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The government hasn't got a grip on the shortage of Epi Pens according to an Oxford M.P. Oxford Western Abingdon Slater Moran has demanded action from health ministers softer like all parents raised concerns over a shortage of the pens which he used to treat severe allergic reactions the Liberal Democrat says is a serious concern for her constituents residents Morton contacted me through my constituency office very very worried because they have a child with an allergy when she told me that actually it was a lack of 10 locally that she was worried about that was so concerning that I decided to try and at least understand whether or not government was aware of the shortage and what they were doing about Genia Health Minister Steve Bryan M.P. Says summer supplies an able to meet 50 percent of the demands and the Department of Health is working very closely with manufacturers the regulator agency N.H.S. England and others to try to resolve the issues and improve the situation as quickly as possible President Trump has said Saudi Arabia staged the worst ever cover up after the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in that consulate in Istanbul Riyadh has blamed rage rogue agents for Mr death despite previously insisting he left the building on homes the U.S. Says it will revoke the visas of those suspected of the killing the Westgate sense that has brought more people into the center of Oxford That's according to the management team as the shopping hub marks its 1st anniversary this year has seen woman 36000000 visitors in the city center an improvement of around 3000000 on the able full it's also created more than 2000 full time jobs professor of marketing at the business school Adrian Palmer says the census focus on experience has helped to succeed locally shopping centers or to diving into those which is a feeling of those which are sinking those which are succeeding post they invested a lot in making a shopping experience something which people who want to do want to go and seek out those who have sunk and invested in those facilities so it doesn't surprise me that Oxford City Center may have a runway in winning. The general manager of the center Brendan handsome says that's in the face of a bad year for town and city centers across the U.K. I think it's had a positive impact retail in general nationally has had quite a tough year and most towns and cities are actually down on visitors we've had $19000000.00 in that 1st year that's about triple the amount that the old Westgate had. Budding actors are being invited to take up roles as extras in a World War 2 film being shot in did called Mockingbird film companies looking for people to play German soldiers in an adaptation of a true story about a prisoner of war but he's a bank says people from Oxford could end up on the big screen all over the well looking for selection of extras on the 12th and 13th of November to come along to decode who in the background of certain scenes were making essential action scenes from the film takes place was well poised to make the studio certainly got the funding to make the full feature length production and David remember last week we were talking about that giant U.S. Lotto jackpot $13000000001600000000.00 for this one person is reported to have won it for one and a quarter 1000000000 pounds the Mega Millions draw to place last night lottery officials in South Carolina say the winning ticket was sold in that state in a potentially defies olds of 300000000 to one that is less than the likelihood of being killed by a shark but it's a cleaner and she's going to carry on working I hope so it is 4 minutes past 8 now let's see how those right selecting our I was going on I guess overall the A 34 SAS upon us looking busier from Junction miles of the M 40 down toward west along the green and into Henley expect delays this morning through the Tempe traffic lights down along the Reading road thanks Ellen Ross heat and has this morning sports headlines White's wonder strike gives the use a point the oxygen I see you again next equalizer in the one all draw at Charlton to make it 4 games unbeaten. Through to the 1st round of the F.A. Cup and a time away tram Mirai this after a thumping 5 still win at Cole price farm and oxygen is weather for today dried with periods of sunshine and just a little bit of cloud temperatures a little above normal as well highs of 14 Celsius that's 57 foreign Heights B.B.C. Radio Oxford news it's 5 minutes past David spring this break. If you wanted $1600000000.00 But yeah if you won that much money that would buy you $2.00 and a half 1000 trips to space $7700000.00 gold bars or you could buy 228495000 shares and watch the money great and I think I'd buy the gold bars and just build my house out of them like the tooth fairy does your teeth I was like asking this question big lottery with $1600000000.00. The very 1st thing you buy. I would buy 1st thing outright my house my parents house and my sister's house yeah I buy some new shoes do you know the shoes are terrible and they are terrible. I bought new shoes. I mean really nice shoes like the old ones oh I've been looking for me bargain of course only. Has 6 minutes past all happy birthday by the way you know someone give the pianist a kick that. Guy's. I was one of the studio pianist you get one yeah some of the corner not this one though not a play a little bit like Les Dawson used to play. Happy birthday the West Sentinel one year old you were there the intro knew by what I watch the sun come up about strange little tower thing what is packed last hour for no one knows still no one knows what it was there for Amy Johnson is at the Westgate center this morning to discover what impact the shopping center has made in Oxford and whether we love or hate the place morning DAVID Yes a very happy that day to the Westgate Shopping Center My It's quite the sense of shopping for people here in Oxford but what do you make of it while this morning I'll be heading off insulators a different pace and city center call Market Street the high street because I want to know what you think about the West and the impact it's having on the state of Texas shopping Thank you I mean the shopping center which is quite the center. More of that coming up plus Oxford United celebrating their anniversary this weekend 125 years old with a new shirt that will cost you a few could well tell you why adults for City meanwhile are reaching the 1st proper out of the F.A. Cup for the 2nd straight season we'll speak to the City captain after a 30 stay with me on B.B.C. Radio. A day goes by here where white are talking about the housing crisis it is per day one of the top 3 issues that we face here in Oxford chair we don't seem to be getting any closer to solving the problem which is caused of course stating the obvious but of other people want to live in this lovely part of the world you will log I certainly do friends relatives maybe your own children or grandchildren desperate to either get on or up the property ladder up the Smalling I can reveal that there are 300 homes in Oxford that are currently empty and 78 of these have been sitting empty for more than 2 years in right is an environmental health manager talks for city council he told me why so many homes sitting empty private properties you know they'd be end of uninhabited for number reasons some it could be that you know now Dili homeowner may move into care and then leave the property or property use bequeaths by relatives and then there's not the might be a dispute over who owns the property. Might be a 2nd home that some on bank gets elderly and just leaves and you know property may also fall into disrepair. And again you know it's too expensive for some months of sorts how many are approach it's quite straightforward initially we try and engage with the but the people you know we send them lectures everyone who's got a property that's been vacant for over 6 months receives a letter every year then move into encouragement stay. Trying to find sources of income you know we offer empty homes loans for those people who are. Got an empty property which is in disrepair and then finally we move into the enforcement stage where we know we Count Feri and for some action to try and force somebody to put their home back into use a speck talks or a stamp a Annalisa dog's morning on a lease is this right the 70 homes should be sitting empty if you want a property you need you know want to do anything with it that's your prerogative as Good Morning Well I think the problem is that if homes are sitting empty obviously their homes that could be used by people in a very severe high thing made I mean I think we do need to be however quite fun going up by the numbers here the numbers I've been going dying of empty homes so they used to be over 900 of them as I understand it 10 years ago that's trying to she said by 300 I had to figure 262 on Fortunately for example the number of people on the waiting list for a country property is much much much much higher than not so we really need to get a quick unless we need to have national legislation change so that cancels cannot more quickly file if you need to do a compulsory purchase but on its own it's not going to sort out our highs in crisis but it's part of the problem is now what should the legislation say that Elisa that if you are a property and it's empty for a certain period of time that you're in trouble and how long is too long. Well I think one of the big problems that has occurred historically is that it's quite difficult if there's a situation where. It looks like it's really not going to be brought back into the pair unless there's intervention so a case when you know the case was gone through all of the encouragement and you know trying to trying to get the sort of that need not go anywhere then they can move to force called a compulsory purchase but getting to the stage of doing not and then carrying out a compulsory purchase is still really quite difficult takes many months it's a big job and I legal process and actually I think you know if I cancel hides try to engage somebody repeatedly not done anything like all the neighbors complaining that by the state I realise or as well as NOT have not hiding there for local people and actually should be easier for councils to take over that property thank you very much on a later Oxford a stamp is Professor Paul Cheshire from the London School of Economics morning Paul it's kind of the if if you own a property kimono But if you are a problem today it's up to you what do you do with it in what is a Christian is up to him and this is just the way the situation is I mean the problem use of this housing crisis knocks and certainly is on affordable places in Britain but there is just no houses being built in Oxford last. 130 houses new houses were built that one as many as were built in towns they've got ample back 10th as many as were built and don't consider if you don't build houses that's the problem of the housing market and the empty homes are there because people as the man from the Council are saying people move house oh people die you have to fix it up so they're always in to this of course it's a waste if they're empty it's a waste of houses could possibly be lifted many of them of course need to be fixed are up but the process of something tells you that just naturally there is going to be empty homes question is what causes this happen. Have effective forces to reduce number. And the real problem is the system is the more restrictive it is the more difficult it is to adapt the housing stock to build houses where people. Take longer looking for houses and end up with that being more empty. So it's quite complicated problem and simple fixes say you must occupy this will not in any way solve the problem the probably make it worse because the farmers in stock will become even more inflexible relative to the sort of people looking in your side it just comes back to build a more homes again that we should be focusing on empty homes as not really Times are a symptom of the problem they're not a cause a problem you know somebody said the street under the houses in Oxford you know you're only building $130.00 houses a year not since so you have a terrible housing crisis but it's a crisis of supply just not enough houses being built in oxygen oxygen in the south east of England in London where I live thank you very much Professor Paul Cheshire from the Law School of Economics thank you for joining us coming up in the next 15 minutes there's a warning that our borders might not be ready in time for Dale the National Audit Office says this morning there's too much to do they've got to try and start build systems so on and so forth here's Rebecca Sheena She says the government's making some progress but it's not enough when we say there is a risk that organized crime could exploit any weaknesses in the border what we mean is it might be for them to potentially smuggle goods into the country or trafficked people how leaky well our borders be if there's no deal more of that coming up in the next 15 minutes. B.C. BRADY Oh walks it you know it's telling ses I trowe traffic control said here's our riot. Well main roads generally coping well for this of a Wednesday morning good study once again only a 34 leaving the M 40 a junction line travelling down towards West alone with a 40 a little busier. From engine down as far as casting them but it is looking via busy all the Orcs of Ringworld just between the wall got round about traffic lights. Along. Into the city center getting busier along March lane in the long heavily way through the access to having them works if you're travelling towards the John Radcliffe hospital this morning looking for busy along that stretch Thankfully the rest of the Ringworld not looking too bad Clarke was a block wise on the eastern bypass So the bypass the bypass the A 34 southbound further south looking a bit busier through March a lot as far as Milton illusional busy traffic heading in towards did cut Milton park Meanwhile in the family expect delays through the temporary traffic lights on the A $4155.00 that's a reading rolled that leave the junction of station rolled through Thames Water Works on top of the 20 lines block congestion pretty much back to the hops the road junction will be better news of the temporary traffic lights phasing has been somewhat out on their butts the 405 core Bridge Road So things looking a little bit better in the road with all the leaves around about although do expect delays live from the oxygen traffic control center calling in with your travel. shopping habits changed Coming up 810-9170 or. The story here on the email this morning crows using their brains to do. This story is like a scam you know like the any only the robot story. Animals doing clever things really one day the crows will take over the world are like crows slightly intimidating now what you mean I'm intimidated by my part as well I was story says the crows are very very go to D.I.Y. This is. Why I don't hunting peaches says research from Dr or gust from Byron from Oxford University. Institute in Germany which sounds are something out of a ball movie but the headline is crows use their brains to put together D.I.Y. Toles here's the thing if you can fire may. Put up a shelf but I'm interested in the story. So how did you lift the shelf with its 3rd way behind the not going to what David finally across the can sort out my daughter toilet flush you want the moon on a stick and yes I do the weather in a word today. The radio. Now it's good to see you this year for Children In Need I'm hosting a magic old son task to go out static kill is that even a word doesn't matter it's going to be zapped good because I host a fabulous night of Cornerstone Art Center on Sunday the 17th of November yes remember the date write it down Saturday the 17th expect to be entertained and amazed by an eclectic mix of incredible local comedians big name surprises and a big yellow Bad Santa Pudsey. Exactly cats date night sounds good see tickets are available vis Friday from the cornerstones box office there is not much safer. David St Francis. Stories this is B.B.C. Radio. B.B.C. Radio 8 a team right now. So Wednesday what's going on there 18 days until Armistice Day I'll be a to remember this and Giles laying out poppy of pride which is coming but a nicely thank you feel like to write on one of our petals pop into our reception here. Or a reception counter. Got a little shot from a couple of sites by here in North Oxford 12 days until the midterm elections in the United States big deal this of course and 9 days until Bohemian Rhapsody is released there was a premiere last night mixed reviews but if you're quoting. Long This fill back and a bio pic thing where you think all this actually happened yeah I know. The last story of Freddie Mercury of course sleep and obsession for all of us here working and getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning as we do this morning the latest thing is to buy yourself a course with a sleep consultant that sounds like money for old rope doesn't know well sleep if you don't sleep I don't think you'd see as money for old right know however these are people charging over a 1000 quid for a 6 week course and they're going to companies but you can hire these people private started in the states and like all things come here they don't have any specific medical training it's a bit like the life coaching thing and anyway these people will. Help you deal with if you can't get to sleep at night in the problems that you face going to be coming to your bank you'll likely find it creepy they sit by your bed in the region. It's not OK going to sit in that yes they going to sit at the end of your bed and shout Go back to sleep if you wake up. Not like to shout at you to put your phone down payphones do that with my kids they say that they're working with all sort of people because there's an epidemic they use medical and holistic treatments they work with a neurologist. Cooking classes yoga meditation sessions focused on preparing for good mice. No I think my always sleep better off drive down the meditation but at the end of you I got yes but it's not that I'm giving So it's really quite straightforward isn't it just put to get off the screens shouting out by radio right now if you've never experienced insomnia then you Daryn know how bad it can be true and I have but I just I think if you if you go to bed earlier that's one of the we just go to bed too late when it's also a lot of stress some people find it difficult to switch off from modern life it's not just getting into bed early My been lying awake for 7 hours I stand corrected thank you but I still in Perth. That's the point I'm trying to make You're absolutely right is it is a big problem but what about money. 21 what else is going on this one in the West is one happy birthday but has it been the success story that we were promised can believe it's been a year already with center and some other big stuff the hardest thing for you I mean is it to go to the shops this morning but you can war you got to get your plastic to work there you've been having a look around and chatting to people this morning I mean I have yes I am said Uncle Market Street you know waiting for the shops tripe and but they don't open for a little while which is probably a good thing the coal market you know I used to walk straight from when I was about 16 to about 20 and by this time of the morning it did used to be a lot busier you know there's a lot of shutters down shops that are just not open anymore so there is obviously a natural knock on effect of the Westgate but in terms of what the essay offers to Aussie I do think it's brought a really great new energy to so many fun things you can do. Like Brendan said earlier you've got the Gulf you've got a street for you to dine at the bottom there's so many cool restaurants and cartel boss and. To everyone so I do think the Westgate is a really exciting place to be and I mean change people about what they think about the West and the impact it's had one year on it's quite good I think the shops are quite expensive there in that although there is like Prime art for search there affordable to most people they think they could be more choice they could be seems quite high end shops they're in there at the moment which aren't affordable for most people maybe tourists more the people that she lives here and what about the sort of the top floor with all the restaurants and what you think of at night time and they're quite good on the top of the West case well with the view over there haven't been to many of them yet but this plant she's from science try them out and what do you think about the impact it is having on the rest of the city in the shopping here with that Uncle market what do you make of that side of things. It doesn't look very good a lot of shops are actually crazy in the North Sea going into the West say this quite of empty shops at the moment not very good for the West I guess is the maze more appealing place to come to because of the shopping. It is just a way everyone's in one place now instead of being spread out say the work it's often very busy which might put some people off. Yet to give a writing of 10 what would you give a 6 is NOT saying about the thank you very much a term as Amy Johnson That's harsh one thing is for sort of a certain more of us are heading into Oxford City Center in the past year there were more than 36000000 visitors up from 33000000 and a half the year before I want to really work Ellis numbers counting us every time we walk in and out the Wesco they're attracted $19000000.00 visitors in the 1st year around triple the numbers of us that to visit at the old place his retail expect he Slater who is with us on Day one joins me again this morning Keith a year down the line which he says been a success Good Morning Well good morning David yes there are a number of different measures of success I think it's been a success in terms of the fact that it has and. Const Oxford City Center enormously I think it's a very good shopping center it brought shops into Oxford the win that extols it increase the supply of shops which are great vacancies for the people and I think having this open aspect fresh air going through because during this whole summer has been great so if we're not going to you I think it's a tremendous asset to the city and they're doing a lot to encourage people into the city financially done I start to have a lot of questions how do you generate the extra traffic that would be needed to justify it is it producing more people coming into existence tention big enough numbers and are they spending enough money I took a wander around yesterday case and the numbers are up a bit because it was a tough time of course but I wanted in one of the big department stores. On the ground floor accounted maybe a half a dozen dozen people also a lot of square footage and now it's not a Saturday afternoon. Shift some some stock how many to make the place playing you've really got to get some serious football in through the door Absolutely and I think this is where I get a bit confused about the figures back in the late spring the City Council was saying that the citizens of had an extra 1200000 visitors book from I think something like 6.6 to 8.7.8. 5 The Congress use that report on the coverage Mark is that number that we're saying that the total for the year is only got by $1.00 so inclined to get an extra $100000.00 in the 2nd quarter and we need to do much much better than enough so the moment we're talking about 30 odd 1000000 people visiting Oxford City Center each year the Westgate only just forget about the rest of this isn't just assuming that he can do what he's doing now means every single one of those visitors has to spent 10 pounds in the Westgate centers make it work interesting numbers and in terms of because there are problems you think with expectations because whenever I talk about Westgate on this program people want to talk. About the roof or the fact that it's a bit chilly and when you talk about a shopping center people expect to go in through the front door and then be in this NG closed almost to my 60 sealed environment even to look at the Oracle or the hugely successful successful Westfield developments in London was that will do you think people were expecting because that's not what we've got is it with West I know an awful lot of the general public wrecks that you know I mean obviously people who knew what had been going on with all the revisions of the Westgate plans and seen various different manifestations of it and this Open idea I think probably 1st mooted in Liverpool one the big new shopping center in the middle of Liverpool the heart lots of open. To the sense of the law that the command and made it so you didn't feel like you're in closed book will. Become a popular thing with developers I'm not totally convinced either way I think it's great in the summer when you can get some fresh air through but I was in the new year and it was pretty cold and. So maybe that helps people going to the cafes but it wasn't great to be in shopping in a cold environment and I wonder this phrase to tell you retell is used well time that's how long we hang about in the shops I wonder if the coasts of the of the of that you know in a sealed environment you kena to get out get your shopping and get back into your car whereas if you're in the sealed environment you don't know where you are after a while you've but of sensory confusion going on and yeah I mean I think it depends on what people are used to David you know people shopping in Oxford are used to being out in the open apart from the current center and the old west gate which wasn't very very well used you know Oxford shoppers are used to being called markets or in Queen Street now out in the open so from that point of view maybe it's not so different from being in the rest of Oxford other people who are going to expect you know now it's enclosed with a controlled environment no they're not going to get very interesting thanks so much Kate's love to talk she has. Retail expert Kitty Slater do you love or hate to Westgate That's the question oh a tight 109100 subject about fun and often 9 this morning a house a few retail habits changed over the years when it comes to do in the weekly shop or a bit solve shopping $829.00 just a look at one of the National stores today were bricks and today they're worried that the U.K. Borders now might not be ready in time the National Audit Office saying they need longer to make the significant changes needed in the months ahead his A Rebecca Sheen and from the National Audit Office she says some high risk issues remain when we say there is a risk that organized crime could exploit any weaknesses in the border what we mean is it might be easier for them to potentially smuggle goods into the country or trafficked people in however what we also say in the report is the government recognizes that it needs to be alive to changing risks that the border and quickly responds to that and the great big fat irony of course is that this was all about our borders in the 1st place wasn't it among other things Ferrie and freight firms are being asked to plan will turn into routes for vital supplies his Tony Smith the former director general of the U.K. Border force because he we have is that we don't have a very clear defined blueprint so you know what the border is going to look like off the brakes it because of the uncertainty I mean we have got a very good border we've got you know very good systems and we've got a very good workforce so but the difficulty is the bandwidth that we have going to being invited to develop you know picking on customs and controlling goods arriving you know across the channel from from A and we don't currently require a customs declaration is almost good while the government meanwhile says no deal preparations have been underway for 2 years and that robust plans are in place in other words Keep Calm and Carry on it's a 30 B.B.C. Radio offer D.V.C. Brady A walks it saves a traveler your traffic control center his. Home. It's running steady once again but it will be $834.00 if you're traveling the SAS bar leaving the $48.00 junction line down towards West on the green. Steadied through leaving the M 4 junction 30 traveling up through Chilton to Milton right up as far as the Hill of the change busier this morning go in and around the heading from about coming up from the northern bypass. Just usual volume of traffic there are busier to through the access to having the morgues along marshland along Hedley way itself heavily this morning expect delays suitably traffic lights only a 4155 that's a reading rolled there just near the junction of station role that's what water works there in place of October 29th but looks pretty congested from the junction of the hops that rolled with Expect delays all the A 4 or 5 the curb redraw does to the thought about multiple traffic lights there for ongoing works on that side live from the traffic control center. 109. An Oxford home which has set for nearly 30 years is being brought back into use as 300 similar properties remain and lived in the city councils refer bushing the home it's urging owners of other empty properties in the city to help ease the housing crisis the National Audit Office has warned the border may not be ready in time for a potential new deal Breck's it they say challenges including staffing a new ID systems could impede cross border transactions for British business and say criminal gangs could take advantage of weaknesses the B.B.C. Has seen evidence that China has rapidly expanded a network of detention camps in the north west of the country to hold Muslims Beijing says the sites are voluntary training centers the government's needs a clear plan to deal with the shortage of Epi Pens according to an Oxford chair M.P. Abel. West and I. Around has demanded action from health ministers to local parents raise concerns with her about this lack of vital medicine used to treat allergic reactions and to babies with spinal bifida had surgery to repair their spinal cords while still in the womb in pioneering operations by doctors in London 30 surgeons were involved the conditions usually treated after birth but the pads the better health and ability when you see the B.B.C. Radio wants the school is for us. But they want to have it and if that would be about what we do for 5 cross-purpose will stocks United are still in the relegation zone in League One but they are another place in the table and 4 games unbeaten or 31 all draw away at Shelton athletic the home side went in front for my 1st half Taylor penalty with just under 20 minutes remaining the Northern Ireland international Gavin white levelled in spectacular fashion on a start the go to Gavin why drove it really hard to top that bank or that. God gave you why you have not so you know from an Oxford United player see good deeds one want to violate when they are just a better. You know as can opposing the but that could've been any one of us in the 2nd half of. You can see the goal for yourself B.B.C. South today on B.B.C. One tonight from 630 Meanwhile Oxford city sealed their place in the 1st round proper of the F.A. Cup in some style they Hemel Hempstead 5 nil in their replay call placed farm to set up in a way trip to League 2 So I try this is the City boss Mark Jones you can't really ask more than that can you I mean it was probably beyond our dreams that we would win 5 nailed it was nice to see them all going in 5 new you know for each of the 1st round of the F.A. Cup is a tremendous achievement for us I mean that we've done it in consecutive seasons now but I think the club has been to the 1st round proper on that many occasions in its history to do it in consecutive. I think it's a really good achievement from the boys Congratulations there will be speaking to the O.C. To find a job in the next few minutes in the southern lady to court how were beaten for 3 at home to back Hampstead well in the Champions League Paolo diploma scored the only goal as Manchester United were beaten one at home to your Ventus the former Manchester United midfielder Phil Neville says it's frustrating that Joe say merinos team are not as good as the leading sides in the competition there has to be an acceptance about where United are right at the moment we've seen we've seen $22.00 players on a pitch plus the 3 that came on preventers Rich different levels of quality ventures particularly in the probably 60 Minutes I thought was sensational the movement the positions that so called The control the composer be out in the game was to a different level neighbors Manchester City won 3 nil away at the Ukrainian side tracked down yet the loophole manager you can cop says Jordan Henderson and not be key to will miss their Champions League match against Red Star Belgrade tonight or so in the competition this evening told them our way at P.S.V. Eindhoven us 3 day full the B.B.C. Radio walks that. Dry with some sunshine and a little cloud around today temperatures just above normal highs of 14 Celsius that's $57.00 foreign Heights tonight will be dry with some players spells of 1st then cloud steadily increasing in the early hours lays down to 5 Celsius as a result tomorrow will be rather cloudy staying dry there and they should be some breaks in the cloud allowing for sunny intervals but feeling a little highs of 12 Celsius making ahead Friday and Saturday dry with sunny spells for the most part we could get some occasional showers and winds will draw in much colder air Sunday will be cold with further scattered showers but they'll still be fairly lengthy dry and sunny spells as well. Maybe see where they are suspect is quite pretty 3 minutes to go I love or hate the West let's talk shopping often and this morning on the changing face of retail after mine this morning I'll write a white 100 my 100. Trending. Something is making everybody feel. The 17 year old tweeted about blank cd's and how you use them saying maybe the generation said in May but people like to just get a blank CD and put songs on it which has just gone. People saying I feel bad for the generation before us the songs from radio to tape someone else saying I am literally 9000000 years old treating the streets so I was as I remember obsessive 3 tweaking a playlist an exactly finished feat 18 minutes onto a CD Rom a never feeling to anything more as someone else couldn't resist the opportunity say would wait for a full moon throw a blank CD into a giant bonfire and dance around it while counting the time the songs we wanted on it the final product would be sitting on top of the hour the flames went out our member one cds 1st came out and I said this is amazing technology music. Right Kate. And I thought. He was floored technology a note from my university days also if you happen to be quite unwell in the night your Whitney Houston CD will not play again. OK Good Times thank you very much for that anecdote you know the biggest change actually with all this tech is that going on a holiday when used to try and put music together I can bring you to take a guess I want to be fair in 1907 we took and get. All of these things at least away like 400 kilos more than all your entire luggage yet you basically have to sacrifice to see Casey get this listen to us here knowing how well they are 21 minutes tonight gives me things just like Julia you with stories. Is B.B.C. Radio Works. For us was reporting and he said not a football for Oxford's teams last night use satisfied with a one all draw chart not out the words yet but. A little bit better Meanwhile my eyes were drawn towards Oxford City overjoyed by their work last night the non-league side reached the 1st proper run of the F.A. Cup for the 2nd straight season and they did it really nice start to blur just about could just be another 5 minutes 5 or 6. When it was my job before it is very simple I want to 2nd on that I can't get past the key part they all through to play strong for the 1st round of the F.A. Cup proper so like a couple of people in the. Space serious though I was looking at the Oxford manner of the coverage of this and I thought well you wouldn't talk enough about Oxford City well it's not very well yeah I mean couple of 100 people there last night that is their last attendance for their home games nearly 6000 so it's going to be a massive part time players involved there who can be going back to their day jobs on Monday morning so it's a real romance story again for them 2nd year running and who's on the phone the roster ever got Yeah City defender Joe on the phone you part of the squad last year as well Joe you've been there a full time professional before but as we mentioned there are players in that city squad part time players you've got day jobs what a moment for them and in particular. Actually. It's on jobs now and. It's a massive chance Ruster in the station kind of life in the lake for men. Just trying to get around with. One in that time that's my next question Joe to 2 years in Iraq London buses you wait for an ox the citizenry sofar accountant and you've done it again tomorrow how you feeling about to the next match the trip to trauma where you ready have to. Play football in those big stadium what you want when you get an interface around you know you want. Culture and then. It's most counties on the 2nd round so we will enjoy it and I definitely will enjoy the coverage. Busy when it comes on the trunk and form and the result definitely You mention the coverage you will all live in the national newspapers last year real heroics the 1st time ever in in over a century in Oxford city's beacon football legal position in the competition still fresh in your memory. The pressure training. Busy for the football club as well as. People for the guy. That gives a football club a little bit more published. Things I thought it was by flies Let's get to enjoy it if. It works for the for the club as well as you mentioned you've all got others you know day jobs so most to hope for this how does that feel to you personally just to be right at the other end of the extremes of all these players on silly money hundreds of thousands of pounds a week a month or whatever it is and there you have to go off to work today. They're still talking about I also I so. What you said. You know we don't take 4 boys any less serious you know which I doubt we're trying hard to try to start but we can. Try to do things as professional as possible and that's why it's called B.S. Like go and so now we can look after ourselves as professionals and you know we're trying to everything right and I think that showed last like that approach we got you know that I'm a tough guy we recovered well and good enough conformists got for each of us around . All the best to talk to you thanks for getting up for us like you show us there from Oxford City can you imagine if Premier League players that hold down a job Ross Afia said Hurricane. Played really well on Wednesday night but you've got to get up get on the cheap and the more yeah big deal because of that their fans as well they don't often actually need a coach to actually go away they could go in their own cars normally but actually have other supporters go for it thank you very much love this rather rough stuff is what it's all about isn't it 16 minutes tonight. Radio walks that. Traffic Control Center. Well expect some delays all the Oxford ring road this morning Roma and blocked on the east to bypass 5 vehicle collision because if you're Cali it's just another Rising has to kill lamed traffic lights Thames Valley Police in attendance to lend a hand there but just minor you go along that stretch traffic quite slow squeezing past coming down from the head of the roundabout about 56 minutes travel time they're already elsewhere in the city's other busy time of Marsh Lane on the long Hedley way through the access to heading the marks elsewhere the 834 really quite steady once again leaving the M 40 a junction 9 traveling southbound toward west along the green North Bob leaving him for a job 230 and through those pinch points of chill to the mill to the March the A 415 is busier they'll be able to March a village to the 830 forward into Abingdon just a reminder in Whitley expects of delays only a full. 5 The Corbridge rolled a 20 leagues runabout to travel light on all sides there and also in a heavily expect delays through the temperature of the lights only a 4155 A to the reading rolled just near the junction of Station Road a very very slow that's for terms waterworks on the 21 of the boat live from New York City traffic control center calling travel. 109 drivel one B.B.C. Radio Oxford travel. 60 Minutes news headlines for surfing owners of empty homes in Oxford are being urged to help alleviate the city's housing crisis as one home in raise Hills brought back into use after 3 decades empty the B.B.C. Has seen evidence that China has rapidly expanded a network of detention camps in the north west of the country to hold Muslims Beijing it says the sites are voluntary vocational training centers and the government hasn't got a grip on the shortage of epi pens. According to Oxford M.P. . And today's big question on the phone in from 9 am is do you love or hate Westgate and how have your shopping habits changed Soweto I 100 my 101st birthday more of this coming up body guard which seems like forever ago. For Molly has become the most watched episode of any drama since records began on British television so this is people streaming it since. Well this is 17100000 of us watched us across the 28 days you write that the royal wedding is neat I guess I guess a lot of people you know about it on online are watching but it's just saying nobody has watched the same program and such and such the high numbers for food ever stop and credible. I think if you got to be like down in our city standards in 90. Days and good work to the table. Pressure that to come up with a rip. I would imagine. You have doubts what is coming next. Series which will be brilliant. Radio Oxford's. Taken to the battlefields on Tuesday evening join me Howard Benson mind. Center to find out how you can get involved. B.B.C. Radio Oxford's copy of pride join me now and then some lines of. Tuesday evening from. David St His greatest love. Story. Is B.B.C. Radio Works for. The west coast 1st birthday today since it should redevelopment it's been a year already flown by our reporter I mean Johnson has gone shopping this morning for the I want to you think of the new center and the impact that it's having Oxford's retail space to me Where are you right now exactly. Good morning David I am right at the bottom of the Market Street just between 7 and. Also right at the bottom lots of people heading off to what I'm going after the train station and it's actually really quite busy here in full market but if we compare it to you know it may be a year and a half ago there is a noticeable difference in terms of the shopping opportunities on this right a lot of them are closed down now because they will see move to the west gate but in times the West say I would say I have quite mixed reviews I pass me out so I love it from growing up here where we use have terrible terrible shopping I love what is what's the city there's so many things to do at night really quick he cut so I love it but a lot of people have so said about you know the lack of reef it's quite cold when you go shopping there in the wintertime and. Some people say it's quite expensive but I'd say on the whole people do love it there is of the mixed bag like anything but it is the vibrancy toss city so I've been sit here on call Market Street this morning check with people about what they make of the Westgate Mall when they're on the 1st day and it was arraigned this because there was certainly people there and just could move around so I came back and went back to work but so I've been going over there really and I think it's really Street is a nice place to go and it's spacious it's going to be a bit cold in the winter with the winds cutting across the open flaws but in the summer it's just really nice because the open reef is one of the main concerns that kind of comes out of reviewing the West Unix appoint one press known as Somerset learn to remember the old west Yes I do actually obviously this is an improvement so long was. A big big area in terms of you know it's going in exciting shops equal the restaurants in the top 3 but what about the impact is potentially having on the rest of the city with a town called market of seasonal quiete what you make of it is quality mainly because a lot of the shops have moved into the West but I think there's been a go to the Covered Market quite a bit and it's just being slowly destroyed by rents and it's a shame because I feel there's an alternative motive for actually maybe closing it down and building flats or something but yeah another couple. Slowly being destroyed the last 2 pushes recently. Vegetal school. And other places as well if you want to get the West a shopping center of writing out of 10 or to give it probably 8 very high like a compiler. The love for you hate Oh right 109100 how have your shopping habits changed I'll talk some more about this often on a Cup because the face of retail is changing. Before our eyes in ways that I don't really realize for some years to come a lot but will say my goodness things change there quite dramatically with home shopping and so on and so forth there we even mention that huge operator Amazon and the effect that they're having on our retail us all off tonight this morning I tell you 109100 now as almost this day approaches 110 of us are of the end of the 1st wall war I want to know who your be remembering on the 11th of the 11th B.B.C. Radio it is creating out of pride with all of your messages which I'll lay of the war memorial innocent Giles on that's a Sunday morning and so fewer than take it a while later to the battlefields of A.P.'s today Libya was in tame gathering some more of your office to stay memories B.B.C. Radio Oxford's Papias trying. I'm remembering my grandfather he was 1st World War 2 He lived in New Castle and we had very happy times discussing everything and all his memories just hold them forever with me from thoughts and love always to him I'm Linda from a brain on Remembrance Day Obbie remembering not so much work one but to my father. He was Canadian and he came in a fight for it so I will be remembering him I know I know and I'm a as we say I was fortunate that none of my family said to war and World War 2 anyway I don't know about one so I'll just remember all those who did so for many bikes from Belfast Northern Ireland. The rumor mill granda he was in the early part of the one of course. He shot down in some plane. Then London saw a light said the prisoner. Which German man said no you're my prison and the hell of a battle. With the guns eventually the German gave up said OK fair enough I can be your prisoner that evening but enough it when he took his flying to the phone pulling in some of his forensic people who hit him in the leg got his flying boots Lindisfarne jacket so I should be dead really saucy. I'm Jane and I live in a local village called sit in them and on the special day I'll remember my my post my parents but especially my father who said he was in the war so just remembering all the people who lost their lives through David's war abroad in Belfast my uncle James died just after the end of the 1st World War He was gassed in the centuries where exactly I don't know I'm so excited for I was at home but you know I don't know much about it but my mother said that her one of her brothers she had she was one of 8 children one of her brothers died in the 1st world war but nobody seems to know all of the details and like a lot of people I didn't never asked and you wish you had B.B.C. Radio Oxford's copy of trying gathering your memories and telling me yesterday if you'd like to add yours to that poppy pub and her reception and pick up one of the paddles Otherwise you can just e-mail your memory to us all for that B.B.C. Doco to U.K. And well I did for you Oxford at B.B.C. Doco to the U.K. When we started this project some months ago my 1st reaction was that I don't know any of my relatives or at least was aware of my relatives and how their own volved enter the 1st World War and I've since found out that I had 2 great grandfathers that we believe what it was volved and I've got various photographs and records I'm now trying to trace where they were or what their involvement was so that I can for that one of those petals as well and I mean Dudley lost if you've been. Told me the same thing that it's forced you to look into your ancestry which I think is really important or why these memories are gone before. It's 5 to 9 B.B.C. Radio phoning coming up after 9 just before the news 9 to 5 Remember that maybe Jane Fonda Dolly Parton Lily Tomlin about a group of female secretaries getting revenge on this sexist boss 40 years ago that was released and yet. Never more relevant than it is today so much so that it's being rereleased according to the papers this morning and Jane Fonda called believe that that's 40 years that's crazy Charlie Charlie states because I'm a Jane Fonda's been talking about this about how 9 to 5 with the me too movement and all the rest is still so very relevant in our lives today during the previous decade in the 70s I became friends with a woman whose day job was she'd been active in the antiwar and the Vietnam War movement and she was an organizer of women office workers and she would tell me you know every time I saw her these awful stories about what women office workers were going through and eventually I said I want to make a movie about this in North America. A lot of the women the people who work in offices are subcontracted. They're contract workers who work for another come they're hired by another car company that contracts them out so where do you go when when there's a problem you know of sexual harassment or wage theft or whatever one of the things I was reading a lot about your comments about the life you lead is you have extraordinary honesty for example plastic surgery and you've been broody open about that it's really open is just saying about plastic surgery yeah because how you can be useful to people if you don't tell the truth how do you reflect on that you know I'm I'm I grew up in the fifty's and I was judged according to how I look I'm not proud that I that I succumbed to having plastic surgery you know I wish I was braver but I'm not that brave very interesting time coming up with a mid to. Direct closely actively involved in politics yes as soon as I go back I will go to Michigan with to Rajeev P. Henson you know the cookie and empire and we're going to Michigan to motivate and inspire African-American people all around Michigan to vote I am so scared I can hardly breathe when I think about it this is the most important election in my lifetime and it's not even a presidential election what do you make then of some people's analysis of Mr Trump which is that the people who voted for him who like him most like him more now than they did before all the times he says the things that some people possibly you are offended by they actually rally round more you know a lot of people that are very very scared and very angry and they're hurting these are people in the middle of the country who used to have union jobs and for those people who are angry and scared you know I can understand that that appeals to them but they are definitely the mage minority so if we get a lot of people to vote than will win because they're the they're the minority Jane Fonda How do you think she is listening to TALK OF THEM when she's talked about Monta for 40 years ago do you think Jennifer interest. She's 81 years old and she sounds like a spring chicken doesn't she isn't it interesting now that age no longer you're not a defined by your age in so many different ways but she sounds articulate their I mean you know listening to an old lady talking they're listening to a 30 or 40 year old woman articulating her thoughts about that are amazing Jane for she looks great as well but a little bit of surgery but that's by the by just coming up tonight to talk Oh I tell I ate 109100 after the news on the fire engine love or hate why skate there let's talk shop action. Radio Oxford. Travel traffic control said. While expect some delays on the eastern bypass this morning on the Oxford ring road one lane blocked just to the rising it has killed lane traffic lights 5 vehicle collision along with Looks like the damage will be booked at Thames Valley police on the scene to lend a hand with or do expect some delays as you make your way around the Had a good run about to get on to the top of the rule at the east to bypass meanwhile into Arkansas he said expect delays a long March and Hedley way through the access to heading the marks us looking quite busy this morning particular traveling up towards the John Rutledge hospital already quite slow along there busy to coming into our Along the Westminster way this morning as well because we've been coming to hill to the bot the of the changes sheer volume of traffic thankfully a 30 for not doing too bad through the county leaving the 40 a junction line traveling southbound towards west I'm on the green and also leaving the M 4 a junction 30 once again it's good and steady right up through Chilton. Up as far as the Martin heel in the changes we need just a reminder about the temporary traffic lights on the A 495 a carburetor old just at the thought he leaves. Several sets of temporary traffic lights there causing problems and to be traffic lights in Hamley expect delays to be a 4155 the Redding road just to the junction of station rolled for Thames Water Works on top of 29. It's my field teacher traffic control center. Jon. Stewart. Says B.B.C. Radio. It's 9 o'clock with the B.B.C. News Fox. Owners of empty homes in Oxford are being urged to help alleviate the city's housing crisis is a 4 bedroom house in Rose Hill is brought back into the city council to 3300 times still remain empty in the city environmental health manager Ian Wright says the council puts a lot of effort into reaching of empty properties before resorting to stronger measures all approach initially we try and engage with people you know we send them lectures every year and then move into encouragement stayed we are off the homes alone and then finally we move into the enforcement stage recounts a corrections time for somebody to put their home back into caves that East M.P. Annalisa dogs want to see national legislation changed so councils can take ownership of empty homes more quickly to homes that could be used by people on very very severe has been made a number have been going time in a country homes have used to be over 900 of them 10 years ago unfortunately the number of people on a waiting list for a cattle property is much much much much higher so we really need to get a grip unless the National Audit Office has warned that many of the changes needed to prepare the U.K. Border for a new deal Breck's it may not be ready in time and businesses will pay the price it also says smugglers and traffickers could exploit any weaknesses ministers say they have robust plans in place the former director general of the border force Tony Smith says it's vital the border between the U.K. And E.U. Remains open and direct reports of entering Canada where 911 happened and the biggest threat there was not so much the terrorist attacks but the aftermath and keeping the border open because I close the border for a week that has a huge impact on both sides on him. Structure on people or goods on trade on traffic and the similar risk exists here so we can control what we do what our border you know our ministers have that within their gates we can't control what happens on the E.U. So I had the government needs a clear plan to deal with the shortage of Epi Pens according to an oxygen M.P. They will Democrats for Western Abingdon later Moran has demanded action from health ministers after local parents raise concerns with her bottle medicines used when people suffer severe will potentially fatal allergic reactions Lee was unimpressed with the government's handling of the situation so far it's clear that they haven't got a grip on it and the idea that they are talking to providers is all very well but what I want to and I'm going to keep chasing is to make sure that they've got a clear plan for how they're going to make sure that everyone gets that they need Genia Health Minister Steve Bryan M.P. Says some suppliers are unable to meet 50 percent of demand and the Department of Health is working very closely with manufacturers the regulator agency N.H.S. England and others strong to resolve these issues and improve the situation as quickly as possible the Westgate sent amongst its 1st anniversary today and says it's responsible for surge in shoppers flocking to the center of Oxford 136000000 people visited the city center in the past year a rise of 8.9 percent on the previous 12 months agent Palmer professor of marketing at Henley business schools says the census showing its success is more than just an initial flash in the pan but always a trial period when people go and have a like I don't like it and I think the time enough time has passed now where people are going back again and again if people didn't like it they would be going back so I think it's sustainable. Has been criticism of the design of the sense that leaving shoppers cold general manager Brad I'm handsome says the element was purposeful weskit was a very high profile planning application we did a lot of consultation for many years there's 2 reasons it's like that the 1st one is very important. It's environmental reasons and then the 2nd thing is that it blends in with the streets around the World War 2 film based on a previously untold story is being shot in thick coat Mockingbird film companies looking for extras to play German soldiers next month during filming of the adaptation of a true prisoner of war escape story producer Ben Kane says he's desperate to tell the tale of the central characters unbelievable life this is an incredible story of what happened to him he was awarded the French military support and.

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