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Presenter, Caroline Flack, as the question is asked could more have been done to help . A possible rescue flight for britons quarantined on this cruise ship off japan because of the coronavirus some of them say they feel theyve been forgotten. Coming up on afternoon live all the sport. We will be hearing more tribute to the man dubbed the hero of munich, the man dubbed the hero of munich, the former Manchester United and Northern Ireland legend harry gregg who has died at the age of 87. Thank you very much. Darren, whats going on . This picture behind me was taken in hereford, gives you an idea of how bad the situation is today. We have seen the number of Flood Warnings falling as the day has gone on, and basically today, tomorrow, sunshine and showers but more wet and windy weather on the way later in the week. Thanks. Also coming up a new form of global pollution the pebbles found on beaches from canada to cornwall hello, everyone, this is afternoon live, im simon mccoy. Chaos, devastation and dismay, and that probably doesnt begin to cover how youre feeling if youve been affected by the flooding caued by storm dennis. Homes and businesses have been ruined and not for the first time for many of them as more than a months worth of rain has fallen on ground already saturated after the earlier storm ciara. One woman is still missing after being swept away near tenbury in worcestershire. There are three severe Flood Warnings still in place meaning a danger to life in parts of england. And more than 240 other Flood Warnings in england, scotland and wales meaning immediate action is required. 0ur correspondent sent this report from Tenbury Wells. The aftermath of storm dennis. Businesses in Tenbury Wells are just beginning to assess the damage and start the clear up. Its notjust us, it is everybody in the country. It seems to be going wild. All the stock, all the flowers are damaged because they have soaked up the water, not just touched the bottom of them. So all the stock up to two foot is finished, its going into the bin. More than 100 properties were evacuated last night, after the river teme burst its banks. Water levels have reached just a fraction of the highest ever recorded, six metres. Dozens took shelter in the towns secondary school, looked after by an army of volunteers. Voluntary search and rescue patrols have also been helping the emergency services. Many of them awake for more than 2a hours. I was here since yesterday at three oclock, been going out throughout the night knocking on the doors on the main high street of Tenbury Wells, just advising people if they want to be evacuated or if they want to stay and if they do want to stay, just giving advice. If they want to be evacuated, we evacuated five people yesterday. Five severe Flood Warnings remain in place in england, including for hereford, where the river wye has continued to rise this morning. Evacuations there are still under way after a Major Incident was declared in the county yesterday. In new york, thousands of sandbags have been placed at Properties Near the river 0use, which could also come close to record levels. And in wales, the scale of the flooding has been described as unprecedented, with landslides and severe flooding in many places. This home was devastated. I am in total shock. I just cant believe how my home has been ravaged in the last couple of hours. It only took a few hours and it is absolutely destroyed. The environment secretary George Eustice told the bbc the government is taking action. We have 1,000 Environment Agency staff out in the field, helping people prepare for the floods, helping them to evacuate where that is necessary. We are monitoring things closely, in particular the severn river, bewdley and tewkesbury, because water levels are expected to continue to rise in some of those catchments. Travel Services Continue to be affected across parts of the country today. The effects of storm dennis are still being felt. Kathryn stanczyszyn with that report. 0ur correspondent, phil mackie is in hereford for us. Word sort of fail you. That is a normally busy road. Yes, absolutely, simon. Although it is quite deep here, the road is in a dip, so if you were to walk along there, as we have seen some of the fire and road rescue service people, it is really this high, less high near the banks, and really that is just about the safest way and the only way to get about in parts of hereford today. As you said, there is a severe Flood Warning here, and its not a surprise. Down this road here, it goes on for about half a mile to the river, there are dozens and dozens of properties which have been flooded, many of them have never been flooded before because these are the highest river levels for the river wye. There is a mark on one of the bridges that has the highest previous level in 1795 but that has been submerged today and so what the fire and rescue Service Boats have been doing all day is basically sailing up there and pulling people out who want to be pulled out. Some people dont want to be but they are just carrying out health and safety checks, just to check people who are still in the homes are ok there. Terrible for anybody involved. We are talking about homes and businesses being devastated by this. Yes. Again, iwas businesses being devastated by this. Yes. Again, i was speaking to one lady who was brought out by a boat early on and she had been with her pa rents, early on and she had been with her parents, they had lived down there for 60 years, it has never been flooded before. A lot of people in places like Tenbury Wells we just saw have been flooded within living memory, certainly within the last decade or so and it is a terrible thing because you almost get ptsd. You dread coming again, you know how awful it can be. For these people it is the first time they will have experienced it, and im afraid for those people it is going to be a pretty miserable experience. Some of them will have to leave their homes for six months, 12 months, even longer. If they havent had to deal with floods insurance before, they will have to do now, and that can be a difficult and slow going procedure, because especially when you get a really big flood event like this one, you can find unless you are claiming quickly, you can very quickly get to the back of the queue. I willjust step out of the queue. I willjust step out of the queue. I willjust step out of the way now, can you see in the background, these are some of the people from hereford and worcester fire and rescue service, these guys are walking waist deep through the water, carrying a floating sled with them, to and from the houses, just checking the welfare of people who are in some of these just to make sure they know whether or not they need to come in or out. There is also a boat which has good up there which has been gone for about half an hourat which has been gone for about half an hour at the moment which i expect well be bringing some people out fairly soon but this isntjust one location in hereford, there are plenty of others at the moment. The city has never quite seen flooding like this before, and it is the same throughout the whole area, south wales, throughout parts of the West Midlands, it is a miserable scene this morning. Just looking at what is going on, and people will be looking at the damage done to their homes and asking what they can do to prevent anything like this happening again, but also who is responsible for this, because there is a lot of anger about a lack of forethought and planning. Yes, and i think the difficulty is when you get a flood of this level that nobody has really experience before it is hard to know how they could have planned for it because it has broken every record, records going back hundreds of years will stop there are places like Tenbury Wells that we have heard reported from, they have campaigned for better flood defences, who havent got them, who will be feeling really angry today that they havent done so and i can think of other towns and villages around this hereford and worcestershire, they havent got the protection bigger towns and cities have got. Then the Environment Agency will tell you and they are quite right to do so that they are quite right to do so that they have spelt spent billions of pounds over the past decade or so improving flood defences and probably if those hadnt been dealt another 10,000 properties could easily have been flooded as a result of storm dennis. You can seejust coming in now, more people with kaya ks. Coming in now, more people with kayaks. Those people checking people who may have been stuck in the homes and may need some help just to see that they are ok basically. We are live comedy want to ask them about their experiences as they get out of their experiences as they get out of their kayaks . Some of them are allowed to talk to us, some arent. Cani allowed to talk to us, some arent. Can i quickly ask you, was anyone in their desperate to be pulled out today or are they 0k . The people we have spoken to are happy to stay in their properties. 0k, have spoken to are happy to stay in their properties. Ok, so that is effectively what they are doing. The people who have been calling for help, dialling 999 have already been brought up but there is a lot of properties out there. Dozens and dozens properties out there. Dozens and d oze ns of properties out there. Dozens and dozens of them. They also have to check who is in and who is out because some people wont be there, some people will be away for half term for instance, and if it hadnt been half term things could have been half term things could have been a lot worse. But you can see kind of what is going on around here, there is another boatjust been brought in, so that as a second boat, more vehicles and a little further up the road here there is another road sort of parallel to this one you are looking at, which is also under water, where there has been an ambulance with its own inflata ble been an ambulance with its own inflatable pulling people out. It is seen is that i havent seen in this pa rt seen is that i havent seen in this part of the world since 2007, which we re part of the world since 2007, which were the worst floods in living memory and it is sort of beginning to feel a little bit like that, especially as though although river levels here are beginning to drop slightly, they are going up elsewhere, particularly on the river severn in worcestershire, and one would expect pea ks severn in worcestershire, and one would expect peaks there not to happen for another couple of days. This is another boatjust coming in. I mention they had gone down about half an hour ago, looks like they are bringing up anotherfamily half an hour ago, looks like they are bringing up another family out of their homejust are bringing up another family out of their home just at the moment. Rescues going on all the time, it will be interesting to see how long they keep going on. They do expect they keep going on. They do expect the river wye to drop back with its river levels relatively quickly. You can probably just make river levels relatively quickly. You can probablyjust make out a tide posed by its landmark. Things gradually improving. Lets hope that things dont carry on too long. Some of the fire and rescue Service Boats that were out last night had been out since yesterday morning so they are doing 12 hour shifts at the moment and working very, very hard. It is quite remarkable and hysterical waves and the smiles belie what must terrible times for anybody who has been through this. Just that sentence, we join you in the middle of hereford and you said, there is another boat coming up now. Simon, you are breaking up a bit, i didnt quite catch that but there are rescue centres around here for people to go to but most people have got friends and family to talk to. We arejust doing got friends and family to talk to. We are just doing live for bbc tv at the moment. Hello. What has it been like down there . No, it is not good, the house has been taken out, flooded, the horses were flooded this morning, we got them rescued, the cat is upstairs say. It isjust a mess. But what can you do . You have not been flooded before . Never been flooded. My parents lived here about 35 years, never seen the floods this bad. Where we are living, it normally goes into a Little Island so we are looking out onto the floods. This is the first time it has come into the house, and it didnt have time to save anything. How high does it come inside . How high do you think, is that . Red up to your green thing on top. Theyre ive been living in wellies all morning to stop how quickly did it come up, it seems to have caught peoplelj quickly did it come up, it seems to have caught people i woke up this morning, i had sleep apnoea, the machine was suffocating me so i woke up, was banging on windows, thought it the neighbours, they said we are out, it was in the house. I had to walk through the city to get to the windows to answer it, just turn the electrics off and that was it. We have just done what we can. You are glad these guys have come and save you . Oh, god, yeah, they have been brilliant. Weve been waving at them, i dont normally weigh that fireman you will do now. We will go to the travelodge, our landlord is looking after us, luckily i have six days off work. And the horses, how have they got out . I had to get on one this morning, he was stuck in the floods this morning up to his knees, wouldnt move, sol the floods this morning up to his knees, wouldnt move, so i had to jump knees, wouldnt move, so i had to jump on him, had people calling him, we rode through the floods, we are just worried about the hens, but there are only two, we have had them 110w there are only two, we have had them now so there are only two, we have had them now so heavily everything is all right. Hopefully it will go down relatively quickly. Yes, thats when the real party will start once the water goes down. You have an adverse experience before, are you insured . Lam insured, experience before, are you insured . I am insured, and experience before, are you insured . Lam insured, and im doubting myself but i know im insured because my insurance is very high. But you know how all the doubts come m, but you know how all the doubts come in, and you think, oh. But, you know, 50 years never been flooded, first time, new experience for everything, wasnt on my bucket list, but hey ho. Go and get dry, get warm, thanks for talking to us. Thank you, guys. The latest family who has been brought out, we are expecting more to be brought out. Wasnt on their bucket list, thats for sure. Thank you very much. We can speak now tojeremy parr, head of flood and incident Risk Management at Natural Resources wales. Hejoins us, via webcam, from cardiff. Very briefly, just bring us up to date with the situation as it is at the moment for people watching. The situation in wales is the worst of the impacts were yesterday in the taff valley around pontypridd, and we saw the photographs and pictures from there. That river, the taff river is a rapidly responding river, it goes up very quickly and it goes down very quickly. We had exceptional rainfall on the Brecon Beacons, south wales valleys areas, the peak flow there was some 900 cubic metres a second. I know thats a number, thats a figure, but that is 900 tonnes of water passing every second if you just think about how much water that is, it is a colossal amount, 45 times the average flow in the river. So what is happening now, because that rain has hit wales really yesterday, it is travelling down some of those big rivers like the river wye and the pictures we are seeing in hereford are as a result of the water that has the Cambrian Mountains in wales, travels down rivers like the wye and the severn, these rivers passed through wales into england in some cases back to wales again, so it is our colleagues there in herefordshire and the Environment Agency who are close on the scene, hoping that water will pass back down, it will pass back down into wales and into monmouth during the course of the rest of the day. So we are keeping a close eye on that in wales as well. What was interesting during that interview was that people saying they had never seen was that people saying they had never seen anything like this before. How would you describe the last 48 hours . It is exceptional amounts of rainfall and exceptional river levels. So again, the biggest impact in wales were on the taff. The last time we saw any levels like this was 1979, and even these levels we re this was 1979, and even these levels were 80 centimetres higher than the levels in 1979. 1979 we saw extensive flooding in cardiff and quite a lot of the taff valley and the rhondda valleys. Since that time, defences have been built, and that has meant places that otherwise would have flooded, we were able to stop and prevent from flooding back clearly the impact has been significant across large parts of south wales valleys and over there in england, and as we have seen from all the pictures, anyone who gets flooded, it is devastating and it is very emotional as well. For sure, jeremy, a lot of people may not know the area that well, just see a bit of water, the advice is dont try to walk through it, certainly dont try to drive through it. Absolutely, dont do any of those things, dont try to cycle through it, you never know what is under the surface. People have got caught in trains etc, you dont know what is underneath the surface, you see horrible pictures of people being rescued. A lot of the time that is when people get into difficulty. Clearly flooding of properties is very traumatic and all of those positions but a lot of the time people get in difficulty if they are trying to do things like travel through floodwaters. Please dont do it and please try and stay safe. Given the number of warnings they we re given the number of warnings they were before storm dennis hit, are you happy that everything was ready and as prepared as you could be for this . We worked really closely with all the emergency services, local authority, getting their information from the met office. They were putting out weather warnings in advance. I think sometimes what we get is that it is difficult, isnt it, if your property hasnt been flooded for a number of years, perhaps before even you moved in there, may be that memory isnt there, may be that memory isnt there, and maybe people dont realise that it could happen, and this is one of the difficulties. We are seeing more and more of these extreme rainfall events, in places that historically havent flooded for a while. May be flooding for the first time in living memory. 0ne for a while. May be flooding for the first time in living memory. One of the messages is just because first time in living memory. One of the messages isjust because it hasnt happened doesnt mean it couldnt happen, so please investigate, find out whether you are at risk, sign up for free Flood Warnings, look at all the information that is available. Hundreds of people have been out overnight in your area and across the country, and perhaps people dont get time to say thank you but im surea dont get time to say thank you but im sure a lot of people will be saying thank you to all of those who have gone beyond the call overnight. Thank you very much and thank you for joining thank you very much and thank you forjoining us. Thats appreciated, thank you. Lets speak to darren bett, who was our weather presenter, of course you are. Lets talk about wales, because it does seem to have been a once in a lifetime event, we had from one of the people there. Been a once in a lifetime event, we had from one of the people therem has been extreme rainfall we have seen has been extreme rainfall we have seenin has been extreme rainfall we have seen ina has been extreme rainfall we have seen in a short space of time and significantly this comes off the back of another name to storm a week ago. Storm ciara bought flooding and damaging winds, and it is because of that and then dennis on top of that we have seen what we have seen just recently, and of course wales, south wales, was particularly badly affected. Let me just show you what happened yesterday. The met Office Actually issued a red warning on sunday. Now these are really rare these warnings. Red means life. Life threatening, risk to life, people need to be evacuated and a Major Incident was declared. These red warnings, you might get one a year, the last time we had one was 2018, the snow from the boost for the east. The last time we had a red warning for rain was 2015, so this is exceptional, to get one of these red warnings is exceptional, and thats the amount of rain we had in south wales in the Brecon Beacons in 48 hours, close to 160 millimetres of rain, over six inches of rain and thatis of rain, over six inches of rain and that is well over what youd expect to get in the whole of the month. That led to scenes of flooding like that. This is a picture from earlier on today in carmarthen, taken by one of our weather watchers. You can see weve still got extremely high river levels out there as well. I want to show you the radar picture for the last 48 hours or so. We had some very warm and wet air coming from a long way south, that produced pulses of heavy rain that affected england and wales in particular, and it was the hills that were always going to get the wettest of the weather as we saw in south wales for example. But today, well, you can see, the heavy and more persistent rain has gone, it has turned more showery. This was actually taken in hereford earlier on today and this is where we have actually had some severe Flood Warnings. The Flood Warnings have been dropping in the last six to 12 hours or so. There arent as many Flood Warnings. The number of severe Flood Warnings. The number of severe Flood Warnings. The number of severe Flood Warnings have dropped. So yesterday we had severe Flood Warnings on the taff and the neath in south wales will stop we dont have that any more, so it gives you an indication river levels are dropping to a certain extent. We have had severe Flood Warnings in herefordshire and worcestershire. Weve only got one at the moment, on the river wye, and as we heard earlier on it is as a result of all the rain weve had across south wales. But as you can see from that picture, there is still the risk of some further flooding, because we are seeing some some further flooding, because we are seeing some more some further flooding, because we are seeing some more rain today. It is more showery. The more heavy and persistent rain has cleared away, and generally speaking the number of Flood Warnings and river levels are dropping a bit, but the worst as may be not just over yet. Dropping a bit, but the worst as may be notjust over yet. You are back with a full forecast later on, but the advice to people is just keep in touch with what is going on. Look at the website. Yes, and there are more warnings that have been issued by the website as well, by the met 0ffice, lower level warnings, but we need to be a bit wary of what is coming on wednesday and thursday because there is warnings of more heavy rain over the hills of wales, it may be in north wales, could be 100 millimetres of rain, you could get half that amount in south wales over the hills and it could lead to things getting worse again before they get better. You are back in a few minutes but for now thank you very much. And for the latest information on storm dennis, tune into your bbc local radio station, or visit our website bbc. Co. Uk news. Love island will air for the first time tonight since the death of its former presenter Caroline Flack. Itv said the show would feature a tribute to the 40 year old star, who was found dead in herflat in london on saturday. It comes amid growing criticism of the decision to prosecute herfor an alleged assault on her boyfriend, even though he said he wanted charges dropped. 0ur media correspondent David Sillito reports. Caroline flack, love island, x factor, im a celebrity. Her tv career went back almost 20 years. This tribute on dancing on ice was to both a colleague and friend. Wed like to begin tonight by taking a moment to remember Caroline Flack, in light of yesterdays awful news. We wanted to say our hearts go out to her family and friends. Many of us knew caroline as a friend and we will all miss her enormously. As caroline herself recently posted, in a world where you can be anything, be kind. Caroline flack was the face of a show that was all about escapist fun, laced with emotional drama, but now questions are being asked about the pressure she was under. She was facing charges of assaulting her boyfriend. Should that prosecution have been going ahead, given her fragile mental state . Today, a former chief prosecutor said he felt there was probably little choice. Undoubtedly, they felt they had enough. They had i think a 999 call recording. They had Body Worn Camera from the police. They would have had medical evidence and other evidence. They have to take the message of abuse seriously because we as a country have said we should take Domestic Abuse seriously, when you have three quarters of a million reports to police every year, 75,000 prosecutions. 0nly10 of those reports end in a prosecution. 120 people are murdered in domestic homicide situations and we keep telling them that if they had intervened earlier, maybe somebody wouldnt have suffered even more serious harm. So they are doing what we asked them to do. The role of the press and social media has also come under scrutiny. A petition calling for action has been signed by more than 200,000 people. Meanwhile, tonight, love island will return to our screens with a tribute. A statement from itv said, many of us knew caroline well and held her in great affection. She will forever be in our hearts. David sillito, bbc news. If you or someone you know has been affected by the issues raised in this report, you can find help and support on the bbcs actionline website, or call 0800 066 066. The French Foreign minister has said he expects the uk and the European Union to rip each other apart in brexit trade talks due to begin next month. The British Government wants to secure an agreement by the end of year, butjean yves le drian has warned the target will be difficult to achieve. Translation on trade issues and the mechanism for future relations, which we are going to start on, we are going to rip each other apart, but that is part of negotiations. Our assistant Political Editor norman smith is in westminster. He was laughing at my french accent earlier but i will try again, a mean zut alors. Merdre not a man to mince his words. Nor are you i mangle them. There will be some rumble in the jungle, mangle them. There will be some rumble in thejungle, shall we mangle them. There will be some rumble in the jungle, shall we say, because it seems as if the eu and in particular france are in a mood to be pretty tough with britain when it comes to the sort of deal we will have, and clearly the french view is if we want a deal we will have to sign up to a whole load of eu regulations on workers rights and the environment. The problem being we know borisjohnson has already said non, we dont want that, we already want to go our own way when it comes to regulations, so it is ha rd to it comes to regulations, so it is hard to see how an agreement will be reached, particularly in the very short time space we have ofjust under a year to get a deal, and the other thing i think suggest this will be really difficult is the suggestion from the French Foreign minister that they are not in the mood to compromise over fish, meaning they want to retain access to british fishing waters. Again, we know Boris Johnson to british fishing waters. Again, we know borisjohnson has said non, thats not happening, fishing waters around the coast will be for british boats. So if this is really going to be the position of the eu, then getting that deal will be incredibly difficult. I thought brexit was done . Well, stage one, yes, we have left, but stage two, where were going to, that is to be agreed, and the choice is pretty clear now. Either we get some sort of deal with the eu in the next 12 months or borisjohnson has said he will go for what he calls the australia option, translated what that really means is leading without a deal. Now he is pretty relaxed about that. He thinks we can manage, he thinks that we will be able to do deals with other countries, he wants to start negotiations at the same time with the us, he wants a bigger effort in striking trade deals with commonwealth countries, but i think for many manufacturers and Big Companies in britain, the idea of not having a trade deal with the eu, oui not having a trade deal with the eu, our main trading partner, Something Like 40 of our exports go to the eu,i like 40 of our exports go to the eu, ithink like 40 of our exports go to the eu, i think many of them would look at that with real alarm. Do you want toissue at that with real alarm. Do you want to issue an apology for the use of that language now . Or shall we wait an hour . Nothing wrong with franglais. Vicki young wouldnt do it. Thank you very much. Darren is back. We saw that picture, that was hereford, everyone is hoping it will come down. But. We havent really had a winter, not much cold weather, it has been pretty mild but wet and windy and there is no sign of anything settled coming up any time soon. Not particularly good news. This was a picture taken by a weather watcher earlier on today in hereford. We have a severe Flood Warning in place. Generally speaking, the number of Flood Warnings has been dropping today across england and wales. Still over 200, dropping today across england and wales. Still over200, mind you, and the flood risk is set to continue. But the more persistent rain has swept away, together with all that cloud, heading into Continental Europe. Storm dennis wondering to norway, and instead we have a showery air stream coming in from the atlantic. So not the persistent rain but still some heavy showers around and some sunshine too, and turning a bit cooler through the afternoon. The wettest of the weather is likely to be much further north into scotland and Northern Ireland, some longer spells of rain here this evening and early in the night perhaps coming into the far north of england, bringing some snow over the Higher Ground and the risk of some icy conditions as well. Further south, the showers will be fewer, many central and southern parts of england will be dry but it will be cold, may be a few pockets of frost around come the end of the night. Tomorrow, another coolly feeling blessed sort of day with sunshine and showers, we will see a few coming into england and wales in the morning, probably a band of wet weather sweeping its way down during the afternoon and all the while the showers keep rattling into scotland, Northern Ireland and the north west of england, perhaps a bit more wintry as the air gets colder over the high ground. In the south east it should be largely dry until the evening. A lot of those showers will tend to fade away overnight but we look out into the atlantic to see the next weather system arriving. For many eastern parts of the uk, the weather will be dry to start with on wednesday but we need to look further west and again u nfortu nately into look further west and again unfortunately into the welsh hills. More weather warnings of heavy rain perhaps threatening some more flooding too. There is the dry weather we have eastern areas, for the west it climbs over, the winds pick up and we see rain arriving and again it will be heavy over the hills of wales, also north west england, Northern Ireland and western scotland, temperatures sitting at eight or 9 degrees. That wet weather will push its way eastwards during wednesday evening and night. The first area of rain on that weather front there but we get another burst of rain on the second weather front. This is another burst of rain on the second weatherfront. This is going another burst of rain on the second weather front. This is going to bring some heavy burst of rain because we got quite mild air ahead bit and colder air coming in behind, so bit and colder air coming in behind, so its an active weather front, by that i mean some heavy and persistent rain. It should move through fairly quickly and arrive in the south east later, and then behind that band of rain in scotland and Northern Ireland. It turns colder, it turns drier, some showers and those could turn a bit wintry. The head of it again temperatures are likely to be in double figures, but more unsettled weather to come especially late in the week. Love island is back on air tonight after the death and its former presenter. And amazon is forced to withdraw and save car seats from its website, after a bbc investigation finds multiple noncompliant products for sale. Coming up, finds multiple noncompliant products forsale. Coming up, the finds multiple noncompliant products for sale. Coming up, the new form of global pollution, the pebbles found on beaches from canada to cornwall, made entirely of plastic. Harry gregg survived the disaster, but he pulled some other people from the wreckage of the disaster, among them a child and mother. This is a man, who two weeks after that crash, played a match for Manchester United and put Sheffield Wednesday out of the fa cup. He was always very modest about his heroics, describing himself as just a goalkeeper, not a hero. Plenty of people disagree, sir Bobby Charlton are among them. He said today that he was proud to call him a team mate and for all the things that harry said about that night in munich, for me he will a lwa ys night in munich, for me he will always be renowned as a heroic figure. Sir Alex Ferguson put out a Statement Today to say he was a great character and a true legend of our club. My thoughts and prayers are with carolyn and his family at this very sad time. Plenty of other tributes, holly. Yes, he touched so many people and so yes, he touched so many people and so many lives, but today we have been talking to people who either watched him in action on the pitch 01. Watched him in action on the pitch or. When he signed for Manchester United, it was a world record fee at that time. So an roy is one of those paying tribute, saying he was one of the best keepers he has ever seen. I remember working with him in the 70s at Manchester United. Fantastic character. When harry spoke, you had to listen. He was unbelievable. One of the best i have seen. Sammy mcilroy remembering harry gregg, whos died at the age of 87. Pep guardiola has told friends he intends to stay at manchester city, despite the clubs two year ban from the champions league. His current contract expires next year, although it does have a break clause at the end of this season and it was thought he would activate it, if citys appeal against the ban fails. However, its understood guardiola has said he wont be leaving early, not matter what the outcome, and hes still committed to the club. Anti racism campaigners have described apparent abuse during fc portos win over vitoria de guimares in portugal at the weekend as tough to watch. After portos Moussa Marega scored the winner, he pointed to his skin during the celebrations prompting monkey noises and chairs to be thrown from the stands. As marega tried to make light of the situation, the abuse continued. He eventually tried to take a stand and walk off the pitch, while other players attempted to restrain him. Anti Racism Charity kick it out say the blatant disregard for protocol is unacceptable, and players should be united and walk off together in condemnation. Chelsea and England Forward fran kirby has revealed shes been out of action since november because of a heart condition, but is now well on the road to recovery. Kirby was diagnosed with the condition after a game against Manchester United, with kirby saying she was sleeping 15 hours a day during the early stages of the illness but is now preparing for a return to action. Kim clijsters is preparing to make her second comeback to competitive tennis, at the wta event in dubai. The four time grand slam champion has been away for eight years, raising her three children. She initially retired in 2007 to get married and start a family, before returning two years later and winning three of those major titles. She has a tough re introduction though herfirst round opponent in dubai is garbine muguruza, the former wimbedon champion and finalist at the Australian Open this month. Thats all the sport for now. The government may organise a Repatriation Flight for british passengers stranded on a cruise ship, thats been quarantined off japan because of coronavirus. More than 450 people on board the diamond princess have been infected. Americans on board have already been flown home to the United States but some of the 78 britons on the ship said they felt forgotten. Nick beake reports. From the prison that was their ship, to the plane that would finally take them home, american cruise passengers leaving japan this morning, after nearly two weeks confined to their cabins. The uk government says it sympathises with all those left behind on the coronavirus hit diamond princess. But it hasnt made up its mind whether its going to remove british citizens. It prompted this response. It feels that weve been forgotten, that you dont really care about us and that youre actually not wanting us to come home. Thats how it feels. In chinas Hubei Province where the outbreak began, pristine hospitals primed for new arrivals are shown on state tv. But unverified video shared on social media shows a Health System struggling to cope, with patients treated in corridors. Another casualty of this crisis looks set to be the most important political event in chinas calendar. Communist Party Officials want to postpone next months yearly Parliament Session in beijing. The prospect of 3,000 mainly elderly delegates catching and spreading the virus is a big concern. There are fears over the further spread of this virus in many places, including here in hong kong, where more than 50 cases have now been confirmed. It has led to the panic buying of food and other things, like hand sanitising gel and bleach. Overnight, the police say Armed Robbers stole more than 600 rolls of toilet paper. Back in Hubei Province, doing the daily shop is not an option. 60 Million People have been told to stay indoors. Only one member of the family is allowed out every three days, chinese officials insist such measures are needed to defeat this killer virus. Nick beake, bbc news, hong kong. The travel restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus outbreak are having an impact on the Tourism Industry here. There were around 400,000 visitors from china last year. But popular places visited by Chinese Tourists, such as bicester village in oxfordshire, are starting to feel the pinch. Our trade correspondent Dharshini David reports. The birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill, and a stunning example of baroque architecture. Blenheim palace, just outside oxford, would normally attract 50,000 visitors in february. But this time, demand is down as travel restrictions in china hit. In the last two weeks it will be quite significant, this would have been a busy period for Chinese New Year tourists and we expect across february to lose 5000 chinese visits, about 10 of the natural february audience. Its a similar story in the Historic University town a few miles away. The blend of heritage, culture and access to luxury shopping that makes this area so attractive to Chinese Tourists. Over 400,000 visited the uk last year. But thats dropping sharply. One company here told me it typically sees 50 customers a week from china for its walking tours now its not seeing any. Even this, a popular tourist spot, there was unusually quiet. While its owners refused to comment, retailers here confirm that their earnings are down sharply. 200 Million People across the uk rely on tourism for their economy. What is happening 1000 miles away in china is having a considerable impact here. A 38 year old man has been charged with murdering schoolboy rikki neave, more than 25 years ago. The body of the six year old was found in woodland near his home in peterborough in 1994. James watson is accused of strangling rikki neave and will appear in court on thursday. A leading Cancer Charity is calling for a ban on sunbeds, after it emerged many tanning salons in england dont need a licence. The subject is one close to the heart of bbc reporter laura may mcmullan, after she was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma five years ago, following years of sunbed use. Two weeks ago, she had her final scan, and has been declared cancer free. She has this report. A bronzed, healthy glow. But in reality there is no such thing as a safe tan. For years, i was addicted to sunbathing and using sunbeds, and was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 2014. I dont think people realise how dangerous melanoma can be. It starts with a mole, or, in my case, a little red spot on the back of my leg. Within six months, it had spread to the lymph nodes in my groin. Anthea smith was also diagnosed with melanoma. It started with a little spot on her ear and for her it has led to life changing surgery. My whole left ear has been amputated, and then, second operation, i had my whole inner ear, middle ear, all my salivary glands on my left side, all my lymph nodes, full temple bow taken from my skull. Like me, she used sunbeds for many years. Nobody should have to live with what i am living with, all for a tan. The guilt that i feel to my husband and children that this was all self inflicted, but it was self inflicted with no level of knowledge of the dangers. So people younger than me continue to use them, i think, not knowing any of the dangers. Melanoma cases have increased by almost 50 in the last decade, but it seems people are still getting mixed messages. That is why gillian nuttall, founder of melanoma uk, has launched a campaign to ban sunbeds. We felt that we owed it to families of patients who have passed away to actually get up and do something, so we took the lead from australia and brazil, they have already banned sunbeds, and we thought, you know what, were going to do what our patients are asking us to do and see if we can do the same. I took these concerns to the sunbed association. Lets be clear, there is no link between sunbed use and melanoma. We have asked for a roundtable meeting to discuss this very point. They wont meet with us. I have to question why. The research they refer to is flawed, it has been proven to be subsequently flawed, and they wont listen to that and we have to say, why not . You are saying that oncologists, consultants, dermatologists all around the world, they are all wrong . What im saying is, they are all using the same research which itself is flawed. The evidence linking sunbed use to melanoma and other skin cancers is incontrovertible. There is a clear link, there is no argument to say that there isnt. According to Cancer Research uk, more than 86 of skin cancer cases are preventable, with an overexposure to uv rays causing irreversible damage. Laura may mcmullan, bbc news. You can see the full story on inside out West Midlands at 6 30pm tonight. In a moment, well have the latest business news. First, a look at the headlines on afternoon live. Hundreds of Flood Warnings remain in place, after storm dennis lashed the uk with torrential rain and strong winds. Love island will air for the first time tonight, following the death of its former host Caroline Flack. A possible rescue flight for britons quarantined on this cruise ship off japan because of the coronavirus some of them say they feel theyve been forgotten. Heres your business headlines on afternoon live. Amazon says it regrets that dangerous child car seats were found again, for sale on its website. The firm has faced repeated complaints about the products that in one test broke apart if involved in a 30mph crash. It has now removed the listings. The chief executive of shoe retailer, shoezone, has told the bbc it will close up to 100 stores if Business Rates do not change and if vat rates increase. Anthony smith said that 10 years ago rates would have accounted for just 26 of the chains rental value, but now are more than half. Heathrow airport has apologised for disruption after the west london hub was hit by technical issues. Passengers described the situation as utter chaos after a problem with the airports it system meant passengers couldnt find correct boarding gates. Heathrow says the issues have now been resolved. Something of a tale of two retailers, and you mentioned the shoe retailers there. But they are not the only ones. Know, and she was owned said they would be false to close around a fifth of their stores. It is that double whammy of slow down on the high street but also hide Business Rates that are now an increasing proportion of the rental value of the fun hard Business Rates. So it says and that anything changes in the budget, whenever that may be, that they may be forced to close their stores. And at the other end of the spectrum, you have got the high end fashion interiors retailer, laura ashley, its shares down 41 this morning after its sales fell by 10 . It is in talks with funders to try to get extra money and it is said that it doesnt get that extra money, it has to think very carefully about its future. The real concerns at both ends of the market and we will speak toa ends of the market and we will speak to a retail analyst who joins us now. Good afternoon to you. Good afternoon. Lets start with a shoe zone because it is not alone in facing these problems, but that statement we have had from the retailer makes it pretty clear that something has to change for high streets to have a future. Yes, and it is quite a familiar story we are seeing now with many other retailers also really clamouring for a change in Business Rates, so we have the owner of phrases group, which was formally sports direct, saying that they really want to see better Business Rates and the high street change quite significantly. A lot of high street retailers are closing their stores and mothercare has disappeared from the high street along with an as, so things are looking very different now. |j suppose the question is, something has to change in the budget and aside from rates, there are so many other things that retailers might be contending with, but also they might consider to get people back through the doors. It is about making the high street somewhere that you have to go go. Definitely, so retailers have to think a lot more about different experiences they can introduce to get people to come in to stores instead of going online, so to stores instead of going online, so really Good Customer Service or different, exciting things going on in stores. We are seeing a lot of stores introduce things like hairdressers or nail salons or different events going on to really try to bring up footfall in their stores. And what is interesting about these two different retailers, so about these two different retailers, so lower ashley on one side and shoezone on the other, is they are very different businesses, that is lower ashley and they are very different businesses. Yes, so they have different problems. Laura ashley is really struggling because it is struggling to keep up with consumer behaviours and is facing a lot of competition from other fashion retailers, so if you want to buy fashion or nice homeware, you can now go to h m or sarra and get things for a much more reasonable price, whereas with shoezone it is still doing quite well, but it is really the highest street and stores it is having a problem with. And is it is having a problem with. And is ita it is having a problem with. And is it a race to the bottom of who can sell stuff cheapest . Or have we forgotten about things like service and having a nice store to go in and all of that kind of stuff . Is it just about how much it costs . So it is notjust just about how much it costs . So it is not just about just about how much it costs . So it is notjust about price. Certainly, price is a big factor, so consumers wa nt price is a big factor, so Consumers Want to see retailers offering good prices, but they want value for money. They dontjust prices, but they want value for money. They dont just want prices to below, they also want equality to be good. So if retailers can offer Something Different or items with good quality at a price that the item deserves then people are happy to buy into that, so the luxury industry for example is doing pretty well in comparison. It is notjust price, but yes, some retailers are in the middle, not luxury and not at the prime arc end, are struggling a bit more. It is good to talk to you. Thank you. The ftse100. Theres not a lot change their but it is following what happened in germany and in asia. There was a lot of volatility in the wake of the coronavirus, a lot of stocks that are exposed to china doing really badly. Itv of course, given all the well publicised issues related to Caroline Flack Caroline Flack. So their shares are down more than half a percent. Because of that. Thats all the business news. A new kind of pebble is being found on beaches from canada to cornwall, made entirely of plastic. Scientists say its a new form of global pollution, plastic pebbles that contain toxic chemicals, which could enter the food chain. Jenny walrond reports. Oh, theres a bit of plastic. Its easy to find plastic washed up on beaches, but not all of it is obvious. This is interesting. This is actually plastic. It looks like a rock. No way. Yes, its plastic. Artist rob arnold has been collecting so called plastic pebbles from beaches in cornwall to use in sculptures, and hes not short of material. Well, they might look like pebbles, but they float, so clearly they are not. What i want to know is, what they are and where they come from. Tests on the pebbles we found showed the plastic had been burned and contained toxic chemicals such as lead and cadmium. It suggests they come from plastics manufactured in the 1980s or earlier. This is an unusual piece of pyroplastic. It has been colonised by tube worms. By colonising the plastic, tube worms are potentially able to accumulate, and the chemicals live in the plastic, and therefore, those chemicals will enter the food chain. There are a number of theories about where its coming from including people burning waste and dumping it. Another is that its down to coastal erosion of landfill sites. A study from Queen Mary University of london highlights 1264 in england that are at risk of flooding and coastal erosion. The defences will fail and youll potentially have former landfill either eroding out onto the foreshore or leaching the water. Alongside that, there is a potential impact on human health, depending on whats in the sites we are talking about. There is currently a government review into flooding and coastal erosion policy, looking at, amongst other things, what to do with old landfill sites. And while the plastic continues to wash up, rob is still out beach cleaning. What are you going to do with them . Im going to make a piece of artwork. Its going to be like a rock monster. Jenny walrond, bbc news. Theres more on inside out at 7 30pm tonight on bbc one in the south west, and everywhere else on the bbc iplayer. President trump welcomed nascar fans to the start of the daytona 500 in florida with a lap around the track in the president ial limousine, the beast. He led the 40 racing cars around the track before pulling over to let the real race get underway. The daytona 500 is often known as the super bowl of stock car racing and has been the nascar Season Opener since 1982. President trump follows in the tyre tracks of Ronald Reagan and George W Bush who also attended nascar events at the florida speedway. But i dont think they ever did anything quite like this. And before we go theres just time to bring you pictures of a very special birthday party. Trompita the asian elephant is now 59, and her keepers at aurora zoo in guatemala put on a celebration for her. She was given a few presents and a cake made of fruits and vegetables. It took two weeks to put together and weighs over 300lb. The heavy and persistent rain we had over the weekend that brought the flooding has swept away, but still left in very high river levels. This picture taken by a weather watcher in hereford earlier today. We have seen in hereford earlier today. We have seen the number of severe Flood Warnings dropping today, but still that flood risk remains. If you look at the satellite picture, it was this belt of cloud here that brought all that very wet weather. That is moving out into Continental Europe and behind it we are seeing the showery air stream, some places staying dry, but there are still some heavy showers around as we have seen some heavy showers around as we have seen earlier on today. It feels a bit cooler as well, especially in the winter. The more frequent showers are contending across scotla nd showers are contending across scotland and Northern Ireland, perhaps with longer spells of rain arriving here late into the afternoon and the early parts of the night, with some snow over the Higher Ground too. Some threat of icy patches across Northern Areas as well. Further south, icy patches across Northern Areas as well. Furthersouth, clearer icy patches across Northern Areas as well. Further south, clearer spells and some showers coming into western parts of england and wales. It will be quite chilly with pockets of rust around by the end of the night perhaps. The blustery, shower a sort of day again happens on tuesday, with more showers coming into england and wales, especially in the afternoon with some wet weather arriving here and some thundery downpours and frequent showers in scotla nd downpours and frequent showers in scotland and Northern Ireland again. Perhaps a bit more wintry over the hills as the air gets a bit colder. Tuesday night, they tend to fade away and it gets quite cold, with a brief ridge of high pressure. We have got some more weather systems coming in from the atlantic, which will bring some more rain on wednesday and thursday. The concern again, is the amount of rain over the welsh hills, which could lead to some further flooding. The welsh hills, which could lead to some furtherflooding. For the welsh hills, which could lead to some further flooding. For many eastern part on wednesday it will start to dry, but will give way to a bit of rain perhaps, although it is up bit of rain perhaps, although it is up to the west we will see most of the rain. Western scotland and Northern Ireland will be sitting at eight or 9 degrees and will be rainy. So wet weather coming in from the west on wednesday, and the second weather front will come in on thursday with heavy bursts of rain and then sweeping through. But then there will be more wet and windy weather set to arrive as we move through friday. Hello, youre watching afternoon live im simon mccoy. Today at 3pm. Familes are being rescued from their homes cut off by flooding after torrential rain and high winds brought by storm dennis wreaked havoc across the country. Its not good, the house has been flooded, the horse is flooded, we got them rescued, the cats upstairs save, and its just got them rescued, the cats upstairs save, and itsjust a mess but what can you do . Hundreds of Flood Warnings are still in place across the country as families and businesses count the cost, the government defends its response we are monitoring things very closely, in particular the river severn, shrewsbury and tewkesbury are areas we are looking at very closely. Itvs love island is back on air tonight for the First Time Since the death of its former presenter Caroline Flack as the question is asked could more have been done to help . A possible rescue flight for britons quarantined on a cruise ship off japan because of the coronavirus. Coming up, all of these bored with holly. Yes, more tributes to the hero of munich, Manchester United tonight will be wearing black arm bands for their premier League Fixture at chelsea in honour of harry gregg, who has died at the age of 87. More at 3 30pm. With the weather, darren bett. Good afternoon. A number of Flood Warnings has been dropping today but as we can see, still some very high river levels. Today and into tomorrow, a mixture of sunshine and showers but unfortunately more wet and windy weather on the way later on in the week. I will have all the details late in the programme. Thanks, darren. Also coming up a new form of global pollution the pebbles found on beaches from canada to cornwall made entirely of plastic. Hello, everyone this is afternoon live im simon mccoy. Chaos, devastation and dismay, and that probably doesnt begin to cover how youre feeling if youve been affected by the flooding caued by storm dennis. If youve been affected by homes and businesses have been ruined and not for the first time for many of them as more than a months worth of rain has fallen on ground already saturated after the earlier storm ciara. One woman is still missing after being swept away near tenbury in worcestershire. Theres still a severe Flood Warning meaning a danger to life in hereford. And more than 240 other Flood Warnings in england, scotland and wales meaning immediate action is required. Our correspondent kathryn stanczysyn sent this report from Tenbury Wells. The aftermath of storm dennis. Businesses in Tenbury Wells are just beginning to assess the damage and start the clear up. Its notjust us, it is everybody in the country. It seems to be going wild. All the stock, all the flowers are damaged because they have soaked up the water, not just touched the bottom of them. So all the stock up to two foot is finished, its going into the bin. More than 100 properties were evacuated last night, after the river teme burst its banks. Water levels have reached just a fraction of the highest ever recorded, six metres. Dozens took shelter in the towns secondary school, looked after by an army of volunteers. Voluntary search and rescue patrols have also been helping the emergency services. Many of them awake for more than 24 hours. I was here since yesterday at three oclock, ive been going out throughout the night knocking on the doors on the main high street of Tenbury Wells, just advising people if they want to be evacuated or if they want to stay and if they do want to stay, just giving advice. If they want to be evacuated, we evacuated five people yesterday. Five severe Flood Warnings remain in place in england, including for hereford, where the river wye has continued to rise this morning. Evacuations there are still under way after a Major Incident was declared in the county yesterday. In new york, thousands of sandbags have been placed at properties in york, thousands of sandbags have been placed at Properties Near the river 0use, which could also come close to record levels. And in wales, the scale of the flooding has been described as unprecedented, with landslides and severe flooding in many places. This home was devastated. I am in total shock. Disbelief. I just cant believe how my home has been ravaged in the last couple of hours. It only took a few hours and it is absolutely destroyed. The environment secretary George Eustice told the bbc the government is taking action. We have 1,000 Environment Agency staff out in the field, helping people prepare for the floods, helping them to evacuate where sadly that is necessary. We are monitoring things closely, in particular the severn river, shrewsbury and bewdley and tewkesbury, because water levels are expected to continue to rise in some of those catchments. Travel Services Continue to be affected across parts of the country today. The effects of storm dennis are still being felt. A little earlier our correspondent phil mackie spoke to a resident in hereford whose home was flooded she described to him how she rescued her horses from the rising waters. It is not good, the house has been taken out, it is not good, the house has been ta ken out, flooded, it is not good, the house has been taken out, flooded, the horses have been flooded, rescued, the cat is u psta i rs been flooded, rescued, the cat is upstairs save and it is just a mess but what can you do . You havent been flooded before . But what can you do . You havent been flooded before . Never been flooded. As far as we are concerned, my parents lived it about 35 years, never seen my parents lived it about 35 years, never seen the floods this bad. Where we are living, it goes into a Little Island so we are looking out to the floods. This is the first time it has come into the house. Didnt have time to save anything. How high did it come inside . How high do you think, zach . Goes up to your green high do you think, zach . Goes up to yourgreen thing, your high do you think, zach . Goes up to your green thing, your top. Ive been living in wellies or morning. How quickly did it come in . It seemed to have caught people out. This morning, i have sleep apnoea can the machine was suffocating me, so can the machine was suffocating me, soi can the machine was suffocating me, so i woke up. Then banging on the windows, the neighbour said we are out and it was in the house. I had to walk through the city to get through the windows to answer it, just turn the electrics offer that was it. From then we have done what we can. You are glad these guys have come and save you. Yes, god, they have been brilliant. Weve been waving at them, i dont normally wave at firemen you will do now. We are going off to a travelodge, our landlord is looking after us, shes been very good. We will deal that will stop luckily ive got six days off work. Luke and the horses . I had to get on one this morning, he was stuck on the flight up to his knees, i had to stuck on the flight up to his knees, ihad tojump stuck on the flight up to his knees, i had tojump on him. I had people at the top of the field calling him and we rode through the floods. So he is out. We are just worried about the hens but there are only two, we have had their mouth so hopefully everything is all right. Hopefully it will go down relatively quickly. Thats when the real party will start. Have you not have this experience before . Start. Have you not have this experience before . Never. Are you insured . Im insured, and doubting myself but i know i am insured because it is very high, my insurance. You know how all the doubts come in a you think, oh . 50 yea rs, never been doubts come in a you think, oh . 50 years, never been flooded, first time, new experience for everything. Wasnt on my bucket list but hey ho. The number of Flood Warnings in the last few moments has just risen. We were reporting there was one, now there are four severe Flood Warnings as you can see on that map updated regularly, severe Flood Warnings after storm dennis and 213 total Flood Warnings in place as well across england and wales as you can see from that map with south wales particularly badly hit. More than 200 Flood Warnings in place, including the one Severe Weather warning for the river wye in the hereford and the river wye subject of one of those severe Flood Warnings. The advice is to keep an eye on your computer, listen to your bbc local radio for updates. It is changing by the hour. We can speak now to bbc Hereford Worcester reporter Nicola Goodwin. She joins us live via webcam from her home in the city. This is an angle on a story im sure you never hope you would be reporting on . Well, i have reported on it for many years, but not when it is yourself. I cant go to work, ive been working all work, i cant go to work im just going to pick up the phone and show you why. I dont know how you can see that, but u nfortu nately know how you can see that, but unfortunately the downstairs part of our house is completely under water. Iam wearing our house is completely under water. I am wearing waders, they are my bbc issue waders and it is well above my knees at the moment and i dont think we will be out of our house for quite some time. Has this ever happened before . We have flooded once before in 20 years, that was in november this year in the house itself. We are quite close to the river, the house was built next to the river with flood defences in place a couple of hundreds years ago but as you have been hearing, this is unprecedented really. The river wye has gone to 6. 3 metres above its normal level, the highest it has been before that was in 1795 when it was 6. 1 metres above. You mayjust be able to hear the buzzing in the background, police helicopter, just checking people. My sister and her family have just been evacuated by boat. Weve never had anything like this in the city of hereford before. Reporters are human beings and talk to me on that basis. You know now you have weeks, possibly months of chaos ahead. Yes, and we are insured, but you know, there is an excess to pay. The thing downstairs is probably ruined, things like white goods we will need in the kitchen. It is quite cold, other slew we have no heating, we still have electricity upstairs so we can boil a kettle, we have no Running Water really, not the nicest thing to talk about but we darent flush the toilet because we have a septic tank, so we will have to consider in a few hours time whether we evacuate ourselves for those reasons. I had a little cry about 4 30am, but there isnt really much you can do apart from stay safe, and it is just stuff at the end of the day. A lot of people commenting on just how quickly this happened, is that how it felt for you . These levels, yes. You get some good warnings from the environment agencies, and we have been studying warnings for years and it is part of thejob as warnings for years and it is part of the job as well so i was aware there was a chance the water could come near the house, but i think the levels that it got to really dig just surprise everybody. Also got the river lug not very far away, the two rivers meet about half from our house, that is a real worry for this afternoon, and the river lug is still going downstream. Ross on wye, level is getting very high, and most people are quite used to the water being on the flood plains but to have the houses, you heard from phils report, to have those evacuated, i have never known that my lifetime and flood defences people have had thinking they would last a lifetime, they have been breached. The speed the water rises can catch people aware full stop we arejust can catch people aware full stop we are just looking at can catch people aware full stop we arejust looking at some can catch people aware full stop we are just looking at some aerial pictures of the river lugg. You can see the devastation. I guess one of the first reactions was to check your insurance and see what your cover was. I checked that back in november so i was pretty au fait with my insurance. We are still ensured that we have a very high excess. We have kept it up to date. I have got a grab bag ready to go with things like the insurance documents, passports, all the things you need like medication, that is ready should we need it. Hopefully not. That is just a case of getting anything upstairs that is paper and photos on things like that. We did raise everything up onto blocks. We have never, ever had any water go over those blocks and it is way over now. Normally it is sort of midcalf, at the moment it is up to my knees, so we are at the moment it is up to my knees, so we are talking perhaps a foot deeper than it has ever been before, and its not really going down. That is what is quite scary, it feels like it is saturated and there is nowhere for the streams and the culverts to go into because the river itself is so high. We have only seen a drop of about two millimetres in the last three hours. Give us another little time with the camera to have a look at the problems you are facing and talk to us while you are showing us. Ijust wa nt to us while you are showing us. Ijust want to ask whether you are now going to be working on the basis this will happen again, whether when you redecorate you will have to have a rethink, or are you redecorate you will have to have a rethink, orare you you redecorate you will have to have a rethink, or are you perhaps thinking whether it is worth staying ina thinking whether it is worth staying in a place like that . This is normally my dining room table where we eat, that is pretty bad. Im just going to give it another turn, you may just be going to give it another turn, you mayjust be able to see the water outside the window. That is not far off our windowsills. Just turning the other way, you can probablyjust see where my sofa is, just behind me there. It is wonderful living on the banks of a river, i think it has a lot of benefits. In better times, i ama lot of benefits. In better times, i am a swimmeras lot of benefits. In better times, i am a swimmer as well, so ive got my playground on my doorstep, but in terms of what we do in the future, in the outbuildings and the sheds, all of the things they are com pletely all of the things they are completely ruined. We will definitely be building those up. Yes, lots of thought i think for the next few months and years but most importantly we are fine and our dog is fine so you have to look on the bright side. It has started raining again, though. Yes, i dont know if you saw the forecast a short time ago, darren bett saying there could be similar stuff to come. Are you thinking you werejust be similar stuff to come. Are you thinking you were just get out of there soon . If you havent got a lieu that works, power presumably is shaky, what will you do . We are considering, we have packed the bags ready to go. We have got canoes and we know how to get out. Weve looked at the course of the water, we know the safest route that will take us out by canoe if you are going to do it ourselves. We also can dial 999. My it ourselves. We also can dial 999. My sister and her family were evacuated by the fire brigade, so they are safe, and i guess it is just making that call. At the moment we think it is probably safer to be here than to risk it by canoe but if things get worse, perhaps if the wind picks up or more water is coming downstream, we will have to consider it, yes. But at the moment, we have electricity upstairs, we can work. We have a cattle, we can have a cup of tea and just look at the window and watch the water, really. You are sounding so english, a big smile on yourface, you are sounding so english, a big smile on your face, have a you are sounding so english, a big smile on yourface, have a cup of tea, and yet surrounded by devastation. We got biscuits as well not much you can do. |j devastation. We got biscuits as well not much you can do. I tell you what, it is really good to talk to you, and im sorry its in the circumstances and for all of you in similar circumstances, it truly is awful but really good on you to share your experience. Thank you very much, nicola. And for the latest information on storm dennis tune into your bbc local radio station. Asi as i was saying a moment ago, a number of severe warnings has just gone up to four. If you need to be updated just check with your local website. Bbc local radio as well. Love island will air for the first time tonight since the death of its former presenter Caroline Flack. Itv said the show would feature a tribute to the 40 year old star, who was found dead in herflat in london on saturday. It comes amid growing criticism of the decision to prosecute herfor an alleged assault on her boyfriend, even though he said he wanted charges dropped. Our media correspondent David Sillito reports. Caroline flack, love island, x factor, im a celebrity. Her tv career went back almost 20 years. This tribute on dancing on ice was to both a colleague and friend. Wed like to begin tonights show by taking a moment to remember Caroline Flack, in light of yesterdays awful news. We wanted to say our hearts go out to her family and friends. Many of us here on the show all knew caroline as a friend and we will all miss her enormously. As caroline herself recently posted, in a world where you can be anything, be kind. Caroline flack was the face of a show that was all about escapist fun, laced with emotional drama, but now questions are being asked about the pressure she was under. She was facing charges of assaulting her boyfriend. Should that prosecution have been going ahead, given her fragile mental state . Today, a former chief prosecutor said he felt there was probably little choice. Undoubtedly, they felt they had enough. They had i think a 999 call recording. They had Body Worn Camera worn by the police. They would have had medical evidence and other evidence. They have to take the message of abuse seriously because we as a country have said we should take Domestic Abuse seriously, when you have three quarters of a million reports to police every year, 75,000 prosecutions, only 10 of those reports end in a prosecution. 120 people are murdered in domestic homicide situations and we keep telling them that if they had intervened earlier, maybe somebody wouldnt have suffered even more serious harm. So they are doing what we asked them to do. The role of the press and social media has also come under scrutiny. A petition calling for action has been signed by more than 200,000 people. Meanwhile, tonight, love island will return to our screens with a tribute. A statement from itv said, many of us knew caroline well and held her in great affection. She will forever be in our hearts. David sillito, bbc news. If you or someone you know has been affected by the issues raised in this report, you can find help and support on the bbcs actionline website. Or call 0800 066 066 youre watching afternoon live, these are our headlines. Hundreds of Flood Warnings remain in place after storm dennis lashed the uk with torrential rain and strong winds. Love island will air for the first time tonight following the death of its former host Caroline Flack. A possible rescue flight for britons quarantined on a cruise ship off japan because of the coronavirus some of them say they feel theyve been forgotten. Coming up, we look back at the life of british musician Andrew Weatherall who has died at the age of 56. In sport, Manchester United players will wear black arm bands in honour of former player harry gregg who has died at the age of 87. Pep guardiola has told friends he intends to stay at manchester city, despite their two year ban from the champions league. And the four time grand slam winner came close to is prepares for her return to competitive tennis after eight years away. She is playing the wta event in dubai. Back with more on all those toys at 3 30pm. The government may organise a Repatriation Flight for british passengers stranded on a cruise ship, thats been quarantined off japan because of coronavirus. Ship, thats been quarantined off more than 450 people on board the diamond princess have been infected. Americans on board have already been flown home to the United States but some of the 78 britons on the ship said they felt forgotten. This afternoon, government sources have confirmed that a hotel at heathrow has been block booked for use by passengers arriving who are displaying symptoms of covid 19. The rooms will be used to isolate suspected cases while test results are awaited. Nick beake reports. From the prison that was their ship to the plane that would finally take them home. American cruise passengers leaving japan this morning after nearly two weeks confined to their cabins. The uk government says it sympathises with all those left behind on the coronavirus hit diamond princess. But it hasnt made up its mind whether its going to remove british citizens. It prompted this response. It feels that weve been forgotten, that you dont really care about us and that youre actually not wanting us to come home. Thats how it feels. In chinas Hubei Province where the outbreak began, pristine hospitals primed for new arrivals are shown on state tv. But unverified video shared on social media shows a Health System struggling to cope, with patients treated in corridors. Another casualty of this crisis looks set to be the most important political event in chinas calendar. Communist Party Officials want to postpone next months yearly Parliament Session in beijing. The prospect of 3,000 mainly elderly delegates catching and spreading the virus is a big concern. There are fears over the further spread of this virus in many places, including here in hong kong, where more than 50 cases have now been confirmed. It has led to the panic buying of food and other things, like hand sanitising gel and bleach. Overnight, the police say Armed Robbers stole more than 600 rolls of toilet paper. Back in Hubei Province, doing the daily shop is not an option. 60 Million People have been told to stay indoors. Only one member of the family is allowed out every three days, chinese officials insist such measures are needed to defeat this killer virus. Nick beake, bbc news, hong kong. A 38 year old man has been charged with murdering schoolboy rikki neave more than 25 years ago. The body of the six year old was found in woodland near his home in peterborough in 1994. James watson is accused of strangling rikki neave and will appear in court on thursday. The French Foreign minister has said he expects the uk and the European Union to rip each other apart in brexit trade talks due to begin next month. The British Government wants to secure an agreement by the end of year, butjean yves le drian has warned the target will be difficult to achieve. Translation on trade issues and the mechanism for future relations which we are going to start on, we are going to rip each other apart but thatis going to rip each other apart but that is part of negotiations. Earlier i spoke to our assistant Political Editor norman smith. If that is the sort of reception we will get in the negotiations then it will get in the negotiations then it will be some rumble in thejungle, shall we say, because it seems as if the eu and in particular france are ina mood the eu and in particular france are in a mood to be pretty tough with britain, when it comes to the sort of deal we can get. And clearly the french deal is that if we want a deal, then we will have to sign up toa deal, then we will have to sign up to a whole load of eu regulations on workers rights and the environment. The problem being, we know Boris Johnson has already said we dont wa nt johnson has already said we dont want that, we want to be able to go our own way when it comes to regulations, so it is hard to see how an agreement will be rich, particularly in the very short time space we have just under a year to get a deal, and the other thing that suggest this will be very difficult is the suggestion for the French Foreign minister that they are not in the mood to compromise over fish, meaning they want to retain access to british fishing waters. Again, we know Boris Johnson to british fishing waters. Again, we know borisjohnson has said no, thats not happening, fishing waters around the coast will be for british boats. So if this is really going to be the position of the eu, then getting that deal will be incredibly difficult. I thought brexit was done . Well, stage one, yes, we have left, but stage two, where we are going to, that is still to be agreed, and the choice is pretty clear now. Either we get some sort of deal with the eu in the next 12 months or Boris Johnson of deal with the eu in the next 12 months or borisjohnson has said he will go for what he calls the australia option. Translated, what that really means is leaving without a deal. Now hes pretty relaxed about that, he thinks we can manage, he thinks we will be able to do deals with other countries, wants to start negotiations at the same time with the us, he wants a bigger effort in the striking trade deals with commonwealth countries, but i think for many manufacturers and Big Companies in britain, the idea of not having a trade deal with the main trading partner, the eu, Something Like 40 of our exports go to the eu, many would look at that with real alarm. The british musician Andrew Weatherall has died aged 56. A dj and record producer, he was best known for his work on primal screams screamadelica. A statement from his publicists said he had passed away from a pulmonary embolism at a hospital in london. Our media and arts correspondent David Sillito is here. The significance of his musical career, you look through a list of those he was involved with and it is a long list. Yes. For those of us of a long list. Yes. For those of us of a certain generation, i remember the day when i was in a bar and i heard a record, and everyone stopped a moment, ive not heard anything like that before. It is like a completely different sound. He was moving furniture in the 80s, he was doing parties, he had a big record collection, and it was right at the birth of acid house and he was playing records that no one else was playing, and when burns came along and have the stuff, they said, do you know what, we would like to sound like that ourselves, can we do Something Like that . And then went to him, and he didnt really know what he was doing but he found engineers who did, and he transformed music. Lets give you an example. There is a song here, a primal scream song. This is a ballad, called im losing more than i ever had. Ive got the blues for you, i give myself. Little section he turned into something completely different. He took that and created this. Anyone he was around in the early 90s and going clubbing, this is of course loaded. They have almost nothing in common. He took it, blew it apart, nothing in common. He took it, blew itapart, and nothing in common. He took it, blew it apart, and re a completely different sound, in very much the sound of the 90s, go through it, the happy mondays, my bloody valentine, bjork, the orb, they all worked with him. He was there creating the sound that marks the difference between the 80s in the 90s possibly wasnt on his own, paul oakenfold, danny rampling, all these figures who were around in the early days, the balearic beats, but, you know, he was a majorfigure balearic beats, but, you know, he was a major figure who really helped change music and defined music for many people. And globally. Absolutely. This was a sound, it had come from america, and also across europe, but it was in britain that it was sort of transform. You have a very british reimagining of the sound and sort of global dance indie culture, and a great deal to Andrew Weatherall. Thank you very much. Youre watching afternoon live. Now its time for a look at the weather with darren bett. The heavy and persistent rain we had over the weekend that brought the flooding has swept away but still left some very high river levels will stop this picture taken by a weather watcher in hereford earlier on today. We have seen the number of Flood Warnings and severe Flood Warnings dropping today but still that flood risk remains. If you look at the satellite picture, it was this belt of cloud here that brought all that very wet weather. That is moving now into Continental Europe and behind it, we are seeing this showery airstream, some places staying dry but there are still some heavy showers around, as we have seen heavy showers around, as we have seen earlier on today and it feels a bit cooler as well, especially in the wind. The more frequent showers are continuing across scotland and Northern Ireland, perhaps in longer spells of rain arriving Late Afternoon and into the early part of the night some snow over the highest ground too. So the threat from Northern Areas of some icy patches around too. Further south, there will be some clearer spells, a few showers coming into western parts of england and wales and it will be quite chilly as well, there may be some pockets of frost around at the end of the night. Another blustery, showery sort of day on tuesday, some sunshine as well, probably seeing a few more showers coming into england and wales, especially in the afternoon, some wet weather arriving here. Some thundery downpours, more frequent showers blowing into scotla nd frequent showers blowing into scotland and Northern Ireland again, perhaps a bit more wintry over the hills as the air gets a bit colder here. Lots of showers to come on tuesday. Tuesday night, they tend to fade away and it gets quite cold, a brief ridge of high pressure, because we got some more weather systems coming in from the atlantic, and those in turn will bring some more rain on wednesday and thursday. The concern again is the amount of rain over the welsh hills, and that could lead to some further flooding. For many eastern parts on wednesday, it will start dry, sunshine giving way to thickening cloud, may be a bit of rain, it is out of the west we will see most of the rain, heaviest over the hills of wales, north west of england, western scotla nd north west of england, western scotland and Northern Ireland where those temperatures will be sitting at eight so somewhere though which is better coming in on wednesday on that first weather front, the second one coming in on thursday could bring some heavy bursts of rain before it sweeps through, but then if we look out into the atlantic, there is more wet and windy weather set to arrive as we move through friday. This is bbc news our latest headlines hundreds of Flood Warnings still in place after storm dennis brings misery and travel chaos across the uk hereford and surrounding areas are among those inundated. Love island is back on air tonight for the First Time Since the death of its former presenter, Caroline Flack. The Foreign Office is considering all options for britons trapped on this cruise ship offjapan because of the coronavirus. Amazon is forced to withdraw unsafe car seats from its website, after a bbc investigation finds multiple noncompliant products for sale. And still to come a report on a new form of global pollution the pebbles found on beaches from canada to cornwall made entirely of plastic. Sport now on afternoon live with holly, and weve lost one of the survivors of the munich air disaster harry gregg was a hero, wasnt he . Yes that is right. There are plenty of times we use the word legend, when it comes to football, but harry gregg will be remembered as a hero in the truest sense. Just two months after he signed for Manchester United, he was involved in the munich air disaster in 1958. He survived the crash, in which 23 peeple were killed, but more than that, he helped to pull other survivors from the wreckage among them a mother and baby. And his teammates sir Bobby Charlton, jackie blanchflower. But despite many calling him the hero of munich, thats not how he wanted to be defined. This is a man who, two weeks after the crash, played a match for Manchester United and put Sheffield Wednesday out of the fa cup. Well, tonight Manchester United will be paying tribute to him as well theyve announced theyre planning to wear black armbands in his honour for tonights game at chelsea, a tribute to a man who had such an impact on that club. I remember george bass had some very warm words for him, didnt he . And there will be other tributes coming all day . That is right. Sir bobby was talking about him today and he said he was proud to call him a team mate and he will always be remembered as a heroic figure. Sir Alex Ferguson also said he was a true legend. And we have talked so much about the history of his heroics at that crash, but a lot of people have also been talking about his ability on the pitch. Former Northern Ireland player Sammy Michael roy was one of those paying tribute today, saying he was one the best players he ever saw. I saw clips of harry gregg playing for Northern Ireland and he was unbelievable. Coming for patches, coming for crosses , coming for patches, coming for crosses, he had everything. One of the best i have seen. Sammy mcilroy remembering harry gregg, whos died at the age of 87. Pep guardiola has told friends he intends to stay at manchester city, despite the clubs two year ban from the champions league. His current contract expires next year, although it does have a break clause at the end of this season, and it was thought he would activate it, if citys appeal against the ban fails. However, its understood guardiola has said he wont be leaving early, no matter what the outcome, and hes still committed to the club. Anti racism campaigners have described apparent abuse during fc portos win over vitoria de guimares in portugal at the weekend as tough to watch. After portos Moussa Marega scored the winner, he pointed to his skin during the celebrations prompting monkey noises and chairs to be thrown from the stands. As marega tried to make light of the situation the abuse continued. He eventually tried to take a stand and walk off the pitch, while other players attempted to restrain him. Anti Racism Charity kick it out say the blatant disregard for protocol is unacceptable, and players should be united and walk off together in condemnation. England and chelsea forward fran kirby says shesfeeling100 times better, as she recovers from a viral illness. Kirby hasnt played since november, because of the condition, which she says sapped her energy, causing her to sleep for up to 15 hours a day. Shes hoping to return to training in the near future. And Kim Clijsters second comeback to competitive tennis, is just getting underway at the wta event in dubai. The four time grand slam champion has been away for eight years, raising her three children. She initially retired in 2007 to get married and start a family, before returning two years later and winning three of those major titles. She has a tough re introduction, though herfirst round opponent in dubai is garbine muguruza, the former wimbedon wimbledon champion and finallist at the Australian Open last month. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Now back to our top story today. You in the next hour. The you in the next hour. Number of severe flood warni had the number of severe Flood Warnings had risen to six with a danger to life, some of those in hereford. There are other warnings in england, scotla nd there are other warnings in england, scotland and wales. This is the latest on earlier, i spoke tojeremy parr, head of flood and incident Risk Management at Natural Resources wales, who is urging the public to stay safe. The worst at the impact where yesterday around the cath whether, which is a rapidly responding weather, meaning it goes up very quickly and down very quickly. We had exceptional rainfall on the Brecon Beacons and south wales valley areas. The peak there was somewhere around 900 cubic millimetres per second, which is 900 tonnes of water passing every second. If you just think about how much water that is, it is a colossal amount. 40 times the average. So what is happening now is because that rain has hit some of those big rivers, the pictures we are seeing in hereford as a result of the water, it travels down the weather is like the y and the seven and passes down into england and then in some cases back into wales again. Our colleagues air in herefordshire and the scene in hereford, will see that water passed back down into wales and into monmouth during the course of the rest of the day, so we are keeping a close eye on that in wales as well. What was interesting during the interview was people are saying they had never seen anything like this before. How would you describe the last 48 hours . It is an exceptional amount of rainfall and exceptional amount of rainfall and exceptional river levels, so. The last time we saw any with a levels like this was 1979 and these levels we re like this was 1979 and these levels were 80 centimetres higher than the levels in 1979. In 1979, we saw extensive flooding in cardiff and quite a lot of the taff valley and other valleys. That has experience is meant we were able to stop some valleys that they have flooded from flooding. Anyone they get for anyone who gets flooded, it is devastating and very emotional as well. So for people with that kind of water levels, the advice is dont try to drive through it. No, you never know what is under the surface. People have got caught in drains before and you dont know how deep the water is or what is a nifty water. We have seen or what is a nifty water. We have seen horrible pictures of people being rescued and a lot of the time thatis being rescued and a lot of the time that is when people get into difficulty. It is very traumatic, but a loss at the time people get into trouble if they are trying to travel through floodwaters. Please dont do it and please try to stay safe. Amazon has withdrawn potentially unsafe child car seats from its sites worldwide, after they were discovered for sale by bbc panorama. It follows an investigation by trading standards. Heres our Business Correspondent, katy austin. A child car seat destroyed in a 30mph crash test. It was carried out for surrey trading standards, in 2013, who then alerted amazon about similar products listed on its uk site. We took down products from amazon. Co. Uk that were not compliant and unsafe. Rachel greer, a former amazon product safety manager also recommended that similar seats be taken down from sites in the us and europe. She says her bosses refused. I was told that they was not proof that they were noncompliant in those countries and that that would not be happening. Those car seats were tested and were shown to result in bodily harm to the infant that would have been in them. Six years after the car seats were withdrawn from amazon uk, surrey trading standards has begun a new investigation, after panorama found what appeared to be similar products still for sale. Amazon has now withdrawn them worldwide. Amazon later said. It says it is contacting customers who purchased them. It says. Katy austin, bbc news. You can watch more on that story on panorama tonight on bbc one at 8 30. A leading Cancer Charity is calling for a ban on sunbeds, after it emerged many tanning salons in england dont need a licence. The subject is one close to the heart of bbc reporter laura may mcmullan, after she was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma five years ago, following years of sunbed use. Two weeks ago she had her final scan, and has been declared cancer free. She has this report. A bronzed, healthy glow. But in reality there is no such thing as a safe tan. For years i was addicted to sunbathing and using sunbeds and was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 2014. I dont think people realise how dangerous melanoma can be. It starts with a mole or, in my case, a little red spot on the back of my leg. Within six months it had spread to the lymph nodes in my groin. Anthea smith was also diagnosed with melanoma. It started with a little spot on her ear and for her it has led to life changing surgery. My whole left ear has been amputated and then, second operation, i had my whole inner ear, middle ear, all my salivary glands on my left side, all my lymph nodes, full temple bow taken from my skull. Like me, she used sunbeds for many years. Nobody should have to live with what i am living with, all for a tan. The guilt that i feel to my husband and children that this was all self inflicted but it was self inflicted with no level of knowledge of the dangers. So people younger than me continue to use them, i think, not knowing any of the dangers. Melanoma cases have increased by almost 50 in the last decade but it seems people are still getting mixed messages. That is why gillian nuttall, founder of melanoma uk, has launched a campaign to ban sunbeds. We felt that we owed it to families of patients who have passed away to actually get up and do something, so we took the lead from australia and brazil, they have already banned sunbeds and we thought, you know what, were going to do what our patients are asking us to do and see if we can do the same. I took these concerns to the sunbed association. Lets be clear, there is no link between sunbed use and melanoma. We have asked for a roundtable meeting to discuss this very point. They wont meet with us. I have to question why. The research they refer to is flawed, it has been proven to be subsequently flawed, and they wont listen to that and we have to say, why not . You are saying that oncologists, consultants, dermatologists all around the world, they are all wrong . What im saying is, they are all using the same research which itself is flawed. The evidence linking sunbed use to melanoma and other skin cancers is incontrovertible. There is a clear link, there is no argument to say that there isnt. According to Cancer Research uk, more than 86 of skin cancer cases are preventable, with an overexposure to uv rays causing irreversible damage. Laura may mcmullan, bbc news. You can see the full story on inside out West Midlands tonight at 7 30 on bbc one, and of course, on the iplayer. Its 18 years since more than 200 people were killed in bombings on the Holiday Island of bali, many of them british. A local militant group with links to alqaeda carried out the attacks. Well, since then, the indonesian authorities have been trying a unique programme of deradicalisation, which includes victims coming face to face with attackers. As part of the bbc crossing divides series, Rebecca Henschke has gained access to one such meeting. Garils father was a taxi driver, waiting here in the heart of balis tourist district when the huge bombs exploded. This, his car afterwards. Now, with his mother, he is about to meet one of the men responsible for killing his dad. Ali imron is serving a life sentence. His brothers were executed for the bali bombings. They talk for over an hour, and something extraordinary happens. Rebecca henschke, bbc news, jakarta. In a moment our reporter is going to bring us the latest business news. First a look at the headlines on afternoon live. First a look at the headlines hundreds of Flood Warnings remain in place after storm dennis lashed the uk with torrential rain and strong winds. Love island will air for the first time tonight following the death of its former host, Caroline Flack. A possible rescue flight for britons quarantined on a cruise ship off japan because of the coronavirus some of them say they feel theyve been forgotten. Heres your business headlines on afternoon live. Amazon says it regrets that dangerous child car seats were found again for sale on its website. The firm has faced repeated complaints about the products that in one test broke apart if involved in a 30mph crash. It has now removed the listings. The chief executive of shoe retailer, shoezone, has told the bbc it will close up to 100 stores if Business Rates do not change and if vat rates increase. Anthony smith said that 10 years ago rates would have accounted for just 26 of the chains rental value, but now are more than half. Heathrow airport has apologised for disruption after the west london hub was hit by technical issues. Passengers described the situation as utter chaos after a problem with the airports it system meant passengers couldnt find correct boarding gates. Heathrow says the issues have now been resolved. We are hoping that the Business Rates may improve with the new chancellor in place. But downing street have not confirmed whether it will go ahead. Not much time for the new chancellor to get to grips with his new deliver that budget. But shoezone confirmed this morning that the problem is quite severe for them and they may look into closing 100 stores unless that property tax is overhauled. And we are talking about the rates that are a proportion of rent. What we see on the high street is the rental values have come down, but those rates have not come down in step with them, so many fans are paying much higher rate than they should be, based on the rental value of that property. So it is a real problem and it is costing businesses big and that could be one of the reasons why the high street is struggling so much. Lets speak to the chief executive of shoezone. Good afternoon to you. I know you have been speaking to the bbc about this and this is where your thoughts have become public, but get is a sense of what Business Rates mean for you and why that system, in your view, is in such need of overhaul. So they form a big part of the profitability or not of the store, and historically they have been based broadly on the rental value of the lease of a property, so if the lease of the property is £25,000 per year, the weight or value will be £25,000 a year and then you pay x p on the pound, which is about 49p on the pound, so you are roughly looking at £12,000 of rent. But now we have many stores where the rental values will have fallen significantly, by typically when we are renewing leases at the moment, the next five years of peace have has fallen by 25 and that has been going on now for about five years, but of course the rates are now historic old ones. So the system of reviewing rates every five years is just a broken system in my view, and largely an unfair system because of the amount of rates and online retailer would pay. Obviously we have a great Online Business as well, but that is not stopping me closing stores. When a lease event comes up, i am looking at the individual profitability of an individual profitability of an individual store and, you know, if it is not going to be profitable for the next five years at the rent the landlord once, including with rates, we are sadly going to have to close it. That has been happening over the last five years. We have been steadily closing stores, and all i would say to the government is if they want a multiple retailer like us to stop closing stores, then they need to adjust the rates because i just stores, then they need to adjust the rates because ijust dont think there is anywhere for landlords to go with the event. That is largely the main issue. How confident are you that you will get the a change, the change that you want in the budget, if and when we get that budget . Well, i think, you know, if we go back to 2015, David Cameron delayed the rateable values changing to 2017. We estimate that cost us one point in each of those two years of the delay. He claimed at the time that he was helping retailers that i have never met a retailer who thought that was a particular help. It was just delaying revaluation and it was to the benefit of the government and local authorities for more than us. Something has to change. They are saying they have helped independent retailers out, but we are all, you know, we all really wa nt but we are all, you know, we all really want to see a strong independent sector, but i think if multiple retailers keep leading high streets, there is going to be nothing there for independent retailers to assist them off the back of. Sorry to interrupt, but thatis back of. Sorry to interrupt, but that is the point. You have been at this business since 19 93 and chief executive since 1987, what is the answer . How do you solve that problem . I think it depends on how politically deliverable something is. I have made the suggestion about increasing vat, but i dont really think that its politically deliverable, so i think there are a key thing is that they can do. A few things. One is to relieve the speed at which the rates go down. That only applies to england. There is no transitional relief in scotla nd is no transitional relief in scotland or wales and i dont understand why they allow a disparity like that to happen. It seems grossly unfair, so removing transitional relief. Basically, if youre rates go up, they can go up way faster than they ever come down, whichjust way faster than they ever come down, which just seems grossly unfair and is protecting income for local orator parties, but not helping retailers at all. Local authorities. Also on lease events, when your lease rental comes down, it is more quickly reflected in your rental value, so at least you can actually plan for it. One of the problems at the moment is you can be half way through a lease, your rate or value could go up or stay the same and you rent can come down, you might still be three years away from being able to solve the problem. When you get there, it is so frustrating you just end up closing the store because you have been losing money for a few years. Yes, andi losing money for a few years. Yes, and i imagine that is not a place any retailer and i imagine that is not a place a ny retailer wa nts and i imagine that is not a place any retailer wants to be in. Thank you very much for talking to us because it is an issue affecting so many retailers, but as you say, one with particular relevance when youre making these decisions about stores. The chief executive of shoezone there. Thank you very much. A new kind of pebble is being found on beaches from canada to cornwall made entirely of plastic. Scientists say its a new form of global pollution plastic pebbles that contain toxic chemicals which could enter the food chain. Jenny walrond reports. Oh, theres a bit of plastic. Its easy to find plastic washed up on beaches, but not all of it is obvious. This is interesting. This is actually plastic. It looks like a rock. No way. Yes, its plastic. Artist rob arnold has been collecting so called plastic pebbles from beaches in cornwall to use in sculptures, and hes not short of material. Well, they might look like pebbles, but they float, so clearly they are not. What i want to know is, what they are and where they come from. Tests on the pebbles we found showed the plastic had been burned and contained toxic chemicals such as lead and cadmium. It suggests they come from plastics manufactured in the 1980s or earlier. This is an unusual piece of pyroplastic. It has been colonised by tube worms. By colonising the plastic, tube worms are potentially able to accumulate, and the chemicals live in the plastic, and therefore, those chemicals will enter the food chain. There are a number of theories about where its coming from, including people burning waste and dumping it. Another is that its down to coastal erosion of landfill sites. A study from Queen Mary University of london highlights 1264 in england that are at risk of flooding and coastal erosion. The defences will fail and youll potentially have former landfill either eroding out onto the foreshore or leaching the water. Alongside that, there is a potential impact on human health, depending on whats in the sites we are talking about. There is currently a government review into flooding and coastal erosion policy, looking at, amongst other things, what to do with old landfill sites. And while the plastic continues to wash up, rob is still out beach cleaning. What are you going to do with them . Im going to make a piece of artwork. Its going to be like a rock monster. Jenny walrond, bbc news. Theres more on inside out at 7 30pm tonight on bbc one in the south west and everywhere else on the bbc iplayer. Now its time for a look at the weather with darren bett. Hello, we have seen the number of Flood Warnings and severe Flood Warnings dropping today, but a risk of flooding still remains. There are still some very high river levels around. The more persistent and heavy rain has swept through, but there are lots of showers coming in on this very brisk westerly wind. Not so many for england and wales. The wetter weather where it is colder, full scotland and Northern Ireland. Here, we may find some longer spells of heavy rain and may be some snow over the highest ground across Northern Areas, threatening and icy conditions and foundry downpour is quite likely. Some shops i was coming down into england and wales, but are dry out further east. Quite cold as well, with maybe a few pockets are frosty tonight. A chilly breeze blowing up again on tuesday, and more showers that could be heavy and more showers that could be heavy and thundery. Sliding in from the west across england and wales, frequent showers more in scotland and Northern Ireland out, and more wintry there as well. Down to up to double figures in the south east, but still dry. Hello, youre watching afternoon live im simon mccoy. Today at 4pm. Familes are being rescued from their homes cut off by flooding after torrential rain and high winds brought by storm dennis wreaked havoc across the country. Its not good. The house has been taken out, its not good. The house has been ta ken out, flooded, its not good. The house has been taken out, flooded, the horses were flooded this morning, weve got them rescued, the cats upstairs save, and its just, its just rescued, the cats upstairs save, and itsjust, itsjust a mess, but what can you do . Hundreds of Flood Warnings are still in place as families and businesses count the cost, the government defends its response. We are monitoring things very closely, in particular the severn, a town such as shrewsbury and bewdley and tewkesbury are areas we are looking at very closely. Itvs love island is back on air tonight for the First Time Since the death of its former presenter Caroline Flack. Downing street has described her death as a tragedy. A possible rescue flight for britons quarantined on a cruise ship off japan because of the coronavirus. Coming up on afternoon live all the sport. Manchester united will be wearing black arm bands for their premier league game at chelsea tonight in honour of harry gregg, the man known as the hero of munich who has died at the age of 87. We will have more on that at 4 30pm. Darren bett, it is grim out there. Yes, many river levels have been dropping a bit today but some are going up as the rain comes down from the welsh mountains. We will have a look at that later on, as well as the forecast. There is more rain on the way. I will see you in a few minutes. Also coming up. Also coming up we go nationwide and will be in cambridge where Extinction Rebellion protesters have dug up the lawn of trinity college, as part of a week long series of climate demonstrations. Hello, everyone this is afternoon live im simon mccoy. Chaos, devastation and dismay, and that probably doesnt begin to cover how youre feeling if youve been affected by the flooding caued by storm dennis. Homes and businesses have been ruined and not for the first time for many of them as more than a months worth of rain has fallen on ground already saturated after the earlier storm ciara. Police say their search for a woman who is missing after being swept away near tenbury in worcestershire has now become a recovery mission. There are now six severe Flood Warnings in england meaning a danger to life, and more than 230 other Flood Warnings in england, scotland and wales meaning immediate action is required. Our correspondent sent this report from Tenbury Wells. Does net make a mess, doesnt it . The aftermath of storm dennis. Businesses in Tenbury Wells are just beginning to assess the damage and start the clear up. Its notjust us, it is everybody in the country at the moment. It seems to be going wild. All the stock, all the clothes are damaged because they have soaked up the water, not just touched the bottom of them. So all the stock up to two foot level is finished, its going into the bin. More than 100 properties were evacuated last night, after the river teme burst its banks. Water levels have reached just a fraction off the highest ever recorded, six metres. Dozens took shelter in the towns secondary school, looked after by an army of volunteers. Voluntary search and rescue patrols have also been helping the emergency services, many of them awake for more than 24 hours. I was here since yesterday at three oclock, ive been going out throughout the night knocking on the doors on the main high street of Tenbury Wells, just advising people if they want to be evacuated or if they want to stay and if they do want to stay, just giving advice. If they want to be evacuated, we evacuated five people yesterday. Five severe Flood Warnings remain in place in england, including for hereford, where the river wye has continued to rise this morning. Evacuations there are still under way after a Major Incident was declared in the county yesterday. In york, thousands of sandbags have been placed at Properties Near the river 0use, which could also come close to record levels. And in wales, the scale of the flooding has been described as unprecedented, with landslides and severe flooding in many places. This home was devastated. I am in total shock. Disbelief. I just cant believe how my home has been ravaged in the last couple of hours. It only took a few hours and it is absolutely destroyed. The environment secretary George Eustice told the bbc the government is taking action. We have 1,000 Environment Agency staff out in the field, helping people prepare for the floods, helping them to evacuate where sadly that is necessary. We are monitoring things closely, in particular the severn river, shrewsbury and bewdley and tewkesbury, because water levels are expected to continue to rise in some of those catchments. Travel Services Continue to be affected across parts of the country today. The effects of storm dennis are still being felt. A little earlier, our correspondent phil mackie spoke to a resident in hereford whose home was flooded she described to him how she rescued her horses from the rising waters. Its not good, the house has been taken out, flooded, the horses have been flooded, rescued, the cat is upstairs safe and it is just a mess, but what can you do . You havent been flooded before . Never been flooded. As far as we are concerned, my parents lived here about 35 years, never seen the floods this bad. Where we are living, it goes into a Little Island, so we are looking out to the floods. This is the first time it has come into the house. Didnt have time to save anything. How high did it come inside . How high do you think, zac . It was up to your green thing, your top. Ive been living in wellies all morning. How quickly did it come in . It seemed to have caught people out. The speed of it. It woke me up this morning. This morning, i have sleep apnoea and the machine was suffocating me, so i woke up. Then banging on the windows, the neighbour said we are out and it was in the house. I had to walk through the settee to get through the windows to answer it, just turn the electrics offer that was it. From then we have done what we can. Earlier, i spoke to bbc Hereford Worcester reporter Nicola Goodwin from herflooded home in the city, she told me just how bad the situation there is. I dont know how you can see that, but unfortunately the downstairs part of our house is completely under water. I am wearing waders, they are my bbc issue waders and it is way above my knees at the moment and i dont think we will be out of our house for quite some time. Has this ever happened before . We have flooded once before in 20 years, that was in november this year in the house itself. We are quite close to the river, the house was built next to the river with flood defences in place a couple of hundreds years ago but as you have been hearing, this is unprecedented really. The river wye has gone to 6. 3 metres above its normal level, the highest it has been before, that was in 1795, when it was 6. 1 metres above. You mayjust be able to hear the buzzing in the background, of the police helicopter, just checking people. My sister and her family have just been evacuated by boat. Weve never had anything like this in the city of hereford before. Contrary to what a lot of people think, reporters are human beings and talk to me on that basis. You know now you have weeks, possibly months of chaos ahead. Yes, and we are insured, but you know, there is an excess to pay. Everything downstairs is probably ruined, things like white goods, we will need in the kitchen. It is quite cold, obviously we have no heating, we still have electricity upstairs so we can boil a kettle, we have no Running Water really, not the nicest thing to talk about but we darent flush the toilet because we have a septic tank, so we will have to consider in a few hours time whether we evacuate ourselves for those reasons. Yeah, i had a little cry about 4 30am, but there isnt really much you can do apart from stay safe, and it is just stuff at the end of the day. Joining me now is hannah cloke, professor of hydrology from the university of reading. Just looking at those pictures, hearing those stories, it is grim. It is dreadful and i feel really sorry for everybody who has been affected by the flood water. Its not nice being flooded. People were told it was coming, but when push comes to shove there is not much you can do. It is difficult to prepare for this kind of scale are flooding as well. This is unprecedented in these areas, so i think people werent aware this could happen to them. Everyone in the pub will say this is the norm, this is what Climate Change is. Is that right . |j think we need to realistically think this is what it will be like in the future, yes, this is consistent from what we know from the science and we should be preparing for these types of events. Looking at these pictures, this is hereford, really, this has to be regarded as the norm, which means we are going to have to rethink everything. Which means we are going to have to rethink everythinglj which means we are going to have to rethink everything. I think that would be a very sensible thing to do, based on what we are seeing. This is overwhelming communities, we shouldnt be living like this. We we re shouldnt be living like this. We were talking to some people in south wales earlier, some of whom said they have never had weather like that ever, so are areas that up until now probably have felt safe cant be, nobody can take anything for granted, so what should people be doing . I think it is really important, yes, to realise that floods do happen anywhere, particularly where we have seen this really heavy rain out of nowhere seemingly. We need to be able to prepare and that means we need to really rethink how we are doing flood Risk Management as a country, but also as an individual level, so really think about whether you are at risk and perhaps take some steps to increase the resilience of your property by putting in special gates, all those Little Things you can do to really make a difference. But everyone we have spoken to, what it finds a way, as we heard, it comes up through the luka modric floor. There is no you can do. you make your house waterproof, that really ca n you make your house waterproof, that really can help but i think we need to have a rethink where people are living, and have some difficult decisions and conversations about retreating from some of the most at risk areas. I think living by a river is beautiful but can be very dangerous. So what advice would you give to people, particularly people who know if they put their house on the market it is not going to sell if it has flooded once. There are some things you can do immediately to make your property more resilient, should it flood again, so you really can tire all your floors and move your electricity up. So you can and move your electricity up. So you ca n recover and move your electricity up. So you can recover more quickly, and that is something you can take steps to do that, i think that would be a very sensible first thing to do but it isa very sensible first thing to do but it is a long road. A long road but one we are on, so it is a long road. A long road but one we are on, so what should government be doing, what plan uk vision should there be now . So we have a d raft vision should there be now . So we have a draft strategy, the Environment Agency has put that out, looking what the reality of Climate Change looks like for flooding in the uk, and i think if we follow that trajectory and really think about really investing notjust in major defences but also the way we use our landscape, where we are living, the planning, those kind of things as well, and Early Warning as well. We have seen great warnings go out, they have been really effective, making sure people can leave when they need to leave. was a double whammy, first to storm ciara and then dennis within a week, that really has changed how people have been able to prepare for this. Yes, hopefully there is not another one coming next weekend. That is as far as we one coming next weekend. That is as faras we can one coming next weekend. That is as far as we can think, next we you are saying we just have to get used to this and be prepared for this. Yes, and we cant predict what will happen next year. We can just about predict what is happening in the next few days. You sort of come because he so dont be surprised if we have this next year. We should be planning for these things. As regular as this . It could be we are seeing more winter storms, more rain, thats particularly worrying, so rain, thats particularly worrying, so yes, i think we should really be preparing. Hannah clark, thank you for coming in. And for the latest information on storm dennis tune into your bbc local radio station. Love island will air for the first time tonight since the death of its former presenter Caroline Flack. Itv said the show would feature a tribute to the 40 year old star, who was found dead in herflat in london on saturday. It comes amid growing criticism of the decision to prosecute herfor an alleged assault on her boyfriend, even though he said he wanted charges dropped. Downing street today described her death as a tragedy. Our media correspondent David Sillito reports. Caroline flack, love island, x factor, im a celebrity. Her tv career went back almost 20 years. This tribute on dancing on ice was to both a colleague and friend. Wed like to begin tonights show by taking a moment to remember Caroline Flack, in light of yesterdays awful news. We wanted to say our hearts go out to her family and friends. Many of us here on the show knew caroline as a friend and we will all miss her enormously. As caroline herself recently posted, in a world where you can be anything, be kind. Caroline flack was the face of a show that was all about escapist fun, laced with emotional drama, but now questions are being asked about the pressure she was under. She was facing charges of assaulting her boyfriend. Should that prosecution have been going ahead, given her fragile mental state . Today, a former chief prosecutor said he felt there was probably little choice. Undoubtedly, they felt they had enough. They had i think a 999 call recording. They had Body Worn Camera worn by the police. They would have had medical evidence and other evidence. They have to take Domestic Abuse seriously because we as a country have said we should take Domestic Abuse seriously, when you have three quarters of a million reports to police every year, 75,000 prosecutions, only 10 of those reports end in a prosecution. 120 people are murdered in domestic homicide situations and we keep telling them that if they had intervened earlier, maybe somebody wouldnt have suffered even more serious harm. So they are doing what we asked them to do. The role of the press and social media has also come under scrutiny. A petition calling for action has been signed by more than 200,000 people. Meanwhile, tonight, love island will return to our screens with a tribute. A statement from itv said, many of us knew caroline well and held her in great affection. She will forever be in our hearts. David sillito, bbc news. If you or someone you know has been affected by the issues raised in this report, you can find help and support on the bbcs actionline website. Youre watching afternoon live, these are our headlines. Hundreds of Flood Warnings remain in place after storm dennis lashed the uk with torrential rain and strong winds. Love island will air for the first time tonight following the death of its former host Caroline Flack. A possible rescue flight for britons quarantined on a cruise ship off japan because of the coronavirus some of them say they feel theyve been forgotten. And coming up we look back at the life of british musician Andrew Weatherall whos died aged 56. Manchester united players will wear black arm bands during tonights premier League Fixture in honour of former goalkeeper harry gregg whos died at the age of 87. Manchester city manager Pep Guardiola has told friends he intends to stay at the club, despite their two year ban from the champions league. And england and chelsea forward fran kirby says she is feeling 100 times better, as she recovers from a viral illness. She hasnt played since november because of the condition. I will be back with more on all of those stories at 4 30pm. The government may organise a Repatriation Flight for british passengers stranded on a cruise ship, thats been quarantined off japan because of coronavirus. More than 450 people on board the diamond princess have been infected. Americans on board have already been flown home to the United States but some of the 78 britons on the ship said they felt forgotten. This afternoon, government sources have confirmed that a hotel at heathrow has been block booked for use by passengers arriving who are displaying symptoms of covid 19. The rooms will be used to isolate suspected cases while test results are awaited. Nick beake reports. From the prison that was their ship to the plane that would finally take them home, american cruise passengers leaving japan this morning after nearly two weeks confined to their cabins. The uk government says it sympathises with all those left behind on the coronavirus hit diamond princess, but it hasnt made up its mind whether its going to remove british citizens. It prompted this response. It feels that weve been forgotten, that you dont really care about us and that youre actually not wanting us to come home. Thats how it feels. In chinas Hubei Province where the outbreak began, pristine hospitals primed for new arrivals are shown on state tv. But unverified video shared on social media shows a Health System struggling to cope, with patients treated in corridors. Another casualty of this crisis looks set to be the most important political event in chinas calendar. Communist Party Officials want to postpone next months yearly Parliament Session in beijing. The prospect of 3,000 mainly elderly delegates catching and spreading the virus is a big concern. There are fears over the further spread of this virus in many places, including here in hong kong, where more than 50 cases have now been confirmed. It has led to the panic buying of food and other things, like hand sanitising gel and bleach. Overnight, the police say Armed Robbers stole more than 600 rolls of toilet paper. Back in Hubei Province, doing the daily shop is not an option. 60 Million People have been told to stay indoors. Only one member of the family is allowed out every three days, chinese officials insist such measures are needed to defeat this killer virus. Nick beake, bbc news, hong kong. A 38 year old man has been charged with murdering schoolboy rikki neave more than 25 years ago. The body of the six year old was found in woodland near his home in peterborough in 1994. James watson is accused of strangling rikki neave and will appear in court on thursday. The british musician Andrew Weatherall has died, aged 56. A dj and record producer, he was best known for his work on primal screams screamadelica. A statement from his publicists said he had passed away from a pulmonary embolism at a hospital in london. Lets remind you of the sort of work he did with primal scream. We will show you a version of one of their balance that was played to him, this is before you remixed it. Ive got the blues for you, id give myself to you, ive got the blues for you, baby. So this was loaded, after he had done his magic on it. Well, lets talk to superstar dj judgejules hes on the phone from thailand. For many of us who wont be fully aware of just what a remarkable effect he had on the music scene. Yes, indeed, i mean, well, where does one start . He broke as a dj in the late 80s with the acid house scene, continued a very strong career up to this present day but was never a sort of acid house dj, he was a true maverick, couldnt be defined by a particular musical style. There are many accolades that one could throw in his direction, but the fact that he managed to turn from dj into music maker so early in the trajectory of djs being taken seriously, and the fact that sadly with his passing, his obituary will talk about him as a music producer. Of equal status to being a dj. It tells you just how great he became at making records. You mentioned primal scream, but his own work with sa bres primal scream, but his own work with sabres of paradise in the 90s as well, particularly memorable. He had a great career djing at clubs and festivals right up until last year. That was with gary burns and jazz crooner, wasnt it . There were other artists he remixed, bjork, the old and new order. It was a unique style he had. The orb. And new order. It was a unique style he had. The orb. He took artist that would not necessarily be thought of as dance acts and gave his incredible sense of what worked on the dance floor, not compromising the left of Centre Artists and the general left of centre feel of those particular records that they were making. Just wondering the impact because many people went out to copy the sort of thing he had done. Yes. It is difficult to know where copying starts and doing something out of respect to one of the undoubted style setters begins. Yes, he was very, very influential, both asa dj he was very, very influential, both as a dj for his fearless playing of anything he liked, when djing was long caught in genre names, if you like. But also his music productions, which were bold and we re productions, which were bold and were interesting without fail. Good of you to join good of you tojoin us, dj judge jules on the phone from thailand with his thoughts on Andrew Weatherall who has died at the age of 56. The United Nations says the latest government offensive in syria has forced more than 800,000 people out of their homes since december 140,000 of them in the last few days alone. Its created a new humanitarian crisis in syria, as temperatures drop to below freezing. Our World Affairs correspondent paul adams looks at how some families are trying to survive. Government supporters are ecstatic. President assads troops making significant gains near the Northern City of aleppo, taking in a matter of hours ground thats been contested for years. With russian help, the governments momentum seems relentless. And as the troops advance, civilians retreat in vast numbers. In neighbouring idlib province, the roads are clogged with fleeing people. 850,000 displaced injust two and a half months. Leaving deserted, shattered towns behind them. This is kafr nabl, once home to 40,000 people, now a place of ghosts, its citizens long gone. In ground not yet taken by government forces, displaced people settle and live where they can, winter now adding to their misery. Um mohamed is struggling to keep herfamily warm and fed. In the hills along the turkish border, its safe, but freezing. Translation were suffering from the cold. We used to have a comfortable life in the past, and look where we are now. We cant even afford wood for heating, but we still thank god almighty. The family has moved twice in recent months. Each time, the fighting has caught up with them. With her daughters and granddaughter, um mohamed sits and waits, knowing that in time, they may have to move again. The camp is isolated, one of hundreds now dotting the landscape. Getting aid to these places is a challenge. Husam is a local volunteer, salting the road to try and keep it open. Translation the situation inside the camps is grim now. Usually, there is some activity and life inside the camps. Roads are open and food and heating reaches people, but after the latest snowstorm, everything now is extremely bad. The un says the cold is now its main concern. More than half of those on the move are children. Some have died. The situation in idlib has been catastrophic for years, and its still getting worse. Paul adams, bbc news. New evidence of chinas crackdown on muslim minorities in its Western Province of xinjiang has been revealed in a leaked document seen by the bbc. In huge detail, the document sets out how the authorities decided the fate of more than 300 uighur detainees, just a fraction of the million or so held in secure facilities across the region. The Chinese Embassy in london insisted their so called Vocational Education centres were designed to tackle terrorism and religious extremism. With me now is our Diplomatic Correspondent james landale. What do these leaked documents show . Weve been reporting on the bbc for a couple of years the scale of the detentions taking part in this part of western china. What these documents do is they provide an extraordinary detail how and why people are chosen for their detention. It lifts a small lid on the thinking within the chinese system as to why people are detained. An extraordinary list. 300 people. A huge spreadsheet giving extraordinary details about their lives, how often they eat, they pray, who they meet and mix with. Then it says why these people who have been to tour detained, should they be released, should they be re interned . Should they be released, should they be re interned . Extraordinary reasons, some are straightforward, downloading extremist material of the intellect, but most of them are things like this person applied for a passport, they had relatives overseas, they unintentionally clicked on a foreign website, they used to grow a long beard, they used to wear a veil, or this is my favourite one, they suffered from a minor religious infection. So what we see is a picture of these kind of pretext being given and linked to over come of this person had an uncle was very religious, and those two things together are enough for people to be detained, and as we know, the numbers are estimated to be in the region of about a Million People. How do we know these documents are genuine . It is impossible to know 100 , there is no official stamp on them saying it is an official communist Party Document from the region but i have spoken to the experts who have analysed it carefully, and there are about 300 names in the document and they have been cross referenced with publicly available once in their identity numbers are on there and they have gone through the acronyms, they are accurate, the shorthand of various descriptions, so the experts believe there is enough granular detail to say this is genuine. What is the Chinese Government saying about this . We have just got a statement from the Chinese Embassy, their point is saying in this part of china they are fighting terrorism and religious extremism, and that these what they call vocational and Education Training centres have been set up to take that fight and bring people in, teach them chinese law, vocational skills, deradicalise a and the Chinese Embassy insists that the only people in these camps are people who have been convicted of unlawful or criminal acts, which directly contradicts all the evidence given in this document that has been linked leaked, which is that the bar is pretty low for white people who have been detained according to that document that has been linked. Thank you. Amazon has withdrawn potentially unsafe child car seats from its sites worldwide, after they were discovered for sale by bbc panorama. It follows an investigation by trading standards. Heres our Business Correspondent katy austin. A child car seat destroyed in a 30 Miles Per Hour crash test. It was carried out for surrey trading standards, in 2013, who then alerted amazon about similar products listed on its uk site. We took down products from amazon. Co. Uk that were not compliant and unsafe. Rachel greer, a former amazon product safety manager also recommended that similar seats be taken down from sites in the us and europe. She says her bosses refused. I was told that there was not proof that they were non compliant in those countries and that that would not be happening. Those car seats were tested and were shown to result in bodily harm to the infant that would have been in them. Six years after the car seats were withdrawn from amazon uk, surrey trading standards has begun a new investigation, after panorama found what appeared to be similar products still for sale. Amazon has now withdrawn them worldwide. Amazon later said. It says it is contacting customers who purchased them. It says. Katy austin, bbc news. Much more on bbc one at 8 30pm. Lets have a look at our Weather Forecast with darren. This picture tells a story. It sums up, doesnt it . This is a childrens playground in hereford taken by one of our weather watchers. You can see the extent of the water today. What has been happening in the past hour is that in some parts of herefordshire and worcestershire, river levels have been rising and getting worse as rain has been coming from the welsh hills. There are more severe Flood Warnings right now. There is one on the log another one on the seven river. We can see that the revel levels river levels arising right now. Instead we have a showery air stream right now. Instead we have a showery airstream coming in right now. Instead we have a showery air stream coming in from the atlantic. There are heavy bursts of rain and heavy bursts of storm overnight. There will be storm over the hills and an increasing threat of icy conditions also. For many parts of the midlands, it may be dry overnight. It will be quite chilly and those temperatures will dip away. There will be a chilly, blustery wind blowing over tomorrow. We may find wet weather coming in over the seas in wales tomorrow afternoon. All the while, those showers come rolling into scotland and the north west of england. It will be wintry over the Higher Ground. There will be higher temperatures in the south east, with wetter weather opening thing. In the evening. There will be more rain of course. The concern for thursday is the welsh hills. Even in the south there will be a couple of inches of rain. There will be sunshine and then it will cloud over and we have rain coming in from the west. In Northern Ireland and western scotland the temperatures will be around eight or 9 degrees. We have another weather system coming in, and the first area we have another weather system coming in, and the firstarea rain is on the weather front there. The next one, the cold front will be active. We have called win coming in and a change in the wind direction. The rain will be quite heavy for a while. It will ease through fairly quickly and then as they turn towards the north and north west, it will get colder and the showers will be moving. The showers will turn wintry over the hills as the weather gets colder. There is more windy weather on thursday. There is no sign of the weather settling down any time soon. This is bbc news our latest headlines. More than 400 homes in england are flooded, after storm dennis wreaked havoc across the country this weekend. Officials warn the risk of flooding will continue for several days. Love island is back on air tonight for the First Time Since the death of its former presenter Caroline Flack. Downing street has described her death as a tragedy. The Foreign Office is considering all options for britons trapped on this cruise ship offjapan because of the coronavirus. Amazon is forced to withdraw unsafe car seats from its website after a bbc investigation finds multiple noncompliant products for sale. And still to come. A report on a new form of global pollution the pebbles found on beaches from canada to cornwall, made entirely of plastic. Sport now on afternoon live with holly. Many tributes have been paid to harry gregg. A legend in most aspects. He is known for his exploits on the pitch and he signed for Manchester United in 1967 for a pice leaf fee of £23,000. That was a world record at the time. Butjust 2 months later he was involved in the worst tragedy to ever hit the club. That was of coruse the munich air disaster in 1958. 23 people were killed including 8 players but harry greg survived and even helped to pull other surviviors from the wreckage among them a mother and baby as well his teammates including sir Bobby Charlton. Two weeks after the crash. He actually played a match for united and put Sheffield Wednesday out of the fa cup. He spoke about the crash in an interview with bbc sport in 2018 on the 60th annviersary this is what he had to say. United were a broken club. Most clubs would have been. They had lost so clubs would have been. They had lost so much and got so many. It is a long, long time ago and i would be telling lies if i said that i thought about all the time. In fact, i would go insane. I know what i did,| i would go insane. I know what i did, isaw, i i would go insane. I know what i did, i saw, i rememberthe baby and i know when i found bob and when i found all the rest, i was very fortunate. You couldnt live with it. You couldnt live with everyday. You would go completely, totally insane. Harry gregg speaking in 2018. His old club will be paying tribute united will be wearing black armbands for tonights game at chelsea. Among many tributes to a man who had such an impact at both club and country. You can tell much about the man from how many tributes he receives. Yes, sir Bobby Charlton said that he was proud to call a team mate and will a lwa ys proud to call a team mate and will always be remembered as a heroic figure. Sir Alex Ferguson too said he was a true legend. We talk so much about his heroics after the crash, but many have spoken about his ability on the pitch. Former united and Northern Ireland player Sammy Mcilroy is among those paying tribute he told us he was one of the best keepers hes ever seen. I have never seen i have never seen a i have never seen a brave goalkeeper to be honest. Ive seen clips of good goalkeepers, but when i see clips of harry gregg when he is to play in Northern Ireland. , he had everything. He was one of the best ive ever seen. Sammy mcilroy remembering harry gregg, whos died at the age of 87. Pep guardiola has told friends he intends to stay at manchester city, despite the clubs two year ban from the champions league. His current contract expires next year, although it does have a break clause at the end of this season, and it was thought he would activate it, if citys appeal against the ban fails. However, its understood guardiola has said he wont be leaving early, no matter what the outcome, and hes still committed to the club. England and chelsea forward fran kirby says shesfeeling100 times better, as she recovers from a viral illness. Kirby hasnt played since november because of the heart condition, which she says sapped her energy, causing her to sleep for up to 15 hours a day. Shes hoping to return to training in the near future. Thats all the sport for now. You can find more on all those stories on the bbc sport website. We can also see Kim Clijsters, come back with her on court at the moment with muguruza. Lets go nationwide and see what is happening around the country. Lets go to wales. First we have wales todays Teleri Glyn Jones in taffs well, shell be bringing us up to date with the impact of the flooding in south wales. And Janine Machin is in cambridge, where members of the environmental group, Extinction Rebellion, are holding protests this week. But first, teleri, weve seen some of the devastating pictures today of the impact of storm dennis. Tell us what its been like travelling round the area. What have you been seeing . what have you been seeing . It has been absolutely staggering, simon. So many people, hundreds if not thousands of people and businesses have at their homes and their workplaces ruined by storm dennis. The floods have been remarkable. Many people, sadly, without insurance as well because they are ona insurance as well because they are on a flood plain. That is why places like this have sprung up. I am at a by like this have sprung up. I am at a rugby club where they have been inundated with donations. That room is full of clothes and toiletries. Over here we have even more codes, things for babies, nappies wipes and food. If you come this way, there is not the mountain of bedding. Local supermarkets and local businesses have also been donating things and thatis have also been donating things and that is what people really need at the moment cleaning products. The amount of work is remarkable. Joining me is someone who has been affected by the floods and who has been coordinating the clean up and his Donation Centre here. This is lauren, who is from a local nursery and both have been helping coordinate all the help available here. Your nursery, it was flooded up here. Your nursery, it was flooded up to the roof . Yes, i was away at the time and just got sent photos of what everyone was waking up to in the morning. Floods up to the roof. Obviously, my bosses utterly devastated and that is why shes not right now. We have lost absolutely everything. You still cant get her the there, can you . Get there . Know that there is too much debris and the building has been deemed unsafe to go in. We are trying to work with crw and rct to find accommodation for the parents that we ca re accommodation for the parents that we care for because we have 50 on our books and we are just looking to support them all. The support has been staggering. The wider community, people who are not linked to the rugby club at all, the support has been staggering. to the rugby club at all, the support has been staggering. It has been quite remarkable. It is hard not to be emotional because they have lost a lot and a lot of them are not insured and there are a lot of emotional people at the moment to contend with. It has been remarkable, with regard to everything we are offering here stop thank you very much for your time. There are still a lot of work to be done here, isnt it . Decree the clean up still continues. Done here, isnt it . Decree the cleanup still continues. Thank you very much im sure you will still be doing that at 6 30pm. Now, janine, Extinction Rebellion have started a week of blocades and demonstrations across cambridge. Tell us more. It is specifically the youth section of the Campaign Group that is behind this. So, people prawn after1990. People born after 1990. They want to bring the city to stop. They want the above listed things. To encourage this, they say they will be blocking a major road each day of the week. They have blocked a hospital. It has meant that people have struggled to get to their appointments and to get to work. This is what people have said. Appointments and to get to work. This is what people have saidlj appointments and to get to work. This is what people have said. I go to work to pay my bills. This sort of thing is completely unproductive. They are not going to garner support with this, they are only going to antagonise. Its ludicrous they are not just targeting the antagonise. Its ludicrous they are notjust targeting the roads, are they . No, they also went to trinity and took up the lawn around the famous tree. They want to create a lorry park on a certain field and these people also say that the couege these people also say that the college wants to support other things are not compatible with bio security and saving the environment. The college has said that it respects the right to protest but does not support damage to property. The council says that it has met with extension for rebellion the group and has talked over certain aspects. They have launched two electric buses today and it would appear that these protests are going to continue into next week. Janine, thanks so much. And of course all the details of the impact of the flooding in south wales on wales today tonight at 6. 30pm. Thank you both. Thats nationwide tonight. If you would like to see more in any of those stories, you can access them by the bbc iplayer. We go nationwide every weekday afternoon at 4 30pm here on weekday deliberate. The travel restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus outbreak are having an impact on the Tourism Industry here. There were around 400,000 visitors from china last year. But popular places visited by Chinese Tourists such as bicester village in oxfordshire are starting to feel the pinch. Our trade correspondent Dharshini David reports. The birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill and a stunning example of baroque architecture. This palace just outside oxford would normally attract 50,000 visitors in february, but this time demand is down as travel restrictions in china. In the last two weeks this would have normally been a busy period for chinese tourism. We expect to lose around 5000 visits, which is 10 of our february visits. It is a similar story a few miles away. It is the blend of heritage, culture and access to luxury shopping that makes this area so attractive to chinese toys. Over 400,000 visitors to uk last year, but that is dropping sharply. One could he told us that it sees 50 customers a week but now is not seeing any. This place where tourists come to avoid taxes on properties they get at home, it is quiet. Over 2 Million People across the uk requiring tourism for a living. The high human cost thousands of mile away is having a considerable side effect here. In a moment, we are going to have the latest business news. First, a look at the headlines on afternoon live. Hundreds of Flood Warnings remain in place, after storm dennis lashed the uk with torrential rain and strong winds. Love island will air for the first time tonight, following the death of its former host Caroline Flack. A possible rescue flight for britons quarantined on a cruise ship off japan because of the coronavirus some of them say they feel theyve been forgotten. Heres your business headlines on afternoon live. Amazon says it regrets that dangerous child car seats were found again, for sale on its website. The firm has faced repeated complaints about the products that in one test broke apart if involved in a 30mph crash. It has now removed the listings. The chief executive of shoe retailer, shoe zone, has told the bbc it will close up to 100 stores if Business Rates do not change and if vat rates increase. Anthony smith said that ten years ago rates would have accounted for just 26 of the chains rental value, but now are more than half. Other child car seats or car child seats . They are cart. Child car seats. Those are the one. Lets stop talking about them. Lets move on. Theres new life back in the Housing Market. It seems so,. People are trying to work out last year what would happen with housing and what would happen with housing and what would happen with brexit and so there was a lot of uncertainty towards the end of last year. We are moving toward spring which is usually a busy time for the market. That combined with all the pent up demand that didnt happen before christmas has moved it right up. Prices are up by 0. 8 last month, that is £40 short of the record from an all time high. There may be more buyers and sellers in spring and that is pushing a move in sales. This is a different market, but nonetheless, they expect that wealth to spread across the country. Lets get more detail. Lets start with the thought of property. Rightmove say they have so many people on the site. Yes. I know you zeroed in on london data, but i think its quite interesting to see that there is that uptake along the whole country. Especially in the north west and in yorkshire. It seems to be affecting the Housing Market in particular and i think it would be interesting to see what happens next month because we take anindex happens next month because we take an index of our clients and some of the Political Uncertainty that we saw before, potentially on the rocks because of the reshuffle, that might lead through. Before we were looking for. Fashion is in the headlines today because of two things. The number of visitor from china decreasing because they usually spend a lot and high street brands in the uk are struggling to get supplies from chinese factories. Yes it is London Fashion show this week, and we have burberry this afternoon. We have certainly seen the expectation of fewer Chinese Consumers. The Chinese Consumer makes up around 35 billion in fashion revenue, around 40 globally and with fewer people coming to london, paris and places like hong kong, we are really expecting fashion and in particular Luxury Fashion and in particular Luxury Fashion to be impacted by the coronavirus. It will probably be quite a difficult first half for those stocks. To afford some of that Luxury Fashion you might need to win the prix de and bonds. The chance of doing so are looking less likely. Premium bonds. It is looking less likely because they were backed by the government. They use to offer savings accounts that would sell out in record time now the flagship product is premium bonds but they have announced that from may the ist, they will be quitting the big prizes. They will also be cutting some of the smaller pay outs as well. Increasing the ls some of the smaller pay outs as well. Increasing the l5 is looking like it might have a backlash. Thank you very much. Let me show you the numbers. Lets not talk about child car safety seats. Every time you open your mouth. Let the numbers talk. Markets in the us are closed because if president is monday so not a huge amount moving those markets. Two stories we have talked about earlier, and we have talked about earlier, and we have talked about fashion a little bit, she was own came up with a warning that said that it own came up with a warning that said thatitis own came up with a warning that said that it is worried about a lack of reform causing issue for their business. Sales of laura ashley are also going down. It is a day of retail. Itv, again on the boards, lots of itv headlines. People are clearly keeping an eye on its fortunes. Child. Card. Quit while you are behind. President trump welcomed nascar fans to the start of the daytona 500 in florida with a lap around the track in the president ial limousine, the beast. He led the 40 racing cars around the track before pulling over to let the real race get underway. The daytona 500 is often known as the super bowl of stock car racing and has been the nascar Season Opener since 1982. President trump follows in the tyre tracks of Ronald Reagan and George W Bush who also attended nascar events at the florida speedway. For the First Time Ever a man in the achieved a jetpack has achieved a jump achieved a jetpack has achieved a jump ofa achieved a jetpack has achieved a jump of a mile high. This equipment is capable of reaching over 250 mph. After landing successfully, a friend said that he was overjoyed and thanked his team. There was not time for any of that. Here was the weather. It is the strong jet stream that is been responsible for all the weather of the last few weeks. This weather watcher pitcher in hereford really sums it up. You can see the extent of the water in the childrens programme. There are more severe flood wordings. Six of them now on rivers in the uk. That band of cloud into Continental Europe and still dennis is wandering away and not causing too many problems. We have more showers on the way. We will have a longer spell of rain coming across the northern half of the uk and an increasing risk of some icy conditions. Further south, there will be showers and it will be dry and not be dry and chilly. In gloucestershire there will be a mixture of sunshine and showers. During the afternoon, more showers sweeping across the uk. There will bea sweeping across the uk. There will be a bit more snow across the hills as turns holder colder here. If you look at the atlantic, the crowd are sinking and they will be more pressure on the way. There are fewer warnings for wednesday and thursday for the welsh hills. This is particularly in the north were even in the south there could be a couple of inches of rain. For many eastern areas on wednesday, we have cloud thatis areas on wednesday, we have cloud that is out to the west, this will thicken to give us rain. That rain will be across wales, the north west of england and Northern Ireland. It will be eight or 9 degrees. That will be eight or 9 degrees. That will happen overnight and then we are into mild winds before another weather system arrives. That second weather system arrives. That second weather system arrives. That second weather system will give rain that can be quite heavy, notjust only over the hills. As we change the direction, the air gets chillier and it turns more wintry over the north west. There is no sign of the weather settling down yet. This is all due to thejet weather settling down yet. This is all due to the jet stream. This is going to be this way for the foreseeable future. Today at 5 torrential rain and high winds brought by storm dennis are causing major problems in many areas. In hereford familes have been rescued from their homes after being cut off by the latest flooding. Hundreds of Flood Warnings are still in place as families and businesses count the cost of storm dennis. Im in total shock, disbelief. I just cant believe how my home, my home has been ravaged in the last couple of hours. And well have the latest from south wales which has seen some of the worst conditions. The other main stories on bbc news at 5. Two days after the death of Caroline Flack itvs love island is back on air tonight with a special tribute. A possible rescue flight is planned for britons quarantined on a cruise ship offjapan

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