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Spains interior minister says the terror cell behind the attacks there this week has been broken up. Officials believe the cell consisted of 12 young men, most of them moroccan nationals. One man, younes abu yaaquoub, is still at large. Police searching for him say they believe he may have been the driver of the van which mowed down so many people on thursday in barcelona, killing 13 and injuring 130. From there, James Reynolds reports. The king of spain, determined to show that barcelona has nothing to fear. Symbols of rule from the capital, madrid, are not always welcome in this, the catalan region, but in the aftermath of thursdays attack, felipe vi is met with cheers. This footage from a Museum Security camera appears to show part of the assault on las ramblas. The attackers van tears down the avenue. Passers by run for their lives. The Authorities Say that they have now broken up the network responsible for the attacks in both barcelona and the coastal town of cambrils. At first investigators believed that one of the cambrils suspects, 17 year old, moussa oukabir, was also the barcelona attacker, but now they are investigating the possibility that 22 year old Younes Abouyaaqoub may have carried out the attack himself. He is currently at large. The authorities have announced greater security at spains borders and also in places where tourists gather. The new measures come too late for andrew cadman, from britain and australia, he has flown in to find his 7 year old son, julian. There is still no confirmed words on the boys whereabouts or condition. These survivors told their stories to the queen and king, here on a tour of barcelonas hospitals. Translation this violent, cowardly attack, this assassination that has killed and injured many people and has moved us all, will not defeat asked or our values. Will not defeat us or our values. Barcelona, for so long free from attacks, now has to rewrite its own history. The mayor has opened a book of condolence. I came to express my sympathies with the victims, Sergio Martinez told me, i also wanted to show that we are not afraid and that we will carry on. Tonight, on las ramblas, the simple act of going out for a walk becomes a powerful symbol and this city finds itself following the rhythms of mourning and defiance so familiar to the rest of this continent. James reynolds, bbc news, barcelona. Several of the men behind the attacks grew up in the small town of ripoll, north of barcelona. Most were the children of moroccan immigrants. Among them younes abuyaaqoub, now on the run, who as weve heard, may have driven the van in the barcelona attack. Our correspondent, wyre davies, has been to ripoll, to speak to people there about the extremists who lived among them. The small chocolate box Mountain Town of ripoll in the foothills of the spanish pyrenees, the last place you would expect as the breeding ground for a gang of radical islamist militants preparing to commit mayhem and murder. At least seven young men from this small town either died during the attacks or have been arrested since thursday. They include moussa oukabir, said aallaa and mohamed hychami. All three were killed by police in cambrils, on friday morning. Also from ripoll is Younes Abouyaaqoub, who is still on the run. At this small mosque in ripoll, where the boys and young men sometimes prayed, but were by no means the devout, Community Leaders sometimes prayed, but were by no means devout, Community Leaders were almost speechless, distraught by what has happened. We did not really know the boys or what they were up to, says this man who has been in charge of the mosque since the imam left two months ago. They sometimes came to pray, he says, but if wed known their plans we would have gone straight to the police. On the main road into town today, armed officers checking cars and lorries as spain hunts down all of those responsible for the attacks in barcelona and cambrils. Although the Spanish Government says the cell that carried out these attack has now been dismantled, little is actually known about this attacks has now been dismantled, little is actually known about this small group of young men, mainly of moroccan descent, who apparently became radicalised and planned their attacks in the most unlikely of places. In the last two days, several suspects and known associates of the attackers have been arrested. The former imams home has been searched and no one left in ripoll, a town where everyone knows everyone, can quite believe it. At the beginning the people in ripoll were shocked, because in a big town, in a big city, it is easy to find isolated communities, but not in a place like ripoll, because most young people participate in many activities. A 22 year old son of this town is currently the most wanted man in spain. After what he and the others are accused of doing, it will take ripoll years to recover. Wyre davies, bbc news. A short time ago, the bbcs security correspondent Gordon Corera gave me the latest on the police investigation. Spains interior minister earlier today said that the cell was absolutely dismanrtled. Hours later, the local regional official here in catalonia, contradicted that and said he could not be categorical that the cell had been dismantled but it is in part because there is still one individual on the run and the manhunt is still ongoing there are also unanswered questions. The services did not know about the cell, will it bring more anxiety . Was a cell of people that could have been operating up to a year. Bringing gas canisters to make a bomb. That is the kind of activities which Security Service will become. They will be wondering, was this a closed group, friends who radicalised each other and perhaps had a few contacts with others or where there links to other places, the instance so called Islamic State. On that note, Islamic State have claimed responsibility, how credible is that . They issued a statement a few hours after the attack saying their soldiers add acted on a call they put out but thatis acted on a call they put out but that is the kind of languages use commonly after attacks to claim that these people inspired by them and it does not always mean there was a direct contact. This was an unusually large group, rather than a lone individual, so we still did not have a sense of whether they claim is credible dot many thousands of people have taken to the streets in the us city of boston, to protest against a Public Meeting by right wing extremists. A small group of white nationalists were attempting to hold what they called a free speech rally. The protests followed last weekends violence in virginia, when a young woman was killed by a car driven at a crowd of anti racist demonstrators. From boston, Aleem Maqbool reports. Crowd chanting we cant hear you it was a day of taunting americans far right. This was their so called free speech rally. And after recent violence, many had been worried about. But this was the citys response a massive counter protest of bostonians condemning hate speech and racism. Crawd chanting the People United will never be defeated i am outraged. We have to make a difference. I cant believe in 2017 that we are still marching for rights. When faced with the option to stand and say what is right and wrong, i cannot sit home when there is hate out there. They have the right to speak but we also have the right to congregate and to show that we do not support what they have to say and i think the numbers bear that out. The two demonstartions, one outnumbering the other by many thousands, were kept apart to prevent trouble, but the far right demonstrators, often wearing from trump hats, were unapologetic. That defiance often angered those around. Just one of those so called free speech protesters have come out into the crowd and has had to be escorted by police through this very angry crowd who have been chanting anti racism and anti trump slogans all day. The president has been underfire for failing to unequivocally condemning the far right protesters in charleville last week. Even after a demonstrator was killed. There were moments of tensions but on the whole, the day was peaceful. More about the huge statement from people here and that whatever the president does, they will come out in their drove to condemn bigotry. Joining me now via skype is boston city councillor tito jackson. Mrjackson is also running in the city of boston mayoral election. Can you tell us how these so called free speech rally was organised . Was it organised after the cha rlottesville it organised after the charlottesville rally . |j it organised after the charlottesville rally . I believe the free speech rally had prior organisation. They had actually come last year. This was the Second Annual free speech rally last year. This was the Second Annualfree speech rally i use the quote is as loosely as humanly possible. Can you give us an idea who they were . Many of the individuals that we have seen online, some of them are neo nazis, many are White Supremacists and they decided to come to the city of boston and i am out of bay city and my community where over 40,000 people stood up and showed what boston was about. We are a city of love, not hatred. That is what you saw today, with all of the individuals that came out in solidarity and i want to give props to monica cannon, the local organiser who started this, as well as the back lives matter who was one of the co sponsors. As the back lives matter who was one of the cosponsors. The largest neo nazi supremacist rally in cha rlottesville in neo nazi supremacist rally in charlottesville in decades. Our people worried people like this are emboldened . I believe so. We live in a day in nature individuals, neo nazis, clan members, no longer wear masks and we must not be silenced. We must ensure our voices are heard and we engage relative to these positions every single time. We can be silent and sit in the sidelines. This is our generations Civil Rights Movement and it is really connected to donald trump and the mentality that he has pushed in oui the mentality that he has pushed in our country where these individuals feel even more emboldened than they have in the past and it is a critical will stand up and i am proud again of boston. The whole of democracy of the United States and it is critical to show people who and what we are and i believe that occurred today. Thank you for being with the bbc. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come. Why cubas Small Business boom has suddenly ground to a halt. Washington, the worlds most political city, is today assessing the Political Health of the worlds most powerful man. Indeed, i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. In south africa, 97 people have been killed today, in one of the worst days of violence between rival black groups. Over the last iten days, 500 have died. Chanting czechoslovakia must be free russia is observing a national day of mourning for the 118 submariners who died on board the kursk. Were all with them now, within our hearts. The pope has celebrated mass before a congregation of more than 2. 5 Million People, in his hometown of krakow. Stay with us, stay with us, chanted this ocean of humanity. Well, well, joked the pope, so you want me to desert rome . This is bbc news. The latest headlines spains government says the terror cell behind last weeks attacks has been dismantled, but the hunt continues for a key suspect. Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of boston, to protest against a far right rally in the city. At least 23 people have been killed and more than 60 injured in india when a train derailed in the Northern State of uttar pradesh. The accident happened at muz aff ar nagar, which is north of the capital new delhi. Nitin srivastava gave us this update the pictures that have been coming from the accident are quite serious. It looks to be a very nasty accident. Looking at the devastation that has happened, during this accident, it was a case of derailment. This is something which has been a major cause of concern for the indian government, some of the biggest Area Networks in the world were affected. More than 20 Million People travel in india every day by this mode of transport. We have seen a number of accidents in the last 8 ten months. At least 200 people or more have lost their lives in the last 8 ten months. Most of these accidents have happened in this area that this accident happened. Well, finland is also coming to terms with a terror attack. The countrys Prime Minister says a knife attack on friday was the countrys first terrorist incident. Police say the mass stabbing, which killed two people, targeted women. The main suspect arrested has been identified as an 18 year old moroccan man. Tom donkin reports. In the wake of the dual attacks in spain, another European Community is coming to terms with the horror of terrorism. The city of turku, a business and cultural hub on the south west coast of finland is now calm with quiet remembrance. On friday afternoon, it was the scene of chaos. An 18 year old man carrying a knife went on a frenzied attack in the citys main market square. The moroccan killed two people and injured eight others before police shot him in the leg and made the arrest. Authorities have not released the identity of the attacker, who remains in hospital. Police believe this was not a random act of violence on the innocent, but a targeted attack on women. The two finnish victims were female, as were six of the eight others injured. This is the first ever terror attack in finlands history. Juha sipila is the first finnish leader who has had to respond to terrorism but his message was familiar. This is the first time we have a terrorist attack in finland. Of course, the whole country is sorrowing the situation right now and we are looking for the future anyway, together. And we dont give up. While terrorism is new for finland, the authorities are asking the usual questions after an incident like this. Did the attacker act alone, or was he part of a Wider Network . So far, four other moroccan men have been arrested in connection with the attack. An International Search warrant is out for a fifth. So, while the interior Ministry Says nationwide security is being stepped up, the countrys flags are lowered to half mast out of respect for the victims. But also, it will remind those here that despite a history of relative peace, terrorism is part of a new reality. Ever since the strict rules on the cuban economy were eased in 2008, thousands of Small Businesses have cropped up across the island, especially in tourism related activities. Today, one in three cubans workers is in the private sector. But now the government has put on hold all new licences for private businesses. It says the measure is temporary in order to, as it put it, perfect the communist economic model. Will grant reports from havana. For ten years now, the private sector has been the most fruitful pa rt sector has been the most fruitful part of the cuban economy. President castro changed the rules around one decade ago to allow cubans to run their own businesses and employ their own businesses and employ their own businesses and employ their own style. Today, everywhere you look, you will find Small Businesses. People can earn in under a week what they used to make in a month as state employees. Coffee shops and restaurants are popular, catering to the tourism trade. From taxi drivers to small boutique owners, over half a million cubans have taken out private is that licenses. But there may be over, for now. In an apparent reversal of recent policy, the issuing of licences for private businesses have been frozen, leaving many who planned to take the plunge into the private sector stuck in limbo. The cuban government has cited wrongdoing as the reason for the freeze. The vice ministerfor wrongdoing as the reason for the freeze. The vice minister for labour went on state tv to calm public fears that the error of economic liberalisation is over. It wont be like the past when the suspension lasted for years. The situation wont last even one year. We are talking about a short period of time. At the same time, a major nonstate enterprise of Accounting Services was ordered to cease operations. With around 300 members, they worked almost exclusively with state institutions. Its director said the order came out of the blue. We have never received any expression of concern from the finance ministry or any other government body about our development or our number of partners. We havent had the slightest indication from the government. They claim their cooperative model has a greater socialist element than fully private enterprises. With over 2 million in annual revenue, some think they simply got too big for the government. I dont feel like the victim of anything. I still see an opportunity for people who think that rather than working in a state owned company, they would refer to work in a private one. Like in any other part of the world. What has happened here is a big mistake, and error against the cooperative. It comes at an uncertain time for cuban it comes at an uncertain time for cu ban private it comes at an uncertain time for cuban private businesses. Many were already worried about a potential slowdown in tourism after President Trump rollback the policy of engagement with cuba. Now, new businesses fear they might not get off the ground. Staying with the sport theme, lets take you to a Manchester United fan club its in baghdad, and helps fans get away from the daily violence in their city. Chanting united cheering. As supporters, it doesnt matter how old are you, from what religion, from what colour, from what country, from what city. We are gathering around one flag and this is it. Cheering. Football bringing happiness. Dont forget you can get in touch with me and some of the team on twitter, im alpapatel. Hello again. Saturday was another day of sunshine and showers, showers frequent across more northern parts of the uk in scotland. Some of them we re of the uk in scotland. Some of them were heavy and boundary. This is one of the clouds working across the skyline of argyll and bute, a big queue nearly nimbus cloud working into the scottish highlands. Some beautiful pictures there. A few showers left over across North Western scotland, foremost, a dry start to day. These kind of temperatures first thing in the morning. Our weather today is going to be influenced by this. This hurricane was to the east of the United States, but since then it has moved north, and it has been ripped apart by the strong winds of the jet stream. It is now racing across the atla ntic stream. It is now racing across the atlantic tied in with this normal area of low pressure. It starts off as for most of us a much better day. Dry weather, a few showers around. More in the way of morning sunshine. In the afternoon, things clouding over a little bit. Some bright weather for most of the uk. Towards the south west, a different story. Through the afternoon, gradually seeing the cloud thickening up to bring outbreaks of rain. Initially quite light and drizzly, similar in wales. During the evening, getting a bit heavier. For the midlands, eastern and Northern Areas of england, dry with some sunshine. We clouding over in Northern Ireland. In scotland, far fewer showers. Clouding over in Northern Ireland. In scotland, farfewer showers. Dry weather and light winds, should feel pleasa nt weather and light winds, should feel pleasant when that sunshine comes out. Sunday night seas the rain turn increasingly heavy. Notjust across england and wales but also in Northern Ireland, we will see heavier rain arrived. Along with that band of rain, turning quite murky with mist and hillfort. Rain tied in with this weather front. Early in the week it will push north, taking some heavy burst of rain with it. Allowing some warmer air into the south of the uk. The warmerair is air into the south of the uk. The warmer air is behind this front. A cloudy start with some damp conditions and hillfort, it may stay wet in Northern Ireland for a chunk of the day. Rain crossing into northern england, central and southern scotland but probably not reaching the finals of scotland. Increasingly humid in the south. Not much in the way of sunshine but temperatures still in the low 20s. Tuesday starting cloudy, but if we do see some sunshine breaking through the cloud in the south of england, temperatures could reach around 27 celsius. After weeks of looking for it, i finally found some warm august weather. This is bbc news, the headlines. The Spanish Government says the terror cell behind the recent attacks there has now been broken up. But a Police Manhunt continues for the driver of the van which killed 13 people in barcelona. Tens of thousands of people in the us city of have demonstrated against a rally by the far right. The small turnout of supporters for the right wing free speech rally had to be escorted out by police. At least 23 people have died and more than 60 injured after a train came off the tracks in the indian state of uttar pradesh. Its the fourth time a passenger train has suffered a major derailment in india this year. The president of nigera, muhammadu buhari, has arrived back home in abuja, after spending the past three months receiving medical treatment in london

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