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Pledged to the council during the election campaign. Making sure that expressway is built including the tunnel under stone hen bling. But i think if you make sure we deliver on our promises on high speed broadband. This is as important as being connected to the road or the rail network. And weve got to make sure we get to those final combizzes a home the one to see high speed broadband. We the Prime Minister hounding the button saboris . We benefit hugely from having boris wisdom now back in this house. [applause] the baitle that im interested in seeing is the moment at which boris passes the baton to another conservity man in londofpblet london. Just received an outstanding title because the new english cation act will benefit a dream also. Well, i think what we should be doing where schools get to an interesting really singling them out and praising them because we want to see many more thought or thought. Where we need to focus is on those schools that are either failing our coasting. What they will do is make sure we intervene more quickly because if youve got children at a state school as i have, one extra term in a school is a thearm is racing. And we shouldnt let bureaucracy of taking over and turning them around. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Last week the High Court Ruled that severe delays in setting disabled people for benefits were unlauf. Will the Prime Minister personally take charge to make sure that the expressing delays dont happen again. Let me welcome the honorable gentleman on his election and arrival in this place. Hes actually right to raise this issue. Some of the delays have been unacceptedly long but were going to personal independence. Those delays are coming down. And i give him my assurance that we keep on this and make sure the delays come further. Youve been watching the Prime Minister questions from the house of commons. We air every wednesday at 7 00 a. M. Eastern and on sunday nights at 9 00 aaron r eastern. You can find other British Public affairs programs. The house returns tomorrow at noon eastern with legislative business at 2 00 p. M. The house could take a road down the trade adjustment assistance bill. The senate also back tomorrow at 2 00 p. M. Eastern, at 3 00 they redoom work on legislation concerning defense programs with votes on anticipates coming tuesday. The senate live on cspan 2. Wednesday on the british house of common, Prime Minister david cam ran gave a statement on the outcome of the g 7 summit in germany. Me took questions for members on combating isis, Climate Change efforts and the United States. This is about 1 10. Statement, the Prime Minister. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to make a statement on the g7 in germany early this week. I went to the submit with two aids, two advance chick security and to protect our National Security. The two of course, are interlinked because you cannot have one without the other. And thats what i believe we made some progress on both. First on Economic Security we reached important agreements on trade, global property, green growth and corruption. On trade i was determined to put the trade deal which together could be worth 20 billion every year. Its over 700 days since we launched negotiations at the g. A. And every day without a deal is costing the Global Economy 630 million pounds. So the agreement talks about finalizing the outline of an agreement by the end of this year. Mr. Speaker, we want all countries to grow including forest. Not just for their benefit because we benefit from the wide increase in global growth. So we should never forget whats called the bottom billion. We should set ambitious goal and to rerad kate extreme poverty. Brighten is keeping its promises to the poorest in the world. And i encourage others to do the same. Turning to green growth there were important agreements about the global deal we hope to reach in paris at the owned the year. And emissions target to keep the gol of limiting Global Warming to 2 degrees within reach. And finding rules with Real Transparency so countries have to follow through on their commitments. So businesses have the confidence to invest in low carbon technology. More so reaffirm our strong commitment to the program to make sure they sign up to an agreement. Mr. Speaker, there was a new element i added to this g7 and that is fighting corruption. We met right after the fifa scandal. But the point i make is that corruption is not just wrecking an institution that is vital for football. Cutting corruption by 10 could benefit the zobal economy by 3780 billion every year. And corruption doesnt just threaten our pors perity, it undermines our security too. We should do to continue front this issue. With a 40strong team of investigators. We could shoot the 28 programs including anticorruption measures. But we need the full support of our nble partners of we have some progress in germany. We reaffirm our commitment between acts an tans parent si that i first put on the table two year ago. We work with the only c. D. And the g20 do finalize an International Plan from artificially shipping that across border to avoid taxes. And they will insure it is Tax Information. At the g7 urged to others to do that. Britains become the first major country in the world to accomplish a public central registry of who really ownser companies. They have to follow their own action plan a key step in countering money landering and corruption. Leaders will give special focus in the run up to the u. N. In september culminating with an anxious corruption submit. I reiterated our mission to tackle aisle. Mr. Speaker, in syria theres no greater recruiting sergeant for isil than a president who is at war against its own people. So we call for a u. N. Led to bring peace. In libya there is a new base from which to plot the attacks against European Countries while criminal gangs are entionploiting an open corridor to make a living for people smuggling. So we agreed to give our full back goo is u. N. Effort to bring a National Government in libya. And we agreed a comprehensive approach that are trafficking people stabilizing the country from which these people are coming and continuing to play our full path into the humane tarne mission. We picked up another 2,500 people over the weekend. Mr. Speaker, were stepping up our evidents to support nigeria. I met their president and discussed with president obama how question help tackle corruption and help nigeria against boko haram. We are offering significant help including training the Nigerian Army to defeat boko haram. Fighting these overseas is not just a moral obligation its the single most effective way in preventing diseases. So following the Ebola Outbreak it was right that the g7 devoted significant time to try to prevent the future global pandemic. At the submit u. K. Certainly and Development Fund focused on breakthrough medicines. Were leading by disaster and forming our own crack team of medics that can deploy rapidly to tackle infection outbreaks anywhere in the world. Learning from the slow response of ebola. Finally this was the second year running that we met at the g7 rather than a g8. President obama summed up the choice. He can continue russias isolation or he can recognize that russias greatness does not depend on violating the integrity ofory countries. The g7 was clear and unambiguous about his position. Their dramatic issues should restore integrity. And they must remain in place until they are fully implemented. We expect russia to stop separate forces and bring balance to an end. We were clear that we in a stand ready to take further restrictive measures in order to increase cost on russia should its acts so require. It also means action from ukraine. The president has the support needed. The u. K. Is helping through our Good Governance fund. But we should never forget that ukrainians are the victims and not the aggressors. With the deficit falling people can see that britain is back. Working for trade deals. Were fighting corruption. Leading a battle against poverty, disease and Climate Change. We are saving lives in the mediterranean and were standing firms against russias actions in the u. K. On every front theyre playing a leading role in security around the world. And delivering the Economic Security and the National Security of which our own future depends. And i commend this statement to the house. I particularly welcome the plan for nigeria. This is the second g7 summit where russia has been exclude. Its right that there should be consequences for what theyre doing in the ukraine and russia should be continued to be excluded until president putin changes course. And sanctions should remain. The sanctions should inspire by tend of july. He says he needs statement that the g7 stands ready to take further restrictive measures. Will he be arcing at the next e. U. Council for them to be strengthened. At the suck summit he said they should have an impact. More should be done to support those e. U. Member states. Can you tell the house what this could mean in practice . You refer to the statement in the fight against aisle. We see the horrors that theyre doing in missouri mosul. Its extremely frighteningening what theyre doing. We back the u. K. s contribution towards that effort and welcome the extra 125 military trainees being sent to iraq at the requested of the iraqi Prime Minister. As he said in his statement the Iraqi Government must be supportive in their effort to push back aisles attack and security across the country. Theres no need for further accelerating the equiping and training of iraqi forces. So come on out if britain is continuing to impress the Iraqi Government to do more to reach out to sunni tribes who are key to this. In discussion, can the Prime Minister confirm whether he sought specific assurances from president obama that are n. H. S. Will be protected on Climate Change can the Prime Minister clarify whether the commitment to a global goal of greenhouse emissions production will be legally binding . But mr. Speaker most of the press coverage was not about the Global Economy Climate Change or isil. It is about the tourist rally in europe. This is entirely of the Prime Minister own doing. On some day he went to germany boasting to journalists that he would sit any cabinet minister who didnt toe the line on the referendum. On monday a loyal minister was dispatched to the today program to drive home the ministers top line. But later that day he sounded the retreat. The traveling press had apparently misheard not so much collective responsibility for the cabinet but sometimes it happened on the flight, your ears get blocked. But the Prime Minister graciously and kindly said to them if youre not certain about something i said just ask. How grateful i am for that new approach. There are things that people are still uncertain about. So can i ask him . What are his reform proposals an his red line. Can he say whether when hes finishing negotiating and he comes back arguing for a yes vote will he sit down ministers who dont agree with him or will he agree where the mayor of london when he said theyre in charge . Will the quiet man be here to stay or will he be allowed the turn up the volume . Mr. Speaker yet again another International Summit has ended in the usual way a Prime Minister fighting with his own party on europe. I enjoyed the last bit back to the old punching judy. The premise that all has happened with journalist on the plane and not being able to appear. Next time she might want to get the details straight there were no journalists on the plane. Im very grateful for her backing the sanctions. The same there will be a full rule of the sanctions. More sanctions would be produced i believe if russia took further aggressive action. We hope that doesnt happen but russia needs to know there would be costs were that to happen. In terms of helping other e. U. States, i think we need to be cautious here. The fact is putting the place sanctions damaging European Countries. Britain itself faces some damage from that. But our arlington should be our argument should be that it is our collective and individual interest has the rules base system of our world continues to work and that russia doesnt violate that. I think we should make that argument first. I thank her for her support in our campaign of isil in iraq. Shoast absolutely right. This is being driven by the Iraqi Government and the problems are by inclusive governments that can respect all of their people. Im grateful for the support for the extra 125 personnel that we sent. She asked if iraq kneads to do more to reach out to the sunni tribes to train more of the Security Forces. Shes right on both of those. That needs to happen. On the issue of tea tip, the argument i would make is that the n. H. S. Is protected. There is no way that an agreement can lead to changes in our n. H. S. I would make this stougs the labor Party Suggestion to the labor party. Instead of raising a threat that doesnt exist. It would be better if the political system can push the americans instead of trying to seek false reainsurances to go further to put more on the table so the trade deal really benefits people here in britain. Our view is it should be legally binding and that is what we are pressing for. The language in the communique is progress. And i think america is pitching into these arguments but of course we would like them to go further. I think weve dealt with all the european stuff in the questions. But i make this point. Lift our eyes to the horizon and recognize frankly she says its back to the usual service of the 1990s. Theres something very different and this government compared to the government in the 1990s either of labor persuasion is that we have made the decision to let the people decide when it comes to europe. Speaker, im pleased to hear from the Prime Minister at the time of g7 as a humanitarian tragedy where huge numbers of people are drowning trying to flee conditions in their own country. I agree with them that the longterm solution is Development Add in the countries of which they come. But it was the discussion of an International Diplomatic effort and Technical Support to the government of the failed state in libya which remain as lawless space through which huge numbers of people will continue to come unless and until some sort of stability is restored to the country. My friend is absolutely right to identify the core part of the problem that needs to be solved quite urgently and that is to have a government of national liberty. We do offer Technical Assistance border security, training of libyans but until theres a government in place they dont really join up and make a comprehensive strategy. What we talked about at the g7 is to make sure they are doing everything that can to support the special representative. Once thats done we can pour in the a assistance to secure their borders. May i begin by thanking the Prime Minister for his statement. Theres much in the communique to be commended. We are committed to the values of freedom and democracy and respect of human rights. We will be supporting human rights by protecting the human rights acts in the weeks and months ahead. Also in the communique there are paragraphs on the Global Economy and growth and on the womens entrepreneurship. On tax and anticorruption measures, im sure he would like to give a statement to fifa. On the issue of trade the communique welcomes programs on the terms of investment partnership. But the Prime Minister will also be aware of concerns about the potential and impact on the Public Service provision on the National Health service. What safeguards do they highlight as u. K. Requirements to protect them. We heard him say that there is no reason for concern. If theres no reason to concern i see that a good prospect with those safeguards be included in any final deal. Why did he not secure that on the face of the treaty . On Foreign Policy i agree with the g7 conclusion in relation to the territory and the need to however, i would wish to warn of the rest of the situation in Eastern Ukraine becoming a frozen conflict. Anybody with what is what is happening in Eastern Europe since the fall of the iron curtain will be aware of whats happened from and, of course, bosniaherzegovina and while the immediacy of the situation is action there also needs to be immediate and longterm perspective for normalization. May i welcome the provisions regarding maritime border and Maritime Security . This is relevant to the pacific of course. Is also relevant in our Northern European neighborhood. And then i encourage uk government to actually take this seriously for a change . They didnt even rate us to hopefully it will be included in the forthcoming and, of course the uk has not a single maritime control aircraft. And, finally, me i welcome the inclusion of my migration and refugees in g7s conclusions. I asked the Prime Minister about this last week. Has yet any time to reflect on the appalling uk record and giving refuge to those fleeing the war in syria and elsewhere . Does he know not agree should be working with this International College foremost amongst them and the European Union for us all to take a fair share of those requiring refuge . Let me thank the honorable gentleman for his response and take all of his points in turn. On Maritime Security, i think is right to raise the issue of the high north and the arctic should be carefully looked at and i will make sure that happens but i dont agree with him with a record of refugees to i think was an excellent record, with the second largest bilateral donor. We do have a program for resettling, particularly bubble families but if he thinks the answer to a refugee crisis of tens of millions of people as a result of that program i think is completely wrong. The answers got to be stabilizing the country and allowing those people to return. I think hes right about frozen conflict. One of the reasons we should take the problems of russian aggression in the ukraine so seriously is to be clear. We are not going to tolerate the situations that happened in georgia and elsewhere where frozen conflicts have been created. And i think its important we make such a strong stand over sanctions rather than what happened with the georgia with the introduction can be moved on. On ttip am what i would say to him is acting as i said to labour, i think theres a real wasted opportunity in raising these false fears about potential privatization of the nhs coming out of ttip. In the english nhs it is the commissions of services will make decisions and fate invest over and over again in a National Health service. In scotland as he knows the only person who can privatize the nhs in scotland is the scottish government. Instead of raising false fears of what we should be doing is putting on the table bold proposals for opening up american markets so for instance, the scottish knitwear manufacture i visited recently come that suffers from massive terrorism was built to sail into the u. S. He should spend his time looking after those businesses and those jobs and fighting for them. On the issue of tax evasion and tax avoidance in collaborating with the current 11 investigation im sure we can give them reassurance but i will check carefully. Finally, i would just say to him look, i believe in human rights and i think the best way to safeguard human rights is to have a british bill of rights. Why not have the decisions made in british courts rather than in Stratford Court but thats the position of the government. Mr. John baron. Further discussions about russia and isil, the Prime Minister will be aware that during russias annexation of the crimea, they did not have one in house climate expert at the height of the arab spring retired reform. Has the time now not come to greater investment in order to ensure and help navigate this increasingly uncertain world speak with i can reassure my honorable friend they are hiring more russian speakers. One thing is for certain. The damages to our economy are tremendous. I could certainly give my old friend assurance. The argument i would make to skeptics about the issue is britain has 30 taken some very significant steps to improve renewable energy, to improve the situation in the Carbon Emissions and transported elsewhere. Other countries signed up. Thats why the discussions of the g7 or you can see the countries that previously have been at the back of this year, china and america are there to include they put in place these changes. Even if youre a skeptic its time to get enthusiastic about a deal. Some of my constituents pleased the Prime Minister on the issue of tax dollars dodging which robs developing countries that the tax revenue. Two years the long, companies are still snapping their nose on the issue of tax. When does they expect to see tangible results in the measures on the promises needed at the g7 summit. I would be a bit more positive. Two things have happened. One is the countries have signed up for the Automatic Exchange of Tax Information which is idle. The culture of business is changing. Businesses now know deal discussions of how to minimize their bill is all going to stand up to public skirt made nec company after company, with some of those in the world of hot drink, recognizing they need to engage in the debate. Thank you, mr. Speaker. There is a commitment to mobilize the climate demand for developing nations. This is hugely significant. Could you update the house on monday can expect to see the mobilization come forward . My honorable friend is right if we look at the components of the deal, you need europe to come forward with the author. America and china to be engaged in the debate. To me one of the things that will bring it all together is make sure the advanced world is bringing forward so we can reassure countries that there will be Climate Change and other economies necessary. Britain has put all the money on the table. When it are so did the same and we will make change in the coming months. The contributions of the rattled member of washington the Prime Minister told him the summit that 100,000 people not the least of 600 could this is a frustrating process. The cartoon crisis is not working and not doing its job. Do we need another mechanism to deal with the problem . I thank the honorable gentleman for his question. We need to have a partner with whom i can work. Until there is a libyan government, and so the ability to turn people back if they get into boat, all the other steps we take, whether picking people up, they wont add up to a policy that would reduce the migration flow. They have to recognize the one place this has worked in the past, the spanish efforts to stop people from the Canary Islands is where they were able to work with governments, invest in security. That is the model win it to follow. Spacebar Prime Minister carmi spoken about conversations about Large Companies artificially shifting properties abroad. This has made people very angry. Could you give us more detail . There are two things we are doing. One is working internationally and the piece of work about what a space erosion trying to stop countries shifting projects artificially around the world in the 90 countries signed up will make there were. The chancellor introduced the diverted profits tax. We see a Company Making lots of money in the u. K. They can present it with a tax bill. We were not waiting for it domestically. The Prime Ministers conversations to tackle and he also mentioned discussions among tackling corruption. Can you give us more detail about discussions and actions . First of all, i hope the honorable lady would agree with me that the election is actually a moment for nigeria because he won this election even though he was facing some pretty overwhelming odds in terms of what were the closing candidate party was doing if i can put it that way. The president has a track record of fighting corruption at the top of his agenda and the speech of maturation was a model of doing that. The Oil Department and industry and what britain is trying to say is we are there as your partner and want to help you. The more we can do to help you clean up the corruption and the batter. Not only in nigeria, but throughout the region adhere to. Speaker, can i come in or administer on a statement on iss. It is a National Security threat. President obama spoke about a developing plan, trying to cope with britain to shia militias under the iraqi army command. The sunni speaker of parliament is talking about the National Guard and the kurds struggling to use cope. Did he discuss with president obama the plant and iraq and syria on isis . We had a lengthy discussion about isil because violence and terrorism is the greatest threat we face on the National Security front end is very directly affect us here and frankly worrying how many people from would have gone to fight for isil. Terms of the points he makes hes absolutely right. We need to invest in the Iraqi Government and its capacity to bring the country together by being ever for all shia sunni kurds and we need to encourage president abadi to take steps in the direction while helping train forces as well. As number is present in the last parliament now in the Prime Minister himself can testify im not averse to running exchanges on statement for a fully because that is a democratic scrutiny requires. There are two heavily subscribed opposition debates today but the premium upon brevity. Mr. Speaker, it makes reference to the appalling suffering of the Virginia Beach bowl in bengal. This is an humanitarian crisis and rising public concern in the country about it. Does he agree it is time for the u. N. Secretary general to take personal charge of dealing with the crisis . The general is right to raise this. We need to trace it back to the country from which the problem is coming and we need greater action by the burmese government. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Im on the consideration being placed. Can my right honorable friend setup for details on how the u. K. Research and Development Fund will help prevent pandemics and infection of people here in the United Kingdom. The discussion is around a couple of things. When the pandemic rake south when it faster action and that is why you need a team of medics to get out there and measure the situation which is why it they are ready to do. The second thing is to put money into the development of medicines and vaccines and the other ways of coping with things. In the Prime Minister give up the g7 discussions that in a transatlantic trade deal will be based on genuine free trade and not on regulatory standardization in the interest of being invested in corporate interests. I say to the honorable gentleman that i suspect it will be a combination of both those things that i dont think we should shy away from not because the opportunity towards the two largest economies in the world the e. U. And america riding rolls together will make sure we have good and decent standards rather than a race to the bottom. It is important may see that. Mr. Christopher cooper. At the g7 agrees to the situation in Eastern Ukraine has gone from bad to worse and if so, what hasnt more been done to say there should be increased sanctions against the Russian Federation rather than a rolling over of existing sanctions . I think my honorable friend makes an important point. Re since the minsk agreement was signed that overall has been some kind of lowerlevel of violence and aggression said we should recognize that good a very clear warning that things were to get much worse, if there were to be a russian backed territory that could lead to higher sanctions. Mr. Betty sherman. Mr. Speaker, could i point out to the Prime Minister to state the nonEconomic Security was quite assured. But did he say to those who criticize the g7 and that was never searched the lessons of the world in 2008 and put together a policy of regulations that could prevent it happening again. What i say to the honorable gentleman is pg 20 has been in many ways the key organizing body for driving changes on rules of Bank Regulation and Capital Requirements and also reform of global institutions. That helps because of course banking problems and meltdowns can happen in developing countries as well as bass countries. The strength of the g7 is economic and trade issues but we have a likeminded conversation about the big security challenges like for example isil in russia. The conversation was that much more candid and frank. The hard work of the british people including my constituent combined with our longterm economic plan have ensured our economy in the u. K. Is growing. External risks remain. Can my right honorable friend and margin by discussions he had on those risks and how to mitigate them. I think theyre a number of risks including the potential slowdown in the chinese economy. That was obviously discussed. In the margins of the g7, a number of discussions around the table as well about the threat to the stability of big eurozone of the very unstable situation in greece and that is of interest of all members of the g7. We are approaching some pretty crucial days where agreement is to be reached in order to maintain the stability of a bunch of economies that are big trading partners for britain. Mr. Speaker, with further deployment of u. K. And u. S. Troops in iraq, while poker against the Mission Creep . One of the most important things is to discuss what we are doing. What i say about the latest deployment of an response from the request of the Iraqi Government. Individuals mostly involved in training iraqi troops on how to counter ied threat to save lives and that is a sensible approach for britain to take. We are the secondlargest contributor in terms of the airstrikes over iraq and that has been essential in shrinking the amount of territory that isil controls and making sure the kurds have been able to maintain the situation in the Kurdish Regional authority. A clear statement that this is not about trying to reinvent our country. It is helping legitimate government recognized by the u. N. To do the work and this is vital. When he was Prime Minister and im not sure its in the British National interests. Russia now with all the trouble in arabia and with isil. Has my right honorable friend scene of recent remarks that the u. S. Was crazy to suggest ukraine could join nato one to n. Henry kissinger agrees with it. What i say to my honorable friend as we have not picked a fight with russia. Russia has brought this upon itself by destabilizing and encouraging separatists to take ukrainian territory. As for whether ukraine as a country, we should recognize you crazy people themselves have decided is a country recognized by the united nations. The whole point we have to learn is redrawing by fours can end in disaster for everyone including the people in the country. Mr. Speaker, the g7 plan a solid time, but the g7 countries are on track across the world 450 billion pounds a year by the end of the century. It recommends we should and by early 2020s while he puts in place a policy framework to achieve that. Well, we all want to see an end to a unabated coal. The key there is we need to make sure we invest in Carbon Capture and storage so they can accelerate the decarbonization of electricity in a way that doesnt damage your economic interest as well. Mr. Richard grant. I welcome the anticorruption summit in london. On syria and the call for you call for u. N. Led political transition, could the Prime Minister sher the Prime Minister sher on what this would look like and how we would arrive at it. Im not sure it is easy to identify an exact precedent. The point is simply this, that the president aside himself has become a recruiting sergeant for high schools with the way hes treating his people. Everybody knows with syria needs is a government that can represent everyone. Clearly it would be acceptable to have a government that was able to represent those people as well as the sunni majority and that is the transition we should be in for. Thank you, mr. Speaker. At the end of last year was clear one of the biggest obstacles to defeating isil was the sunni tribes in sunni people. I support giving to the Iraqi Government. What does that bring on board to get the iraqi governors to change their position. The honorable gentlemans analysis of the situation is spot on. We will succeed in iraq unless the Iraqi Government and Iraqi Security forces have representation from sunni and shias. Our strategy is not to do this for the Iraqi Government. Its to encourage the Iraqi Government to do it and say we will work alongside you. We should encourage them to reach out to the sunni tribes because in the end they will only succeed if they represent all the people. Mr. Graham. Its very remiss of me and i apologize. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The civilization is why he finds the countries against it. As soon as the task is undertaken the easier it would be. However its not going to happen if the regional powers are not coordinating policy. The discussion was there about getting turkey, iran and saudi arabia to be coordinating policies toward the islamic faith . By honorable friend is right. The coordination is required. Important steps have been taken at the meeting at camp david with all the gulf countries. Ive had conversations in recent days that the turkish president and i visited turkey to discuss this. Im not sure we will achieve the perfection who requires that getting everyone around the table in the same way. Working with partners to make sure everyone has a coordinated approach is the right thing to do. I think the Prime Minister for his statement. He raises a corruption of fifa to become synonymous with each other. Dont ask him whether he thinks is appropriate they attend the womens world cup which is taking place at the moment given his promise to resign and given his appropriate comments to make it more popular. I think the honorable lady raises an important point and its very, very disappointing. He said is going to be signed and in my view he should get on and resigned. This Organization Needs is leadership. It needs to be cleaned up. Mr. Jeremy the point. Does my right honorable friend have any indications from the later arrested when they will make the clear commitments to overseas Development Assistance . What i say to my honorable friend is for the first time i think in a number of g7 and g8, we got the 4. 7 commitment back into the tags so it is clear therefore to see that i would argue its not just right for britain from a moral standpoint but actually increases our standing in the world that we are able to point out we kept our promises and were able to use the money to enhance not only the Economic Standing of the countries but also our insecurity as well. Livy abrahams. Im pleased the action to address it but given the oecd have all agreed that inequalities exacerbate growth it also has a negative influence on society. Why is he and his government exacerbating inequality across the u. K. Including a negative impact around Health Inequalities . Figure shows inequality fell. I would say to initiate about priorities for development in terms of the u. N. Goals we agreed in september. Of course we all want to see reductions in inequality. When we have to determine what the priority is for the world in terms of attacking poverty and how we should inspire the new generation of people to take action, i would say those People Living on almost nothing everyday, that is where we should put the emphasis. Mr. Henry smith. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I welcome the extremism build the governments will be introducing. Can my right honorable friend say what discussions with other g7 leaders see have about the sharing of intelligence as people traveling to support isil. We did have discussions about this. This is a good information sharing between britain and america and better sharing amongst European Countries with progress on the passenger record issue. We would need more cooperation is between countries like meant countries like turkey to act as a gateway for people joining isil and we need to focus our efforts. Investment to tackle, but the fact will only be affect on the Domestic Health care system. Was that discussed at the g7 and the conclusions were drawn . Honorable lady is right that making sure teens visit countries where pandemics start is only a sticking point, a very large problem. You need Stronger Health systems in those countries and not is one thing our aid program is designed to deliver. Mr. Speaker, this country has invested a great deal of blood in afghanistan. Did the future is that bad remain at the g summit . Is a danger sometimes a nice gathering rather than trying to examine how well the work has been done in securing the future of the last problem and its important we keep our eyes on the afghan government, afghan Security Forces because they are now carrying out stop in the country being a terror. You referred to nigeria. Can you inform the house when the schoolchildren who were kidnapped from boko haram, when can we expect them to be reunited with their families again . I think a number have returned but a large number has still been taken by boko haram. One of the reasons these things have been at the end of that corruption in these countries that means the military and Security Services artifacts and people sometimes turn to extremist organizations because their governments are working. Second of all, we should not try to take over the organizations that should be there to assist and help train the military and help deal with corruption so they are better able to protect their people. Martin preacher. I welcome the National Security council privatizing health of the nature of governments and their fight against fifa. Does the Prime Minister agree with me that the Security Forces of mali, and nigeria need to work at a regional solution as well and work more closely together . My honorable friend is right. One of the first thing is it visited all the countries to work closely with them. Ann chloe. Was there a discussion on the importance of freedom of expression of human rights particularly in view of the very severe saudi arabia freedom of expression who is to again on friday. They made very encouraging fans to does he have some further enhance . There wasnt a specific discussion on this. The great thing about the g7 is all the countries they are signup for certain arms about human rights and freedom of expression and the rule of democracy, which is why the conversation that can deal with issues very frankly. Im what has happened in this case in saudi arabia and we will continue to do so. Mr. Gary johnson. Mr. Speaker, the New York Times reported recently it is increasing its Nuclear Stock piles notwithstanding the fact this is expected to be discussed at a g7 summit. Could the Prime Minister assured the house that it remains a determination amongst g7 countries to ensure of man is never able to obtain a Nuclear Weapon . I can certainly get my assurance. There is a conversation where president obama reported back on his view about the state of the negotiations taking place. The aim is very clear, to make sure iran is a good distance away from ever attaining a Nuclear Weapon and the agreement has allowed inspection of their vacation so we know this to be true. On the basis it is a dl absolutely worth pursuing. Mr. Stephens says. [inaudible] through the 30. 7 and ensure it is well spent. The Economic Development in africa is the issue of corruption. But my right honorable friend consider discussing whether we can open a convention at the summit announced so we can have common standards take place across the entire world. My honorable friend makes a very good suggestion. Weve already set up the open government open government partnership, an organization with transparency from its members. We will hold the anticorruption summit. Since weve met our pledge, we are able to make the running of the argument on the issue from people so they can talk about the corruption. Jeremy corbin. Mr. Speaker, during the discussion the Prime Minister has had an apparently Walking Around when you were doing it, can you discuss seriously two things. One is why is isil so powerful so successful, so wellfunded with very efficient modern high caliber weapons. Secondly, wasnt an opportunity for a longer discussion about the last 15 years of western Foreign Policy in afghanistan, iraq, libya and other places which appears to create circumstances under which an organization will grow and is growing. Is there a reflection on this . I can reassure a plus in a park. Is a beautiful Bavarian House who comes from that part originally. There is a discussion about isil. First of all, the reason fracking is so wellfunded as they say is effectively taking over a country and taken over oil fields and taken over money and weaponry. Barry parr company completely has this idea that fracking has been caused by the iraq war whereby western aggression. It is nonsense. You can see the growth in extremist islamism dating back from well before the attack on the twin towers which of course is selftaught bid before the iraq war. Weve got to confront the real problem here, the rise of this poisonous extremist death toll which long predates the iraq war. Weve got ourselves in a total mass. Mr. Peter berg. Speaker, i saw something that wasnt well covered this at the world meetings wanted to know from the Prime Minister given the economic mass that they had to cut the expenditure will undertake a reallife dead was huge majority in the three main opposition leaders resigned. Is that price report right . First of all, im delighted my bridal friend replies to the abuse. I take that as an indication. I am pleased to report i did have a number of pleasant discussions of Prime Ministers and president s inquiring after the general election, is seeking some tips and ideas. Dr. Philippa whitford. We are well aware of the Prime Ministers wish to have control over decisions taken in this house and the course of this country. Both he and his government fight the investor state dispute settlement hidden to undermine Public Health decisions taken in this time and our government . Again, i think the honorable lady is chasing after all the trade agreements we signed there have been causes and i think we get this across a single case. Instead of asking for things that are necessary, we should be asking for things that will benefit britain such as opening the United States. I may give you one example. If you want to ship goods in america from one port to another you have to use u. S. Vessels. In a world of free trade and open as those changes we should be pushing for. Lets put our efforts into that rather than raising demons over the trade deals that really are planned. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I see firsthand the opportunity of green technology. In the context of the statement, perhaps my right honorable friend will benefit from the growth of green technology. I think the more we can send out a consistent framework and pathway to reducing climate emissions, Carbon Emissions, the more we encourage businesses to address in the framework has helped to and for instance offshore wind and other green technologies. Theyre particularly interested in what could have been. I have been a planned makes it more like the schemes can go ahead. Extreme brevity required to be exemplified. John pugh. Speaker, local more money to progress being made on avoided [inaudible] the timeline that i mentioned is that many countries have promised automatic tax exchange by the end of 2019. It is something that hasnt happened before and it will happen. Mr. Speaker, the communique says supports the u. N. Process. What actual steps are taken by the International Community to implement the resolution two to 16 by article vii and ensure their rivals from outside to stop doing so. The answer is every effort and encouragement is made to both sides that they need to get around the table and Start Talking and specifically those have been backing the rebels should Pay Attention to it eventually. On the question of nigeria, does the Prime Minister appreciate people in this country, many more who are not but appreciate the special attention paid to nigeria, shot to the world on the conscious of the world and they should never be forgotten. I think the honorable lady is absolutely right. It is all too lost many things that events happen on the other side of the world and the world shrugs and move on. I want britain to have a longterm partnership in nigeria. As well as the 20,000 britons in nigeria we have common links of history and heritage and language. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I recently met with the house of representatives john boehner who asked me to pass a simple message. The president of the United States speaks so warmly about longterm economic climate. Certainly as president above the said before the election we must be doing something right. If we play our part of the commitment of the commitment to the g7 eliminate fossil fuels we will need targets such as the 2030 carbon efficient target which could bring the huge investment. Will the Prime Minister permit to the target in the next two years . The difference between the 2030 Day Convention she mentioned for decarbamazepine or decarbamazepine of the best as we can. We do need to know and i want to make the Carbon Capture storage work before we make that commitment otherwise we wont have gas cards and call plans and will be left with nuclear and renewables which i dont think is a balanced energy base. Mr. Robin walker. The way in first put the agenda there. Can he assure the house in order to underpin Public Services around the world and be fair to those companies that pay taxes in individuals will use all of our networks including the commonwealth to create very transparent taxation. My honorable friend makes an important point. One of the things we did is make sure the embassies and territories that the United Kingdom played that part. We also push the agenda to the commonwealth and things like the register of Beneficial Ownership of companies is usually helpful to the poorest countries in the world who often are victims of being ripped off by unscrupulous businesses and having Beneficial Ownership registers. The Prime Minister has cited strong dose again corruption. His government engagements with all of the golden state and their regimes and will they also amplify the message on human rights. The answer to the honorable gentleman is yes. We believe we should encourage all countries to become more transparent in their dealings and whether it is signing up to transparent the in terms of industries, the register of official ownership that i just mention. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Prime minister mosey [inaudible] about the ability to help terrorism manager bangladesh stays at the u. K. I know my honorable friend has longstanding interest in the strength and prosperity of bangladesh. There was in a specific discussion of what we talked about inclusive government representing all the people is relevant in this case. The german chancellor wanted to emphasize in the statement to phase out all fossil fuels at the mains Electricity Generation by the end of the century. Did they secured the agreement so what would they target in mind for the u. K. . We worked hard to get the strongest possible language on Climate Change. As i said in my answer to my honorable friend, having set britain on a path of low carbon electricity and have a producer Carbon Emissions, we didnt achieve all that we wanted, but it was pretty strong stuff. In terms of decarbamazepine what i said, and germany at the moment they have reduced the nuclear program. They are burning more coal rather than less cool. And also to have over time story. The pragmatic thing to do is only commit to full decarbonization. Mr. Garrett johnson. Thank you, mr. Speaker. One Climate Change topic in boosting our economy is the development of new technology for my right honorable friend therefore committed also fighting for an increase in funding around the cabinet table and also aid towards the same sectors of gdp and r d as our european partners. By honorable friend has made a good bid and i know we have looked carefully in the past and recognized it as an important part of enhancing the growth production of the United Kingdom. Progress on Climate Change targets in agreement is difficult. It is now still quite daunting and quite massive. The Prime Ministers personal involvement. Will he tell us what role it will play to satisfy the argument being talked about calling for the stronger action. What i say is we are going to bring them to a team to bear on this. The secretary will be leading the charge. The fact remains that commitment means the secretary of state can play a huge role in helping to bring the smaller, poorer island states alone. It will be the whole government effort. The e. U. Has said it saw throughout their wish when you look down with canada doing, what is japan doing, we are in a leadership role and we should make sure diplomacy is working to make everyone on salon to the party. With isil and Cultural Heritage in trafficking, when will we finally join and ratify the behavior convention . The culture secretary rightly raised with me while they can do on this front. In organizations like the British Museum to know how to help preserve some of these monuments. In t

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