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Unlock all doors and i see the pride when they say i am an american. To see how florences program unlocks the doors of the american dream, go to cnnheroes. Com. Thanks for watching. Our coverage continues. Happening now. Hurricane lane battering hawaii with strong winds and deluge rain. Another ally appears to have broken with the president. The executive who helped kill stories about the president s affairs before the election cooperating with investigators. And a Predominately Black Georgia County could close most of the Polling Places before midterms. Critics say it is doing to muzzle the majority vote. Good morning. Im christine romans. Im dave briggs. Happy friday. August 24th. 4 00 a. M. In the east and 10 00 p. M. In hawaii. We start with Hurricane Lane on final approach to hawaii. It is now category three. Officials are warning the storm is a significant rainmaker. More than 19 inches fell on the big island. Governor david ige says some parts of the island could take 30 inches of rain. The outer bands of the hurricane already causing flooding. There is a voluntary Evacuation Order near hilo. The scenic river turned into a raging torrent. Emergency sirens blaring in honolulu. It has prestaged water and food around the islands. The Weather Service downgraded Get a jump on the days news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. That as well as the concern for ports . Hawaii very reliant on the sea imports. As for the shelters, we have 35 shelters open right now or throughout the island. We have five open on the big island. Seven on maui and 20 on oahu. The local and county Emergency Managers assess the conditions that are going on and look at the impact and they open up the shelters at that level. They meet the needs of those that need them at that time. So i think that as an overall perspective, we are doing a decent job and meet the needs of sheltering based on the Storm Conditions. As the Storm Conditions change, more Shelter Opportunities will be available. Luke meyers, nice to hear from you this morning or evening for you in honolulu. Graham and grassley are talking about a future where Jeff Sessions is not Attorney General. Listen to graham on capitol hill. The president s entitled to an Attorney General he has faith in. Somebody qualified for the job. I think there will come a time, sooner rather than later, where it will be time to have a new face and fresh voice at the department of justice. Clearly Attorney General sessions doesnt have the competence of the president. Reporter right now, Jeff Sessions future will continue to hang in the balance. Dave and christine. Kaitlan collins, thank you. It is going to be an interesting few days for Congress Member Duncan Hunter. He and his wife indicted for alleged fraud and he seemed to throw her under the bus. She handled my appointments throughout my Military Career. That continued on when i got in congress. My name is jeff sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. All right. Dont get too excited about the Creative Work around s to keep your state and local Tax Deductions. Working on a loophole to help taxpayers avoid a cap on state and local Tax Deductions. That was the controversy part of the gop tax law. Once unlimited, the socalled Salt Deduction is capped at 10,000. That harms high tax states which are mostly blue states. Several blue states are suing the trump administration. They claim the law unfairly targets democratic states. The same states passed laws to work around the cap. Allowing taxpayers to make charitable contributions in terms of a tax credit. The treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin said congress limited a deduction that quote benefit the high income earners to pay for tax cuts for american families. He said the Tax Deduction thing benefitted rich people. Deductions reduce your overall tax bill. In new york, the cap could increase taxes by 14 billion this year. New york Governor Cuomo calls it a political attempt to hurt democratic states. He promised to fight this treasury rule. California republican Congress Member Duncan Hunter and his wife pleading not guilty in federal Court Thursday at the charges they illegally used 250,000 in Campaign Funds to furnish their lifestyle. Hunter seemed to point the finger at his wife on fox news last night. I went to iraq in 2003, the first time i gave her power of attorney. She handled finances throughout my Military Career. That continued on when i got in congress. She was the campaign manager. Whatever she did. That will be looked at, im sure. I didnt do it. I didnt do it. The couple is accused of spending Campaign Finances on large and small purchases. 14,000 on a vacation to italy. And then a flight for a family rabb rabbit. Caught on video, police in texas engage a woman about to jump off a bridge. Whats your name . It doesnt matter. It does matter. We will show you what happens next. Secretary of state mike pompeo is going back to north korea next week. He will be joined by steven beagan. New representative to north korea. He is a former representative at ford and senior staff member to then National Security adviser condoleezza rice. There are no plans for meeting with kim jongun. Talk was the two country talks with the two countries have stalled over denuclearization. The twoperson runoff in georgia will appear to shutdown several of the nine Polling Places. Critics call it a move to suppress black voters in a critical election that could result in stacy abrams to become the first black governor. Supporters say the move will save money and claim the targeted locations do not comply with the americans with disabilities act. A former Government Contractor who leaked confidential information to the media will serve time in prison. Relate winn reality winner sent information to an online news outlet. Her attorney calls her a good person who did not understand the magnitude of her actions. She never intended to harm National Security. According to a new study, no amount of Alcohol Consumption is healthy. Prior studies prevented heart disea disease, but now alcohol was the leading risk factor for disease and premature death in people ages 15 to 49. Not surprisingly because of the large population, china, india and russia were the World Leaders in alcoholrelated deaths. U. S. Was fifth among men and seven et seventh among women. Heart pounding video in texas where Police Stopped a woman from jumping off the bridge. The woman standing over the overpass. The heels of her feet hanging right over it. Officers inch slowly toward her. Watch what happens next. Wants me dead. No one wants that. They do. Nobody wants that. Im scared. Please get down. No. Come down. You dont want to do this. Talk to us. No, no. Please get down. No. No. Stop. One of the officers is heard then promising to get the woman help. Cnn affiliate ktvt says the woman is in the hospital. The family is forever grateful to the hospital and hope to meet some day. Needless to say, you dont like heights. Police officers wake up in the morning and you never know what the day holds. You have to be ready for anything. As do the people in hawaii tonight. Hurricane lane unleashing an epic downpowur on parts of hawaii. And the president suggested it should be illegal for witnesses to flip. It looks like another long time ally is ready to do just that. Iu medicare is great, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medicare costs. A Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan may help cover some of the rest. Learn how an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company might be the right choice for you. A free Decision Guide is a great place to start. Call today to request yours. So what makes an aarp Medicare Supplement plan unique . These are the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp because they meet aarps high standards of quality and service. Youre also getting the great features that any Medicare Supplement plan provides. You may choose any doctor that accepts medicare patients. You can even visit a specialist. With this type of plan there are no networks or referrals needed. Also, a Medicare Supplement plan. Goes with you when you travel anywhere in the u. S. Call today for a free guide. Happening now. Hurricane lane battering parts of hawaii with strong winds and rain. The forecast straight ahead. Another ally appears to have broken with the president. The executive who helped kill the story about the president s affairs before the election is cooperating with investigators. And the Predominately Black Georgia County could close most of its Polling Places before the midterms. Critics say it is being done to muzzle the minority vote with a black woman making a historic run for governor. Welcome back. Im dave briggs. Im christine romans. It is 30 minutes past the hour on friday morning. Lets start in hawaii. Hurricane lane on the final approach in hawaii. This is now a category three. Officials are warning the residents this storm is a significant rainmaker. More than 19 inches fell on the northeastern section of the island. Governor david ige says they could get up to 30 inches and waves up to 20 feet high. There is now a voluntary Evacuation Order near hilo. The normally scenic river here turning into a torrent. [ siren ] Emergency Sirens Blaring yesterday. Fema has generators and other supplies across the island. The island received a Tropical Storm warning. For the latest. We are joined by Meteorologist Ivan Cabrera in the cnn Weather Center this morning. Ivan, what should they expect . A horrible night. Good morning, dave. It is now half past 4 00 a. M. In the east coast. Night has fallen in hawaii. A very long night and very long day. This is quite an event. It is under way. Despite the center of the storm is 200 miles south of honolulu and south of the big island. You mentioned the incredible amounts of rain which turned rivers no torrents rivers into torrents. At one point it was a cat five. We are going to have strong winds eventually. It is the rain ahead of the system that is causing the problems. We picked up almost 2 feet of rainfall in the parts of the big island in the last 24to48 hours. We will see that as a problem here as the rain falls on the Mountain Side and will continue to come down the mountains and speed up and go through the valleys. Here is the radar. The center of the storm. The rain ahead of it to the north and east. Hurricane warnings still flying for the Middle Islands here. Tropical Storm Warning for the big island. Really dont let your guard down. This went from Hurricane Warning to a Tropical Storm warning. That means the Hurricane Winds will not make it there. The rains will make it there. They have been and that is going to be the big threat. The current winds. The highs here with the center of the storm. 28mileanhour winds in honolulu. It is gusting at 37. That will become higher today and tomorrow. The rain will be The Big Story here and the legacy of the storm. Look at this. This is 1 inch an hour. That is what we are looking at with the easterly wind. The radar is broken on the west side of the island. They are adding lift with the rain and Yyou Squeeze Every Dro of moisture. You get 17 plus inches in hilo in 24 hours. Over 22 inches to the south. Those are the kinds of rains we will talk about as the warm moist air goes up the mountain and cools and condenses and comes down in a you are i. My concern down in a hurry. My concern is the valleys with the flooding. We are also going to deep with storm surge as well. Saltwater flooding as well. We will get hit on both sides here. It will be a long event. By saturday at 8 00 p. M. , the storm is south of the island. Ivan, thank you. From honolulu, here is luke meyers. The officer for the executive office of Emergency Management agency. We want the public to be r ready and on guard. We ask them to be ready for two weeks at minimum. As the storm is coming in, everyone is watching the forecast models. We say dont get too concerned about that. We are looking at Tropical Storm or hurricaneforce winds or potentially a lot of flooding. Urban flooding potentially. As the storms makes the approach to maui and oahu, we may have coastal flooding or storm surge. We are telling the public to stay tuned to the National Hurricane center and national Weather Service and officials at the county level and take action. We prefer them to shelter in place. If they feel safe, if they feel unsafe, and they feel like their home is threatened. They can try to find a shelter. 35 shelters are open across the islands for those who need them. Another key figure in the effort to Squelch Trump figures is now cooperating. The wall street journal reporting david pecker, publisher of the National Enquirer has been granted immunity. He told prosecutors mr. Trump knew about payments with the women who had sexual encounters with him. David pecker said he and Michael Cohen worked together for the 150,000 payment to karen mcdougal. American media was supposedly buying the rights to her story, but buried the story instead in a Tabloid Tactic called catch and kill. In an interview with fox news, the president lashed out at former allies who turned on him like Michael Cohen. Everything is wonderful. Then they get ten years in jail and they flip on the next highest one. It almost ought to be outlawed. The Associated Press reports the National Enquirer is known to have kept a safe with hush money and damaging stories. A according to ago to the new york according to the New York Times prosecutors want to know how the president accounted for reimbursement of Michael Cohen to the payment of daniels dwae daniels. Federal prosecutors say cohen did know legal work in connection with the matter. The da review is said to be in the early stages. No comment from the trump organization. Attorney general Jeff Sessions has apparently had enough of attacks by President Trump. A. G. Pushing back after the president lashed out saying sessions failed to take control of the Justice Department. The president slammed the a. G. Regularly for more than a year since sessions recused himself from the russia investigation. He took the job and then he said im going to recuse myself. I said what kind of a man is this. The only reason i gave him the job is i felt loyalty. He was an original supporter. We have Cnns Kaitlan Collins at the white house with reaction from sessions and other top gop lawmakers. Dave and christine, we are seeing the feud with President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions intensify after President Trump said he never thought sessions actually took control of the Justice Department despite being Attorney General for a year and a half now. It is not unusual for the president to criticize sessions since he recused himself from the russia investigation. What is rare is that sessions fired back at his time saying the department of justice wont be swayed by politics. In a statement he said i took control of the department of justice the day i was sworn in. Later on in that statement, he says while i am Attorney General, the actions of the department of justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. Although Jeff Sessions and the president have been at odds for some time now, what has changed is two leading senate republicans, graham and grassley, are now talking about a future where Jeff Sessions is not the Attorney General. Listen to what senator graham had to say on capitol hill. The president s entitled to an Attorney General he has faith in. Somebody qualified for the job. I think there will come a time, sooner rather than later, where it will be time to have a new face and fresh voice at the department of justice. Clearly Attorney General sessions doesnt have the competence of the president. Reporter right now, Jeff Sessions future will continue to hang in the balance. Dave and christine. Kaitlan collins, thank you. The Attorney General was at the white house yesterday for a meeting on Criminal Justice reform. We learned that the Criminal Justice overhaul has been tabled until after the midterms. This has been pushed by the bipartisan lawmakers and jared kushner. The senator has a problem with the sentencing revisions and wants to revisit the issue after november. Sources tell Cnn The Trump Sessions Feud was not addressed at the meeting sdplchmeeting. The president bullies this man repeatedly on twitter and facetoface, nothing. Interesting dynamic. Interesting few days for Congress Member Duncan Hunter and his wife. They are indicted for alleged fraud. He seemed to throw her straight under the bus. She handled my finances throughout my entire Military Career and that continued on when i got in congress. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, all beds are on sale. Save 50 on the new sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, free home delivery. Ends saturday. Thinking, you would see you would see numbers that you would not believe in reverse. The president of the United States is essentially declaring he is the stock market. Lets take a less hyperbolic look. Impeachment would cause a concern, but a crash . Resilient riding the longest bull market ever. The economy is strong. Corporate profits are booming thanks to the tax cuts. If trump were impeached and had to leave office, impeachment does not necessarily guarantee that. They may drop his trade war which wall street would love. If the market did crash, would americans be poor . No. Half of americans are invested in the stock market. Many of those are wealthy and super wealthy. The top 10 of earners, the value of Stock Holdings is 1. 4 million. The bottom 50 is 52,000. A stock crash. How would that affect those people who dont have money in the stock market . Political reality. The senate will not impeach the president. It is in republican hands and will remain so. Mike pence f , if he is the president , more conservative. You take out the trade war. The stock market climbed 27 after clinton was impeached. Interesting parallel. That was a time of strong economy. Very strong economy. All of this political chaos. I talk to people who are traders and new york stock exchange. They say the political chaos is factored in here. Now it is about Interest Rates and earnings and trade. Let us know what you think about this earlystart on twitter. California republican Congress Member Duncan Hunter and his wife pleading not guilty in federal Court Thursday at the charges they illegally used 250,000 in Campaign Funds to furnish their lifestyle. Hunter seemed to point the finger at his wife on fox news last night. I went to iraq in 2003, the first time i gave her power of attorney. She handled finances throughout my Military Career. That continued on when i got in congress. She was the campaign manager. Whatever she did. That will be looked at, im sure. I didnt do it. Interesting dinner conversation. No response from hunters wife, mag get. They are margaret. They are accused of spending 14,000 for Family Vacation to italy and 3,300 in fast food like innout. I was surprised to see how often their bank account was overdrawn. 37,000 in overdraft fees. 48 minutes past the hour. Pope heads to ireland this weekend and there is plenty to atone for. What can he say to catholic victims of abuse in the church . We are live in dublin. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Im a small business, but i have. Big dreams. And big plans. So how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. 4 53 eastern time. Pope francis confronts the past sins of the Catholic Church when he visits ireland. A grand jury report revealed over 1,000 children have been abused over decades of 300 priests. He plans to meet with abuse survivors in dublin. Lets go to phil in dublin. Reporter good morning, dave. Too many people are suffering because of abuse in the church here. The Pennsylvania Report added to the expectation that the pope must move to finally mix thfix. The time of sorrowful apologies has passed. There is no polite, easy way to explain what happened to Darren Mcgavin on the grounds of the church. He put me over the table and had the vestments, ropes of the vestmente es vestments. He began to rape me. Reporter he was abused for years by tony walsh. One of the most notorious pedophile priests. I was raped with a cruicifix. Reporter abuse and trauma. Im 46 years of age and medicated since i was 12. 12 years of age. So when will it stop . When is it going to stop . I dont know. Reporter this is just one victims story in a country deeply wounded by the horrific legacy of priests abusing vast numbers of children and often getting away with it. It will be the defining issue for pope francis when he visits once proudly catholic ireland. Do this in memory of me. Reporter where churches are now largely empty and the institution is struggling for purpose and credibility. I went to hospital when i was 12 and i was sexually assaulted by the catholic chaplain. Reporter mary collins has become a powerful voice for reforming the church culture. Last year, she walked away from the Vatican Panel advising pope francis because nothing changed. She wasnt satisfied with his recent written apology. We have the pope the other day with a strong letter. A lot of it is good. He still says were working on finding a way to hold people accountable. Were decades on. You cant still be working on it. Reporter darren wanted to show us another painful location. In phoenix park, where pope francis will say mass, he takes us to a dark gully. He lay me down on the mattress. Reporter another place he was raped by a priest he once trust trusted. I didnt even get a sorry. He didnt say sorry. Reporter darren and other victims say apologies are important, but from the pope, they want Firm Policies to ensure no one suffers like this again. The victims demands are reasonable. Suspected reporting of abuse and Zero Tolerance across the Catholic Church. Anything else they say will be viewed as a failure by the pope to fix this. Dave. You are right. Time for accountability. Great reporting, phil black. Appreciate it live in dublin. 57 minutes past the hour. A check on money. Trade fears shaking wall street. The u. S. Slapped tariffs on 16 billion in chinese goods yesterday. Beijing retaliated dollar for dollar. U. S. Stocks fell. Caterpillar and boeing the largest affected. Jerome powell will speak and may give clues about Interest Rate hikes. Global stocks right now are higher. The ceos of the biggest econo companies have a warning. Pepsi and apple and Jpmorgan Chase and ibm write the confusion about the Immigration Policy undermines growth and competitiveness. Particularly for visas for highly skilled workers in science, technology and engineering and math. It is a bad time for companies to lose those workers. And sonys robot dog headed to the u. S. The smart pooch could be yours for 2,900. This latest version of aibo is more than a robot companion. Loaded with facial recognition, cameras and image sensors. Sony sold 20,000 robot dogs in japan. This is no longer a traditional electronic company. It is shifting focus to ai and robotics. I think ai stuff is fascinating. That thing can actually watch what you do and change its behavior and adapt. Can you snuggle with that thing . No. I like a real puppy. Just us. Early start continues right now. The Hurricane Lane projections for hawaii. A safe full of secrets. What did the National Enquirer

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