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With the news from europe, including ukraines president reaches out to his predecessors. And the head of a French Company that made faulty breast implants is jailed for fraud. Plus the International Space station celebrates a milestone, 50 years in orbit and counting. We begin in south africa where tens of thousands of people have braved the rain to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela. More than 90 heads of state made the trip to johannesberg to remember the leader. This was the scene at the fnb stadium. His death last week has united the country with tributes pouring in from around the world. Today, the whole world is standing still again to pay tribute to this greatest son of south africa and africa. Fellow mourners, there is no one like d eba. He was one of a kind. The world speaks fondly of his promotion of unity, reconciliation, and nonracialism during his presidency. When the night grows dark, when injustice weighs heavy on our hearts, when our bestlaid plans seem beyond our reach, let us think of madea, and the words that brought him comfort within the four walls of his cell, it matters not how straight the gate, how charged the punishment, the scroll, i am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul. What a magnificent soul it was. We will miss him deeply. May god bless the memory of Nelson Mandela. My god bless the people of south africa. So barack obama also gave us one of the days most memorable images. This is him shaking hands with cubas leader. America has not had former diplomatic relations with cuba since 1959. Above all the memorial was an opportunity for South Africans to reflect on what mandela meant to them. He has made me so proud to be a south african, and i just think he embraces everything that we want for our land and i hope were going to carry on with his legacy. We are all here for one golden aim. To celebrate the life of a hero. That permitted black people to operate free in their own country. I came here to celebrate the life of my hero, my leader, my future, my hope, someone who gave me hope. Mike hannah is following events in johannesberg. We saw that remarkable show of unity with World Leaders and people coming together. Have they managed to digest and take in what happened at the stadium . It was very much the call for unity. It was very much the call among those who spoke from the podium, and the people sitting in the seats all around, there was that call for analysis of the society as it is today, a time for reflection, and we heard repeatedly through the day from speakers and from people we were speaking to in the stands now that now is the time to commemorate mandela by doing and living the way he would wish. Very much a period of self examination in the course of this memorial. What happens next over the next few days before the burial takes place . Well, over the next few days, Nelson Mandelas body will be taken to the Union Building at the seat of government, where members of the public will be able to file past and pay their final respects to the revered leader in the course of tomorrow, the beginning of tomorrow, his family will be among the first of some of the dignitaries who will view the cassette. His body will stay in the area for the next few days before being taken to his home village for final burial. A number of the foreign dignitaries are staying in place for the next few days. And we will be hearing more from them too in the days ahead, we are told. Okay. Mike, thank you. Mike hannah reporting for us from the fnb stadium in johannesberg. Tonya is just outside the stadium, and you have been there assessing the mood of people walking in and out, and you have spoken to many people, what have they said . That said, one overriding message, one of unity and togetherness, and the fact that the job isnt done. I spoke to an elderly woman first of all, and she said she owed it to monday to be here today, and she said there are still a lot of People Living in in poverty in this country, and thats really something we have to start addressing, and much more quickly, then i spoke to one of the security guards working here and he said mandela was an inspiration for us, but also he lived by example, and he asked the question, look at how many leaders across africa, stay in power for much longer than they are, in many peoples minds supposed to. And he said mandela lived by example on that front. And i spoke to a couple of young people, a brother and sister born into a Free Democratic south africa, and the young man about nine years old said he wanted to be like mandela. And i said what does that mean . And he said i must be a good boy. I must go to school. A wide range of ages and people of all backgrounds here, all taking away their memories of this historic occasion. Tonya you just mentioned speaking to a woman who told you she was concerned about poverty. Mike told us it was a day of self examination. Do people have a hope for the future of south africa, because there are concerns over the ruling party, allegations corruption and such. Yeah, and i think we saw a little bit of that played out inside the stadium when we heard some booing when the president appeared. We have to bear in mind some of those people may be listening out for them, and they be getting magnified how representative they were of the actual audience. And i saw examples of people leaving when he took to the microphone. But people were leaving maybe an hour or so before that, because you have to bear in mind that it was delayed and it has been raining here all day. And people are very cognizant of the fact that mandela left them with a job to do. There are still such vast ip equalities in this country, and by no means is that reversed or in any way, you know, close to being reversed. There are still millions of People Living in in poverty . Shacks, and not very far from downtown pos prosperous parts of johannesberg as well. Tonya thank you. We have coverage on Nelson Mandelas memorial on al jazeera, theres more on our website as well. Its aljazeera. Com. Youll find a live blog of events throughout the week in fact. Were also tweeting from inside the stadium, using the hashtag ajmandela. And Nelson Mandela is also the focus of our online magazine. All of that and more on aljazeera. Com. The french president is heading to Central African republic after soldiers were killed. Hundreds were killed there last week, and the country was plunged into chaos in march when selica parties started a coup. Crowds of young men attacked and looted a mosque, accusing muslims of supporting the selica rebels. Tensions appear to be escalating. Here things are extremely ten. We have seen no french patrols. We have seen a few African Union forces, mainly from kat. Who french soldiers were killed here on monday night in clashes. The french were supposed to be disarming selica forces as well as other armed fighters, but what we have seen are various pickups full of armed selica men driving past. Now we understand that there is also a mosque which is still burning right now in an area called fue, muslims have been targeted by christians. Muslims are saying they have absolutely no protection. The feeling on the streets among christians is they welcome the french presence, but we have seen absolutely no French Forces here at the moment. Were also expecting the president of france to arrive here atment some point. He isment coming from south african, where he has been at a memorial for Nelson Mandela. He is expected to meet with the president here. Lets get more on how the mission is playing out in france. With the death of the two french soldiers are we likely to see a changed french mandate . I think since the french were allowed by the un to use whatever means necessary, quote unquote, to restore order, they will not hesitate to use force because selica might have felt threatened president the president said that they failed to restore order, hence he must leave. So this has heightened tension. Okay. Lets just break the frenchman date down for a second, because there is one part there is the military challenge, and then there is the challenge to restore order in the Central African republic. What do you understand the frenchman date to be . And can they do it within the sixmonth time frame that they have laid out . I think the time frame might be too short, so it might be extended. I think its definitely going to be expanded because the task is huge. It is forced to fill the gap between and january or even later when the interafrican force comes into play. And the interafrican force, which currently totaled 2,400 troops is going to be increased to 6,000 with an interim period where there is going to be 6,300 troops. They come from different countries, need training, need a common goal and discipline and these things take time. The french are well equipped, well trained. Its one of the best armies in the world. And they are technically capable of restoring peace. But it will take time. You have different groups there making things extremely difficult, different ethnic groups. You have a religious problem as well that is emerging. So provocation right, and the French Defense minister himself said they are dealing with various militants who are deeply entrenched in the towns. France a former colonial power when it comes to former rule i think france was dragged back to see reluctantly rather, because the president wants to break away. But reality, real politics brings him back here. There was a moral duty not just on the part of france from but the world to do something there, because the coup try has been exposed to various groups and violence has been rampant for many, many years, and france which keeps troops in africa, is the only power to do so is always ready to come to the rescue of its excolonies, because when things go wrong, it is the first to be accused of not doing the right thing, or having conflicted interest with business, what is called a [ inaudible ]. So there was nothing else to be done but to intervene. Liddy thank you. Liddy joining us from paris. Coming up on the program, kenya completes 50 years of self rule. Well look at its stabilizing role on the continent. But well tell you how a water deal could breathe new life into the dead sea. Mu lets bring you some news from europe now. Some of the blame for violence rests with the police. Protesters are still camped out at Independence Square. Tim reports from kiev. Reporter this us withen a appeal to the nation from an embattled president , surrounded by three predecessors, he insisted that ukraines european Integration Project was on tract. But thousands of protesters dont believe help, and accuse him of following moscows orders. Just a few hours earlier before dawn, police moved in to break up lines of protesters and their barricades as a deadline expired for them to leave. Several people, including police were injured. But the main protest in Independence Square goes on. Finding agreement and compromise in the face of this sometimes violent confrontation will be extremely difficult particularly as both sides still believe they can win. Progress was not helped with the release of this video, in which the Fatherland Party says shows police breaking into their headquarters. The protesters camping out are now facing temperatures as low as minus 15. They are not hopeful about talks. Translator i dont expect anything good from him, to tell the truth. I dont expect a positive outcome. Translator if he has something to tell us, he should come on stage and speak to us. Translator i dont think they will be able to agree on anything. There will be no positive out come. That said, we hope for positive changes. Reporter both sides appear to be ready for a long fight, and the risk of further violence remains tim joins us live from kiev. First of all has there been much reaction to the possible release of some of the protesters . Well, i think many of them will be slightly encouraged by those remarks from the president. Frankly his credibility with them generally is pretty low, and i think the vast majority will simply wait to see what the president is able to achieve. He went some way, i guess to accepting that things had got out of hand. He said he wanted to close this dark chapter in ukraines history. But simply now theyve given up believing him, many of them, and when he speaks about pursuing the european project and having to at the same time remain allied to moscow, they really think he has very little credibility. He admitted that it was the economy that was at the root of all of this. He has to find somewhere to get some more money into the system to make this country work again. Its economy is in dire straits. So i think there will be a huge degree of skepticism not only from the protesters here but also from the general public, skepticism if not cynicism. We certainly heard that voiced by some of the protesters that you spoke to. And there are clearly deep divisions within the country about the future direction whether there should be closer ties with the eu or of course russia. Do you get the sense that both sides are really digging their heels in, making compromise even less likely. I think there is an attempt to compromise. Both sides are pretty entrenched, but the Foreign Affairs envoy Katherine Ashton is in town. She will be talking to the president and members of the opposition as well. She will be striving to at least find some Common Ground because if the they dont work towards that, then as i was saying in my report, the very real risk of more conflict and perhaps violence, conflict, the repeat of what we saw a couple of weekends ago when police really broout brutally beat many protesters remains. So everyone is hoping they can find some way forward, but at the moment it is difficult to see where that protest can be made. Because in the end the protesters still want him to go. They want new elections. Thanks so much, tim, in kiev as those demonstrations continue in Independence Square. In france the founder of a Company Responsible for faulty breast implants has been jailed for fraud. He was prosecuted after the implants were found to have an abnormally high rate of rupture. Reporter hope after major surgery. The only emotions these implanted ended up provoking, angry and anxiety. Inside them the kind of silicon that you would find in matruses, not the kind you should find in humans. For years this mans company filled implants with what was described as a homemade concoction and shipped them around the world. 65 nations in all, 300,000 women affected. Suddenly i heard something bursting and i couldnt get up again. Reporter isabel had her following major cancer surgery, but what paid for and what she got were two very different things. Only later did she find out how they were being made. One of the engineers said, well, we just took a spoon and put it in. Well, what you mean . And he said it again, yeah, we would just take a spoon and put it in in. Even an animal you calculate what you give them. Thats why you know today why some women are more sick than others. They got a bigger spoon. Can you do that . Thats women. I mean its lives. Reporter so big was the trial that it had to take place not in a court but a conference center. On tuesday the verdict came through. He got four years in jail and a fine of a hundred thousand dollars, some of his key staff received jail sentences too. For those who have pip implants fitted all of this was about one thing, and that was justice. And did they get it . He has been convicted, but he is not going to prison at least today because he is appealing, and under the law he can go home. And what impact will those impacts have on the longterm health of those that were fitted. Ill be back with more news from europe later on this hour. Lets get back to doreen in doha. Thank you. Five policemen have shot dead in northeast kenya. Gunmen opened fire. At least two other officers were injured, and its not known who was behind the attack. Meanwhile, kenya is commemorating the 50th anniversary of its independence from britain. Al jazeeras peter grefca reports. Reporter as 2004 came to a close, the people of sudan celebrated what was then the end of africas longest civil war. They signed a Peace Agreement not on their own territory but in northern kenya. This moment also belonged to kenya. Quietly behind the scenes, the kenyan government at times bullied the two sides into talking together. The fact that they signed at all was a credit to kenyas foreign policy. The president reporter the widow remembers the time well, including latenight calls from kenyas president. Translator there were times that they would look for my husband, and they would not allow me to rest. You have to look for your husband. Your husband has to come, and i [ inaudible ] president , calling me please, madame rebecca we want to see your husband. Reporter that type of approach helped keep kenya relatively stable. And why one the United Nations established a hub in the area. But all of this International Engagement has always worked in kenyas favor, whenever there has been a sign of trouble here, the un and others have been keen to protect their investment and try to help resolve the crisis. According to one diplomat it become a virtuous circle. Resisting any temptation to interfiend at least militarily. Reporter but in late 2011, kenyas patience snapped. The government ordered its troops over the border, after alshabab kidnapped several tourists and aid workers. Saw it as a way of securing the countrys borders. But after the attack on the westgate shopping mall, the policy of not interfering in the affairs of the neighbors is starting to like a wise approach. Much more to come, including learning to cook on a tight budget. And the nhls Anaheim Ducks rise to the top of the table after hosting the new York Islanders. Jo will have the details a little later in in sports. This is a watershed moment in media for america. This entire region is utterly devastated. People our here are struggling. The fire jumped the highway we took earlier. Your average viewer wants to actually understand how the Health Care Law is going to help them or hurt them. They know they can get extremist bickering somewhere else. People say that were revolutionary. Our revolution is just going back to doing the best in journalism. This is the place to go watch high quality journalism, period. Power of the people until we restore our Al Jazeera America is a straightforward news channel. Its the most exciting thing to happen to american journalism in decades. We believe in digging deep. Its unbiased, factbased, indepth journalism. You give them the facts, dispense with the fluff and get straight to the point. Im on the ground every day finding stories that matter to you. In new orleans. Seattle bureau. Washington. Detroit. Chicago. Nashville. Los angeles. San francisco. Al jazeera america, take a new look at news. You are watching the al jazeera news hour. Hello again, here is a reminder of the top stories. Tens of thousands of people have braved the rain in south africa to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela. The french president is heading to the Central African republic later on tuesday following the killing of french troops. Ukraines president says he is willing to release some of the activists arrested during the antigovernment protests. He says there is no alternative to restoring trade talks with moscow. Thousands are still camped out in the capitol of kiev. Eleven people have been killed in in a suicide back in in bagdad. 20 people were wounded and its not known who was behind the attack. To syria now where opposition fighters have taken control of two towns. It follows a series of setbacks for the rebels in recent peeks. On monday Government Forces reclaimed a strategic border town. There is a push to control the lebanese border, and with it a vital supply route. Here is more. Reporter for weeks syrian troops have been applying pressure on rebels in this town. But the government victory on sunday appears to be a game changer, wasting no time, Syrian Forces are now advancing on this, the last rebel strong hold in the mountainous region. [ gunfire ] [ shouting ] reporter government control is now very close. For months it was undisputed rebel territory. A crucial supply root. But in less than a month that grip has slipped. One by one rebel held towns and villages have fallen. Government soldiers wrestling control from the rebels who were lead mainly by groups linked to alqaeda. Translator while we were clearing the town of nabec, we found large numbers of mu anythings. Reporter the state tv showed celebration as government soldiers moved into the town. Translator we protected the army who managed to get rid of these terrorist groups. We werelying in a state of terror. Translator we dont know what would have happened to us if we didnt have such a brave army may god bless them. Reporter but not everyone is celebrating. Supply lines are being cut off and so are escape routes. The last base of rebel control is all part of a broader government campaign. Syrian forces know that severing rebel supply lines will have a Ripple Effect on syriians war. Israel, jordan and the Palestinian Authority have signed a new watersharing agreement. They will start work on a new pipeline from the red sea to the dead sea. Reporter the dead sea, one of natures peculiarities, technically a lake, this tourist attraction is so rich in minerals and salt that people float naturally in it. But water levels are dropping by as much as a meter in a year. The new deal aims to slow down the dead seas decline. We are joining hands with our regional partners to develop such an important project, which i think will be a model not only for our region, but to the world where we have conflict, water can bring people together and at a certain point can bring even peace to the people of the region. The line line would connect the northern tip of the red sea to the dead sea. A plant will be built, with the Drinking Water to be shared by the neighbors. The salty biproduct would be channelled 180 kilometers north. The palestinians accuse israel of taking control of aquifers. Israel will increase its annual sale of water to them. And environmentalists are also concerned that the fragile ecosystem will be disruped, but the agreement is seen as a sign of cooperation at a politically sensitive time. And possible hope to save the dead sea. Lets go back to london now. Thanks. Low income families in the uk are having increasing difficulty paying for food. On monday we reported on a special new supermarket for the poor. But some nutritionists argue that reliance on processed foods and ready meals have made it much harder to feed their families on a budget. Lawrence is in one of pourest parts of london. Reporter the children are all aged about nine, the challenge is to cook a meal for four for 7. 5 pounds. In the uk rising food prices mean there are many people who wouldnt know where to start. What is in it . Sdmrfrmgs oranges, apples. Its delicious. Chilly powder and a little bit of spinach. Reporter that boy squeezing the lime juice his family live in just half of this house. Neither mum nor dad works. They usually have about 10 to feed the family for the whole day. When adam comes home, adam is happy to take over to make some food. Its not enough. But when you come to find everything healthy and you not find something fresh thing, and you can its very fine. Reporter all of which offers an untold story of what is described as the cost of living crisis here. It appears comes whos culture has never involved prepackaged expensive meals may be better able to cope in hard times because they never forgot how to cook. People are becoming a bit lazy. Reporter because of ready meal meals . Yeah. And because of time and everything. And that is becoming more of an excuse for the kids and adults. Reporter look at this. [ cheers ] reporter no doubt christmas will be tough for many millions in the uk who have seen no improve in their incomes while the economy has begun to grow again lawrence lee al jazeera, london. A longterm study has concluded that a Healthy Lifestyle is the most effective way to prevent dementia, thatment comes out of a Major International summit on wednesday. Scientists have been monitoring more than 2,000 men between 25 and 49 since 1979. They found that five factors can help prevent dementia, regular exercise, healthy diet. Maintaining a healthy body wait, not smoking, and Drinking Alcohol in moderation. This cuts their chance of developing dementia by 60 . Peter join us now. I suppose the striking thing from this study from the mitigating factors that you have listed here is the emphasis is essentially on leading a Healthy Lifestyle and these are all things we should be doing anyway. Yes, a Healthy Lifestyle is enormously protective. 60 reduction in heart attacks and stroke. And a reduction in cancer by 40 . The following of a Healthy Lifestyle is the persons own responsibility. The health services, government and health services, are set up to look after disease, and help people live with their disease, occasionally to treat the disease and cure it, but the preservation of ones health is the responsibility of the individual, and there are five Healthy Behaviors which sound simple, and should be followed by more people. At the moment 1 of people in whales follow these five Healthy Behaviors, and it is their responsibility, and the benefits would be enormous. You keep mentioning it is the individuals own responsibility. And that makes sense, but dementia is very much on the rise. What then has gone wrong . Why are people not following what are very simple guidelines . Well, to put it very bluntly and frankly, i think were a decadent society. Its so easy to have things done for one, to not to take exercise and use the car or a bus. Its were very decadent. We look for an easy lifestyle instead of challenging ours. We estimated in this the community in whales if people are challenged, if only half of them followed a healthy behavior, there would be 15 less diabetes, 10 less heart disease, and 10 to 15 less dementia in the community. But thats a challenge, and its the peoples own responsibility to live a Healthy Lifestyle. Professor thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and elaborating on the findings of this study for us. Sdmrfrm thank you. Lets go back to doha. Coming up we have all of the sports news, and renaldo is set to make his return. Details in just a moment with jo. And now a techknow minute. Politicians in uruguay are preparing to vote on a new law that would legalize marijuana. The law is expected to pass in the senate and then go to the president for final approval. Canada has signaled intentions to claim the north pole and surrounding arctic waters as part of its own territory. The area contains 30 of the worlds undiscovered natural gas and 15 of oil. Canada has filed a un application seeking to expand its atlantic sea boundary. Today we mark an important milestone tos a dert to assert and defend our national sovereignsy. Well secure un approval of the securing the full shelf as part of our great country. The u. S. Has an ecological problem. Its wetlands are disappearing fast, putting wildlife and their own food chain at risk. The reason . Well, its Climate Change according to scientists. Rob rents reynolds has the story. Reporter more than 1400 square kilometers of wetlands in the United States have disappeared in the past four years, and the loss is accelerating a new study stays. Marsh lands and swamps are crucial breeding grounds. And they provide a buffer against storm surges. But a combination of powerful storms, rising sea levels, and Unchecked Development of coastal regions are washing the wetlands away. The study carried out on behalf of several federal environmental agencies says the rate of wedland disappearance speeded up 25 from 2004 to 2009, compared with the previous four years. A rash of especially harsh storms including Superstorm Sandy and hurricanes in the gulf of mexico have taken a heavy toll. And also booming housing and commercial development, developers fill in marsh lands and growing communities create suage and runoff. Billions of dollars will be required to stem and reverse the rapid loss of this irreplaceable national treasure. Scientists have discovered a new recordlow temperature, freezing minus 93 degrees celsius in antarctica. Studies in 2010 showed pockets of tapped air that dipped below the previously recorded lowest temperature. It is one of the most expensive things ever built, but 15 years after the International Space stations first nodules were connected, has the investment paid off reporter bigger than a football pitch, the International Space station orbitz 330 kilometers above earth. Science and space comes at a price, in this case a hefty 150 billion in and another 2 billion a year to keep it running. Chemical and biological reactions that take place without gravity. And the spinoffs are completely unpredictable. Reporter the station has been visited by astronauts from 15 different countries. But how does its cost compare to other big projects. This project in france cost 10 billion to build. Compare that to 9 billion a year spent on research and cancer, and then nasas mars rover. It is still exploring the martian surface, but the mission cost 2. 5 billion. Research has included looking at the prolonged effect of space on humans. You havent seen a sort of Nobel Prize Winning discovery at least not yet. But what you have seen is the construction of a permanent lab in orbit. And thats valuable to a whole range of science. Vegetables are important for your health, so today i have chosen dried spinach. Reporter canadian astronaut introduced millions of people to life on the spaceation earlier this year. His songs written and recorded in space and his prolific photography was hugely popular online. The station is expected to be running for the next 50 years. In that time, it is hoped the discoveries will eventually justify the costs. All right. Here is sport. Copenhagen could face a shift penalty after a protest by greens peace. Spanish side had just begun talking to the media ahead of their games when a banner was lowered behind the coach. The poster was quickly removed. Real madrid has already secured a top spot. Staying in group b, juventus will confront their rivals in front of a packed stadium. But the coach knows it wont be easy. Translator of course our aim is to win, but we will concentrate not to give an easy opportunity to juventus. We should play well, and we should play well to the end. Midfielder had been named french footballer of the year. He helped france qualify for next years world cup. He previously won the award in 2007 and 2008. Defending champions, barcelona plays [ inaudible ] in the Champions League on wednesday. But top officials have been meeting to decide whether to leave the stadium for a bigger stadium. Two plans have bureaucrat considered, including up to 105,000 spectators or move away to a new stadium. Either way it would be the third biggest stadium in the world. The decision is expected to be made early next year. The nhl is expecting to bump up its salary cap from 64 million to 74 million per team. League revenues are expected to exceed 3. 3 billion. The Anaheim Ducks thrashed the new York Islanders with the game tied at 22. Cam fowler got the eventual game winner. Anaheim was killing a penalty when he scored his third goal of the season, and first short handed goal of his career. But corey perry scored the first backtoback goals and the ducks beat the islanders by 2. Now to the senators and the flyers. The captain scored the shootout winner for the 54 victory. The Los Angeles Clippers defeated the philadelphia 76ers. The clippers jumped to an early lead and held on throughout the matchup. Blake griffin scored a game high 26 points. Winning 9483. One of the most anticipated fights of all time, floyd may weather, jr. Against Manny Pacquiao might be edging closer to becoming a reality. And thats because the wbc has made Manny Pacquiao the number one contender for the welterweight title. This follows the demolition of brendan rios macau. Theres more on our website, check out, aljazeera. Com sport. There is also details on how to get in touch with our team. Thats all the sport for now. Jo thanks very much. Do stay with us right here on al jazeera, because we have in the full bulletin of us in straight ahead. Before that were leaving you can the highlights from Nelson Mandelas Memorial Service that took place in johannesberg. Take a look at this. What a magnificent soul he was. We will miss him deeply. My god bless the memory of Nelson Mandela. May god bless the people of south africa. [ singing ] men, women, and children must live side by side dreaming the same dream, realizing at the crew ball of time in our land, we salute you. Come on [ singing ] it is a new deal all of us to love him, to keep his memory alive in our hearts and bodies, his example in our lives. Can i get a witness up in here [ singing ] no matter no matter what and while i will always fall short of his example, he makes me want to be a better man. Remembering mandela, tens of thousands gather in johannesberg to celebrate the man who inspired people around the world. This is al jazeera live from our headquarters in doha. Also ahead, a set back for stability in the Central African pu

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