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We have to get your energy back up and back together so we can have our last Plenary Session together, and my last little piece of message to you is about the thing that Bill Sullivan talks about, which is strategy to divide us. A couple people talk to me about what we saw in the earlier plenary. There were some vote tests. As we know there is really a terrible incidence of folks showing up in charlottesville, creating calamity there. There is a big difference between the kind of protest that is meant to harm people, to bring people down, and healthy protest. I know some folks will disagree with me, but we have to agree to disagree. I think that protest is actually necessary, but there are times when people have power, they have the stage, they are able to talk. Other folks will have to stand up, and is Elizabeth Warren said, they will have to be bold in order to get their voices heard. If the people that were not getting their voices heard never took a stand, if they were always polite, if they always did things the way other people wanted them to do, we would not be the country we are in right now. I guarantee that. We would be in a very different country. It is people like that that are not always neat, and it doesnt always play out the way we want it to. We do not have to do things that way. We can figure it out. We can figure out how to protest and then come back to the table and figure out how were going to win. One thing i know about aggressive is that we actually have an easier job in many ways. About progressives is that we have an easier job in many ways. The conservative party is up against history. They are against that moral arc that Martin Luther king talks about. It is long, but it bends toward justice. They are up against the people, and many times truly they are up against the love that we have for each other. We have todisagree, figure out how to come together in a place of love. Not romantic love or the love that you have for your close family, but the love that says we have a sense of respect for other people, we allow people to have their healthy disagreements, and that we are going to love them and have a conversation anyway. If we dont do that, we are not the progressive party. If anything else, we have to be for love. We have to be here for each other. We have to get behind each other. Hopefully those folks are going to disagree and when it comes time to vote, the peoples voices will be heard, because that is actually what is important, that the peoples voices are heard. I want everyone to take their bring ourwith me to attention back together, to find your feet. We have a very wonderful Plenary Session. We want to start that out in a really good way, so find received and find your feet. I call this century. We have to be present. We have to show up. Centering. Sit up real high, be operate. Be upright. Width of yourthe body. Feel your shoulders, feel your heart. We expose our heart when we show up for each other, when we show for what we believe in and have a soft belly. Come around to your strong back and know that each of us have ancestors of our backs. Some of them are gone and past, but some of them are still alive. But we gather our strength from our ancestors and we do the work that we do here for the sake of the future. I always like to say, put your eyes out on the horizon. Anytime you engage in an action, anytime you show up and do your form of leadership, you want to have that really rooted and connected to what matters for you. You want to feel your belly. Let your energy and tension drop down in your belly and connect it to what matters. If we keep doing that, we can find a way to work through our differences and we wont be divided. We will disagree, but we dont have to be divided. Allow your skin to soften. Up the corners of your mouth. Because if we are not going to do this, and even though it is hard, even though we struggle, even though we are going to get into scrapes and scrabbles with each other, if you are not, do it from a place of joint, it is not worth it. If you are not going to do it from a place a joy. We have to find our connections, put our arms around each other. Reconnect what matters and keep us moving forward. The folks that we are going to hear from this evening are going to talk about the most important things about how we have movements and how we move those forward,nd keep moving that we put the negativity aside and we keep moving forward. That is how movements happen. That is how movements of the people happen. We will hear folks talk about the planet at kenexas planet that connects us all. When we have little stuff going on, we have to remember that we are connected by this planet and we hope breed together. We all breathe together. We have to figure it out with love and justice. I know that all of you are committed to that. We do that in our different but i trust that you are here because you believe that we can do it, and i believe yes we can. Si se puede, yes we can. [applause] lets local net roots executive director. Thank you. I am so privileged to leave this organization. To lead this organization. They sent me to thank a bunch of people. Before i have to acknowledge what is going on in charlotte and today especially. I dont know if you heard that there has been a death of one of the counter protesters. This is an important time for our community to stand up together and to fight this hate together. I look out and see all you guys in this room women, children, folks from all communities. You guys are here learning, supporting each other, and we stand in solidarity with those folks in charlotte. They need to know we are here standing with them, and we ask you to join us for a vigil after the plenary across the street at the park. More importantly, when we leave wee, they need to know that have their back directly. They need to know we are going to leave and we are going to stand on the street with them, and wherever we see and find hate and injustice [applause] count on everyn Single Person in this room to stand with them. Thank you all for being here. This is the fun part. You are all fantastic. This community makes getting up and doing this absolutely worth it. It has been 80 hour weeks for the last two months and i dont now,ber a moment until because i get to be here this week with all of you. I would like to thank our board and volunteers. You guys have no idea how many volunteers we have or maybe you do because you have seen all the great work they are doing, and we couldnt do it without them. [applause] and all of this isnt free. We do our best to keep prices as low as possible because we never want the price of admission to be a barrier for someone to attend Netroots Nation. We give out scholarships come and we couldnt do that without all of our fantastic sponsors, so please thank our sponsors for all that they do. [applause] finally, i did not name drop anyone before this because i knew i was in the forget someone, but i do have to call out several people. I have to call out my staff. I dont know how many people know that there are four of us who worked on this fulltime all your. All year. [applause] please, continue the applause for karen, mary, and carolyn, who i love like family. [applause] not dowho i could without. That is all ive got. Thanks again for coming, and have a great time tonight. I love you will. [applause] good afternoon. I cant hear you. Good afternoon. This is the day that we come together as a Netroots Nation, bound together to do something different. But before we can begin we have to understand that something is going on in this nation, in charlottesville right now, a person has been killed. Someone has been slain in battle we have to feel their energy as it moves throughout our veins of resistance. Today would you join with me before we make a few remarks, and not just bow our heads, but our hearts, and understand that those who stood up are still standing, and if this conference means anything to any of us, we will go forth with a renewed sense. Ins battle continues to rage virginia and new york and mississippi and all over. You have been called to this place, so let us join our minds and our hearts together and remember and reflect and remind each of us how important the struggle is as we reflect on those in virginia. Join with me in a moment of silence please. Thank you. Good afternoon. Cowarriorsrs and in the continuous struggle for truth, justice, and equality for all, who are unafraid to speak truth to power, let us at this conference stand boldly and understand that we are one people, one voice, one mission with one purpose. As dr. King said, inequality anywhere is injustice and equality anywhere. I am excited and have been moving around this conference with so many of you young people today. I have to say that i am recharged, rejuvenated, refocused, recommitted, to lead this gathering of justice with you innovators and warriors, with a renewed sense of spirit inside of me to continue the struggle until our causes have been victorious and we can believe in something that i used to fight all of the time when i was in the movement. I started the movement in 1959 with dr. King and john lewis and all of us. And here we are now 57 years situation withme people at the white house trying to impede our progress, but we will resist and we will stand firm and we will make a difference. [cheering] i never thought i would look at the world when i was there in nashville in 1960, the preamble. The preamble was written for folks that had privilege, but i thought about today the first three words of the preamble we the people. Breaking news i must in the today that we the people have been disregarded. They have overlooked the needs of those who call ourselves we can people. We have been renovated we have been relegated to the position of collateral damage. Our value systems have been eroded by a person who believes that he knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. We have to change that so this man will understand the value of the, the value of humanity, value of protecting the environment when it is getting ready to go down. I came this afternoon as a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement to recognize that you in this room constitute the new civil and human Rights Movement that we fought for for so many years. This is your moment. This is your time. This is a time when each of you and reach out into the dna understand if not you, then who . If not now, then when . You have the charge now. Every now and then there ought to be something down and use that is burning that is thinking. I never thought in 1960 when i left Denver Colorado on my way to nashville, tennessee, i wanted to go and get a good education and play basketball. When i got to the Tennessee State line, the bus driver politely got up, came back to the middle of the bus and said, young men, youve got to sit behind this white line. Twoid sir he grabbed elderly black women and said, till this man to sit behind the line. I thought he was giving me a nice seat in the back of the bus. The twoized that women said, get yourself back here before you get yourself killed young men. I got ready to drink some water, put my meltdown and mouth down and a white man said dont you drink over here. I wondered why the hate, why the fear, and i understood that something was deep. There is a moment in your life when you realize there are immoral unjust positions that you must take to make a difference. You in the Netroots Nation have the compassion, the ability to say we will no longer stop. When i was in nashville, one of the things that was so important 18 years old. Any great Resistance Movement was started by young people. Today you are here. You are the movement. You are the Netroots Nation. You didnt come here to pass out cards and meet and greet. You could have stayed at home. But you are here because there is something burning deep down inside of you. An old sharecropping one from mississippi, she said let me tell you one thing, ive got to Say Something when something gets down inside of you and you want to Say Something, youve got to move. You cant be still. If everything is coming your way, you are in the wrong lane. She said, i am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I ask you today, are you sick and tired of being sick and tired . Then its time to use all the privilege in this room and get with us in the grout ruse movement in the grassroots movement. We will be powerful enough to stand against the atrocities we are being forced to face. Justice for all americans. Justice for all americans. Equality for all americans. For all men and women, for all americans. We have to understand that you have a moral obligation to speak up for the lost, the left behind, the disenfranchised, the sex trafficked women, the downtrodden, the forgotten, the immigrants, the uninsured, the prisoners, moms and dads, and you have to stand up for those that are dying because the environment is killing us. You have to stand up. The thing that kept a strong during the movement, two words that i want to resonate into the dna of your soul those words are, are you willing to sacrifice and risk . If you are not willing to sacrifice and risk, get yourself a bottle of beer and sit in the lobby because the rest of us are going to resist this opposition. [applause] sacrifice. What are you willing to give up . What are you willing to risk . I am willing to stand up. I get angry and unwilling to fight more than i have ever fought when i read a daily tweet. Who the hell gives a tweet anymore but someone that is lopsided in their mentality . Stand up. I survey the political cultural educational system of today, i am convinced more than ever, and i feel more comfortable standing here today, because for a long time we wondered who we would pass the torch onto. The torch of fairness, of honesty. And you are it. You have a moral obligation now to use social media, all that you have. We didnt have those things, but you have it. What good is it for you to rub shoulders and say, guess where i was last week, if you didnt make a difference. Touch your mom, your dad, and make a difference when you get home. I have learned long enough that we the people will make a difference in a moment. We the people, we can make a difference. I have fought many wars, many oppositions. I never thought i would go to jail 22 times for believing that we the people could make a difference. I began to understand that i was not one of the we the people. I began to question it. I said one day i would stand with people of like consciousness that have the technology that have the tenacity in their sole. We can because we must make a difference. No one will make me bend, bow down. That is what you are, the Netroots Nation. When we ran up against opposition, organize, strategize, and mobilize. You cant mobilize if you dont strategize, and you cant strategize if you are not organized. That is what this is about. We knew that our cause is right, the right to vote, the rights for equal education, fair housing, access to education, unemployment we the people are now we the Netroots Nation. That is who you are. You are the people. A nation of people committed, concerned, karen, called, compassionate people who are willing to get up, set up, stand up and speak up for the voiceless around you. This is not just another meeting. This is a moment in your life where we will stand up. There are two words floating around in the ethos. Every time i turn on the news i hear something about these two words. I want to use these two words to excite you, move you. The words that i want to use can i use repeal and replace . Boo, he said repeal and replace. Yes. Always take negative platitudes and turn them into positive meaningful suggestions. Repeal by stealing and taking and replacing it with sharon. Repeal lying and deception and replace it with truth and honesty. Repeal building walls and replace it with tearing walls down that separate other people. Repeal hate and replace it with love. Repeal bigotry and replace it with adversity. Repeal fear and replace it with faith. Repeal doubt and replace it with hope. Replace and repeal. [applause] we the Netroots Nation behind itwords we the people, says this to form a more perfect union, to establish justice and provide for the common good, to promote general welfare to secure liberty to ourselves and our future. That is our charge. Other, stopfor each this ignorance around black and white and red and lesbian and gay and immigrant. We are all one voice. And one netroots can do that. The disillusionment, hurt, frustration that i had, i became angry. I became very angry. And im going to say this to you take your anger and do something good. Dont allow it to destroy your, but allow anger to point you in the right direction. In 1960i will never forget my turning moment. Im standing there at 18 years of age, an allcity allstate basketball player from denver, colorado. I knew that i was good, and i knew that i was bad because my name was a double d. It stood for the dynamic dangers d from denver. I knew i was bad. [applause] nothing new. A white man put his finger in my face and said, you will never vote in this country because your people are freeloaders. I looked at him and i took that anger, and im doing what you did by coming together with likeminded and like consciousness. And now guess what . He is dead, gone, and buried, and i am still walking and talking and standing up. Dont let anyone turn you around. Dont let anyone tell you you are not worthy. You are Netroots Nation. [applause] i coined a little phrase. Let me wrap this up i coined a phrase. We in the movement had all kinds of chance, poems, and songs to keep us going when we were ready to give up. Sing, but today i came up with the phrase. Be resistance must persistent. If i can stay in the battle 57 years i am standing before you sweating and hollering at 57 years old and i dont feel tired. [cheering] im not tired, im ready to fight. Im ready to work. Im ready to go. Can do it, you can do it too. This is your moment. This is your time. And the reason they are afraid of us because when we come together, reason together, organize together, strategize together, mobilize together, when we pray together, when we laugh together, crying together, resist together and yes, if you want to, lets go to jail together. [applause] i believe now that the most important issue facing my life as a civil rights fighter is Climate Change, Global Warming, and Environmental Justice. Opportunityl destroyer. And im going to stay on the battlefield. I have been with interfaith conditions across the country, and we will be in with muslims and jews and christians and shiites to make this planet safe and clean once again. Let me share something with you as i leave. We became one color. As we carry each other down the stairs of the burning building, we became one class. As we lit candles in hope will we became one generation. As the firefighters and Police Officers fought their way into the inferno, we became one gender. Fore fell to our knees strength, we became one faith. As we whispered our words of encouragement, we spoke one language. As we gave our blood and lives a milelong, we became one body. As we mourn the loss, we became one family. As we cried tears of grief and loss, we became one soul. As we retell with pride of the sacrifice of euros, we became one people. We are one color, one class, one generation, one gender, one faith, one language, one body, one soul. We are the people. God bless you. Stay strong. Dont bend, dont bow down. Stand up for justice. Stand up for stand up for justice, stand up for truth. I am sick and tired of being tired. Stay strong. Yes. [applause] founder oflcome the next Jenna America of next gen america. Lets hear it. [applause] gen the founder of next america. I ame tell you how proud to be with all of you today. We now know what is at stake. We see it playing out in virginia as we speak. Emboldened, bigotry literally on the march. Againorces questioning the value and humanity of their fellow americans. Hear of some new attack on their deepest value, a safe environment for our kids, fair wages, the right to see a doctor. Treating People Fairly regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or who they choose to love. Donald trump and his republican basic answer the of american society. How we work, how we vote, how we live together. Our right to identify fully as americans, they want to scare us, they want to do mean us, and they want to keep us down. By framing the daily political conversation around who is a real american and who isnt. Human being and who isnt . Who deserves dignity and respect and who doesnt. We cant allow racism, sexism, and greed to define who we are. We have a job to do. We have to remind everyone regardless of they are going to hear it. Ever since americas founder declares only all men are created equal, have we been ,oving closer to true equality that all people held as slaves shall be forever free. We needed Susan B Anthony to we not as the white male citizen that we the people form the union. Nation will rise up. And live out the true meaning of its creed. To remind and encourage us that yes we can. Each generation has moved forward. We are all real americans. We are all human beings butrving not just the right the dignity and respect of human beings. That is the basic point. And hisis president pals try to separate us, we will embrace our common humanity. We will reassert our deepest values and core ideals. In this, the most prosperous nation in history, we must close the immoral gap between the wealthy few and the 99 . That health care is a right and no one should have to choose between health and bankruptcy. But in this land of opportunity, every child deserves to go to a good school and a College Degree should not leave the decades of struggle with debt. Our best hope for democracy, the right to vote must be absolute. Regardless of where you live or what you look like. Is only one reason why ,his isnt the case today because their powerful interests in this country who want corporate greed ahead of citizens needs. They will go on rewriting the rules to get their way. Our democracy is supposed to be a government of, by, and for the people. It is powered by individuals taking action together, by the commonweal. It belongs to all of us and protects all of us. But corporate interests do not want that. They want to seize our land for our pipeline. To negotiate for fair pay, they want to raise drug prices to unconscionable levels without transparency or negotiation. Want to pollute our air and threaten all of our futures. They want all of this because the bottom line is their bottom line. Nothing else matters. Ago,aid 81 years government by organized money is just as dangerous as governor by mob. D mob area to powerfuld up interests. A betterally around future, a simple vision that reflects our core value. We have to invest in the American People. Resources should strengthen the number of individuals and community through education job Training Health care. And a more just society. That is what will let americans fulfilled dignified lives, the freedom to earn and decent living, thats true freedom. Our next pillar protects citizens rights. Three years the Republican Party has worked to rig our democracy, our economy and our society in their favor, eroding our rights and freedoms along the way. Across thenments land try to lock in control of government by smashing union power, by purging voter rolls specifically on race, five redrawing congressional districts and maybe use that control to legalize discrimination and gift tax cuts to the wealthy. We have to fix the system. We have to protect the right of workers, of immigrants, of women, of people of color, of lgbtq americans. We must guarantee every american has the right to cast their vote. Economy, welanced want to guarantee people a fair return on their labor. Working people created the prosperity that the 1 for claims for itself. [applause] skew we asksk you to join next gen. Not one penny in tax cuts. Penny. [applause] society wea just have to guarantee all people throughout the night to identify what they have to identify. Make their own decisions regarding their own bodies. There economy over a womans right over their own body should not be a political football. Plain and simple. Rebuild a clean america. We have allowed the fossil fuel industry to pollute our air, damage our climate for far too long. That oure to recognize future depends on transitioning to a sustainable economy. Renewable energy, electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Battery Storage arent just the key to salvation for Climate Change. They will unlock a new sink tree a new sanctuary. Failure to act on Climate Change will not make us edgar and poor it willpoorer will createjobs, it higher wages and stronger growth. Thats wide next gen was backing a candidate that fought for america with 100 clean energy by 2015. [applause] setting them was straightforward. We have to name them without fear. Until we describe the problem we cant solve it. The majority dont majorities dont deserve the right to vote. Working people dont deserve a livable wage, and we dont need a functioning planet. Lets make them say it. Lets make them own it. Lets make sure we hear the American People hear what they have to say and rejected outright. In 2017 next gen is using every tool at our disposal. Organize at the grassroots and tell a better story. We areting doored going doortodoor to get voters registered and get them to the polls on the election. We are going to be in the street, protesting and rallying against the Republican Party. We are going to be all out in combat against republican lies and to refrain the debate on our term on matters of justice, equality, fairness and opportunity for all. That means translating the energy of the past 200 days into an overwhelming force for change that cannot be stopped. 20, means heading into working side by side with each of you to elect progressives up and down the valley. In our state capitals and country. Remember the truth is indomitable. We dont have to protect it, it has to protect us. We have the truth on our side area and we will stand up for our shared humanity. From ourtand united patriotic ideal, that we are all equal and full america full americans. We are deserving of justice and whoeverunder our god, she may be. Winky very much. Thank you very much. Lets welcome undocumented dreamer and act list they said my name right, thats good. ,n may 15, 2017 of this year the words woke me up, police opened up. Open up. My family huddled around the door. There were agents outside my door with guns. There were agents outside my door for Homeland Security and they wanted to cs. Ame is i am undocumented, muslim. I wasnt safe when i showed up at my door, and im not safe now. President obama stood in the rose garden june 15 20 12 to announce new executive action. For childction arrivals. All, being deported. I myself was to my siblings only make three of the dreamers given the chance to come out. This program works. Permiteceiving my work attached my parents worked their butts off to make sure i went to college. I got a drivers license. One step closer to the American Dreams. All of that went away. This room rally together against the muslim band. But we didnt rally against the other executive order. One that made 11 million undocumented immigrants criminals. The students, the dreamers, the mothers and the workers. Status theyotective have been to taint. And officer said we need to show you it picture, its about an investigation. So i told them. I do not give you permission to enter my home. [applause] they lingered outside my door for almost an hour, but they eventually left. Ive never showed this never shared the story in public. I am so afraid. Standing in this room i am still afraid. [applause] things started looking up. Then Texas Attorney general came out with nine other states and sent a letter to the Trump Administration saying if we do not end the program we are ready me and 800,000 dreamers, it will take away from the workforce and take away from this very room. And expose us to economic hardships that our futures. I think those takes were not high enough. Of gdp would take a loss 433 billion over 10 years. One in 10 recipients have purchased homes. And 50 of them have purchased vehicles. You will see less people attending rallies. You see less people showing up at meetings and less people in this room. He saw thems, last night, you saw them today. They take advantage of it and they have a plan. Which is why you see them leading the charge against dacca. Which is why you see the dhs put in a program with a temporary status that affects populations from haiti, el salvador and more. Which is why you see Jeff Sessions embrace the end of it. They make our Community Less safe by endangering families. To cause illegal immigration by 50 , and why you see undocumented students in georgia because of their status. Those here in the country and , it is an attack on you and your teammates. Attack its an attack on our movement. And redefine what immigration is to america. Activists across the country will rally. I need you to fight for me and dreams. We are ready to feel that moment five years ago when 800,000 dreamers came out of the shadows. We are one step closer to an American Dream and you need to stand with to defend us. Phones. Your text the number on the screen. At a rally at a city near you. Because this is an intergenerational movement that affects our families and friends, i would like to invite [indiscernible] dont worry. When we are under attack, what one dreamerst to are under attack, what we do . [applause] shes a civil rights hero. Shes not afraid to speak truth to power. Clicks the fbi knew how dangerous it is. Yes we can. You are a young girl growing up in america in the 40s. You must have had a dream. The miserable conditions of farmworkers, we have to organize the union. You can really change the world. The largest gathering on behalf of farmworkers in california history. She just did what needed to be done. She had a firm belief in what she is doing. In the fields of the United States of america. Farmworkers found the idea of justice. Men were threatened by their how threatened by power. People wanted to see her in a more traditional role. Thats part of the sacrifice we made. That we had to make. People dont have an idea of heroes of this country. I would not have been able to see what is hidden in the field. Sexismin kneedeep in when it comes to why she doesnt study him people full what she is and studied and people dont know her. Women cannot be written out of history. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. I hope we will all be able to see this movie, it is being distributed by a prop by a public broadcast company. Theres a list of places it will be shown. The movie is the my work with the farmworkers union. Organizing. For giving me this opportunity to speak to you. You are a blessing to our country. Give yourself a round of applause. When we think of the issues we are facing today, and all of us in this room at one point or another in our lives, we have been in concerts with these many my sure great grandfather was in the civil war on the union side. My family and myself, we were faced with racism. Of the audience, you probably were faced with that in some way or another hearing about it in your. Amilies we have been living with these issues for so long and one of the things we have to do is we really have to confront the issues, not only in the work we do. But also in the history. We know that racisms history in ourrom slavery country. To really justify the fact that they were not paid for their work. Working people today are also ,laced in a kind of a good tree maybe because they dont go to college. They should be paid for their labor. Continue on that same thread when it comes to somehow women are here to serve their masters and they should not be paid for equal pay of their work either. Can see how we trace all that domination and it comes to the history of racism in our country and the history of slavery in our country. There are two things we have to do. We really have to concentrate on education. I want to talk about education in a different way, not only the for thee have to teach things we all want, talk about where did we come from . One of the best ways to get rid butacism is number one remember we only have one human race. We have a lot of different ethnic groups, a lot of different nationalities, but only one human race. And allout safety about science. We think about where our human race began. Our race began a half cup. This began in africa. Our race began in africa. What does that mean . That meets all of us are africans of different shades and colors. [applause] [applause] to the kkk, to right, get over it. Youre africans, okay . [applause] there is a word that comes the word africa and is what does it mean . Were coming together, all of us are coming justice to fight for and were coming together to fight to end racism in our society. You to ld like to ask join me in that word. 123 and lets all shout it at the top of our lungs. Fight oming together to for justice s. 123. Lets keep doing that. You know, when they talk latinos, attack on a proud mexican african. Its not immigration. Cross the board. Its a civil offense because when somebody crosses the border they dont hurt anybody. Arent hurting anybody. They are coming here to look for work but they make it a crime need to build our jails. Its about incarceration. Not about anybody breaking the law. And when we think about immigration, half of my grandparents, you know, they here, they were coming on the boats and the other half of indigenous nts, the people were waiting to welcome them to the United States of america. Okay . As a brown country, when the europeans got here. Lets remember that. Want our ll say we country back, well, the native americans would like to say that, too, right . We want our country back. [applause] in every 20 years since the history of this country, it was all d by immigrants from over the world weve had illegalization programs. Ow were about 30 years behind the time. And in the last Immigration Law that we passed in 1986, people needed three documents. The farm workers needed three documents to get their status. Ion other people needed to prove they had been here for five years to get their immigration status. So again, its not about our immigrants breaking laws. Racism and about the the incarceration of the people of our country. Now, i think the sad thing when we think about this is weve of living with so many these issues for so many years, and again, when i go back today to cation what do we have do . We have to educate people. We have to remind them and put into our school books that the congress and the white house by african slaves. How many of us know that . School its not in our books. Right . And that the infrastructure of this country was built by people mexico and people that came here from asia. Who did the ones hard work to build this country. Youre children of color need to know this and the anglicans need to know this, too, so they can understand. We do not have this education, i think this is why pickle that were until right now. Vote for a ople Political Party that had to that got us nomy into end thisless war that we have in the middle east, why would people vote for them . Why would they vote for them besides gerrymandering, there is a lot of ignorance in our society and people dont know. They dont know who built the country. They dont know this history of the people who contributed to United States of america. And, the other thing, too, when we ally wrong, is do not have an educated itizenry, as the great philosoph said, the ortega criminal will govern. [applause] us now, ncumbent upon all of us, that we all have to come together and that we have get rid of this bigotry and racism because as you can see bringing our country down. It is destroying our country. And so sometimes, you know, say, everything thats happening right now, it is so bad. It is so bad. But all of us have been living this way for many, many decades, say. Ight but now its very visible, you there. Igotry is out the racism is out there. Visible. , very and some people think things ugly, right inso your face, because then we know we have to do somethings about t and the only way we can really get out of the situation were in right now is that we organizing,to start and we have to organize at the local level. E have to organize at the school board level. At the city Council Level and legislative level. Thing, because we know this is almost the only way we can solve these issues, we right there at the grassroots level. Thats the only way we can take what cause thats exactly the opposition does. This is what they do. They organize at the local level. We have to get our people in to take over the School Boards councils and those recreational boards. Organization, this is what we do. We organize at the grassroots level. Be surprised at how many of the people who organize, arm workers, construction workers, people who work as hotel managers, they are now School Boards. Okay . And they are sitting on city councils. So they can actually do it. Just have to give them the tools and show them what they can do. Thing is, we have to realize that if we do not do to happen. T going if we do not do it its not going to happen. We cannot wait for somebody else us. O it for its really up to us completely. The other thing that we have to education talk about is we have to stop the school to prison pipeline. School to prison pipeline because in so many parts of the United States, we our children of empl again, latinos, africanamericans, they get suspended, expelled from schools given the kind of quality education that they deserve. Free e do have to have education and we do have to have free healthcare for the people country. [applause] and i think it is a shame we, the richest country in the world, does not have free for everybody. Or free education. Now, if they can do this in do this in hey can europe, if they can do this in this little tiny country poor, butba, thats so yet every citizen in cuba get all haveation and they free healthcare, why cant we in think one states, i of the reasons that we can, is how do we pay for this . Well, there is Something Else we dont have that the other countries have. Our Natural Resources. Natural own our resources. Our Natural Resources are other Oil Companies and Gas Companies electricity companies, transportation you know, other people own them. Corporations own them. Theas long as we do not own Natural Resources of our own ountry, that really should people. To the [applause] we will never have enough that to pay for the things we need. And it is a sin and a disgrace hat in the United States of america, that we have so many and so many homeless people. To do ave a lot of work and sometimes people get discouraged and they think how going to overcome these years of this terrible administration that were now living in. And i just have to say, as an as an er, i see this opportunity. Because i think that were finally waking up. Were finally waking up because all of the issues that were talking about now, hey, they been around for decades. And we just were not addressing them because people were kind of comfortable, but now we realize the pinch is on everybody. Everybody. N everybody is going to be hurting. At one point or the other and not take is, if we do action, then things are not going to get any better and we to do it collectively. I hope that the next march on not only , that were having the women marching that scientists have the marching, black lives matter, unions, lgbt communities, i think we all have o come together and march together, right . We all need to come together and march together. [applause] and if we can do this, and i to show the e able power that we have. That we cant do it alone, and that anybody t sells going to do it for us. Were the only ones that can make it happen. Just like in that film you saw, in the trailer, the poorest farmers, took on reagan, t nixon, ronald the Farm Bureau Federation but we won and it was the poor evident people of all because came together. We cannot do it alone. Together. Do it and i think we cannot despair, you know. And not get hopeless cynical. Cuban ant to quote the poet what did he say . He said this. All the flowers. But they cant hold back the spring. All the flowers but spring. Nt hold back the and Netroots Nation, yes, etroots is the roots of justice, we, all of us sitting to go day, were going soe those seeds of ustice and those seeds will be the spring, and when this time that were going through is to bewere not only going able to fix so many of these issues, you know, climate on immigrants, ttacks on women, attacks on lgbt community, transgender community, the whole issue of were not only going to be working on those issues and fixing those issues for the United States of were going to be fixing those issues for the whole world. Okay. You believe that . Do you believe that . [applause] and so, im going to end by asking yall a question. I know you know the answer, but i want to ask you the question anyway. Ask you a ing to really simple question. Im going to ask you, and dont tellr yet, please, until i you, okay, im going to ask you, who has got the power and i want weve got the power. And when i say what kind of power, i want you to say, people p. Okay . Lets do it. Ill go first, you respond. As you can. Loud whose got the power . Power. Ve got the what kind of power . People power. Okay. Could do that one more time, but i want you to shout even louder and what you say what power, youre going to say netroots power. Whose got the power . Power. E got the what kind of power . Netroots power. To be, e we going working together, working hard, reaching out especially to those who want to listen to us . Do we say . T, what [speaking in spanish] i cheated on that, i said it spanish. Can we do it . Yes, we can. So i want you all to please put your hands together, were do an organized hand clap and say [speaking in spanish] [chanting in spanish] [cheers] gives me great, be able to re to introduce the inconvenient sequel, were going to see a trailer on that and were going to be able to see our vice ful, wonderful president , but youre going to see the trailer first. Back and introduce him. Trailer. Thank you. Goodbye. Its in the tradition of every great moral movement that has advanced a cause of single one nd every of them has met with resistance o the point where many of the advocates wondered how long is this going to take . Famously whenking someone asked how long is this long . To take, how not long. Because no life can live forever. Long, because the moral arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice. Were close in this movement. To the Tipping Point beyond this Movement Like the abolition movement, like the movement, like the Civil Rights Movement, like the antiapartheid movement. Like the movement for gay its resolved into a choice between right and wrong. And because of who we are as beings, the outcome is for 0 day and and its right to save future for humanity. It is wrong to pollute this the climate troy balance. It is right to give hope to the generations. It will not be easy and, we too, will encounter a series of nos, the last no, comes a yes, the future depends. Speaking of Global Warming, we need some Global Warming. Its freezing. In he most criticized scene the movie in Inconvenient Truth was showing that the rise ation of sea level and storm surge would flood the 11 memorial site and people said, what a terrible exaggeration. Hurricane sandy slammed into night k city last flooding the World Trade Center site. And more get stronger destructive. The water splash off the city. This is Global Warming. Paralyzing, but this to me is the most exciting development. Were seeing a tremendous amount of positive change. The basis is there but its still not enough. Time at the h Climate Change conference in paris. Some tough negotiations. It take to shift to renewables . Im talking about breaking the impact. Nation in the entire world agreed to get to zero greenhouse emissions. Unprecedented. Its time to put america first. President trump that includes to cancel billions in Climate Change spending. Plan will end the epa. Generation next could be justified to ask, couldnt you hear what mother screaming at you . This movement is in the tradition of every great has advanced humankind. To recognize oing it. We dont want to discuss it. To save it is right humanity. It is wrong to pollute this earth. To the ght to give hope generations. Dont let anybody tell you that to get on rocket mars. And live on this is our home. [applause] lets welcome our great Vice President , should have been president , al gore. [cheers and applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] al gore thank you. Thank you. You. For re another hand delores huerta. ] [ cheers and applause] al gore weve got some tough acts to follow, man. We sure do. Give it up again for reverend [applause] host so its such an honor to with you this evening and i know everyone is excited out. The new movie thats but also, about making real embracing our power and how change can happen. Actually took another look again at Inconvenient Truth and then the sequel. The interesting thing is, i thought about something that dr. Many, many with us years ago. Tosaid, he said that we come these shores on different ships but were all in the same boat now. And it was interesting because as i started to, you know, think about the impacts that are happening and how sometimes we segregate ourselves, and how were there now. You know, were coming up on the of katrina, ary august 29. Ground, there on the like also have places princefield, north carolina, ounded by african slaves and just had a hundred year flood. South like nichols, carolina, same thing. Hy is this movie so important at this moment in time . Al gore well, i want to join and n thanking acknowledging all the speakers before. Starr, who gave uch a wonderful address and pamela and others, and i want to team the Netroots Nation for doing a wonderful job, and you. S to all of [applause] that youvethe work done for so many years actually one way to answer the question youve just asked. Environmental justice is a cause justice that connects what were doing to the environment and to the the prejudice and the insults to people, people in people in of color, communities of low income, why . They have less means to defend themselves when people a new Hazardous Waste site of looking at the downwind for some terrible polluting facility. Has been going on for a long time. But were now seeing the growth on a truly issue global basis. Today well put 110 million tons of manmade Global Warming in the sky. You talk about violence. Just a metaphor. It is that, too. People. Kills it hurts people. Traps as much extra heat energy and would be released hiroshima atomic bombs exploding every 24 hours on this planet. Its a big planet but thats an enormous amount of energy and radically transforming the ecological system of the earth. Ot just raising temperatures, which, by the way, in some of the earth, are themselves a dire threat. Index in a city in iran not long ago, of 165 fahrenheit. 74 celsius. No one can live outside for more than five or six hours no matter how healthy. Its also disrupting the water and youre talking about these rain bombs. You know, last week, both miami new orleans were flooding out and paralyzed, not by the although the sea level so ributed this time, but much of the oceans water vapor is being boiled into the sky it comes over the land, we get these historic downpours. Seven inches in two hours in week a week ago tuesday. New inches in 12 hours in orleans and in both cities the pumps holding the ocean at bay because of the event and both cities were paralyze. There are many such events all world on a regular basis. N the tv news, its through the book of revelation. Individuals are beginning to dots. Ct the we must. Heres whats at stake. Polluters feel that they have a right to use sky as an open sewer. The want to continue to use sky as a sewer for as long as they can get away with it. Now, and its an issue of poverty because those with low income nations and low income communities within nations, cannot defend themselves. Sometimes as well and not at all. Justiceas environmental focuses our attention on the violence thats inflicted on disadvantaged, now large pattern that is global is inflicting violence that is unjust and must be halted. But the carbon polluters are that the same techniques the Tobacco Companies used, years ago, you remember when the octors made it clear that smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer. Diseases. They hired actors and dressed them up as doctors, and put them of cameras to falsely there was ople that no Health Problem and a hundred Million People died before we those got over deceptions. The large carbon polluters are playbook. Exact same they have hired many of the they same pr agents and are trying to fool people to the incapable of ts respond. Tical system to Netroots Nation embodies the new consciousness that has to spread all across to demand that we go back to a government of the by the people and for the people. [applause] me ask you a couple of questions. Ill set down my notes and well talk. Some real you talked about this new awakening thats happening, and that. Ee with you on we had the womens march, weve march. Science al gore yeah. And we had the peoples march. E how important are those moments that are a part of a movement in able to forward to be address these issues . Al gore its crucial. Of the lessons that has taught is that connecting to one another on the internet is extremely to connectut we have to one another in person as well. [applause] al gore because thats where the real deep ties come that can necessary to ment keep going. And to ultimately prevail. This just a s take step further. We currently have an who does not feel science is valuable. Throughout,ience all both of the movies, and can you just speak a little bit about and then ant that is, also how do we begin to science into every day ramirez or that mrs. Mr. Johnson, who i often speak about, feel the connection in that space. Well, phrase, speak embodies the , essential formula that youre getting at here. Truth that the scientists have worked real hard to find and doublecheck and triple their nd verified with observations with the truth, is for the onvenient carbon polluters and the oliticians, that they totally control lock, stock and oil barrel, and so they want to hide truth, distort the truth, confuse and distract people into ignoring the truth, so that what we can see with our own eyes and experience with our own senses, learn about with youre reasoning capacity, cannot be of ctively used as a source political power. They want money to be the be all end all of political power. Our democracy was hacked by big before putin hacked our democracy. Take it back. [applause] al gore and let me say a word about the Bernie Sanders getaign and i dont want to into the agenda or the issues, i ant to make a simple point about what he and those working year. M proved last e have reached the point now with internetbased and social media based communication and organizations, to now possible it is to run an effective and victorious campaign without accepting any money from billionaires or special interests or lobbyists, but just people, from the internet. [cheers and applause] up with let me say other thing on this. Congress can, im old, im old, in my mind, im im younger and dark hair, i have but i went to the congress in 1970s and i watched this and when television became this off 30 second commercials, all of them practically, i watched the behavior of elective representatives of the people radically. And most of yall know what goes on now. Elected ge representative in the congress, ouse and senate, you know what they do all day. They spend an average of five every single day begging special interests and lobbyists cats for money. Now, what does that do . Human nature. N of our founders were humanists. They understood human nature with crystal clarity. Hat that does to them, the people who are supposed to be epresenting us, and, you know, god bless the ones that are steadfast in spite of that but so many of them what that does they begin naturally to think about the impact of say and do, not on the people they are supposed to be serving, they begin to think more and more about the impact on those telephone calls begging sperm interests and fat cats and lobbyists, and pretty soon they fat cats and the lobbyists and the special legislation. Te the they take it straight from that you are lawyers and lobbyists presiding officer, heres my bill. Its not their bill. He special interest have got a degree of control now that is toxic and it is a disgrace to american democracy is supposed to be about. Take it back. [applause] host all right. So, as i was walking with around last couple of days, some folks came up to me and hey said, mustafa, i know youre going to be blessed to be on the stage with the Vice President , ive got a couple of like for that i would him to answer. And its at one was, is fer, if you will, one around the paris climate agreement and the other is around the green power plant. Okay. Re host and our current administration, not seeing value in those spaces. Say it that way. So can you share with folks, when we does it mean have an administration that moves away from the paris and if the ement, clean power plant is not kept do in those do we spaces . Al gore extremely important question. And i will tell you that when onald trump made his speech on june 1, announcing that he was of g to pull the u. S. Out the Paris Agreement, i was very concerned. For one thing, that some other countries might use that as an pull out themselves. For another thing, that it might aralyze the will power of states and cities and businesses and Civil Society here. Ill tell you that the very day, and my faith tradition says joy cometh in the morning. Next morning, the news came that the entire rest of the orld had redeveloped their commitments to the Paris Agreement as if say, well show you, donald trump. Mra [applause] they said were going to meet the Paris Agreement donald trump what said. In his speech you recall he said i was eletted to represent paris. Rgh, not the next day of paris said im he mayor of pittsburgh and were still in the paris to a ent and were going hundred percent renewable. Two more points. Looks as if the united very likelyerica is to meet the commitment made by former president obama under the Paris Agreement regardless of what trump does. Lot of r detail, a people dont know this, way the Paris Agreement was written and entirely a coincidence, the first date upon legally possible for the u. S. To be withdrawn happens next the day after the election. Ial applause. Al gore and if we have a new president , excuse me a minute, a 30 president can simply give days notice and were back in. So it could be just a speed bump. You asked about the clean power plant. Its a little more complicated, to give anyone the impression that trump is not capable of doing a lot of damage. He is. Overtime because hes surrounded himself with his allery of climate deniers beholden to the large carbon polluters and we all know that secretly working to try to change everything they can and fire the scientists and of any regulations they can. That this d news is, train has left the station and is, the costby that of electricity from solar and fast, andoming down so now its got its own momentum, and the more of them they build, the more the cost comes down. Electric cars are now becoming affordable, batteries are coming down. Eds, hundreds over efficiency technologies, the world is now in the early stages of a ustainability revolution that has the magnitude of the Industrial Revolution but the revolution, digital ruly believe it is unable this movie and tells the story of georgetown, texas, which is described by the most r as conservative Republican City and the most conservative republican texas and hes a trump supporter, he was, and may still be, i dont know, i didnt get but he t with him, happens to be a Certified Public Accountant and he knows math well. And he did the calculation, and to completely convert hat city to a hundred percent solar and wind electricity and now their bill for electricity have come down. And its cleaner, kind of a side benefit that they future ing to save the humanity. [laughter] [applause] ost so we heard the reverend earlier speak a little bit about morality. Do you feel that the climate moral issue as well . Al gore absolutely. At its heart it never should been a political issue or an ideological issue. It is a moral issue. A spiritual issue. Of course it is. Of on the other side whats of doing whats right is greed. And the manipulation of truth, in conceal the order to distort what our deciding, ought to be serve the city of these a these special interest. Not long from now txz next generation will ask one on wo questions depending the decisions we make in this time period. They have tropical diseases spreading northward, in the hemisphere southward to are. E the big populations if there is chaos and civil unrest because governments cant govern themselves in these conditions, if there are stronger floods and deeper and more powerful storms and the melting ice and stuff, el, all of that what would they think about what to leave them with that . Thats a moral question and we it, if we had a time machine and could go into the with them, when they are just asking, what in world . Why . As i said, on the screen, couldnt you hear what know nature was screaming at you, less what the scientists had found out . There is another alternative. If they find themselves in a full sense of renewal, with tens of millions sustainability, solar jobs in the United States times re growing 17 faster than all other jobs in the economy. [applause] i the single Fastest Growing job is wind turban technician. If we made a decision to put every to work in community, retro fitting buildings and commercial and that 25 thats just due to wasteful construction and sign those jobs ant be outsourced or sent to some other country. We need to get our country rowing in a healthy way and provide good jobs and if the next generation lives in a world going on, and the climate is once again healing, hope in their hearts and they can look at their kids and feel genuinely to be ives are going better, i want them to look back at us, and this time and say, a different question. How did you find the moral up age and resolve to stand and do what many said was impossible . That rt of the answer to question will be that netroots ation helped to lead the way all across the United States and we provided leadership and got done. Host yes, yes, yes. [applause] little want to talk a bit about the Climate Movement itself now. And, what you just talked about important, so i think its important that we begin to we begin silos that to expand the base if were going to win on climate. From u know, i come a prentic from apalachicola. Appalachian. With folks in ct appalachian. In the e working coal mines. Do we connect w with them . Jobs. Re by providing the job loss in the coal landscapes and inly butiful seep i ouve seen it in our native country. We want to get them the better jobs that they deserve with the training and the opportunities. Look, we have a lot of work to do. And you know very well this of a cultural and political drabble type issue, people use the same hrases and if you dont use that phrase youre in the other camp. He good news is that its beginning to break down and determined t to be about creating these new job opportunities. That have lostrs their jobs, what do you feel about them . Know what most of you do and what we must feel. Their families and previous generations really did country. Build this they didnt have any intention climate crisis. They are fulfilling good jobs its not ages and their fault they have now been left in the situation that they are in. Have to Work Together of ugh the instruments selfgovernment to create the new opportunity. Were going to talk about expanding the base. I want to go back in time a bit, and i dont know if everyone notes this but how in rumental you were relationship with other stake holder leaders in creating 12898, which is known as the environmental ustice executive order and im curious if you could share with olks its directly tied to the Climate Movement right now, and why vulnerable communities a part of the mix, if you will. Role e im proud of the that i played. And well before that executive order, i sought out congressman john lewis from here in atlanta, ne of the great heroes thats ever lived in this country. In the house and myself in the senate, we ntroduced the first Environmental Justice bill that was ever introduced, and actually, that was in the first 1992, i had no thought at all that maybe, you know what that year, me joining the ticket and becoming Vice President would happen, but then one year later, when bill i went into the white house, i convinced him, hich was pretty easy to do, to set up his task force, and then environmental t justice executive order and you and you ady in the epa were the one that put it into ffect and started doing the work. [applause] al gore mustafa has been at but let me ong time make one other point. Host yeah. Al gore the idea for it didnt spring out of spontaneously. Grassroots. The host thats right. 1982, inas far back as a rural community, in north community of poverty and color woke up to the news the powers that be had decided to bring truck load hazardous load of Chemical Waste and dump it right in their community. Why their community . Because they did not have the connections. They didnt have the wealth. They didnt have the political influence. But for the first time in history, they went out and laid their bodies down on to block those trucks, from bringing that waste there. [applause] al gore and that event kind of a new awareness of this Environmental Justice cause and of it spread around the country. I started hearing about it. Hearing aboutrted it. O it really did come from the grassroots. Host and thats a moment in time that sort of translates into where we are now. So when im talking about expanding the base in the Climate Movement we know there a lack of diversity in the leadership and in many of ur organizations that are focused on that space. Al gore thats right. Host and if were going to win that means we have to be inclusive. Al gore absolutely. To make sure ave that innovation is in that space. Can you talk about the need in about the and talk climate reality project and the youve been doing and how or addressing that issue. Reality the climate project holds regular Training Programs to over a threeday from the give people grassroots the skills and training they need to persuade their elected officials, and many of the ones that go through the on to do other things, too. Tarting Renewable Energy businesses, becoming elected who ran thehe woman paris conference was a graduate back Intraining Program 2007. Of its to build a Group Activists at the grassroots level. Ill tell you a quick story, training, by the way, is in if sburgh this fall and anybody wants to consider being a part of that, thank you for thank you, all right, climatereality. Org. Name on the list. Ut we had a training in the seattle area, bellevue, washington, just a short time ago and before that in denver. Want to tell you a quick story. At the denver training, an showed up. Girl to be trained. And i said to myself, now, our policy here . Are we sure that this girl is to do this . Its sort of like somebody unning an Amusement Park with the bar. Youve got to be taller than this bar before you go on the ride. Saw her over three days, two g careful notes, and weeks later, after the training video r, i clicked on a that was going viral on social same and heres this 11yearold girl who has gone to town hall meeting of her republican congressman in colorado springs, and shes got microphone and the just giving him hell. Pad and t and shes just giving him hell. D shes just giving him hell. Pad pad and the microphone and shes just giving him hell. Ipad shes just giving him hell. But i dont want to skip by your extremely cause its important. We have to reach out to all communities. Of nt to tell you about one our Board Members when has made a tremendous difference for us. Catherine flowers and shes from lowndes county, alabama. [cheers] al gore you know her . Amazing. S and my oldest daughter, who you know well, introduced me to katherine. I said, shes got to be africanamerican, in a very low ncome rural county, between selma and montgomery, and she of the air force. Hes a powerful advocate, organizer, woman, but i and the reality have ate learned so much from her perspective and from her passion from the experiences that she this sounds kind of trite its an example really of he tremendous benefit that the Environmental Movement at large needs to take advantage of by out to communities of color and every single Demographic Group in this the Environmental Movement looks like america. Yes, yes. [applause] in a im going to take us little different direction right now. So, the Civil Rights Movement transformational moment played a huge role. In that as well. Ome folks dont pay as much attention to that. So someone asked me the question the i was coming down escalator, when you were growing was the music you listened to . Al gore this was prehiphop era . Host it is. Al gore so youve got to cut me some slack. Am. T i ill take you there. Al gore its very easy for me question. That there were a lot of songs, but i boy, i r when i was, dont know, maybe 12 years old, in the summers in the south, when the civil rights was gaining momentum. Ill tell you that when bob sang blowing in the wind and those words pierced right into my heart, everybody so familiar with them now, but when that first started being played on the radio, i had anything like that, really. Started hearing more songs that had that element of conscience and truth telling. It made a tremendous difference. And i remember during those days, i remember a moment when one of my friends this rural kind of quasi a my st comment and one of other friends said, shut up, we imt talk that way anymore, sure there were millions of conversations that were a little bit like that. O one of the things thats really important is to use your voice, i mean, organizing, using vote, influencing the political leaders, thats absolutely crucial but using voice and being unafraid to the up and win conversation on climate, ill example. Another the gay Rights Movement. Had told me even five years ago that in the year 2017, gay marriage would be legal in all 50 states and hat 2 3 of the American People would accept, honor and celebrate gay marriage, i would ave said, i sure hope so but youre pretty naive. Thats unrealistic. [applause] it happen . Y did it happened first of all because the Human Rights Campaign did a job, and a lot of grassroots organizers. [applause] al gore but it also happened again, millions of conversations were won. It happened also because as that the truth of what as right gained momentum, lots and lots of gay lesbian found the ecided and courage to represent themselves as to who they really are, and friends and coworkers and oh, oh, mbers said, kay, and then it wasnt far from there to the emotion, well, and t made people this way that way, god could not have intended this person or that persecuted for his or her whole lifetime. What the hell difference does it make who you fall in love with . Get on with this, were all americans. Is right atmovement that point. Were right at that Tipping Point. Dont want to repeat myself, movement, y rights civil rights, all these other movements, what they have in common, is that it can seem, as if the resistance cant be overcome. Mandela ndela, late said during the apartheid ovement said its all impossible until its done. It seems impossible to some people now. Its not. It done. Eed to get were very, very close. Host so youre saying people have power . Al gore people have power, and a source of power. Host yes. Al gore not to get into the gandhi, but we had a word i wont try to pronounce hat they say translates into truth for us. And weve all seen in our own we have the ability to feel whats more likely to be rue than not and when you really feel it deeply, and sink it, and without fear has a force it that changes things. And can move mountains really. Host im glad that you raised truth and power. I think they are important. 44th day, was the anniversary of hiphop. While en around for a now. And the beauty in that space is talking about culture. Talking about sharing the tories and realities that everyone is dealing with. You know, individuals like jz beyonce, and taboo, black video rightho has a now. Al gore stand up for standing rock. Host yeah. [applause] dont forget, to go out and vote for that video also at mtv. That. Ciate but you have individuals like also. Ellor rapper anthony smith. As were talking about expanding movement, how much does culture play a role in making ure that people are, number one, respected, and two, feel included in the process . Its absolutely crucial. Of course, music in particular we all know, as to move hearts and minds in ways that words alone cannot. All know that and maybe thats why you started down this and asked about the Civil Rights Movement. Mention the original an in this new movie, inconvenient sequel, my in nashvillebad di cowrote a song truth to really embodies that gandhi type deal and the ive seen truth turned to power and its trending. Wont be in the same awards category as taboo, so its both. O promote them host well try to get them both an award, how is that. Short on time, but there were a couple of other questions that folks asked me to ask you. And one of them is the general question that we have to be able to answer. We win on climate . We ore well, first of all, have a big ally, and thats mother nature. These climate related extreme and truly,nts really unfortunately are, a lot more common and a lot more destructive. And there is a lot of evidence ow that people who might put themselves culturally on the political of the divide on climate may not feel comfortable using the phrase Global Warming or climate crisis, are finding their own anguage, to express what their senses are telling them. All theed big time with jobs that work outside. But in winning these a bigsationes can, thats art of it, because the resistance, you know, sometimes eople just fly into a rage if they hear the phrase, Global Warming. Its almost like a dysfunctional alcoholic father who flies into a rage if somebody mentions the word alcohol. Just rest of the family kind of tiptoes around without the elephant bout they room and i think worry that they will lose 714 of their viewers if they even about Global Warming. Its an embarrassment to our country that we just went the third president ial elections cycle in a row without single question about of the being in any debates. Thats a disgrace. [applause] al gore but we all can help insist that the conversation take place and that we win that conversation. Movie, the reason why i want to encourage as many people see this movie, it opens this weekend all over a hundred percent of the profits go to train more climate activists and there is a same title on the New York Times best seller list now, this week, a hundred those profits go to activists, climate this,ore people who go see the greater the chance to build a stronger effective climate ovement and im proud that were working not only with the climate reality project but nrdc, edf, climate hawks and a bunch of other who are organizing around the theaters where this movie is being shown. Many cities. Not every city but in many cities. About it. Use your voice. Use your vote. Meetings. Town hall call and knock on the door of our congressional representative and government officials at every level. This. Now how to do Netroots Nation. Time organizers. [applause] al gore and this week, 14 visible has targeted cities specifically, big cities, where the movie is opening and every showing in all of these 14 cities. Individual movement, by the way. , this is two part elected hat work with officials. Maybe you already know this. Part one, tell them how the climate issue is, and tell them if they are going o do the right thing, youll support them. Part two, but in order to make art two work youve got to first of all, decide deep down that you mean this. Part two is, to tell them, if if they vote with the polluters instead of with the people, just say, i m in the eye and i am going to at do everything in my power to many people in your district as i can possibly beat t and im going to you and kick you out of office. [cheers and applause] is when the movement successful, because i dont believe there is any other alternative. Al gore weve got to do it. Will our country look like . T will the planet look lie like for our grandchildren and great grandchildren . Al gore i have to start with a expression that regretly, some damage has been done that rolled back, some sections of antarctica and green crossed a pint where they will continue melting. What. Tter some temperature increases will continue. Of the other changes. But its sort of like, you know, heavy smoker a and has been for 40 years and have o the doctor, doc, i been smoking three packs a day for 40 years, i just guess there me quitting now. Because my fate is sealed, right . No. The doctor will say, thats not right. The medical studies show. If you quit now, your chances by year. Ear by year now, to come back to climate what the scientists tell us is, a lot of this stuff up the there, and some of for a thousand years. Magically stop putting any manmade Global Warming solution into the tomorrow, how long would it take for half of it, fall back out of the sky. 20 years. Years. 20 okay. Al gore that means a lot of it the still be up there so truthful realistic answer to your question is, we have done damage. But far more significantly the there is no ll us, the that we do still have capacity to avoid the consequence that is would threaten all future if we did not take control of this. Let me just say one other thing. Abstract. Ound its a planetary deal. The future. G about just let yourself sink into this riskzation, were taking a that the next generation will the gates of hell open. And ask of us why we had no oncern about who was going to happen to them. Were taking that kind of risk. Asked earlier is it a moral issue. Issue. T its a moral and its already affecting us a practical issue as well. Host so closing question. I have heard you speak about weve had a lot of conversations over the last few days about power. Hiphop caucus we talk about power and how that translates real change actually happening. Talk to folks a little bit do they u know, power. Y have al gore yeah. Good news and bad news. The does news outweighs the bad but ill give you the bad first. It is true that big money now unhealthy emely degree of influence over the way system operates. Elected are some officials who are so under their influence, they are so money, led by the big that, its hard to imagine what turns them around. That bar od news is, that we have to clear with maybe a little it. Her now, but we can clear we can clear it. You did hat many of godier this year, when that awful healthcare proposal was ut forward by trump and the republicans in the congress, and on their first break they went meetings backhall hell broke loose. Host sure did. Al gore [applause] l gore and some of them who, you might have thought they were in that camp that they were so in the pockets of the special lost, they d were came back and said ive got to change on this issue. Restless. Uents are host yes. Al gore they are mad. Nd if i dont change im worried im going to lose my job. So it can be done. In numbers. Ength there is strength in the that the netroots that does meet up with physical connections, with leadership and go and get this done. I dont le say, well, know. We have not sure that enough political will. Heres a powerful secret. Political will is itself a resource. And all we have to do is fix it. It is, yes, it is. Mra [applause] host folks are curious about charlottesville. Know that your father actually was, you know, very engaged civil rights, actually stood up around southern manifesto. Al gore one of only two to refuse. He made some mistakes but he was a powerful advocate for the act. Ng rights what happened in charlottesville well, last night, was that march, and then the tragedy today and reverend led us in prayer and we should remember the person who lost his life, his or her life, im not sure, i havent host her. Who lost her son some ofd 19 injured and serious. Ries are there is a lot to say. Is picking and choosing what be most useful to say what might be of most value. Al gore there is a vigillele ut say but do i want to say that our country is facing a with the rise of these hate groups. Trumpwaited for president to make his statement. They said he was going to come out at three. Else came out and they set the stage and waited waited and waited. Then deliberating and he did not sayt, that ng about the fact and azis and the kkk was, the alt right, were out there to provoke hatefulness people. De nd i was surprised that the tatement appeared to give a kind of moral equivalence to the this who had organized kk nazi march, and the people who said were going to stand and nazism and want that we dont in our community. Fist t know about the fights earlier in the day. Violence on both sides. But i do know that t was a terrorist act on the drove the person who that vehicle. [applause] would say to the president , mr. President , for country, i would im to try again on serious, i dont mean it as a laugh line, im serious, were here, and well get hrough it okay but this is really a troubling time, and i say in all sincerity to the president , i would urge you to more thought to what it means to have a resurgence of ku klux klan and the that iscy movement marching and kind of this hatefulness. A said he want us to have section for one another and love one another and have a good what his statement was, and, mr. President , thats enough. Thats not enough. Ecause the people who are in this alt right, kkk, nazi group, they are not interested in building affection for other americans. They are not interested in loving all people. In provokingrested using prejudice as a way to divide the country. O we need to speak out against it and the country would be etter served if the president would come back before the people and make a more and appropriate statement about how we should understand whats going on there as a w we can go forward nation. Host yes. [applause] host my grandfather always said matters, and what you do in that space is super important. Thank you for your leadership, and i think we this is the because last session here at netroots ation, i think we should send message to the country so i would like everybody to stand up. For to you look to the person to your right, dont look to the person to your left, i want you to reach ut your right hand to the person on the righthand side, and grab the person on your side, take their hand, all right. Ecause host thank you. And i want you to realize something that the vice shared, there are two sort of powers that are in our them, and were going to have one is money the power of is people, if you look around this room tonight, you see black olks, you see white folks, you see latinos, you see indigenous folks, you see Asian Americans pacific islanders. You see gay and you the say straight. See healthy and you may see those still moving up the ladder, if you will. Exists power that inside of our country is when willing to touch each other and remember that were all human and embrace our humanity. To reach your y hands up above your heads and say power. [power] one last time, say it like they hear you all across atlanta and our shores. Power. [power] i want to thank yall for being here this evening and president. Great job. Great job. [applause] to march to city hall. Stand in solidarity and fight white supremacy. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] showing you portions Netroots Nation beginning at about 8 15 p. M. Eastern here on cspan. Where history unfolds aily its brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Provider. Saumil shaw is whatoe

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