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Independents. Caller i greatly appreciated the thoughtful discussion from two highly respected individuals. It reflected the frustration that many of us feel race is an important factor. Without understanding the differences, we are prevented from fully addressing our conditions and moving forward. Ir mother used to say ther oppression should not stop you from excelling, but that doesnt give them license to oppress you, either. Host davis calling from colorado. He is a democrat. Caller this is dave from denve r, colorado. Caller im calling about poverty. We are talking about poverty. It is called the empowerment of women. And we give women control take them off the cycle of Birth Control and give them control over their own bodies, throw in thisdful of corn happens in indonesia and south america. Get the clergy involved and then its called empowerment of women. Thank you, sir. Host arlington, virginia. On the independent line, we have josh. Caller good morning. Crime andproblem with so forth, i think we need a constitutional amendment so that there can be a public witness called in immediately. Fter something happens currently, a witness in a lot of wont say anything because they are afraid of being shot or something. If they would change the personution so that this who is called a public witness could work with the Commonwealth Attorney to question people immediately and then his testimony at a trial would be sufficient and nobody would ever be identified. Maybe they would get people to come forward and say right now, somewhat he can see somebody shot and the recognize the shooter right now, shotody can see somebody and they recognize the shooter but they dont say anything. Host indiana, michael on the line for republicans. Caller thank you, cspan. Mr. Woodson is absolutely right. Theres no accountability. When we take individual icon ability, we become accountable for other human beings and people around us. I get upset when i hear about all this racism. The whites are the racists. I made this comment when president obama was elected. If the whites are the majority and everyone else is the minority, who elected obama . Obviously the white man did with the black man and whoever. And then he got elected twice. Say allody to sit and white people, even half of what people, even a third of white people are racist in america today, i find that so ludicrous. I cannot understand how anybody can tell you that. Theres enough hate to go around for everybody. Theres enough hate groups. How about all human lives matter . Look out for cats and dogs peta is probably having a fit right now, but human lives matter. That is my comment. Thank you. Host old fort, tennessee. On the republican line, we have bob. Caller yes, i would just like to say mr. Woodson hit it exactly on the nail. If you had more likeminded people like him, i believe the problem would be solved. It somehow trump can use this man somehow i know he is a smart man. This is what i tell people. If you keep bringing up the past , when do you get to the point . What is the answer to the past . To go forward. We cant keep bringing it up. , think we could help everyone everyone could help each other if we could get rid of leftwing news media. They would go out of business if mr. Woodward if mr. Woodson with his thinking, if they do the mark rutte to stand up there saying you need me, you need me test the democrats stand up there saying you need me, you need me pick democrats stand up there saying you need me, you need me. I went to school with black guys and they were good fellers. I played sports with them. Woodson needs a bigger voice. He needs to be on tv every day and you wille said find people on cnn disappear because their argument will disappear because that man is right. Im glad you had him on there. Host lets go to virginia beach, virginia. Betty is on the line for democrats. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. I want to say one thing. The two gentleman you just had on were fine, but im extremely disappointed because i happen to be jewish and i was in connecticut, which im originally from newtown, connecticut the last weekend my visiting my family there. I heard more news when i got home. Know if cspan ever invited i know youve had jewish people on talking before, but with the charlottesville think my dont know if youve invited anybody from the Antidefamation League or a rabbi or some other jewish person to come on representing a group. , butawful with the kkk its also awful with these not nazis marching down in charlottesville. It was a horrible thing to see such a thing in 2017 in the nine states of america. Dust in the United States of america. To see such a thing in 2017 in the United States of america. I havent seen too many jewish commentators talking. And respect the black commentators that have come on, but i dont know why all the jews and people of color that are in the Trump Administration really should resign after what he said. Im glad steve bannon is gone. Himself in my opinion is a sympathizer to these groups. Thats how i feel. Wimps. E especially his soninlaw. Jew,ot even a religious but in my heart, thats what i am. He is a wimp. He shouldnt be in there with his fatherinlaw. He should get up and walk out. To get a letter from president obama i was always going to write him. I was a supporter of his from the very beginning. I wrote him a letter before he left office and i now have a framed letter from president obama on my wall and im very grateful for that. For allowingy much me to make my comment. Host thank you for your suggestion about our programming. We will take it under consideration. Lets hear from david calling from los angeles, california. He is an independent. Caller good morning. Hoping to get in on the woodson and the other brother. Someone asked woodson the question, what has been the contribution of cable news to the Race Relations . I need to let our public know that woodson and the other gentleman and a sorted variety of other people in the black community, opinions are out there on the ground and we are doing what we need to do to better our condition. I want to go back to this thing with the cable news contributed to Race Relations decline. What i would submit to our listening audience, just as woodson wanted to focus on what hbo is getting ready to do, you newsrightwing radio, fox has been a major contributor to the poisoning of the minds of white people. They have been working on their minds with all of this rightwing hate speech and we what we arek people listening to. When you are listening to people defamation diet is coming from those sources, you can see what its doing to them. When we are honest about our analysis, we have to be principal watson wanted to talk about what hbo is doing. Also need to critique what is also being done on the side that we might be inclined toward. I submit to you that mr. Woodson jumping over the question sure, he is not in anger and man an ignorant man. He knows what fox news is doing to poison the minds of the people. As we go forward in our critique of how we go forward, lets be principal. We can criticize ourselves and we do. We are harder on our analysis and critique of what we are not doing as black people than anybody else can be. That is correct. When we look outside of ourselves to see what the external forces are that are causing us these issues, we should also be principal, regardless to what side of the issues we are on. Host st. Joseph, michigan. Catherine is a republican. Caller good morning. I didnt hear these two gentleman really address the real problem. I think its a lack of family. , the women had to be strong because some of these men didnt come back for more. From war. They took care of their families, a lot of them got remarried to help. People today dont see the importance of having a mother and father in the home. That is the key. A lot of times the women are forced to go on welfare. Where are these men . They are not responsible. They are not responsible for taking care of their families. Host kevin is calling from florida. He is a democrat. Caller good morning. I have a couple points i would like to make. I didnt hear the full testimony, but i know when a lot of white people call in and agree with one of them, that person is suspect. Apologist for an one of these pollyanna types who thinks of the solution always within. The last woman who called about Family School shootings from white children from white families whose divorce rates are quite high. America was founded on racism. Here will always be racism that will always be a factor in the progress of black people. It will always be a problem. Make sure kids have a good education, make sure they look at what progress is. Racism to deal with whether we are middleclass, lowerclass or my class. President obama dealt with it for eight years. Host what island are you from . Caller im not going to say. I am from the caribbean might yes. Host lets go to sean calling from colorado. He is an independent. Caller good morning. I just have a quick comment and maybe somebody can help me so angryt why i feel about charities that are withdrawing from maralago. In such charities doing an extravagant place in the first place . It completely baffles me. Glenn in georgia. He is a republican. Caller good morning. All this talking about taking down the statues slavery was here before we even started. They were blacks who brought slaves over here and sold them. The spanish brought slaves over here and sold them. They want to take down the statues of soldiers and generals and officers. What about sherman . People, killed thousands and thousands of people. All the way to the ocean. With reckless abandon. What about the statues to the north . Trump is talking about the statues being pretty they are pretty. They represent the north and the south. Host tony calling from georgia. He is an independent. Caller good morning. Much as mr. Anderson gave the analogy of us being a , wen and we are the caboose the africanamerican males have to come out of that box. Oklahoma tulsa, oklahoma, we had black wall street or whatever they call it. We have to stand up as men and realize its only us. We have to face the fact, weve done everything. Previous generation served this country. Weve done everything. Its time for us to look at ourselves and straighten things out in our committee and go forward. We cannot be concerned with other people. Its not about other people. Its about us and what we do. Way we will never, ever have equity or parity as americans because we are not accepted as americans. Tweets herere quick prosperity, and those who do not technology sins of the past are doomed to repeat them. Victoria, aoregon, democrat. Yearr this is my 51st practicing as a registered nurse. I have worked for the oldest nonprofit hmo for 40 years, a model of how Good Health Care could be delivered. Your previous speaker talked about anyone can have medicaid extension, people should go to look at a story that was a documentary about two nurse inctitioners in appalachia, a donald trump area where the governors did not choose to expand medicaid. They are driving around in an of christmasne out vacation, cousin eddies crazy rv, and they deliver care, they have to fix the rv when it breaks down and had profiles of patients who came in for diagnosis, stage four lung cancer, young people with diabetes who could not get insulin. People are dying in the 30s from complications of diabetes. It is criminal when people do not expand Medicaid Services to people because of political agendas. Thank you. Have lets look at what we on for tomorrow show, 8 00, a defense researcher Bruce Bennett will discuss the upcoming joint military exercises between the u. S. And south korea, the continued tensions in north korea. Mean 8 30,ross we discussed removing confederate monuments and a night 00, democrats faced challenges going into the 2018 elections. That is tomorrow. That will do it for the program today. Thank you for making washington journal a part of your saturday morning. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] this morning, a look at the future of nafta as new trade negotiations get underway with u. S. , canada, mexico. Then steny hoyer speak with undocumented immigrant youth about the challenges they face in the u. S. At noon eastern, we previewed the total Solar Eclipse on monday, visible in the u. S. And give you a chance to share your plans by opening our phone lines and taking a look at your comments on facebook and twitter. We have been on the road coming me meeting winners of the student camera video documentary competition. In michigan, the first plate place when it won 3000 for his documentary on the rising cost of pharmaceutical drugs. The second place prize of 1500 went to his classmate for her documentary on mass incarceration and mandatory minimum sentencing. Also, the thirdplace winner won a prize of 750 for her documentary on gender inequality. , an Honorable Mention price of 250 for her documentary on the relationships between the police and the media. Thank you to all of the students who participated in our 2017 studentcam video documentary competition. To watch any of the videos, go to studentcam. Org and 2018 version starts in september with the theme, the constitution and you, we asked students to choose any provision of the u. S. Constitution and create a video creating why the provision is so important. Illustrating why the provision is so important. The u. S. , canada, and mexico this week begin a new round of talks to modernize nafta. , representatives from the farming and Rich Industries held a News Conference to voice their

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