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Masks, as the president continues to make claims that the only reason the u. S. Has a surge in cases is because of an increase this testing. That is total crap. The president is peddling in debunked illogical crap and tweeting instead of doing his job. The president is spending part of the morning retweeting a Game Show Host who says the cdc and doctors are lying about a pandemic that has killed at least 135,000 of his fellow americans and sickened 3 million. Now the president and the white house are trying to discredit anthony fauci. Dr. Fauci whose presence on the White House Coronavirus task force has had doctors and experts and science minded people grasping to the hope that the magical thinking is countered by a scientific voice. Fauci is the nations top Infectious Disease expert and served six president s, democrats and republicans. He is in the cross hairs for publicly contradicting the president and getting good press according to a person familiar with President Trumps thinking. Despite that, a top official tells cnn that the president isnt looking to fire dr. Fauci and probably could not and while the president wont act his Surgeon General is urging americans to step in in the absence of federal leadership. Two to three weeks and as we see cases skyrocket, we can turn it around in two to three weeks if we can get a Critical Mass of people wearing face coverings and practicing social distance that is effective and talking about the fall we have the ability to turn this around. Right. Looking at the trends across the country, just three states are showing declines in infections compared to a week ago. Go to tom foreman tracking the hotspots across the u. S. What are you seeing . Reporter if you look at the number of hospitalizations, brianna, it is just staggering. Look at this graphic and look at that big swoop there from when they were very high and started to descend. What hit in there . June 1st when so many states said its good enough to reopen. They were pushed by the white house. Look. It is going up. New cases just sunday, look at these states, florida, theyre leading the charge there. Texas, california, arizona, georgia. Thats making that number just swoop up there in cases. These are people hospitalized. Being hospitalized with this is a very dire step for many people. It is a big move in that direction and when you look at deaths same thing. You can see that before june 1st there was at least a hint of a trend downward and since everyone started to reopen again they move up. You can see california and texas and arizona and florida there. Those numbers steadily working the way up there and in the sun belt right now which is really where this is just raging away take a look at whats happened in south carolina. They have doubled their cases in a month. So as ive said before, all of us want this to get better and hope for the best, everyone would love to see schools open and work properly, businesses open. But the numbers are making a lot of that look prohibitive because there is no sign that this is under control or even close yet. Brianna . All right. Tom, thank you for that. Florida as tom said is within of the nations hotspots. Officia officials reported a report number of new cases there and despite the numbers there is still no statewide mask mandate. Cnn correspondent rosa flores in miami beach for us. You are there in one of the hardest hit areas. Tell us how hospitals are handling the surge in cases. Reporter hospitals are getting tested. At last count here in florida 35 icu hospitals are at capacity. That means that there are zero hospital beds available. Ser seven of those here in Miamidade County. The past week the Governor Desantis acknowledged a new issues of the state with the response to covid19. And the pandemic. First of all, medical personnel. According to the Governors Office, theyre going to deploy about 1,000 nurses across the state, 100 will be sent here to miamidade to the epicenter. A lag in testing results, it is taking too long to know if people have covid19 or not. According to the Governors Office starting this week they start new lanes at testing sites so that symptomatic people get the test results quickly but lets be honest. Everybody needs a timely result when it comes to the numbers, florida over the weekend breaking its daily record with more than 15,000 new cases. Today the new numbers were a little lower but no good news here. There were more than 12,600 cases and here in Miamidade County the epicenter of this crisis, the number of hospitalizations goes up. If you look at the past 14 days, hospitalizations gone up 65 . Icu beds 67 . Ventilators 129 . Just to give you a sense of actual numbers, back in june 29th people on ventilators was 90. On july 12th thats 206. That just gives you an idea. Thats why so many local leaders, the mayor of miami beach and city of miami, are very concerned about the hospital situation rear hehere state of florida. Thank you. 135,000 americans losing their lives, 0 plans to contain the pandemic in america and now the federal response just hit a new level of stupid. Instead of listening to doctors and scientists the president would like you to listen to this guy. Welcome to the show. Thank you. There are more than 60 million single americans in the United States so we have a new way for singles to meet. Chuck woolery, a Game Show Host from the 1980s notable credits Love Connection and scrabble and says without any proof examples of rational thought that the cdc and doctors are lying to americans. Thats right, doctors who are spending the days saving lives and being unable to save lives. He says theyre lying, too. Why . Because he says they dont want the president to be reelected. Who doesnt want the economy to reopen . Isnt that what Everyone Wants . Why do we give a rip what Chuck Woolery thinks . We dont but we have to Pay Attention because the president is retweeting this Conspiracy Theory drivel that accuses the administration, the cdc umpbd h under of him of lying to the people. I want to bring in dr. Peter hotez, dean of tropical med season at Baylor College of medicine and in the race for a vaccine. First, doctor, what is the damage of suggesting, of having the president suggest that the cdc is lying to people and that doctors are lying to people . Yeah. I dont know what the president s end game here is. This is an abandonment of human rights. Its certainly a total absence of intellectual curiosity. This is terrible for the country at a time when we need leadership. Our epidemic is now spiraling out of control, especially in the southern half of the United States. We heard about the rise in hospital admissions and icu admissions. Hospital staffs are exhausted and sick across the country. Thats why we have the flyin of hospital staff. That is a very bad sign seeing that happen in italy and spain and new york, thats when the mortality rates really started to go up and theyre already on the rise and we might anticipate and see even a steeper acceleration because of this exhaustion on the part of hospital staffs and we are in a fullblown Public Health crisis and the president is not engaged. This is a terrible and ominous sign. So how do we as a country in the absence of leadership and accurate messaging from the top level navigate this situation . So this is the question were as scientists we are starting to ask, whos going to provide the leadership . Its been more or less left to the states and some cases the states have abdicated this and left it to the mayors and municipal authorities. With we need a roadmap and plan to accurately create intervention strategies and assess what that impacts going to be. This is why we have federal leadership. This is why we have a centers for Disease Control and if theyre knocked out of commission we have to look for substitutes and we are getting this picture and cant rely on the executive branch of the government and what do we do . Im starting to ask, could u. S. Congress step in . Are there levers to pull and push . Because we are running out of choices and time as this spirals out of control and the tragedy is this is doable. We can now bring the entire nation down to containment levels. Thats sometimes new case per million residents per day and other definitions to now then perform the adequate Public Health measures that need to be done and do the Contact Tracing and everything. You cant do it now but its doable. If we can act now we do it over the next six weeks and open up schools and colleges by early october and have a very meaningful summer but not now with the free fall and looking for someone to take leadership. Saying what i can and making recommendations but it needs a federal authority to lead this. Yeah. Even look congress, the Vantage Point is theres no will to happen in a unified way. I want to talk about dr. Fauci because he has been this bright spot in the federal response. You have known him for decades and now seeing the president and the white house actively trying to discredit him at worse, minimize him at the best case i guess and even pushing out Oppo Research against him. What are your concerns there . Its part of the continuum of their misinformation campaign. You know . First you heard it, 99 of cases are harmless, no deaths. We know all of those things are not true. Then they deflected. It was communist chinese conspiracy theories and the blaming the communist party and then the World Health Organization and i wrote an article back in may saying just a matter of time before the deflection extends to starting to blame the scientists and discredit the scientists and now right on cue there it goes and thats not good for the country and its tough now to be a scientist in the federal government, to speak out and to do the right thing, and this is a reason why im out there in order to say whats actually happening across the country because we will not get a straight story out of the federal government. Well keep talking to you, doctor. You do tell it straight and we appreciate your joining us. Thank you so much. Dr. Fauci is speaking live in moments. Also, an Inflection Point in the debate over whether to reopen schools. Hear what a source close to the Task Force Says needs to happen before schools reopen. Three teachers infected with coronavirus after sharing a classroom this summer. And they were using best practices mind you. One of them has died. Ill be speaking with their principal. Refi at newday can now save 3000 dollars a year with the va streamline refi. At newday theres no income verification, no appraisal, and not a single dollar out of pocket. One call can save you 3000 a year. If sttry new align digestivetive issuedestress. It combines aligns probiotic with ashwagandha to help soothe occasional digestive upsets, plus stress that can make them worse. Align digestive destress. From the pros in digestive health. There are a lot of questions right now about whether children should go back to classrooms this fall. What is the plan and the risk to them, their teachers and families . A source close to the white house says while there are no hard and fast rules if a particular community has had a fiveday sustained increase in Community Spread they probably should not be opening schools until they pass through the basic gating criteria of a 14day downward trajectory. That guidance has not changed. But in an interview with cnns dana bash, betsy devos offered little reassurance about how students and teachers would be protected. You asking students to go back so why do you not have guidance on what a school should do weeks before you want those schools to reopen and what happens if it faces an outbreak . You know, theres really good examples that have been utilized in the private sector and elsewhere, also with front line workers and hospitals and that data and information and examples can be referenced by School Leaders who have im not hearing from the department of education. Do you have a plan . For what students the plan so, schools should do whats right on the ground at that time for their students and for their situation. Now arizona is one of the states that has been seeing a surge in coronavirus cases infections across arizona topping 122,000 even as schools there try to figure out what to do this fall. Teacher kimberly bird died of the coronavirus just a few weeks ago. All three teacher who is shared a classroom used hand sanitizer, used masks and social distanced and still got sick with the virus in june. Pamela gonzalez is the principal of the k8 where Kimberly Byrd taught and joining us now. Pamela, im so sorry for you and your School Community as well as kimberlys family. This is a terrible loss. I know this is a teacher whos been an integral part of your city. Tell us what this means to lose her. Well, you know, its been thank you, first of all. Its been very hard. Kim was a master teacher. She went above and beyond for her students. She offered words of wisdom from her years of experience to her colleagues. She was a woman of strong faith and very proud of her family and her passing is mourned by whman who had the privilege of knowing her and it has sparked concern in our teaching, education staff of how things will look in the fall when we move forward after this. Keeping ourselves and our students safe. Of course, it has. Tell us. They were Wearing Masks and gloves and being careful and you just had three teachers in one room and this is what happened. Right . Tell us about that and what you are hearing now from other teachers and maybe parents of reopening and how this gives them pause. Yes. We were we are a small school in arizona, and after the closure in from march to may, we offered a twoweek Virtual Summer School Program for our k8 students and i had ten teachers that worked during those two weeks to teach Summer School. They taught on campus but they were the only ones in the classrooms. Kim and two of her colleagues, worked together and they chose that to support each other, you know, to do this new way of virtual teaching that was different than in person. So thats what they they worked together in a classroom like you said. They wore masks. They used hand sanitizer. Washed the hands frequently. Social distanced and they were still one week into Summer School after the fourth day, that weekend miss byrd fell ill. She was admitted to the hospital on a saturday. She was on a ventilator by that next day. And then on monday after that we had every all staff on campus tested and two more of our teachers which happened to be the two teaching in that classroom together with her became positive for covid. So, you know, since then we have the teachers have of course impacted the community. We are a small community. Miss byrd was such a you know, a beautiful person, a caring teacher so it really impacted her students, the families in the community. Fellow educators. And so its been really hard and its been really concerning moving forward. You know . Seeing the cases in arizonaen creasing instead of decreasing is concerning talking about opening up again for inperson schooling. Certainly. Its raising concerns as it should in your community and we are hearing from the World Health Organization that they dont know much about how kids transmit coronavirus and listen to what education secretary betsy devos told cnn about this yesterday. There is nothing in the data that would suggest that kids being back in school is dangerous to them. In fact, it is more a matter of their health and wellbeing that they be back in school. So, she says theres nothing in the data but at the same time the World Health Organization is essentially saying there is a lack of data. Right . About how this works and you have now experienced the loss of a teacher so in the face of this lack of data, you know, what do you say coming to your concerns about reopening . Well, i first of all, i would like to say that myself along with a lot of my colleagues, rwe, too, want to se our students and to be back in schools. We want we havent seen them since march but we want to do that when it is safe. You know . It is our responsibility to keep them safe. And i think its our responsibility to and our duty to, you know, listen to the Health Experts, to look at the data that shows, you know, when there is an increase of cases instead of a decrease, to follow areas like arizona who is a hotspot right now and to know that this just is not the right time. We can educate. We can educate virtually where it is safer. It is not ideal and it is not our first choice but we are our district, for example, has taken measures to this summer to work with in professional development and training for us to be able to offer a better quality virtual online instruction. In the meantime, where we know that would be the safest to do. So thats what i would say to that. Yeah. No. Look. The reality has hit hard there where you are and you are balancing all of these priorities. You clearly care so much about your teachers and kids, and again, we are very sorry about mrs. Byrd and appreciate you coming on to talk about what you are dealing with, mourning her and trying to get things back to some normal. Thank you so much, pamela. Thank you. We have some breaking news. Just after nba players arrived in the Orlando Bubble to restart their season, one of the leagues biggest stars revealed he tested positive for coronavirus and positive cases of people that crowded into a july 4th lake party in michigan. Disney world reopening, if you do not wear a mask consequences. Y its the faster way to clean as you go just spray, wipe and rinse it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. Spray, wipe, rinse. What is the administration going to do differently in the next two to four weeks to stop the spread . One thing i would note is that when you look at the mortality rate, we are seeing that our efforts here at the federal government have been working an ento give you an example of that, when you look at new york and new jersey, there were 21 deaths for every 1,000 cases. 20 deaths for every 1,000 cases in the case of new jersey. Those are the ratios we saw a few months ago. Now new jersey and new york down 1. 7 and 1. 8 per 1,000 and in florida, for example, though they have 12 cases for every 1,000 it is. 2 mortality for every 1,000 cases. In arizona,. 3 deaths for every 1,000 cases and we are seeing that our there puttics are working. Thats something good and that the president takes note of. Two to four weeks is such a short time period. What specifically are you doing to stop this spread . Theres a lot. Im very glad that you asked that because its worth highlighting. We are surging personnel to arizona, texas, california. We already have people working in florida. Surging remdesivir to states that are seeing rising case numbers. Also surging testing supplies to decrease turnaround time. Several action items that i was briefed on. The white house going to several states this week. Dr. Birx in particular to louisiana, alabama, georgia, south carolina. 19 hhs teams to metroplexes. Eight more coming this week. We are aggressively on the ground reacting to the virus and encouraged to see the declining mortality. I havent seen you in a few weeks. Glad youre back. Thank you. Why is the white house trashing dr. Fauci with Opposition Research like memos to the reporters . The president has gone off on Anonymous Sources in the past . Why not trash him with your own names . President trump ill refer you back. Theres no Opposition Research dumped to reporters. We were asked a specific question by the New York Post and that dr. Fauci made mistakes and we had a direct answer to the direct questions. The president suggested that americans inject themselves with disinfectants. That sort of thing. Why not send out these notes to reporters about what dr. Fauci said in the past with your names on it . Sent out by a white house official, the president said he doesnt trust Anonymous Sources and yet you were sending out the notes to reporters anonymously. Look. I would note in terms of the president he stands by the actions and steps taken. You have dr. Fauci who said that the record of the president is impressive. I cant imagine that under any circumstance that anyone could be doing more. We provided a direct response to a direct question and thats about it. To the notion of Opposition Research and fauci versus the president couldnt be further from the truth. Dr. Fauci and the president have a good working relationship. Does the president or the Administration Plan to make it very clear to the Russian Federation of not placing bounties on the heads of american soldiers serving in afghanistan . We make that clear each and every day to every country around the world that this president stands by the Law Enforcement. No one is tougher on russia than not Law Enforcement but military forces. Thats what im saying. The russians. Will you tell the kremlin and president putin not to put bounties on the heads of american soldiers . Of course. What you are getting at is uncrop rated intelligence and treating it as if its true. Im not going to answer a question based on unverified intelligence but every country in this world is putt on notice that bounties on the heads of u. S. Troops is not acceptable. Including the kremlin . Yes. Thank you. The quote of dr. Fathuci, i don think you can say were doing great. Is there any reaction to that from the white house is this. We have the most testing in the world. Were very low and beating most countries if not all in europe so were doing a lot on the world stage and a lot right. Noted that we were supposed to have a ventilator shortage and the u. S. Sent ventilators all around the world so the u. S. Response is historic including the three metrics to beat the rest of the world. Anthony fauci could you just clarify the scope of roger stones clemency . Does it only apply to prison time or encollude the twoyear period of supervised release . I dont think the exact details but i can follow up. Ill say that the roger stone clemency was a very important moment for justice in this country. You had a completely bogus russia witch hunt that found nothing an ento justify the waste of taxpayers dollars you had Robert Mueller charging people with process crimes and curious to roger stone charged with false statements but mccabe charged with lying to federal investigators. Brennan, false statements to congress. Clapper, false statements but didnt have 29 fbi agents intact call gear at the home as happened to roger stone. They didnt have four agents with battering rams breaking down the door over false statements and helicopters over their houses. And two police boats that roared up. Mccabe and clapper and brennan are given contracts, books so there are two standards of justice in this country. Mario . One more question. The president retweeted something this morning implying that he believes that retweeted something that the cdc is lying about the coronavirus in order to hurt his chances of getting reelected. Does the president believe the cdc is lying about covid19 . The president expressed the displeasure with the cdc, some rogue individuals leaking guidelines prematurely and believes that misleads the American Public with planning materials released that are not in the fullest form and the best form so thats what he was getting at but the notion of the tweet to point out the fact that when we use science we have to use it in a way thats not political. You had 1,300 Health Experts signing a letter not to condemn large crowds of protesters and some say churches need to stay locked down. We saw the protests in the streets. We need to use and lean in to science and not fitting the particular political persuasion is. He is confident in the cdc . He does. Mario . Thank you. Given what we are seeing in florida with the cases rising is the president anticipating a scaled down version of the Convention Next month . And if so, is that something that he would be content with . We plan to move forward at the white house but i would point you to the rnc and the campaign. Yes . Dr. Fauci, does the president pribt t appreciate the advice from him . Certainly. He provides advice and dr. Fauci is an epidemiologist and Infectious Disease expert and provides his opinion there. You also have other experts who are behavioral Health Experts who provide opinions about the Wholistic Health of the child and a voice for reopening schools and the damage of long term lockdowns can do and a doctor wokkirking on the vaccin and theyre experts in various issues and the president takes the full opinion of the task force and moves forward in a way he thinks is appropriate. The travel ban with canada expires in about a week. Is that going to be extended . Are you talking with canada about that . No announcements now for the plans with canada. Yes, arizona has more cases than any other country in the world, more than the European Union in a whole. Isnt that by metric the United States not doing as well . When you lead in tests you deaths are starting to rise. I would note, well, you talk about deaths, i can give you that particular information which dr. Birx gave to me before running out here which is in arizona you have 17 cases per 1,000 population and. 3 deaths per population which means the therapeutics are working and a better place today than before. Kimberly byrd died when she was following the rules, wore a mask, gloves, teaching Summer School and died. Two other teachers are ill. Her family, husband, daughter. How do you tell parents its safe when that happens . I would point you to the cdc director saying children are not very affected by this and typically are not spreaders in this and we have to look at the Wholistic Health of the child and when you have according to hhs one fifth of all child abuse cases reported by educational staff we cannot stay closed. Talking about a 62 decrease of abuse cases reported and talking about morbidity and mortality if schools stay shut down and children with Mental Health diagnosis receive the care in schools. The consequences are grave and a way for essential workers to go back to work just as the meat packing facilities did and we believe the teachers are as well. Thank you. The administration has said that the goal of maximum pressure to force iran back to the negotiating table. Is that still the goal of maximum pressure . And between iran and china, what evidence is there that the policies is succeeding . I have no yfrgs today on the iran relationship which stays the same today as its been. Daniel . President trumps former chief of staff Mick Mulvaney with a role in the administration said in an oped today we have a testing problem in this country and he and his son had to wait five to seven days for results. If he levels this criticism doesnt that indicate theres a problem with testing . Our reaction is that we have tested, we lead the world in testing. Did more than 40 million tests. Admiral giroir gave an update yesterday. On friday over 800,000 tests, tripled the number of tests, this is his quote. We have 12,000 retail test sides that are there and we are surging testing in basically every specific county thats having a problem. Dr. Birx was just walking me through pool testing a way to process test at a faster rate and we are doing a pretty good job. Reaction to the Washington Redskins . I havent talked to him about this announcement is made. Not on that. Last week the tweet made it clear that these teams, these teams name them out of strength and not weakness and talking about the redskins and indians looking at changing the names and he said that he believes that the native American Community would be very angry at this and he does have polling to back him with a the Washington Post poll from a few years ago that 90 of native americans say theyre not offended by the name reflective of the 2004 poll and the Washington Post notes that many of the native americans voiced admiration for the team name like Barbara Bruce saying im proud. Im not ashamed. I like that name. A 29yearold, i dont mind it. I like it. There are several other comments like this in the Washington Post. Deborah . Thank you. All right. Were jumping out of the White House Briefing here to bring in cnn chief political analyst Gloria Borger and dr. Hotez. She said when you lead the world in testing you find more cases. We can look, right, at the st statistics of the 20 worst hit countries, 13 doing better than the u. S. That is the worsthit countries. Okay . America is a coronavirus disaster right now. Maybe some communities not seeing the hotspots but where you are and leading this overall this is very troublesome. The United States is not doing a good job no matter what she says as she tries to peddle this idea of rogue individuals she said at the cdc and now trying to create this idea of that the deep state and it is in the cdc undermining the president. The science, dr. Hotez, leading the world in testing, thes more cases and trying to make a case that the u. S. Is doing well to get the economy to reopen. What do you say about this argument she is making . Before we get to the science, look at the presentation. Totally devoid of humanity, compassion. Totally devoid of the recognition that we are experiencing a massive resurgence in the United States. Record numbers. 70,000 cases a day. Going to 80,000 cases a day very soon. Its not the testing. Steep rise in hospitalizations and icu admissions. Why else did she point out the fact that theyre sending human numbers of Hospital Personnel to the south to help out with this horrible epidemic . And to dismiss the deaths that are now climbing and will continue to accelerate to unprecedented levels in the next few days and weeks and to only cherry pick certain rates, this was obfiscation. A lack of a recognition of the lowincome neighborhoods are def stated, latino populations, africanamerican populations, only all about cherry picking facts and factoids to string together a false narrative which is ludicrous. Because, gloria, the big issue is reopening schools. I do really think as we listen to the experts, even the medical experts saying where you cant reopen, as soon as you can reopen you need to, right . This is important for children. You had kayleigh there saying the children are not spreaders and did it in response to a question about a teacher in arizona who died. We just interviewed her principal minutes ago, a teacher wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer, doing social distancing, following the guidelines with a twoweek Summer School Virtual Program with her in a room with two other teachers and this community in arizona in rural arizona is now mourning her and kayleighs reaction to say kids are not effective spreaders but the World Health Organization said today theres a lack of data on this. Look. What we heard today and let me echo what the doctor is saying is a world is flat recitation to every question that was asked, whether it was about reopening schools. No matter what, thats what she is talking about. Theyre not dumping Opposition Research on tony fauci which of course they are. We know that as journalists. They have sent this out to journalists so we know that they are opening Opposition Research and of course the greatest lie of all today was the notion that we have the best testing in the world. Even their former acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney wrote a piece today saying that, you know what . We have to deal with the testing problem after he dealt with it personally because he had people in his family who had to wait five to seven days for test results and that is no way to conduct Contact Tracing or testing so even he acknowledged that the United States has a huge testing problem. But if youre kayleigh and work for donald trump you cannot acknowledge any problem. You only have to parrot what the president wants you to say. Yeah. She is going to have to live with that and defends, peter hotez, the white houses record on this when you have 135,000 americans who are dead, far past the upper end of what President Trump fathomed. Schools are supposed to reopen next month. She is casting people who are raising any kinds of concerns about schools reopening as people who dont want to reopen schools. There are many compelling reasons to reopen schools, right . So many Health Issues for children and yet they dont seem to be addressing this way of keeping students, their families, their teachers healthy. The way she does it is very clever and sort of a nefarious way pointing out the American Academy of pediatrics issued a document recommending that kids should go back to school. They need the infrastructure, the socialization. Theyre also practical reasons, food security. Many kids can only get fed in schools. Theres the adolescent Mental Health counseling. But the point that she takes out is the fact its unsustainable to do it in areas of high virus transmission. You cannot open schools in houston or miami or phoenix when within two weeks teachers will start to get very sick and bus drivers will start to get very sick and cafeteria workers will get very sick and the minute that starts to open its lights out. Theyll close up the schools and simply be unsustainable so the problem is the white house is simply unwilling to undertake the hard work that needs to be done to open up the schools and colleges and the rest of the country by the fall. They dont want to take ownership. They dont want to roll up the sleeves. We can do this. But we have to have a national roadmap and strategy looking at each state, what they need to do to get back to containment mode and by october 1 we moob abight able to do that. Its lack of intellectual curiosity, commitment and work ethic and its ruining our country. Let me just add. We shouldnt stand for it. It is also going to take money and larry kudlow suggested today that in fact the information is considering some kind of package of funds, a stimulus package, for schools. That makes a lot of sense because in order to undertake what needs to be undertaken, distancing in the classrooms, all that retro fitting, it takes a lot of money for the School Systems which generally dont have a lot of money and so many will have to come from the federal government. So i think that was actually a good sign hearing kudlow hint about that because if schools are ever going to get open they need to spend money to do it. I wonder, these aides around the president , you know, a lot of them are parents. Kayleigh is a new parent. How do you think this is politically winning . The response to the reporter asked about the teacher that died in arizona said essentially its worth the risk. Theyre asking parents to roll the dice with their most precious possession. How can they possibly think that that is a winning political objective . I dont a correct. And they dont know how theyre going to do that. Youre a parent, im a parent. My kids are grown. But how do you decide whats healthy for your chilleden, healthy for their teachers and whats healthy for you, quite frankly, and how to handle this without constant scientific guidance from a task force, a plan, a National Strategy . We havent had a National Strategy on testing. We havent had a National Strategy on much of anything. How can you do any of this without seeing it laid out before you and without saying okay, my school system, working in concert with the federal government, has decided that this is the best way to do it until it changes. And i think parents need to have that. Theyre not making a decision whether to go out todinner. Theyre making a decision about the health of their family. Yeah. Its a very good point. Gloria, thank you so much, dr. Hotez. Dr. Fauci is speaking. Well hear what he says about the future of the pandemic. You know when your dog is itching for an outing. Or itching for some cuddle time. But you may not know when hes itching for help. Licking for help. Or rubbing for help. If your dog does these frequently. They may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. Dont wait. Talk to your veterinarian and learn more at itchingforhelp. Com. He used to have gum problems. Now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinicallyproven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. crowd applauding therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Now every bath fitter bathbath fis installed quickly, its a better mouthwash. Safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. A book that youre ready to share with the world . Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today breaking news. Hoou houston rock gts guard, Russell Westbrook announced he tested positive for coronavirus. This is as players are arriving at the bubble for the restart of the season. Thats right. So, all the teams, they made the trip to orlando last week. The rockets went on thursday. Everyone got testd before they left. And when the rockets got to orlando to enter the bubble, their two superstar guards were not there, raising eyebrows. And turns out Russell Westbrook did tests positive before making the trip and westbrook confirmed the news a little while ago on social media. Ill read what he said. I tested positive for covid19 prior to my teams departure. Im currently feeling well, quarantined and looking forward to rejoining my teammates when im cleared. Please take this virus seriously, be safe, mask up, why not. And we reached out to the rockets bp they said they had no more information to add other than what westbrook already said. The head coach was asked why arent westbrook and harden in the bubble already and he said they are dealing with some things, brianna, and that he hopes to have them at camp there in orlando in the next three or four days. Now, when players arrive in the bubble in orlando, they have to stay in their room for 48 hours and have two negative tests before theyre allowed to venture out and start practicing with the team. Thats what westbrook had ahead of him and james harden, whenever he eventually makes his way to orlando. All right. Just shows what theyre up against here. We wish them the best in their recovery and getting on to this. A positive sign in the fight against the coronavirus in new york city. Mayor de blasio saying for the first time there was a 24 hour period with zero coronavirus deaths. Did pointed out in the rise among 20 to 29 year olds. Hell offer more mobile testing and mask giveaways. More on the viruss impact from my cnn colleagues across the country. Im Jacqueline Howard in atlanta. People who attended a 4th of july party are being urged to get tested right away and to monitor for symptoms. The Health Department issued the advisory after party goers tested positive for the virus and were unable to remember who they came into contact with. They showed huge crowds with lots of boats. Police reported a 26 higher call volume in contrast to previous gatherings on the 4th. Outside a hospital in phoenix. The story of the pandemic is a story of stress on the medical system. 89 of all icu beds are in uses. 86 of all hospital beds are in use. Ventilator capacity is steadily declining. Doctors tell us this system is under stress and for now, theres no end in sight. Reporter im Dianne Gallagher in atlanta where georgia governor has reactivated a covid19 overflow hospital here behind me. He made the decision on friday, which is when the state hit a Record Number of new cases, nearly 4500. Georgia has seen an increase in hospitalizations, deaths and new cases of covid19. The georgia world conference sent orridgeinally opened in april during what they thought was going to be the peek of the virus in the state. Hour two now. Im brianna keiler. The coronavirus is ravaging the u. S. That is a fact. The Trump White House is failing in its coronavirus response. That is another fact as it tries to say theres a deep state within the cdc. And the president and his inner circle are inexplicably turning on

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