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Largest trade agreement as u. S. Watches from the sideline. And space x. Ushering in a new era in space flight with a historic launch. After acknowledging for the first time joe biden won last week u. S. Election, kind of. President trump walking back the comments quickly. Moments ago in fact the president tweeted he was the clear winner of the race. Look at the tweet. All caps i won the election. This comes hours after trump claimed without proof that biden won because the election was rigged. The president says he wont concede and is refusing to start the transition process and that of course prechbts joe biden from receiving Critical Data about the pandemic. On top of that, the cnn learned that the president hasnt even attended his own Coronavirus Task force meetings in five months. This coming as infection numbers continue to soar on sunday the u. S. Became the first country in the world to talk 11 million confirmed case of the virus. As the nation sinks deeper into the crisis the president obsessed with the election he lost. Reporter for a brief moment on sunday morning trump acknowledged something he hasnt before. That is joe biden has won this president ial election. The president saying in two words he won. But the rest of the tweet and the tweets from the president for the rest of the day on sunday were filled with usual garden variety of conspiracy theories baseless allegations about the 2020 election. And lies about fraud in this election. The president making very clear in a follow up tweet he was not conceding this election. As some republicans are hoping he will do. Saying i concede nothing and saying he has a long way to go in term of contesting the results of the 2020 election. The president comments on twitter were really reminiscent of the president over the last week. Sources told me over the course of the week the president has really vacillated between two states. This desire to pursue every legal avenue and other moments appearing to start to come to grips with reality. As of sunday night it was very clear the president intends to continue fighting this out. He said his administration or rather his legal team will be pursuing more lawsuits in court and key battleground states. So far the president s team and other republican allies trying to over turn the results of the 2020 election have been unsuccessful. Nine cases on friday were dropped by legal teams or dismissed. Many of which really laughed out some of the claims that were made by the lawyers. Who were not able to provide evidence of voter fraud. The Cyber Security Infrastructure Security Agency which is part of the department of Homeland Security they in a joint statement with other local and state Election Officials said in a statement very clearly that the 2020 election was the most secure election in american history. And theres no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Even though biden has been denned access to federal data about the pandemic, he and his team are still trying to put together a working Response Plan by the time he taked office. How they are trying to get it done. With a new week on the horizon for the Biden Transition Team were learning from incoming chief of staff that the team will meet with drug manufacturers including pfizer to discuss a Vaccine Distribution plan. This as they continue to try to build their plan for a seamless transitionover january 20. Not being able to speak directly to people in the federal agency to coordinate with them. People like on the white house Coronavirus Task force or health and human services. Developing a distribution plan. The General Service administration the federal office responsible for signing off on the transition has yet to do so. That means the Transition Team is ham strung in the way. They are working around it. They are back channelling to local government and medical community trying to get their plans together for when Biden Takes Office january 20. On monday afternoon we are expecting to see and hear from the president elect and Vice President elect. Joe biden and Kamala Harris set to give remarks on the economy and Building Back better. The slogan on the campaign trail. Now we wait to hear the plans for action when they take office on january 20. Thomas gift is the dregt tort of center of u. S. Politics the University College london. Joining us live from oxford. Good to see you. Among the many tweets sunday, trump tweeted this about joe biden. He only won in the eyes of the fake news media. I concede nothing. It was a rigged election. Everyone involved in this the election says that is a lie of course. What do you think the president s motivation is for allowing this to continue . Its really good to be with you. Trump refusal to concede clearly represent ts a major collage to democratic norms. Its hard to be too surprised. He has been telegraphing this for months. This might be a personality by product of narcissism. Refusing to concede allows trump to maintain relevance. And attract dollars into a Political Action committee. And also to sustain his position as de facto leader of the party. More damaging here is that some republicans on capitol hill continue to lend legitimacy to the claims. Not all but some. They are doing it not just because they are afraid of trump ob dont want to offend him. They realize trump are mains popular within the gop base. They know trumpism will persist. Even if he leaves office. And sense that opposing trump now would jeopardyize electoral products going forward. Its unsettling. I won the election he twoeted in the last hour. That fires up people who probably shouldnt be fired up. The other thing after the last election republicans had a single message for democrats. Which was get over it. We won. In fact, have a listen. Hilary is on her sore loser tour. Now we have her going through recounts. Get over it. She lost. Get out of the way let trump be president. Do you think the democrats are sore losers . Yeah, i do. Reality is they are spoiled cry babies. News flash. Who continue to try to delegitimize the massive and historic win. The election is over. Clinton lost. What you heard then youre not hearing now. Clearly. When it comes to Congressional Republicans staying quiet, what do you think . Is it a about not angering trump ahead of the Georgia Senate election . What is it . What are they afraid of . I do think that to some extent its the fact they believe that trumpism is going to persist in some form. After this election. Trump did receive lots and lots of republican votes. And the mobilization behind his movement i think isnt going anywhere any time soon. Republicans realize the party is going to evolve. And move on. Its going to maintain some nontrivial trump elements within it. And as a result they see the writing on the wall and dont want to say anything that could be construed as offending donald trump ob rejecting him. Yeah. As unsettling as it makes this period of course. There is a chance republicans under mcconnell will hold the senate. Joe biden talks about reaching across the aisle. I found it interesting there was a quote from obama about the issue. Describing an Education Exchange when biden talked to mcconnell when he blocked a pitch mcconnell said quote you must be under the mistaken impression that i care. Biden could need the senate from everything for legislation and judicial picks, cabinet pick. Do you see corporation ahead or a stymied administration . Mitch mcconnell did say his number one priority was make obama a one term president. That kind of steely eyed focus made him so ekive as a republican leader. Its the kind of obstructionism which we can probably expect under biden. Its going to create a degree of policy paralysis. A congress probably not necessarily going to be moving to respond to challenges. And we can expect him to take a similar approach with biden as obama. Even if there might be the rare area of compromise. You can think of things like infrastructure, prescription drugs. Otherwise you can expect the fairly combative relationship between the senate and the white house. Thats just the state of play. Maybe a lot of executive orders. Always good to see you. Thanks. Now as we mention the u. S. Has surpassed 11 million coronavirus cases. That is well ahead of every other nation in the world. And it is happened at a record breaking pace. 1 million cases in the last six days alone. A number that previously took weeks to reach. More than a dozen states are already warning that the hospitals are nearing or at capacity. And as we know hospitalizations usually lag behind new cases a worrying sign of whats to come in the weeks ahead. An internal medicine and viral specialist joins me now from l. A. Do you think the delay in the allowing the biden transition to go ahead is hurting the plan for post inauguration efficient action . Not building able to meet with the task force and have the latest Vaccine Information and so on. Whats the impact . Absolutely it has a impact. The president has his knee on the neck of american public. Due to his own agenda. Listen, we need to look at this as what it is. Which is a war. Opposed to a visible enemy we are fighting a war against an invisible enemy. If this were the technically war that were used to, we would be completely beside ourselves if we were transitioning information. So will it have effects . Absolutely. If it was a war and 250,000 americans died you would think it would be urgent. Speaking of numbers. Cases are up 38 last week. Over the previous week. Hospitalizations 25 . Death around 20 . What do you say to people becoming lax in the precautions or those who continue to say its exaggerated. What do you say to them . If anything its under reported. The number of people that have the virus. I dont see how much clearer it can be. If you lock at the graphics this is growing as tro no, maamically. We have an opportunity to stop this. Without a National Lock down. All it takes it the precautions of wearing a mask. Social distancing. And i saw some Doctors Today on tv saying what is it going to take . Us having to actually walk over dead people on the street . I hope it doesnt get to that. We are very close. Half of all the states of the United States all the hospitals in the 25 states have reached the limits of icu capacity. In a serious ledge right now. To that point, its one of the one and a half million new cases in the last two weeks. When you look at a number like that, if hospitalizations lag ten to 12 days after a kaes cases. One and a half million in two weeks. How about early december . It will look horrible. Were going to continue having cases even if today everybody in the u. S. Started wearing a mask. Were two weeks behind. People got infected and will have symptoms. However the time to make changes is now. What can happen, we could have a half a Million People who died by end of february. Thats what could happen. If we dont take action today. Also the potential strain on the Hospital System and the workers. The medical workers. Its hard to imagine. Lets try to be positive for a minute. Whats your take on the vaccine landscape and how the months ahead unfold . Thats something that is exciting. It is very positive. People shouldnt be hanging their hat on that. If everything goes well, i think dr. Fauci was maybe optimistic saying maybe by april everybody or we would have a mass vaccination. By the middle of next year, hopefully the majority of the United States will be vaccinated and that goes a long way towards curbing this epidemic. Is there a light at the end of tunnel . Yes. Its a sun not a train. Until that end comes, we really still need to be cautious. One other thing that is perhaps under reported is at the elective and other surgeries impacted because hospital beds are filling up with covid patients. What is the impact on other areas of health . With the surgeries and people who we have already heard are not going to the hospital with things they should be going to the hospital. Correct. Earlier on this year estimated there will be 60,000 to 100,000 unnecessary deaths due to filled hospitals. Peoples fear of going to the doctor or hospital. Youre going to have a completion of resources. Whether they are hospital beds or nurses or physicians. This just not effect the people that have covid. This effects all of us. People with heart attacks may not get serviced quickly enough. Pregnant women may have problems with delivery. People with asthma. It goes on and on. Always a pleasure. Even if the subject matter is less than pleasant. Thanks. Theres hope. More than a dozen asian economies sign onto the Worlds Largest free trade block. Washington on the outside looking in. Also japan preparing for next years olympics. Can it safely hold the games during a pandemic . Well discuss. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. When panhe doesnt justs mmake a pizza. He uses fresh, clean ingredients to make a masterpiece. Taste our delicious new flatbread pizzas today. Panera. Dad, can we get some hot cocoa . Mom, look are you okay . Head home this holiday with the one you love. Lease the 2021 gla 250 suv for just 379 a month at the mercedesbenz winter event. Hurry in today. Beautiful. But when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Hey more mercy. Save over 30 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. The easy way to a happier business. Tech every customer has their own safelite story. This couple was on a camping trip. When their windshield got a chip. They drove to safelite for a sameday repair. And with their insurance, it was no cost to them. Woman really . Tech thats service you can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Welcome back. 15 asia pacific countries make up the world rs largest free trading block. Members signing the Regional Economic partnership on sunday. The china backed deal excludes the United States. Washington also left out of the successor to the Obama Administration transpacific partnership. Covering all of this. Trump wanted out of the trade agreement. And it seems its just fine with beijing as 15 states come together. They didnt need the u. S. Does chinas influence grow in asia as a result of that . I think it does. Because its covering all of asia in this 15 member pact. And this fits into the category of fair play. Trump wanted out of anything that had to do with president obama and got out of the t. P. P. It was signed a year before. China has gone deeper with the 15 member pact. The partnership. It does give china influence. The first time they got south korea, japan and china in a one single pact. It will change the dynamics. Australia hopes now they are part of this and mend the trade relations with china. Which have been strained over six months thats for sure. Xi jinping said it was a bode of confidence at the same time. Theres been a pop list streak with brexit and nafta. And out of asia. That perhaps it can reset within the World Trade Organization at the same time. Its a big deal. The one criticism is that its lacking in detail. The over all trade architecture is important especially during this time post covid19. Yeah. Yeah. The u. S. Said we dont want it. They said okay well move on without you. Is this a fact behind the rally in asia on monday . Yeah the stars seem to be aligned for asian markets. You have a trade agreement and hopes of a vaccine coming forward in asia. And asia is mending much faster than the world baa of the discipline in dealing with the pandemic itself. Look at the numbers today. The index here is the highest level since 29 years ago. With gain of 2 . Seoul has a great day. Msci is highest since 1987 and the stock market crash on wall street. That is a big deal. Now if you look at u. S. Futures, they are building on the gains for the s. P. 500. Gains of 1 across the board. Despite the fact the case load is is it ill spiking in the United States. Well hear from joe biden and Kamala Harris starting to roll out the economic blueprint. Regional in asia and japan growing. Manufacturing in china was stronger than expected. They their own dna for a rally. Its off to the races to tart the week. The full bottle. Appreciate it. The head of the International Olympic Committee Says hes very confident that spectators can attend next years games. Organizers are meeting in japan to discuss the Safety Measures and other issues. With the postponed games nine months away. Japan recently held a test run for the big event. Were in tokyo with that story. Reporter japan wants to show the world it host the olympics in the middle of a pandemic. 32 gymnasts from japan, u. S. , russia and china. 2,000 socially distanced fans gathered at the gym earlier this month in tokyo for one of the First International sporting competitions since the covid19 pandemic began. Its a look at what tokyo may do for the games scheduled next summer. For athletes this was a competition like no other. Masks, temperature checks. Daily covid test leading up to the cough tigs. Two weeks quarantine in their home country before arriving on planes to tokyo. The chinese delegation arrived in full hazmat suits. One of the six american gymnasts who competed said it was a strange but unique experience. It was stressful. But it was very special. We havent competed in nine months. Just to be able to be back in the venue. Back in front of a crowd. And back with other world class athletes. It was amazing to feel like an athlete again. For gymnast, this was her first time outside of the u. S. Her only views of japan were through the hotel or bus window. Because of the competition, it not only gives me hope. That there can be another season. It makes me feel like we can. We stayed safe and because of the bubble that we were in, it gave us less of a chance of contracting the virus. This was a small scale event. Its unclear ho to scale the covid measures for the olympics. Which has hundreds of events more than 10,000 competitors approximate millions of spectators. Japan is dealing with a third wave of covid19 cases. Infections reach record highs in more than 1 tho a day. Japan needs to strengthen the Contact Tracing and testing measures. Warning there could be a resurgence as they relax border restrictions at at time when cases in the u. S. And europe continue to rise. To hold the olympics japan needs to show it can suppress transmission in way other Asian Countries have done and have to stop it at the border as well. Japan not going swiftly. Japan is pushing ahead with other large scale events. Recently more than 27,000 fans watched a baseball game at the stadium. After pfizer said the covid19 vaccine is 90 effective. Olympic organizers said they felt positive sentiment and relief. But the organizers have said they are willing to hold the games at any cost. Regardless of whether an effective vaccine is widely available in time. And coming up here on the cnn newsroom. Fox news is crooked. Good luck, bud. Only one good on fox is tucker karlson. The rest of them slanted liberals. Trump supporters feeling betrayed by fox news. Or any news reporting the biden win. When are they turning to next . What are you doing . Art class. Its abstract expressionism. When you start with a better hot dog from oscar mayer, you can do no wrong. Its all for the love of hot dogs. About pure retinol. Its amazing. New from loreal, revitalift night serum with pure retinol International Patent pending. Our most potent retinol. So effective, in a clinical test, 100 of women showed reduction of wrinkles, even deep ones. Powerful results. Validated by dermatologists. Its an antiaging super star new revitalift night serum with pure retinol from loreal paris. Were worth it. A mastersdgren, youin chemical engineering. , and youre technically a genius. And it appears youre quite the investor. I like to trade. Well, Td Ameritrade has pros ready if you need help, say talking through a new strategy. Just in case things, you know, get a little rocky . 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This was about an hour and a half ago. Coming hours after claiming without proof that biden had won because the election was rigged. All caps i won the election. Not true. Mr. Trump says he will not concede and likely continue to delay the transition process. Preventing joe biden from accessing critical coronavirus information. The president elect chief of staff says the rocky transition benefits no one. Joe biden will be president of the United States in an ongoing crisis. That has to be a seamless transition. We have the possibility of a vaccine. Starting in december. January. There are people making plans to implement that vaccine. Our experts need to talk to those people as soon as possible. So nothing is dropped in the change of power january 20. All of this as the total number of coronavirus cases in the u. S. Soared past 11 million. Despite the deepening crisis the president spent his sunday golfing. Second day in a row. Now were learning that over the past five months he hasnt attended his own Coronavirus Task force meeting once. Its months ago, but when we have a Task Force Meeting its run by Vice President pence. And the Vice President and translates to the president. The last time the president was physically at a Task Force Meeting was several months ago. Washington post is reporting this morning the president has not attended a Coronavirus Task force meeting in five months. Is that accurate . Thats true. President trump may refuse it believe it. But the reality is in a little more than two months joe biden will indoed be sworn in as u. S. President. What important steps need to happen between now and then . We have a time line. From now until the second week of December States should settle their vote counts and certificate if results. They have particular deadlines so it wont happen all at once and of course if the local rules or legal challenge require a recount, that could produce some delay. Theyre headed for the same goal. Within a few weeks we have settled all disputes and this is our final tally for each candidate. They must have that complete by december 14. That is when the electors must vote. Who are they . They are 538 people from all 50 states chosen by the parties and they mirror the numb of senators and representatives in each state. The District Of Columbia gets three. This is the electoral college. They gather at the local state house and award the votes in most cases to whoever gathered the most popular vote ins the state. Although occasionally some break from that and cast rogue votes becoming what we call faithless electors. The Supreme Court ruled this year they can be punished or removed if they take that action. In any event the results must be sent to washington no later than december 23. And then on january 6, those electoral votes are counted during a joint session of congress. Under the watchful eye of the president of the senate. Vice president mike pence. And when that count is done, he will be the first person to officially announce the names of the next president and Vice President. And then on wednesday january 20. At noon. At prescribed by the constitution. The big finish. The president and Vice President will be sworn in at the u. S. Capitol. And begin four years of leefding the country. Or at least trying to. Amidthe challenging times. Now President Trump made no secret over the years as to which cable news net work was his favorite. And the no real surprise it wasnt this one. The out going president appears to have soured on fox news. And some of supporters feel the same way. We spoke to some of them. Fake news at this point, i dont trust fox news. Were you fox news fans up until Election Night . We were fading fast. Fox news is they called as way early. They called arizona. They never switched it when it got close. Who is pulling biden strings . A favorite media out let for trump. I watched fox and friends in the morning. We have had incredible strength in terms of people like sean hannity. The great lieu dobs. I like some of the things on fox. Sean and laura. And tucker has been great. The net work has been criticized for being trump mouthpiece. Enabling this alternative reality that claims the biden is not president elect. During the campaign as joe biden pulled ahead in the poll and declared the president elect. Many Trump Supporters said they no longer trust fox news. I dont watch the news anymore. I dont watch fox anymore. They are getting just as a bad. Whats your main source of information . I listen to alex jones. When george floyd that all happened i stopped following cnn. Fox news. Cnn sucks. Why . You suck. Youre the worst news ever. So slanted. Where do you get your news from . Oan. Good luck. Only one good on fox is tucker karlson. Doesnt trump like fox . Not anymore. He called in on election day. Does he . Maybe. He did. Maybe. He did. I dont know. I watched it. We appreciate his efforts. Former u. S. President obama weighing in on this months election. Speaking to cbs promoting his new book and addressed the current state of the country. 72 Million People vote td for trump. What does that say to you about the state of the country . What it says is we are still deeply divided. Power of that alternative world view that is presented in the media that those voters consume. It carries a lot of weight. Obama was asked if he had advice for the long time friend and ally. President elect joe biden. He doesnt need my advice. I will help him any way i can. Im not planning to suddenly work on the white house staff. No cabinet position . Some things i would not be doing. Michelle would leave me. Youre doing what . All right. Coming up. Historic moment as musk space x launches four astronauts into orbit. A Ground Breaking day for the future of the space travel. A good view of this up there. Hurricane. Gaining strength as it barrels toward an already storm battered central america. Have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Smart fridge. Smart car. Smart doorbell. Door bell hello but fitbit makes you smart about your health. This isnt some phone on your wrist. Its a way to help manage stress. Keep your heart strong. And detect potential signs of illness. Its more than a smartwatch. Its a smarter way to transform your health. Friends family event with 25 to 50 off everything find hundreds of meaningful gifts instore, online or by virtual consultation. Shop your way and save. Only at kay jewelers. Resilience rises. A giant leap there for musk space x. The company has launched four astronauts into orbit. To meet up with the International Space station. They will dock in about 21 hours. And spend six months there. A mission that could pave the way for commercial space travel. A former astronaut kp member of the space x safety advisory board. Joining me now from houston. Its been a minute. Great to see you. There are Lessons Learned from every launch and mission into space. What lessons are they hoping to learn from this mission . Whats going on here were seeing the commercialization of space. Of transportation to and from the space station. This is the Second Mission of course they had a very successful flight test a few months ago. This being the first Operational Test tonight. Very successful launch from everything i saw. There were no glitches. The crew is in orbit and getting ready fo travel to the International Space station. It looks great. It was pretty to watch. You have been into space several times. What do the astronauts think and do now on route to 20 something hours until they get there. What are they thinking . They are pleased to have had a flawless launch. No significant anomaly that i can see. They are happy to be in orbit. We have a new first time flier in victor glover. Hes excited to be in space for the first time. Other astronauts all veterans and ready to get to the station. They are doing preparation for the several burdens they have to do. And the adjustment to the orbit to approach the station and hopefully dock successfully in 20 hours. How was the involvement of private enterprise impacted the Space Program . Its been positive. As you know, several years ago as member of the white house appointed committee to review u. S. Human space flight plans and when we put together as an option for administration was to help the commercial Companies Develop a capability to deliver and return at nasa astronauts and International Astronauts commercially. A rental car model. Instead of maintaining the infrastructure within nasa, nasa can contract for the services after helping jump start efforts and this is a great example. Space x delivering the second flight with astronauts on board. And this opens up the future. It opens up possibilities for other commercial companies to book ride or flights with space x. Down the road. Hopefully early next year boeing will join. In a similar model. And hopefully were opening up a new era of commercial space transportation. I like the uber analogy. Its 58 million per seat. Heck of an uber. I want to ask you this, if if nasa doesnt need russia to get astronauts up to the space station anymore, is it the end of what has been a real era of cooperation between the countries . What can be impacted if anything . Not at all. Nasa will still be working hand in hand in russia on the International Space station. Russia is the other major partner in the program. We depend on their Mission Control center. And vehicles and supply ships as well. The collaboration will continue. The only difference is we have another option to get our astronauts and the other International Astronauts to and from the iss. Were not dependent solely on russia. In the past we have had issues where it kind of threatened the ability to get to and from the station for a while. And now we have another route. That makes everyone more comfortable. Exactly. Great. Very exciting stuff. Everybody loves a space story. Everybody loves you. Good to see you. Thank you. The president of colombia has been viewing the devastation in regions hit by deadly landslides and floods. Scenes there. Look at that. Playing out where people were climbing on roofs to get to safety. Several people have been killed hundreds forced to evacuate. And just north of there a hurricane growing in strength. And taking aim at storm ravaged central america. Tracking iota for us. Since the last time we spoke about 90 minutes ago this storm system intensified further from a category 2 to now a category 4 major hurricane. On approach to portions of nicaragua and honduras. This particular island just outside of the scope of this particular storm on approach here over the next few hours. Were talking about a major hurricane here among the strongest observed in of course when you look of history. A handful of storms of this magnitude impacted this region. One of which was two weeks ago. This particular storm on approach towards a similar spot. Land fall two weeks ago. A category 4 on approach. Land fall sometime into the over night and Early Morning there. Monday night and tuesday morning. Should make land fall category 4 across a near identical spot. And the concern is with that particular storm, left behind 200 fatalities. Level vis are destroyed. Dams are at capacity and water on the ground. Across the communities. The last thing you want to see is another major hurricane making land fall. Potentially in a similar spot. To have a category 4 or stronger storm impacting it would happen 37 years. Its happening twice in matter of two weeks across the region. Skb the amount of rainfall the devastationcrisis across nicara honduras once it makes landfall. Thanks for keeping an eye on that. Thats potentially devastating. Pedram javaheri. It was a masters like no other. First a covid delay, then a major record shattered by that guy. Dustin johnsons big win when we come back. Staying home is esse. But some cant do it alone. They need help to stay home. And stay safe. They need us and we need you. Home instead. Apply today. Remind us. And forewarn us. But if you have type 2 diabetes. And risks for heart disease,. Damage to your heart may have already started. Up to 50 percent of you may be at risk for heart failure. And theres a chance you could land in the hospital. Farxiga does. More than help. Lower a1c. If you have type 2 diabetes. And risks for heart disease,. Farxiga can help prevent hospitalization for heart failure. Do not take if allergic to farxiga. 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Around the course for most of his day, looked shaky early on, able to settle in, ends the tournament 20 under par which is a masters record. D. J. s little brother austin, who caddies for him, tearing up on 18 as they were finishing up. His fiance running to give him a big hug and kiss to congratulate. He dreamed of winning this tournament as a kid, and he was very emotional when speaking about finally putting on his first green jacket. Tim, just growing up so close to hear, you know, its always been a tournament since ive been on tour, since my played my first masters is the one i want to win the most. As a kid you dream of winning a masters, dream of putting on a green jacket. I think i look pretty good in green too. D. J. Had been 0 for 4 on closing out majors. He said after this win it feels really good to close one out. D. J. s fivestroke win the most since tiger won in 1997. Tiger meanwhile had a wild day. He hit into the water on 12 not one, not two, but three times. Last year tiger survived 12 in the final round while others found the water, which helped him win the tournament. This year not so lucky. A 10 on the hole for the first time in his career. He fought back with birdies. Tiger has himself a decent tournament. The 2021 tournament now just five months away. This tournament certainly odd to not have the fans out there on the course. Heres hoping they return in 2021. Andy scholes. Thanks for watching, spending part of your day with me. Im michael holmes. Ill have more news for you after the break. New customer. Well, actually now, new and existing customers can get our best smartphone deal. Its historic. That is historic. Which means. Im making history, right . Yea, i dont know if id exactly sa wow. Me, dave brown. Existing customer who got the greatest deal in history. Just like every other customer gets. Oh thats cool too. Its not complicated. At t is making history. Everyone gets our best smartphone deals. 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