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Your screen. We want to get your reaction to the white house proposal. With president in trumps Economic Council director, gary cohen, in the Briefing Room yesterday on what this means for individuals. [video clip] taxes andgoing to cut signify the tax for by taking the current seven tax brackets we have today and reducing them to only three brackets. A 10 bracket, a 25 bracket, and a 35 bracket. We are going to double the standard eduction so that a married couple wont pay any taxes on the first 24,000 of income they earn. So, in essence we are creating a zero tax rate for the first 24,000 that a couple earns. The larger standard deduction needs to simplification, because far fewer taxpayers will need to itemize. Was the top economic adviser for the president yesterday outlining what it means for individuals. Of worse, there is the business side of this as well. We want to know your thoughts this morning. Start tiling and so we can get your phone calls. Return to let washington know what you think. Lets turn to the front pages of the newspapers this morning. Wall street journal, trump unveils broad tax cut plans. Washington post, not in pay for itself they are torry territory. The New York Times, tax overhaul would aid the wealthiest. A little bit from that New York Times hes, the cost could be a high as 7 trillion over decade, but the question could fracture the party as they face the prospect of endorsing a plan that many budget analysts warn will increase the deficit. Host an unlikely frank, bethel, connecticut, you are up first. Go ahead. Frank, are you there . Caller yes, i am, can you hear me . Host we can, you are on the air, tell us what you think about the president s taxcut proposal. Host good morning caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I was listening to the treasury secretary just now and before that i was listening to cnn and some of the other networks. Everyone is already making doomsday predictions on what is really just what i thought was an outline. As somebody who pays the amt, who is not a millionaire by any stretch of the means but pays thousands of extra dollars for the alternative minimum tax, i think anything that globally takes taxes down for everybody, they keep focusing just on the president. Last i looked, the president is one person a 400 million in this country. Theres another 399 Million People that are also going to benefit. I wouldnt be jumping to say that this is the catchall of anything yet. Its a proposal and i hope that everybody jumps on board and works to getting something done to bring taxes down in this country. Host that is something the white house said yesterday. It was one page, broad outlines, they said that negotiations have to happen between them and capitol hill. Everybody agrees to these principles, 100 , they are on this one page, but now they have to get down into the weeds in figure out the details of it. The alternative minimum tax. I know that it is complicated, but why do you have to pay it . Caller i am one of those folks who is middleclass, if you will, but i live in the northeast, as you know, connecticut. The salary range we are in for middleclass year, somewhat higher than probably a lot of other parts of the country, automatically every year for 15 years we have triggered the alternative minimum tax number has not kept up with inflation as things have gone up and it costs my family 2000, 3000, this past year it was even more, because 30 , the 35 that we are already paying, and im talking about how much i know we totally pay, we pay over one third of our total income in taxes. Either federal, state, local, whatever it is. Im one of those guys who pays my fair share, if you will, and i could definitely benefit from that 399 i do believe Million People can. Its not all about the president or, frankly, even the minority aader of the senate who make lot of money. Its not all about that. Frank, what would you do with that extra money if amt is eliminated . Im hopefully getting closer to retirement. Thank you for asking that. I would like to be able to use some of that money and invest it back into retirement. Im also the beneficiary of five beautiful grandchildren who i would like to be able to help my children and my grandchildren, moving on. Im not a business person, per se, so i wont the reinvesting it into my business or anything like that, but i will be reinvesting it into the economy, into things that will help to support my family. I think that is a good thing for the country, personally. Frank, with his thoughts on the alternative minimum tax. Times explains it this way, it makes it hard for very rich individuals host so, the amt is what frank there was referring to, calling himself, though, middleclass. Alyssa, maryland, democrat. Open, we lost her. Randall, good morning. Go all the way back to carter. We had a good economy back then, correct . Then it turns out that reagan gets in august office, does is reaganomics thing, screwing up the government to the point where george bush has to signal new taxes. And then clinton comes in and balances the budget. Then george w junior comes in and screws up the government again. Then obama comes in and in eight years finally think gets things going good and now we have got donald trump. Thats all ive got to say. The past says it all. Above the fold, front page of the washington post, not in pays for itself territory. Trumps top Economic Advisor host mike, what do you think . Caller the tax rate cut skeptics of this world dont understand how economics work. They dont understand the human nature reactions of people who understand how wealth is created. That wealth is not static and it is not a zerosum game. This situation with these tax cuts is that they cannot help but to stimulate the economy because it puts more capital into circulation. This is not something easily explained to people, but as long as everybody is sold out to the keynesian model of economics, we are not going to get our arms thethe natural natural strange and Human Behavior with regards to the finances, both on the individual level and on the corporate level , because corporations are run by people and they are looking at things on behalf of their corporations the same way that people are looking at their Family Income when it comes to taxes. The less money that they have to pay to the federal government, the more money that is put in circulation. The result is that you have much more Economic Activity and we have seen, three times now, during the kennedy ,dministration, during the bush the w bush administration, and the third one im having a brain p on, where revenue reagans administration, where wentues to the government up after the tax rates were reduced, not down. Host mike, you and others might be interested in the wall street journal editorial. Host so, they are arguing that now is a good time. They go on to say that this plan eliminates all the reductions except for home mortgages and charitable donations. Anna, falls church, virginia, democratic line, we are talking about the wish list from the white house on tax changes. What do you think . I think that donald trump should not be the man to do this job. He is shady about his own taxes and he is going to benefit the very rich, like himself. He just wants to benefit himself and the very rich. What if the republicans and the white house reach out to democrats on this . That this is a truly bipartisan proposal in the end. Democrats getting on board. Would you, yourself as a democrat, like to see some tax relief . Would like to see syntax or form, but i dont trust donald trump. He is shady about everything, especially his tax. He hides important details about his taxes, obviously his shady. We have not seen it and we need to see it. He is not qualified to do this. And i think a lot of people is with me. And i do want tax reform. But i do not donald trump to be in charge of this. He is not qualified. He is like a kindergartner who just opens his mouth and does things that are radical, says things that are radical. Hes not qualified. Host heard the point. On the tax rates for operations that the white house announced you have, as many of probably heard and read, it would benefit corporations like the one that used to be run by the president , run now by his children, the trump organization. Here is what treasury secretary miniature and had to say yesterday about the corporate rate. [video clip] we will lower the business rate to 15 , making it a territorial system with a onetime tax on overseas profits that will bring back trillions of dollars that are offshore to be invested here in the United States to Purchase Capital and create jobs. The president is determined to unleash Economic Growth for businesses. Is not just about large corporations. Small and mediumsize businesses will be eligible for the business rate as well. Treasury secretary, about the tax proposal to lower the rate for businesses. The wall street journal says that this spurs debate and that the plan to cut the tax rate for passthrough businesses could create many opportunities and leave room for abuse. Advocates say host john, great falls, montana, independent. Caller my thoughts are its about time and im so happy we got donald trump in there for several reasons. The hes going to make government accountable again and how he is doing that is with these tax cuts. I mean, anytime there is tax cuts the government has to look at their spending and say that maybe we cant afford this after the last eight years of uncontrolled spending on obama by obama on every social Welfare Program and every wind you know, donald trump is going to put this stuff back in perspective and say look , we need to give the money back to the people that are in it, back to the businesses that are trying to create it, creating a level playing field. By the way, government, you just have to tighten your belt. Except for to do it the government under a democratic leadership. Im happy and relieved about this. I read the tax proposal from the top to the bottom. Its drastic, but hey, the government will have to get drastic and cutting their waste and abuse and i think thats a wonderful thing. Enough waste and abuse to make up for the loss in tax revenue if this plan, as we saw yesterday, were to go through . The figure is 3 trillion to 7 trillion lost in tax revenue. Maybe, maybe not, but youve got to shake the tree. You cant take off one apple. You got to pick off every apple, get out the bed what the bad ones. Cut the epa, cut the department of education. Cut the programs that do nothing but wasting host what about entitlement reform . Absolutely, we have to have a drastic reduction in entitlement. The only thing that i entitled to in my life is for when i dont pay my taxes the irs comes with a gun, pointed at me and says give us your money right now because you owe it to us. Assess the only thing im entitled to. Caller you might be interested host you might be interested in this opinion from the wall street journal this morning. Balancing lost tax revenue the reagan way. Host good idea, john . Caller wonderful idea, and a lot of ways. There are many ways that we could reduce, from a Social Security benefit. One, if these people that are very affluent, maybe they pay Social Security but dont receive benefits. Theres a lot of ways that we can reduce Social Security. Host isnt that attacks . Those people have to pay Social Security but dont caller yeah, it is, but its going against my principles. I dont know, there has got to be some way that we can get control of this and keep our promises to our seniors. But i dont know quite what that is. Maybe i dont have a high enough iq to go that far. Host you said you look at it in detail, the details of what was put forth. You read the outline. How does this personally benefit you, when you have looked at what was on the table . It benefits me and my family. Im a Small Business owner. I created a business a few years ago so that i could make a living going into my retirement ages. Earn over kids 100,000 dollars per year, middle income, hardworking people, getting ready to go to college. I dont see anything but positive from this whole thing so far. I do have to read it again to get a grip on it and understand it. You give moneyt back or stop punishing people that make money, its a good thing. Have an employee this year, the way this is going. John, great falls, montana. Corpus christi, texas, good morning. What are your thoughts . Im really worried about the fact that for the last several years, large corporations have been reporting really large savings. They have so much savings and know where to invest it. Now we are going to give them a tax break so that they can go grow more savings . Seems to me that if you dont investor savings, you lose them. Dont need to raise taxes anymore and you can distribute that to the people and give them some purchasing power. Ok, dan, the New York Times editorial says this about what you just said. That there are legitimate reasons to run deficits. Iselizabeth, michigan that wisconsin . Caller no, michigan. Host ok. Have one comment, i read and heard some stuff on the news, one of the tax things is that corporations can now move their businesses to outside the country and not have to pay income tax . Or some type of tax . Thats what it was on tv, so that is true, how does that fit with what hes promised people about bringing these corporations back . I have one comment on the Social Security thing. The public, they are polled, they agree with this, anyone who makes over 118,000 does not pay one dime more than someone who pays one million. They need to raise that. That would help Social Security for some years. Even that simple thing would help it. This raising it to 70, did they even consider that people cant work are going to go for disability . Its not really going to help. Especially if they do away with health care, there will be more people who are disabled and applying for Social Security. I think that this raising it to 70 doesnt make any sense. Its not going to work. As we told you at the top, some news from capitol hill last night. Republicans who were not on board with what the president wanted to do to repeal and replace the health care law. They have been negotiating over the past two weeks while congress was in their spring refit spring recess, with moderate republicans in the that it appears conservatives, at least for now, are on board with this revision and the centrists are still wary. We will see where the votes end up on that. The House Health Care bill changes exempt members of congress is what the hill newspaper is reporting brother this morning. To dealker is trying with it, but they are promising to deal with it and any legislation that would be put forward for a vote. The vote, not scheduled yet, but if you want to follow along with where the vote stands, you can hill. Com, theye have a list of where everybody is at. This one was just updated last night. It says right now that there are to this latest proposal and 60 62 are undecided or unclear. The hill also reports that there are seven yeses, one likely yes meaning yes. You can follow along on the wit ist. Whip l this from the front page of the washington times, trump will be the first president to address the National Rifle association. Yesterday in washington, the fcc chief laid out a plan to overturn the neutrality rules put in place during the obama administration. We cover that speech. Covered that speech. If you missed it, had to cspan. Org, you can find it there. Talks about north korea yesterday as all 100 senators made their way to the white house for a briefing as well as testimony yesterday from admiral harry harris, who told the House Armed Services committee that north korea brags about their notear program but it does meet reality. We cover the hearing and you can find it on our website, cspan. Org. Theres also this from the world news section of the wall street journal on this, oft we will have coverage that meeting. The United States is chairing the council for this month and the secretary of state will bes sitting in the chair for that discussion. Lets go to charles in bella vista. Back to our conversation about tax cuts proposed by the white house, what do you think . Caller the previous speakers that spoke positive about the pretty much agree with and pretty much was going to say the same thing. But the New York Times and the liberal papers, obama spent 9 trillion. They werent upset about any debts and bad timing. Its amazing. By the way, do me a favor, when they bring in the New York Times in the morning, will you distribute it to the restrooms throughout that holding, that is where it belongs. Right, charles. Lets listen to what democrats had to say about what the white yesterday. Ut joseph crowley, new york, told reporters that the 15 rate for corporations would be difficult for democrats. [video clip] 15 corporate rate with a passthrough for fortner partnerships creates a 2. 4 trillion deficit over the next 10 years. Deficit. Not paid for. The present hasnt proposed any paid for this that im aware of. Paid fors that im aware of. Oft like taking a number out the sky and saying i like 15. We have democrats who say you can get to 28 , changing things around a bit in terms of expensing. Getting to 20 is like an possible. Getting to 15 is not even a start. Means is not even starting at 15 . I think they need to get their act together. Host thats the democratic viewpoint of what the white house released yesterday. A broad outline, one page of tax provisions, changes they would like to see to the code, they want to lower the rates. We want to know your thoughts on these details for the next 30 minutes. Go to richard, minneapolis, republican. Good morning to you, richard. Richard good morning, excuse me. Should lowerthey the corporate rate to 15 because all of these other countries have a lower corporate rate. I think they should raise the individual. Lets not forget, we are borrowing . 40 of every dollar to run this government and donald trump should go back to school and Steve Mnuchin must have missed a class on balancing a budget. Income as ar business. Im a business owner. Never cut your income before you pay your outstanding debt. Youve got to have some way to look at paying it off. If you go back to george h w bush, his tax increases caused a surplus under the clinton administration. So, i think that you want to get David Stockman on your program. You know, lets have an alternative point of view. I kind of agree with the , i think we are headed for chaos and all of these bills come due and i think that they should keep the Net Neutrality for the internet. Right, richard. Jim, lansing, good morning. Good morning. I think that the proposed plan doesutting taxes actually what the republicans were fearful of, to pick winners and losers. Thats what the plan is doing. What it is doing is neglecting the middle class and sending all of the tax cut money to the top. Firm believer that if her huge tax cut goes to the middle class, then you will increase the spending power of the middle class and with an increase in spending power you will have more buying going on, the result of that is that demand for goods and services will increase and that the demand for more people being hired to handle that will increase. Thats how you get more jobs. They so, looking at what want to do on personal taxes, will this not help the middle class . Repealing the alternative minimum tax and the estate tax . Maybe those two dont impact the middle class. What about reducing the brackets from seven to three . And getting rid of deductions, except for the mortgage interest induction and the lost my train of thought. And the charitable election . Caller based on the idiot that if you make the people at the top us prosperous as you can make them, there will be a trickledown result that will help the middle class and the poor . That is the way that we have approached the problem over and over and over and it hasnt proven successful. I think we should target it to the middle class, because that is where things are really going to happen. People will spend, they will cause the economy to grow, that is where it is going to happen. You have hoarding at the top. Giving the money to the top, it goes in to offshore accounts and everything and it doesnt do a thing for america. Thats the way that we keep doing it. I wonder at what point we are going to see that it is not really benefiting us. Did you look at what the white house put out yesterday . Caller i did not, im just talking about the theory behind it. Host gotcha. Mike, republican mine, north carolina. Caller good morning, how are you . One word for this, giddy. Thats my response. I have been through this as a. Oy, with john kennedy i was six years old when, as a democrat, probusiness stomach that, he realized that cutting do. S was the right thing to theres a great video on youtube with him describing this. And then the democrats went off the rails, pretty much, with jimmy carter. With Ronald Reagan i was a student, i graduated from. Ollege and i started my career the last time that we reformed the tax code in this country was 1986 and it was incredible, it really was. That wased a boom years. It stretched into the clinton administration. What about the critics who said that reagan had to turn around and raise taxes twice . Is in thee devil details. We all know that phrase. In general, generically speaking, tax cuts work. The devil is in the details. What are the details . Handle on government spending, which includes what you brought up and what some of your guests have brought up, entitlement spending. Ae spending that is on trajectory that has to be corrected. Is the carveouts and the deductions. Even under reagan and with tip oneill, they didnt accomplish as much as they would have liked to in terms of eliminating all the loopholes and everything else. If you can bring the rate down to 15 for corporations and eliminate a lot of the loopholes, you have a situation where that 35 , what are corporations trying to do . Especially the big ones. They are trying to get their tax down to as little as possible and they are spending hundreds of millions on tax attorneys to do it. If you give it to them out of the gate and they dont have to spend that money gaming the system, legally, trying to game the system and the resources to do it, which, excuse me, Small Businesses do not have, so this will give that to Small Businesses as well. A lot of the criticisms are valid. It will raise deficits shortterm. Turning an aircraft carrier. If it plays out like it should, the goal here is growth. The goal is to grow the economy at 3 to 4 every year, creating more jobs and more opportunity and more tax revenue for the government. If it plays out. But what happens is that you cannot wind future congresses and president s. New Administration Come in, they start giving away favors, there are so many variables. Generically speaking, its a good thing. Its a good thing. I would like to bring up one thing about an earlier carla. Caller. I lived through the carter years. There was a caller who said that those were great years and he went on a litany of praise for democratic president s and im not here to slam democratic president s but i have to say that under jimmy carter, thats why reagan got elected and carter was a one term president. We had doubledigit inflation under carter. No one had seen that for decades. Doubledigit Interest Rates and unemployment. It was horrible. It was the most horrible time to be an american since the great depression. That is why Ronald Reagan one and the republicans held the white house for 12 years. Again, under president clinton a good man, generally, politically speaking, he was willing to work with newt gingrich. What did they do to really drive Revenue Growth in the second half of that administration . The Capital Gains tax cut. It was forced upon clinton. He did it relied only, but he signed it and he did it because he was politically wise and it drove revenue into the treasury like nobodys business. The bottom line is that tax cuts create more revenue. It just does. Like i said, the devil is in the details with loopholes, getting a control on spending and other things that can offset the benefit from tax cuts and other things. Good morning. Mike, thanks for that. The Capital Gains tax that you referenced, in the new york to 20 its cut from 28. 8 percent, achieved by limiting a 28. 8 used to fund the Affordable Care act. Raymond, clinton, pennsylvania. Independent. Welcome to the conversation. Caller good morning. That was a great called it you just had. That carterugh administration in this area. We had one of the worst thansions, it was worse 2007, 2008. When Ronald Reagan got in, again, the inflation rate was running rampant. Exactly whats going on in venezuela. Its going to go on to civil war pretty soon because of the socialist spending. Reagan, through his economics, everybody went back to work who wanted to work, but the democrats with all the money coming in, they continued under ,ip oneill, they had the house they kept on spending on social programs. The only way that they get votes is to give something away. Subsidizingtired of and im retired, im getting tired of paying income tax to give somebody a tax rebate doesnt pay income tax. Just because they file a tax return. 338 billion is being spent on illegals, and thats costing us. All of these single mothers who continue to have children so that they can get more tax money these people are keeping these responsibilities on us who work. Time to cut the cycle. You must cut it, stop it, put those people back to work. About President Trump, in his proposal yesterday, saying that there is zero tax rate for people who make less than 24,000. They get a tax rebate. They dont pay any income tax, they get money back in the form of income tax. What part of that doesnt anybody understand . Why should they get money back when they didnt pay a nickel in . They are not required to pay any in. I dont understand this. You got to hold two jobs. I never got that. Let me to use Something Else about Social Security. I havent and the collected seven times what she put in. Years, andhin five this was on your program, you had a specialist on here, seven times the rate within five years , everything that you paid into age 65, youity at will collect out in five years. 10 years, you collected double. That money is not being invested. It continues to be a harbinger of trillions of dollars and that that we have to meet in the invest theuse if you money i have a pension. My money is invested in these corporations and companies. You will end up just like we are in venezuela because these socialist programs do not work. You dont report on it. Do a program on it. Host received the suggestion, raymond. Appreciate it. In other news this morning, the banner on the huffington post,. No, obama cashes in host you can read more of that in the New York Times. This, on nafta, President Trump hedges on the agreement. Here is the president in a tweet host president on twitter. Jack, davenport, iowa. Good morning, go ahead, what do you think about this tax plan . Caller im more at about a republican created National Debt. Back in 2000, 2008, the phrase was that republicans were spending like drunken sailors. The Congress Passed a 10 year bush tax break and then, threatening to default on the National Debt, they started to stretch it to 12 years. Not just 10 years of republican debt. Years. Ncluded obamas oh, yeah, then they had a war. Now we are stuck with a 20 trillion debt. When clinton was president we had a 5 trillion National Debt and he said if we could pay it off. What im afraid of is that trump is going to take this 20 trillion debt, make it a 30 trillion debt and put a democrat anotherlame them for 10, 20, 30 trillion, blaming the democrats. The republican created National Debt is a big problem that weve got to watch. Ok, grady, republican mind, what do you think . Caller good morning. The two previous callers were to this sunset that im looking at in its meridian beauty. I think that what a lot of the colors are not understanding is, really, how does government acquire wealth . Thats an important point. They acquire it through theft. Regardless of the minor details of the tax proposal, when government spends money, its less money that individuals can spend or save. Governments cannot create wealth , only individuals can do that. Yeah. I work for walmart, im an assistant manager. The tax rate is attractive to me. , morens more training hiring, more savings with Better Technology for my company. , i bigger issue to me is dont think a lot of individuals understand that we are in this we are all in the same pot. Its not rich, middleclass, and poor. Walter williams touched on this. The poor, within a decade, become the wealthy. When you leave money in the pockets of average americans, they can decide on the best way to use it. Trump, dont get me wrong, hes going on about these tax cuts, which is great, but at the same tomahawkoting 59 missiles and dropping these bombs, all of the stuff cost money. That everyl thing is day americans save money through this tax proposal. Host jerry, mount vernon, illinois, what do you think . Sameey will run into the problem that they did in 2006 2008. They started out was cutting taxes, cutting taxes. It didnt work. They are going to have the same problems. This is how republicans plan to put this through congress, from the wall street journal. Host what do you think of this wish list from the white house . Denise, oden town, go ahead. Caller good morning. How are you . Host doing well. Caller ive been listening to several of the caller saying how this is a great thing. I, we make ad little bit over 200,000 per year. Federal, state, medicare, and Social Security, a little bit over 40 of our taxes go to those things a lot. We also do not get the child tax mucht as we make too money, but we live in a high cost of living area. What i heard about these tax cuts that is so great is alive. In order for these tax cuts to be paid for, you would need a 4 growth rate. There was a 4 growth rate was during the clinton administration. This is according to the pew research center. Everyone can look this up. This is a fact. These tax cuts would not be paid for. Its going to blow a hole in the deficit. It sounds great, everybody gets a taxcut. I would love to pay less in taxes. But we have no way of paying for it. Thing is, according to trumps proposal, the state and local tax did actions will be lessened, which means, effectively, the middle class and, according to the tax center , im uppermiddleclass but i dont feel it, will get a net zero because if you are getting less in state and local productions that your effective federal rate is three prevent 3 to 4 , you are not getting a taxcut. I dont understand why people cannot read and understand math. But thank you and have a great day. Host you, too. Michael, your turn, ohio. All, a lot ofof people would rather have a job so that they can pay their taxes , all right . And then lets talk about the me ask youut let this. The swamp is drained, right . That it seems like there are bigger lizards, snakes, and slugs in there with billionaire hats on, noses in the air, saying that im going to perform public service. Ok, start a minimum wage and dont take why dont you give benefits . Ses health give us the Senate Health benefits. Obamacare, trumpcare, whatever, why dont we get the benefits that congress and the senate get . Of the houseaker yesterday, talking to reporters, had this to say about the latest to repeal and replace obamacare. [video clip] or member, obamacare is collapsing, but every state is different. We had a high risk tool in wisconsin that worked well. They had a risk share pool in maine that worked well. We want to give the states the ability to customize reforms and maximize the ability to lower premiums and protect those with preexisting conditions, which is at the heart of the macarthur amendment. Little bit more about the amendment, it would leave many of the mandates from obamacare in place in an attempt to keep or get moderate support, but it would give states the option to apply for waivers that would get rid of the minimum insurance requirements, such as coverage of Maternity Care and Mental Health treatment. States would be granted waivers if they can prove one of the following host we will be talking about this Health Care Issue coming up with congressman andy harris, he is part of that Freedom Caucus group. We will get his thoughts on this proposal that is being negotiated right now on capitol hill and has been for the past few weeks. The previous caller brought up the health care received by members of congress. Yesterday we talked with brad about the details of lawmakers health care. Interested in that, go to our website and put it into the search feature, you will find that they are and be able to learn a little bit more about what, is in the legislative health care package. Some other news, real quickly here, from the associated press, a board has voted to end former speaker denny has tos Illinois State pension. Trustees of the board on wednesday terminated the pension host and then there is this headline from the washington post, Trump Supporters fear he may kick the can on border wall construction. Is because the deadline to fund the government is friday and without this stopgap funding bill, the government would shut down. Saturday marks the 100th day of this presidency. Both republicans and democrats do not want any shut down. Instead they will be looking to pass a oneweek bill until they agreement inger place. We will have coverage of whatever the rules committee does today. Had to our website, cspan. Org, for more of our coverage details. Park, independent, good morning, what do you think about the taxes . A government of, by, and for the people will not perish from this earth. But the federal government is not the federal government. It is supposed to be our government. They dont get to take the fruits of my labor, my wage, at their largess and then tell me that ive should be grateful and they should allow me to keep more of the wage that i earn. Number two, the federal income tax analog in a digital world,e all carry power in our palms it was never seen before, and we have a tax system that is paper and 60,000 patients pages put in by politicians. They start to abolish the federal income tax and go to a smarter system. I prefer what is constitutional. A National Sales tax with an exemption for the poor. That would end their ability to keep reaching into my pocket at their will and telling me that i should thank them to keep 15 or 10 of the money i earn. What do you think . Host all right, another headline for you from the hill website. The fbi director, james comey, to testify before the Senate Judiciary committee on may 3. It is part of an annual Oversight Committee held by the Judiciary Committee that he has previously testified at, but it will mark the first time he has publicly appeared before the Senate Committee since the start of the trump administration. Host so, look for that hearing next week. Steve, wisconsin, democrat, hi, steve. Caller hi, how are you . Good morning. My comment is, these tax cuts for these corporations, are they going to hoard their money . Or are they going to invest in new technologies, like robots to increase their profits . Where does the human labor come in with nonliving wages . Steve . Hat do you think, think that that is what is going to happen . Caller new technology is the way they are all going to go. Host ok. Vicki, what are your thoughts . Vicki, good morning. Caller yes, im here. My thoughts are is that know thatmeone that i was in the government, that they their expenses, the senate and the congress. They have Student Loans that are outstanding. They are forgiven when they go into office. I think that they should have the same responsibility as the people of the land. Ok. vicki, there, with her thoughts. We will have a short break and when we come back we will talk efforts byris about republicans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act. Later, representative arnie watsoncoleman bonnie coleman. Harry harris, commander of the u. S. Pacific, talked about more Missile Defense in response to the north korean threat. Took personal responsibility for confusion on the location of the aircraft carrier, the uss us vincent. Let me ask you more broadly about Missile Defense. Limitedsome interceptors in alaska and california and you mentioned some ship and we are with the d and korean with thaa there are several pieces. Would you agree with my proposition we probably need to amp up to increase our Missile Defense capability in this region . I agree with you completely, mr. Chairman. Across the range of integrated air Missile Defense that we can and need to do more. I believe that the interceptors we have the defend our homeland directly in alaska and california are critical and i have suggested we consider putting interceptors in hawaii that defend hawaii directly and defensiveok at the radar to improve hawaiis capabilities. Ddgseve the flight nine destroyers coming online are exactly what are needed in the ballistic Missile Defense space, if you will. And those are coming online and im am grateful to the congress for funding those. Vinson,gard to the uss i will take the hit. Thede the decision to pull car vinson out of singapore and truncate the exercise it would do south of singapore and to australiancel and proceeded north. Where i failed to communicate that adequately and that is all on me. But we have done exactly that, pull it out of singapore and truncated the exercise and counseled the port visit and moved into north. Now, it is in the Philippine Sea just eased of open now what and wa andng great okina striking range of north korea if called upon to do that. It will move north. You talked about the u. S. As michigan uss michigan is in fact in korea now as a show of solidarity with our korean allies and it will be there for a few days and then it will leave port and the operating in the area. This a show of solidarity with our south korean allies and washington journal continues. Host back our table andy harris andy harris, republican of marilyn maryland talk about possible repeal and replace of ob

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