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Provider. In the recently concluded session of the australian parliament, the debate on the paris climate agreement in a recent summit among other topics. Heres a recap, this is half an hour. Hello. Welcome to question time with the australian is the 22nd of may will the terror attacks in manchester have an impact on the way down here that asked about keeping australia say. My questions to the primehe h minister, on the manchestergove terror attack what is the government doing to keep safe . Thank you mr. Speaker. I think every question. Mr. Speaker, i spoke with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, theresa may, last night. I convey to her the Heartfelt Sympathies, the condolences of their sterling people to the people of britain into the victims of this criminal attacki and their families. I have reaffirmed to her the resolute solidarity of australia with britain, partners now as we always have been and always will and Prime Minister may thanked me and think this parliament for the solitary we showed yesterday as we spoke to leaders of the opposition we spoke in unison, united in our solidarity and sympathy for friends in the United Kingdom. This was a shocking criminal attack on innocence. At least 22 people have been59 d murdered, 59 injured many of them children as we know. This was a childrens concert. This attack was designed to kill children. What could be more vile, more reprehensible, more criminal than this crime . It was committed by a coward and brave men and women, australians and britons alike will not be b coward by terrorism wherever it occurs. We will not change our way of life and we will continue to fight together as the Prime Minister and i reaffirmed last night to defeat this scourge of terrorism in our homes and t around the world. Now, the director general of security has advised me that the threat level remains probable, they do not appear at this stage to be directed links between the attack in manchester and threats australia. We must remain vigilant at home always where the threat remains very real. The threat level is probable. Today the New South Wales coroner handed down his report our Heartfelt Sympathies go out with regard to the families and all of the hostages, the brave hostages that survived. Their lives are changed forever. The government will consider the recommendations carefully and continue to strengthen arrangements where needed. Our First Priority is to keep australian say. Our agencies with whom i are in, constant touch and are constantly adjusting our response. T we must be more agile than those who seek to do us harm. We will always work tirelessly to keep australian safe. We do that by destroying isis ii the field in the middle east and by destroying their networks here at home. Nce serv well keep australian say. We have the best agencies, the best Intelligence Services in the world. There are no guarantees of course, but since september when the threat level was raised there have been 63 arrest for terrorism offenses, another just this week. Twelve major plots have been disrupted and we continue to usn every avenue available at oursp disposal providing Additional Resources whether they be financial or legal, whether it relate to intelligence, we will do all we can as we always have to keep a sterling safe, to defend the liberty that this parliament has established to preserve. The foreign units also strongly condemned those attacks and mention theres an upgraded u travel born. The member for north sydney. Thank you mr. Speaker. What is the government doing to ensure the safety of australians at home and abroad . Judge jeanine mr. Speaker, i thank you for your questions. Cod this joining government condemns in the strongest possible way the horrific attack in manchester but was calculated to kill innocent young people. While i have no information to suggest that any asteroids were among those killed or injured, it will be sometime before all of the victims are identified. Od we should remember that around 1 million australians visit the United Kingdom each year. At any one time there about 100 30,000 australians who are resident in the United Kingdom. R i can confirm that this trillion government has updated travel advice for the United Kingdom. I will quote from that. Est of t United Kingdom government has increased the United Kingdom domestic threat level to critical. The highest of the uks five domestic threat levels. The Prime Minister may has also announced that armed soldiers will be deployed in u. K. Cities to assist police with security. T continue to avoid the area around the Manchester Arena and anticipate transport delays in the manchester area. Expect an increase in police and security presence in the United Kingdom. Be vigilant with your personal security. Monitor the media and follow local authority instruction and safety and security. In light of the United Kingdoms increase to the threat level we now advise the to exercise a high degree of caution in the United Kingdom. I can advise the house that threat assessment is not only an attack considered highly likely but a further cat tack may bee n eminent. We are in contact with British Authority have concerns that a Police Investigation continues to find all perpetrators who may have been involved in the attack. Theres a concern that this was part of a wider sell. The Australian Government will do all we can to keep australian safe at home and abroad and security measures are under constant review. We have boosted counterterrorism efforts to protect australians at home and abroad with an additional 550 million in the most recent budget. We have canceled or refused to issue passports to over 205 citizens who seek to travel to the middle east to support terrorist organizations including isis. There are 200 australians under active investigation. We are unrelenting in our effort to seek out those who wish to do us harm. Admits that high in support we wanted to know what was being done it not Just International airports but the restaurant thei country. The police with a jew from the airport in 2014. The attack for warned us of the moreover your government can see especially after manchester that homegrown terrorist and soft targets are pressing concerns now. The risk is not diminished for non international. Now that you have increase the budget by over half a billion dollars we remedy this alarming situation and reinstate . Or will your government continue to treat tens mania and says secondclass citizens. Condcla thank you. Nk the h i i think you for your question. Mr. Speaker, the office of transport security is responsible for the categorization of security at airports. It was determined in 2014 that the threat environment to not require the presence of afp officers there. That Risk Assessment was based on the afp intelligence agents. Ive spoken to the Deputy Commission and he has advised mi that the risk profile has notsma changed. The Tasmania Police provide support in the airport the same way they provide services at other airports. They have a presence intense mania and work with intensese mania police. Those men and women are on the front line keeping us safe. They put their lives on the line. On monday we saw in queensland the tragic murder of police officer, like too many beforene him lost his life in the line of duty our condolences go to his wife, children and colleagues. The threat of this extremist violence is here at home and read around the world. We saw last night. A young 12yearold australian girl killed by a terroristin bag attack in baghdad. She was visiting baghdad with her family during ramadan. Dfathe another innocent killed by this violent tendency and movement that is luring away seeking toga destroy one of the great religions of the world. Now, are Police Officers Center Intelligence agencies are the frontline of keeping us safe from that battle. S, our allies are best collaborators, Muslim Leaders both at home and abroad like the president in indonesia who s remind us and said repeatedly in censoring islam that is moderate, tolerant and democratic. They are our best allies. In the forefront, send those Police Officers and intelligence agencies and we have given them and are given the more support word legislation and resources than ever before and we continue to do so to keep all australians and hands mania my questions to the minister of the Defense Industry representing, will the minister a line for the house by the Largest Military buildup in our peacetime history is vital to defeating our enemies abroad so we can be safe at home. The minister for Defense Industry. I think the member for the question. As members are aware there are two attacks on baghdad overnight we express our deepest sympathy to people of iraq and the people of the australian girl. Was killed in one of the attacks. Isis has claimed responsibility. We condemn these attacks and reaffirm our commitment to defeat isis in iraq and prevented spread throughout the world. Defending it abroad will ensure the safety of a sterlings at home. Its one of the reasons for the governments commitment the government will ensure including tour record a 200 billiondollar investment in defense capabilities so we can continue to apply lethal force is required to defeat terrorism abroad. They make one of the largest contribution to the campaign. 3 of those deploying including iraqi army troops, 120 members of a special Operations Task force provided advice and assistance to the counterterrorism service. 300 members of the group conducted airstrikes in iraq and syria and 55 members in position in iraq. Since october 14 theres been more than 3000 airstrikes over iraq delivering 1900 weapons into iraq and syria. Lets not forget it was this Prime Minister who opened her approach so our forces are power to act against isis and iraq and syria no matter where they areri what theyre doing slowing as they belong to the group of terrorists that we seek to eliminate. Its also the National Interest to ensure afghanistan never again becomes a haven for terrorists. Ninte in response to a request the government has agreed to increase the mission to afghanistan by 30 personnel for around 300. Additional personnel will develop longterm capabilities of the Afghan Security forces as part of a group trade company advise and assist position. W they will not be combat roles. In increase in a sterling contribution as part of australia not just in the support of the war on terror but incapable of taking part of it. I think the opposition for their continued bipartisan approach to these matters in support. Despite having committed to the full suite of the coalition measures on border patrol, the coalition is still putting out his feelings when it was thehep. Power. E the will it continue to maintain Strong Border policies and isnae the minister aware of any alternative . Thank you very much. I want to thank the member first question and think all of the collects on the side of the house for their consistent support and backing a Strong Border protection policy. This really public knows the terms of government has not only stopped folks that we are determined to keep up in the future because the threat has not dissipated. It is not been 1039 days since the last successful boat arrival but were still burden with the disastrous legacy of Border Protection policies. We do know the 50000 people came on 800 boats and 1200 people drowned at sea. We know 8000 children went into detention. So far today, policy failure on boats, 13. 7 billion. It doesnt stop there. It is costing the taxpayer of australia today, 1. 9 billion every year. It will take us years to cleanup. Now, you wouldve thought that labor learned their lesson. The reality is they havent. When you consider the people in the front bench of this trillion labor party today, there the people in government that presided over the decisions that resulted in the policy outreache we know weve 83 boats arrived carrying 300 people in 1100 children under his watch we know that with 194 votes on his arrival on those boats carried 12800 people in 2000 children went into detention on his watch. The members, this man who wants to be the treasurer of this country presided over in hisis t greatest work in the minister came as immigration minister 25000 people arrived on 398 boats when the members but over 4000 children went into detention. You can pretend to be in conversation but the reality is, we need bipartisanship on the issue of both policy and stopping people from coming into the country illegally. T bipartis there is not bipartisanship in this country when it comes to policy and labor has not learned their lesson in this leader of the opposition. It was a security scare the skies as well. A flight taking off from melbourne having to return their put a man on board said he had a bomb. This turned out not to be the case but did put a focus on the security. Nk my question is also to the Prime Minister. Well update that also measures the government takes to keep erica safe. Thank you mr. Speaker and i think the honorable member for his question and acknowledge mre aware that a man attempted to gain access to the cockpit of Malaysian Airline mh 128 shortly after takeoff last night. The passengers on the flight really put themselves in harms way to restrain the man in the incident is not resolved with all on board say. The Australian Federal police is working with victoria please to determine the circumstances ofan the incident. The matter is not being treated as terrorism related. Im informed the man has a criminal history and has previously been treated for Mental Health issues. The government as it should takes Aviation Security very seriously. We have a comprehensive and strong transport Security System in place. It its constantly being reviewed to make sure it remainse effective proportionate to the risk environment. We do it we can to ensure that australians fly safely and securely. A system designed to keep australians safe, prevent acts of unlawful interference include the screening of passengers and baggage. Training cabin crew so they can handle behavior respond to threats of security. Ensuring that unauthorized items are not placed on boardraft in aircraft. In april, the government implemented new security arrangements for inbound fligh flights, passengers are noww randomly selected for explosive expulsion detection. E and pr as a number one priority for my government never government must be to keep australians safe and protect our way of life. That is why were investing 321 million to ensure we have the capabilities it needs to address the criminal and terrorist threats in the future. s largest single funding to the domestic policing capabilities in over a decade. We recognize that lawenforcement must be quit with the resources to respond to new threats. So far this year weve seen the afc and his partners set intercepts record shipments of campaign. Ph 903 kilograms of meth andted pendant methamphetamine. We have 12 major members are the front line and we are supporting them and keeping us safe. The world reacted to donald trump said that he will pull out of the paris climate accord. Australia will not to so. Theyre highlighting the fact that there hoping that would be the action. S to thank you speaker. My question is the Prime Minister. Just before midnight last night in response to that report the chair of the Coalition Environment and energy posted it is not concerned yet but have c the champagne on ice when george w. Bush rejected so how could anybody have confidence that this government want to exactly the with the Paris Agreement. Thank you mr. Speaker. Treaty i think the honorable member first question mr. Speaker i repeat today what i said on the 16th of november when the treaty was ratified. When australia makes theeement commitment we follow through and that is what we are doing. We are committed to the Paris Agreement and we are on track to meet our target. Were committed to ensuring australia has and achieve thatt when meeting a global commitment. That is our commitment. What were doing is taking real and Practical Action to get theo job done. The de the deputy Prime Minister talked about our commitment to twopoint oh. The commitment to support Renewable Energy in the southern hemisphere. The labor product allowed Renewable Energy to be rolled out at such an expense that it could provide well over 100 but then the next minute, zero. No storage, no plan. Coast we have had to take the steps to bring them down. The action that i took as Prime Minister to ensure that we with them at experts they have already seen the wholesale price go down and it ought as it needs to do. That is our commitment. Affordable, Reliable Energy mr. Speaker, if i may one intelligence, because the honorable member from South Australia amassed me about it earlier can i say our lady will receive an extra 3. 9 million over the next ten years. The contribution from the commonwealth will go 28,855,000 in 2027. Once again the members of sydney will lead the house that are simply not true. Rily see they dont see eye to eye at the moment for climate change. The two countries are very close to the defense and strategic element. My question is to the minister of foreign affairs. Will the minister update the use next week . Thank you mr. Speaker. I thank you for your question on this important meeting. Next week we will host in sydney u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and general jim mattis for the annual mr. Speaker, this meeting will be the firstig formal meeting for the trumpadmi administration. The Prime Minister meeting with Vice President trump in new yorn on there have been 13 visits to the United States since the inauguration, all highlevel in all targeted to matters that will benefit this really people. Mr. Speaker, on the bills on the Strong Foundation of this longstanding lateral organization and formalized in 1951 with the signing of the s treaty, mr. Speaker, defense minister and a will discuss with her u. S. Counterpart a wide range of concern particularly Security Issues involving north korea and cooperation afghanistan, iraq and syria and how we Work Together on defeating isis on intelligenceor sharing for the benefit of our citizens. Mr. Speaker australia and the United States are likemindednte and the commitment to defend the International Rules based order. We Work Together well and very closely in regional firms including aipac. Mp im delighted to hear that b President Trump will be at the east asia summit in manila in november. Fused countries can claim to be as close as australia and the United States. Few countries a are more parts australia than the United States. The source of the greatest amounts of investments of the United States and largest trading partner. Together we look for the peace, prosperity and stability of our nation. This provides us with an opportunity to share insights. Not only for the benefits of this really people on the citizens of the United States prefer region and globally. Thank you for watching. On this weeks newsmakers, chair of the Congressional Committee on the 2018 Congressional Campaign and special elections happening the spring and summer including one in georgia this month. Newsmakers, the sunday at 10 00 a. M. And 6 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Cspans washington journal, live every day with some policy issues that impact too. Coming up on saturday morning, Roosevelt Institute fellow discusses republican efforts to overhaul the dodd frank. And the supreme courts decision to hear a major cell phone privacy case. Also Darrell Burnett of Education Week talks about how every Student Succeeds that is impacting the ability of states to identify ineffective teachers. Watch washington journal. During the discussion. Sunday night on afterwards, new America President and ceo, and marie slaughter examines the global networking in the digital age in her book, the chessboard and the web. She is interviewed by dennis mcdonough, former white house chief of staff of the Obama Administration in 2013 to make 2016. What strikes me was when you there is a world of states think about north korea, iran, china russia the world of state to state relations is still very important. I think of it as the chessboard world how do we essentially beat our adversaries. That world is there but equally important is the world of the web, the world of criminal networks and also arms traffickers and drug traffickers. The world of business which is a big Network Supply chains. In the world icl of these is web actors is increasingly important. But we dont have strategies with how to bring them together. This week to the canadian house of commons spoke about Canadian Foreign policy and their relationship with the u. S. This is 35 minutes

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