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Trump needs a new fbi director after his sudden sacking Ofjames Comey as head of americas director america pars mac security agency. Lets show you the latter that he sent to mr comey. It is brief and fairly brutal. He says in this letter, you are not able to effectively lead the bureau and he goes on to say, its essential that we find the leadership for the fbi that restores public trust and confidence. There has been a lot of criticism of this move but asjohn sobol now reports, donald trump has defended his decision. This is a fox news alert. Fbi Directorjames Comey has been fired by the president of the United States. The term Breaking News is bandied about with abandon but last night it was justified. At fbi offices the first they knew their director had been fired was when it flashed up on their tv screens. And james comey, who was in los angeles addressing staff, knew nothing about it either until an aide handed him a note. The letter sent by President Trump was brutal. You are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately. At least they left him the government jet to fly back to the east coast. A private citizen, a turbulent career cut short. And today the president was unrepentant. Why did you fire Director Comey . Because he wasnt doing a good job, simply wasnt doing a good job. James comey, the six foot eight tall director confirmed in march that the Trump Campaign was under investigation for its links to russia during the election. The fbi, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the russian governments efforts to interfere in the 2016 president ial election. The president has railed consistently that its fake news and there has been no improper contact. Last night, he fired the man heading the inquiry. Its caused fury and dismay among some republicans, and all democrats. If there was ever a time when circumstances warranted a special prosecutor, it is right now. But the white house is seeking to persuade people that the decision to fire comey had nothing to do with russia or the fbi investigation. It is time for a fresh start at the fbi. I think the president did as he has done in many other cases, he took decisive action. He provided strong leadership and to act on the recommendation of the attorney general. The white house says the loss of confidence stems from james comeys investigation into Hillary Clintons use of a private E Mail Server when she was secretary of state. I made a mistake using a private e mail. He decided lastjuly thered be no prosecution, just a rap on the knuckles. Republicans were furious. Then, stunningly, he reopened his inquiry 11 days before polling. It took guts for Director Comey to make the move that he made. But if it really is all about the way the fbi conducted the Hillary Clinton investigation, why sack him now . Why this intervention . Why not do it when donald trump first came to office . And how do you reconcile it with the praise heaped Uponjames Comey . Whatever, its left the fbi feeling very sore about the way their director has been treated. And into the washington maelstrom, who should arrive today for his first visit to see the Trump Administration than sergey lavrov, the Russian Foreign minister, injokey mood. Was he fired . You are kidding he then went to meet donald trump at the white house, but curiously, for the camera loving president , the press was kept away. This feels like house of cards on steroids. We can now talk to Daniel Lipman in the politico newsroom in washington. Daniel, i almost dont know where to start. Lets start with the democrats demand for a special prosecutor. How likely is this . If there are more allegations that continue to come out over the next few weeks and if it continues to dominate the public agenda in washington, then the chances go up for that, then, because there will be more calls from regular citizens into their republican citizens and congressmen asking for an investigation. It is unlikely right now because republicans dont want to embarrass donald trump and they feel the enquiry is already taking place are adequate to get to the bottom of what happened with the Trump Campaign. I suppose theres a danger, isnt there, if you appoint a special investigator, i was a washington correspondent when the Bill Clinton Investigation started and they spiralled and spiral down these things can. I think they recognise the lessons of the 90s where once you a point a special prosecutor, you lose control of the investigation, thats the whole point, but it can have unintended consequences. The investigation is already very dangerous for donald trump and his administration. It feels like the white house is already under siege right now because they were not prepared to base so much blowback and it looks like they have also made enemies of the fbi, among the ranks of the fbi agents, because they feel like theyre director was basically executed yesterday. Behind all this is that question of possible links with russia, the Trump Campaign team and russia. Does the russia probe continue now that comey has gone . Yes, it is going on a0 in. Im sure the 100 or so fbi agents who worked on the probe have come into work today but it is such a long time to finish one of these Counterintelligence Investigations and if there is any allegation that the white house or the new fbi director, whoever that might be, is stifling the probe, is kind of having a cover up, then that will really get lots of people angry in washington, even more than they are today. That is my final point. The new fbi director, whoever he or she might be, any names in the brain . There arent really any concrete names, just people being bandied about. I think one issue i would like is that a lot of people would probably turn down this job. Its one of the toughestjobs in washington, because he gets so much pressure from the trump white house, from jeff sessions, the attorney general, and also democrats and republicans on capitol hill, is that they should probably have extra bonus combat paper taking this job. Daniel lipman, thank you very much. Right now, we will get you up to date with sport. Juventus are free to the Champions League final. The question now, Which Madrid Club will they face . Lets talk to Nick Marshall mccormac. What do you think . I can tell you straightaway because its just gone full time and its real madrid who will play juventus in the final cardiff. What a Madrid Derby We Saw tonight. It was fast and furious, we had diego C Mirnyi Running Up And Down the sideline like a man possessed as he tried to fire his Atletico Madrid tea m tried to fire his Atletico Madrid team back from that 3 0 first leg deficit. Yellow flags yellow cards flying everywhere. That is the best goal and that, though, is Antoine Grisman Kicking in the Fernando Torres penalty which was set up earlier. Is go put row Madrid Backin set up earlier. Is go put row madrid back in control though. A 2 ahead on aggregate and they go three to the final in cardiff and they are calling it duo decimo now. |j final in cardiff and they are calling it duo decimo now. I will come back to you in just a moment but first, the bar are to investigate pogbas transfer to manchester united. We want to show you whatjose manchester united. We want to show you what Jose Mourinho manchester united. We want to show you whatJose Mourinho had to say. Manchester united. We want to show you what Jose Mourinho had to saylj was interested in the headlines regarding pogbas transfer. We are not here to discuss that, just the game. But the question is simple. If you ask for the fact, is that a fact . Marina green and not saying much about that. What are these the same . They have confirmed that they are looking at the deal through their transfer matching system and what that does is record all transactions made internationally backed away from that i can tell you that the underlying cause of concern isa that the underlying cause of concern is a book which is coming out very soon, that is called the football league, the dirty business of football, and in that, it is alleged that the Football Agent was paid around 53 million for acting under half of the buying club, the selling clu b half of the buying club, the selling club and the player himself. Acting on behalf of the buying club, the selling club and the player himself. That is not unusual but at the same time, they have to make sure all these transactions are recorded on their system. Manchester united are saying that fever have all the documents they need so now we sit and wait. Now we go onto more fifa trouble, with their decision not to reappoint the ethics chiefs, which means an effective end to the Reform Process according to the two officials. The pair said they are impending departure means the defendant the de facto end of their reform. The removal of the Ethics Committee is not in fifas best interests. It is a setback for the fight against corruption. The Ethics Committee is weekend and incapacitated. Fifas Vice President fired back at the ousted ethics chiefs labelling them as unprofessional and saying the whole Issueis Unprofessional and saying the whole issue is overblown. I think it is the right of an organisation to do these things. I think the people who are proposed to replace them from what i have seen are of the highest standards. You have got a judge from the european court, so we are not replacing them with somebody who was not of the highest standard, and i think, to be honest with you, its been way overblown from a hype perspective. Before we finish the sport, japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abejoined some of sport, japans Prime Minister shinzo abe joined some of rugbys biggest names for the Rugby World Cup draw in kyoto. These are the groupings these are the groupings do you stay with us here on outside source. Still to come, we will have details of a new study which claims some painkillers could increase the risk of Heart Attacks and other heart conditions. It has killed nearly 100 dogs in the uk since it first appeared here five yea rs uk since it first appeared here five years ago yet little is known about the disease called alabama rot. First is go first discovered in america, it causes lesions on dogs pause but there is still no known cure. This report is from duncan kennedy. Its that time of day, the walk, the run, the fun, repeated by 8 million dogs across the united kingdom. But for Gabrielle Williams from monmouthshire, thosejoys came to an end earlier this year. Her dog, blur, a family pet for five yea rs, dog, blur, a family pet for five years, caught alabama rot and died. Still hard to get your head around that shes not here because it happened so quickly and she was so young, only five and a half, and it was hard to see, so its been very difficult, very sad. Alabama rot was still recorded in the United States in 1980s and gives dogs lesions, ulcers and in many cases, kidney failure. So its a very unpleasant disease and luckily, lola here has avoided it. 15 dogs in britain have died of alabama rot so far this year, bringing the total to nearly 100 since it was first noticed in 2012. Those first cases were seen in hampshire, but there have now been exa m ples hampshire, but there have now been examples in 29 counties, yet with no obvious pattern to the location or breed. Two days first ever conference on Alabama Rot In Britain has been organised by david walker, a vet who has studied it for five yea rs. A vet who has studied it for five years. Whats your gut feeling of what this is . Id say my gut feeling is that is there is intrinsically within the dog a predisposition to this Disease Process and perhaps there is an environmental factor on top which means they developed the disease later in their lifetime. Its certainly a disease these owners in the new forest are now aware of. Untili see owners in the new forest are now aware of. Until i see any signs up here, i will keep going like normal. They dont know what is causing it, so they dont know what is causing it, so you have to continue like normal, really. Lets say owners need not be alarmed. Alabama rot remains extremely rare but symptoms should not be ignored. Duncan kennedy in the new forest. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story, President Trump has defended his decision to sack the head of the fbi. The white house said he had been considering firing him since taking office. Now, painkillers could increase the risk of Heart Attacks and other Heart Problems, the finding of a study published in the british medicaljournal. The drugs in question are anti inflammatory painkillers like i be pregnant but its important to say this is not an issue for most of us like ibo pro then but its important to say this is not an issue for most of us who ta ke is not an issue for most of us who take small doses. There have been increasing numbers studies in the last few years which link Heart Problems to these non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs painkillers and this is another study adding that puzzle. There is a suggestion these drugs could affect the heart but there are so many questions still to be answered, that the most important thing is for people not to be alarmed and particularly if they are only taking one or two of these, ibuprofen, for example, two tablets for a headache over the counter. This study looked at people taking high doses of the drug for prescriptions doctors gave them for chronic pain, but it does perhaps add something new. It says that perhaps these risks could start as early as the first few weeks of taking the drug. So this shows us there may be a link between these painkillers and a heart attack but we dont know that its causal . Like most scientific studies its really worth taking them where they pinch of salt and looking around the whole study. The fact is this study cannot prove cause and effect. It could be these people were prescribed these high doses of painkillers because Something Else was going on in their body that, in turn, ended up causing them to have the heart attack, so it might not be the painkillers themselves. The general advises, in themselves. The general advises, in the uk, for example, doctors dont tend to prescribe these drugs to people with severe Heart Problems or are very cautious in prescribing them to people with severe Heart Problems. The general advice for other people would be, if you have a severe Heart Problem and are taking these drugs over the counter regularly, it is worth going to talk to your doctor. If you are just taking them once in a while, its less likely you need to worry. 0k, so less likely you need to worry. 0k, so theres no general panic here but there is a message to patients, if you are taking more and more of these painkillers, get professional advice. Doctors here say, if you are taking one of these anti inflammatory drugs, take the lowest days for the shortest possible time. If someone finds about having to take them all the time and a higher dose than is recommended, its definitely worth speaking to your doctor, and particularly if you already have any Heart Problems. Heres a question from my bbc colleague in The Netherlands. She says, as the Shock Blogger Boycott gone too far . She asks because of a row over free speech in a question known for it. This shocking blog prides itself on its thoughts and it has almost 2 million unique visitors a month, but now, more than 2a0 women have called at launched a Campaign Calling foran at launched a Campaign Calling for an advertising boycott. Elaine muses one of the campaigners. think its really important, you see it in the United States, advertisers withdrew their support from the bill oreilly show after the New York Times showed that they had paid 30 million to pay off women you had been sexually harassed by bill oreilly. In The Netherlands, we wondered how it is possible that a company like Mercedes Benz here you their support of the bill oreilly show in the United States, why is it still advertising on a shock blog like no style. The editors of that blog pride themselves on being needlessly hurtful and they are read really successful at that. The best criticisms were raised like, why are advertisers choosing still to advertise on there . Why are they still supporting that blog . And after the first criticism, the blog incited an online rape of a journalist who had just discussed the weblog and given a critical analysis. I think that crosses all the lines. Can ijust say, the blog itself that you have crossed the line. They say you are famously tolera nt the line. They say you are famously tolerant in The Netherlands and this is censorship. Its not censorship at all. We are not say to the government, you have two prevent the blog. Of course not. Freedom of speech is important. But we are saying they make money from insulting other people and i dont understand how a company like mercedes or ikea, how they could atvod want to be associated with a blog that incites online rape of women, terms that are so violent i cant repeat them here on television. I think all the companies should be really aware of where they are advertising and is much more difficult with blogs because often online, people are often followed. If i visit a klm website, subsequently i often see advertising. But arent you worried you are giving them free publicity . No, im not worried about that at all. Right now, a lot of advertisers are dropping out. Not everybody is speaking out but im sure a lot of advertisers are withdrawing, so we are hitting them in the wallet, where it hurts most. There isjust time to tell you this. Its an incredible setting to see an opera but not the best place to hear one because Sound Problems have dogged the Sydney Opera House since they opened. That is about to change. Its the building that defines notjust sydney, but australias place in the world. Bold and bathed in sunshine, the opera houses tall sails are iconic. But inside, the sound is, well, not so stunning. For its resident symphony orchestra, is a regular frustration. The shape of the concert hall makes it hard to hear themselves, or each other, play. Its a bit like playing football on a pitch that is sort of shrouded in fog and you know your team mates are out there somewhere, but they are a bit hard to see. And for us i guess the issue is they are a bit hard to hear. Often i dont feel like we are really always playing together. And then with some of the other sections of the orchestra, we can actually have time delays at times as we are trying to all follow the conductor. The problem dates back to the very beginning. Changes were made to the original design. The architect fell out with the engineers and never saw the finished building. After decades of trying out different fixes, a new system of reflectors and risers has been tested and, it is claimed, will finally deliver Crystal Clear sound. It was honestly like someone had just lifted the perspex box off the top of the orchestra. And you could hear them so much better. The sound sounds a lot closer to you. You feel as if youre actually hearing, you can hear the bow hit the string. The famous tall sails that form the outside of this building have always placed a limit on what can happen inside. The concert hall is too big for orchestral concerts, for example. The real challenge for the next four years is making sure what happens inside here matches the quality of what people see out there. This will be the first time the opera house will close any of its main theatres. But there will still be music within these walls. As they try to fine tune one of the worlds best loved buildings. Hywel griffith, bbc news, sydney. With that, it is time to say thanks very much for being with us here on outside source. Its been a very dry week so far but oui its been a very dry week so far but our gardens are desperate for rain. There is some rain way but not eve ryo ne there is some rain way but not everyone will get it. Something we will notice over the next day or so is the humidity, which will be rising as warm air pushes in from the south. With that, also some pent up energy in the atmosphere and some thunderstorms, but not in the short term. By the early hours of thursday morning, there might be some shower was pushing into south Western Parts of the uk, maybe some showers in orkney, but not desperately cold during the course of wednesday night into thursday either. Heres a look at the morning picture. Already you can see showers and increasing cloud across Southern Parts of the uk but throughout northern wales, the midlands and northern wales, the midlands and north of that, the weather is looking beautiful. More Sunshine Underweight and temperatures very pleasant, light winds, talking about nine or 10 degrees. Beautiful across the majority of the country. Into the majority of the country. Into the afternoon, the clouds and the humidity will start rising across the south and we could see thunderstorms developing. They will be very hit and miss, their way to be very hit and miss, their way to be too many of them but those of us who do catch the storms could experience some pretty brief big downpours. Many of us will have a bright day with hades and chang and it will build warm and humid. Thursday night into friday, there could be more rain getting into southern areas. This trend will continue into friday and these South Westerly Winds will keep scooping up the humidity and the cloud and the risk of thunderstorms pushing all of that weather into our direction. On friday, the risk of storms across central and Southern Parts of the uk during the course of the afternoon, maybe even the morning, and it will feel warm. Getting up to 20 degrees in london. That cloudy weather will probably push further northwards as we going to saturday, temporarily drying out in the south. This Weather Front here is going to push in the direction of the uk for sunday. This is the Weather Front that will bring a little bit of rain, some showers in the afternoon, but fresh atlantic air, so sunday wont be quite so humid. The temperatures wont be much different, still talking about 15 to 20 degrees, but it certainly wont be so close. Our back into next week . Well, what we are looking at isa next week . Well, what we are looking at is a daisy chain of low pressure is approaching the uk and this is actually a Weather Front scooping up moisture from the south and sending some pretty heavy rain potentially into Western Parts of the uk. With these low pressures here in the north atlantic, that moisture and those winds will be coming in from the south west and with that also, a potential for from the south west and with that also, a potentialfor a surge of real warmth coming our way, particularly to south Western Parts of the uk. It could even get up to 25 degrees. It is not a guarantee though and more northern part handled Western Parts are more likely to be 15 degrees. Here is the summary likely to be 15 degrees. Here is the summary for next week. A warm start, with rain in the north west cooling off later in the week. Thanks for watching. Tonight at ten President Trump is defiant after sacking the head of the fbi without warning. Absolutely explosive news out of washington tonight. The abrupt dismissal Ofjames Comey triggers political shockwaves but donald trump claims he had lost the confidence of almost everyone in washington. Reporter why did you fire Director Comey . Because he wasnt doing a good job, very simply. He was not doing a good job. Heading back to washington, stripped of hisjob, james comey had been investigating links between trumps Campaign Team and russia. Are people going to suspect cover up . Absolutely. Well be asking what impact james comeys departure will have. Also tonight. No conservatives will face charges for breaches of expenses rules over the 2015 General Election says the Crown Prosecution Service labour the Crown Prosecution Service

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