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Little less humidity. Democratic convention, round two. Like rocky 2, will this be where Hillary Clinton not only catches the chicken, but win the piet . What will happen after 24 hours in philadelphia that has seen just about everything. Shouts, boos, cheers, tears, joy, euphoria, cats and dogs living together and paul simon. Is there anything left . The answer is yes, theres history left. Hillary clinton will be the first woman to be officially nominated or picked as the president ial nominee of a Major Political party. Roll call this afternoon. We have breaking news on that front. Well get that to you in a minute. The question is will this all happen without the pdus, public displays of umberage like the ones here you see from Bernie Sanders supporters on the floor. Today the featured speaker by the name of William Jefferson clinton. Cnns manu raju live inside the Convention Hall. Ma manu, the breaking news on how this roll call will go. Explain . Actually right now what were hearing are discussions under way between the clinton camp and Bernie Sanders camp, for Bernie Sanders to formally nominate Hillary Clinton to be the next president of the united states. This is an effort to show unity, a symbolic move, but a move that could be significant nonetheless because of the concerns youre showing of Bernie Sanders supporters disrupting the proceedings, shouting down speakers on the floor because theyre not sold on Hillary Clinton yet. Well see exactly what happens, what process they agree on. Were hearing from a Senior Democratic Party source that these talks are happening, this would happen after a roll cal vote of 47 territories vote. The symbolic move potentially of Bernie Sanders nominating Hillary Clinton. That will be the interesting drama and mao do Bernie Sanders supporters react to that. That looks like thats Bernie Sanders on the floor inside the vermont delegation or is that Bernie Sanders giving a second speech on stage . Reporter its unclear at this point, john. I think she could probably make a motion from the floor to nominate her. I doubt there would be any sort of second speech. You dont know exactly because these are private discussions that are still on going because it will be an effort to showcase that he is behind Hillary Clinton and he wants supporters to get behind her as well. Manu raju, thank you very much. A lot happening, and a lot changing. Lets bring in mark preston executive editor of cnn politics, bell, comedian and host of cnns united shades of america and political commentators bill press, scott ti nell hughes and dan pfeiffer, former Senior Adviser to president obama. Dan pfeiffer, symbolic but significant, sanders nominating Hillary Clinton. Discussions are under way. When people were wondering how fullfloated Bernie Sanders was going to be, hes definitely getting out there. Hes recognized the revolution he built got a little out of hand here and could potentially contribute to a donald Trump Presidency. Its important to remember in 2008, Hillary Clinton after our hard fought primary, she put the president s name out there in denver. I would say we should separate the optics from the room from the substance of reality. Bernie sanders supporters, nine in many polls are supporting Hillary Clinton. Theres a particular vote for minority in the delegate section which potentially messages with the message. Overall you need every vote you can get. We should note joe biden, president of dwrunt states, is on the stage checking out the podium and the microphone. He will be speaking tomorrow night as part of the program there. Pennsylvania born we should note on that stage. Bill press, on the subject of Bernie Sanders, a famous man named bill press sat at this table and you said you were pissed off with about everything with the emails and the rigging of the system. After last night, after listening to Elizabeth Warren, Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, has that gone away for you . First of all, let me just say i was pissed off not at Hillary Clinton or tim kaine or Bernie Sanders. I was pissed off that drulebbie Wasserman Schultz had not done the right thing. How many changes in the script yesterday is. At first very messy, very much like democrats are, and then it came together with Michelle Obama, cory booker and Bernie Sanders knocking it out of the park last night. As a sanders supporter, im with the program, dan is right. Id say 9. 5 out of 10 Bernie Sanders people are with the program. The revenues is not over. The revenues has just begun. That was Bernie Sanders message. The first step of the revolution is to make sure donald trump never becomes president. Bill press, pleasantly unpissed. With a smile, i dont know what im doing here. Lets talk about Michelle Obama. Bill brought it up. Im kidding you. Michelle obama, one of her most memorable lines last night, everyone has heard it. I want to play it again for our viewers when she talked about waking up every morning in the white house. I think we have that sound bite. Lets play it. I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves. And ive watched my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent black young women playing with their dogs on the white hawes lawn. Michelle obama got emotional when she was talking about that. Kamal, when you were listening to that, what did you think . Michelle obama 2016. I think she did a great job. As we know, the obamas and the clintons havent always been the best of friends. She clearly went fullthroated for hillary. She may be a better surrogate for hillary than hillary is. She was an incredible public speaker and really connected across all sorts of lines last night. Even that slavery comment, thats not about a bernie versus hillary thing. Some of us dont feel were in that conversation at all. In philosophy, we ask are things good for themselves and their consequences. Was it a good speech because it was a good speech or was it good because, from the political standpoint, you think it actually helps Hillary Clinton . I think it helps Hillary Clinton for the obamas and the clintons to look connected. It was a very fullthroated endorsement of Hillary Clinton. We know they havent been the best of pals. Scott ti, Hillary Clinton did not say Michelle Obama did not say his name, but made several distinctions and took some hits at donald trump last night, talking about you cant sum everything up in 140 characters. When its delivered by the first lady, does it connect on a different level. What did you think of it . As expected, we knew she was going to hit its a very small decision. When has she not delivered an amazing impassioned speech to her base. I think its a smart move she did not mention his name for her. When you sit there, i thought it was interesting, we went into last night, she was not the keynote. I said it on air. I said, listen, i think Michelle Obama is going to give the best speech of the night. Yet they gave the keynote position to Elizabeth Warren, a very tepid kind of speech compared to the other speakers. I have to wonder why the Clinton Campaign and why the dnc decided to put, instead of the first lady. Lets remember some of the comments in our side. You could take our twitter feed and someone elses next to each other and they cant be more polar opposite. Its very sad because it shows the divide within our country. It started immediately with the comment when she talked about this is a great country. Let me remind you, go back in time 2008, for the first time in my adult life, im proud of my country. She said that. Scottie, are you outraged at donald trump for saying america isnt great right now. Hes right. Last night 61 speakers talked, none of them addressed terrorism or isis or talked about any of the threats we have in the world today. Yet they talked about Global Climate change and demonizing their opponent. Lets talk about the priorities right now. Thats why when you ask most americans, voters are talking about the economy and national security. They missed the mark last night, 50 . Mark preston, Elizabeth Warren was there to talk about the economy. That was the aim, to address those voters facing economic anxiety. Did it fall flat . Is scottie right . It was wedged in between two speeches with a lot of electricity. Obviously incredibly hard to follow Michelle Obama last night. No doubt about that. I thought Elizabeth Warren came off a little flat. I thought it could have been more energetic. Youre following a first lady who delivered a political speech, and dan knows this, she has not been political for eight years. She came out last night. She was political and she delivered really hard and very impressive, and then you have Bernie Sanders on the book end closing it out. Look, it was a hard thing for Elizabeth Warren to do. Make no bones about this. Elizabeth warren is going to be on the campaign trail, the number wurn attacker of donald trump and mike pence. Youll see the likes of joe biden, tim kaine and Michelle Obama out there humanizing Hillary Clinton. John, can i say i think the most damaging words about donald trump last night came not from Elizabeth Warren and Michelle Obama, from donald trump himself. Ive never seen this before, but i thought those clips of donald trump on marriage, on the disabled were killer. And theyre going to be every single night, and youd cant complain about it because its donald trump speaking for himself. Now we have the words of the dnc thanks to the emails where theyre just as bigoted, just as racist, just as homophobic theres nothing true about that. Really . You dont endorse the words of the dnc used in those emails . At the convention in prime time said speaker after speaker to try to make racial comments, attack muslims. They were not racist comments. In your opinion they were. In your opinion the emails were racist. Using the word making fun of a black females name because its africanamerican, not a traditional one, thats racist . There are numerous staffers. These are people that have run of this party. Hold on. Ive got an idea. Kamau ill let you white people figure out whats racist. Youve done such a great job so far. Sarah silverman, fellow comedian last night. In speaking, when she called bernie or bust saying you guys are ridiculous. How did that land with you . I think thank god there was that weird moment where they had to stretch. I felt up until that point it was awkward. That was a weird point when not everybody is paying attention. Thank god for the comedians. We can cut through it. Shes making a good point that theyre being ridiculous. Shes not the one to unite those people. Hillary clinton has to bring those people on board. It was interesting. Almost after she said it, she and al franken were up there like, what did we just do . It was a moment. They memed themselves. Instantly it was on twitter as a meme. Sanders guy, bill press. Im 100 sanders. We fought hard and won a lot. At some point youve got to follow your leader, follow your heart, follow your brain. I thought her comments were right on. Ive been there look, my first campaign, 1968, Eugene Mccarthy lost. I wouldnt vote for hubert humphrey, i wouldnt vote for richard nixon. I didnt vote for anybody and we got stuck with nixon. I learned my lesson. Sarah silverman was speaking to them last night saying grow up. This revolution is not about Bernie Sanders. This revolution is about what Bernie Sanders brought to their attention. You cant sit there and say we have thousands protesting right now that its not about Bernie Sanders anymore. Theyve got to find a way to bring those people together. Its not about donald trump. Theyre never going to go with donald trump. They might just stay home. Dan, give us your final thought on last night as we look ahead to tonight . I thought the first lady knocked it out of the park. It was a good start. You compare the prime time lineup, you had corey booker, Michelle Obama, compared to last week, you have to feel good about that. There might be demonstrations on the floor as the week progresses, or do they think its out of the system . Its not out of the system. It will be a bit of a distraction. I think to bills point about being pd off because i dont swear. What this is a big issue in the democratic party, a big issue and there needs to be reforms. This is something that will play out over the next couple years. Im going to start calling myself john and you call yourself kate. We are all apparently lying the the american public. Special invited guest, you want one word on last night . As a kmoodian, i was hoping for a little melania shade. It was smart. It was smart, but as a comedian. There was a lot of talk of was she or was she not . That was fun. Thanks so much. Big question about tonight, does the big dog still have his bite . Bill clinton on stage in really what could be his most important speech politically speaking since his presidency. What will he say and what will he do if he gets shouted at from the audience . His former speech writer joins us live. Can he help himself . Plus sarah silver marn and the callout heard around the political world. The Clinton Campaign is joining us this morning. What they make of that moment and what are the plans to keep protesters in line tonight. This is cnn special live coverage from philadelphia, pennsylvania. To keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. Just 30 billion . A bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley, had a breakthrough they called. The machine. It changed computing forever. And its been part of every new technology for the last 250 years. Everything . Everything this year, Hewlett Packard enterprise will preview the machine and accelerate the future. See star trek beyond. Jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. Luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. So guys with ed can. 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Thats Bernie Sanders just this morning, hurting my ears hes talking so loudly, continuing to push for unity in the democratic party, responding to boos at the california delegate breakfast. He told his supporters to get behind Hillary Clinton or in his words to forever look back in regret. Also this morning, talks are under way for Bernie Sanders himself to be the one to formally nominate Hillary Clinton after todays roll call vote. Joining us is jeff mcintosh, director of Communications Outreach for Hillary Clintons campaign. Jess, thanks for being here. We learned this from manu raju, there are talks under way to have sanders formally nominate her. Can you walk us through the process. Whats going on . Im learning as you are. Its really exciting. I think theres been a nice coming together between the campaign infrastructures in the last couple days. The truth is we agree on 99 of the democratic platform. I think Bernie Sanders contribution to Democratic Politics this year cant be overstated. We have the most Progressive Party platform in history, and Hillary Clinton is going to be running as one of the most progressive nominees weve ever had. The campaigns are working closely together. You saw jeff weaver come out and say nice stuff with that. Everyone seems happy with the dnc chair move. Im not in those rooms, but i would be thrilled to see it. 99 agreement. We heard dan pfeiffer say 9. 5 of Bernie Sanders supporters are behind Hillary Clinton. That may be so, but theres this. 5 thats awfully loud on the floor of the Democratic Convention, awfully loud and america is hearing them. My question is what are you doing, or are you doing anything right now to manage that tomorrow test on the floor to tonight . I think its important to remember that the people in that hall are the most passionate supporters of both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Those are the people that have worked the hardest. So 06 course they feel the strongest. I noticed a really big difference being in the war room watching the tv and being in the hall with the delegates. Its a vocal minority. But they should be heard and this is the time for them to be heard. I think you saw their candidate talk about Hillary Clintons progressive credentials, talk about their shared vision for america, an economy that works for everybody, not just those at the top. I think well see more of that tonight. Well come out of this convention more unified, its been a while since weve seen one of these. This is what democracy looks like. Jess, before the california primary, even right after it, you heard Bernie Sanders saying were taking this all the way to the convention. So they definitely werent always together and unified, if you take a look at that one piece of the primary. Now that were here and you guys have been in the hall for one night, is Bernie Sanders doing enough . Are you happy, satisfied with his endorsement . Do you want to see him do more . I think he could not have been more fullfloated a throat and impactsed. This morning to see him go to the california delegate breakfast clearly that was the loudest last night. He said its about supporting Hillary Clinton or looking in the eyes of your children during a donald Trump Presidency and say you didnt. Bernie and hillary agree on so much. Everyone in the room wants to see expanded health care and lower tuition costs. Everybody is on the same page about progressive ideas. You think this convention is going well. There is some news today that doesnt sit the same way. Saying Hillary Clinton is at the lowest point in her 24year career, at 57 . If thats what america thought 24 years later into today or yesterday, how can this week change that . I think polls go up and down obviously. Today, in fact, at the convention were going to see some of the most important personal elements of Hillary Clinton. I think shes been such a factor on the National Stage for so long that everybody has this idea that they know everything there is to know about her, and thats just not true. In fact, most people dont know what drives her, what motivated her to get into Public Service and to stay in the face of such serious adversity. Did she forget to tell them . Shes a work horse, not a show horse. That means she doesnt always toot her own horn. Today well see people tell the stories, the people shes helped who have been forgotten, those small fights she took on. She yam i dont knows people who get left behind. Can you sum up in a sentence what bill clinton will do tonight . I think he knows her better than anyone else. Hell talk about the woman hes been a partner to for the last four decades. Jess mcintosh, thank you so much. Will bill clinton respond to protesters if hes interrupted . Can he help himself . Clintons former speech writer is going to be joining us coming up on how he should handle it and what he knows about the process of those speeches. I think its important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. That these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. That theyre not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so laughs . Call now to find out how we can put our 30 years of understanding to work for your loved one today. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Get back to great. All hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . 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Philips sonicare. Save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. A short time ago we brought you the video of Vice President joe biden on stage in the convention site. He actually spoke to reporters right after. Manu raju was there. Lets get to manu who is inside the Convention Hall with more. Manu, what did he tell you . Reporter i asked joe biden if hes concerned with the outburst from those Bernie Sanders supporters. He really down played it and dismissed it. He said those people need some time, we, referring to democrats, need to show a little class, give them some time, some effort to come around to Hillary Clinton, dont just expect them to back Hillary Clinton. But he also did not think they were going to vote for donald trump. He said, hey, show of hands here, who believes that donald trump will actually get the support of these Bernie Sanders supporters. He said i dont think anyone does. In one sense he says dont get too worked up. Dont get too concerned about the fact that were seeing these outbursts as this convention has gotten off to a rough start. He thinks at the end of the day it will be fine. The party shouldnt take any pointed jabs at these folks, but probably part of that message we saw last night. The Vice President doing a walkthrough, spoke with some africanamerican youth who were visiting and told them to stay involved in politics. Getting ready for his address here as well as trying to send that message that, hey, maybe those Bernie Sanders supporters are outraged. Its okay. One other thing, the Bernie Sanders folks earlier today, are showing no signs of restraint. At a california delegation breakfast meeting, they shouted down javier bass sarah, a top Hillary Clinton supporter, chapting bernie, bernie, bernie. This is after Bernie Sanders addressed the california delegation breakfast. We could be in for more theatrics this afternoon. Manu raju on the floor of the convention. You see joe biden checking out the stage. Wondering if hes thinking about what might have been. Joining us, edward es knows is a, former dnc superdelegate. Margie romero from the pollsters podcast. Alex now a partner with firehouse strategies. Carl bernstein has dabbled in journalism from time to time, author of a woman in charge, the life of Hillary Rodham clinton. Carl, i want to speak with you. Tonight the big speaker is bill clinton. How much pressure is on him tonight and what does he meade to do as an advocate for his wife . He needs not to stumble as he has occasionally. My guess is hes not going to stumble. Look, they made a terrific case last night for Hillary Clinton as president of the united states. A much better case was made by Michelle Obama, by all the speakers last night, especially corey booker as well, a better case than Hillary Clinton has made for herself. The big speech of this convention is going to be hers. She has got to make the case for herself, move beyond to serve her, move beyond the distrust. Bill clinton needs to do that, too. Finally were on message, if you are a democrat, theyre on message now, they are unifying. I wouldnt make, like joe biden said, too much out of the reluctance of somber any supporters. This is coming together. What you saw last night and bill clinton tonight is the road show itself. If Hillary Clinton is going to win the election, the people you saw last night as her surrogates, plus the president of the united states, plus Hillary Clinton, thats how she wins this election with the messages were hearing and particularly dont underestimate the power of the young woman, the young disabled woman and the ugliness of donald trump as n issue in this campaign. Looking ahead to tonight, in the speech tonight, bill clintons speech tonight, edward, performance reviews of bill clinton through the campaign this cycle have been a bit mixed in terms of him on the stump. Does the big dog still have his bite . Absolutely. The thing about bill clinton, this is his element. He loves party politics. Hes a political animal. Theres no reluctance there. Get him in front of that room, that room will light up. They will respond to him. The message that comes from bill clinton, probably from barack obama tomorrow night as well, the president sets the tone for how the nation goes. When you compare that to whats happening, whats coming out of Donald Trumps mouth these days, its a striking contrast. Youve been polling, you talked to people after the Republican Convention, i imagine undecided voters. What do they tell you they need to see here in philadelphia . The first thing thats notable from what we looked at, we tested actual speeches from the Republican Convention and they moved people. You see the bounce in a lot of polls that have come out in the past few days, even democrats say they moved a little bit, became a little more favorable toward trump, not that theyll rush to vote for him. Ivanka, this is important for a lot of democrats, she moved a lot of democrats. She became increasingly popular in part because she used language and policies that are, in fact, Hillary Clinton policies, not donald trump policies on making sure its easier for moms and parents to work and raise kids. Were going to see some of that same language. It was popular in the Republican Convention, it will be popular in the Democratic Convention, too. How much of the numbers were moved toward, by democrats . Were there really that Many Democrats moved . It was incremental. We showed that trump was up three initially. In a similar poll we did a couple weeks ago, he was down four. So thats overall movement. Talking democrats alex, i want to ask you about this. Donald trump was tweeting this morning. Surprise. He tweeted why arent the democrats speaking about isis, bad trade deals, broken borders, police and law and order. The Republican Convention was great. Youre no fan of trump. But does donald trump have a point . He does. It was jarring to see how different the messages were here compared to what we saw in cleveland last week. They painted very different pictures as to where we are as a country. Trump was trying to unite republicans in cleveland. Hillary clinton is still having trouble uniting democrats here in philadelphia. Everything about last night was about trying to unite the democratic party. Shes still struggling to do that. It will be interesting to see, if she does pivot late they are week and make a case similar to what ivanka trump does. Right now no one is speaking to center right independent voters. The issues donald trump brought up, edward, let me ask you, do they need to come up when youre talking about law and order, borders, trade deals. Terrorism. I think the issues will come up. In the Republican Convention they didnt come up until night three. Were only in night one. Weve got some time. Theres an important element between the Democratic Convention and the Republican Convention, the messages coming out of this are more forward looking, more optimistic, more what our agenda is for, four days of what were against. Four days, but your friend margie said here worked. It worked more with republicans than democrats. It does show how divided wed are as a country. Another striking difference is the diversity, diversity of views, inclusiveness. How we talk about race and general der and ethnicity is so strikingly different from what you saw last night, what we saw out of cleveland which was worrying an troubling to a lot of democrats watching. I think the Republican Party is much more diverse than what we saw in cleveland. A my former boss, marco rubio he september in a video. Where was senator tim scott . Where was governor nikki haley. Were not seeing next Generation Leaders here either. All the voices were hearing in prime time are all the voices from yesterday. They are not pointing us towards the future here in philadelphia. All right, guys. Good stuff. Thanks. Appreciate it. Coming up from us, president bill clinton will take the stage tonight. Speaking not on behalf of himself, not in support of just any other candidate, but in support of his wife. What will he say . His former speech writer joins us next. In 1996, tracfone began with one important belief wireless should be affordable for everyone. Twenty years later, were still making it easy to save money on smartphones our new smartphone plan is just 15 month. 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With us, michael waldman, bill clintons former chief speech writer. Great to see you. Than, for being here. Thanks for having me. You have written many a speech with bill clinton. What is the process . Especially for one of these Big Convention speeches, he puts a lot of thought into it, a lot of drafts, it will go into the teleprompter and hell improv e improvise. How much improvising . In 2012 at least half addlibed or thought through in advance. Hes done these convention speechers every year since 1988. This is like Bruce Springsteen at the meadowlands. This is his room. Its an unusual night because its not like hes the nominee or just giving backing to someone. When you say he improvised half the speech, theres a room over there in the Convention Center where the Hillary Clinton campaign, their hearts just skipped a speech. I think thats the last thing they want. I think they want discipline, they want a focused, laser focused message from bill clinton. Will it be different tonight . Of course, they know him pretty well. I think hes got to make the case for the democrats, as he always does, hes got to talk about her personal qualities in human terms in a way to show why hes so supportive of her, even if he wasnt married to her. I think hes got to decide to the script and avoid the temptation to respond to hecklers and all the kmoeks in the room. Weve seen a lot of that. Thats what we were wondering, should he respond. You know him well. Do you think he can resist responding . Any great stump speaker, and he is without a script, a great stump speaker, knows that sometimes you get interruptions and hecklers. He cares so passionately about her, that i think he might be tempted to really hit back. Im sure hes trying not to do that. I think he watched the speeches in the room yesterday, and i think thats often a way for somebody to kind of get their head in the game and know what its going to be like. But i think weve seen in this campaign that sometimes when hes challenged about his record or her, thats when he can push back with some heat. Im sure thats not what he wants to do or what they want him to do, i would image zblin people are wondering, if Hillary Clinton does win, what role will bill clinton have in the white house . Will that come within a million miles of the speech tonight . I would be surprised if it did. Its important people see her as the nominee and not as part of a family. People need to understand their strengths, her story, her views, but he is absolutely tremendous at bolstering other people. Remember, his speech for president obama did a better job michael, hes been criticized because hes been a good advocate for himself, a good advocate for other candidates. People have questioned whether hes a good advocate for Hillary Clinton. What i understand is hes back in the back roads, in the smaller markets and doing very well. But this is a big stage. Big stage. Its not a speech for him, not a speech for a politician. Its a speech for his wife. A lot of emotional heft to it. Hes got Michelle Obamas tremendous speech, the speeches at the Republican Convention. Hes got to play a lot of notes all at once, but hes good at that. Well see. Michael waldman, good to see you. We just talked about it. Michelle obama last night, she talked to the crowd in really strong terms. She had the crowd eating out of her hand. Youre going to hear more of that speech coming up. W way to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. Just 30 billion . A bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley, had a breakthrough they called. The machine. It changed computing forever. And its been part of every new technology for the last 250 years. Everything . Everything this year, Hewlett Packard enterprise will preview the machine and accelerate the future. See star trek beyond. Pg i help customerss, how with their bills. Day . 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We were on the bus together with george bush in 2000. Thank you very much. So Alexandra Pelosi, theres money in politics, youre kidding me . We see the delegates and the politicos but you dont see the sky boxes which is where all the big money is. To pay for this election, it is expected to cause a couple billion dollars. So who is going to pay for that . You see money at this convention. And you didnt see it in ohio because they werent really out there for trump. The big donors havent been behind trump until now. Hes recruiting them, but hillary is going to need them to pay the bill, to run the ads to talk about how donald trump is going to destroy america. Thats where the billions of dollars are going to go into the ads. What are they doing here . They are having parties. Snoop dogg is here, ferg fergie is here, lady gaga is here. These are good parties at this convention. You talk about money and politics. We heard from the states last night and heard Elizabeth Warren, sarah silverman, Bernie Sanders talk about it. Whats the nugget . Where is the conversation about money and Politics Today . And is it changing . Well, i feel like bernie brought it into the conversation. He was the one that said the billionaire class are buying our democracy and he was the one giving the speech last night about how the lobbyists are the star trek thing, i dont get it. After documentaries, this whole audio thing so anyway, but bernie was the one that brought it to the table. And that is the message that all those people, i saw signs in the hall last night saying shes with money. Thats what people were protesting, they were chanting all the big bank names during the speeches. A lot of the bernie delegates are the biggest complaint and they feel like the corporations own this candidate. Thats the problem she has going into the election. People feel the election is bought. Does any part of you think it will change . No. Of course not. You know, what is really frustrating is the red meat of we are going to overturn Citizens United. There was money in politics before Citizens United and there will be big money even if they overturn Citizens United. It is just the thing that makes the red happy. You remember in 2000 George Mccain was running with george bush on this very same platform. So you also you have a famous politician, you understand money and politics more than probably the average american. Because its been around you your entire life pretty much. Did anything surprise you then in what you learned in shooting this doc . The numbers are so astronomical. My grandfather, it caught him nothing. You can take my money running in the 80s, it cost her nothing. The fundraisers were potlucks and now are highclass affairs. It is just real big money we are talking about and that is why people stay home. Because they feel like their voice is not being heard in the democracy. They stay home because Alexandra Pelosi says it is zero percent chance it is going to change. Youre welcome, america. Good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Special coverage of the Democratic National Convention Day two continues next. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Get back to great. All hp ink buy one get one fifty percent off. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Marcopolo marco. polo marco. polo marco. polo marco. si . Polo marco. polo scusa . Ma io sono marco polo, ma. Marco. playing marco polo with marco polo . Surprising. Ragazzini, io sono marco polo. Si, sono qui. Whats not surprising . How much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. Ahhh. Polo. Marco. polo fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Polo and who doesntb then seize the day already. 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Put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Welcome to this special Convention Edition of inside politics. Im john king. It is day two of the Democratic National convention in philadelphia and a day for the history books whatever your politics. In just a few hours a roll call to make Hillary Clinton the first woman nominated for president by a Major Political party in the united states. Also a first, bill clinton in a unique starring role tonight. A former president making the case his spouse deserves to be the next president. Its a fascinating day ahead. Well talk all about it. But first,

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