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Threat. He also said theresa may bungled brexit and said one of her fiercest critics would be, quote, an excellent choice to secede her. Then Meghan Markle slam that he denied but its on tape. Cnns max foster is there. Tell us about the pomp and circumstance that greeted the american president this morning. Reporter well, it was all laid on for him basically, trying to celebrate this moment in bilateral relations between two key allies. A huge amount of politics behind the visit, very controversial. President flying insults at london mayor sadiq khan, for example. But the queens job is to rise above all of that and look at this as a historic relationship which needs to last into the future. She orchestrated this affair to allow President Trump to look statesmanlike. I think it looked effectively for both sides and the queen currently hosting him a lunch, then will take him through the Royal Collection and the american artifacts within it. Again celebrating the ties. There will be an exchange of gifts as well and a series of events which will look pretty similar. Pomp and ceremony laid on for President Trump and tomorrow will largely be about politics when he spends time with the Prime Minister and various politicians in westminster. Max foster, thanks very much. Now to the fireworks. There is little that the president dislikes more than a vocal critic. Over the weekend no one was more vocally critical of the president than the mayor of london, sadiq khan. Our abby phillip has more on that. Just back and forth and back and forth between the two of them. Reporter this has been a feud that has been going on for many, many months. President trump took it to another level, frankly a different level. Sadiq khans criticism of President Trump was about his politics. He said President Trump was violating American Values and essentially said he epitomized the sort of movement of far right politicians rising around the world. He characterized as dangerous. When President Trump fired back just minutes before touching down here in london, it wasnt about politics, it was about sadiq khans height. He called him he basically criticized him in deeply personal terms and said that, unlike the new york mayor bill de blasio who the president also has a feud with, sadiq khan is much shorter than him. This is President Trump really taking this dispute between these two leaders to an almost petty level, but doing it with perfect timing, really sending out that tweet, intending it to go out just before he touched down here in london, an Extraordinary Movement away from norms as a United States president typically as they come into a foreign country for a ceremonial state visit like this, would not try to do it with this kind of acrimony coming with him. But this is President Trump, and typically this is how these visits have gone from him. He also decided to do an interview with a british tabloid in which he commented on the duchess of sussex, megan harkal and characterized her comments about him as nasty. That made a firestorm. But its become fairly typical of President Trump who his aides like to call a counterpuncher. At moments like this, it does seem to leave a bad taste in the mouths of the very people he is expecting to vet him. As max has said, this has been a tale of two stories. As prs has courted controversy, the royal family has welcomed him with open arms and ceremony. I think from this moment on we can expect President Trump to be fairly occupied by the pomp and circumstance of all this. I think many of his aides in moments like this really look forward to this. Its a bit of a reprieve for him as well. He doesnt have time right now to get into anymore feuds, at least for the next few hours. Well, theres that. Abby phillip, thanks very much. The personal petty public jabs not the only way President Trump is breaking diplomatic norms. Hes injected himself into the Brexit Debate going on in britain, telling Prime Minister theresa mays office theyre trying to tell trump not to meet with brexit supporters while hes in london. Cnns Clarissa Ward is at the winfield house in london. Into wonder watching this, clarissa, whether british officials in downing street who support brexit, of course, would calculate that President Trump meeting with pro brexit officials would actually hurt their case in a country where President Trump is not well liked. Is that part of number tens calculation here . Reporter its very interesting you should bring that up, jim. I was thinking exactly that. Boris johnson respond to President Trump saying he likes Boris Johnson and he would be a good Prime Minister. Does that help him or hurt him . Here in the United Kingdom as well as other countries, President Trump is a highly polarizing figure and particularly here in london. Boris johnson, of course, used to be the mayor of london. Now sadiq khan is the mayor of london. You heard from abby phillip moments ago the bitter spat who has emerged between those two. Perhaps as a result of that i think theres a sense increasingly that getting an endorsement from President Trump does not necessarily guarantee you Political Capital in the future here in the uk. At the same time what i would underscore is that, more broadly speaking here in the uk, as it looks down the barrel at a post brexit world, there is a very real sense of urgency in trying to repair any damage thats been done to the special relationship over the course of President Trumps presidency and to try to at least agree upon the contours of some kind of a bilateral trade agreement because that trade agreement will really be essential to the uk as it finds itself increasingly potentially adrift in a post brexit world. So lots of political machinations here, jim, and it will be very interesting to see who indeed the president does meet with and what effect that will have on their Political Capital. Brexit politicans, it said there would be a whole host of bilateral trade agreements. Those havent come to fruition yet. Well add Douglas Brinkley no the conversation, cnn president ial historian. I want to ask you to put this in historical context. Were used to this president being very personal and at times petty, particularly via his twitter feed even when traveling internationally and interacting with americas closest allies. To call the mayor of london, by far the largest city in the uk, a stone cold loser, talk about his height, et cetera. Unusual . Any precedent for that kind of thing for a u. S. President . Queen victoria from 1857 to 1901 wouldnt meet with an american president worried they were uncouth or beneath the british crown. Since this special relationship has been developed since Woodrow Wilson in 1918 famously stopped and met with the royals on his way to the paris peace conference after world war i, its supposed to be an up lifting moment to remind people of the special relationship. Very seldom do you get the kind of scandal and name calling that donald trump is promoting. He is a bull carrying his own china shop around with him in london. One thing we can bet on is that hes not going to win a knighthood. President s like reagan, eisenhower, George Herbert walker bush were knighted by Great Britain. Right now you get the feeling Queen Elizabeth might want to move him on his way to france. Looking at the images of the president alongside the queen. He is the third to get this invite following president obama and george w. Bush. Unlike them, hes not going to be staying at Buckingham Palace. He wont get a carriage ride down the mall because of concerns over too many protesters. He wont address parliament. We know that invite was rescinded last visit about two years ago. Whats the goal i guess is the question here. Its interesting, you raised the last two state visits from u. S. President s. I really think they highlight the contrast that youre seeing. When president barack obama came in 2011, he was almost like a rock star. He really capitalized on that, not just giving the speech in parliament, but he was out flipping burgers with David Cameron and serving them to u. S. And u. K. Military personnel. He was playing pingpong with the Prime Minister with young kids. He was taking a tour of the famous globe theater. That is in very much stark contrast to what were seeing with President Trump who essentially appears to be kept on a tight schedule. The idea here seems to be containment. Set pieces with the minimum capacity for going off script, going off piece, creating an awkward moment or gaff. Just as David Brinkley was saying, state visits traditionally are not the venue for this kind of shootfromthehip discourse. They are largely formal events that are designed to cement relationships. This special relationship is certainly in a period of turbulence right now. There are more areas of disagreement than there are commonality, whether that be the iran deal, whether that be brexit of course, whether that be President Trump putting pressure on the brits to try to not allow the chinese queen huawei to be part of the 5g network. There are many different spheres in which there are strong disagreements between the two countries. Theres a larger consensus that what is needed from this visit is to kind of put a bandaid over that, to smooth things over with the hopes of being able to return to the ideal of what that special relationship is supposed to entail. Douglas brinkley, how lasting is the damage to the relationship because clarissa has just lined up their several substantive and controversial disagreements between these two allies and the special relationship. Do british politicians say this is just a matter of a Trump Presidency and the next guy or woman well be able to get along with just fine, or are there fundamental issues here that will have lasting damage . I dont know about lasting damage. Definitely shortterm damage and interfering with brexit the way President Trump does is just really ludicrous in my mind. But the good news here is that this is the anniversary coming up of dday on june 6th. It might be the greatest generation comes to our rescue on trumps visit here. Back in 1995 when bill clinton met with the queen, they were in portsmouth and it was all about the 50th anniversary of dday. We have the 75th anniversary, and our veterans are loved in Great Britain and france. I think in a day or so theyre going to become the stars of the anniversary and Donald Trumps tweets will become just a distraction. They basically need to get President Trump out of Great Britain as quickly as they can without causing another some kind of strain between the two nations. Amazing to think that thats the fundamental goal is move him along as quickly as you can, even from the territory of this great ally. Clarissa, going back to this very public spat that is years old now between mayor sadiq khan and President Trump, weve heard the president s attacks on him. But khan called the u. S. President before this visit one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat whose behavior, quote, flies into the face of the ideals america was founded on. Obviously many in london suppor those comments i would assume given the protests that were seeing. But what do you make of those words from the mayor of london ahead of the president s visit . Look, there is no question, poppy, that were navigating uncharted territory here. You would not normally expect the mayor of london to be publicly comparing the president of the United States to 20th century fascists in an oped for the observer one day before the president arrives. There are many in this country who will argue sadiq khan is out of line, that in his role as mayor, hes not expected to weigh in on these types of issues. More broadly speaking, weve seen other opposition members, notably jeremy corbyn, the leader of the opposition here, hes not even attending the state banquet this evening. Thats because i do think among a large swath of the population, people here feel very, very strongly about president donald trump. They do not feel hem bodies the kind of values they do. And particularly with regards to london. This is an incredibly multinational, multicultural diverse, vibrant and tolerant city. A lot of people in this city have taken great umbrage to a number of things President Trump has said, particularly in the case of mayor sadiq khan to the socalled muslim ban, the ban on those seven muslim majority countries. For a number of reasons people do have very strong feelings about President Trump here, although i would say at the same time were also seeing what i would call outrage fatigue. People here are simply theres nothing he can say anymore that will rile anyone or fluster or flap anyone because, frankly, theyve heard it all before. Very good point. Clarissa ward, thank you for reporting on the ground, Douglas Brinkley for the important historical context. We appreciate it. Youre seeing live pictures as well here as theyre waiting for President Trump. Hes going to get a tour from Queen Elizabeth the second of some of the many treasures at Buckingham Palace, artwork, other gifts they have received through the years. This part of his warm welcome, very official welcome to the United Kingdom. Well follow this all morning. Also in washington, congress is back today as a new cnn poll shows democratic calls for impeachment are rising. Crucial talks kicking off today as mexico fights to stop new tariffs announced by the u. S. President , this hours after were learning the president s top economist is leaving the white house. The chairman of the white house economic advisers Kevin Hassett will be on our broadcast. A city struggles to return to normal three days after a mass shooting. Of course, that sounds familiar. Well be live in virginia beach. crunch crunch cwhoosh m sniff sniff no way sister try listerine ready tabs. 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These numbers are interesting. There is movement. Thats right. Just a slight uptick in those numbers. On capitol hill there are still only 51 democrats who support moving forward with Something Like impeachment. We should note that nancy pelosi has held strongly that she believes what democrats need to do at this point is investigate the president , continue with those lawsuits that theyve had to get the president s financial information. But some in leadership are starting to break ranks. We heard from jim clyburn over the weekend that he believes impeachment may be inevitable, it may be something democrats have to do. Just a reminder that democrats are sort of caught between two realities, one, the base wants them to move forward with Something Like impeachment. The second, that many of these freshman democrats will be facing reelection in places where the president won in 2016. This is a tough road ahead for them. Well be watching this week for what house sleet ship decides given the pressure thats building within the caucus. Jim and poppy. Lauren fox, thanks very much. It was on this stage last night that congressman tim ryan, the president ial candidate became the 51st democrat to join calls for impeachment. Which is notable because he had been holding off for it. He had. He said hearing mueller speak about it, his own words changed his mine. Joining us now ron brownstein. Great to have you on. Good morning, guys. Looking at the numbers here. Support for impeachment, ticking up 4 last month to 41 . You note the figure to watch is among independents, independents support, one out o of three support impeachment. Why does that matter . If you look at the swing part of the electorate, both independents and College Educated white voters, both of which moved toward democrats in 2016, helped power the wins. Its much higher than support for impeachment. So you have half of independents say they disapprove of President Trumps performance but only a third say they support impeachment. Among college whites, 60 disapprove, only 40 support impeachment. That says to me even among voters critical of the president they still have some work to do. My somewhat here et cal thought is they may be over thinking this. The consequences of impeaching or not impeaching in terms of the Political Landscape in 2020 may not be as great as they think. Talk a little bit more about that in terms of the political consequences. Its a political decision for them. It clearly is. Lauren is right. I think the people who are out there on the limb are the 30 democrats, 31 democrats in districts that President Trump carried in 2016. If you look back at the 1998 president , when republicans impeached bill clinton, first of all, opposition to impeachment was much greater than than it is now. There was less support for impeachment when clinton was impeached than there is today for impeaching President Trump. It was the First Time Since 1834 the president s party won seats except, ron, the president s Approval Rating hit its highest point. Right. It was much higher. My point is, they won seats but only won five seats. They didnt win the house. Then in 2000, they won two more seats, the democrats, but they didnt win the house. In 2000, george w. Bush ran for the presidency, one of his core promises was, quote, restore honor and dignity to the oval office. He played off of impeachment as part of his kind of central message. So if you add it all up, its hard to say that impeachment was a big positive for the republicans. Its hard to say it was a big negative for the republicans. The impact may not have been as great as people look at in retrospect which means democrats may have more freedom than they believe to do what they think is right. Its sort of pronounced without question that the impeachment was a failure for republicans in 9899. Again, of course, it was a republican president who won the next cycle. And they held the house. There you go. Ron brownstein, thank you. We appreciate it. Good to have you this monday. So happening very soon, very high stakes meeting between the u. S. And mexico. This after President Trump vowed to hit all products from mexico with tariffs unless the country does something to curb illegal immigration. So whats going to happen . Can they reach a deal, next . M as complicated, tricky language about their network and offers and blah blah blah. Look. Sprints going to do things differently. And let you decide for yourself. Theyre offering a new 100 total satisfaction guarantee. Try it out and see the savings. If you dont love it, get your money back. See . Simple. Now sprints unlimited plan comes with one of the newest phones included for just 35 a month. So switch now. 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Its known as the royal gift collection. They are taking a look at this. This is part of his official uk state visit. Again, only the third american president that Queen Elizabeth has had for an official state visit. Lets listen in for a moment. We cant really hear what the president is saying. But you have the queen showing him, again, the royal gift collection. Some from america to the uk on this visit. Max foster is with me as well. Talk to us a little bit about this, the significance of this and what were seeing. Reporter theres a couple of things confused here. They just exchanged gifts. I dont know what the president s side has given. Certainly the queen, i can tell you shes given a churchill book to President Trump, First Edition. Hes a big fan of Winston Churchill. Separately theyre looking at artifacts from the Royal Collection which refer to the United States. So each of the little sections youll see there has been broken down into different topics. Hell be shown the declaration of independence that comes out of the british archive and some engraved portraits as well of george washington, for example. Another section will be about scottish links. Obviously he is of scottish ancestry, very proud of that, which is why he thinks the uk, the British Public have a better connection with him than previous president s. Hell be seeing a bolt of harris tweed which is obviously typically scottish. There will be other sections as well, side tables im told is one section, a gift from President Trump throwing windsor last year. All the key elements of the Royal Collection which refer to the United States, all about emphasizing the close links between the two countries. It is. Its so interesting, max, to watch this. Again, you noted the queen has given President Trump an abridged First Edition of the Second World War by Winston Churchill, described by the Buckingham Palace as crimson with gold actual declaration. This is all pomp and circumstance. This is a significant official uk state visit for this president. At the same time it comes amid jabs, sparring between the mayor of london and President Trump. I think we can hear it, max. This is a harris tweed max foster joins me again as we watch these pictures. Such a stark contrast, max, between the protests on the streets of london, the jabs between President Trump and the mayor of london, sadiq khan and these pictures from the official visit. It really is. I saw him leaning into the images, a photograph of King George Vi arriving at the u. S. Capitol building, a bound set of roosevelt speeches presented to king george. These are key artifacts in the british election, but obviously very close to the president s heart as well, the United States heart as well. It really is about trying to find the common links. This is what the queen is there for. She wont be too concerned about the political shenanigans here in the United Kingdom. Its pretty clear british politics is broken right now. This is when she needs to step up and represent the country, show continuity, represent the United Kingdom and place it within history and not caught up in the here and now and avoiding letting current problems and tensions play into the wider narrative between the two countries. Hes also looking up there to this very famous arguably the finest Art Collection in the world which belongs to the queen, hanging there in the picture gallery in Buckingham Palace. A hugely impressive room. Im sure donald trump is very impressed by it. You can see ivanka trump following behind as well. Its interesting obviously shes a senior adviser, but also part of the family. Its interesting that donald trump has involved his family so keenly in this visit as well. Yes, you see Prince Charles and camilla there as well. Were learning a little more about the gift exchanges in addition to the book by Winston Churchill. The president was given this threepiece pen set made exclusively for the queen. First Lady Melania Trump was given, were told, a specially commissioned silver box. This is typical, right, max, customary for the queen to present these gifts to heads of state as they visit. What is atypical, i suppose, u. S. Head of state coming and commenting on the outgoing lame duck Prime Minister, criticizing her handling of brexit and commenting on Boris Johnson and support there for Boris Johnson who will be going for the job. Reporter hes described Boris Johnson as a friend, just as nigel farage, johnson launching his Leadership Campaign to take over theresa may, well ahead of all the other contenders. He may well be the next Prime Minister when President Trump comes to visit. Theresa may is a lame duck. She doesnt even get a oneonone meeting with President Trump this time around. There will be other ministers in the room. Justifiably some could argue hes looking ahead to who could be the next leader of the United Kingdom. That will mainly be a discussion i imagine tomorrow when he spends time in westminster and gets involved in the bilateral meetings and goes to the Winston Churchill war rooms as well. There is this huge issue in british politics and some question whether or not the president should be wading into that, getting involved in it at all. But somehow hes managed to separate the political protocol which hes completely throwing out of the window in the u. K. For a state visit, whiels. A little insight, poppy, to the queen and her handling of affairs. Shes the one guiding the president through these many artifacts in her own collection. She knows it all inside out. I wonder how long the memories are there in the u. K. Boris johnson, although the president has praised him at times, has not been sparing in his criticism of donald trump in the past, accusing him of stupefying ignorance regarding his positions on there being muslim nogo zones in the uk. Hard to say whether President Trump is aware of that criticism. But where does Boris Johnson stand on donald trump today . Reporter well, i think its interesting. Donald trump isnt particularly popular all the polls show here in the United Kingdom. How much does it help Boris Johnson for President Trump to be endorsing him . Not very much i would argue which is perhaps why Boris Johnson hasnt made hay with it, and perhaps theyve had conversation behind the scenes, i dont know. You havent had the situation where President Trump has come out to endorse Boris Johnson either. Is there some sort of agreement there . Its not very clear. I cant imagine Boris Johnson making a big deal of President Trump endorsing him or supporting him. It doesnt necessarily work in his favor in this country when hes trying to get elected as Prime Minister and leader of the conservative party. So talk to us a little bit about after this where they will go. I know theyre headed to the president and the first lady, max, Westminster Abbey. Theyll lay a wreath and tour westminster. Is that right . Thats right. The duke of york, Prince Andrew will be leading on that event. The queen has carved up the various different parts of the trip between members of her family. So much history in Westminster Abbey. It is the queens private church. Many sovereigns laid to rest there. The duke of york will lead on that. You the trumps going to Clarence House for a private tea with Prince Charles. Thats going to be fascinating, if only to be a fly on the wall. They are literally diametrically opposed on such a wide range of issues, not least outreach to the Muslim Community and Climate Change. Prince charles, hes in this room as well following through the process. He was an early champion in the 1970s of greenish use and saying that Climate Change is a global catastrophe in the waiting and World Leaders need to step in and take control of it. Frankly in this country, President Trump is held up as a pinup for Climate Change deni r deniers. President trump has said he wont shy away from that conversation when they meet. Prince charles can express his personal opinions if they want to. I think they will talk about it. When he becomes king himself, he wont get involved in those moments, wont be expressing those opinions at all. Famously the queen has never expressed any opinions, certainly not with World Leaders. Well, it is quite a moment there. The u. S. President next to the queen. You also have jared kushner, the president s soninlaw, ivanka trump and of course Melania Trump by the president touring some of Buckingham Palace and the recipient of some gifts. Well stay on top of this and well be right back after this short break. Who forget theyre in public. And you should be mad at simple things that are unnecessarily complicated. But youre not mad, because youre trading with e trade, which isnt complicated. Their app makes trading quick and simple so you can strike when the time is right. Dont get mad, get e trade and start trading today. Run with us. On a john deere z500 series mower. Built to mow better, faster. Because sometimes. When you take a look around. You notice. Your grass is long. Your time is short. And theres no turning back. Nothing runs like a deere™. Run with us. Visit your john deere dealer today, to test drive a z500 or z700 series ztrak™ mower. Over the last 24 hours, you finished preparing him for college. In 24 hours, youll send him off thinking youve done everything for his well being. But meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. 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Complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax. Welcome back. Today top u. S. And mexican officials will meet for the First Time Since President Trump threatened to slap mexico with major sweeping tariffs as part of his fight against illegal immigration. This is the top economist at the white house says hes departing. Kevin hassett joins me this morning. Well talk about why youre leaving in a bit. Lets get straight to the news on these tariffs, this threat on mexico. You have long been this proponent of open trade, not really a big advocate for major tariffs. Is slapping tariffs up to 25 on mexico good for the u. S. Economy . Well, i think what would be good for the u. S. Economy would be to get the border situation under control. Its clear that washington is so broken that congress isnt going to help the president do that. Hes not going to wait until the next election to fix an urgent problem. If we can tighten up the border, and i think we have a lot of identifiable steps that the mexicans can take to help douse that, there will be a lot of economic benefits to the economy for that. I hear you, but thats a big if. The cfo of walmart saying theyll raise prices because of tariffs. The heads of home depot and kohls, the Business Roundtable calling the tariffs a grave error. Its a big if if this will change the flow of undocumented immigrants. Im heartened that the mexicans are here and i dont think they would be talking if the president didnt show how serious he is about this issue. The fact is stlr a lot of identifiable steps laid out by the department of Homeland Security again, im not a security expert that the mexicans could be taking but havent been in terms of stopping the organized crime folks from running buses to get people up to the border and so on that they can take. I think my expectation would be, if they come forward with a good plan, that the tariffs will happen. If they dont, the tariffs will happen and theyll happen soon. Serious about it for sure. For example, Deutsche Bank said if you get these 25 tariffs, every car brought into this country from mexico is going to cost 1300 more. What will be economic consequences be . Youd agree the american taxpayer, american right. I think the instance of tariffs is on producers and consumers. What the fact is that the hope is that the mexicas step up and get this thing fixed and well never come to that situation. But in terms of economic modeling, this is much more harmful for the mexican economy than for the u. S. Economy. I think thats why they have shown up with the seriousness we have seen this week. It will hurt the u. S. Economy, correct . You know, if we got to 25 tariffs, there would be costs that, for sure. Lets talk about your Economic Growth outlook. Last month when you were on with me, very rosy outlook. No reason why we cant sustain this 3. 2 Economic Growth for the whole year. Is that still your outlook or are you trimming it back, kevin . Im not trimming it back, but i do agree that we have to watch the numbers closely. And Second Quarter is looking closer to 2 than 3 persh. And were getting jobs numbers this week. I think the jobs numbers are very crucial because the thing thats made me very confident we have a strong year is we have strong job growth and strong wage growth. There have been other numbers like the durable goods numbers which in part were impacted by a reduced production in boeing that were a lot weaker, so i think this is a very important jobs number this week. It is but your Growth Outlook is closer to 2 than 3 . Im still at 3 for the year, but the point is the uncertainty about the forecast is much higher than the last time we talked. Thats something we should Pay Attention to. Theres a new survey this morning of business leaders. 60 of these folks now are predicting a recession by the end of 2020. Are you more worried about a recession by the end of next year this morning, kevin, than you were a month ago . The yield curve, so this is you know, its almost real geeky for your audience, but the yield curve, which is like the difference between short term and long term Interest Rates is doing something that it only usually does before recessions. All the other Economic Data are really strong. I think the economists are thinking theres a recession signal going off, were talking about that, looking at the mo l models based off the yield curve. The Interest Rates are set by quantitative easing and europe is in recession so they have a deflationary risk, so the Interest Rate signal is particularly inappropriate to use for the u. S. Right now. The very best indicator of recession is something thats developed by an economist at the university of california, and her thing is available at the st. Louis fred website. It says the probability of recession right now is about zero. Youre not concerned. Lets talk about china. You made a lot of news on this show back in january when you told me, quote, a lot of u. S. Companies that have a lot of sales in china like apple are going to be watching their earnings downgraded next year unless we get a trade deal with china. That was january. China is taking a tough eer stance, saying they wont back down. Is this going to mean more pain for u. S. Companies that rely on selling in china . Well, again, at the g20 thats coming up hopefully there will be positive discussions. We have very, very close to a deal, and then things fell apart at the last minute. It means if you got close before, you can hopefully get close again. Yeah, i think Global Markets have responded to the fact that the deal fell through. And that there would be a big upside for the forecast if the deal could be realized. More risk for u. S. Companies until we get a deal. And it relates to what we were talking about, we need to see the jobs number, but there is more risk now. On this china trade war issue, mulvaney said over the weekend on fox, we think the same things will happen here and American Consumers will not pay the burden of these tariffs. I just dont understand that. We looked at the trade numbers this morning. You have 540 billion of goods coming from china into the United States last year. How is it possible that americans wont pay for the cost of this . Well, again, so what happens is that in an economic seminar, we go good by good. There are a heck of a lot of goods where basically the producers bear the cost of the tariffs because there are close substitutes for u. S. Consumers. What we do is watch the aggregate numbers to see if aggregate inflation looks like its taking off because of the tariffs. Those numbers have surprised on the downside, so Mick Mulvaney is right when he says the things we developed, the dashboard to look and see if consumers are seeing higher prices because of the tariffs, are not setting off alarms right now. Two more quick ones for you. On the issue, i mean, i have to ask you as youre departing here, about the national dent. Debt and deficits. You dont like to see it rising. And yet the National Debt is almost 22 trillion. Its increased by 2 trillion under President Trump. Who said, you know, when he was running, he could eliminate it over eight years. Are you not concerned about it anymore . Im very much concerned about it. Its something i wrote a lot about as an academic before i came to the white house. Fiscal consolidation is a big plus for the outlook. The president wants to go from 3 to 4 in his second term, then Fiscal Consolidation should be on the table, absolutely, would be my advice. Youre worried about the deficit, the National Debt. You dont like tariffs. Is this why youre leaving the white house, Kevin Hassett . No, c. A. Chairs leave usually after about two years. Its that time for me, and we have a big, strong, vibrant cea. It will continue to function well, and i think, you know, i said earlier today to somebody who asked me, its like im the special teams captain of the patriots and theyll probably be in the super bowl next year. Dont talk about the patriots with jim sciutto talking next to me, my friend. Youre leaving. Someone is going to take this job. You had this private conversation behind the oval office with the president about this. I know hes sad to see you go. Im interested in who is going to fill your seat. There have only been three female cea chairs. Earlier on this show, you told us if you left, you would recommend that the stanford economist caroline huxby be your successor. Did you make that recommendation to the president last week . Carolyn would be fantastic. The president is going over a few names right now. And hes going to make the call when he gets back. So definitely, long before i depart, youll see theres a new person thats here at the cea helping to run the show. Okay. Or at least one whos been nominated. Absolutely, the president is moving forward. Hes got good ideas in his head, but he wants to stew over it and maybe meet with folks before he makes the final call. Kevin, come back on the show before you leave in a month, all right. I will. Thanks very much. Truth telling there. Tariffs cost money and will have an economic effect. Not always something you hear from others in the building. Great interview. Moments from now, President Trump and the first lady wrap up their meeting with the royal family in the United Kingdom. Theyll had edto Westminster Abbey for a somber visit. Well bring it to you live. The best simple dishes ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Im and im an emt. Erer when i get a migraine at work, its debilitating. If i call out with a migraine, thats one less ambulance to serve a community. I just dont want to let these people down. Excedrin migraine. Relief that works as hard as you do. Be go[ laughing ] gone. Woo hoo. Welcome to my house mmm, mmm, mmmmm. Ball. Ball. Ball. Awww, whos a good boy . Its me. Me, me, me. Yuck, thats gross. You got to get that under control. [ dogs howling ] seriously . Embrace the mischief. Say get pets tickets into your x1 voice remote to see it in theaters. All right. Top of the hour. Im poppy harlow. Im jim sciutto. Were in atlanta. Were so excited to be here. Yeah. Had some town halls last night. We did. A busy weekend for us. Now it is a busy day for the president. Thats right. Lunch with the queen. A tour of Westminster Abbey. Tea with Prince Charles. Ceremony, raining as the president and the first lady begin their long delayed trip to britain, but controversy and conflict never too far away. Minutes from now, the trumps will pay respect at britains grave at the unknown warrior. Tonight, there will be a state banquet at Buckingham Palace where the toast will drown out any lingering whispers over the president s attacks on the mayor of london. Happened just moments before he landed there, or the criticism of the Outgoing British Prime Minister and brexit. Our coverage begins with our max foster and abby phillip. Max, lets begin with you first. We were speaking with you as they were touring the royal gift collection. What else can you tell us about all of this pomp and circumstance for this official uk visit for

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