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These are serious people who want to be able to do their job as well as they can. All right. Thank you job is to prevent disease. Their job is to take care of people who are sick, but right now they and many, many other people in the Health Care Profession are unable to do the job that they were trained to do. Now, i think the Affordable Care act has made some important steps forward and one important step forward that we are not going to allow to go forward is the socalled cadillac tax. We will continue to push that back. Workers who gave up wage increases and other benefits for Decent Health care should not be penalized for those sacrifices. [applause] the Affordable Care act, which i voted for and strongly supported, did a couple number of good things. It did away with this obscenity called preexisting conditions. You all know what that is . Theres private insurance obscenity which said if you had a disease years ago they would not cover you for the disease that you needed coverage for. Like getting Fire Insurance except if you have a fire, then they dont pay. Got rid of that. We have expanded Health Insurance to some 17 million americans. We have made it fairer for women who are forced to pay higher rates than they should have for the crime of being a woman. So we kind of eliminated that. But having said that, heres the reality of health care today, and what our campaign is about is asking the American People to think big, not small. Here we are. The United States of America Today is the only major country on earth the only one that doesnt guarantee health care to all people as a right. They do it in england. They do it in france, do it in germany, do it all over scandinavia. I live 50 miles away from the Canadian Border. Every major country does it. 29 Million People today have no Health Insurance at all. Millions more have high deductibles and high copayments. Sound familiar. Ok. And by the way, we pay by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. Are at a time when one in five americans are unable to afford the prescription drugs their doctors are prescribing, at a time when seniors are cutting their pills in half because they cant afford to buy what they need, the three Major Drug Companies in america last year made 45 billion in profit. Because they are so powerful, because they provide millions of dollars in lobbying and campaign contributions, because they have 1,400 lobbyists in washington, d. C. , there is no legislation on the books to prevent them from doubling, tripling, quadrupling the price you pay for medicine. They are getting away with murder and in some cases they are committing murder. We are hearing from oncologists who are hearing from Cancer Patients and theyre telling us our Cancer Patients cant afford the medicine that they need. We are dealing in some cases with folks who have hepatitis c, new drug, very effective drug out, do you know what that costs . 1,000 a pill. What we have got to tell the pharmaceutical industry now, let me back up and tell you a story for a minute. Late 1990s, late 1990s, when i represented vermont in the congress, i took a bus load of women from northern vermont over the Canadian Border to montreal, and the reason we went is that i knew that prescription drugs in canada were much less expensive. Women who were dealing with Breast Cancer, working class women, walked into the pharmacy, they purchased the Breast Cancer medicine that they needed this is not generic. Brand name medicine for. 1 the price theyre paying in the United States. I was the first member of congress to do that. Others followed. Now millions of people, by the way, get their medicine from canada. We should not have to get medicine from canada. Pharmaceutical industry has got to stop ripping us off. [applause] now, when you got 29 million uninsured, even more underinsured, when were paying the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, it turns out that we are spending per person in health care almost three times more than they do in the United Kingdom where they guarantee health care to all of their people. We are spending 50 more than the french who guarantee health care to all of their people. Much more than the canadians who guarantee health care to all of their people. It seems to me that the time is now for us to say loudly and clearly that in the United States of america, health care is a right for all people. [applause] and we are going to pass a medicare for all single payer program. [applause] and when we do that, when we do that, not only do we make the nurses and the doctors jobs easier, because theyre going to be able to treat everybody in a comprehensive way, were going to save the middle class many millions of thousands a year on health care costs. [applause] we began our campaign for the presidency of the United States nine months ago, and when we began it i think we were at 3 , 4 in the polls. We didnt have any money. We didnt have any organization, and frankly not so many people outside of vermont knew who Bernie Sanders was. But the message that we have been bringing forth to the American People, a message which says that the Economy Today is rigged, that it benefits the wealthy and the powerful at the expense of everybody else, that the Campaign Finance system that exists today is corrupt and undermining american democracy [applause] that message is resonating all across this country. And here we are in iowa, and one week from yesterday there will be the first caucus in the country. I believe that we have an excellent chance to win that caucus if and here is the if. If we have a large voter turnout. [applause] it is going to be a very, very close election, but i believe that if working people want to be part of a campaign which says enough is enough, our government has got to represent all of us and not a handful of campaign contributors, if those people come out and vote, we will win and well win big. [cheers and applause] Bernie Bernie bernie senator sanders and let me also say this. Let me also say this. This campaign is different from other campaigns, not just because of the fact that i am perhaps the most progressive member of the senate and my agenda in this campaign is the most progressive. This campaign is more than that. And that is what i say every single day and i repeat to you now from the bottom of my heart. No president , not Bernie Sanders, not anybody else, can do it alone. All right. Now, i want to tell you a painful truth that you understand as proud trade unionists, but not all people in america understand, and that is the powers that be wall street, whose greed and recklessness and illegal behavior brought this country into the worst economic downturn since the great depression, they have endless supplies of money, endless. In fact, somebody on wall street now i think Just Announced is going to spend 600,000 in ads against me here in iowa this week. 600,000 from one guy. Give them hell, bernie. Senator sanders he surely will. [applause] senator sanders you got the power of wall street. I want to remind you something about wall street. You know, congress against my vote helped to bail them out because the banks were too big to fail. Remember that . Well, you wont be shocked to know that three out of the four largest banks in this country are bigger today than they were when we bade them out because they were too big to fail. You know what i think . When you have a handful of huge Financial Institutions with political power, maybe it is time we broke them up. Its not just wall street. You deal all of the time with Corporate America, whose greed, whose unquenchable greed, they want more and more and more and they are prepared to step on every working person in this country to get more and more and more. We got to take them on. Got to take on the Corporate Media that decides what we see and what we hear. We got to take on the Large Campaign contributors. Thats not an easy fight and no one president alone can do it. And that is why what this campaign is about is a political revolution. [applause] senator sanders we need trade unionists. We need millions of people to stand up and be involved in the political process in a way that we have not seen for a very, very, very long time. What we are fighting for, brothers and sisters, is not only for our wellbeing, we are fighting for our kids. We are fighting for our parents. We are fighting for the planet. This is a fight that we cannot afford to lose and together we will not lose. Thank you very much. [applause] [indiscernible] senatorwing that rally, sanders spoke with reporters outside. This is 10 minutes. Sanders let me say a few things. That clear to everybody our campaign has come a very long way over the last nine months. Some of you will recall that we began this campaign at 3 in the polls, 50 points behind secretary clinton. Today, my impression is that it is nip and tuck right here in iowa. To my mind, we will win here in iowa if the voter turnout is high. If it is not, we will be struggling. 15,000 volunteers here in iowa alone. Sure that as make many people as possible come out to vote in the iowa caucus the first election in this president ial cycle and if that happens i think we are going to do just that. , what we need to do is to reach out significantly to nontraditional voters. For the younger people, working people and and the many who have given up on the political process. If we are successful in doing that, if we are successful in bringing out a significant 50,000 peopleover in iowa whom have come out to our rallies well over 50,000 i think we will hit 60,000 by the end of the week. If we can bring those people out i think we will win here in iowa. The second point that i what to make his i had the village today to talk to a union that has been supportive of my political career from way back when. The united steelworkers of america, one of the great unions in the country. A couple of the points steelworkers it i know the American People have concerns about. Areas were secretary clinton and i have differences of opinion are areas such as trade policy and Social Security. Here is the story with regard to Social Security. It does not get the kind of attention that it deserves. We have over 50 Million People in this country on Social Security. Of seniors millions and disabled veterans are trying to get by on 13,000 per year. You can do the arithmetic as well as i can. People in this day and age cannot get by when youre 85 year age on 12 a 12,000 per year. My republican colleagues think we should cut Social Security. I think that is a horrific and ugly idea. I believe we should expand the benefits and the way that you do that is to do what barack obama talked about in 2008. That is to lift the cap on taxable income for the top 1. 5 of people making more than if0,000 per year will stop you do that we expand benefits by 1300 per year for people making less than 16,000 in Social Security. Oft is my view to the best my knowledge that is not secretary clintons view. I would hope that she would join me in standing up for civilian seniors and disabled veterans were struggling. On inadequate Social Security benefits. Looking at a are senator and former congressman who has led the effort since his first eight in congress back in the early 1990s against agreementstrade today against the tpp. My view on trade is very different from secretary clinton. Im glad that after talking about how good that tpp would be, finally she decided to oppose it. But i think it is a real area of disagreement. I have opposed all of these trade agreements. We have lost millions of jobs as corporations shut down in america. If elected president , we will make fundamental changes to our trade policy. Createand is that we good paying jobs in the United States of america, not china, mexico, or other lowwage countries. Those are two areas where there are real differences of opinion. Our views on trade Social Security and ultimately our view. As to which candidate is prepared to stand up to the greed and irresponsibility of wall street and Corporate America to create an economy that works for all of us not just a handful of billionaires. Clearly you have momentum according to the polls. Your message is resonating with troops like this and others. Trap of, with the back the email investigation with the fbi, if now you regret saying at the beginning that you did not care about Hillary Clintons emails. Wexner regrets at all. In fact i would argue that the reason we are doing well is so that people understand we are trying to run a different kind of campaign. Attacks, onersonal of dealing with the real issues facing the American People. The real issue is at the american middle class is disappearing. That almost all income and wealth is going to the top 1 corrupt we have Campaign Financers that allow billionaires to buy elections. I will talk about the issues impacting the middle class of working families and it will not be engaged in personal attacks against hillary quentin or anybody else. Last light one of your young supporters told secretary clinton that many of his young friends feel she is dishonest. When it comes to characteristics that make a good president , do you view her as dishonest . Sen. Sanders that is the same question. I have to tell you this. With all due respect, that is not what the American People want to hear. They are working 5060 hours per week. Their wages are going down. The kids have a lower standard of living than they do. I do not what to get into the personal characterization of secretary clinton. Prime minister the bottom of my heart. I have known her for 25 years. This is a distinguished woman who is what for many years. I like secretary clinton. We have differences of opinion on important issues. Those are the kinds of campaigns that i will wage. Dealing with the issues that impact the American People. Why the time. [inaudible] sanders the difference is pretty simple. Hillary clinton goes out raising money for her own super pac. I do not have a super pac. In the best of all possible worlds, we will get rid of super pac and overturn citizens united. I do not have one, i have never raised a nickel for one, i do not want one. You said order in order to win iowa, you have to increase voter turnout. How do you measure that is a competent areas like cedar falls . There are many small towns in the state of ohio. Your point is well taken. We understand that we have fairly cicada able to know about this in iowa and we understand that it is not going to do for us what has to be done. We are working hard all over the state of iowa. I think that work will pay off. Obama had some kind words for hillary clinton. He spoke positively about her. [inaudible] sanders obama, in 2008, ran a campaign which will state in the history books. It was an unbelievable campaign. In some places they ran out of ballots. The turnout was so extraordinary, nobody expected it. Do i think we will match that . I would love to see us do that, i hope that we can but frankly i do not think we can. What obama did in 2008 was extraordinary. We started our ground in here and our organization in iowa later than secretary clinton. 2008 having an experience we did not have. She has a very Strong Organization and i applaud her for that. I will tell you that in the last couple of months we have gained a lot of ground and again, i think we stand a real chance to create a large voter turnout. I doubt it will be as high as 2008. I think it will behind enough for us to win here in iowa will stop thank you very much. Senator Bernie Sanders is joined by actress and activist Susan Sarandon in mason city, iowa. You can see it live starting at cspan2. On republican president ial candidate senator ted cruz is anded by former governor residential candidate rick perry wednesday and a Prolife Campaign rally. Live coverage at 7 00 p. M. Et on cspan. Cspans campaign 2016 is taking you on the road to the white house for the iowa caucuses. Lifey, february 1 our coverage begins in cspan and cspan2. We will bring you live precaucus coverage taking your phone calls, tweets and texts. Then we will take you to our Republican Caucus on cspan. See the event live in its entirety and stay with cspan and join in on the conversation on cspan radio and cspan. Org. Donald trump told reporters tuesday he will definitely not anticipate in thursday nights Republican Debate hosted by fox news. Came during ant News Conference preceding a Campaign Rally he was holding in marshalltown, iowa will stop he also received the endorsement of the sheriff in arizona. This is 25 minutes. Thank you. I remember being in iowa four years ago, helping another person running for president. I got to know iowa, i got to know the people. What a great state this is. Great people, personified with america is all about. I am here to endorse a great patriot. It is easy to endorse him. Everything that i believe in, he is doing and is going to do when he becomes president. Donald six months ago in phoenix. 30 days ago, back in phoenix, i introduced him then and it is my privilege and honor to help him, endorse him today for president of the United States. Thank you very much. Mr. Trump i want to thank sheriff joe. Borders, thisbout is a man who believes in borders and getting his endorsement means a lot to me. He has wanted to do that for quite some time. He said, lets hold it for a little while because we are seeing what is happening and he is the kind of guy that we want on our team. Smarttough, strong and and has a great following of people that absolutely love him and revere him. Joe, i would like to thank you. Come here. Thank you very much. Ok, questions . Jerry is a terrific man respected by everybody and i will tell you what was so beautiful out beautiful about it is no deals. We dont make deals. We dont make deals with fox or anybody. Somebody thateds knows what they are doing because we are a country that is adrift. When you look at the iran deal, the bergdahl deal, any single thing they are doing, we are adrift. We have no idea what we are doing as a country and it is a problem. [inaudible] trump i am prolife, but that is their opinion. Ll i can tell you is this as you know i am prolife. I have been prolife for a long time. [inaudible] mr. Trump what i say . You did not read it. Read the full statement. Get out the full statement and read it. I remember tim russert very well. He was a friend of mine. [inaudible] mr. Trump they have their choice will stop i am prolife. They can do what they have to do. There will be many people voting for me. [inaudible] mr. Trump i question ted cruz. I do not even think, based on things i have learned over the past few days, many lawyers are coming up saying he does not have a right to run. He cannot run because he was born in canada. Because of the fact that he was born on canadian soil, he cannot run for president. The first thing that is going to happen if he got the nomination, which i do not think will happen, but if he ever did, the first thing that is going to happen if the democrats are going to sue because there is a very real question as to whether he is able to run or entitled to run. As you know, it is not a settled matter which is a big problem. Other people have come back and said this is a settled matter and he does not have the right to run. I think i am convincing them. Every poll says i am ahead. We will see what happens. I have bonded with the people of iowa. I have bonded. The evangelicals, when i get the endorsement from the phenomenal man from liberty university, when jerry called up, i was so happy to get the endorsement. I have really bonded with the evangelicals, tea party and the people of iowa. We will see what happens. Who is that . [inaudible] mr. Trump i do not think i think Everybody Knows about me. I appreciate the nice question. Your prolife position on abortion, what do you think of this issue . Mr. Trump i do not want to talk about that right now. I think everyone knows my views. ] inaudible mr. Trump fox news is playing games. There are going to make a fortune. I told fox they should give money to the wounded voyeurs. I do not think megyn kelly is good at what she does. I think they can do a lot better than megyn kelly. I probably wont bother doing the debate. I see they have picked me as number one, not only number one, but number one by far. I will have Something Else and i look where we will raise money for the veterans and Wounded Warriors. We will do something simultaneously during the debate. I did not like the fact that they sent out press releases talking about putin and playing games. I do not want games being played. When they sent of that press release, and i thought these people were playing games. Most likely, i will not be doing the debate. The point is that with me, you are dealing with someone that is different. They cannot toy with me like they do everyone else. Let them have their debate and lets see how they do with the ratings. I told him, give money to the Wounded Warriors, give money to the veterans. They are going to make a fortune. Now lets see how many people watch. We will have our own event to raise money for the Wounded Warriors and veterans. When they sent out the press release, i was all ready to do the debate. When they sent out the wiseguy press release done by some er person along with roger ailes, i said, bye bye. Excuse me, just so you understand. I have done six debates. According to every single poll, i have one every single debate. I probably won the last one more than any of them. Every single poll has me winning every single debate. How many debates do you have to do . The democrats are finished with the debates. Is that a correct statement . The republicans go on for ever and ever and ever with debates. We have people that have 0 , 1 and nothing. It is time that somebody plays grownup. I see a press release written by a child, what do i have to do . Why do i have to make fox rich . Let me make the Wounded Warriors rich. Let me make the veterans rich. This is pretty close to your revocable. Your revocable. Irrevocable. I think i will do great in iowa. I dont think iowa will care. This country needs is a dealmaker. We need someone that will make great deals with russia, china and japan. What do we get . We have deficits with these countries. We need people who know what they are doing. We do not need babies. They are not dealing with a baby. We will see. I think the opponents are wonderful people. I know a lot of them. Lets see how they do in the debate. Lets see how many people watch. Lets see him many people watch. I said, give money to the Wounded Warriors. Give money to the veterans. Megyn kelly is a lightweight and she should that be in the debate. When megyn kelly didnt ask me a question, she made a statement, i thought it was inappropriate. Everyone said i won the debate. Everyone said i won all of the debates. We have had six debates now, why should the networks continue to get rich on these debates . Give some to the Wounded Warriors. You are making a fortune. Lets see how much money fox will make. Without me. [inaudible] mr. Trump he has been a tremendous person in terms of deportation, but in terms of stopping and creating a new border. I have the toughest plan in terms of border. I am building the wall and other people are saying we want to build a wall. Where had they been . We are talking about building a wall, building a strong border. Sheriff joe understands that better than anybody because he has done a great job and has been given very little resources. I think the representation of having sheriff joe on my side it was really great, something i appreciated. [inaudible] mr. Trump we have other people. I feel we have to stop illegal immigration. When i announced i was running for president , i did this on june 16, i brought up illegal immigration. This would not even be talked about if i did not bring it up. Right now, it is the biggest subject and it carries over to isis and all of the things that are happening with migration in syria and people coming in who we have no idea what they are. We have no idea who they are. They could be isis, we do not know it it has to stop. We owe 19 trillion as a country and we have people running our country that are incompetent. They do not know what they are doing. We have to create a strong border. We need security for our country. We cannot allow that to happen. [inaudible] mr. Trump i would start right away. We have gangs in los angeles and a different places that are made up of 100 illegal immigrants. They would be gone so fast. The local police know all about it. They would be gone so fast. Say it again. A different places that are made mr. Trump my whole life, i have been dealing with politicians. Politicians are fine, but now it is time to do it a lot better because these politicians have turned out to be all talk and no action. All they care about is getting reelected. We need to bring our country back. We are losing hundreds of billions of dollars a year with trade in china. We are losing money in trade with japan. We do so much for everybody else. You look at south korea. I have friends, deals and buildings in south korea. We have 28,000 soldiers on the line. What do we get out of all of this . I would speak to congress. [inaudible] mr. Trump we are losing a tremendous amount of money. We are losing so much money the

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