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In 2009 with the 82nd airborne. This was not an easy assignment. This was really dangerous work. In fact, 37 of the men that the sergeant served with didnt return home. It was in 2010 that he was severely injured in an ied blast. He lost an arm, a leg and 40 of his body had burns over it. He wasnt expected to survive the medical flight but he did, fortunately. Thanks to really what may be described as a miracle and certainly the support of his amazing wife sarah, 110 surgeries and years of therapy, michael is able to join us here today. And its veterans like michael that are the reason the v. A. Exists, why when i had the privilege of sitting in my office not too long ago with michael and sarah talking about their experience that it was really heartbreaking for me to hear their story. Because the v. A. Had failed michael. He had to jump through one bureaucratic hoop after another just to try to get the services that he deserved and he earned. In one situation he had to wait 57 days just to get his prosthetic leg fixed. He had to wait 3 1 2 years to be able to get the type of adaptions for his home to live in his home. Im pleased to say he is waiting no longer. Unfortunately, michaels story isnt unique, and thats the reason why were so focused on fixing the v. A. And reforming the v. A. , the president and i are committed to fixing the v. A. And tackling the challenges that have been within the v. A. System for decades. Millions of veterans like michael and their families are counting on us. Today were here to celebrate an important step towards that reform of the v. A. Im thrilled that michael and his wife sarah are here with us today, they have two daughters in their home in North Carolina and i think as youll see, expecting another very soon. Michael and sarah, thank you for your service and sacrifice. You inspire all of us to do better. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Sergeant Michael verado and sarah. [ applause ] i am truly honored humbled to be speaking here today. For as long as i can remember, i wanted to serve my country. And in the sum irof 2009, i had the privilege of infantry men of the 82nd airborne. I prepared myself for the worst. Death and dismemberment. On april 24th, 2010, i stepped on an improvised explosive device that caused life altering injuries. My long road home has included over 100 surgeries. And years of speech, visual, physical and occupational therapies. I knew that such injuries were the risk of the enlistment that i made. But i was not prepared for coming home to a broken va system. I wasnt prepared to wait 57 days for a signature on a piece of paper so that my only prosthetic limb could be repaired. I wasnt prepared to be asked to make a threehour round trip so that just last year they could check to see if i still had my serious combat injuries. I wasnt prepared to watch my wife beg, plead and make countless phone calls so i could receive what was often basic and necessary medical care. But today is a new day. And this administration has filled its promise that the veteran is empowered and the veteran is in charge of his or her own care. Under the previous administration, i waited over 3 1 2 years for required ada adaptive changes to be made so i could safely reside in my own home. Under President Trump, with the assistant of the secretary, these changes were made within weeks. Today, our president , donald trump, will sign this important bill into law that will ensure real accountability for our nations veterans. Dr. Shauken will be empowered to ensure the va adheres to the standard of excellence it promotes and that the employees at the va are the ones who have a servants heart for those who have worn our nations uniform. The most difficult part of my war injuries were coming home to such a broken system. Thank you, President Trump and secretary shauken for ensuring we are not forgotten and that we will receive the care we need and deserve, thank you. [ applause ] thank you, michael and sara. I want you to know youre the reason why were working night and day to make sure we get the system working better and were not going to stop until we do better for families like yours. A few weeks ago, i was here at the white house and i had the chance to deliver a talk on the state of the va. And in those remarks, i talked about 13 risks that va faces in its reform. One of those was accountability. Veterans deserve an organization that they can trust. That provides the highest quality services. Employees who act contrary to our core values erode that trust. And theres nothing more demoralizing to our workforce and to veterans when va is forced to take employees back who have deviated from those values. Ive talked about examples of employees who had three driving under the influence arrests. Employees taking care of veterans while watching pornography. And a system that allows this is clearly broken. We wont be able to accomplish any of the reforms that we need to in the va if we dont get the right people in place. The Veterans Affairs accountability and whistleblower protection act is going to make it easier and quicker for us to hold our employees accountable. While protecting our employees rights to due process. The bill also gives us the additional flexibility when it comes to hiring. It dramatically reduces the time that it takes to be able to put strong leaders in place in these important positions. I want to thank the members of congress that are here today. This was a bipartisan effort. This was your leadership that allowed this to happen and of course the president will be able to sign this because of the work youve done. I want to thank our Veterans Services organizations who are in the audience today because your constant support to do the right thing for our veterans is so important for us. Over these past few months, weve accomplished a lot at va. Weve dramatically expanded access. We published all our wait times so veterans can see what the times are. Weve reduced our times to process disability claims. Weve launched the president S White House hot line. Weve made decisions in modernizing the va. One of those was to replace our Electronic Medical record to share one with the department of defense and we started to modernize our facilities with new Public Private partnerships and getting rid of vacant and underutilized properties. Weve also reduced regulations. We made it easier for states to be able to build state Nursing Homes without the federal guidelines but to rely on their own and, most importantly, weve taken important steps to be able to reduce veteran suicides. We fixed the Veterans Crisis line. Weve expanded Mental Health providers. And weve also expanded coverage to other than honorable veterans who have been discharged. I want to thank President Trump for his leadership and determination to fix the va. The president knows that we have to do better for our veterans. And so its actually a great honor today that the president will sign the Veterans Affairs accountability and whistleblower protection act. I had the pleasure today of introducing the biggest champion veterans could hope for. Under his leadership and unwavering support, vas been moving to solve many of these challenges that have been spanning multiple administrations over decades. Veterans deserve a va that they can trust and take pride in. Va is the National Resource that must be protected in order to serve veterans and the families for generations to come. President trump understands this. And knows that in order to fix the va, we need to modernize our systems, improve access and deliver the highest quality of care and services. Mr. President , today is no doubt a great day for veterans, for families and the vast majority of va employees who want nothing more than to give back to those who have sacrificed so much. Mr. President , thank you for your leadership and unwavering support for veterans. So it is with great pride that i introduce the 45th president of the united states, donald trump. [ applause ] [ applause ] thank you very much. Thank you very much, everybody. Thats really greatly appreciated. And thank you to secretary shauken. For that introduction and for your really tireless efforts, david, to protect those who have really been protecting all of us for so long. During great, great people. And, you know, who im talking about, right . Congratulations. In just a short time, weve already achieved transformative change at the va. And, believe me, were just getting started. We have so many people that have been so helpful right here in the room and tom and all my friends. Its been fantastic. The enthusiasm for the Veterans Administration and for making it right for our great veterans has been incredible. I want to thank all of them. One of my great honors during my president ial campaign was the time i spent all across the country with our nations really and truly incredible veterans. And their courage, their dignity and their selfless sacrifice, they represent the very best of us. Our veterans have fulfilled their duty to this nation, and now we must fulfill our duty to them. So to every veteran who is here with us today, i just want to say two very simple words, thank you, thank you. [ applause ] thank you. You are the warriors and heroes. Who have won our freedom. And we will never forget what you have done for all of us. Ever. As you all know, all too well, for many years, the government failed to keep its promises to our veterans. We all remember the nightmare that veterans suffered during the va scandals that were exposed a few years ago. Veterans were put on secret wait lists. Given the wrong medication. Given the bad treatments. And ignored in moments of crisis for them. Many veterans died waiting for a simple doctors appointment. What happened was a national disgrace. And, yet, some of the employees involved in these scandals remained on the payrolls. Outdated laws kept the government from holding those who failed our veterans accountable. Today, we are finally changing those laws. Wasnt easy, but we did have some fantastic help. To make sure that the scandal of what we suffered so recently never, ever happens again. And that our veterans can get the care they so richly deserve. So you just heard from Sergeant Michael barado. Great. I didnt get to shake your hand, michael, huh, get up, michael. [ applause ] he gets up better than i do. Thank you, michael. Michael lost two limbs. In defending our country. And yet he had to wait 57 days to get his prosthetic leg repaired. Long time, michael. And over 3 1 2 years for modifications to make his house more accessible. What happens to michael is happening to many. But its rarely happening under our leadership and davids leadership any more. That i can tell you. Our Wounded Warriors have given everything they have to this nation. And we owe them everything we have in return and were taking care of it. Today, we are taking a very historic action to transform the va by enacting the va accountability and whistleblower protection act. This was not easy. This was not an easy one. And its one that theyve wanted to do, michael, you know for a long time, for many years, couldnt get it done. We got it done. This is one of the largest reforms to the va in its history. Its a reform that i campaigned on. And now i am thrilled to be able to sign that promise into law. Va accountability is essential to making sure that our veterans are treated with the respect they have so richly earned through their blood, sweat and tears. This law will finally give the va secretary, who is, by the way, just doing some job and hes doing it with this and with the heart, believe me. [ applause ] it gives the secretary the authority to remove federal employees who fail and endanger our veterans and to do so quickly and effectively. Its been a long time since youve heard those words. Those entrusted with the sacred duty of serving our veterans will be held bltable for the care they provide. Big statement. At the same time, this bill protects whistleblowers who do the right thing. We want to reward, cherish and promote the many dedicated employees at the va. This legislation also gives the va secretary the authority to appoint new medical directors at va hospital, something which was almost impossible to do in the past. And these are going to be talented, talented people. I applaud chairman filro and the members of congress with us today, which we have many, who fought so hard for this legislation. And i want them up here when i sign. And i just want to thank the members of congress. They have been really dedicated to getting this done. Was not easy for them either. Very sincere gratitude as well to the veteran Service Organizations who have joined us for this tremendous occasion and for everything they do for the veterans and for so long theyve been fighting for this and other things so long. By the way, other things are happening. Weve done a lot. This is a big one. We have a lot of good ones coming. I also want to express our appreciation for secretary shulkin who is implementing the dramatic reform throughout the va. It was to be implemented. If not properly implemented, it will never mean the same thing. But i have no doubt it will be properly implemented, right, david . Oh, it better be, david. [ applause ] well never have to use those words. Well never have to use those words on our david. We will never use those words on you, thats for sure. That one never failed, does it, todd . Since my first day in office, weve taken one action after another to ensure our veterans and make sure, have to make sure, that they get world class care. And the kind of care that theyve been promised by so many different people for so many years. Weve created add new office of accountability at the va which will empower and really has been empowered by this legislation. Weve launched a new website that publishes weight times at every va hospital. We delivered sameday Mental Health service at all 168 va medical centers. Thats a big operation when you think of it. Weve announced that the va will finally solve a problem that has plagued our government for decades. Seamlessly transferring veterans medical records from the department of defense to the department of Veterans Affairs. Now that doesnt sound like such a big deal. It is, believe me. That was a big one. We thought this would be easy but the people like david and all that have been here and understand the system, he said thats going to be a tough one. We got it done. So that was a good one. It is something were very proud of, to be able to do it this quickly. Ive also signed the veterans choice improvement act so that more veterans can see the doctor of their choice. Already this year using the choice program, veterans have received nearly double the number of approvals to see the doctor of their choosing. And this is only the beginning. We will not rest until the job is 100 complete for our great veterans. [ applause ] we could all be inspired by the story of a retired air force veteran named Earl Morrison who stood as a physicians assistant at the va centers in ohio and indiana. 13 years ago, earl began asking his patient if they planned to visit new world war ii memorial, which is beautiful, right here in washington, d. C. Nearly all said they planned to visit, but when he saw these patients at their next appointment, almost none of them had made the trip. One day, he had an idea. Earl is a private pilot. He asked one of his patients who is a world war ii veteran if he could fly with him to the memorial. He was so honored to do it. The 80yearold veteran wept, openly cried. He never imagined he would see that beautiful monument to his service. That is how first honor flight was born. Honor flight. Very beautiful thing. Since then, over 100,000 veterans have been greeted with cheers of gratitude as they arrive in our nations capital. We want all of american veterans, all of them, every one of them, to experience and to at least have the opportunity to experience that same gratitude every time they walk in to the va. Thats what today is all about. Keeping our promises to those who have kept us free. Kept us happy. Saved our lives and saved our familys. So i just want to thank you, our incredible veteran. We stand with you. We salute you. And with this new legislation, we strive to better support and serve you every single day. Thank you, god bless you, god bless our veterans and god bless america, thank you very much. Thank you. [ applause ] so this is something we are all very proud to be signing. Its a tremendous honor for me. Its a tremendous honor for everybody on this stage. Were taking care of veterans. Thank you, congratulations. Everybody, we should get this passed. What do you think . Let me get [ applause ] thank you, everybody, thank you very much. [ applause ] congratulations. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for your help. [ applause ] yesterday, Senate Republicans released what theyre calling a discussion draft of their Health Care Law replacement. The Congressional Budget Office will score the bill by early next week. When Senate Floor Debate is expected to begin. Weve posted the bill at c span. Org. Follow live Senate Coverage next week on cspan 2, online at cspan. Org and on the free cspan radio app. This weekend on American History tv, on cspan 3, saturday at 6 p. M. Eastern, on the civil war, the disbanding of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia is discussed by Purdue University professor carolyn janie. Remember, lees terms, had surrendered his army. They had said nothing about the clearing the confederacy deflunkt. There had been no peace treaty. As of may 9th, Jefferson Davies remains on the run. Then at 8 00 p. M. On lectures in history, university of notre dame history professor darren dotcha on the east Texas Oil Boom of the mid20th century and the expansion of u. S. Oil businesses to saudi arabia and canada. A geologist frames the theory of peak oil saying that american oil reserves were going to really collapse by 1970, forcing the country into a difficult situation. And so this kind of apocalyptic fear of america losing its oil services is going to drive exploration abroad. And sunday at 4 p. M. Eastern on real america, the 1979 United Nations film the Palestinian People do have rights. Violence breeds hatred. Retaliation brings only further retaliation. An eye for an eye is often paid at high Interest Rates in our day and age. And at 6 30, president reagans speechwriter Peter Robinson and former u. S. Ambassador to germany richard burg recall reagans trip to berlin and the Brandenburg Gate speech. I knew it was a great applause line and i knew it was authentic Ronald Reagan but, you know, history as president obama says has an arc. And of course we would never celebrate that famous speech if, in fact, the events of 1989 had not transpired the way they did. For our complete American History tv schedule, go to cspan. Org. Sunday night on after words, financial expert Rachel Schneider and economics professor jonathan mordouch detail how low to moderate income families manage money, in their book the financial diaries. Miss schneider and professor are interviewed by catherine eden, awe are though of two dollars a day, living on almost nothing in america. The risk of small decisions going badly is so much higher for people at the bottom, right. Wealthier people make poor spending decisions all the time. I can come up with some for me from the last year. For me, the consequence of that, then, is really minimal, there isnt one of it the consequence for people who are struggling is often really big. One of the pieces of data that really surprised me from the sip, survey of income and program participation, government survey, said between 2009 and 2011, there was a bit of an unusual period after the reegs icessio recession, but during that period, 10 million americans were poor during every month of that period. Yes. But 90 million americans at some point were poor during that period. So a third of america experienced poverty at some moment in that period. Often for a short time. Thats huge. But it means we have to really rethink whats going on. Watch after words on cspan 2s book tv. Next, testimony from interior secretary ryan zinke on President Trumps 2018 budget request for his department. He spoke about oil and Gas Development in alaska and wetlands reclamation projects in louisiana. Speaking in front of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee, this is two hours. Good morning. The committee will come to order. Were here to consider the president s budget request for the department of interior for fiscal year 2018. This is the second of three budget hearings before our committee this year following the Forest Service last week and the department of energy which is coming u on thursday. Secretary zinke, welcome back to the committee for your first appearance since our bipartisan vote in favor of your confirmation on march 1st. It was nice to be able to give you the official tally this morning. Make it officially official. I want to start by noting you have taken on some tough tasks at the department including some challenges that really have gone unaddressed for years. I think youre off to a good start and i appreciate that. Ive enjoyed working with you during the early months of your tenure as secretary. I truly appreciated the opportunity to host you and some members here on the committee in alaska. A couple weeks ago, we had meetingings in anchorage. We were up on the north slope looking at our considerable potential up there. We attended a Memorial Day Ceremony at the Veterans Memorial at buyers lake. It was just a very important i think a very productive time while you were in the state. Our hearing today coincides with a big milestone for alaska. The 40th anniversary of the first oil moving through our transalaska pipeline. It was on this day back in 1977 that our 800milelong pipeline carried the first of what is now more than 17 billion barrels of oil south to

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