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Of americans see election day tomorrow. Its according to a new brand new cnn poll. 70 of those surveyed say that their vote for congress is to send a message about this president. If you break that down even further, 28 say their vote is to show their support of trump. 42 say their vote is to show opposition to him. And 28 say their vote for congress is not about the president at all. But one big number is arguably the best indicator of how americans feel about how they value tomorrows vote. 31 million. That is at least how many ballots have been cast so far this election. And in some states, like West Virginia and new jersey, more votes are in at this point than at the same time in 2016, which was a president ial election year. And moments ago, the president talked about how these midterms could be different. Theres a great electricity in the air, like we havent seen, in my opinion, since the 16 election. So somethings happening. Well see, but i think were going to do very well. You look over a hundred years, for whatever reason, the party with the president doesnt do very well. I think were going to do pretty well. So lets start off with cnn political director, David Chalian, to just dig in a little further on this cnn justreleased poll. And david, starting with the democrats, they continue to see, what, signs of a blue wave in the house . Well, certainly, brooke, democrats see across all the polls out there, an advantage on that question of the generic congressional ballot. Our poll has it a little wider bit of a gap than some other polls. We show among likely voters, 55 say they would choose the democrat if the election were today in their district. 42 , the republican. That 13point gap has been pretty consistent since labor day. We saw it in double digits, advantage for the democrat all fall long. Other polls have it in the seven or eight gap range. Again, all showing a significant democratic advantage. I also want you to take a look here at the gender gap. This is whats driving it, brooke. You know better than most anyone, because youve been covering so much the story of female voters and so many female candidates out there. Take a look here. Among female likely voters, the democrats have a 27point advantage over the republicans. 62 of likely female voters saying theyll vote for the democrats, 35 for the republicans. When you compare that to male likely voters in our latest poll, youre at 48 for democrats, 49 for the republicans. If that is how it goes tomorrow when voters show up, that men are splitting roughly evenly, but women are overwhelmingly choosing the democrat, thats going to be a very good night for democrats in control of the house. We asked people about the top issue that mattered most to them, and i find this fascinating to see how it splits, depending which party you say youre a part of. So top issue is health care. And overwhelmingly, its a democratic issue. 71 of democrats call it a top issue. 37 of republicans is a sso. But as you know, President Trump has been talking up immigration in the closing days here, and it is working in terms of rising as an important issue for republicans and their vote. Its the most important issue for republicans, 64 of them say so. 44 of democrats say so. And if you look at the easy of President Trump, the third Biggest Issue that people say are out there and this is how it splits. 37 70 of people saying its a trump election, that split was fascinating. And 39 approval in our latest poll among all adults. Weve seen other polls, 40 . Hesing anning ohanging out in in approval. But donald trump has defied history before about this. As we look very closely at a president s Approval Rating and what that means for how his party does and the battle for the control of the house, we have to remember that donald trump has defied norms in the political world like that before, but this is a danger sign for republicans. It is, as you pointed out this morning, still so much anyones guess what could happen. David chalian, thank you so much. And david hit on the polls. We want to hone in on this. Two critical races are playing out in florida. You have democratic senator bill nelson whos trying to hang on to that senate seat against republican governor rick scott. And as far as the Gubernatorial Race is correspond, Andrew Gillum is vying to be the states first black governor. And when you look at the latest polling, it shows him up four points over republican ron desantis, who is supported by President Trump. So lets go to tallahassee, to cnns ryan nobles. Ryan, that governors race, mighty, mighty close. Reporter both of these races are very close, brooke. And thats why florida is perhaps the most highly watched state to come on election night, because its really the only state with two competitive statewide races. And its only one of the biggest states with highly competitive races. More money has been spent in florida than any other state in the union. Voters here have been inundated with negative ads attacking the candidates both at the gubernatorial level and at the senate side. This is important on two fronts, brooke. First on the senate race, if rick scott is able to topple bill nelson, thats going to go a long way to helping republicans control the senate. And if Andrew Gillum is the winner here on the democratic side, it will be the first time a democrat will take residence in the Governors Mansion here since the late 90s and also the first time that an africanamerican was elected governor in the state of florida. There is a lot at stake here, brooke, and floridians are coming out in record numbers ahead of tomorrows big election. Brooke . Brian, thank you for the look ahead there out of florida. Meantime, moving to missouri, where President Trump will hold his final midterm rally tonight. It is where red state democratic senator Claire Mccaskill is currently deadlocked against republican challenger, josh hawley. It is also a seat that democrats likely must win if they are to take back control of the senate. Cnn political reporter rebecca berg is live for us this afternoon in springfield. Whats the story there, rebecca . Reporter thats right, brooke. Senator Claire Mccaskill is in the fight of her political life, a fight for survival ahead of election day tomorrow. The polls are deadlocked. It is neck and neck here in missouri. Mccaskill told supporters here in springfield, missouri, just a few minutes ago that she believes the race will come down between Republican Josh Hawley and someone like her who will break with her party when she needs to. Of course, missouri is a state that went for trump by nearly 20 points in 2016, so hes not unpopular here. And as you mentioned, the president will be here tonight, his second visit to missouri just in the past week to kpab for josh hawley and against Claire Mccaskill. We asked senator mccaskill what impact she thinks that will have on the race. I want you to take a listen. I do think that it swings both ways, the president coming here. There are a lot of President Trump supporters that President Trump can motivate. But theres also a lot of people that him being here motivates folks that want to vote for me. By the way, brooke. There is no early voting here in missouri, no noexcuse absentee voting. So when we say it comes down to election day here, we really mean it. We will be watching tomorrow as people go to the polls. Brooke . Rebecca berg, thank you. Now to nevada, another Close Senate Race there where republican dean heller is up for reelection in a state that Hillary Clinton won in 2016. Representative jackie rose n is trying to flip the seat blue. Scott mcclain is live with the latest on that race. Reporter jackie rosen is widely seen as one of the democrats best hope to flip a u. S. Senate seat in this election, though she will need every single vote that she can possibly get. Thats because polls show she is running neck and neck with incumbent republican dean heller right now. The early voting numbers, though, they look good for democrats. 41 of the ballots returned thus far from come from democrats, just 38 for republicans. Though in 2012, democrats had a larger lead after the early voting and dean heller still managed to come back and squeak out a win. This is also a state where voter turnout tends to drop in the Midterm Elections, especially among democrats. They know that. And so they are working to turn out every vote that they can. Thats women, thats minorities, thats young people, as well. Jackie rosen, she was at the Culinary Union office today, right to drum up support. That is really a Political Force to be reckoned with in this state, 57,000 members strong. Rosen has the fundraising advantage, as well. She is optimistic about her chances on election night, although i asked her this morning, and she says that she has, in fact, prepared two speeches for election night, brooke . As they should be doing, scott mcclain. Thank you, in nevada. Think about it both ways. In minutes, President Trump will headline the first of his three rallies on this election eve. He will start off in cleveland and late tonight in missouri. And in this final hours, he is sending a bit of a mixed message, because for months and months, you know, hes been saying to rallygoers, a vote for his candidate of choice is a vote for him. A vote for marcia is really a vote for me. A vote for morrissey is a vote for me. A vote for steve is a vote for me. A vote for david is a vote for me. And a vote for cindy is a vote for me. But, today, with he is ca casting doubt that tomorrows vote is a referendum on him entirely. This is what he said in a Conference Call today. The election tomorrow is very vital, because it really is summing up what weve dope, its going to Show Confidence for what weve done. Ive seen all of the newspapers, many of them think its a referendum on what weve done. So i dont know about that. I can tell you, though, thats the way theyre going to play it. And if we dont have a good day, they will make it like its the end of the world. And dont worry. If we do have a good day, they wont give us any credit. Even though im not on the ballot, in a certain way, i am on the ballot. I wanted to hear about john king about this. With me, cnns anchor of inside politics and mr. Magic wall as of tomorrow. So good to see you. You hear how he characterized that earlier today. Is that him saying, well, if we dont do so well its really interesting, actually. If you listen to not just his words, but his tone. He sounds kind of down there, right . You played those earlier where hes out at the rallies boasting. Energetic. Not only did he just say that in that Conference Call, before flying out to his first rally at joint base andrews, he talked to reporters and he said, you know, im already hearing theres all of these illegal aliens voting, theres illegal votes. Remember, thats why he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton . Millions of illegals they didnt. Theres no such thing. Thats a fraud and a farce. The president s already saying that, planting the seeds that theres illegal voting out there. So hes making excuses, so somebody is telling him tomorrow is not going to be a good day. Most republicans if you talk to them today, they say, were going to loose the house. The question is by how much. If our poll numbers that David Chalian just went through, if theyre right, thats 35 seats or more. Its hard to get higher than 40 the way the districts are drawn. If its a doubledigit margin on election day, if the president is under 40 in the exit polls tomorrow. Watch the exit polls tomorrow. What is the president s approval on election day . Baum was around 44 . They got smoked. Clinton was around 43 , i think, back in 1994, they got smoked, george w. Bush, the same spot, got shellacked if the president s under 40, the democrats are taking the house. And if the president s under 40, the senate is still in play. In 2016, he turned michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. Democrats have to do even more than that to get the senate. But if the president is is at 40 or below, its not out of the realm of possibility. So brew some espresso. You too, you too. Just cant imagine the word shellacked coming out of this president s mouth, depending on how it goes. But this is about him. I dont mean to interrupt you. No, he says its not a referendum about him, but it is. About every president. Especially the first midterm. George w. Bush was the exception. It was the first election after 9 11. The country was still in a very special place, still in shock and still unified back in 2002. Bush took it in 2006, when the iraq wars was unpopular post katrina. But every other, in our lifetime, first president ial midterm, its the first chance america gets to vote after a president ial election. Its your first time you get a chance to say, how do i think these first two years are going . So do voters act on the economy, which is a signature achievement for this economy, or do they act on his tone . And his tenor, and how he conducts himself in office . If you look at the numbers in the suburbs, where a lot of those competitive house districts are, it seems like especially collegeeducated women, younger people, if they vote, africanamericans and latinos, if they defy midterm history and vote, theyre voting as much on the president s tone. And if that happens, hes in trouble. You mentioned, you hit on the house and whether or not that how much, potentially, the republicans may lose by. But what about the senate . That to me seems like the real variable. And how many seats would democrats need to take it back . And lets do that in the context of what you just heard the president say. If the republicans add seats, mr. President , you get some credit for that. We will give you credit for that. We can criticize your tone, we can say youre race baiting, when you go out and campaign on immigration. But it might work. It might work. What do the democrats have to do . If you look at the late polls, the florida race, both of them, the house and the senate, i mean, the governors race and the senate race, 5046 with the democrats on top, Movement Toward the democrats. That Missouri Senate race where rebecca berg is, moving slightly towards Claire Mccaskill. The Indiana Senate race, moving slightly towards joe donnelly. Is it real . Wave elections break late and they break toward the party with the wave. So can the democrats really hold missouri in the senate . Can the democrats really hold indiana in the senate . If they do, its not impossible, but its improbable. All the republicans have to do with the current map is win tennessee. Marsha blackburn has been up 5 or 6 points in the late polls. If the republicans hold tennessee, that almost guarantees him at least 50 50. Heres what the democrats would have to do. Hold florida, hold indiana, hold missouri, and then flip tennessee, arizona, and nevada. Thats assuming that Heidi Heitkamp loses in north dakota, where shes been down. That is do you play poker . No, wiim horrible at it. You look at your first five cards and have to give them all back and take five more and get a royal straight flush. Doesnt happen that often. But, but barack obama got elected in 2008, donald trump got elected in 2016. Dont let anybody tell you they know whats going to happen tomorrow. Brew the espresso and tune in all night. This guy at the magic wall, we lo watching it. Thank you. It will be fun. Thank you, thank you, john king. We get to count them. Yeah, we will. Coming up, a razor, razor tight gubernatorial contest unfolding in key states. John just mentioned, who has the edge at the moment . And an 11th hour twist unfolding right now in that georgia Gubernatorial Race. And he was the l maymayor o small utah town who also served as a national guardsmen, killed during his latest tour of duty in afghanistan. Those grieving his loss now finding hope in his final facebook message. Well share it with you, coming up. Youre watching cnns special coverage, live in washington, d. C. Im brooke baldwin. Is food truc is our baby. And like any baby, its loud, stressful and draining. And we love it. I refuse to let migraine keep me from saying. I am here. Aimovig, a preventive treatment for migraine in adults, reduces the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. The most common side effects are pain, redness or swelling at the injection site and constipation. Talk to your doctor about aimovig. And be there more. When we switched our auto and home insurance. About aimovig. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to Liberty Mutual, you could save 782 on auto and home insurance. And still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. We are back. Youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. And on the eve of Midterm Election, the stakes are also very high in a number of governors races across this country. 36 governorships are on the ballot. Democrats are hoping to take the Governors Mansion in several states where republicans are now in charge. And a number of those races are in states where donald trump won in 2016. So, cnns senior Political Writer and analyst, harry entin is with me now with his forecast. So hone in with me, harry. Which Gubernatorial Races are you watching super, super carefully . I think that florida is the ig biggest one were watching. Florida, florida, florida. And what we think is that in fact, he will do that. My forecast is that he wins by 3 percentage points. A number of polls came out today that bolster that forecast, that suggest that hes ahead and looks like hes going to win. Lets look to another state right now, another key state of wisconsin. Wisconsin, obviously, scott walker who ran for president in 2016 unsuccessfully has won three elections in the past eight years. We think, however, on try number four, hes not going to be successful. Tony evers is l forecast to win by 3 percentage points. If youre like me and you love elections, this may be the election for you. Because this could last all the way into december. Because right now, what were seeing is that brian kemp, although hell get the most amount of votes on tuesday night, he, in fact, will not reach a majority. And in georgia is state law is if you dont get a majority of the vote, therell be a runoff in early december between Stacey Abrams and brian kemp. Harry, thank you. Speaking of georgia, that governors race in georgia is not only close, but its an election being rocked by a lastminute political firestorm. Harry kemp is a republican in the race here and hes also in charge of Running Georgia elections as the secretary of state is now accusing state democrats of attempted Election Hacking without offering an iota of evidence. His democratic rival, Stacey Abrams, is calling the investigation a witch hunt. Kemp has resisted a number of calls to step down from his role overseeing the elections. And so with me now, keisha lance bottom. She is the democratic mayor from the great city of atlanta. Miss mayor, nice to have you back. Thank you for having me. So moments ago, kemp said, quote, im not worried about how it looks, im just doing my job. What is your reaction to kemps office ordering this investigation into the Georgia Democratic matter two days before election day . Optics are everything. And i think that when you make an allegation this serious, this close in an election, that you need to also offer proof. We have people test our systems all of the time in the city. A local news agency recently tested our system vulnerabilities to our attention. And guess what we did . We didnt go to the fbi, we fixed them within 24 hours. So i think that its very dangerous when you have an election like this to throw out an allegation and not have any proof to substantiate it. I go back to also yes, but to the point that he is kemp is overseeing an election which he is also running. I read it best in one of the papers this morning. Its like hes the referee, but hes also the competitor in a game. And im just wondering from you, how concerned are you that he is not recusing himself . I think its very concerning. And when weve had elections previously in georgia, and weve had a secretary of state running, weve had a secretary of state to step down during the election, because you have the chance of Something Like this happening, where there is an allegation that needs to be sorted out and it immediately removes the objectivity. And i think this is the issue and its been the issue throughout the entire campaign. Another headline out of georgia, this new robo call. Its going out to voters, featuring a voice impersonating oprah winfrey, who was just in georgia, stumping for Stacey Abrams, referring to Stacey Abrams as a poor mans aunt jemima. We should point out that kemp has called the robo call vile and racist and absolutely disgusting. But also in florida, the trump administrations candidate said, this election is, quote, so cottonpickin important, and yesterday, trump called gillum, quote, not equipped for the job. So as a black mayor, in the deep south, this kind of language cannot be new to you. And also as a graduate of florida amu university, i think its ridiculous. You have two overly qualified people running, and i think the personal insults are unfortunate, but when you have rhetoric coming from our president , it empowers people to spew it, at will. And in 2018, when there are important issues facing our communities, facing our country, the fact that we are still attacking each other in this way is not productive. This is about improving our country. And we need to start at the local and at the state level. But when you have a president who speaks ill and spews hatred, then i dont flow what more you can expect from average people who listen to him. Keisha lance bottoms, mayor of atlanta, thank you. Thank you. Coming up, beyond red versus blue, a revealing new cnn poll shows why tomorrows midterms may come down to men versus women. The story behind this massive gender gap here among voters. Plus, tragedy in texas. A newlywed couple has been killed in a Helicopter Crash while leaving their own wedding. Investigators expected to hold a News Conference moments from now. We will have the very latest. Stay with me. Youre watching cnn. Whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. On this monday before election day, as americans get ready to follow millions of others and cast their ballots, a new cnn poll is revealing a major gender gap when it comes to who could end up controlling capitol hill. In the choice for congress among likely voters, 62 of women say they will vote for democrats, compared to 48 of men, who will do the same. And when you look at the republicans, only 35 of wome there will likely vote republican while 49 of men thy say will. Tru trumps highprofiapproval rati women is only 31 . This gender gap story, im fascinated by. Ive spoken to so many people running this past summer and so many of them point to trump. Right. They dont like the tone, day dont like the rhetoric. Particularly College Educated white women. Very, very upset. But the flip side of that, its a mars venus kind of thing. And the flip side of is that men do like trump. And theyre split over him. But women, you know, women conot. There was one statistic i was looking at, which is that you start with 60 of collegeeducated white women favoring the democrats by 33 points. But the men favor the republicans by 42 points. So theres a theres a real split. Theres a split by gender, theres a split by education in this country. So i know were talking about all tomorrow, but if we can just fast forward, because im curious about 2020. You know well all be talking about that come wednesday. But when you think about the women who did vote for trump, the noncollegeeducated women back in 2016, he did really well among that crowd. But if you look at these numbers, hell have some trouble with the ladies come 2020. Yeah, i think hes going to have a lot of fallout. But you dont know if those are independent voters who just didnt want to vote for Hillary Clinton, you just never know. The polling in midterms is so difficult, as you know. People dont answer accurately, the polling isnt accurate. And we can be fooled by these things. Yeah. But i believe, if i had to guess, that there would be a lot of independent women who voted for donald trump and who now say, you know what, i dont i dont like the way hes behaved. And they are also very concerned about health care, its a huge issue for women. Women take care of their families, they take care of their parents, they take care of their kids, and the democrats are emphasizing health care. And yes, they care about security and the caravan and immigration and all the rest, but i think women are particularly concerned about that kind of an issue and the democrats, thats what theyre talking about on the trail. Agree. Just the gender gap headline out of the poll is pretty major. Pretty stunning. Gloria, thank you very much. A mayor from u. S. , a father of seven killed in an apparent insider attack while serving his country in afghanistan. Hear his powerful message to americans before midterms. And a comedian on saturday night live has been highly criticized for mocking a wounded veteran running for congress. The veterans response, next. Tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy to get your windshield fixed. 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He was deployed four times, both to iraq and afghanistan and he leaves behind his wife, jenny, with and seven children. Seven. Their ages span from 11 months to 13 years. Utahs Lieutenant Governor released a statement and ill read part of it for you, writing, i hate this. Im strugglinging for words. I love mayor taylor, his amazing wife, jenny, and his seven sweet kids. Utah weeps for them today. This war has once again cost us the best blood of a generation. We must rally around his family. So lets go to our pentagon correspondent, Barbara Starr, with just this tragic, tragic news. What happened, barbara . Good afternoon, brooke. In north ogden, utah, he was mr. Mayor, but in afghanistan, he was major brent taylor, working with Afghan Forces on the Priority Mission of training and advising them. On saturday, apparently, they were on a socalled road march, apparently walking down aed radio, we are told, when one of the afghan troops turned his weapon on mayor taylor. Its one of these insider attacks that we have just seen too often when afghans turn their weapons on u. S. And coalition forces. In fact, this is the third attack, socalled insider attack in just over the last two weeks. So its raising a lot of questions about the security for coalition forces, as they work with afghans across that country. Right now, u. S. Troops, coalition forces, essentially, regrouping a little bit, making sure they have all of the security measures in place that they need, talking on a very high level, we are told, between coalition commanders and Afghan Government officials to see if there is more that they can do to get a handle on this problem, because three attacks in just over two weeks is something that everyone finds unacceptable, of course. Right now, theyre sticking with the program theyve had for many years called guardian angel. This means any coalition troop out in the field has a pal with them. Somebody who keeps an eye on them, another coalition member, to try and prevent any such attacks. But the last couple of weeks, very, very grim. As you say, this major, this mayor was the father of seven children. And within the coming hours at Dover Air Force base, we expect to see his remains returned in that dignified transfer ceremony weve seen all too often. The mayor left behind a final facebook posting, reflecting a bit of his life at home and his life in afghanistan, talking about elections in both places, urging people to vote here in this country and to vote as americans, not necessarily republicans or democrats. Brooke . Ive had those words reverberating ever since i read them over the weekend, and i just want to share them with everyone watching. Barbara, thank you so much. Because those mourning major taylors loss are now finding inspiration and hope in his last facebook post. So in his own words, let me read this for you. It was beautiful to see over 4 million afghan men and women brave threats and deadly attacks to vote in afghanistans first parliamentary elections in eight years. The strong turnout, despite the attacks and challenges, was a success for the longsuffering people of afghanistan and for the cause of human freedom. I am proud of the brave afghan and u. S. Soldiers i serve with. Many american, nato allies, and after greenspghan troops have d moments like this possible. For example, my dear friend was killed fighting the taliban the day before voting began. And heres the piece that barbara was referring to, as the usa gets ready to vote in our own election next week, i hope everyone back home exercises their precious right to vote, and whether the republicans or the democrats win, that we all remember that we have far more as americans that unites us than divides us. United we stand, divided we fall. God bless america. 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Find your certified financial planner™ professional at letsmakeaplan. Org. Saturday night lives Pete Davidson is facing backlash after a joke involving wounded Afghanistan War veteran dan crenshaw, the former navy s. E. A. L. Who lost an eye during combat is now running for congress in texas. This guy is kind of cool. Dan crenshaw. Come on, man. No. Hold on. Uh. You may be surprised to hear hes a congressional candidate from texas and not a hit man in a porno movie. Im sorry. I know he lost his eye in war or whatever. Or whatever. All right. Cnn spoke with crenshaw about the joke and he wasnt laughing. Well, you know, the first part of that skit was just strange. I dont know what kind of programs that hes watching. The second part, i think, is when it just became dark. And listen, wie have thick skin but as veterans, its hard for us to understand why war wounds would elicit such raucous laughter from an audience. So i think they should have i think they should have rethought that joke a little bit. If you could even call it a joke. Davidsons snl costar, kenan thompson, whose dad is a vietnam war veteran said he did agree that the joke did go too far and definitely missed the mark. So with me now, Iraq War Army veteran paul rykoff, the founder and executive director of the iava, the iraq and afghanistan veterans of america. So paul, always a pleasure, and thank you so much for everything you do. But listen, on this, a lot of people and a lot of veterans jumped all over him for this and you were actually saying, hang on, dont go too hard on him, and i wanted to know why. Well, first off, it was terrible. Its unacceptable, it was stupid, and its unfunny. I think the question now is, can we move forward past this and use it a as a teaching moment . And as we do that, i think like anything happening in america right now, if we can bring the temperature down and add some light, that can be a good thing. Thats what dan crenshaw did. He took the high road and trying to move things forward and hes Offering Solutions and thats what we have to do, especially a couple of days out from the election. Pete davidson should know be for the. He sadly lost his own father at ground zero. He was a firefighter killed when he was 7 years old. So there are a lot of survivors out there that need help. And i hope davidson will come forward and apologize or figure out a way to move this forward and also know his backstory here. And i cant imagine being that kid when he was 7 years old, and i think we should at least take that into consideration. Yeah, looking ahead, paul, to tomorrow and the election, there are 156 veterans, 156 on the ballot, up and down, across the country tomorrow. And i know, you know, you point out that theres all of this talk about a potential blue wave. You wanted to come on and talk about a camouflage wage. What did you want to say . Yeah, dan crenshaw is a part of that. People have been talking about blue waves and red waves. Theres a nonpartisan wave of veterans running for office, by our count, 170, who we call the camo wave. They can bring the country together, they can add light, they can add perspective, and solve problems. And weve seen them bringing people together from all political backgrounds. Thats an important good news story coming out of the election. We dont know how many will win. But suffice it to say, its going to be a number of them. And hopefully they can attack the tone in washington and move us forward as a nation. Important to remember, too, brooke, a couple days after the election is going to be veterans day. Thats a time when we would actually bring everybody together, no matter who wins the election and come together as an merns. I think thats an Important Message for everybody to consider, as well. I was just talking to Barbara Starr about major taylor, mayor taylor and major taylor who was just killed in afghanistan, dad of seven kids, and also with him, another Service Member was injured. And i think it bears reminding, everyone, that there are still 14,000 american troops in afghanistan right now. We in our community have called it forgotistan at times. We have folks are over there fighting and dying on a regular basis and they feel forgotten. Mayor Taylors Facebook post is a clarion call. It should be a conscious call for all americans. When were in tough times, veterans and our military can be like a conscious. They can remind us whats right and about American Values and remind us the importance of voting. Its veterans month all month long and the most important thing you can do to support veterans and support our democracy is go out and vote. And theres lots of vets you can also vote for, so its a double impact. Paul rykoff, always a pleasure. Thank you so much. Back at you. Coming up, just a day before election day, georgias republican candidate for governor levees a major allegation against his opponents Party Without any evidence. More on that. Also, celebrity after celebrity hitting the campaign trail today, stumping in key states. Well tell you whos where and for whom. Also, winext, investigators expected to hold a News Conference after a Helicopter Crash kills a newlywed couple as they were leaving their own wedding. We have those details, coming up. This is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart beds are on sale now during sleep numbers veterans day sale. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. 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The final push before what both parties call the most consequential Midterm Election ever. The latest early vote number seems to back up just how important tomorrow is, at least 31 million votes have already been cast, just smashing totals from the 2014 midterms. Up for grabs tomorrow, the governorship in 36 states. 35 senate seats and all 435 house seats. And a new cnn poll shows that is where we could be seeing the biggs upheavals p. Well get into that in a moment. Just a short time ago, before leaving for ohio, the president spoke about how he is sensing these midterms could be different. Theres a great electricity in the air, like we havent seen, in my opinion, since the 16 election, so somethings happening. Well see, but i think were going to do very well. If you look over a hundred years, for whatever reason, the party with the president doesnt do very well. I think were going to do pretty well. Lets start this hour with cnn White House Correspondent Kaitlan Collins whos following the president there. God bless the usa on loudspeaker here in cleveland, ohio. And what will the president s message be here on this final push . Reporter well, brooke, this is the first stop of three today. He just took the stage to address the people here. Despite advice inside and outside the white house to focus on the economy in these last few days, President Trump disagrees that he thinks immigration is that last argument that he needs to make to these voters before they go to the polls tomorrow. So expect him to focus on immigration, on the democrats, on that pyramid. Those same arguments that hes been making for the last two weeks while hes in here today, brooke. Now, also we know, behind the scenes that President Trump is being told by officials inside the white house to brace for republican losses tomorrow in the house. They tell him that that is something they expect to come, but that they are still pretty feeling hopeful about the senate. We kind of see the president hedge his bets there as hes said in public remarks, i cant campaign for everybody running in the house, but i can try to make a difference with the senate. That is the argument were seeing coming from President Trump. He just took the stage. His comments about the caravan still coming as there are questions about how far away they are, what his rhetoric on this is, but thats still an argument that he believes is a winning argument here, brooke. And were expecting him to continue to make it on stage here in cleveland. Im catching every third of your words, kaitlan, because of the clear crowd enthusiasm behind you. But we can feel it here in washington, d. C. Obviously, its friendly turf for the president. Well see if

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