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Would be an outrageous attack on the freedom of our parliament and against our Democratic Institutions overall. In german accuses the u. S. Of being behind a new spying scandal. We begin in iraq where the elusive leader has reportedly reportedly reportedly made his first online experience. It appears to show him giving a sermon yesterday. The Iraqi Government calls the images fake. Imran khan has the latest from baghdad. If this video in mosul is confirmed, it be sounds ute a strong message. The first message it sends out is that the is will say that the kalif of the Islamic State is able to travel within his own territories and not get harassed and not get hit by the security forces. He is clearly, they say, come from syria, across the border, into northwestern iraq and and in a public place. Is a big message. What did he actually say in his friday sermon . Its consistent with what we heard from the audiotapes delivered by him. Once again, he says to muslims, please come to the islamic kalif. Its your duty. Its our duty to fight. We will win jihad and we are the only people who can bring peace to the islamic world. Its consist owned with the messages we have heard before. But, is this abu bakr a Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi . We know the officials or semi official account of the Islamic State said it is him. Other twitter accounts have said, no. Its not. Its somebody called al yemeni. We sent him there to gauge public reaction to whether to how they would react if Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi gave a sermon. Its a security exercise for them. We cant confirm any of this. I am just reporting what we do know so far. Also what we know is when he was delivering his friday speech, the mobile Telephone Service in mosul was cut off by the Islamic State. Suggests a security precaution that is normally laid on for very important people. Those are the things we know. How will we be able to con ferm that this, indeed was Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi . He was in custody between 2006 and 2009 and he was in jail by the americans. The americans, they know hill quite well. They will have interviewed him. They will have intear gated him. They will have several pictures of him. They have only ever released one picture of him. Some sort of facial Recognition Software will be able to identify whether its him or not, whether the americans, indeed, will actually do that is another question all together. What we really know is that the Islamic State social media accounts are pushing this heavily. They say this is Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. This message is clear. We can travel where we like within the Islamic State. Thats a very big message to put out and certainly one that people will be listening to here. Imran khan reporting from baghdad. Earlier, i spoke with ibrahim, al rashi. If this video is proven real is indeed a significant development. Its significant because up until this point, it was believed that al baghdadi was staying in his secure area in syria. So, its not only showing that he now can move and show himself allegedly in the newest, most greatest conquest of isis. Mosul is a large city, but its also now the first time we have had a video with al baghdadi, himself, showing himself in person, calling on muslims to come and rally behind the newly created Islamic State. Meanwhile, in syria, the Islamic State or i. S. Is making advances. The Free Syrian Army has lost significant territory to the sunni rebel group. It controls all of syrias major oil and gas fields. In aleppo, the center has been the city of the fighting between surrounded by forces from the e. S. And the syrian government. Dozens of indian nurses stranded in iraq during the ongoing fighting have finally returned home. 46 women held for over a week by the Islamic State were greeted by Family Members in Southern India brought back on a special flight. The nurses were holed up at a hospital when fighting broke out. The Indian Foreign ministry has not provided any details about how these women were secured. Much instability in iraq goes back nearly 100 years when colonial powers drew their own borders for the middle east, borders that now may be coming apart. Patricia sagba reports. The genesis of the map dates back to world war i as a id and axis forces battled each other, while there was an agreement to carve the post war middle eastern prove i knew into french and british spheres of influence. A deal that conflicted with british promises to other regional stake holders and didnt wash with either side when the war ended. By the time they got to paris in the peace negotiations, the british and the french, in particular took a like at what syke s p icot had done and were horrified. The british did not want the french to control the villiot of mosul which has been in the news realtime. The british wanted an iron grip over lands leading to the persian gulf, a crucial byway to the british empires crown jewel, india. But with coffer s drained by wa, they couldnt rule them from westminster. In 1921, then colonial secretary Winston Churchhill headed to cairo and hammered out a deal that kept lebanon and syria under french rule and palestine as a british protectorat. Trans jordan became a semi autonomous region ruled by king abdula seen here with t. E. Lawrence, better known as lawrence of arabia. The greatest involved the provinces of mosul, baghdad and basra. They were corralled into a new country, iraq, ruled by abdullahs brother, king feisal. He would rule for them, do the british bidding in iraq and, as a result, they would save themselves the considerable expense of declaring iraq or mesopotamia a fullblown protectorat of the british empire. Iraq served britains economic interests in the persian gulf but the country made little sense for the various religious and eth neck groups hemmed within the borders who have chafed under baghdads centralized rule. The maam evolved through the 20 eth century. As for iraq, it was over thrown on july 14th, 1958, setting the stage for Saddam Hussein to seize power until he was ousted by the United States in 2003. Ethnic and sectarian tensions in iraq flared in the years that followed creating an opening for sunni insurgents of the Islamic State to gain a foothold in iraq where they hoped to undo the borders laid down nearly 100 years ago. Patricia sabga, al jazeera. One change we may see in the map in the middle east is an independent kurdistan, the future of the kurdish nation is the topic for our deeper look coming up tonight autopsy reports today say the Palestinian Teenager killed wednesday in jerusalem was burned live. 17yearold mohammed abu chasing khadair had burns over 90 of his body. His family believes it was revenge for three teenagers killed last month. Nick schifrin is in jerusalem. Reporter outside the family house, the street looks like a battleground. Three days of debris. Nobody has cleaned. Nobody is expecting the conflict to stop. Symbols ofitionisi Authority Like a tram station burned or in the case after traffic light, ripped down. Just a few feet away, hussein abu khadair says he has a hole in his heart. Translator each time i see his photo, i cry over him, he says. Our life is gone. They have devastated us. God will settle this. Just 24 hours ago, he watched israelis hand over his sons mohammeds body. His grief has been public. His sons death has ignited palestinian anger in a jerusalem neighborhood thats you believe calm. Through this ancient city, they carried the 17yearolds body wrapped in symbols of palestinian nationalism. One Family Member said this wasnt a funeral. It was a wedding attended by thousands for a martyr. Immediately afterward, the grief and fury erupted. These are not routine clashes this is you believe al main thoroughfare through jerusalem. This is a middle class palestinian neighborhood. Israeli police say they are actively trying to find mohammeds killers hoping to quell the anger. We are hoping things will calm down and oh, my goodness the main focus which will have an effect on the ground level is the investigation into the teenagers death which is continuing. The anger is still burning. In bethlehem, Palestinian Protesters threw malatov cocktails at Israeli Soldiers who fired back with rubber bullets. Increasingly, the tension isnt about the abductor and murders of israeli and Palestinian Teenagers. Its about two sides who is fundamental divisions seem to be growing. Nick schifrin, jerusalem. Officials confirmed the cousins ofmonthold abukhdair is innitsis custody. He was part of a group of mass teenagers who attacked police. His parents say he was a victim of a vicious assault by Israeli Police. He is a u. S. Citizen who was on vacation in jerusalem, visiting relatives. His parents flew from florida to be by his side. Us as americans, its not human, you know. Who takes somebody who is badly beaten and straight back to jail the same day . At least give him his right for medical attention for a couple of days. More details have been released about the conditions that led to the death of the Palestinian Teen as well as whats next for his detained cousin. A report from jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority attorney general said that the preliminary autopsy of mohammed abkdhair states the rim comments of a burned system were present in his respiratory passages and lungs which indicate he had inhaled at that substance while being burned alive. They said 90 of his body was covered with burns varying between 1st to 4th degree burns and he had sustained a head injury as well. The autopsy was carried out in jerusalem on thursday in the presence of a palestinian doctor. Thats why we are hearing these official details on the autopsy report from the Palestinian Authority. However, the israeli authorities have imposed a gag order on the reporting details of the murder of Palestinian Mohammed ab abu khdair, so there are no details from the israeli side. Separately, we heard from the lawyer and the family of a cousins of mohammed abu khdair, a u. S. Citizen that he, on thursday night, had been detained and beaten by Israeli Security forces while he was participating in protests against Israeli Border police in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of shafat. According to the family and the lawyer, he had been beaten very badly. We saw pictures of him on social media brutally beaten with a swollen face. He had been taken to a Police Station and then to a prison and then at some point, he went to a hospital for treatment. The shinbet, the Israeli Intelligence came to take him to court. The doctor refused on the grounds he needed additional medical treatment. They did show up a few hours later and the Israeli Intelligence took him despite the fact that the doctor produced to discharge him. He is a u. S. Citizen. He will appear in court on sunday at 9 gmt, noon local time, according to his lawyer, who said he is going to try to negotiate his release before the court hearing. But we also understood from the family that they talked to the u. S. Embassy and asked it to intervene but they said until now, no action had been taken. Israel says it is launching an investigation into the alleged assault by Israeli Police but authorities are questioning the validity of the video. A spokesman for theisii police said this. This is a video edited and by as. It does not represent theents during violent disturbances. Hundreds of rioters, many masked hurled at the forces pipe bombs, malatov cocktails, fireworks and stones. As a result of severe violence action 15ples were injured. The whiter house says we are profoundly troubled by reports he was severely beaten and strongly condemn force. We are daughter you willing for an incredible investigation and if you will accountability for any excessive use of force. On to ukraine where Government Forces have achieved their biggest success in the fight against prorussian separatists, ukrainian Officials Say they have regained control of the eastern city of slovyansk under rebel control for months. Local residents say they abandoned their posts after intention shelling. Petro poroshenko ordered the flag to be raised over the city. President poroshenko says he is really to hold another round of talks between ukraine, russia and the rebels. We turn to scott hideler on the ground in donetsk. Now that the separatist fighters lost their northern fight, whats next for them and for the Ukrainian Army . We know for sure the rebel fighters came in this direction to dondon. We have not seen them in the city yet. We saw them staging on the outskirts of the city. Now, local officials here have told me to stay off of the streets. We have seen that for the most part today but whats going to happen in the coming hours . Is this going to be a situation where the fighters come in and try to fortify the city and make a last stand or are they going to the peace table with the Central Government here and whats going to happen on sunday . Because the government has announced that by 7 00 a. M. , all of the fighters need to lay down their weapons. At this stage, there are a lot of questions but very few answers. In afghanistan, the taliban is claiming responsibility the capital, with tankers engulfed in flames. Its you know clear how the fire started. So far, there have been no reports of casualties. The attack comes amid increased violence ahead of the scheduled u. S. Military pullout in 2015. Coming up on Al Jazeera America, its the worst outbreak of measles in the United States since 1994. We will tell you how the disease came here and who is most at risk plus. It was so awesome i could just go on it again. Love that kid. Headed to summer camp. We will abuse you to one where all of the kids have one thing in common. Welcome back in egypt, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood was sentenced to life in prison. He was 1 of 37 given the sentence of inviting violence and attacking security forces. He has been sentenced to death in two other cases. The crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood since Mohamed Morsi was removed in a coup last year. Argues journalist mohammed fat me has been admitted for treatment after shoulder injury. He and two others have spent 189 days in prison. He was sentenced to 7 years. Mohammed was given 10 years because he had a spent bullet in his possession which he picked up at a protest. Her accused of helping the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. Al jazeera dmafrndz the journalists be free. At outbreak of mealses, more than 300 cases and officials are worried because thousands of visitors are headed to the state for an amish event this weekend. A report on how this outbreak started. Reporter the horse and buggy, a common site on the roads of central ohio, home of the Largest Amish Community in the world. Devout scretion descend events, the after issue avoid modern vehicles as well as routine visits to doctors. But thats changed since a group of amish relief volunteers returned from the ty off and on stringen philippines where mealses has claimed 70 lives this year. What the unvaccinated men brought back has become the most serious outbreak of the disease in the u. S. Since 1994. The most vulnerable, infants and small children. Almost all states including ohio allow children in Public Schools to be exempt from immunization if their parents hold religious or other strong objections. The amish have grounded their resistance to vaccines in faith saying that trust in god provides enough protection but several thousand of them have shown up at special clinics set up to handle the new demand for the vaccine which also innoc lates against mumps and rue bella but the local commissioner says he has been hearing more amish repeating the claims of the antivaccine movement. Despite the lack of clinical evidence, those campaigners argue that vaccines are linked to autism, leukemia and other disorders. The work of many that i think have since been discretted regarding their link between autism and thenesses vaccine has been, you know heard by the Amish Community and they have been concerned about that, as well. The u. S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention says at least 90 of the population should be vaccinated in order to provide it with whats called herd immunity. Susceptible people are protected because they are surrounded by immune people and break that chain so that person to person transmission doesnt find them. Local Health Authorities hope this will persuade the amish the higher their vaccination rate, the better their protection. Millersburg ohio. The director for the division of medical ethics at nyu. Dr. Kaplan thanks for coming in. We can see this was links linked to the mission trip. Its been able to thrive and spread. What is going on there and with the larger outbreak that we have had in the u. S. . Most americans get their kids vac kiniated against mealses and other communities. There are pockets where sometimes fear, sometimes ig in response, they dont do it. When you get a group, lets say, isolated but they all dont vaccinate, the disease can spread very, very quickly within that group and since the vaccine isnt 100 , its probably 80, 90 protection, it can jump from a group that doesnt vaccinate into a group that does. The consequences can be severe. Lets talk about the vaccine. It is getting increasingly expensive and creeping up over the past few years. Whats behind that . A couple of things. One, when you have increased concern about safety, they have been trying to make the vaccine safer. Drives the cost up. There are legal issues. People say, oh, well, i might sue you if i have an adverse event or something goes wrong. So theyve got to charge for that. Three, they can get away with it. I mean honestly, there is a certain kind of, you know, we can raise the price and no one is screaming. The price in the u. S. Even when its a Public Health issue . Even when its a Public Health issue. So youve got highcost vaccines in the u. S. , selling cheaper in europe, selling cheaper overseas. The manufacturers know that they can get away with higher prices in the u. S. Because the u. S. Will pay them. Might this lead to a black market for this vaccine . Is there already a black market for this vaccine . I dont think so. I think when you are looking for a drug to treat you, you will pay. When you are looking for something that prevents disease its hard to drive a black market. You say you dont have meels. You dont want to get meals meels. Do you see the cases going back down eventually . I do because people forget about these terrible diseases, meels, mumps, whooping coufh. They think if there is any risk, why would i give that to my child . But when these cases blake out, you see what they can do to your kid, pretty soon, people line up and say, you know what . I am taking the vaccine so i think we may have peaked and we will see a turnaround with more people saying, i am not listening to that fear mongering. I am going to protect my child, which is what they should do. We will have to keep our eye on this. I am sure we will be calling on you again, dr. Arthur kaplan with new york university. Thank you so much . Thank you. Coming up on Al Jazeera America, some kids grow up on playgrounds. Unfortunately others spend a lot of time at the doctor. How one camp is trying to help those kids plus. Bombarded by t. V. Ads and radio. Everybody is talking about it. World cup overload . What do you do if you live in a soccercrazed country where you actually hate the game . Welcome back to Al Jazeera America. Here is a look at your top stories in iraq, the man behind the violent rebellion in iraq and syria has reportedly made his first public appearance. Itt a video purportedly shows him giving a sermon in the city of mosul. Iraqs government calls it a farce. An american teen was beaten by allegedly Israeli Police. A video showing the beating, they say they will investigate police misconduct. Retaliation for the killing of three israeli teenagers. Ukrainian forces have achieved a Major Military success. Government Officials Say they have regained control of the eastern city of slovyansk which was held by prorussian separatists for months. Local residents say the rebels abandoned their post early this morning. Ukrainian flags have been raised throughout the city. Berlin is demanding answers from the u. S. After a german Intelligence Officer was allegedly found passing Sensitive Information to u. S. Agents. This as to the already strained relationship between the two powers since it was discovered the u. S. Spied on chancellor Angela Merkels phone calls. Reporter this parlorpalary committee was investigating u. S. Spying on germany. Now, it appears it may, itself, have been spied on. A 30yearold employee of germanys Intelligence Agency is reported to have been an american double agent accused of passing documents to washington. This is a very serious incident. Thats why the federal state prosecutor has become involved. Espionage activity is not something that we treat lightly but it is a matter for the federal state prosecutor and the investigating federal criminal office now and its in very good hands. The suspect was originally arrested on suspicion of spying for russia. He told interrogators he was working for the u. S. The white house has refused to comment on this latest arrest but german politicians are outraged. If these spying allegations are confirmed, it would be an outrageous attack on the freedom of our parlorpal and again. Should these allegations prove true, it would be a vertible scandal. Parliaments control intelligence services. They do not control parliaments. So we hope for a quick clarification and, if necessary, severe legal consequences. This is just the latest, and it puts the u. S. german ties under further strains. Edward snowden last year revealed washington was spying its ally. The revelations including mass surveillance of german citizens including chancellor Angela Merkels mobile phone. Washington refused to rule out spying on its allies. After the snowden leaks, president barack obama ordered a complete review of spying on its allies but now, with these new revelations, the implications could reach beyond washington and berlin. Arthur has been downgraded from a hurricane. It is now a post tropical cyclone. Where is it . Lets check in with rebecca stevenson. Watching the storm over the bay of fundi. Its dumping a lot of rainfall but not as much as we got through the day and the night. As we look at the storm and its location now, we are going to see it gradually pushing up to the north northeast. In fact, we got some computer models to show you. The big story along the east coast is the dryer weather. So much dryer than the humidity has been removed from the heaviness. The air is feeling lighter. So, its a dryer feeling. It is a dryer air mass but we are only going to enjoy that for the course of the day today and tonight and sunday changes things up. The computer models are traing this particular storm system through the bay of fundi and toward the labrador sea. We will continue to see the rain, windy conditions in that particular vicinity. Author brought new records for boston yesterday, providence probably the winner when it came to the amount of rainfall in the record which was 2. 68 inches and islip new york set a new record rainfall amount. Not quite an inch. We expect to see the last 24 hours, the amount of rain, still pretty light inland around the great lakes coming down heavily, around the northern maine area and winds still gusty even around boston blustery out there. So gradually, slowly we will see things wrapping up for arthur as we get through tonight. We will check back in, rebecca. Thank you. Human Rights Groups report appalling conditions in agrees for deporting people longer than what the law allows. As part of our series escape john seropolis spoke to my grants who spent months in those caps. Abbas tells his mother everything is fine. He may have only months to live. He was released from a greek Detention Center after he and a fellow inmate contracted hepatitis c. He said to bolt of us you arent ready to die. You have some months to go. When you are close to death, we will let you out. Abbas learned not to complain about the poor sanitation while in detention. He explains what happened when the 80 people in his dormitory asked guards to remove a man who had scabies. They beat us so badly a lot of people went out of their minds with fear. From that day, no one complained again because we realized if any of us got sick or died, we just couldnt tell anyone. We had no rights. Abbas spent 15 months at this Detention Center in coreinth awaiting deportation. In some, conditions are appalling. Raw sewage seems through the floors in these photos taken by doctors without ers. People are confined indoors 24 hours a day with nothing to do the Aid Group Says reporting some tried to kill themselves. These often inhumani conditions were at least limited to periods of up to 18 months. Now, greece may be violating european law by keeping migrants in prison indefinitely employing what humanitarian groups say is a legal sleight of hand. The government is relabeling them restraint. The policy has kept at least 300 people mind bars for longer than 18 months. The government says it has limited resources to cope with about 1500 new arrivals of undocumented migrants each month. It has set up an efficient new Asylum Service with offices in border areas. It is basing longterm detention on an opinion from an advisory body called the state legal council. But a green court has already struck down this opinion. Human Rights Groups suspect detention is really about detterns. Even nationalities that may not be deported because of a situation in their country such as somalias and syrians are detained. This is a strong education that detention is not being used to facilitate deportation but has other aims such as discouragement of further migrati migration. Now applying for political asylum but it is clear that greeces days of tolerance are over. John siropolis, al jazeera, athens. Down to the world cup in brazil where its win or go home for four big teams, costa rica and the netherlands are battling it out. Their team went to extra time. Costa reek a went into the games as huge underdogs but the netherlands have not been able to seal the deal. A couple of hours earlier it was belgium versus argentina. Fans were treated to more magic from messi company. The goal taking the bodies in blue and white for the first time in 24 years. Where that game was played. Clearly, the fans were very, very happy about this. Tell us more, lucia. Reporter absolutely. But before i tell you about argentin argentina, let me tell you the game between the nether lands and costa rica is going in to penalty kicks. Just about now. So, unbelievable. Nobody could have expected that to happen. Now, argentina, too, was absolutely he can static. It was almost 50,000 fans here in brazilia who came to watch the game and cnn to a 24 year lull for argentina, the first time in those many years that it goes into the semifinals having past the quarterfinals as it did today. Of course, there was one injury, one very important injury out of that game, the number 2 for argentina argentina, and he would be out of the world cup for the remainder. Thats bad news for argentina as it goes into the semifinals. Lucia, lets keep talking about injuries. Brazil has had a lot of bad luck with injuries. Stair their star player hut yesterday. What can you tell us about that . Well, absolutely. Namar, junior, is the number 1 star here in brazil and on the brazilian team. He is almost like a rock star here people adore him and he was very badly injured in the game with costa rico. He had a fractured disk in his spine. So he is out of the game. Very, very worrisome indeed for the brazilian team. In fact, during the game between argentina and belgium he was, during the ha more or less he was taken in a helicopter back to sao paolo where he comes from. He was crying, in fact, wiping tears from his isaacs he waved goodbye to his teammates. Later on in the day, he actually sentence a message to those teammates and to brazil. Lets hear what he had to say. My dream isnt over. It was interrupted by a play, but it continues. I am certain that my teammates will do Everything Possible so that my dream, which is to be a champion, comes true. In fact, richelle t seems if neymar is feeling well enough he may go to the game between brazil and germany allegedly or so we hear in order to give courage to his team and to the host nation. That would be quiet a boost for his team for sure. We wish him a speedy recovery. Thank you so much. Life in many latin american countries screeches to a halt during world cup matches but there are people who live there who actually dont like soccer. We found a few of them in argentina. Reporter when argentina plays a match in the world cup, the nation pays attention watching on big screens or in bars and restaurants. Anywhere they can find a t. V. Screen. The streets are deseditor as the tournament progresses the intensity only increases. Everything is blue and white. Well, maybe not quite everything. We have heard rumors that are there are some argentines, a rare now, for whom the world cup is no big deal. We are going to find one and question him. Well, they are not here and we wont find them here either. Here is one. Fabien martinez is a whiriter a trans lator who is trying to stave off world cup . Trying to be totaly away from it is hardly possible. You are bombarded by t. V. Ads and radio. Everything is talking about it. So in a way, you start getting interested even if you are not fully interested. Reporter whats it like growing up in a country where football, especially among men, is often the only topic of conversation. As a child if you dont like soccer, you are, you know, you have been called names, being excluded, and its hard to find your way through it. And pretend to be a normal child. It seems you have some kind of disease. Reporter then there are those for whom the world cup is an opportunity, an opportunity to do things unhindered by crowds . Its good actually because i get to do all of the shopping i need and get to go and there is nobody there, no lines, no waiting. Thats really good about the world cup. I love football especially the world cup. I must admit i find it hard to understand those who resist the joys of the beautiful game especially here in argentina where evidence of that passion is everywhere you look and it seems its looking back at us everywhere we go. Daniel yell schweimler, buen is aires. Help wanted, the industry where there are more jobs than workers. In kenyas booming flower industry, workers say everything inside the factories is not so rosy. Only on Al Jazeera America america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. Download it now the flower industry is blossoming into a multibillion dollar business globally. Kenya is one of the largest exporte exporters. With growing, concerns over working conditions. Catherine soi has this report. Flower growers show beauty to potential buyers. Where else to did do it better than in kenya, the worlds Third Largest flower exporter. 35 of the worlds flowers. Sglefr. We have developed a good name. We are the number 1 supplying to the japanese market of roses, number 1 supplier to the e. U. We are looking good. Looking very pretty. But its a laborintensive business. The workers in the northwest of nairobi rush to beat their deadline. 250,000 stems of roses have to be flown to europe by the end of the day. Buyers have over the years raised concerns about the welfare of thousands of workers who help make sure that these flowers get to market and the flower industry, kenya employs about 500,000 people. This group asked us to hide their identity. They say they were forced to resign from a flower firm where they worked. Most of them had been sickly and believed the cause is Long Exposure to chemicals used on the flowers. They talk of worn out protective gear and poor pay. Translator they dont care about you. When i was employed, i had no problems, and now that i have this problem with my hand, they set me aside. I am now even black listed by others. Officials of the flower industry regulating council told us that such cases are not common any more but when abuses happen, workers do not report to relevant authorities. Workers are not, perhaps, able to articulate their issues as well as they should be. How do we know this . Because we have been carrying out research to help us develop a communication strategy. And what this has said is that our weakest link is in terms of the way we communicate with our workers. Strict International Regulations make it more difficult for employers to ignore workers. People say the regulations did not stop their bosses from victimizing them. Catherine soi, al jazeera, nairobi. There are nor tech jobs in the u. S. Than there are skilled workers with almost 10 million unemployed workers in the u. S. , some companies are trying to fill that gap by offering online Tech Education to unemployed or under employed adults. Has some people rethinking their careers. An active state. 20something joe fusco is a Web Developer at fu con cents in ro rochester new york . I will get a design and i will have to code it. Started in march. A few months earlier, he was working two jobs as a security guard. I wasnt passionate about security. It was mainly just a means to make a living. I will show you a simple example using plain java script. He signed up for treehouse, an olbermann education site that teaches courses in web development, app design and many computer languages for 25 a month. Within two months, he was applying for tech jobs. One month later, he was offered a job. I did not think i would find a job in three months. I knew i wasnt where i needed to be, but, you know, you have to take a risk. Three months is a quicker turnaround than normal, says ryan carson, ceo of tree house. If you take someone who has never written code or used technology in their job, it will take around six months to 12 months. And the nice thing is thats working about 20 or 30 minutes a day. Our belief is we can take somebody and take them from zero to job ready in about six months for only one 50 versus, you know, 50 to 100,000 at college. There are many tech jobs to be head. Nationwide, there are five job openings for every unemployed computer worker. Its considerably more than other competitivefields fields like healthcare and science and there are 50 times more job openings for an unemployed computer worker than an unemployed construction worker. There is a huge need for people to learn how to code and make apps. Treehouse is one of dozens of Online Education companies teaching coding and web development. It believes that not every tech job requires extensive Higher Education or, in some cases, any Higher Education at all. Its the same for joe fusco. I did take a web design course, but it was subpar. Definitely didnt get you ready for the work force. Getting a tech job isnt as easy as joe makes it look. Many Large Tech Companies still require a College Education and several years of experience before a candidate is even granted an interview. But fusco says his Current Employer saw a website he built and decided that was enough to get him the job. I think thats why you find the companies that actually care more about what you are producing than your actual background because if you can do the job, then why not . Mary snow, al jazeera. Tree house has launched a campaign with a State Government called code oregon creating 10 ,000 free tree house accounts for unemployed residents to learn about technology hoping to place many of them in jobs. We have an update from rio de janeiro, the netherlands has defeated coast a resta rica on kick, 4 to 3. Many children who undergo lifesaving Organ Transplants never get a chance to go to summer camp. One Nonprofit Group in michigan are trying to change that. One childs journey to boyhood adventures. Like most kids heading to camp for the first time, garrett osenbacher is looking forward to new adventures . I want to do the squirt gun fight. And a little index. My moms excited about being like away from my brother. Being away from home like a lot of other activities has been out of the question. For as long as he can remember, his life has revolved around doctors visits and a daily regimen to treat congenital kidney disease. Last july, just 8, he received a kidney from his father. He has to take medication three to four times a day. He had to get hooked up to his pump at night. So, he never spent the night at a friends house. He will say my friends can do that but i just cant do that. Its very heart breaking for my husband and i to hear that. But now, garrett is headed to sleepaway camp for an entire week. There we go. In the woods north of ann harbor mississippi kids who are had Organ Transplants are invited. Are you leaveing . Doug armstrong spent 13 years as director of Clinical Research at the university of Michigan Transplant Center and is the camps korff founder. These kids have been in a dependent situation with their health conditions, relying on their families, relying on the medical system and the physicians taking care of them. So an opportunity to really be a kid only happens at camp. In its 12 season, the camp is operated by nonprofit north star reach and is affiliated with 13 childrens hospitals. Everyone attends for free. All right. The allvolunteer medical staff and counselors organize each childs medications for the week. There are a few kids that, in addition to water replacement, they get two feedings of formula. The ratio of staff to campers is almost 1 to 1 in a place where meals are often served with a handful of pills. Part of what makes the camp so extraordinary is how ordinary it is. We talk a lot about having spectacularly average experiences we are trying to do very typical things in summer camp so when they go back to school and hear what did you do this summer . They can say i went to camp, too. Its like seeing kids who know what its like going through what i have gone through. It was so awesome. I could just go on it again. A chance to try new things, experience new highs or just enjoy being a kid. Usher karishi, holly, membership. A remarkable place. Next on Al Jazeera America who tests it . I dont know. The fda doesnt test it. No. But he doesnt go whacko on it, so. Dope for your dog . Why some pet owners are willing to give it a try. Al Jazeera America presents the system with Joe Berlinger i think the prosecutor has the greatest power of anyone anybody in our Society Lawyers are entrusted to seek the truth. I didt shoot anybody, i dont have anything to do with nothin but some dont play by the rules the way the courts have treated him, made me sick and its society that pays the price prosecutors have unique power to take away your personal liberties i just want justice. The system with Joe Burlinger only on Al Jazeera America 12k34r678 thunderstorms over florida are bringing in rainfall so much that we have some localized flooding. We have had a thunderstorm alert in central florida, mainly east of orlando. Its something you have to keep an eye to the sky as storms are rolling through right now. What else going on for florida up the coast into georgia, the carolinas . All the way up towards even delaware, we are seeing rip currents, high possibility of them, strongest potential on the carolina coast. So, its not a safe time to go out into the water because rip currents can sneak up on you really. They can be very, very strong at times as we look at whats happening in the rainfall totals, highest right along the gulf coast for houston over half an inch. We have had significant rainfall coming down for florida with these storms. Miami has threequarters of an inch of rainfall in the gauge now. As we look at radar and clouds across the upper midwest where we have a new disturbance rolling in for you bringing in more humidity. As that increases alongside of a fronts, we are getting storms popping up, we have the potential, at least the slight potential of severe storms. We are seeing them in south dakota, into your northwestern dakota and northern minnesota. Humidity will bring instability over the great lakes tomorrow humidities are going to increase for the day in wisconsin down towards illinois and tuesday, on to the northeast coast, making its way into jersey and new york. We will get slowmoving storms increasing the humidity up in front of it. This weather we have along the east coast is going to slowly diminish. Richelle . Medical bear with me juan a is legal in 22 states and the district of columbia. Thats just for people. For your cat or dog, there are no rules or regulations alan shoveller with growing industry treating just pets. Pot for dogs, puppy pot. I dont know that to be a trademarkable name or not but sounds good. It sounds good, but isnt quite accurate. Two years ago, gasby tore a tendon, his human, roger decided against surgery and turned instead to hempbased capsules. It helps, doesnt seem to have any side effects. It works for me. The capsules werent provided by a vet or bought in a store. Roger ordered them online from cannapet. You know whats in those . For the most part. Its bail medical marijuana. They have taken the thc out. Who tests it . I dont know. The fda doesnt. He doesnt go whacko on it. The website for the medical cannabis includes testimonials from pet owners answers and has a long list of claimed health benefits. Thc, the ipsycho active ingredient can be dangerous in high doses for dogs an cats mfrners say they are miniscule amounts. At the bottom of every page in these websites, a disclaimer have not been evaluated these products and statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Medical cannabis is unregulated and not well researched. Cannapet calls its products safe, legal and all natural. Its harmless. Plenty of natural substances that are dangerous. Dr. Lessly kovar is one of many in veterinary medicine skeptical about hempbased products. She wants to see more Serious Research . There have been no controlled studies using these products in companion animals. How many products are there . One. Sarah brandon is a practicing vet who also manufactures and sells hempbased supplements via her website, canaa companion. She also wants to see more research admitting most Success Stories are anecdotal. This is as good. Business is good. For pet owners buying into the concept, cannapet, you think its worth it . I think its worth it. Whatever wags the tail, proven or unproven tested or untested drives dollars. Alan shovel schoffler. I am richelle carey. For updates, check out aljazeera. Com. Thank you for your time. Keep it here. Some of americas bestkept secrets are out. By now, most of the world has heard the name edward snowden. The former National Security Agency Contractor who released thousands of classified documents about government surveillance in one of the most significant leaks in u. S. History. Hes been charged with espionage and has been living in russia under temporarylu

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