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Local armed groups battle Houthi Rebels across southern yemen bolstered by the saudiled airstrikes. Kenya has told the United Nations it has to move the worlds biggest refugee camp over the border to sow ma i somalia, and it has been given three months. It has accused sal shah babb of hiding out in the rafael camp and the decision to say get out follows a decision on attack on an university that killed 148 people. William ruto said, they have asked them to relocate the refugees in three months, to which we shall row locate them ourselves. Lets go live to garrissa. They say that the United Nations is absolutely shellshocked by this announcement, but do they believe its something that we believe they will carry out or is this just an identify idle threat . Well, david, it is the first time that kenya has said its going to do the action of relocating the refugees into somalia in the calls of kenyan leaders also at the local level here in the region, which has been facing the brunt of the insecurities that is currently going on in kenya. If they are not moved kenya will do it themselves, although u. N. Officials who spoke said it will be impossible to close the camps within that time frame. What evidence is there or at least what evidence has the kenyan authorities provided alshabab is hiding fighters within the camp or getting recruits from there . Well, no, other than comments comments, beliefs that the camps are believed to be a hide out for people causing insecurity for the country and a place where alshabab trains its young men there. There is absolutely no prove the government has brought. What we know is that the border between kenya and somalia is very poor. They are 800 kilometers away from the border, and this is one of the reasons why there are suspicion that is the camps are aware tell me if i misread this or whether or not this is an urban myth or country side myth in this case. But kenya is building a wall the entire length that have border. The Walls Construction has already begun. And yes it is one that many feel that is going to stop the flow of people who want to come to cause harm in kenya. But many believe that its not going to be anything as long as the corruption within the Police Forces continues and the police force continue to receive bribes from people who want to cross the border, and as long as this war is not manned properly, both airlinely with helicopters as well as soldiers on the ground. Then its going to be an exercise in futility. Thank you. Mohammed in northern yes and no. Ground fighting between armed factions still battling a lot of country. Targeting the number of houthi gathers, and military sites. Among these the military camp which is under the control of the Republican Guards loyal to the former president Ali Abdullah Salehs son. Houthi rebels retaliateing as well as those loyal to saleh against those who are loyal to the current president in aden here. They say they have captured to Iranian Military officers, who were advising Houthi Rebels. The local armed group. Supplies have been delivered to sanaa. Now the saudi city on the border with yemen okay, just tell us an idea, give us an idea of your location, and how it fits in to the battle of the airstrikes going in presumably pretty close to you at some point, and maybe people trying to get back towards where you are. Yes thats right. Where i am now is 100 kilometers away from the actual border. Actually this is the closest interesting city or the closest city in the very sense of the words to the border with yemen. That makes this place very strategic, very important we have Seen Movement of people. Weve Seen Movement of officials coming and going. However, the aircraft striking yemen do not go from this place. They do not actually move from this place. They have other bases other military bases from which they take off. Here also, we can say that the situation is normally the city, however, people who go to the border people who visit those areas in the last few days tell us that traffic between yemen and saudi arabia seems to be normal under border crossings. There have been reports of some infiltrations along the border. That means people who cross without legal paperwork. Aside from this, the situation is normal. However, today in his briefing the Coalition Spokesman Brigadier General said that the some clashes actually happened today between the houthi fighters and the Border Guards in the area in the extreme south of saudi arabia. They said that the movement of the houthies have been noticed and greasing their moments in that areainmovements in that area and clashes there. But there is no decision to make groundtoground offensive and the situation let me jump in. Let me jump if. I want to ask you about something that i read out in the news before i came to talk to you. Suggesting that two Iranian Military officials have been captureed inside yemen which would be stunning if it were true. It would perhaps affect the course of this conflict. What do you know about what has been claimed and what the reality might be . Is. Yes, they have claimed that they have captured those two iranian officials and that theyre actually part of the revolutionary guard. The Iranian Revolutionary guard. The spokesman of the coalition has been asked this question during the press conference just an hour ago. He said he does not haveas a coalition they dont have specific information go b their arrest, but they have enough proof and evidence that iranians are there in yemen training the houthies and helping in that fight. But let me add that our own al jazeera sources in aden have confirmed that those two iranian officials have been captured, and that they are in the hands of those committees. Well, thank you. On the saudiyemen border. Cubas president raul castro meeting with u. S. President barack obama saying that relations between u. S. And cuba is not obamas fault. Obama said that hes ready to remove cuba from the terrorism list of sponsors j in my opinion president obama is an honest man. He is a humble man and i think his way of being is in keeping with this humble origins. I become impassioned, i cant help it. I apologize to president obama who has no responsibility for these events that took place. There were ten president s before him who were president when these events happened. Let us go to our diplomatic editor james bays, who has been following events in panama city. If barack obama had wanted somebody to support him the difficult political convention, he couldnt have asked for a bigger fan that raul castro, could he . Absolutely, david. Remember that this process of when u. S. And cube only started in december four months ago. And those words that you heard there from the cuban president would have been unthinkable at any point before december, any point for the last 50 years. Those words of endorsement of an u. S. President. Truly historic words ahead of what we expect to be a truly historic meeting coming up in the next couple of hours we believe. What were lady to believe in the white house is that there will be a meeting a meeting of substance between the two leaders. Thats not happened since Fidel Castros brother raul took over. Its worth pointing out among other things that raul castro spoke in that speech, that president obama was going to lift that designation that cubans have wanted to be lifted for so long, that cuba is a states sponsor of terrorism. The only countries that have that designation four of them, and cuba is one of them. And it looks like in listening to president castro, that is imminently going to be lifted. That itself is another historic development. When the two men meet, well know theyre on better terms of where they have. Did barack obama himself signal anything . Because he spoke just before rale castro at the same meeting. What is the tone of what he had to say . Very positive tone, as you would expect, david. He said that this would not just help cuba and the u. S. It would help the entire region. He made it clear that the cold war was long over, and he said that he didnt want to fight the battles that were battles that came from before, who was even born. Of course there are attorney issues, which is the idea that theyll open again embassyies, an embassy in the u. S. And havana and in washington, d. C. Among those duff issues, for example and also if there is going to be a cuban emboss sue embassy how are they going to get money. And thisnot rest just just with president obama but with congress. James bays in panama city. Still to come on al jazeera. Reports of violence and irregularities as nigeria votes for state government. Irelands government accused of covering up dangerous Maternity Practices in hospital. Part of al jazeera americas special month long evironmental focus fragile planet kenya has asked u. N. To move the worlds biggest refugee camp out of kenya. Saudiled airstrikes of military installations. And president castro if defense of u. S. President barack obama calling him an honest man. The leaders shook hands earlier. Bangladesh has executed a convicted war criminal and. He was found guilty of overseeing a massacre during the countrys war of independence in 1971. He lost his final legal appeal on monday and refused to plead for clemency from the president. He was the second person executed for war crimes that was set up four years ago. Lets get uptodate live for us in bangladeshs capital daka. Set up 40 years after the civil war ended. And many say that its all politically motivated. Yes, its been a long time, but this has been one of the main elections in 2018 for this government. Now this has been a major player east a dozen people have been convicted. He was fault guilty and he was given the death sentence. A lot of people would say that there are those who have been effected by the process. And many are known to have collaborated with the Pakistan Army and this process should have taken place a long time ago. Theyre happy to see that people have been convicted. He was executed on december 2014 this was the second one who has been executed. Wasnt there talk about the germ stake, if he was executed, what kind of support will there be for that . Well, its partially marginalized the activists are not able to protest because the police in the Security Force have been very heavy handed with them in some cases using rubber bullets, tear gas and complaints ever human rights violation. They say that this is politically motivated. Theyre not happy with this. Because there has been threats against Defense Council and other irregularities. In general its a politically divided issue although most people say that the car tame should take place but its been politically used by the government at this point. Thank you live for us in bangladeshs bangladesh, and apologize for referring it as a civil war when it was a war of independence. In nigeria elections have been alcoholly watched to see if president elect but but buharis party can celebrate victory. The governors are the most influential. Some say that historically voted pdp could shift to the apc and gain states of the battleground. In the southwest nigeria capital 21 Million People there contributes up to a third of semi year i cants gdp. While move down the coast to the delta there the richest oilproduceing region in the country our course important dent yvonne ndege. We understand that there is violence and some election irregularities are taking place in quite a number of polling areas and polling stations. Were also told in some areas armed men have shown up and snatched ballot boxes ballot papers and electoral materials. It has caused fear and tension in this close contest. There is heavy presence of security personnel however in some areas things are going relatively well and peacefully like where i am. People hear have been accredited to take part in the election. Theyre just awaiting to cast their ballots. There is, like i say, fare about insecurity. A curfew has been put in place and there is a restriction on vehicle movements. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced by fighting. Having signed a treaty, leaving many of the internally displaced people feel they may never go back. Shes been washing her familys clothes the same way for the past 24 years. Sharing a stem pipe with the neighbors on a settlement for people displaced by conflict. Between georgia and nearby south ossetia. People remember it like it was yesterday. The 27th of march, 1991 i thought after some period i would return, but it was false hope. So much time has passed, and were still here. Her son believes they have more than enough time to turn their lives around, but hes out of work, and the house is fulling apart. Three governments have changed but nothing has been done here. The family are among 250,000 internally displaced people i idps. Some twothirds of them are still without decent housing. The georgian government is trying to provide new homes. This accommodation built for the European Youth olympics this summer will later become apartments for dips. Georgias idps now make up 7 of the population. The numbers keep on rising as families have more children. So theyre going to have to build a lot more hopes like this but also provide opportunities, jobs, in a country already crippled by high unemployment. Officials say they need to find 1 billion but can no longer rely on international aid. The problems are much more serious now. And because we understand they need support. Looking over south ossetia. He shows his son the area where he should have been born. Now its out of reach in russiancontrolled territory. I do not think returning there is possible. At least while i am alive. No going back to the way things were, and hope that his son might have a different future. Al jazeera tbilisi. The Irish Government stands accused of betraying hundreds of women who survived a horrific child care procedure during childbirth. Here are reports from dublin. Reporter this is what a phisiotomy looks like. Using a saw to to allow women to give birth. It has left many women incontinent and unable to walk. Now in whose interest has this scheme been constructed. After all any woman who accepts compensation signs away her right to take action against anyone in the state that looks a bit like protecting the abusers. Its extremely difficult to understand why women in their 70s and 80s who have been abused thats been accepted by a retired judge and they have been offered money should in addition be expected to indemocrat indemnify the very people who abused them and the institutions that over stood that abuse. Maureen clark has been given an office to assess what monetary value to put on the suffering. Several lawyers for the women who wouldnt go on the camera said that some victims may be inventing symptoms to claim money. She didnt believe most of the women. When you have women talking in front of you talking about sexual dysfunction and how they couldnt bond to their children its desperate. One woman said she was story she ever made a claim. Evident about their physical status is unacceptable. She throws back the claims saying she wants proof. The department of health said that judge clark had not raised the issue of women making false claims and she said she could not speak to us about the claim. True enough all these operations happened in the 20th century, but many people believe that if ireland is to move forward there should an reckoning, and people should be held accountable and so far twothirds of the survivors have received the bear minimum. 5,000 euros for women who spend a lifetime, decades of pain agony and and its quite shocking. The irish church, state and medical professions have protected themselves were even having to explain why hundreds of women have this done to them in childbirth, and the victims themselves are the ones being forced to offer that protection. Moving into the final chapters in their lives that can hardly feel like justice. Lawrence lee al jazeera, dublin dublin. Examining cctv footage thought to show burglars carrying out up to 300 milliondollar. Through a vault before stealing 72 safety deposit boxes. Police did not respond to the call when the alarm went off. Www. Aljazeera. Com for a great deal more. Thats www. Aljazeera. Com. About the fact that human beings could heal themselves. Offering insights about coping with fear and anxiety. Stress is the perception. I like to think of stress like waves on the ocean. If youre a skillful surfer then every wave is joy and exhilaration

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