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So glad to have you with us. And we have breaking news. The president angry, lashing out, going off on twitter by attack Robert Mueller, the free press, and even threatening a Government Shutdown if democrats wont agree to pay for his border wall. The president arrived at the white house just a few minutes ago. Its unclear right now if hell continue his tirade once he settled in for the night. Its also unclear what exactly has set him off. But it could be a number of things, as weve told you. His former attorney and loyal friend Michael Cohen appears to be ready to flip on him. Sources say cohen is willing to tell mueller that trump knew in advance about that infamous 2016 trump tower meeting, the one with the russians, Offering Dirt on hillary clinton. And on top of that the president has learned along with everyone else that cohen has been secretly recording their private conversations for who knows how long. We played one of those tapes for you last week. Its the one where trump and cohen discuss whether to pay off an alleged mistress by cash or check. And today trumps attorney rudy giuliani is claiming that tape has been doctored. He abruptly ended that recording as soon as the president said the word check. We are now what were investigating is why did how did that happen . What actually did happen . What was eliminated . And then hes got to raise that question with every one of these tapes. How many of them are did he play around with . We have determined the fact that he tampered with the tape in the sense that he abruptly midconversation turned it off. We know he didnt do that for a good reason. Reporter cnn White House Correspondent Boris Sanchez joins us live from new jersey where the president spent the weekend. Boris, lets start with these attacks against mueller. Walk us through what the president is alleging here. Reporter in a series of tweets the president sent out earlier today we saw not only his freshest attacks on the Special Counsel but his most direct against Robert Mueller. The president calling his The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera. Prosecutor paul cowen. These attacks against mueller. We learned within the last few days mueller is actually scrutinizing trumps tweets as part of his Obstruction Of Justice investigation and yet the president here is tweeting all about him. If you were still a white house lawyer, what would you tell the president right now . Look, ive said time and time again, i think the president is well served talking about all the good things that are happening right now with the economy and the tax cuts and Regulatory Reform and attacking Robert Mueller is not the best use of his time. Does it hurt him . I think it just distracts from the good things like i said, from the good things that are going on. I dont think it puts him in any more or less legal jeopardy. But it certainly distracts from all the good things that the administrations accomplishing. Paul, a lot of news has broken over the last few days, and to jims point there was good Economic News on friday. And yet here goes the president , on his twitter tirade, on the attack. What do you think set him off . The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera. Theres questions on both sides as to what was said, what actually released the tape, whether there was a violation of attorneyclient privilege as a result of it. All these things are Big Questions at this point in time. But you know, jim, i think what really is amazing about the whole thing is given all of those problems with the tape, and i agree with you that they were there, why did they waive attorneyclient privilege and release the tape . They did it because they thought the tape backed up the president. And now giuliani is saying the tape has been tampered with, the tape is fraudulent and cohens a fraud. So the president is not being well served by this defense, which changes the storyline every other day. What do you think about that . Im not sure the giuliani the president s team waived that attorneyclient privilege. This was a tape that was supposed to not be available as part of the investigation. Theres a real question as to whether they went to the Special Master and asked for that that hasnt become public one way or the other at this point in time, whether informed consent occurred as related to that tape and who release the tape. Pts a chicken and egg issue there. Nonetheless, the tape is public and now that the tape is public certainly giulianis going to want to defend the president as it relates to the contents of that tape. No question. But jim, we have confirmed that the president s legal team did waive Attorney Clooint Privilege for that tape. As far as that being out in public, thats one thing. But they waived attorneyclient privilege and allowed that to be put forward as evidence as part of this investigation into Michael Cohen. They thought it was going to be if they did, they did. And if they waived it, then thats then the result is the fact that the tapes out there anyway. For everyone to hear. So the result is still the same. I think at the end of the day, though, the bottom line is theres no indication that there was ever a payment made. Its much ado about nothing as it relates to the tape because no actual payment was made as a result of those conversations. At least thats what we know today. I want you guys to listen to Rudy Giuliani this morning trying to discredit cohen. Hes destroyed himself, chris, as a witness. Ive prosecuted 5,000 cases. Id never prosecute a case on this guys testimony. First of all, he talks to the press. He may be taping me. Second, hes contradicted so many times that you begin your crossexamination by saying which set of lies are you going to tell us today, michael . Lets go through them now. Paul, does giuliani have a point . Well, no. I mean, you dont criticize the other side by saying hes talking to the press while youre talking to the press. I mean, seriously. I think that giuliani thought and had vetted cohen. He had met cohen and cohen had represented the president for a long time. You would think when giuliani went out and started praising the honesty of cohen that would have been based on some kind of reasonable lawyers investigation. And now a week later he says the guys a liar. I dont think giulianis doing much of a job for the president with respect to Michael Cohen. Jim, ill give you the final thought. I think he has done a complete 180 on cohen. The fact that cohens taping ive been a lawyer a long time. Ive never taped one conversation with any of my clients. Thats certainly an oddity at best as it relates to the practice of law. Its lawful to do in new york. No question about that. Because all you need is one side to consent to that. But certainly not something that a lawyer typically does in the common practice. And its a violation of the ethical rules for lawyers in new york. He could be disbarred for doing it. It may not be a crime in new york, but it is Improper Conduct even in new york. Important last point there. Paul cowen, jim schultz. The death toll rises as Monster Wildfires spread across get ready for midterm madness. In 100 days voters will deliver their verdict on President Trumps first year, two years now, in office. And while the Political Landscape could shift dramatically in three months, root n right now the wind is at democrats bank. Cnns chief National Correspondent jong king explains 37. 100 days now to the midterm elections. New cnn rankings, brand new rankings, give the democrats even more reason to feel bullish about their odds of retaking the big prize. Control of the house of representatives. To the Campaign Trail in a second. First, though, a reminder of the current stayed of play. Lets look at the house today. 235 republicans. Thats the majority. Democrats in the minority with 193. But thats the State Of Play here in washington. Lets take a look at our new rankings out on the campaign optimistic. More republican seats moving from the red into the competitive side of our map here. Another reason the democrats are optimistic heading into the final 100 days their standing today is even better than it was at the beginning of the year. They were optimistic then. Look at the republican numbers. 177 solid at the beginning of the year. Down to 158 solid now. More seats have moved from dark red, solid republican, this way, toward the democrats. The democratic numbers are up. 182 solid now, up from the beginning of the year. So this map looks good for the democrats now 100 days out, even better than it was in january. A lot can happen between now and then, but heading into this final stretch democrats believe their odds are quite good of retaking the biggest prize this november. Control of the house. Our thanks to john king. Joining us now, cnn president ial historian Timothy Naftali and the Washington Bureau chief for the chicago suntimes, lynn sweet. The traditional midterm dynamic, especially in one of these election yearss that there are some flips going on, right . What do you think is going to happen this year, especially now that the economy is so strong . Oh, ana, i can just see this clip being run over and over again when i make a prediction that turns out to be totally wrong. Heres what i think people should be looking for. Right now the president s Approval Rating is so low that if you compare that to president s with similar low Approval Ratings in a midterm period you can expect to see a switch, a large number of seats go away from the president s party to another party. Thats if we follow precedent, right . Theres Something Else thats very interesting, however, which makes this different. Im not saying it changes the outcome. It makes it different. The president is now in part running against his own party. In the sense that todays tweet, where he talks about he wants funding for the wall and he wants funding for tougher immigration laws, hes saying to republicans, if you dont give me what i want im going to go out there and im going to campaign, im going to campaign for trump people, people who only want what i want, which means the dynamic were going to see in the fall is that not all republicans are going to get the support of President Trump. And to hold on to his to hold on to the republican majority in the house he needs every republican to win. Interesting dynamic when you take a look at how hes made enemies with some in his own party. But regardless of whether republicans want the president to stay quiet or not, he apparently has no plans to do so. Hes going speak his mind. Heres what he told fox news. You know, the famous quote, its the economy, stupid. Well, if its the economy, then we should do very well. I just dont know any reason why we shouldnt do well. The economy is the strongest ever and i think thats going to have a very positive impact and i am going to work very hard. Ill go six or seven days a week when were 60 days out, and i will be campaigning for awful these great people that do have every district. By the time President Obama was in his second term, he didnt have a calling card open in every place either. So you have to pick and choose. Thats what President Trump will discover. And he will be very powerful in the districts where he does need to nudge someone across the line. But those are districts probably that were going to be in his favor anyway. The president has been tweeting a whole lot today, as weve been discussing. Hes playing shutdown politics. He said i would be willing to shut down the government if the democrats do not give us the votes for border security, which includes the wall, must get rifd lottery, sxach release et cetera, and finally go to the system of immigration based on merit. We need great people coming into our country. Tim, do you think republicans really want to be talking about a shutdown 100 days before the election . No. But i think President Trump does. And i think President Trump is saying this because he believes the turnout will determine the midterms and hes going to turn out his base. And he is hoping that he can beat the odds in 2018 that he beat in 2016. I am sure there are people trying to tell the president this is not the best approach. Or maybe theyve given up. But he doesnt care. He won in 2016 playing the game the way he wants to play it. Hes trying do it again. He thinks by pressing the buttons that his base care about they will come out and vote and it will be enough of them to hold on to a slim majority in the house. Lynn, i want to turn to the president s attacks against the media. The president met one on one with the head of the New York Times, weve learned, a. J. Schulzberger. New york times is revealing disturbing details 6 that meeting. The Newspaper Writing mr. Schulzberger recalls telling mr. Trump at one point that newspapers have begun posting arms guards outside their offices because of a rise in threats against journalists. The president , he says, expressed surprise they did not already have armed guards. At another point mr. Trump expressed pride in polarizing the phrase popularizing the phrase i should say fake news and said other countries had begun banning it. Mr. Sulzberger responded that those countries were dictatorships and that they were not banning fake news but rather independent scrutiny of their actions. Lynn, what is trumps end game here . I mean, staterun media . Well, his end game is the multiple stories in this is he still has a craving for the approval of the New York Times. And that is evidence, even though thats the newspaper that one of the newspapers thats under attack because he gave time to the publisher. I dont know whether or not this very Important Message that was sent to the president today by the publisher of the New York Times will have any impact at all. Someone who is proud of popularizing the term fake news may not care what the publisher of the New York Times thinks about it. Sad to say, but what is important is that the News Organizations keep doing its job, as cnn does, as the suntimes does and every one of our colleagues do, because the stories still have to be done and maybe at some point President Trump will understand the news and the job of the news in a different context. I dont think so. I think whats important is for us to make sure that the infection that the president is spreading when it comes to journalism and the free press in america is limited. Tim, are you surprised to hear this from an american president . One of the things that keeps us together is a combined joint love of our constitution. When mr. Trump, president ial trump, speaks this way, he is not speaking like someone who loves our constitution. At the basis of our constitution is the First Amendment. He is president of the united states. So an american president is saying this. It is unprecedented for an american president to say this publicly. Nixon sometimes said it privately. But the fact of the matter is its up to americans to decide if this is what they want to hear from their president and whether their love of the constitution, which as i said binds us, requires or not an understanding and commitment to the First Amendment. I spectacular americans are committed to the First Amendment. And may i just add, tim and ana, very quickly, for a president to be it would be something if the president could be as committed to the First Amendment as he is to the second. Lynn sweet, Timothy Naftali. Well leave it there on that poignant moment. Thank you. Coming up, our special series about the Alaska Wilderness and the trump administrations controversial plans to drill and mine there. In nearby catmine National Park my team learned firsthand that this part of alaska is nirvana for bears. Tech at safelite autoglass, tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. 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Welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you every stay is a special stay at holiday inn. Save up to 15 when you book early at hollidayinn. Com band of brothers determined to defend it from invasion. What happens if a bear comes for a drink right now . Just stop. Reporter among them is drew hamilton, a biologist and guide for the World Wildlife fund who makes a living getting cozy with grizzlies. It takes a couple days out here to really ease into it and realize the bears are just part of the landscape and theyre going about their business and as long as you dont mess with them theyre going to leave you alone. Reporter in nearby catmai National Park my team learned firsthand that this part of alaska is nirvana for bears. And wolves. Whales and eagles. A wonderland all made possible by salmon. Tens of millions surge into southern alaska each summer to spawn, feeding every form of life, including a multibilliondollar fishing and Tourism Industry dependent on the health of this landscape. Weve had bear tracks. Weve had wolf tracks, fox tracks. Reporter which is why drew worries less about wild animals and more about the human beings coming towards us on the beach. What are you guys up to . We work for a surveying company up in anchorage. Reporter they are hesitant to admit theyre doing work for the pebble mine, one of the most controversial projects in alaska history. This red spot right here. This is it. This is where it all started. This is where it all started. Reporter about 80 miles from the beach a Canadian Mining Company called Northern Dynasty discovered enough buried treasure to propose the biggest cold and copper mine in the world. But when the epa under barack obama determined that blasting it open and opening it up would threaten the Fishery Stock in Northern Dynasty tanked, the partners bailed, the company sued. But then congratulations, mr. President. Reporter a reversal of fortune. In one of his very first acts running trumps epa scott pruitt met with pebble and then settled the lawsuits. When cnn revealed that meeting, there was an outcry in alaska. Most fishermen, tribes, even Governor Bill Walker are opposed to the mine and senator Lisa Murkowski said she would never trade salmon for gold. But Northern Dynasty refuses to give up. The latest plan includes a 100mile natural gas pipeline to power the mine that would run past that active volcano into a massive port system here on this beach. Imagine ships and semi trucks instead of bears and foxes. And then a 35mile road through some of the most pristine wilderness in the state. Since scott pruitt resigned amid scandal the new man in charge of the epa is andrew wheeler, aformer lobbyist at one of pebble mines law firms. He declined our request for an interview. This is in roosevelt room. And thats gore and clinton. Reporter but the ceo of pebble was happy to talk. Nobody can guarantee there wont be an accident. Right . But weve done a hell of a lot to minimize the possibility of there being an accident on this site. Reporter pebble mine would sit in a wetland prone to earthquakes. So the biggest worry is a talgz dam failure like this one in British Columbia which sent a lake full of acidic waste downstream. But collier says the mine site is so far from bristol bay that is a risk he can live with. If there is an accident, it will kill fish for about 20 miles down the north fork 69 coktuli. And thats it. And for ten years it will come back naturally. Reporter Utahs Bingham Yoon is the biggest mine in the world. Pebble has enough wealth to dig one three times bigger. But after all the resistance those plans have been cut in half. And there are some theories that you shrink the footprint of the mine in order to get the permit and then once you spend billions to build the port and the pipeline and the roads and all of that you say, well, we need to expand. Theres a lot of gold and copper and silver and mel ibdium in the ground out there. And we do not have any current plans to expand what were talking about with this permit. But it wouldnt surprise me if somebody, us or someone else, doesnt do that at some point in the future. Theyre basically talking about putting a 175mile gash across this pristine habitat. Reporter plans and promises aside, drew sees this first piece of Survey Equipment as the beginning of the end of this wilderness as we know it. What do you say to the argument that this means jobs, this means an infusion into the alaskan economy . I say there are already jobs here. You look at the town of homer in the bear viewing industry, there are millions of dollars being made here already in its current wilderness state. You look at the other side of the mountain. There are Tens Of Millions of dollars already being generated in a fashion that can be sustained for decades and decades and decades. Why cant we just keep that going . Reporter so he and his fellow bear lovers will try to stop the invasion through persuasion. But the clock is ticking. As Army Engineers rush to review their plans, pebble hopes to get their permit and a wave of new investors by the fall of 2020. Right before Donald Trumps next election. Bill weir, cnn, alaska. We are continuing to closely monitor the Fire Situation in california tonight. This is a fastmoving, often erratic wildfire, claiming at least six lives. Another seven are reported missing. At this point the biggest of the California Fires is the carr fire near redding. Its only 5 contained. Thats after cries have been battling it for a week. Cnns dan simon filed this report from redding, california. Reporter for the first time were beginning to hear Fire Officials express optimism about the overall effort. They indicated the containment level is going to go up. That means the resources theyve put into this fire now seem to be working. You have about 3500 firefighters on the front lines. Obviously a lot of aircraft dumping water on the hot spots. In the meantime, we are in the lake redding estates subdivision, and you can see this is one of the homes that has been destroyed. You can see this is a twocar garage. You see the two vehicles right here. And underscore the random nature of it all. You can see right next door you see this house that is perfectly intact. You have 38,000 people that rundowner an evacuation order. You have these people who are very restless. Obviously, they want to try to get back into their homes. And people who of course have homes to get back into. You cant get a hotel in the area. Its just impossible. Some of the Evacuation Shelters have also reached Maximum Capacity but now that this Containment Number seems to be going up we should get an indication of what this number will be later tonight. But now that its going up hopefully it means that fire crews will soon have this blaze under control. Ana . Dan simon in redding, california. Coming up, putins parade. The russian president shows off his military might as the american president mulls an invitation to moscow. Not having hepatitis c. Its like a load off my shoulders. I was just excited for it to be over. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of Chronic Hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter Million People and is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. 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So, were good . What . Oh, you still have prediabetes. Big time. Heart of st. Petersburg. Vladimir putin inspecting the vessels from his own president ial boat. Then touting the advances of the countrys naval forces. Translator the russian fleet successfully resolves the tasks of the countrys defense capability, makes a significant contribution to the fight against international terrorism, and plays an Important Role in ensuring strategic parity. Reporter strategic parity means parity with the u. S. And its nato allies. Russia showcasing a submarine nicknamed the carrier killer, designed to hunt u. S. Aircraft carriers. A new Stealth Frigate and a spy vessel aimed at countering american Missile Defense technology. On this day Vladimir Putins message to the west is very clear. Even though russias military may not be as big and as well funded as militaries in the west it can still be a threat to america and its nato allies. Last week russia also showing off new missile technology, including a Hypersonic Missile the kremlin says can beat American Defense systems. All this right after both President Trump and Vladimir Putin discussed working together to prevent a new arms race at the recent summit in helsinki. A point putin reiterated this past week. Translator russia and the United States have a stake in that. The whoeld world has a stake in that. And not starting an arms race. Reporter but while russia may be interested in preventing an arms race russia also clea y ly wants to show america and its allies that its forces are stronger and more advanced than at any time since the cold war. Fred pleitgen, cnn, st. Petersburg, russia. Coming up, the idecade explosion. From the launch of the ipod to the rise of facebook. We look back at the tech ideas that revolutionized the 21st century. A preview of tonights brand new episode of the 2000s is next. My car smells good. 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With all these new technologies weve become a society of instant gratification. I want to download this movie now. I want this song now. I want to read the news now. Instant gratification has changed our social etiquette too. We now unfriend people. We follow people. We write on their wall. In the 90s that was considered graffi graffiti. Lets bring in New York Times Technology Writer farhan manju. Thank you for being with us. You also write this book true enough learning to live in a postfact society. Lets dive into the decade. You have this technology explosion, the rise of apple, ipads, i phones, ipads. Google, amazon, on and on and on. What force were at play during this decade that allowed for this huge tech boom to happen . Sxwlae, i ma sxwla yeah, i mean, it was a decade that start with the Tech Industry kind of in the dumps because of the dotcom boom and it ended with technology becoming most dominant cultural and social force in the world, the thing that is still with us and kind of changing everything about our lives even to this day. And it happened because of those inventions you mentioned. The iphone particularly, it gave us this future where we were always accessible, where we always had the internet with us. And social networking. That was the thing that made the internet turned it from a utility into basically just fun. Everyone is on it because everyone else is on it and its Kiechbtd Ma Kind of the main Public Square now. I also think remember of the days of encyclopedias . Now we have information at our fingertips, its so accessible. But it wasnt just the gadgets that came to really define this Tech Explosions and the websites and the companies that made them. Lets talk about the visionries that brought them to life, people like bill gates, steve jobs, steve bezos. How important were these individuals to this era of Technological Advancement . You can kind of see it in the stock market today. The Biggest Companies in The World Today are the ones that were created by Those Visiona Visionaries in the late 90s or the ones that came back, thanks to those visionaries in the case of apple. You know, steve jobs really in his second stint at apple during the 2000s he really changed the entire face of the Tech Industry. He gave us the ipod, changed the way that we understood and we got entertainment, and then with the iphone kind of changed the entire Tech Industry and became kind of the dominant platform for development for until now. Jeff bezos, you know, created this store that then changed a lot of else in our lives. Made everything more convenient and gave us cloud storage, kind of everything we access online is based on is running from amazon servers. And you know, you also had sort of upstarts. Mark zuckerberg created facebook in the 2000s in his harvard dorm room. Farhan manjoo, thank you so much for the discussion. And be sure to tune in. The 2000s the idecade airs tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Coming up, caught on tape. Airirrefutable evidence of a thirsty president. They dont have any get me a coke, please. They dont have a legitimate purpose. Stadium announcer all Military Members Stand and be recognized. No matter where or when you served, tmobile stands ready to serve you. Thats why were providing half off family lines to all military. I knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you every stay is a special stay at holiday inn. Save up to 15 when you book early at hollidayinn. Com save up to 15 when you book early overwhelming Air Fresheners can send you running. So try febreze one. With no aerosols and no heavy perfumes. So you can spray and stay. Febreze one. The price of a can of coke is on the rise. Fallout from trumps tariff on aluminum. That probably wont stop the president from slugging down a dozen a day. Heres jeanne moos. Reporter talk about grasping at straws. Have you heard the juiciest part of the trumpcohen tape . They dont have any get me a coke, please. They dont have a legitimate purpose. Reporter incontrovertible evidence of a thirsty president. Get me a coke, please. Reporter living up to his reputation for daily consumption of 12 diet cokes, right . Thats 144 ounces of president fuel. Reporter youd be surprised how many commenters tweeted my favorite part is when he yells get me a coke, please. Others ranked it up there with mom, More Meatloaf from wedding crashers. Hey, marx go get some meatloaf. There were some comparisons to jfk, My Fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you. Ask get me a coke, please. But there was one thing that got the most comments, that even critics found pleasing. Wow. He said please. He said please . Must be a fake. Trump says please to the help. Thats my president. He hasnt always been complimentary about his favorite beverage, tweeting i have never seen a thin Person Drinking Diet Coke and ill still keep drinking that garbage. Jimmy fallon once chronicled the president s behavior as he downed his daily dozen. The American Dream is dead. Bing, bing, bong, and dat. Hello and god bless the United States. Reporter now he has a red button on his Oval Office Desk to push when he wants a coke. But when he was a candidate he actually had to speak. Get me a coke, please. Reporter as one commenter noted, things including hush money go better with coke. Things go better with

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