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Happening to him. Hes a hate news monger. Hes being challenged in court for things hes done. I do think this is another example of how these companies are struggling to figure out how to handle content on their platforms. Its harder than having an algorithm decide what to do. And what is the policy moving forward. Unclear. Appreciate it. Thank you all for being with me. Im poppy p py harlow in new yo. Next hour starts now. Hello, everyone, here is a question for do you believe an admitted liar or an accused one . That is exactly what jurors are face floodinging today in a Vid Courtroom as the star witness is back on the stand in the trial against Paul Manafort. So far Rick Gates Has been telling the court a riveting tail of betrayal, theft, and years of financial fraud. And while there is nothing here about what either man did for the trump campaign, this is the first trial to come out of the Special Counsels russia investigation, and theyre back at it now. Joe johns is outside the courthouse in alexandria, virginia. Hes joining me right now. Joe, what has been happening in the courtroom . Testimony continuing, what are you hearing . Reporter its really fass nating. The way rick gates lays out how they did it, how he and Paul Manafort moved millions of dollars that they got paid from ukraine through Bank Accounts in cypress so that manafort could have access to the money, and theyre laying it out by presenting the witness, rick gates, star witness, by the way, with emails and other documents including some that are damaging, presumably, to manafort, one in particular which clearly indicates that what this gates would do is get Kate Bolduan gives a fresh take on todays top stories. Thats where we are. Back to you. And more to come. Joe, thank you very much. Court continues. Joining me, Crime And Justice reporter shimon porcupez, and cnn legal analysts and former federal prosecutors. Thanks all for being here. Renata, first to you, how is the gates testimony going so far . Like how would you how would you grade this . Its going very well for the prosecution. I think at this point if were grading on a curve, wed give him an a. They have obviously gates has problems, you alluded to that earlier in the show. Whenever you have a flipper, cooperator, theyre going to have problems. Theyre somebody whos committed a crime. Here gates is you know, admitted to lying under oath. He admitted to lying to the fbi. So that is something that jurors are going to have to consider. But the that has been fronted by the prosecutors. In other words, they have put that out there there for the jury so it takes the sting out of the crossexamination. And what they have done as was pointed out a moment ago is walk through in detail how rick gates committed crimes along with Paul Manafort. And that is the power of a witness like him, a cooperator. He can say, i committed crimes along with that man, and here is how he did it. Jennifer, the Washington Post who put it this way first, which is the jury has to now decide who theyre going to believe, as i said it top. An admitted liar, an accused one. How is the jury supposed to decide that . There are a few ways that the prosecution will ask the jurors to decide that rick gates is telling the truth here. One is just the structure of his cooperation agreement. He has to tell the truth. Thats in the agreement. If he doesnt, he doesnt get the benefit of cooperation, he doesnt get his guilty plea back either. Hell be facing time. The judge wont be able to give him leniency. The most important way is that hes corroborated by all the other evidence in the case. Thats what was being discussed earlier. Not just his own oral testimony about what happened, but emails, other documents, im sure there are Wire Transfer records, as well. So in addition to what he says, the jury will also be relying on the other evidence in the case. Thats what prosecutors will use to say yes, he lied to us when he first came in, yes, he was stealing from Paul Manafort, yes, he lied to the irs. But hes telling you the truth here today, and heres how you know. This evidence backs him up that, of course, he couldnt have anything to do with fabricating. Shimon, put this in perspective for folks. Who is rick gates in The Grand Scheme of the investigation . When you listen to the testimony and what youre hearing is a guy who is directly involved in almost every part the Paul Manaforts business. Thats clearment in this clear. In this testimony, hes revealing emails, messages sent to him, to Paul Manafort, to ukrainians. It is going to be hard for the defense in this case to refute the documents. You can go after witnesses all you want. It seems like the prosecution at least to this points has a lot of other evidence, documents certainly that are going to bolster their case. You know, in The Grand Scheme of things, also when you think about rick gates and what he was to the president ial campaign, right, he was involved in that. So he knows almost every aspect probably of Paul Manaforts professional life, his political life. And again, you know, what was revealed yesterday was that he has met with prosecutors some 20 times. So we really dont know exactly everything that Rick Gates Has told him about Paul Manaforts life. We know that investigators, the fbi, the Special Counsel, has been very interested in Paul Manafort outside of this case and what he knew about communications with russians and perhaps others during the campaign. We really have only a little bit of of look inside of what rick gates knows concerning Paul Manafort. And with all of this kind of setting up as we have, i really wonder what is crossexamination going to look like . It is going to be brutal, kate. The defense absolutely has to take down rick gates if they want any chance of victory. Even if they do take down gates, theres a lot of other evidence, they still might lose. If they dont take down gates, its all over. Gates essentially lays out the prosecutionss case, goes through the evidence. He is telling the jury, i worked with that man, we were criminals, we worked together. Heres how we did it. So you can expect a lot of fireworks today. This is going to be the most dramatic part of the trial. In the defense opening, they said, the opening statement, that that rick gates is the real bad guy, hes the real wrongdoer. And you can expect that a lot of fireworks here, particularly focusing on the fact that he embezzled money from manafort. The defense will argue that he fooled manafort then, and it goes to show that he fooled manafort as to this other stuff. Part of what one of the big things thats come out, jennifer, is that rick gates says that admitted that he basically stole money from Paul Manafort over the years, like in the process of all of this nefarious stuff that rick gates is admitting to. Why did he admit that . He had to admit that. You have to tell the truth about everything that youve done. I mean, even if he stole car parts when he was a kid, hes going to admit that. This especially because keep in mind the prosecutors have all of this documentary evidence. They have all of the financial accounts and probably could see even if rick gates didnt tell them, that money was going out that couldnt be accounted for through the salaries. He had to come clean. He did come clean. Renatos right, thats going to be a tough part of the cross. Jennifer, does this testimony make it less likely that manafort takes the stand . You know, its hard to tell about a defendant testifying. In my experience defendants only take the stand when theyre desperate, when it looks really bad for them and they think they have no chance of winning. I think thats probably the case here. But keep in mind that his testimony then opens him up to cross on a whole variety of topics including things that he doesnt testify about on direct. As long as they go to his credibility. He may not be willing to open that pandoras box given what the government knows about him. So it will be interesting to see. I still am guessing that he doesnt testify, though, given the risks. Okay. Shimon, this case as weve mentioned is not about the president s campaign or possible collusion with russia. These are very clearly financial crimes that happened that hes accused of and charged with, that happened before manafort joined the trump campaign, years before in some cases. How important is really today for the Mueller Investigation when you talk about this star witness, this testimony, this crossexamination, that will be coming . This moment . So heres what i think, its important because rick gates is a cooperator. If the defense or anyone, say, in this case brings him down, whatever else he may be cooperating on could be in jeopardy. If they break his credibility here, certainly if this jury finds that hes not believable, you can be assured that the prosecution, that these investigators are going to look at this as an issue. Its not necessarily going to affect the plea deal that Rick Gates Has worked out and the cooperation agreement. They would be devastated. It would hurt their chances of using him in any other criminal trial. They can continue to use him in their investigation and gather information and get information from him. But to put him out there publicly would certainly if his credibility is found to be bad in jeopardy, putting him out there in public again would probably limit it. Guys, great to see you. Thank you very much. Lets see what happens today. Ahead for us, the final test for President Trump before the midterm elections. Can republicans hang on to a very longheld, very strongly held, reliably red seat in ohio . Or Will Democrats Be Making History Tonight . And one of the greatest athletes of all time, tennis star Serena Williams, opening up again about a personal struggle. What she is saying today that has so many people talking. [stomach gurgles] when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Girl, pepto Ultra Coating will treat your stomach right. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try new pepto with Ultra Coating. When we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to liberty mutual, you could save 782 on auto and home insurance. And still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ohio, ohio, ohio has long been the bellwether of president ial politics. Once again, all eyes are on ohio. Its not a president ial race, of course, but the president is a factor for sure. Voters in ohios 12th Congressional District are heading to the polls in a critical special election. The seat has been held by republicans for more than 30 years. Trump won the district by 11 points. So why then is the race a virtual tie between Republican Troy Balderson and Democrat Danny Oconnor . Why, oh why . It seems everyone has their own answer, and the thinks he is the solution. Campaigning there over the weekend, but not surprisingly, the candidates disagree on what impact he will have. Has brought so much enthusiasm out, to have both the Vice President of the United States and the president of the United States here within six days of each other is just huge. The most important thing we can do is have oneonone conversations with our volunteers, with me, with my family, knocking on doors. Because thats more valuable than when people come in from washington, d. C. , they spend a couple of hours here, and leave. Theyre not invested in the Community Like i am. Cnns ryan nobles is in ohio for us. What are you seeing there . Youre at the Polling Place where the voters are. What are they telling you . Reporter yeah, its been a steady stream of voters here in wef westerville. Theres no doubt that President Trump looms large in this race. National politics certainly a part of the focus here. We were reminded last night that this is still very much a local race. Thats because of something the republican candidate Troy Balderson said last night. Take a listen. My opponent is from Franklin County. Franklin county has been challenging. We dont want someone from Franklin County representing us. Reporter if you caught that, balderson said we dont want someone from Franklin County representing us. We happen to be in Franklin County now. This makes up onethird of this important Congressional District, and it is where danny oconnor, the democrat, hails from. Oconnor responded saying our district represents someone whos going to represent all of us. Troy balderson made it Crystal Clear thats not him. And democrats are really trying to seize on these comments, targeted facebook ads that are going out to voters here in Frederick County to try and drive them to the polls. Certainly this would be the more moderate end of the district that includes parts of columbus, as you get further away from columbus. The district gets more red. Kate, for all the talk about Donald Trumps influence in this race, it could come down especially something, a race that is so close at this point to a very big gaffe at the 11th hour that could decide who wins or loses tonight. Well have to see what happens. Great to have you there. Thank you very much. For more on the race and what the results could mean, who else am i going to go to . Difficult, or disastrous . This is the only election. Not like theres more inning in terms of ohio. More coming in terms of ohio. This is what folks are voting on if theyre turning out in ohio. What does it change in terms of the map and the path if the democrat wins . Reporter if republicans cannot hold this seat, Ronald Reagan was president the last time a democrat won this seat. If the republicans cannot hold it tonight, it is a betterthansafe bet the democrats will take back the house. Better than a safe bet. If they cannot hold a seat like this, you cannot expect them to hold the more competitive races that would give the democrats the 32 23 or 24 they need. If its close, republicans will try to turn the lessons in the battlegrounds states. This matters. Its not just a special election because were inside 100 days, were close to november. Republicans are nervous about the message out of this district tonight. Yeah. The momentum is real on this one. Trump came out with a new endorsement yesterday. I want to ask about another race. There are other people voting. Reporter right. Tonight. A controversial polarizing, if you will, kansas secretary of state, chris coback, he is running for governor. In the primary fight with the current republican governor. What does it mean for republicans chances of keeping the Governors Mansion there if were talking about chris coback and an endorsement that by all accounts that im seeing folks didnt want donald trump to weigh in on this. Reporter no, they did not. They wanted him to stay silent. Think about what you said the sitting republican president just opposed a sitting republican governor. Donald trump loves his sway in the Republican Party. He thinks he can turn out the voters. He loves being the leader of the Republican Party in that way, rally trump, if you will. Base trump, if you will. He doesnt understand, many republicans will tell you, his responsibility as the leader of the party, they think by endorsing chris coback who, like the president , says that millions of people came out of the woodwork and voted illegally in the president ally election, among other president ial 14,000 firefighters across california are battling 16 major fires. The largest is the mendocino complex fire. Its two fires combined into one. Now its doubled in size over the last three days. And now its the largest fire in californias history. Its burned more than 290,000 acres, an area about the size of los angeles, if you can believe it. So far, there are no reports of deaths or injuries related to that fire. We know from other fires there have been fatalities. Joining me now, live from lakeport, california, correspondent dan simon with more. Dan, it really seems like these fires, you take all 16, they will not quit. What are you seeing there . Reporter hi, kate. Yeah, the California Wildfires keep getting bigger and bigger. This one is massive. Were not seeing any abatement. This is one of the hometown thats been one of the homes thats been destroyed. 75 homes in total. And you have about 34 containment, and thousands of people who have been evacuated. At this point about 11,000 homes still being talented. We have some of the structures like i said, destroyed. For the most part, you see what the fire has done. It has charred a tremendous amount of landscape. Were talking about fire that is in a steep area, very rugged terrain. So that is the place where the helicopters really need to focus their efforts to try to get those flames under control. For the most part, again, the fire is burning,a b burning from populated communities. With the weather, wind, heat, and bonedry brush, theres a concern that the fire could push into the populated areas. We know as weve seen it can shift it can change directions so quickly without really any warning. I have to ask you, dan, President Trump is weighing in on the fires. Hes tweeted out in part that the fires are being, in his words, magnified and made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which arent allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. He said in a tweet. Dune what hes talking about here do you know what hes talking about here . What are officials in california saying . Reporter kate, the experts here have no idea what he is saying. There is absolutely no problem when it comes to getting water to battle these wildfires. In the past really for the past few decades, there has been friction between environmental groups and farmers and commercial fishermen when it comes to water diversion. The notion that firefighters would be challenges getting water to put out the fires, its not rooted in fact whatsoever. And really, everyone seems to be puzzled. And dan, this was also handed to me. It seems the white house doesnt know, as well, from cnns kevin liptack, the white house is not offering any clarity to the president s claim. Kevin liptak reporting, officials admit to being perplexed as to where trump may have gotten the notion that californias longrunning water crisis is related somehow to the outofcontrol fires. Per politicsed in california. Per Per Politicsed in california. Perplexed in washington, d. C. , as well. Even at the white house. Dan simon, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Ahead for us, a towering figure in sports gets candid about a reallife issue. Ten is superstar Serena Williams sparking an important conversation across the country. This is your wakeup call. If you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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Theres always tomorrow. Joining me now to discuss this, the impact. Serena williams opening up like this, sports analyst christine brennan. Medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. And editor of chief of marie claire, anne fullenwriter. Great to have you here. This hits so many of us, anne. This struck you when you read it . It had me thinking all evening and morning about it. When you read that and you hear that, what do you what do you think . What is serena saying . I am so grateful to serena for being honest about mother hood especially in the early months. When i was a new mom years ago, i remember the power of Brooke Shields talking about Postpartum Depression. Something i had not heard that much about. To hear a celebrity talk about that is not all rosy is incredibly powerful. It is incredibly powerful. Elizabeth, something that im wondering about is is she talking about Postpartum Depression . Is she talking about worklife balance . Is she talking about all of it . What do you think . Its interesting. When you look at her Instagram Post, Serena Williams does not say she was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. She talks about feeling in a funk. She talks about experiencing postpartum emotions. That can be different. Thats not necessarily depression. I think in the end it doesnt matter. I think what she is talking about is what its like to go back to work after having that cute baby there. It is difficult. I remember my first day back at cnn, an incredibly supportive place for mothers. I rode home with the first day with a friend and cried the entire day home. I wasnt depressed. Its just that before youre a mother, youre a different person. Once you become a mother, youre not just about yourself. Youre devoted to this other being. Going back to work after going through that can be tough. Christine, i have to say, i i have been so impressed all along on how candid serena has been about the journey. She is such an amazing athlete. And she is being so real about this aspect of her life. What does this mean for the sports world . Kate, if its possible, serena is having her finest hours now. And this is someone whos won 23 grand slam tournaments, is seen as the greatest of all time. Maybe not just female tennis player, but of all tennis players. I think shes the greatest female athlete in any sport ever in history. Yet i think this is each her finest achievement. Because what the remarkable thing shes done on the tennis court, i think shes now decided to branch out and be honest. She always was honest. She always was very emotional in a good way about telling us what she thought about all these tournaments over the years. And she really burst on to the scene. In 1999, thats 19 years ago, as an 18yearold, and she won her first u. S. Open. Shes gearing up again for the u. S. Open where the crowds will be absolutely crazy about her. Can you imagine the ovation . Can you imagine now its not just serena the tennis player, its serena the cultural icon. And what shes saying and how shes helping women and and new fathers, its really, its serenas shining in a way that i dont know that any of us would have expected to see. It is great to see. And it doesnt seem planned. It just seems its just authentic. Shes just being herself and just being so theres so much strength in being open about it. Because and you know this, as a working mom, there is always a risk. There is always it is always hard to show weakness or to throw up your hand and say, i need . Help. And i wonder i dont know, maybe im being polly anna about it, but i wonder if serena speaking up helps with that. I think it helps tremendously. I think the more honest we are all about motherhood in the beginning and how hard to say to go back to work, to decide not to go to work. The more honest we can be with each other, the better. There is a taboo about talking about the really challenging parts of motherhood. And i think the great thing about serenas talking about it is that were so used to her winning. Shes the high achieving woman who probably got all as. She certainly knows the game like you practice, and then you get the trophy. You practice, win, get the trophy. And mother hood, theres no trophy as a motherhood, right. A completely different experience. For her to be sharing that with us is powerful because were not used to seeing her that way at all. Our troughies are the kids trophies are the kids, but sometimes the kids take the trophy and beat us over the head with it. Exactly. Elizabeth, i i never think of people appreciate and especially what annes talking about. People appreciate the intense change that happens in that first year of having a baby. Physical, of course. But emotional and mental. I mean, people talk about the fourth trimester for a baby. Theres a fourth trimester for mothers, too. I wonder why we dont hear more about it. Absolutely. When you think about it, youve spent nine months carrying this little baby inside you. And then three months or whatever your maternity was doting on them and looking at them every second. And then all of a sudden, youre sitting there at a desk, and youre still in that fourth trimester. I mean, that is where youre sort of in the early stages. You are a different person after you become a mother. Youre a better person. And so i think that we all need to remember that. And so when we talked about before, this really could be her shining moment. I think that is absolutely right. She is not just a great athlete now, but she is a great athlete and a great mother. And christine, you were talking about kind of this being her shining moment. You have Serena Williams talking about an issue that shes so passionate about. And so real about. You have lebron james speaking out in the past week about what he is passionate about. And doing now a documentary, i dont know where these people find the time. Doing an documentary about the athletes and causes they care about. Are we seeing a new moment . I feel like the pendulum swings back and forth, christine, of athletes are role models, athletes shouldnt be role models, athletes are role models. You nailed it. In the 60s, you had muhammad apply, billie jean king, many others. Then Michael Jordan saying republicans buy sneakers, too, and tiger woods wanting to be more corporate. I think youre right. Were looking at Athlete Activism in a way that i dont know that weve seen. Its coming from everywhere. Whats great is that athletes have a voice and bring people to a conversation who otherwise would not be included. So whether its bad things like the ohio state story right now or the Michigan State horrors of Usa Gymnastics or important issues and happy things with the baby and then the did. Issues involve that with Serena Williams, you have someone with a voice, Serena Williams, who has a way to reach people and brings people into a conversation who otherwise might be left out of the conversation. Sports is this great common denominator. Now its bringing us to the issues in a meaningful way. I so want to see Serena Williams on the cover of marie claire again. I want to see her grace the pages of your magazine and see any conversation that you would have. Whats your whats your, i dont know, message to serena today . Just thank you. Thank you from me and from all the new mothers out there. And thank you for sharing an sharing it on instagram. Theres a lot of talk about fomo and how everyones lives look beautiful on instagram. Yes. For her to be honest and raw on instagram is really powerful. Great to see you guys. Thank you. Great to see you, christine, elizabeth. Thank you both. Thank you very much. Thanks, serena. Coming up for us, President Trump says he just slapped iran with what he calls the most biting sanctions ever imposed. Irans leader says lets talk. What happens now . Thats next. No, what . . I just switched to geico and got more. More . Got a company i can trust. Thats a heck of a lot more. Over 75 years of great savings and service. You cant argue with more. Why would ya . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Feeclaritin and Relief Fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Nuclear program and sanctions the Trump Administration just reimposed this morning. President trump today tweeting this. These are the most biting sanctions ever imposed, and in november they ratchet up to yet another level. Anyone doing business with iran will not be doing business with the United States. I am asking for world peace, nothing less. So now this is what we have. Both the u. S. And iranian president s saying theyre ready to meet without preconditions. So now what . Joining me now, cnn Global Affairs analyst aaron david miller, who served as middle east negotiator for republican and democratic administrations. Aaron, help me with this one. You think they should plan a sitdown with iran, but not a summit. What are you looking for . What should happen here . You know what the end game is, kate, is unclear. What we dont need is another summit what i call another summit of the vanities. Either with putin or even with kim. Talking to north korea was important. Its just these unstructured summits which are a reflection of the president s desire to dominate the headlines and to somehow personally believe he can turn these leaders to his advantage Doesnt Work Out very well. So no, i mean, we ought to be talking to the iranians if only to diffuse the possibilities of tension in the gulf and tone down some of the rhetoric, but theres got to be some sense of strategy. For now, its good politics to weaken iran. As long as the president stays out of a war and the iranians dont ramp up their nuclear program, this is a kind of muddle through strategy, which will probably get you through the midterms. Just through the midterms. All right. I hear you. But theres the long game, aaron. We could flip a coin. You asked me what the strategy is. We could flip a coin. Same with north korea, with putin, with arab israeli stuff. I hear you. Its hard. Its hard, thats why i bring you on. I never bring you on for the easy stuff, my friend. Trumps National Security adviser john bolton was out again today talking about the renewed sanctions on iran. Let me play you what he said. The implications are already pretty profound. Theyll grow more profound in november when the oilrelated sanctions kick in as well. Whats the real impact you think of the sanctions . I mean, the sanctions were on, the sanctions were relieved, the sanctions are now going back on. Does this change behavior like the administration is hoping for, you think . Its certainly not going to change the regime, not any time soon. As far as changing behavior, i dont think so. Not without a look, the administration can apply a lot of vinegar. The question is whether theyre prepared to apply some honey in order to create the possibility of some sort of negotiation, but then you have to ask yourself, well, what are we negotiating . Were going back to the nuclear deal with the president that says its the worst agreement in the history of the world. As far as a comprehensive agreement, one that stops irans activities in the region, gets a better deal for mr. Trump, i dont think neither iran nor mr. Trump is prepared to pay the price for that. I wouldnt rule out, though, kate six, seven times already its been in the wind that sometime this fall, maybe against the backdrop of the u. N. General assembly, there will, in fact, be another summit of the vanities. Id settle for a secret channel. Wouldnt surprise me if theyre working on it even now, to try to create a structured dialogue to see whats possible now between the u. S. And iran. Thats the best youre going to hope for. Yeah, when there are so many other countries who still want to be part of the now nonu. S. Included nuclear deal. Aaron, great to see you. Thank you so much. Take care, kate. Lets see what happens tomorrow. Coming up for us, Rudy Giuliani says the president s legal team is ready to respond to Special Counsel robert mueller. What giulianis forecasting. He doesnt want the president to talk about it, and whether or not that means the president will ever sit down with the Special Counsel. Thats next. To get your windshield fixed. 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Giuliani continues to do interviews to talk about why they dont want him to talk to mueller now or if at all. What is the reality here . Reporter well, the reality here, kate, is that the president has been at odds for months over whether or not hes going to sit down with the Special Counsel, at odds with his legal team over that. So Rudy Giuliani is saying theyre prepared to respond to the latest proposal from the Special Counsel. Youll remember that proposal is a proposal that said they would be willing to limit the number of questions about obstruction of justice, but that those were still questions they wanted to ask President Trump in person. We know thats not what the president s legal team, including Rudy Giuliani, wants to happen, if there is an interview. They, instead, want the questions to be limited to questions about collusion and events that occurred before President Trump actually took office and was inaugurated. So for eight months now, weve really had this catandmouse game. Thats a great way to put it. Its been this back and forth between the two of them. That seems to be what were getting here because giuliani says theyre prepared to respond, but a real reluctance about those questions of obstruction of justice, he told the Washington Post, which doesnt really shed a lot of light on whether or not this interview is actually going to move forward, kate. Thats exactly right, kaitlan. A lot of talking, not a lot of clarity. Real quick, the president is tweeting about ohio and the special election this morning. Do we know if hes going to be watching the returns come in tonight . Reporter hell likely be watching, kate. He often does. Hes at dinner with some ceos, but he does typically watch returns like this, especially a race hes become invested in, in the last few weeks. He travelled to ohio. This is really a race thats going to put a trump factor to

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