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Its 10am in singapore, and 10pm in seoul, where the south Korean Military says that north korea has fired four projectiles into the east sea, also known as the sea of japan. It said the projectiles were launched from the tongchang ri region, an area near the border with china, where a missile base is located. The missiles flew about 620 miles. For the latest, we go to seoul. Steve, why have they done this . Several reasons. Firstly, they are testing technology. There is a ritual going on at the moment. Firstly, there are big us south korea military exercises starting now. They start every year at about this time. Every year, north korea says this is a preparation for invasion. We view that very gravely. And they loose off missiles to make a statement. But secondly, they are testing technology. There were a series of launches, quite frequent launches, last year, many of which we re launches, last year, many of which were duds. They are clearly trying to get this thing right. We dont know much about these launches. We are getting all our information from the japanese and south Korean Military. An awful lot will turn on whether these are different sorts of missiles, whether they are longer range, or if they are even capable of reaching us bases. We do not know at the moment. Experts will look at these tests and try to work out if they are making some kind of advance. The third thing may be, a cynical view, maybe, advance. The third thing may be, a cynicalview, maybe, north korea faces allegations at the moment, with evidence, that its state and leader organised a murder. The launch of missiles placed very well. Plays very well. The administration might think it would play well at home. So there are many reasons why this launch might have happened. Several reasons their wide these launches might have happened. But what is President Donald Trump say about this . That is a good question. Donald trump is signalling a different tone and everything towards north korea. He is not ruling anything out. It may be that barack obama did not rule anything out but was not so vociferous. That means military action. So there is certainly a sense that donald trump has this at the top of this e mail inbox, to mix a metaphor. He has said that missiles capable of reaching the us, it will not happen. How he proposes to stop that remains a mystery. On top of that, the New York Times is running a story about Cyber Attacks north korea. This implies that the us might have infiltrated, at some stage, the north korean computer system. And actually caused those dubbed launches that i talked about. So there will be an audible an awful lot of talk in washington and debate in washington, but the options for doing anything about it remain as limited fort donald trump as they did for barack obama. North korean. And time has moved on. Could there be any significance that this launch has ta ken there be any significance that this launch has taken place on the second day of the Chinese National Peoples Congress. China is indeed an ally of the north koreans. Could the chinese ta ke the north koreans. Could the chinese take a tougher Stand On Pyongyang . dont know, is the answer. And nobody knows outside ofjohn yang and beijing. But i would be surprised. China has indicated proper displeasure with north korea over the alleged murder of one of its residents in malaysia. Pyongyang. And did that by stopping coal imports for the year. So that is not just coal imports for the year. So that is notjust words, that is money into north korea. It would be very unlikely that the scientists in north korea and the Political Leadership there were thinking, letss wind up beijing. It would not serve them well. Thank you very much werejoining us not serve them well. Thank you very much were joining us from seoul. Not serve them well. Thank you very much werejoining us from seoul. Radu. Lets. The director of National Intelligence at the time of the us election has denied there was any wire tapping of donald trump or his campaign. Mr trump had accused president obama of ordering the wire tap but offered no evidence. The white house has asked congress to investigate the allegations. Nick bryant reports from new york. On the sunday talk shows this morning, one main topic of discussion. In his extraordinary twitter tirade, donald trump accused his predecessor barack obama of being a sick and bad guy who ordered wire taps at trump tower in a watergate style conspiracy. And this morning the white house issued a statement asking that as part of their investigation into russian activity, the Congressional Intelligence Committee exercise their Oversight Authority to determine whether Executive Branch investigative powers were abused in 2016. But the white house has produced no evidence to back up the president s claims and seems to be hoping these congressional committees will come up with some. Lets get the truth here. Lets find out. I think the bigger story isnt who reported it, but is it true . And i think the American People have a right to know if this happened because if it did, again, this is the largest abuse of power that i think we have ever seen. Senior democrats have labelled President Trump the deflector in chief, deliberately distracting attention from the trump teams interactions with the russians. This is called a wrap up smear. You make up something and then you have the press write about it and then you say everybody is writing about this charge, its a tool of an authoritarian. Americas former director of National Intelligence is adamant there were no wire taps, he says. There was no such wire tap activity mounted there was no such wire tap activity mounted against the President Elect at the time, or as a candidate or against his campaign. You would be told this . I would know that. If there was fight for court order on Something Like this . Something like this, absolutely. And at this point in time you cant confirm or deny whether that exists . I can deny it. This weekend has seen pro trump rallies around the country, celebrating his successful speech to congress and a stock market soaring to record levels. But a week that began with a president ial recess has ended, once again, with russia. Also making news today, turkeys president has compared german officials to nazis, in the latest escalation in a war of words. President erdogan made the comments after several german towns banned political rallies at which turkish ministers were due to speak. The meetings aimed to encourage support for constitutional changes in turkey. Papua new guinea has been shaken by a magnitude 6. 5 earthquake, which struck close to the island of new britain. Officials say there is no major Tsunami Threat and there have been no immediate reports of damage. Papua new guinea sits on the pacific ring of fire, where earthquakes and volcanoes are common. French centre right president ial candidate Francois Fillon has told a rally of his supporters that hell stay in the race to be the countrys next president , while admitting misjudgements. He says hes done nothing illegal but hes being investigated for paying his wife for work she is alleged not to have done. Mr fillon faces a key test on monday with a Statement Due from his former rival alainjuppe, and a meeting of party officials. Police authorities in the us City Of Seattle are hunting for an attacker who shot a sikh man and told him to leave the country. The gunman approached the victim, a us national of indian origin, outside his house, before shooting him in the arm. The attack has led to a fresh outcry in india, following a deadly gun attack on two indians in kansas last month. It is very disheartening to see the news that somebody was actually a victim of hate crime in a city that we have never felt that before. It has not happened. So it was really shocking. It took me a few hours to get over it. But now we are here and we are thankful to our police chief for getting a head and talking to fbi and actually investigating this asa fbi and actually investigating this as a hate crime. Ahead. Now for most of us, Football Hooliganism of the type seen here at the european championships in france last year is a blight on a noble sport. But now a senior russian politician has come up with an unusual answer to the problem to recognise hooliganism as a sport in its own right. Igor lebedev, the Deputy Speaker of the lower house of parliament, said his country could be a pioneer in this new Team Fighting competition. Given that russia is to host the World Cup Finals next year, you have to wonder whether he might have been serious. The second day of chinas annual National Peoples congress is getting underway. On sunday premier li keqiang opened the conference with a warning that china faces major challenges in its attempts to overhaul its economy, the worlds second largest. Today, chinas top economic planning body the ndrc will be holding a Press Conference where more Economic Reforms are expected to be announced. Steve mcdonell has more. It is interesting because here at the great hall of the people, behind closed doors, there are plenty of discussions going on about chinas own political intrigues questions of whether or not president xi jinping might stay on beyond a second term but, you know, it is different here. Apart from talk about the economy the environment has been a big issue here. We heard the premier said yesterday that this government was going to clean up the skies, especially in beijing. What they need to do is to work towards a big solution. And it is a huge problem. So this is something people are going to be discussing. As you mention, of course the economy, as well. And thejuggling mention, of course the economy, as well. And the juggling that is going to have to be done. Inevitably, comparisons are being made at the moment between china and the United States. Whether it be military spending, we have heard china say it is going to increase its spending this year by around 7 . President donald trump says he wants about 10 increase. Then there are questions like defending free trade, so while donald trump has been speaking about building up barriers, if you like, we have heard the premier saying they will defend free trade. But what about Global Warming . A lot of people are looking to china to take their lead on this. So these comparisons will be made throughout the congress, here. But of course, even at this premier political gathering, you cannot get away from speaking about donald trump. This is Chinas Communist Party elite. They are coming in their thousands as delegates to the annual showpiece rubberstamped National Peoples congress. Of course, you would expect them to say that their leaders are doing a betterjob of governing than donald trump. But nevertheless, what they have to say about it is pretty interesting. America, if you think you are having a tough time of it politically, why not study what china has to offer . What we are finding here is what you might call an outpouring of politeness towards donald trump. While you often hear american politicians criticising china, here, its not really been the case. Still to come in the programme. Shes the malaysian Singer Songwriter whos made it big in america. Yuna tells us why fame does not mean compromising on your identity. First, the plates slipped gently off the restaurant tables. Then suddenly the tables, the chairs and people crashed sideways and downwards and it was a matter of seconds as the ferry lurched onto her side. The Hydrogen Bomb on a remote pacific atoll. The americans had successfully tested a weapon whose explosive force dwarfed that of the bomb dropped on hiroshima. I had heard the news earlier and so my heart went bang and bang. The Constitutional Rights of these marchers have their rights as citizens of the United States and they should be protected even in the right to test them out so they dont get their heads broken and are sent to hospital. This religious controversy, i know you dont want to say too much about it, but does it worry you its going to boil up when you get to the stage . Well, it worries me, yeah. I hope everything will be all right at the end of the day. This is newsday on the bbc. Welcome back. Im rico hizon in singapore. Our top stories north korea has test fired four Ballistic Missiles. Three have landed in the sea off japan, and tokyo has described the launches as a grave threat. The former Us Intelligence chief, james clapper, has denied President Trumps claim that his phones were tapped during the election campaign. Iraqi troops are said to be close to recapturing the main Government Building in Western Mosul amid intense clashes with so called islamic state. Aid agencies say more than 200 thousand people have now fled the city, many Seeking Shelter In A Camp at Hamam Al Alil, 20 miles south of mosul. Our correspondent, rami ruhayem, reports from there. The people of mosul endure yet another round of fighting between Iraqi Government forces and so called islamic state. Many remain trapped within the city, others decided to flee. Exhausted and hungry, they arrive in droves. In just two hours, we saw more than five busloads of people arrive here in Hamam Al Alil the camp for the internally displaced. Children, bewildered and scared. Many were far too young to even understand. Translation Isis Were Firing at us. Most of the women died. We were alljust running and running, the mortars raining on our heads, until we got to the army. Some were gratefulfor the help of the army. But these men said their homes were hit by army shelling. Almost everyone had to walk through the battlefield, risking their lives, before finally reaching safety and getting on one of these buses. After a long and Dangerousjourney On Foot and under fire from all sides, the refugees from Western Mosul arrived at this camp in Hamam Al Alil. They have escaped with their lives, but their misery is not yet over. And they keep arriving in their thousands each day too many for authorities to cope with. Close by in other temporary camps, more people are seeking refuge. With such an unrelenting flow, the authorities can hardly keep up. Soon, some are back on the bus again, headed to other camps across the region. They have little idea when they will go back to mosul, and what they will find there when the battle is over. Rami ruhayem, bbc news, Hamam Al Alil, south of mosul. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. The china daily is, of course, leading with the nationals people congress, now in its second day. Thats president xi jinping leading the way. The paper outlines the economic targets set by the government, 6. 5 growth and 11 million jobs to be created. The New York Times is featuring the desperate situation in south sudan. The un has formally declared a famine in parts of the country. And the Financial Times world edition are headlining, with the latest on the french president ial election race. Their main image shows frances centre right candidate, Francois Fillon, at a rally in an attempt to save his Campaign Amidstan impending criminal investigation. From headlines, we move on now to fashion. Fashionistas from India And Pakistan came together on a catwalk in london this weekend. But it wasnt just about showcasing their latest designs. The event was held to show solidarity between the two countries, in a year that marks the 70th Anniversary of their independence. Shabnam mahmood reports. A fashion show with a difference. Bringing together the best from India And Pakistan in london. think that is the way forward. Historically, it was always one country before as well. The division that happened all those years ago, that happened all those years ago, thatis that happened all those years ago, that is the gap. India and pakistan together are the strongest country in the world. Despite historic differences between the countries, leading designers from both sides have shared the catwalk at the show, celebrating 70 years of independence together. We all actually have the same culture. There is really not much difference when we look at the kind of clothes that we make and that are designed. It means a lot for me because i am indian and my family is from india and my sister is indian. We should have no restrictions and no boundaries. Organisers are hoping events like this one will help ease tensions between the two nations which have recently spilt into the world of entertainment. Now, when we see people from both of the countries here or in dubai or anywhere else, you know . People dont have anything in their hearts or in their mind, you know . It is more the politics that brings them apart, you know . Although it was a night of glamour, the event also raised thousands of pounds for the charity which tackles poverty in both India And Pakistan. Shabnam mahmood, bbc news. Singer and songwriter, yuna, is one of the few malaysian artists to have made it big in the us. Shes been mentored by pharrell williams, and has had a duet with usher. Yuna talked to the bbc about her identity as a muslim singer, and what the Music Industry is like for young women. You call me on a lazy afternoon. Asking me what i want, lets find something to do. Baby, i will be down. For many people, it is interesting to see a Malay Muslim Girl really succeeding in the us. Where i come from it is, like, it is very normal, you know . A lot of Malay Muslim Girls, we love music. People dont agree, probably. Some dont agree with me doing music, but why should i change . I have been doing this all my life. Some people arejust, like, she should become a sexy as artist. But i wont change, that is not me as well. The way i practise my religion is mine, it is not somebody elses and i need to remind myself of that. Being a young girl in the industry, it is tricky. People are always telling you what to do. Just be pretty, you are nothing more than that. It is not true. You need to be intelligent. Being famous and popular in the industry, it is not worth, you know, sacrificing your identity for that. You know, it is not worth it. Stick to it and do whatever makes a comfortable. You co mforta ble. And before we go, a reminder of the breaking news story. North koreas neighbours say pyongyang has fired several missiles into the sea of japan. The south Korean Military says that north korea has fired multiple projectiles into the east sea, also known as the sea of japan. Thisjust in, japans Prime Minister shinzo abe said tokyo has launched a strong protest to north korea. He said the latest launches of Ballistic Missiles clearly demonstrate evidence of a new threat from north korea. South korea said the projectiles were launched from an area near the border with china, where a missile base is located. Thank you for watching newsday. I am rico hizon. See you again tomorrow. Bye for now. Hello, there. Good morning. Well, we saw all sorts across the uk for the second part of the weekend. We saw a bit of rain and some brighter weather. So some rainbows in places but some of the showers were really quite heavy and they contained hail. Have a look here at oxfordshire. And we also saw some snow. Yes, snow there over the Higher Ground in wales. So a variety of weather. All down to an area of low pressure swirling around the heart of the uk. That is drifting its way ever eastwards and will continue to do so over the night. Gradually things are calming down, although it is still fairly gray over the eastern side and into the small hours of the morning with small outbreaks of rain. Another area of rain moving into the south west of the uk. It will be chilly, generally speaking. Temperatures up to five degrees and A Touch Of Frost possible in the north of scotland. It is Notjust Rain Across the south west of england, there is potential for snow on the tops of the moors. Apart from that, an ugly commute with the Surface Water and spray. The bulk of wales and the midlands and the South East Of England gets off to a reasonable start although some eastern counties are still fairly cloudy. The north west of england on a bright start to the day. Maybe a few patches of mist, however a little bit of misty fog in some parts of scotland. Scattered showers towards the north and west, where it will be quite breezy as well. Quite breezy too down towards the south west of england but that breeze should help push that rain away. Things will be improving all the while here. Elsewhere it looks like it could turn into a day of sunny spells and showers, with most across central and eastern areas. Sunny out the further west you are. Although we will see fair bit of cloud and rain moving in here. Top temperatures up to 11 degrees. As we go through monday evening, things will quiet down. Pressure builds across the uk, rain comes for the far north of the uk where it will still be quite windy but we are looking west for the next spell of wind and rain to head our way. Before it arrives it will be a cold start to the day, 3 5 degrees again. Bright start to central and eastern areas but out west it is going downhill through the morning and into the early afternoon. That wet and windy weather spreading from the west. And then in the evening, rain makes steady progress across the eastern side of uk leaving behind a brisk breeze for wednesday, coming in from the northwest will be a lot of cloud and outbreaks of rain with that. It looks like it will be cloudy again on thursday with some rain and the temperatures are on the rise. Military says that north korea has fired multiple missiles into the east sea, also known as the sea of japan. It is said the missiles were launched from an errant near the border of china. The white house eyes asked the congress to investigate President Trumps claims that back obama ordered his phones tapped. There has been a denial of the allegations by the former director of National Intelligence. The second day of the Chinese National Peoples Congress is under way. And Francois Fillon says he will not quit amid allegations of corruption. And the top

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