. Together with the jacob stuff they guided silas on their journey this. One ponders what montana was made people in europe aware of trigonometry he published his own work taking advantage of the New Invention of printing gutenbergs invention of the Printing Press walk through like trigonometry is still central to Navigation Calculations and to g. P. S. Receivers around the world. For. Trigonometry was the key to navigation and the search for new trade routes emboldened the explorers of the renaissance who sought new sources of wealth. People started pondering completely new questions what lies beyond the known world and how can we get there. Europes merchants realize that it was cheaper to bring large quantities of Pepper Cinnamon and silk to europe by the portuguese Shipping Routes then to transport them along the Overland Route controlled by venice. That led to the collapse of the venetian spice monopoly. Many Trading Establishments of the renaissance invested in shipping portugal and spain became leaving trading nations. Im from the call for. European merchants wanted to get their hands on exotic luxurious and beautiful things and sell them for as much profit as possible. These things could be found in the mediterranean and especially in the far east. And so merchants like Marco Polo Set Off to search for spices and silk and incense and other luxury products. By how. They traveled the world they were followed by missionaries and sometimes by warriors. And then came the Artists Thinkers and explorers so they all fueled each other hoping to transcend their own horizons. To. Lisp in. School says he three year old Christopher Columbus was just hours away from his lifes dream coming true. He had an audience with the portuguese king john the second columbus was a professional seafarer from genoa with profound knowledge of mathematics and could talk for a fee and a passionate defender of aristotles belief that asia could be reached in just a few days by sailing west from europe. The ancient scholars had estimated that europe and asia covered roughly half of the earth succumb france but columbus believed that eurasia was much bigger than that. In fact eurasia only makes up around a third. Columbus also believed the earth was very much smaller than it really is only half its actual size he thought the western reach of china and india was Four Thousand Five Hundred kilometers long a challenging voyage but a manageable one. In actual fact its a journey of Twenty Thousand kilometers far beyond the capabilities of his time. It was not only taking a risk but also a miscalculated one. Johns advisers suspected columbus was mistaken and refused to give him Financial Support he only received it eight years later from the spanish King Ferdinand the second. After six weeks at sea on the twelfth of october fourteen ninety two columbus made landfall in the bahamas and then went on to cuba and his. He still believed he had found the Western Route To Asia and that his band you all know was the chinese coast. In his records he promised the spanish crown as much gold as it needed and as many slaves as it asked for. Columbus have. Discovered the new world and plunged it into catastrophe as a group was forced on its. Columbus was good at navigating ships through difficult waters but he was a very poor manager. He was unable to keep his own men together and ultimately the spanish crown took away his powers. When you dont feel so america was already populated when he discovered it so it wasnt a real discovery in that sense but his arrival opened the door to unprecedented disasters. Millions of Indigenous People died at the hands of the germs that the europeans brought with them from. The european explorers were interested in gold and yet more gold a little bit in god but more so in spices. Columbuss voyages opened up the newly discovered lands to foreign conquest and brought disaster to their indigenous populations. From one side in the can only. Right until his Death Columbus believed that he had found the secret to the chinese mainland but his discovery none the less changed the world spain and portugal became imperial superpowers. Columbus thus was also the first in a line of cruel concrete is. What drove him a last Thread Venture the promise of power wealth fame. Columbus was definitely someone who wanted Fame And Fortune but he was also a very devout person. He thought he was helping countless individuals by bringing their souls to the Christian Faith so. There are many indications that he might have believed that at the end of the fifteenth century the world was nearing its end. That this market as was so often the case the rational considerations and desire for profit and fame were mixed with medieval motivations. Of. The renaissance had two sides to it and so too did columbus good was. Thanks to the discoveries and discoverer is king charles the first of spain establish an empire on which the sun never set. Alongside large parts of europe it included colonial territories and north and south america and in asia when the sun went down in mexico it was already day in the philippines. In fifteen thirty the pope crowned him holy Roman Emperor charles the first became charles the fifth. He saw himself as a universal monarch Defender Of The Faith appointed by god. He issued several decrees in an attempt to counteract the enslavement of the indigenous population and in fifteen forty he even ordered the liberation. But the colonies were far away and in the end charless need for gold was too great. Chances empire was greedy for silver and gold. Between fifteen forty one and fifty and sixty sixty seven tons of gold and Four Hundred Eighty tons of silver reached spain and triggered an economic crisis. In the middle ages jews were the only people in europe who were able to issue loans and charge interest jewish businessmen controlled International Finance and many saw them as profiteers. Brousseau pogroms took place on the iberian peninsula the Jewish Population was persecuted killed or expelled. The jewish Financial System collapsed and the european money markets had to reorient itself. At the Heart Of The Sea Change was a small town in bavaria. Spock. It became the Financial Capital of the known world and the headquarters of the forgotten history. Between forty ninety five and fifteen twenty five the Family Business which had been founded by jaco for their europes most significant Merchant Mining Entrepreneur and banker grew into a Pan European Financial Empire who grew up in stocks you know. It wasnt. You could say that yakob funded the state and the state gave him unique opportunities to use or exploit the land. Support. Because im not so i didnt do anything by have sons. He invested a lot of money in the properties and land that are still at the heart of the focus foundations. Larget of. The world he took calculated risks to make money and he worked with those in power but he also always invested in safe real estate. Because he always diversified his investments and he had a good eye for what was feasible so he was very successful. In guns cause of conflicts with. The girl who was both pious and one of the most powerful men of his day wanted and aristocratic title. With one foot still in the middle ages he was nonetheless a manager with the modern spirit. Newsy but if you force people to take douras famous portrait of young. Because if you put this man in a gray suit and take the gold cap off his head and youve got a modern c. E. O. Operation. He was a tough and incredibly efficient manager thats undoubtedly true. But he was also a repentant christian. The best proof of that is that he built an entire estate for the poor and his hometown of alex borg. The food arrives fifteen sixteen. And so we see a rich successful businessman balancing his books with god investing in the well being of his soul and that plays a big role here to. The. Figure was active around the world he gave loans to princes and the church and in return negotiated mining rights and trading privileges and estates the income he generated was much higher than the cost of borrowing another product of the renaissance the rise of the global player. But further combine his entrepreneurial spirit with social commitment. In fifteen twenty one he founded the fogel hi fi its a really science time capsule in the heart of our sport. The food guy is the oldest social Housing Project in history and its still in use it sixty seven houses are now home to One Hundred Fifty catholic residents of. The entry conditions are still the same as they were in the sixteenth century anyone wanting to live in the frugal high has to be from ox book a catholic and of good reputation. And its still maintained by the fortune managed by the Figure Foundation a financial instrument set up in the renaissance and still operating today. The annual rent also remains unchanged one vanished gold or Eighty Eight Euro cents. Compared with the Living Standards of most people in the renaissance the houses in the focus i will positively luxury a. Home for an entire family with around sixty square meters spacious and well lit at least by renaissance standards. In return for the symbolic rents for placed another condition on the residents of the for good high regular press. Every day they were to say one our father one creed and one hell mary full focus and his family. The prayers for him and his family paved his way to paradise also people believed in the middle ages. Another investment in the salvation of. And so was the construction of the folk at chapel a Dinner Stick Burial Place and a prestigious statement of the family social standing. Ya cook for hired important artists first and foremost. We designed the tombstones for his brothers and all of this foca. The Focus Chapel In St Anna was the first Church Interior in germany to be built in the renaissance style. This is where young and his brothers found their final resting place. This donation says a lot about his commercial foresight and his personal beliefs he apparently believed that even the salvation of the soul and the afterlife had a financial solution. Pious christian and financial genius and one of the richest men of his time. To go offshore oil for was incredibly rich the gap was immense if you consider the sum that figure and a consortium stumped up to fund the imperial election of charles the fifth it was more than Eight Hundred Thousand guilders. And ordinary craftsmen would have had to work Thirty Two Thousand years to earn that. Girl also made money with the fear of hell. Its terrible torments were omnipresent and for this time the church preached that it had been granted divine powers of remittance to reduce the punishment people would have to suffer for their sins. But this indulgence as it was called didnt come for free. As soon as a coin in the box does ring the song from Purgatory Spring these were the words of the dominican fry your hundred one of the most notorious sellers of indulgences he even sold indulgences for blasphemy and murder. In the autumn of fifteen eleven the twenty eight year old Augustinian Friar Martin Luther was in rome. He too was seeking indulgence he climbed the sacred stairs in front of the last run on his knees to obtain forgiveness for his sins and to free his deceased relatives from purgatory. Since the time of Emperor Constantine the last room had been the official seat of the pope the last one palace is a sixteenth century Renaissance Building built by pope sixtus the. The renaissance popes Money Spinner was the sale of indulgences. When we talk about the renaissance popes we often hear terrible stories and you get the impression that they triggered the reformation with their immoral behavior. But thats a very one sided story they were modernisers they were renaissance men they were princes who held court in line with the European Standards of the time. The division that was the. Fifteen zero eight pope julius the Second Commission the thirty three year old michelangelo been. To cover the interior of the Sistine Chapel in fresco. But michelangelo didnt want the job painting wasnt his strength he primarily saw himself as a sculptor he said. But truly is more a warrior than a man of god got his way michelangelo asked for artistic freedom do what you want to yes replied. With Five Hundred Twenty square metres of frescoes to be painted over the head it was a torturous work of epic proportions. The frescoes in the vaulted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and leonardo is mona lisa indisputably the most famous paintings of the renaissance if not the whole of art history. And the interpretation of The Creation Of Adam is the most reproduced work of art in the world portraying a god reaching out from the clouds to form humanity. And a last judgment that depicts the heavenly host as naked as the gods of mount olympus. It was a courageous work of genius made possible only thanks to his papal patron. P. We wouldnt have st peters we wouldnt have all this wonderful art in rome we wouldnt have many pieces of music if these renaissance popes hadnt existed. Renaissance folks are ambivalent like the whole of modernity they have admirably good traits and they also behave like princes like Machiavelli Unrestrained and confident and sometimes they put their responsibilities to the church on the back burner or even forgot about them altogether. Is the second. As. The romans called him. The architect and his side was done out of the mounting he was known as Maestro Robin until the master of destruction. The two men put their stamp on rome. Truly as had buildings torn down squares and notched and roads rebuilt. Manti had gained his status as a leading architect with the cloister at some time earlier del apache. In rome his client was cardinal of the Aircraft Fire and influential prince Of The Church. Romantic came to fame with the tempi had to dig romantic his little temple. Inspired by the round temples of ancient rome its considered a paradigm of high renaissance architecture. Truly is the second disregarded the protests of his cardinals and had the Venerable Basilica Of Constantine demolished he wanted to build the Biggest Church in christendom in its place st peter says. Julie is the second had a partial for the huge and spectacular. His basilica was also intended to hands his monumental tomb a muslim that would be bigger than anything the world had ever seen. It done out of a man take out the commission and started work in fifteen zero six. Forty years were to pass before the Sculptor Painter Poet and scientist michelangelo be in russia he became the architect and site manager of st peters. He was seventy two when he took over the supervision of europes largest Building Sites in fifteen forty seven. The dome of st. He says is the tallest freestanding Masonry Structure in the world. In an area not having it in the river dome was michelangelos idea and its construction was the pinnacle of his artistic career. His Creative Life lasted seventy years he saw himself as a sculptor but he also created a popular works as a painter and architect. He spent years inquiries constantly searching for materials sometimes literally moving mountains. Michelangelo at live nine popes and worked until his final breath he died at eighty nine a biblical age and his day. Michelangelo died on the eighteenth of february fifteenth sixty four a date many artists dorian see as marking the end of this era. He was the last of the great scholarly artists of the renaissance. But even this Renaissance Masterpiece was funded by the fear christians had of eternal torment in hell. It was pope leo the tenth who supported the sale of indulgences to fund the new building. Martin luther was appalled by the moral decline he believed he encountered in rome. For luther this was a transformative experience and he mentioned it frequently in his later writings and speeches. He from a native against the trade in indulgences which he saw as synonymous with the moral decline and greed Of The Church and its popes. This marked the birth of what would go down in history as the reformation. Luther wasnt a revolution. But a reformer a simple friar who defied the emperor and the pope and split the church just two generations after Luther Europe would be shaken by a conflict more vicious than any that had gone before the thirty years war. The fighting between catholics and protestants devastated the empire. Martin luther publicly condemned the practice of selling indulgences and his ninety five theses. In just a few months more than eighty of luthers treatises and collections were published which were eventually reprinted in more than six hundred editions uther became a media star and the printed word the first mass media in history if you can remember for my through there wouldnt have been a reformation without the mass media of the sixteenth century. Martin luther wrote the season about a relatively abstruse theological problem indulgences but these theses spread all over Southern Germany in just a few weeks from park. It was printing it was fly sheets and pamphlets that spread all over the empire and mobilized people or. People read them and they read them to others and debated the issues with those who couldnt read for. How do people really tick what drives us these are questions that scholars could not discuss publicly through the new mass medium. Global communication started in the renaissance now for the first time fastens of people could refer to the same content at the same time and for the first time the future could be depicted and planned in a realistic fashion people understood what moved them and copy themselves the first humanoid machines were created precursors of a future in which robots play football. Within just a few generations the known world tripled in size Global Transport and global trade became a reality for the first time. In the Renaissance Merchants and seafarers did not any travel the earth they also laid the groundwork for the exploration of the universe. A bit of and its also the legacy of the renaissance has never died its still alive today we could say that the Industrial Revolution and therefore our modern world wouldnt have been possible without all the things that were invented in the renaissance workers. At no other time in its history has humankind experienced a comparable search and development the renaissance even outstrips our own fast changing age. Never before was so much developed invented moved changed revolutionized and rejected in such a short span of time. It was a development driven by people who mastered the seemingly impossible because they had understood their own world. The renaissance was a plea against closed minds and the cult of experts it gave room to intellectual curiosity and the courage to set forth the new paths. Its a story of people who did not wish to believe but to know and to accepted no limits to their quest. To a a. Live. If you rather have a stone in your shoe. Or my firm started. Flexible slate makes it possible. This trendy and sustainable material has opened up new clubs for designing and. Understanding one is just the beginning of. The. Thirty minute spot d. W. Sometime in the twenty six. My great granddaughter of. The world be like in your life time in around half a century. Your world will be around to degrees one of. The flame evidently sea levels will rise by at least one meter in the central. Record to have some Climate Impacts return greater democracy or maybe. Its really frightening. Place. Why arent people more concerned. Little yellow. Shorts may thirty first on t. W

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