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Of the day in the commons and the lords, and on this programme, the government confirms it is abandoning its pledge to scrap Free School Lunches the better off children at Infant Schools in england. We have listened carefully to the proposals in the sector to remove Infant School Meals and we have decided it is right to retain the existing provision. Labour makes a plea for fair pay, for doctors and nurses. I want to talk about the Spending Plans of 2017 where he can find £1 billion for Northern Ireland but nothing the nurses in england. And the trials and tribulations of Southern Trains. My constituents have had to put up with so much, extended engineering works, overcrowding an unsatisfactory compensation process. Theresa may had made a Manifesto Commitment to scrap Free School Lunches for better off children at Infant Schools in england, during the Election Campaign conservatives said evidence showed every School Breakfast was as effective at helping children learn as a hot meal at lunch, and could be delivered at a tenth of the cost. But the celebrity chef jamie oliver said the plan was misguided. In the commons, the Schools Minister was called to answer questions on the future of Education Funding in england. We want to make sure that every school has the resources it needs which is why we have protected the Schools Budget in real terms since 2010. We have set out our intention to increase funding further in our manifesto as well as continuing to protect the pupil premium to support the most disadvantaged pupils. We know that how schools use their money is important in delivering the best outcomes for pupils and we will continue to provide support to help schools use their funding effectively and secondly we know that our funding is distributed across the country is an anachronistic and is not fair and the Current System is in desperate need of urgent reform. The shadow Education Secretary focused on Northern Ireland first of all. Arlene foster got £1 billion, she must be the most expensive right winger since cristiano ronaldo. Can he confirm that was an increase in School Funding of £150 per pupil in Northern Ireland . And is there any extra Treasury Funding for education in the rest of the country or not . When he says no school will lose out, can you confirm this is in fact in cash terms and not in real terms . They promised an extra £4 billion for schools in their manifesto, is that now Government Policy and how much of that is for each year . They were going to raise money by scrapping Infant School Meals, is that still policy . Will he refund any Safety Measures for School Buildings . As well as looking at student halls. Just two years ago they were elected on a manifesto that promised no cuts to funding of any school of any pupil, will they finally make that promise . She asked about universal free meals and we have listened carefully to the views of the sector on the proposal to remove infant Free School Meals and we have decided that it is right to retain the existing provision. Universal infant free meals make sure that children have a nutritious meal each day and it saves hard Working Families money every year and it boosts educational achievement, especially amongst children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds. With key Flagship Policies being ditched including Grammar School policy in order to appease backbenchers, these u turns make an absolute mockery of the Prime Ministers strong and stable mantra. Of course we welcome the u turn on the decision to scrap Free School Lunches but again we regret this was taken not with the pupils at heart, but rather to look after a fragile queens speech from a weakened government. Can i have a direct answer, because it is incredibly frustrating from the back of the benches here. Will you answer whether schools in hull will see a cut in per pupil funding . The solution is fairer funding. Do you agree that those who are for greater funding, those who argue for greater funding must be honest as to where it is coming from. For every five minutes this statement continues, National Debt is increasing by £a00,000 so those who argue for more funding are arguing for more debt being loaded on the children in our schools. Could the minister stop playing games, schools care about the total amount of money they have for their schools to invest in their pupils and so will he level with the public and admit that he has not protected per pupil School Funding . It is insulting to protect and otherwise, so what would he say to children in my constituency who are facing a 10 cut in their funding by 2021 . The School Funding formula is a total red herring in this debate, because before it has even come in schools are laying off staff, increasing class sizes, cut back on the curriculum and cut back on Enrichment Opportunities and headteachers are struggling to recruit and retain good staff, and instead of talking about a formula that has yet to come in, when is the minister going to talk about what hes going to do about the cuts that have already ta ken place . Education is the best Economic Policy there is, that is why we are improving standards in our primary schools we have improved the curriculum in the way pupils are taught to read and we have improved mathematics and we have improved the gcses in this country so children are leaving school with qualifications on a par with the best in the world. Studio the Labour Shadow Health secretary has called on the government to drop plans to cut Corporation Tax and give doctors and nurses a fair pay rise. Jonathan ashworth said the number of nurses had fallen for the first time in a decade and he called for fair pay now. I read that the Health Secretary now supports the Labour Party Policy of scrapping the cut, although he did not vote with us last week. Will he tell them to scrap the cap and will he publish these instructions before the summer recess . I did not vote for his amendment because labour said a lot about how they want to spend the money without having the faintest idea of where it was coming from. But i think he is ignoring an elephant in the room which is that if we had followed the Spending Plans campaign, the nhs would have £2 billion less this year, the equivalent of 85,000 fewer nurses. I want to talk about the Spending Plans in 2017 where he can find £1 billion for Northern Ireland and nothing thought nurses in england. Maybe you should put the money from the Corporation Tax cut into doctors and nurses and giving them a pay rise. Let me tell you what extra money is going into the nhs, three years ago £1. 8 billion not asked for by labour, £58 billion, two years ago, a billion more than labour were promising and this year £13 billion which is a lot of extra money and why is it going in . Because we have created nearly 3 millionjobs, the Strong Economy that is funding and improving nhs trust labour mps were promising and this year £13 billion which is a lot of extra because we have created nearly 3 millionjobs, the Strong Economy that is funding and improving nhs trust labour mps kept up the pressure on funding, and the number of doctors and nurses in the nhs. The truth is, eu nurses and doctors do not want to come here, our nurses of tomorrow are going to have two page to train. To pay to train. When is the Secretary Of State going to understand that this staffing crisis hasnt materialised out of thin air, this is attributable to his actions and the actions of his government over the last seven years. She may have noticed a little thing called brexit which happened last year. Which is actually. Which is actually because of understandable concern but actually if she looks at the facts, how many doctors came from the eu to the nhs in the year ending this march, post brexit, 2200, and how mean nurses, i have that information here, 4000 nursesjoined the nhs from the eu in the year ending march how many nurses will stop the Secretary Of State said this was to fund 10,000 extra Student Nurses Places but the universities are saying their eggs are places have been commissioned, so when will we see an expansion of Student Nurse Training . Extra places. I was welcomed the forensic interest she has shown in matters south of the border, but given that scotland has just shown a fall in Life Expectancy for the first time in a0 years, she might want to think about her own constituents, and with respect to the number of nurses we have over 150 nurses in training and we are confident we will have a big increase in the supply of nurses to the nhs. Another Labour Backbencher turned from nurses to doctors. I was in the house of Commons Library last week, and it said the number gps in the last 12 months is estimated to have fallen. And is expected to have fallen by march 2017, why is that . What we have had is a big increase in the number of medical students choosing to go into general practice, but we have also had an increase in the number of gps retiring early and that is a problem we are urgently addressing. The government has been asked to rethink its cap on benefits following a judgment from the high court that it was bringing real misery to no good purpose, the challenge was fought by four lone parent families with children under the age of two, work and Pensions Minister told the debate in Westminster Hall there would be an against the ruling and the snps minister who secured the debate said that was shocking and said there was no longer a majority for austerity in the commons. Mrjustice collins was quite clear in his findings, whether or not the defendant looks at the evidence, it shows the cap is capable of real damage such as the claimants, they are not work shy, but they find it impossible to comply with the work requirement. Most parents with children under the age of two are not the people that work is intended to be covered by the cap that were. There are consequential costs, the cost of bad debt to councils and Housing Providers when the bank costs cant be cost by the household that has been capped the bench costs. The cost of Court Proceedings to go through that process, to reinstate the property after eviction, and to bring it back to the market, the cost of temporary housing for that family once they have been evicted and have presented themselves in need of housing. The local Government Housing Association Says the cost of temperate housing is sitting at £2 million per day. The government, as she knows, is committed to building a country that does work for everybody, and this means taking action to help and encourage people into work in order to move away from a life of Welfare Dependency and restore fairness. The cap levels continue to provide a clear incentive to work. Households are only required to work part time hours to be exemption, households who claim working tax credits by working 16 hours a week for lone parents or earning £520 a month on universal credit are exempt from the cap. However, we acknowledge of course that there are for some people the move into workjust is not appropriate, which is why there is a range of exemptions for vulnerable groups, including households with most of disability benefits, carers allowance, the equivalent universal credit care is evidence, and the guardian s allowance. This government has done very little to tackle pay inequality, a living wage is being brought forward that does not seek to support under 25s. Im afraid he is wrong, 1. 3 Million People on the lowest incomes will have been taken out of income tax altogether since 2015, april 2017 we increased the National Living wage to £7. 50, that will benefit 12 million workers directly this year, we will see full time workers on that Rate Increase in pay £500. You are watching a round up of the day in the commons and the lords, still to come, more Maiden Speeches from the newest members of the commons. Seven people made speeches immediately before me, they were funny, they were erudite, they were clever, they were interesting, and then, they think, what the hell did we wait for laughter 41 years for this nonsense now, are we all clear about brexit . The minister in the House Of Lords has faced claims that the governments Brexit Strategy is confused, the accusation coming from a lib dem peer, whos a former member of the european parliament. The government has reportedly dropped its cake and eat it approach to brexit negotiations, but freelancing by individual ministers is creating an even more dizzying pick and mix confusion. Fisheries, Financial Services and pharma are sectors getting this treatment as well as cars. What, ifany, coherent partnership framework, mentioned in the queens speech and the manifesto, is all of this fitting into . And is the Prime Minister actually in charge . Yes, she is, and thats why she has formed a series of cabinet subcommittees, to make sure that they consider the full range of issues. Its vital, as the noble lady has pointed out, some of the crucial issues this country needs to address. In order to put one misused phrase to flight, would she agree that it is perfectly possible to have your cake and eat it . But you cannot eat your cake and have it. Partnership has been talked about, does the noble lady agree with her colleague, steve baker, that the eu is an obstacle to world peace, and incompatible with a free society, and is that what her department thinks . I have to say im thoroughly enjoying working with my colleague, steve baker, he brings a different perspective on many matters. Laughter i have to say that all of them have been constructive as a minister. It is a real pleasure to work in a department where everyone is focused on one thing and one thing only, and that is getting the best agreement for the uk and the european union, cause thats the one that will work. The latest exchanges over brexit. Its not been the finest 12 months for Southern Trains, the troubled rail company that provides services for commuters into london in the counties of surrey, sussex and kent. Southern services have been hit by a variety of problems and passengers have been angered by the many disruptions. The Transport Secretary has criticised rail unions for continuing with industrial action. Chris grayling was responding to the report into the company problems. His findings make clear that industrial action is the main cause of disruption for southern passengers, or was last year when things were at their worst. As southern passengers know full well how much their service has improved since that action ceased injanuary. Forms has been better since the new year, that is why, it is tragic that the Union Leaderships now want to carry on a battle which is meaningless and unnecessary. The performance of this railway is only going to carry on improving if industrial action by those unions stops. They seemed unwilling to come to the party. Aslef, the drivers union, started the overtime ban again last week, resulting in Southern Trains passengers having 25 of trains cancelled each day. Is he aware of the unions working together, being encouraged by the labour party, or does he see this as a straight interunion rivalry . Well, let me first of all stress again, i knowjust how difficult this has been for his constituents and others, their lives have been disrupted, their lives have been turned upside down, in a whole variety of different ways, and it is certainly the case in the early days that it looked like they were working together. I do not think relations are quite as warm as they once were. But i am very clear now that i think there is a direct link between the actions of the Labour Party Leadership in trying to cause disruption for the government this summer and the decisions to repress industrial action. It is absolutely unacceptable that seniorfigures in the labour party are reportedly encouraging trade unions to take action this summer. The public will suffer. Page 93 of the report shows a graph which demonstrates that long before the industrial action, southern was the worst performing company, a very long time before there was any trade union legal action. Would he acknowledge that first of all. Secondly, would you explain why he himself has not got round the table with the unions, with gtr, this is a nightmare for our constituents, but the government cannot pretend it has nothing to do with them given that once again, gibb says this Secretary Of State is already determining the Strategic Direction of the dispute. Thats what gibb says. At a time when there is increased risks of Terrorist Attacks and a spike in hate crimes, it seems foolish in the extreme to prioritise removing trained staff from services the Secretary Of State will be well aware of the numerous stories of disabled passengers being left stranded due to the staffing changes he is forcing through. Including that of a 56 year old, sandra nighy, left stranded in the freezing cold for two hours waiting for a Southern Service on a platform near eastbourne. Because there was no one to help her onto the train, she said the whole situation was horrible, and embarrassing. It is unforgivable when i had booked assistance 48 hours in advance. We now have a situation where according to figures given to us by the union this morning, 97. Over 97 of the trains that that Southern Trains operate still have a safety trained second member of staff on board. There have been no pay cuts, there have been nojob losses, 97 of the trains are still running a second person on board, fewer than 3 of those trains are not, and yet the honourable member for the opposition implied there had been destaffing. Far from destaffing, there has been a 24 pay offer of an increase to aslef drivers. My constituents have put up with delays, short form trains, extended engineering works, overcrowding, unsatisfactory compensation processes, nonsensical bus replacement, poor communication and potential Ticket Office closures. The handling of the dispute does not cover them in glory and, unfortunately, it is called the misery line in my constituency. The debate over Southern Trains. It continues to be getting to know you time at westminster, new mps have been making their Maiden Speeches in the house of commons, varied in style and varied in content. Here are a few of the very latest maidens. Its also an honour to be here at all, if you considerjust a few short weeks before i stood for election, at the by election in clacton in 2014, i was on tour Withjason Donovan in a production of priscilla, queen of the desert and i played on many stages, across the world, in 45 years, but this has to be the finest. Thank you, residents of clacton, i will do my very best for you. There are many proud british institutions that i shall choose to, this parliament and the National Health service, and dare i say it, if there was a referendum as to which one should be closed. What would the outcome be . I suspect this chamber would be empty. May i thank the National Health service and the doctor and his team at the hospital in glasgow for the successful double Bypass Surgery that i successfully underwent in 2014. Many of my constituents, in places such as Windmill Hill and Palace Fields in runcorn face real poverty in their daily lives, from childhood onwards. Despite what the benches opposite claim, there is a real lack of work, too much insecure paths of employment, a growth in zero hours contracts, and a Welfare System that lacks compassion and common sense. Mr speaker, i believe we need a better deal for our island, and it is notjust a question of money, although every little helps, and i will fight for extra spending on health and education. But its about islanders working with government to generate ideas for the public good and government working with us and being keen to listen, and i know there is good examples of when it is doing it and i wish to encourage more. Thank you for calling me today, because the good people of walsall north, they have had to wait 41 years to hear a Maiden Speech from their member of parliament. So you could only imagine how disappointed they will be. Laughter. When they will see that the seven people who made speeches immediately before me were funny, erudite, clever, interesting, and then. They think, what the hell did we wait 41 years for this nonsense for . Laughter there you go now, in preparing for my Maiden Speech, i sought advice from experienced orators on both sides of this chamber. But the best advice that i think i received came from brendan fisher, one of our ever present, ever helpful doormen. Brendan suggested, and because i have made a free form parachute myself with my wife and my two children, brendan suggested that making a Maiden Speech was like doing a free fall parachute jump. There is the nervous anticipation, as you board the plane, an ascent to the required altitude, before leaping, screaming, through the doors, only to find that the sensation of racing towards the ground at 100mph is actually a pleasurable one Laughter Something that you will want to repeat, as soon as sure feet hit the ground Laughter A Sprinkling of maidens. Finally, with male mps apparently no longer required to wear ties in the chamber of the commons, ties are coming under scrutiny like never before. But one man was definitely doing his bit, the dup mp Sporting A Distinctive Stars And Stripes tie, to mark american independence day, the 4th ofjuly. Maybe there will be a competition on the most memorable tie in the commons but will it end in a. Tie . That did for the programme. Goodbye. Hi, there. The rain came pretty much non stop across Northern England and Southern Scotland yesterday. The wettest place in cumbria getting over 40 millimetres of rain. You can see how the rain band has been tracking away into the north sea. The rain was all courtesy of this weather front, that will still be with us today in Northern England, where it will stay cloudy. To the south, low pressure in the bay of biscay. The winds will increasingly fall light, but will begin to back up and bring warm air from the near continent. Notjust warm air, it will become hot and humid in Southern England, where temperatures could hit 30. Across the north of scotland a decent start to the day. Most of the day will be dry, with plenty of sunshine. Its across Southern Scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern England it will be a cloudy start and to the east of the pennines, that cloud will be thick enough for occasional spots of patchy, light rain and drizzle. It could be misty over the hills. Further southwards, thats where we have lighter winds and increasingly broken cloud. So we should have some sunshine from the word go for many areas across southern wales and southern counties of england, most of the midlands and east anglia. Temperatures come up quickly. For the rest of the day, the winds feel light in southern counties of england, allowing temperatures to surge. The cloud across Northern England is with us for much of the day, breaking in Northern Ireland. It will try to brighten up in north east england. The rain petering out. Probably not a lot of sunshine. Where cloudy, the temperatures staying into the teens, but look at these temperatures further south. 28 in london. There could be some areas in Southern England that hit the 30 degree mark. As we go on through thursday, the only real change is this little low drifting up from biscay, and with that comes instability. We start to get thunderstorms breaking out across england and wales, and some of those could be torrential. They will be hit and miss in nature. Many areas will dodge the downpours and stay dry. It will stay hot and humid and that hot and humid air will push further northwards. So 25 in the Greater Manchester area. Again, we could see highs of 30 degrees further south. On friday, probably the weather becoming drier. Again the warm air continues to waft further northwards. So temperatures in newcastle picking up to 21. Into the teens for scotland and Northern Ireland. Therell be a rain band across the north west, with the wind picking up as we head through the afternoon. The rain is tied in with the low pressure. Through the weekend it will push a band of rain further southward and eastwards across much of the country, introducing cooler and fresher air. So by the time we get the sunday, the heat wave is over and temperatures back down to average in london. Welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in North America and around the globe. My names mike embley. Our top stories a threat to american security. The us Secretary Of State confirms the weapon fired by north korea is an intercontinental ballistic missile. The bbc speaks to a man in afghanistan who claims British Special forces unlawfully killed members of his family. And at least 50 people have been killed as heavy rains pound central and southern china. And the return of the dreamers. We speak to some of those who came to the United States as children but are now back in mexico

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