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It took air crews to fight that blaze, Officials Say it is 70 contained up to 30 homes have been evacuated. A show down a slow down in home prices might actually prove positive for the economy. Two latest report shows that monthly prices grew less than expected in july, the reason, surging Mortgage Rates but it could mean the housing sector is getting back to normal. Thats the news at this hour, consider this is up next, i will see you back here at 11 00 eastern time. Check out our website for the latest news. To make peace withizeying ran. Consider this, will we see what the president called a long road toward a different relationship . Or will this new effort crash like others . Also an Egyptian Court bans the Muslim Brotherhood, will that cause another violent backlash . Is taylor swift is making tens of millions of dollars a year, so why are the overwhelming majority of musicians struggling to break even. Welcome to consider this. We begin with iran. The annual meeting of leaders held more intrigue than usual, when it seems as if the first meeting between the iranian and u. S. President since the revolution, might actually happen. Despite son till story worlds there was no rendezvous. As al jazeera reports after all the friendly tweets from iran, and an Old Fashioned pen pal relationship between the two, they couldnt manage to swing a hand shake at the u. N. Iran is the anchor of a stability in an otherwise ocean of regional instabilities. Iran poses absolutely no threat to the world, or the region. But the conciliatory words came in the midst of sharp criticism. The wildest and extreme actions such as the use of drones, against innocent peopled in name of combat and terrorism should also be condemned. An insistence that the program is for peaceful purposes. Nuclear weapon with and other weapons have no place in irans security and defense doctrine. Speaking earlier, president obama officially opened the doors to diplomacy. We are encouraginged that he received from the iranian people a manage date to pursue a more moderate course. The roadblocks may prove to be too great, but i firmly believe the path must be tested. President obama also announced that john kerry will try to start the dialog thursday, when he is scheduled to meet Iranian Foreign minister along with five other world powers. The foreign minister took to twitter to hail this historic opportunity to resolve the issue. But skepticism remains high. According to such officials they decline the overture to arrange an encounter. But it also meant he erased the most likely possibility of encounters president obama face to face. Courtney keeley, al jazeera, new york. Joining me now to talk about what is going on behind the scenes with u. S. And iran is hillary manolev rett. She is the author of going to tehran. She joins us from our washington, d. C. Studio. President obama didnt stay to listen to president s speech at the u. N. , instead he was at the big Clinton Foundation event in new york. But president made clear he did Pay Attention to president obama. I listeninged carefully to the statement made by president obama made today in the general assembly. A dominant voice has been repeatedly heard. The military option is on the table. Let me say loud and clear, that peace is within reach. What stood out to you about his remarks . Well, there is a difference, of course, between his remarks and those of his predecessor, the former president mac mood. But i dont think the substance is all that different. I think we have someone that is very experienced. They both have phds from western institutions. It was one of the most destructive negotiations that the United States has had. So i do think we have a historic opportunity in terms of the team we have from iran. I think it is very very important. What happened to the United States and the president over this threat to use force with with syria, which the president was not able to do, is very important. While it is being maligned here as a sign of weakness, it is critical that the United States does not really have the credibility use or threat of force just to wave around like it did in iraq or libya, this is something very important on the iranian side. Thats what they are focused on. You were not able to listen to him speaking, but you have watched some of the speech, what about his demeanor and the way hedy lived his speech . It does seem like a very substantial departure. I believe it was. A night and day per former president mans. This is not a person that is trying to shock the world with his words. And so far, the only thing that has caused surprise regarding the attention is the constructive things that he has said. I think to a certain extent, the most important thick that will happen this week, is what will happen on thursday, when he will be meeting secretary john kerry, and that seems to have kind of fallen in the shallows of the fact, that there was a missing hand shake today. But the meeting is quite historic, and i think theres a good chance that something constructive will come out of that. I do want to go there, but i want to talk more about his general demeanor in this speech. One thing he said tonight, just a little while ago, in an interview on cnn, he talks about accepting that the holocaust took place, something the former had constantly denied. Another very big depasture. Certainly, and i think he said himself earlier on, part of the purpose of him coming here is to make sure he shows irans true face, departing what was happening in the past eight years. Of course, at the end of the day, there has to be developments on the Nuclear Front in order for there to be a break through here, but i agree with hillary. The team that is in charge of the policy in iran right now, and is conducting Foreign Policy is a very experienced team, and has a very long history of having reached out to the United States. And have tried in the palestinian to forge a better relationship. I think it is because they do have a strategic applicant which they view between the United States and iran as a strategic necessity for the region as a whole. And again, talking about that attitude, i want to play a clip of the first english message to americans from that cnn interview. I would like to say to american people, i bring peace and friendship from iranians to americans. Hillary, i hate to keep harping on foreign rather than substance, its very hard not to receive he almost looked pastoral. There is an important difference from the previous at ministration . Iran, with this one, both in form and substance. But i caution against putting too much stock into the dramatic differences. We really risk a serious problem for the United States if we blame this on our demonization. This idea that he said that he was going to wipe israel off the map, and the holocaust never happened those were our mistranslations, our rhetorical flourishes. We make a really big mistake demonizing it all and putting it all on his lap, because t a tend f othe day, there are real differences, and they gave really different speeches tonight. Rue hanie took out a speech that was for constructive engagement. For diplomacy, for even difficult problems like syria. Obama gave a different speech, a speech that we are going to try diplomacy, but United States is still the exceptional power, and we will use force when we think it is necessary. They are very different world views and there is a difference in substance. That said, having negotiated with foreign minister and having met president ruhani, i do think we have a historic opportunity. But it isnt open ended. This team does not have a Carte Blanche in iran. Theres real accountability. There are elections and theres a domestic political scene that will make it not possible for negotiations just to be carried out indefinitely without any return for iran. In fact, the white house was amenable between the two today at the u. N. And it was the iranian whose studdled it. S that just a question of internal politics in iran . Just wouldnt play if they had had a meeting. Though i personally have to say im disappointed. I was hoping for a hand shake. What i think is happen is they know very well, there will be a political price to be paid for that hand shake. What i think is important that they have something con crease to bring back. Absent that, concession of whatever it is that they were looking for, they seem to be hesitant to go forward. Interesting thing is, from the american side it seems easy to give a symbiotic gesture, but quite difficult to give something of substance. On the iranian side, it seems like the symbolic gestures are more difficult to give. The hardliners are not let me give you a quote here, from the deputy chief of the Iranian Armed forces he said that freezes iranian assets downing a plane, sanctions and terrorism are only part of americas dark file in its relations with the slammic republic. Clearly, there are people who are not happy about what is going on right now. This is true, but i want to amplify, it is a very important point. The idea here in washington that iran would be happy, grateful, for a behind the corridor hand shake, really emphasizes the endurance of the iranian public. And then irans foreign minister at the United Nations in november 2001, right after 9 11, when we were talking the the iranians about afghanistan, there was a hand shake then, what happened then, president bush delivered the axis of evil speech. They need something concrete to take home, and perhaps this meeting and secretary kerry could give them just that. They are just stretching us along in order to be able to develop the nuclear weapons. Certainly a relief to some extent in israel. Certainly not buying the gestures lets listen to what he had to say. We will not be fooled behalf measures that merely provide a smoke screen. And they should not be fools either. A bad agreement was worse than no agreement. I think the latter quote reveals what it is. They believe that every agreement would be a bad agreement, and as a result, it is worse than having no agreement. Israelis know negotiating outcome will have to be a compromise. They will have to give something, but it will also get something. And that is from their perspective worse. Because your political situation in the region is now such that there is a clear diver jens from the israeli and the american, as well as from the saudi and american interests. And there is a concern that if there is a break through, that will come at the expense of the security interests and the relationship between israel and the United States. Now, as you both have mentioned on thursday, secretary of state will meet with irans foreign minister, he studies with former secretary of state and he tweeted early today that we have a historic opportunity to resolve the nuclear issue. You are both very optimistic that this is going to be a good deem, that this is going to be something that is very worthwhile. Because again, nobody has met with no Foreign Ministers have met the state secretary of state or an Iranian Foreign minister going back to 1979. You are both optimistic. Yeah, there was this meeting after 9 11, and there was a hand shake, so we have had it before. I am optimistic because it is inevitable. Are you optimistic too . I am hopeful. But i know it will take a tremendous amount of political will. This is not a technical issue, it has to emisson both sides. The problem as was pointed out is the window is extremely brief. If it isnt done in the next couple of months this opportunity will be lost. More than three decades of coming flick, lets he with with can make progress. Thank you both for coming on the show. An Egyptian Court has banned all activities of the Muslim Brotherhood. What does that mean for democracy in egypt . And what do you think our social media producer is fielding your questions she will bring them to us, please join the conversation on twitter at a. J. Consider this, or at our facebook and google plus pages. Well be right back. What had been egypts opening to democracy, closed earlier. That pending appeal, dissolved the Muslim Brotherhood, the same organization that took power through the ballot box last year. At least 1,000 supporters were kilted in july, egypts a leader of the brotherhood following protests where millions across the country demanding his ouster. Now a powerful new front line documentary follows the path from the protests that pushed president from power two years ago to military rule today. In a sharply divided fragile land. For more im very pleased to be joined by charles senate, correspondent from the Front Line Program and founding editor. Charles, appreciate you being with us tonight. The Muslim Brotherhood. Good evening. Talks about gradual reform. Before they were pushed from power, but many were things they were not happy about. This court ruling on monday, which may or may not stand, but if it does, it will drive the brotherhood underground. What do you think will actually happen . Will they go underground . As they had been for most of the 20th century. You know the ruling by this court, that a cabinet minister has actually decided to postpone that ruling but i think i reveals that there is an effort within the military rulers who are controlling egypt, to do precisionly what this court decided should be done, which is to ban the Muslim Brotherhood. They have a narrative that is very much about survival about sustaining through all these years and fighting for what they believe in. They they felt betrayed the e7 jinx character, the they paid the price for it. 20 Million People took the the streets on june 30th. And said they dont want this government led by it is the big question in the air right now. If this Court Decision does stand, and you factor in Everything Else and how the military have gone after the Muslim Brotherhood, some are in custody, if they do go underground, what do you see happening . You spend a lot of time in egypt. Are they going to go back to terrorism, could there even be a civil war . You know, the Muslim Brotherhood has claimed it has rejected violence. Ore eegyptian slammic jihad, who reject democracy. Whether you like them or not, clearly most egyptians didnt like them. Didnt they resort to violence after the military deposed them . They were protesting the detention of what they felt was the democratically elected president. I feel very comfortable defending the Muslim Brotherhood. Failed governance, i dont want to do that, but i do think it is important for the American Public to understand how it is viewed. And that is that the Muslim Brotherhood is not going to go away any time soon. They are a powerful force, politically. They were democratically elected to 40 of parliament. They won the presidency, so the idea that you can push them under ground and they will go away i think whether you support their ideas or not, it is just impractical. You show how they play a big role. What happen to those people that relied on the charity if the organization gets banned. As a party that will operate that they will cling to this victim narrative, where they will say the powers that be, dont want us in charge, but we will continue to serve the poor people through kindergarten, through health clinks through all the services. But i think some of that game is up. I think many many egyptians admired the social services. Which is they are not inclusive of women. They did not protect the christian minority. They gave too much power to the military. And it was a failure. That i think is almost indisputen. I have talked to Muslim Brotherhood members who wont put up much resistence, when you say this is a failing government. What really needs to be sorted as they move towards this underground movement. They are trying to reorganize, and the idea that you can crush them as he tried to for so many decades. It is part of an egyptian society, that believes in their long term goals. Iranian think it ii think e for anyone watching egypt, and the desires to become democratic to think you can just take a part of the country that had 40 of parliament, and said you can no longer have any part of this. I just dont think it is going to work. We have a question from social media. Thank you, antonio. Charm on twitter, the Muslim Brotherhood been banned in egypt almost the entire time since the one hundred ninetyfifth two revolution. What difference does this ban make . Once there was a decision by the people of egypt to push for a democracy, to oppose mew baric and move through elections. That changed everything, because then they emerged as a political party, and it shows they do have a following. And thats significant. They also upon the presidency, it is true they were up against a government regime, who no one wanted. So many people that voted for morsy, werent necessarily voting for the Muslim Brotherhood. To now push them back under ground, so say you will be outlawed again, i think ironically, they may be comfortable in that role, and organizing and getting back to their roots. But i actually think if disa mistake to think that you can somehow snuff out all of the Political Energy they have. And you talk about the real bauer in the Egyptian State being in what you call the deep state. The military and other elements of an establishment there. You ill separate the power of that deep state to stop these changes. Lets play a clip from your movie. Revolutionaries and liberals who voted for morsy hope the new president and the new constitution would restrain the deep state. One of the big demands is to say we dont want any more torture, we dont want any more civilians being tried in military courts. We wanted to have something in the constitution against torture. We with wanted to have something in the constitution against police brutality. He wanted to have something in the constitution that would limit the power of the military. But wrath err than curb the power of the military, the constitution gave the military everything they wanted. So charles, in some ways the morsy government went too far in one with direction, but then didnt go far enough. Yeah, the deep state is a concept that is important to understand. It is a word you hear so often in egypt these days and basically to define the deep state, just a little bit, i think of it like a pyramid. There are 350somes that form the military, in the middle brick by brick, you have their economic control over much of egypt. Some estimates as much as say as much as 40 of the private sector is controlled by the military. You then on top of that have the police fourses. Security forces. The satisfy. Stream council of the allies forces and on top of that, general aciesy who is in charge of egypt. It is a very deep and solid structure, and right embedded in the middle of it, in a Treasure Chest is the 1. 3 billion in u. S. Aid. The deep state has been in control for a advantage long time, some would argue they controlled mew baric. What is clear is they are in control now, what is up for question, and i think some really smart analysts would say they never lost control. Even when the scare began to erupt, and they began to turn chair support, and the military began to uphold their yearings the question is did they ever let go . And when the brotherhood rose to power,dy they play a game, where they thought if they gave countenance, and allows them to do what they wanted to do, would there be a deal they would survive. If they were playing that game they failed and they lost. Really appreciate you being on tonight, the documentary is a front line documentary called egypt in crisis. Appreciate your time. Coming up, Al Jazeera America continuing coverage of the cost of health care, and a woman looking forward to obama care, because healthcare costs forced her to declare bankruptcy. Victoria azarenko faultlines investigates the epidemic of overcrowding in womens prisons. The system is setup to do exactly what its doing to break people and to keep them broken. Premium has come close to tripling since 2000. They went up to 16,351dollars this year. So how is this effecting all of us . Steve wolf is a special effects coordinator he is not the biggest fan, since his healthcare premiums could double in cost from less than 700dollars from his family of five, to 14,000 a year. They could be about step of this pretax income. Statesy ritter Health Care Costs put her family into bankruptcy, she supports the law. Her twin girls went through Cancer Treatment when they were four, but those costed were capped so they had to spend out of pocket, and they struggled to get the medication their girls needed. I thank you both for joining us. Tize was all about ted cruzs filibuster. We dont hear that much about the real world impact. Especially on both sides. You had twin girls that needed bone marry row transplants. Would that have been like for you had obamacare been back then. Well, i believe that it would have helped with the cap. They would have been eliminate sod we wouldnt have had to seek a sect dare insurance to pay for it. The cost and the follow up care and treatment care would also be covered because it would be considered preventive, so it would have helped alleviate some of the Specialists Co pays that we had to pay. Because when you are seeing five specialist as pop at 30dollar as piece, for two girls, thats a lot of money to a family of four. Or six. Getting your insurer to pay for a Human Growth Hormone they needed later on. Correct. It was even in the form larry of medicines that they were supposed to cover, and they kept refusing to cover it saying it wasnt medically necessary, even though our physician insisted that it was. So we went with back and forth with denials. Now, steve, we as we mentioned earlier, your premiums could increase dramatically, 7,000 because you are not within four times of the poverty you are not eligible for the subsidies. And the amount that it would be paying total for your family of five would be up 10 of your pretax income. Our health scare is monumentally high. When everyone can get all the healthcare they want and there is no cap. That will increase the total size of the pie and everyones slice will just get bigger. We dont have to hunt for water and shelter, but every dollar we make goes out for something. And you run a small business. Yeah, we run a small business, we with have eight employees. Two of them are full time, we were going to be bringing six the other six on to full time, and theres no way we can do that now. And i other Business Owners that i have spoken with say the same thing. They are cutting back hours because they cant afford to have people on full time. We will address the impacts on businesses tomorrow. You said your premiums would go up, but you are effort requestable with that, but the fact that preexisting conditions that would not been an issue when you went to get new insurance, how big of a difference did the caps make in your case . Well, the caps made a huge difference, our premiums were going up anyway. Over the past 15 years our premiums have gone up dramatically. They have been skyrocketing since before the implementation of the Affordable Care act. So what the Affordable Care act is doing is leveling off the increases. And they are not in the law they are not allowed to charge more than eight, or 9. 5 pest of your income. Your taxable income for it, so im not sure why they are able in texas to charge him 10 of his income, plus, if they dont spend 85 on his care, they have to reimburse him, and we have already seen reimbursements because they havent spent the 85 on our care here with our premiums. Woe are also at a disadvantage because we live in states that are refused to implement the federal funding. Other states that have already started to expand the medicare, to more citizens they have seen their rates actually come down. So i believe that its up to the states now, which the street did decide it was to hip bring the costs down. So unfortunately, texas and pennsylvania are behind. Steve, this have been reported that the biggest reason families in this country file for bankruptcy is because of healthcare. Why isnt the law good thing for it mean pros texting family like stacys from having to go into bankruptcy . There are provisions of the law that are essential for her, for her financial survival. And in my case, theres provisions of the law that are not so good. I am being forced to Purchase Services that my family doesnt need, and probably wont use. I was able to pick and choose what type of coverage i wanted before, and i could pick what i could afford. I would love to be in a position where people could be mandated to come and buy my service. To his point, we know your situation is something no parent should have to go through, but people like steve have to pay for it. Millions of americans are paying thousands of dollars more because of changes that obamacare kicked in in the year 2013 without getting any benefit. Should all of these people pay that much more in order to cover a family like yours. No, im paying for my own family, and i am also paying into it. We need to be more of a collective society here in this country, and understand that our people are our greatest resource. And our greatest investment. I believe that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. And i dont we are already paying for those people that are uninsured, thats why our rates have been increasing. Because somebody has to pay for those people that dont have insurance who show up at the emergency room, and show up to doctors when it is too late, because they couldnt afford insurance themselves. We are already paying for that, and we have been for a long time. For forcing them to take personal responsibility and buying into the system, lightening Everything Else, in the free market, right, if everybody pays in then it should start to bring the costs down. Everybody has to bay in first. And stacy, you know, im happy to contribute to the needs of any family that has a dire situation, such as yours or people who end up in the e. R. And cant afford coverage, but this is tripling the comment of healthcare for young people. I employ a lot of single guy whose basically use no medical care, and now think paying triple the rate they would have before, i think if we are just paying to meet the needs of people that need it, im good with that, but i think we are paying for a tremendous amount of waste and built in profit. I dont see Preventive Care as waste. I really dont. I dont either. People start. Right. So. The way the law is written now i pay for my. Go ahead, and also what i would like to say is our legislatures and i ask you, to please approach your legislatures, ask them why instead of standing up there and pretenting to repeal a law, that they know they cannot have any chance of repealing, john mccain said it himself, why dont they try to find ways to fix what you say is going to happen. Offer solutions. Dont offer false promises. Steve, file word. They just want to be been otherd rouhani f ocoming down on the right side of what their con stitch wasnts want. And not have to take the responsibility of acting on it. Stacy, steve, i wish both of you and your families the best as we move forward, and the new healthcare law comes into place, and the exchanges kick in on object first, we will continue to cover that, i appreciate your time tonight. And continue we will continue the look at the cost of health care, with the focus on Small Businesses and we want to hear your thought thoughtso please go to our website and be a part of our conversation. With uploading with how obama care will effect your small business. Coming up, would you rather a two bedroom apartment or your own private island with a castle. That may not be as ridiculous as it sounds. Our data dive take as leap off the high price of manhattan real estate. Would you believe you can get a european castle for the cost of a bun bedroom . There is a v nice studio apartment that has a beautiful bathroom and living space, but it is only about 474 square feet, the asking price, 1. 8 million. Again, 1. 8 million. Buzz feed points out you can get this castle for a lot less. Granted it needs work, but it overlooks the country side, has a grand staircase, various wings with terribl terraces. Now check out this mansion just outside nashville tennessee built with natural stone, and fully inositollated, you get 8,972 square feet, that is 19 times the size of the studio we saw earlier. The asking price, just less than 1. 5 million. 300,000 less than the tiny studio thats probably smaller than the master bath at this house. The fact that new york painfully high priceds this a plush two bedroom apartment right by central park, it is selling for 5. 85 million. It has 2 1 2 marble bathrooms and a concierge with maid service. No question it is beautiful, but is it worth nearly twice the amount of this island . You can buy a whole island in the sea by the shores for 2. 964 million. Thats right. Or you can live in that pretty small space. I guess it is all about location, location, location. Just for fun, forbes. Com priced out what the real costs of famous fictional properties would be. Keep in mind, these dont exist. Tony starks bachelor pad from iron mad would go for 50. 8 million the most expensive fictional home, xanadu from citizen cane. Or 88 of those real life studios we shows you before. Coming up, so you want to be a famous musician and make a lot of money . Well, how about having your song plays 1 million times and it can only net you a whopping 17. We will explain, next. Has suffered extremehat lows. Won a federal court case fought by music publishers. The decision upholds the right to play all the compositions in the catalog. Pandoras assistant council says we hope this will put an end to certain publishers to unfairly and selectively with hold their catalogs. What does it mean for the music industry, and how will it effect musicians . Joining us from phoenix, al jazeera culture critic and former arts. Singer song writer and guitarist where the works contract cracker thank you for being with us tonight. Bill, it is a whole new world, we have traditional radio, satellite radio, the itunes of the world. These music streaming websites. Now royalties depend on how the music is being played where it is being played. Can you try to explain how musicians make their money . Especially with this whole music streaming thing . Thank you for having me, and i will try. It is such a complicated world. This is something where a whole lot of lawyers got involved really early on. The music was is one of the more corrupt industries and they have devoted themselves to keep as much money from art itselfs as it ever has, and you have all this with the vaporization of the music industry. So basically rearrange deck chairs on the titanic, these are people that are fudging the books of the titanic. So for a beetle song, john and are getting paid because they wrote the song. But beetles get no money, john and ring go, because radio plays only song writing royalties and not performance royalties. Now a whole lot of other thing, the industry has said wait a minute, you cant get away with only playing the song riding, so they have the song writing and the performance. So you have two streams of royalties but then you have these myriad forms. You dont just sell c. D. Es, you have radio, pandora, jute boxes, you have video games, you have placement in commercials, t. V. Shows. Each of these all come with royalties on different minuscule percentages and become paid and record companies. On paper when you listen to that, you say lei, they must be making a ton, but royalty you received as a songwriter was 16. 80 some cents for the song low being played more than one money times. Nows that a song quiter you own that song. Your song being played again and again online, how do you make any money from this . Well, yes. Thats true, when you look at that and you say what where do you get 1 million of anything, except maybe the old lyra for 17. One. Of anything for essentially 17 or a total of 42 for everybody involved. Is a little crazy. I also get a little money though as a performer. I am also the performer and so i get another oh 151 also from that 1 million. I should be clear. The main problem though is that the main problem though is that in this country, unlike almost every other country in the world, we have desited to force songwriters to license their songs, to webcasters. We cant out. Further we century set this rate base the government actually has mandates that we have to let the webcasters use our songs and we also they also set the price essentially through this rate court in new york. Now here we are the bass deanne of capitalism, and weve got the government regulating songs and setting the prices like its nylons and world war ii. Or sugar or something. It is fairly bizarre. Because i dont really know what the right price for a song is, i mean maybe its a little more than that, maybe its a lot more than that, i just know it is not the rate that we are getting paid right now. Because there is no free market. We have a social media question for you. Thank you, antonio. A lot of people on social media felt musicians and artists were wronged by the outcome, but for musicians are there any positives to Music Services like pandora and spotify . Well, yes, let me talk about theres webcasts and theres streaming. Streaming is on demand, west web with casting is you dont really get too choose. You get paid a lot more from streaming and it is a percentage of revenue, so if, in fact, you are paying for premium spot filibuster, more money is going to the artist. When you are talking c. D. ,s a a songwriter you can make a lot of money if you selfpurr lish, they are making 8 on a 9. 99 c. D. , if its but if it is being sold out there as a retail album, the artist only gets a dollar and the label get as dollar. But what is really surprising is when you download a full album, the label is getting 5. 35 and the artist is only getting 94 cents. How does that work . Well, this was interesting. And what happened when we with went to the digital era, and this is a point where i might agree with bill on this, is that the artists royalties remain the same, but the record labels costs short sited rank dramatically. Right. Thats the question i wanted to ask bill, is in digital you have no production costs. So how in the world is the label making all that money and the artist is making less . All these deals were struck before they understood how the digital age would evolve. A digital download is like when a movie uses our song, buzz they generally split those, and the label said no no, you still only get your one with dollars royalty, and frankly, it didnt even cost them that much to make those c. D. Es. Is artists are always going to get roughly 10 of that money, so what has happened now is once artists because they are smart and have smart managers they have gotten higher and higher royalty rates. But again, its snot going to matter that much, because c. D. Salesner a quarter of what they were, people are buying one fourth as many. And i think that maybe i would like to know what david knows about this, the model may by spotify. The problem with pandora you get a very purse string rate. But thats because it is one person listening to it. With radio 10,000 people may be listening to it. Now with spo ify the lister gets to choose, you do get a little bit more, spotify makes the argument, it is like renting. If you buy a Bruce Springsteen album and listen to it 10,000 times how much per time listening did you pay for it, if you are getting a nickel per track, which i think is about right, other ten years that might actually add up to a lot of money. Get about. 6 of a cents. Half a cent, forgive me, yeah. 110th of that, but spotify could be the way, but the rates need to go up. And they need to pay a higher rate. I am sort of agnostic on spotify it is the right idea, it just doesnt pay quite enough. H h

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