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Once in the leg and then a 2nd time as he tried to run away he was treated at the thing by paramedics before being taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital he's understood to be from the west Belfast area all 4 mean U.K. Farming in units have called for measures to address what they've described as a crisis for beef producers a sustained price drop since last autumn has seen the value of animals sent to the factory declined by up to $115.00 points ahead Conoco only reports the good weather this time last year and sustained demand for a barbecue meet during the World Cup meant strong prices for beef but there's been a long slow decline since increased production within the E.U. And more imports from outside it has also had an impact. A slump in the value of hides process into leather goods it means an animal present for slaughter is worth up to 115 pounds a head less noise than 2 months ago. You cares for me and form unions has said the beef industry is in crisis and needs help it wants more promotion and a commitment from government and retailers to thier domestic product plans for a 10000000 pints aquarium in the Titanic Quarter in Belfast have been unveiled the company behind the project reef life plans to build the aquarium on the Queen's Road close to Titanic Belfast our business correspondent toto Rice has the details the Belfast aquarium will be the company's 1st project reef lived was set up last year and its managers have years of experience working on similar projects across the U.K. And Europe it says it expects to attract more than $300.00 thought is in visitors every year a consultation event will be held next month with a few to submitting a planning application in October and the company says subject to planning approval the aquarium could be opened by spring 2021 the Iranian foreign minister Mohamad Javaheri Festool Boris Johnson he doesn't want a confrontation in the Gulf or a British flag to time was seized by Iranian forces last week speaking during a visit to Nicaragua Mr Zarif said Mr Johnson had to understand that Terren wanted normal relations based on mutual respect illegal immigrants arrested in the United States or to face a new fast track deportation process which could see them thrown out of the country within days without being brought before a judge the policy is expected to be challenged in the courts or North America Correspondent Peter both has more than you fast track deportations will apply to anyone who's been in the U.S. Illegally for less than 2 years no matter where they were court previously only those who've been in the country 2 weeks or less and were detained within 100 miles of the border could be deported quickly it's a significant ramping up of dawn trumps efforts to stem the surge of migrants to the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union has said it will challenge the policy. In court prosecutors in the United States say the footballer Cristiana Ronaldo will not face charges in connection with an alleged rape in Las Vegas 10 years ago officials say there's insufficient evidence to prove the claims beyond reasonable dight Ronaldo has always insisted he was innocent his accuser reportedly reached an out of court settlement with the Portuguese star in 2010 but sought to reopen the case in 28. Scientists believe that resistance to malaria drugs is spreading rapidly in Southeast Asia the British and Thai Researchers say their research Reeses what they described as the terrifying prospect of drug resistance spreading to Africa here's our health and science correspondent Jim scholar malaria is commonly treated with a combination of 2 drugs autumn isn't and payback when the combination was introduced in Cambodia in 2008 but by 2013 the 1st malaria parasites had developed resistance the study published in The Lancet infectious diseases shows the resistant bugs spread rapidly across Cambodia and into Laos Thailand and Vietnam half of the patients in the study could not be cured with the 1st choice drugs their searchers said there was an urgent need to switch the drugs being used before resistant spread even further and that's all that's all for now I'll have a summary at half past 7 my thoughts get some traffic and travel with Elin I don't West Belfast is bring back the rose has been closed between spring they drive and or and more straight that's because of a place investigation so be prepared for delays if you're heading that way elsewhere in the city the traffic lights on the open arms road at its junction with the Castle Hill Road aren't working so just be prepared to give way there thank you Elaine that's exactly 7 minutes past 7 here on Good Morning And later this morning we think between 113012 around 1145 we should know who our next prime minister is going to be but as Johnson remains the favorite to succeed trees in May when there was. The postal ballot among Conservative Party members as announced as thought he's easily beaten off a challenge from Jeremy Hunt employment minister Alex Sharma says Tory critics should let him get on with the job of trying to deliver Bracks as the new prime minister if it is Boris will actually have a mandate from the parliamentary party and from the membership the certainty that Boris Johnson's offering is that by the 31st October we will leave preferably with a deal but that's not possible then we wouldn't be without a deal but already a member of the government has resigned in advance of bars Johnson entering Downing Street should he do so with others indicating they'll follow suit so Alan Duncan left his job as foreign office minister yesterday criticizing his old boss for what he says is a haphazard and ramshackle approach the Prime Minister's been forced out but I think she has been a decent and useful prime minister let's say Boris Johnson takes over he's going to have the same arithmetic maybe worse talk is taking possibly a more divided party but there is a danger of the things to say on a knife's edge but he may not find it easy to cover them so I hope we can avoid a crisis in the autumn but fellow Tory M.P. Conor Burns is ours and colleagues to give the new prime minister time to secure a deal with Brussels there's a great sense of fair play in the British people and I think that they will want to give the new prime minister the opportunity of the space of the summer recess to see whether they can make some progress on looking nice because ations and getting us through the next phase and leaving was a little total so it's a daunting prospect but an amazing opportunity last night to resume her farewell party for M.P.'s in the garden of gunning Street one of her critics Nigel Evans said she was on good form three's it was brilliant and she went round everybody in the garden was one of her servants critics towards the end but the fact is that she did a toast as well to the next administration which I think said everything because we want to leave your opinion in which she said I want to make out salute be certain that we win the next election so she was very positive about. Reason they will spend one more night and Downing Street before her final prime minister's question time tomorrow afterwards she will see the Queen at Buckingham Palace to tender her resignation with her successor taking over by tea time so with politics at 9 minutes past 7 Joe's Swinson has been elected the 1st woman to lead the Liberal Democrats she's also the youngest party leader she takes over from servants cable in her acceptance speech she made her ambitions clear. Our party has been clear on breaks that from day one we believe the ukase best future is dozen members of the European Union and that's why I say you're a leader I would say whatever it takes to still phrase that. A face it isn't a crime it can lead to the renewal our country needs together we can build a better future we need a prime minister who will Loys to the challenges we face you are signed away from them so I stand before you today not just as the leader of the Liberal Democrats but as a candidate for prime minister. A fair is no limit to my ambition for our party for our movement and for our country I am ready to take our party into a general election and win it. Dems know that and spokesperson I was struck a Michael joins us from our Milbank studios a very good morning to Mr Carmichael could do whatever it takes to stop break said so the premier plank of the new leader is to thwart the Democrats he expressed will of the British people. Know it's not quite as straightforward as that but we've said from day one and Joe is right a beta there is we want whatever the the ultimate Deal or No Deal is going to be. Should be put to the people and when not deal is put to the people we will argue that we should remain as part of the European Union because no deal that we get is are going to be as good as what we've got at the moment so it's not about a thought in a thing it's about allowing democracy to come to make sure conclusion and you know democracy. More than a single vote on a single be accountability is well I'm not so I think the thing that we're missing in all this to beat every new leader says I'm ready to lead my party into an election and win it but Ed Davey who was the rival to Joe Swinson in the leadership stakes he said people want to know what does this party stand for we know it's against bricks it what does the Lib Dems party stand for. At the moment this. Big junk shot in our nation's history we have a very clear position which commands a substantial amount I'm going support and that is to look again at the whole Blix equation and to the case for remaining Yes Well I mean. That part of our But you know quite apart from that we are stand for the same things that we have always done so we stand for giving people the opportunity who want time to get on and make the bass to the talents that are given so you know that government should not be interfering in people's lives unless there's an absolute need for it that we shouldn't just be taking money for the sake of it but that's at the same time people should be given the opportunity through good quality health education Karim policing services whatever else to you know to do to have a meaningful Paracel freedom because I was a liberal what matters to me more than anything else is freedom of the individual nobody should be able to stop me from doing anything unless I'm harming somebody else but that is only meaningful if you have a good education allows you to develop your talents you're never going to be for the if you have to sit you know in front room because you're scared to go you're doing as get back to Joe's for instance his E.M.P. For is to Dumbarton shout What does she know or care about Northern Ireland. Well you may actually have to I ask Julie that harsh self I mean the I think everybody in the waste of Scotland knows quite a lot about Northern Ireland the links of the of his study I can tell you this though just once and has been through the same mill that I myself have been through inevitably in Scotland has been through since 2014 in the independence referendum and we value of both of just a bit of a thing else the continuation of those places some highly successful union that we have hand in the United. Good Kingdom and you know we've always understood Unlike conservatives I think that union can be broken from a need constituent part the way in which the conservatives have played fast and loose with a continuation of that union spatially through the Good Friday agreement that has been so important in bringing stability to the Northern Irish pop to that union is the thing sort of scandalous they're going to be forgiven for doing is a bit of a shame that your leadership election has been overshadowed by the Tories. No actually I don't I think what you've seen here is you've had a good a sensible measured but still passionate to be between 2 liberal Democrats both of whom have experience as government ministers. You know going about their business and are committed and passionate we but still in a way that you know reflects well on the party you contrast that with what you've seen in the Conservative Party you know Jeremy Hunt himself use the expression psychodrama my goodness you know it's been our sacred drama that if you had written a work of fiction everybody will say it was exaggerated us or Carmichael northern spokes person thank you very much indeed for this thing to Good Morning Elster with know and can the news headlines today a 30 year old man is critically ill in hospital after he was shot last night and west Belfast the results of the conservative leadership election will be announced later this morning and prosecutors in the United States say the footballer Christian over NALDO will not face charges in connection with an alleged rape and Last Vegas 10 years ago Jeffs in the hills where this morning good morning has that gridlock of geese gone away they are there sitting out on the lake just just eyeing me up just making sure that I get this weather absolutely spot on yesterday we had at. What was dead the 26.5 killer. And today we could well go to similar heights I think the focus of the hate is going to be a western counties 2526 degrees a little fresh further east but it is going to be a lovely day everywhere the early cloud already building back there is still a bit of a breeze shaking the trees this morning but it will ease back not as windy as it was yesterday it is going to be another really really lovely day today on B.B.C. 2 Northern Ireland farms look at more than a degree in a cup more than your course what do you it is a good degree at best way to the top I got the 1st could you think wasting your time there exists in our industry a set of social codes which are quite knowing and way off from still matters obviously there's nearly about me which I'll call the trick no matter how hard you work and makes me annoyed it tuns one thing of all what you put on my back I like the soft skills how to break into the late Monday night at 9 on B.B.C. 2 Northern Ireland now the convicted paedophile card beach was yesterday found guilty of making false allegations of murder and child sexual abuse against a string of public figures the 51 year old from Gloucester was found guilty of 12 counts of providing the course of justice and one of fraud the false information he gave police led to a $2000000.00 pound metropolitan police investigation which ended in no arrests or charges being made Martin Evans is the crime correspondent of The Telegraph He's been following the story and an extraordinary story this is Martin for anyone who hasn't been across that remind us of some of the claims that were made. Well call the insurance of policing a little cheer in terms of 12 cried sweeping the steps. Jimmy Savile the Savior was pretty peaceful nothing was done about that so 2 years later he went to the Metropolitan Police with an extraordinary list of. Claims to be raped tortured abused him even with this child murders a string that's quite close far. From where I did the former prime minister to. The secretary military chatting with a legend this extraordinary claims and date and several of these senior figures died before their names were cleared Yes limbering was still under investigation by the Metropolitan Police on the way. The state. Of the members of the list. Did. So why did he. Tell you. To say she was stressful. But it was really the individuals who were still alive which is why people with a lot formal. Because they were under suspicion for. These claims with best case. Props for actually lost. His job as a result of the publicity surrounding this patient. Died. So I got a call he's very angry and he has questions to for the Labor Party deputy leader Tom Watson explain not for us. Yes even more so than 30. 2 to the publicity of our mates to the claims that we bring. Tom Watson columns and 2012 extraordinary claims that was 2 years before we actually met called Beach. Beach July 24th the. Best in the warm. And encouraged to take allegations relates. To how we close the sale. With the pension that spurred the police. To investigate his. Motives. Explosively after. We started looking for a holocaust. Campaign. A final point to you Martin because that the line quality saga isn't as good as we might have hoped but clearly this case raises many questions about the nature of this police investigation that cost millions no charges and the headline in your newspaper today fantasist these lies should never have been believed why did the police fall for it. That's a really good question and one that I think they need to answer. I mean we've got to remember that this is older than the climates of the post you can stand for scandal where police forces textile to bring subtle to justice while he was still alive also there is a national policy. Amongst the police forces that most people leave. That was again something that goes to have to change that it's come about that essentially meant that the starting point for the investigations was to was to fundamentally believe the claim that people were making. The allegation is that the police sought evidence to support their claim Rob has been looking at the Giants that seem to suggest that weren't true. A player when the story one of the bench really. Stuck again investigation when there was a huge deal about the. Yes I mean it's a question that's called. Will be addressed yesterday but the question will be on the explain why they spent so much money and so much time with patients is teaching people to develop Mark Knopfler good to totally Thank you for that mark now the crime correspondent at the time it got pretty similar spur 7 we've been talking about the potentially record breaking weather week this in parts of the U.K. Any With temperatures set to reach 35 degrees above on Wednesday and Thursday some employers of course this means making changes to working practices to protect their product team Chambers is a managing director at Chambers farms a fruit farm in Kent which employs 1500 people he says his team did to be quicker in the heat at gathering the berries. We're going to pick. Today and then make sure that the picking going to fail come time. Come quick as they can from the failed because. Getting in later. Atan the bear is very important for giving them a quick shelf life quality or where they're definitely going forward sorry 2448 hours 3 would have likened to the end of the week you will be encouraged to likely today tomorrow well anyone caring for a pet is being advised to make sure they have sufficient water and shade to keep them safe and the heat but how do you ensure some of the bigger species are kept cool Jessica Courtney Jones is a zookeeper at London say we don't actively put some cream on them but the pigs are particularly good at doing it themselves so they have a lovely mug why we stick the hose and then and then the mud actually acts is some protection for them the lions and tigers they love blood I slowly also the Penguins we give them space ice lollies as well we put free tape in and secure free Cordie all for the primates make hats we all sort of label them in our faith so we make sure that every one else raises they make sure everybody gets an isolator that no one's missed out she lost me. I didn't hear a word after. One of the biggest issues for mere humans of course is how to get a good night's sleep is the author Sammy Margot take a warm shower before you go to bed by having a warm shower or bath before you go to bed it will cut your body into cooling down as you get out of the water more still rise yourself with cooled creen keep your moisturizer or aloe vera based off to sun in the fridge and apply this before you go to bed keep your curtains closed during the day so opening the windows may make the situation worse keep it curtains or blinds closed during the day so the room doesn't he tell we don't suffer so much in this part of the world I'm sure would be a good. Thing if I wanted to live in 37 degrees and going live in Sydney. 25 is already hard 23 perfect things are certainly holding up for Strictly Come Dancing it's got a new judge most seem of are saying. Is the elder sister of one of the show's professional dancers ot she's been announced as Dame Darcey Bussell replacement on the judging panel let's talk about a selfie with T.V. Critic Mike Ward and Emma Berlin more good morning to you both for being Morning Mike a bit of a surprise this is a bit of a surprise you know I was a kid the judges of the betting yesterday and with various odds against you know who's going to come in next I'm told was the favorite I'm not always the favorite when there's a vacancy you know I'm not terribly surprised that he didn't get the prize but yeah most of us have mentioned a toll so it's a very sort of it's come from the field as it were why not Tom wouldn't have been good I think he's a bit too much of a conflict myself that one of the things and what do you think I think the evidence on to be honest I think is that great is a Don but I just think he would really work as a judge I'm really quite pleased that they've got someone from outside all of the judges nobody knew who they were before they were cost that they are now household names no refuge bought the show so I think that's a good make is just this question of how is she going to be able to judge your own sister well go on what do you think I mean the point is not that she has been a judge previously on the German version of the show and has judged her sister there it seems successfully That's right but the show is very different in Germany so it's I mean it's a similar format but the way in which the nation interest is different it just is one of the many shows the hope on T.V. Whereas here it's front page news that is Greece nice to such a level so you can just imagine that if I see that adults off and she saves or she sends a home that's going to be talked about in a way that it would necessarily be me so I'm sure she is very professional and I'm sure she doesn't expect special treatment but I do you see problems down the line Mike what about you do you see conflict I see a pattern so yeah I think I think that you know obviously we have elements of parenthood with Bruno and Craig doing their various turns but I think you know I think we'll get past in all seriousness I think after a couple times it will just accept that she. She's honestly perhaps slightly over Hosley If anything your previous track record as a parent you go by but I just think it adds an extra twist and we just love talking about strictly and we love having sort of discussions like this is to you know has to be favoritism air is that being a big controversy there so this is just and I have another level another layer that we could not draw more but isn't there a danger that the show was becoming overshadowed by the personalities the dynamic of the judges the relationship perhaps of the judge and competitor downs or whether or not there's a relationship between the competitors that haven't left and Stacy Dooley last year that the shoe is becoming about much more than the down side when I think you cannot say oh I don't think I am of this that I was you that you could opt in and all of that to be honest I think you know either there's all out there if you want to get involved in the Gulf it or you can just say no and they do tend to keep all that stuff away from the actual you know interest in it you know what sort of calculus did the actual show itself to even address it say and I think it's possible that in the same as well let's go out a buy to 4 weeks and we did and we did the viewing figures rose as a result of. Yeah but he actually did all that well I know it felt like it did but it was about 2 weeks actually in the show's lifestyle then by the end people were gone it happened is the amount that we talk about it is incredible and the hype and the highs and lows but I think it's all part of it it's long since not been just a dog show and I think most people enjoy being part we differ along debates about the Argentinian tango or whatever do we whether that's big judgment should. We bother about. Are you hearing any word Mike as to who the celebrities might be this year if you names of people mentioned Andy Murray is top of the favorites despite the fact that obviously has even been announced because of course his mom was on it 5 years ago Vince Cable another one. He enjoys a bit from well yes absolutely critical time as well yeah absolutely. Teresa my last so. I want to end your time. On trains or if you if you want to play very very many names. Well not really actually usually by the status there's more names in the frame but these you know this goes well you maybe don't take this seriously but tons of people you think that they put up not so much I mean you can know the formula by now they'll be a sports person will be a breakfast T.V. But you know that you know how they put it together now you know it's a reason why does it so you know actually I think that my finger on the pulse say. Well you know what I'm a. Listen good to you both as always my goodness that's only what every July and we're talking about strictly of the run up to Christmas time to anyway might word and have a bit more there with their thoughts on the latest judge the sister see what we call a female magician in the desert. A sandwich how to billboards talk. Sign language what do you buy it is such a matter go read where you're asking that well I'm going to sell you if you just answer the question as a tomato all red eyes it's not I blushed it's all the salad dressing all those jokes would have been much for. If there had been laughter of carnage actually laugh. There were about a little per. Different strain canned laughter a real laughter and a high a bit after makes a joke even those jokes seem so much fun there is going to take sums of of those on the air as have us have less of a news or very idea of the virus Johnson is expected to be named the winner of the vote to succeed Theresa May as conservative leader and prime minister this morning around 160 dies and Tory Party members had to choose between Mr Johnson and his rival the foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt a 30 year old man's critically ill in hospital after he was shot last night in West Belfast it happened on the Springfield Road just after half past 7 it's understood he was in a shop when he was shot twice plans for a 10000000 pines aquarium in the Titanic Quarter in Belfast have been unveiled the company behind the project to reef life plans to build the aquarium on the Queen's Road close to tectonic Belfast Labour's National Executive Committee will today consider proposals to speed up the party's process for dealing with complaints of anti Semitism the Shadow Cabinet has backed the plans which would see a panel set up with the part to expel members in the most extreme cases it's also called for independent oversight and some critics say the system would give too much par to allies of Jeremy Corben last night he told Labor M.P.'s the poison of anti Semitism had to be confronted researchers have find evidence of growing resistance to malaria drugs in Southeast Asia a study published in The Lancet infectious diseases shows the resistant spread rapidly from Cambodia into less Thailand and Vietnam half the patients monitored had not been cured by a 1st choice combination of 2 drugs the report's author Dr Robert Rowe a motto Orton's of what he calls the terrifying prospect of this resistance spreading to Africa when drugs are feeling you get complete treatments. Sure there are very few other option available we need to keep monitoring and see how the better safeties are reacting to that to make sure that we prevent that spread we catch these sites before it gets there because then they might be too late a stuntman has suffered serious head injuries while filming Fast and Furious 9 the Warner Brothers Studios in Hartford show an air ambulance was called to least in studios after he fell about 30 feet on set and that's all from me until it. Thank you for all of that Elaine southern has traffic and travel for us this morning just been hearing there was a shooting on the Springfield Road West Belfast last night as a result the road is closed this morning between Springfield drive and or more straight elsewhere in the city the traffic lights on the upper arms road at its junction with the Castle Hill Road still aren't working in terms of any rush hour delays is quiet on most of the minaret side there it is slow though on the West Bank towards the end say also on the Santa Fe road to wars to Karen's help park and ride those days on the San Pedro caused by road works in the area Grant has got support for us good morning to you good morning again Real Madrid Barcelona things are down and sissies not sure forward Gareth Bale any disrespect but he has reiterated the club are trying to move him on it's been reported to bale could be said for a 1000000 pound a week move to China but former England midfielder Paul Ince thinks that would be a mistake. I think isn't so much that I don't think the next me forgot should be about money of bound now needs to reinvent himself as a player you know we know what he's going to be saying what he's done that we think finals are not to forget the move for golf by a because I didn't join from Bonn sadly priced on mining about compacting to prime for a week in and week out Arsenal have agreed a deal with rail Madrid to sign spin under $21.00 midfielder Danny Siebel or so on a season long loan would be in addition to recruiting son Etienne's teenage defender William Saliba for a run to $27000000.00 pounds he'd return to the French club on loan next season Sheffield Wednesday have reported Newcastle United to the Premier League over their conduct in the appointment of Steve Bruce as their manager Bruce resigned on Wednesday boss last week following talks with the Magpies he was subsequently confirmed as Newcastle boss on a 3 year deal taking coaches Steve Agnew and Stephen Clements with him that he bird has been promoted to head of 1st team development at Manchester United he wasn't charge of the club's academy but will not work under manager or league owner Sol shine locally Colin manager or uncanny has said Jamie McGonagle proposed move to crusaders as dad and he says he doesn't expect the striker to leave the band siders ahead of the new season striker Andrew Walter Werth has scored more than once against fairways opposition in his Linfield career he's aiming to give the blues an advantage tonight to take back to Windsor Park for the 2nd leg of their Europa League qualifying time against aged between but accepts the away challenge is a difficult one for that very. Dark but all that operation across quite by a very personal. You know the fact of him getting on are already out of my heart healthy enough buying off and you know we can all make our back of it and he kept right. Football and make a don't only has emerged as the front runner for the dairy senior managers post after a game in Michael into Birger last week Dolly is currently boss of the counties under 20 footballers Bora-Bora drunken believes Ireland's cricketers can spring a surprise in the 4 day test against his former team England which starts tomorrow Lord's they don't have the full strength side here. But if ever got a good side. Like we can't take them lightly but I think it's important we go I've been trying to look what we've been doing well. But but we can see from there there will be ball by ball Test Match Special commentary tomorrow on B.B.C. Radio 5 Live Sports Extra also on the B.B.C. Sport website and in swimming Britain's Adam P.T. Has qualified fastest for this afternoon's semifinals of the 50 metres breaststroke at the World Championships and South Korea having set a new world record on his way to another gold in the 100 meters opening to break records again in the 50 and finally in boxing Carter's principal of the stadium as the front runner to host the rematch between Anthony Joshua and the Ruiz Jr According to promoter hearn that would be on the 14th of December with the 2nd option to return to New York's Madison Square Garden scheduled for the 29th of November thank you it is 736 What does the future hold for Harland and Wolff a company that built the Titanic and which once employed more than 35000 people in Belfast has been up for sale for some time but there are fresh concerns it may not survive our business and economics editor John Campbell is with us good morning to you John Waring times for the staff workers employed there what's happening. This business has been up for C.L. Since the end of last year and that's really been a part of an effort by its Norwegian parent company to try and reduce They are huge debt burden that's a company which was known as federal synergy as since changed in the. 2 dolphin drilling and actually fact they went bust at the end of last month and is involved a big restructuring So that's one thing that doesn't help and then secondly in terms of the sales process itself there was one better he was very keen I understood that we ended up having exclusive discussions between Harlan Wolf and that's better but for whatever reason in the last few days last couple of weeks that interest has cooled annoyer in a position where effectively the shipyards have and trying to restart the sales process to try and find an alternative buyer but time is very very short because the company itself is under them a great deal of financial pressure its parent company is also under a great deal of financial pressure so what the unions are saying is listen if a dale is not dumb within a matter of days then the future looks very bleak for this business is the company no longer viable Well all we have really to go on are their last set of accounts and they just took up up to the end of 20162016 really their turn over collapsed and in 2015 the business turned over nearly 67000000 2016 it only turned over it 1000000 it had a pretax loss of almost 6000000 points so there are things going on within the Amarin services industry particularly around all regs which saw a big fall and there turnover so clearly they've had difficulties as this whole sector has a difficulties as their parent companies are difficulty so in that regard we on the evidence that we have that that's published there are in a tough position at the moment but you know they would say that they have special skills there and they have developed a business in terms of renewable energy and with wind turbines which could still be viable so long as they have the financing to get them through a very difficult patch the timing is very interesting given of course the situation developing in Iran talk of the Royal Navy building. More ships and those orders being spread around the U.K. If they get hung on the belt longer you might think there could potentially be a work I think yeah this is the big hope of the unions and also I think the wider shipbuilding sector in the U.K. So there is a project called the type $3831.00 which I am really there so which is source to be built in the U.K. In Harlem Wolf is part of 2 consortium here betting flatwork Although actually the procurement process for that has run into a bit of trouble so even if they got that work it would be some years away the Defense Secretary Penny mordant has also talked about the need to build more ships in the U.K. She gave a big hint that some support fake vessels were going to be built in the U.K. But that work is is not imminent you know there's a procurement process to go through so really what the unions are are saying is listen if the U.K. Government is serious about wanting more naval ship building in the U.K. They're going to have to at least support these industries until not work starts coming on stream and the unions are also point to a situation developing in Scotland where and in the midst of a quite complicated story it looks like the Scottish government is going to be a lot at least temporarily shipyard on the Clyde has there been any political reaction and support John that will help at least give a error to the concerns of the people there and they are the politicians have been meeting the the yard and the unions in recent days am more familiar from sinfulness been involved as has as Governor Wilson from the day you pay the political parties though at the moment are not really speaking publicly about this I think they're trying to support the situation behind the scenes as best they can and they're allowing the union to make the running at the moment but you know the union I've been clear on this that. Realistically something needs to happen this week whether it's government intervention whether it's a daily whether it's from the company's creditors because if something doesn't happen they're saying that this business could basically be finished by the end of the month you mentioned the exclusive better Was there anybody else in the frame where those talks well the company are saying that they are still talking to potential bidders and but we I don't know who they are and nor protect or what their potential interest is in the business where they won't part or what exactly are the terms of any day but clearly things are reaching a critical stage and John good to talk to you thank you for that we will be joined by members of the T.M.B. Union and Unite union here live in the program after 8 o'clock 742 there's been a spike in the number of female prisoners at Hyde bank would prison with a population of 84 this month the highest number a record over the last 5 years Dr Julian McNall a criminologist at Queens University has spent time in Hyde Bank as part of her research Jillian very good morning to you thanks for joining us you say that the prisoners being used as a remand center for marginalised and vulnerable woman but they are women who have committed crimes. Well yes. At the moment the banks 58 percent of the women that we are standing in prison annually are women who are reminded because they have never last year 69.2 percent of those women were sent the last 6 months and 29 percent but that is over the last 3 months which is really an executive off the mark of severity of their crime what kind of crimes are we talking about. well my research fire ants about women were baying m. Present whenever it they wear are in crisis relating to their mental health issues relating to a suicide attempts relating to alcohol use aand to homelessness so often it's not necessarily to day with the severity of her crime but today with their marginality a on their vulnerability on the ace of a prison as a place of safety for weapon well you say a the judges some time see custody as a safe option i and in many cases that might be so do yet yet the asked i mean that was certainly a one of the features of my research that's many vulnerable women were being has the on till psychiatric assessment to could be could take place until mental health butts could be found or until social care processus be put in place and another big issue a is the lock of gender specific hostile accommodation so high proportion of these women will be a home list as well oversight stable accommodation and we have a rail pulse it a all the that space for it women in the community on this against a background with a just a secretary has been calling for the scrapping of jail sentences under 6 month straight sion so that would mean that the vast majority of these women who are and hide banged would not be sent that yes absolutely absolutely i mayn't 69.2 percent of the women are end for the laughed and sex month on we know that it's a rent 30 percent of women wear and force fast it was the highest proportion of offences i'm not main for May that we need to ask questions about women being in prison for survival crime we need to wonder water see as come all a sterritt a gene of our yeah yeah you you would say i said to seth does not always survival a crime That is not always by Will crime that stray but whenever we are committed the resources stripped away. Our time women have to survive one of the women I spoke to was in prison for stealing food you know. Her range of and when I think doctors and women's lives and it's also thought not by you and by many others that putting women in prison for the short term is actually counterproductive and more damaging in the long term up to lately I mean aside from the fact that the short term says really to lack Africa say they have this structure of impact on women's lives and on their children's lives we know that separation from a parent in prison is one of the top 10 childhood experiences that child can experience and yet we're separating women from their children for that very low level and it's later Dr Gillian McNall criminologist from Queens University thank you very much indeed thank you very much for joining us the time here on Good Morning Ulster 746 the news headlines today Boris Johnson is expected to be named the winner of the vote to succeed to resume a as conservative leader and prime minister this morning a 30 year old man is critically ill in hospital after he was shot last night and west Belfast and plans for a 10000000 pound aquarium in the Titanic Quarter and Belfast have been unveiled the lanes of traffic and travel job by spring snow on the last leg with keys from road and straight right the way through each of the. 3 Not too bad elsewhere though just some delay still on the road towards the carousel park and ride those delays caused by road works in the area and the spring for the road in West Belfast is closed between Franklin drive R M R Street that's my place coyote and investigation. Which is good business for us good morning to morning and picking up on the theme about the next PM Obviously to resume a successor will be announced later this morning after a number of weeks of campaigning by Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt the successful candidate will move into Number 10 tomorrow and his next few months will be dominated by Breck's it with U.K. Due to depart from the E.U. On October 31st and I'm exploring this morning what this means for business earlier we heard from the director of the C.B.I. Onto imma go and buy the prospect of no deal and the impact it is having on business and investment and with me now is Chris Morrow head of policy at Northern Ireland's Chamber of Commerce Good morning Chris I want to all this on certain day what does it mean for business for your members yes you've said the word on certain day the new prime minister is coming in at a time where there is huge on certainty on transition because of less our economy is in a fragile state that. The businesses and people in general are tired and frustrated Unless was really dined at the 3 reasons levered the 1st one is over 3 years of constant Brax of drama our futures no clearer today than it was wakes even months ago backs up the 2nd reason it's also dominated the whole agenda for the last 3 years on a lot of issues that the mastic issues that have been put behind them are going touched on by domestic issues so what are the domestic issues that have essentially been forgotten about it all our members are continuously telling us that Scholes is a big issue on a lot so the volved issue of our department for the economy but there's also an element of U.K. Control there in terms of aggression policy our arms by temper sounds at the moment are telling us are really struggling to get out workers from within the E.U. Got a critical to their business so there's an opportunity there for the new prime minister to shape the future immigration policy is there a lack of understanding from London avoid high business operates here in Northern Ireland and the unique challenges the. We may feel is certainly increased over over the last while with Brax it. So yes it's increasing but of course the 1st thing that the new prime minister and the tame one half the day as pheasant Northern Ireland that a new capacity on meet with our members and there are more than willing days so to talk about the least. And you'll be making these representation is to whomever enters Number 10 Yes no absolutely there's a lot of stuff there I suppose our message is just that the new prime minister untainted then Jack confidence back in the business and I could be anything from costs controlling costs making sure there's no more regulations for a while over the last 5 years more firms we've had with the national level where one room and making tax stage or an apprenticeship levy which doesn't really work in England never mind of the South but actually here in Northern Ireland so anything that they can do to instil out up confidence back and help or firms be would be more productive are your members making plans for a new deal BRACKS It's Or are they still waiting to see how things pan out I suppose some will see the potential business opportunities from all of this they're certainly accelerating their plans at the moment I think back at the start there's a lot of uncertainty and firms that not know what the plan for at the moment around 60 percent of our members would be doing some sort of planning they would like more advice some of it's hard to plan at the pounds on the size of business some big businesses are in a better position to do a lot planning than what smaller companies would be as well so yes or as a lot even with the delay until October a certain amount farms are still planning some of maybe paused for a little while but yes that's it is high on their agenda that has to be there's not a choice is there an opportunity for a further delay or are you finding members just want to know we just want something to happen at the moment the lazer just been extremely frustrating what they want. Early for a prime minister that the comments today that and the kids that they are pro-business . The best way for them to look at that they're pro-business is to look at the whole tone of the current modell of time going over be committed to the find they will OK Chris Morrow head of policy at North not a team of Commerce thanks for coming into the studio this morning so we've heard from both Chris and Angela's this morning and saying that Breck city yes huge issue hanging over business here but there are also domestic issues in Northern Ireland such as surety and you know confidence consumer confidence on just the general pretty you know productivity levels that we are seeing and that these issues have sort of fall into the wayside a bit because of banks and so there's there's quite a bit going on attributing factors when you combine that with the the lack of devolved government it's almost like the perfect storm for business really not a fan base that they know thank you very much Richard taking the time night to exactly 8 minutes take time for our thoughts for the day and this morning that was brought to us by Reverend Norman Hamilton a few weeks ago a 24 page brochure dropped throughout her books offering easy solutions to everyday problems we encounter at home and in the garden one example was a type of netting to keep the neighbors from seeing what you were doing in your backyard all very useful I'm sure if only life itself had simple and easy solutions for many of us today will bring some new challenges or an ongoing battle with existing ones there are no easy fixes for worry or fear or debt or loneliness or failing health nor for unexpected and on WANT TO defense such as a car accident or a fall at home or the children taking a. Speaking personally I have had to face some unexpected challenges in the past month or 2. Some have been very welcome and have energized me quite a lot others however have been more troubling and troublesome and some are still around you may or may not be skeptical but helping prove the 5th from this of God in many circumstances over the years I have find that what life has brought to me in recent times has actually strengthened my confidence in God rather than we can that or cause me to die to a sentence in one of the books of the Old Testament has been and still is a personal point it says this the one army besieged me my heart will not fear the war break out against me even then I will be confident of course I still need to figure out as best I can hide to react to any set of circumstances how to deal with the unexpected but having confidence in God's working in every set of circumstances is such an encouragement and help life is not easy for anyone a Christian friend sent me an e-mail recently or by tis own very difficult circumstances and it he said and I quote I am thrilled and emotional he is proving the 5th fullness of God in a very adverse season of life but he knows very well that he can be confident in God's purposes into the future I hope you town to. Good morning Bevan Norman how much never is today's thought for the day right there's a new campaign underway car go on since the start. Of the millennial is are eating far fewer spuds than the general population is a drop of a 3rd between between the 2 and I do think that if they don't like boiling Well that's why it's got something to really like feel in the let's be honest about it but one of the one of the bodies responsible for promoting food in the Republic is trying to make a humble spud coon with a millennialist to try and build sales that ask him to do things like post pictures of potato dinners on social media Oh my goodness Ed Henry said his of Ardmore advertising Ashton Pickett is a dietitian and a spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association Good morning to you both morning Ashley why do you think people are eating fewer spuds I think the last few decades and you know the buy it in different cuisines and I'm more to right. And we have got this section at the station this being quite old fashioned and we're more focused and continue to share but actually I think this campaign is really important for reminding people of the film many benefits that the caps are for. Your never does a man how do you get the millennial to switch from clean walk to the spud. Well I think actually. They talk about trying to be cool it's probably more about looking at the annual kind of how that surrender as was mentioned health and convenience and sort of lifestyle with the rising vagueness and sustainability environment they care about where things are coming from and stuff like that so if you can if you can actually sort of concentrate on that rather than just making them cool piles which is will probably you know that will move the needle and who buys potatoes Yeah well if this is bored B. I think it is if they're just asking millennial to post pictures of their sperm donors that's very much a superficial thing then yeah I mean it. It's funny actually if you go back to the mid ninety's the avocado the humble avocado have the same problem they are teachings the name of Bob proud of it previously it was called the alligator pair. And they changed it to the avocado and then what they did was actually in the mid ninety's a big Super Bowl campaign with T.V. And press our reach and all our kind of starts showing the application of the food the variety in the ways you could use it stuff like that and that was the tipping point for the humble avocado So it seems that media is one place but actually there's there's there's other there's other ways to do it smushed alligator pear just doesn't have regular. Business as a kind of a move away from carbohydrates you're saying that they can be the healthy option even talk about a coach potato we think of potatoes we think chips and sort of unhealthy connotations one of the benefits of a potato I mean yeah you're right relieving and I don't think the where and where we've become so aware about how important it is not important it is not eat too many cattle Heidrick that we've I think again when I have hydration but actually they have a really really important growth to pay in the right amount. And and although we have negative connotation so many benefits that are so rich because see. Right there and I don't see Congress actually benefit some of the mega connotation crap around have high priced and more about the question size of the code the actual carbohydrate that just reading a couple lines of There is such added says that Kim was associated with a hipster a new and modern I wrapped was cheeky young and fresh but the spud Drew connotations of older farmer and GA. It's got a way to go. It goes but about actually I mean what what what exactly quite clever that you know they're tough to reach but actually they are the fly their behaviors on Sesame. So it might not necessarily be the place to start to start a campaign but it's certainly a place that can I buy you know the versatility of the food and stuff like that so if it you know if they go my ass 1st illegals through this route it's the broad reach channels as we like to call them but that's probably the way to go thank you Ed Henderson Ashley in Pigott tell us how you would save the spud Texas at 1771 check tweet us at B.B.C. G.M.U. Text charge of course at your usual what is it about the spud the Excite idea he'd say and Jeff NASCAR is not about this morning he was about that right there Jeff the weather is really rather lovely of a chance come away from a lake just to find a better signal in order to be able to talk to you but it's a beautiful day certainly the cloud cover is starting to lift we've seen plenty of blue skies in the dog walkers are all out in their shorts today eventually will see top temperatures inland 2526 degrees a little bit fresher further east with daytime highs of 20 Want to 23 but with lighter winds than yesterday it's going to be a lovely day the only fly in the ointment is that there is the chance some thunder showers but the good news is mostly that's going to come overnight into the wee small hours of tomorrow morning. On Monday 229523041 media. B.B.C. Radio once. It's 8 o'clock on Tuesday the 23rd of July you're listening to good morning our story nor Thompson and can Paterson Good morning our top story the new Tory leader will be announced this morning with Boris Johnson expected to win the ballots and would normally expect it to happen you know in the dead of night or something not have 7 I want to schedule the voting parents and families everything else so yeah charging a man is in a critical condition after a shooting in mass Belfast yesterday evening also. Do you think it would make you funnier scientists say even Dad jokes are more likely to get a laugh if you hear that we've got a few of them for you. To the sport of I want. Yes the sports headlines Linfield striker own drew water worth targeting goals against the beach or shovel in the Europa League and bowler Boyd rank and believes Ireland's cricketers are capable of spring a surprise against England at Lord's and we have money at the news desk this morning thanks John good morning the Conservative Party will confirm the winner of its leadership election later today the successful candidate will replace Theresa May as prime minister tomorrow and Northern Ireland promises to be a key issue for the new government our political editor Mark Devonport reports from London whoever becomes the new prime minister and Boris Johnson remains the overwhelming favorite delivering bricks it will be top of their To Do list but this is an extra kabillion linked with Northern Ireland that's because the backstop designed to ensure there is no hard border remains the most contentious part of the E.U. .

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