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All love it and starts pretending hundreds of refugees to syria, but Rights Groups express fears, so safety. Ah, im so robin watching over there like my headquarters here and also coming up 40 days on grief and anger over the death of 22 year old must. I mean he shows no sign of eating in iran. Im Stephanie Decker and back to can city where the family of killed ology during the shooting of walk has met with the pope and the family will be holding memorial math major today. Also like lindsey throwing sons into bungle dash, bullying 22 people leaving thousands more homeless. Ah, welcome to the prego. We begin in level where hundreds of refugees returning home to syria. Lebanese Officials Say 751. Syrians are being repaired treated voluntarily. Rights groups are concerned about their safety level hosts around 1500000. 00 Syrian Refugees to join us now from also in lebanon, where this is all happening. Big question marks about how voluntary these returns are. As the government puts it, yes, the repatriation process is organized by the lebanese government and the syrian government, the United Nations is not involved. Neither are any human Rights Groups, and that is why theyre raising concerned. Theyre saying that they have no evidence that these are forced the deportations if you like. But at the same time, theres little transparency in this whole process. And Human Rights Group have documented cases where return knees have faced abuse at the hands of the security forces. Despite receiving clearance to return from from damascus. But as you can see behind me, its just a few 100 people who are returning. Not benny have signed up. We understand that many people are still too afraid to return. But at the same time, theres a lot of uncertainty weve been speaking to people here. They say they dont know what theyre returning to. Life was difficult in lebanon because of the economic crisis, but the economy is also, you know, it has also collapsed in syria. Theyre not sure whether or not they will be able to find jobs. So a lot of uncertainty, a process which is really not very transparent. But like i said, 750. Thats quite a small number. Considering that, considering that there are hundreds of thousands of Syrian Refugees in lebanon, and considering that the United Nations has verified 875000 returns since 2016. So people are still afraid, and theres a fear that in one way or the other, syrians are forced to go back. And of course the, using the refugee crisis, as you might say, one element of an excuse over their own Economic Crises and the political intransigent sol stalemate that there is currently in beirut. Well, yes, the lebanese government has repeatedly said that refugees are a burden their burden for the economy, their burden on the infrastructure. And yes, this country is in the midst of an economic crisis, but their critics see it differently. They blame the politicians who have been in power for decades for running the economy into the ground for corruption and miss and mismanagement. That blaming the refugees is wrong, and its not just that lebanese officials have gone as far as to accuse the International Community of not wanting syrians to return. And the eyes of some officials here. Theyre questioning why aid is not redirected to syria. Theyre saying that the International Community, the west, is using this as a Political Tool because we understand there will be no reconstruction money until the mascot government agrees to political confessions. So the theory from this country find themselves caught in the middle. If you like, we have to point out that a lot of people here who live here come from form or strongholds like comes that the mask a suburbs. These people cannot return. They were involved in one way or, or another in the opposition during the war. And these people are now very worried because the lebanese government to saying this re, fax ration process is only the beginning say that for us, and also 11 to thank you. Thats been 40 days since the death of 22 year old. But i mean the, in iran, she died shortly after her arrest by the so called Morality Police, her death protest in iran and around the world to her on has restricted the internet and the rest of many for taking part in the demonstrations. Also, jabari looks at how the story unfolded. A mothers grief heard across iran after the death of her daughter in Police Custody into her on on september 16, 22 year old massa mimi was in the capital with her brother visiting relatives when she was detained by the Morality Police 3 days earlier. She was accused of not properly wearing the man, the tory had scarf, she was from kurdistan province home to irans kurdish minority. The Police Released the Security Camera photography, which they say shows massa arriving at a facility, or she was to go through whats called a we education classes on the religious benefits of wearing the headscarf hockey, the, the official autopsy report, and subsequent investigation launched by the government allege massa had a pre existing Health Condition and suffered a heart attack while in Police Custody. Her family says that this is not true and accused the Morality Police of beating her while and custody sees like these, followed her death and sparked nationwide protests driven by women who demand an end to restrictive dress rules in the country. Those who back the existing laws were allowed to gather and to her and to show their support for the government. While the president was quick to address the issue and alive televised interview, you shall go from her. I told her family that this news was shocking, not just for me, but for every iranian criticism and dialogue on various issues have a place in the constitution in a government can help us in the Decision Making process. You, denny, but the distinction between protest and ryan should be defined. Got it all. Earlier this month, president racy visited an all female university into iran, where he praised the achievements of women in the field of academia. Simultaneously, this was happening outside the building where the president was speaking, chanting gracie, get lost. These University Students made their demands, clear this iranian, and p warns without some systematic reforms, there could be further consequences, nauseous, im, i just did. It was due to the performance of the system. Does she passed away . They have to express regret and apologize and revised their method was the unrest thats followed massa mused. Death has resulted in a number of deaths including both demonstrators and security officials. This is the area where irans Morality Police arrested massa mini on a tuesday afternoon since then. They havent been seen much in the city. Whatever happens next youre regardless of which version of Events People believe it is clear that my simon is death has changed. This country door such a Bari Al Jazeera terran from this is to meet the Family Health med veteran al jazeera jam machine. Actually in vatican city, a special nasa will be held for the palestinian american journalist sheree was targeted and shot dead by israeli forces. While an assignment in the occupied west bank city of jeanine in may and decker, who are correspondent, following event forces and pizza, squire in vatican city, is a poignant meeting with the full, assuring family with the pontiff just talk us through what we know in terms of the timeline for the day the family was expecting to have a little bit more time with frances general audience that they attended and also attended by the public. Of course, a week audience is over in the end. What happened is they, they talk to the part of the civilian just the pope was greeting truck has had he put his hand on his chest on his heart as he passed. And that was pretty much it at the moment. Certainly the family here, the invitation of the vatican, you mentioned there as well. They will be holding a special memorial mask or shooting later on today. They will so match with the cars and who is the secretary of state of the holy c earlier today. So this is really an effort to keep the pressure on to keep the dialogue, i think public to try to hold for accountability. Its almost 6 months now since the shooting was killed engineering, its very clear, even the americans in these rate, hes saying that it was highly likely that it was in there was really a soldier who killed her. These really saying that it was an engine under any criminal intent there for there will be no investigation, no accountability. This is of course, not surprising at all to the family to the palace thing ends. And this is why the family of shooting has been working tirelessly. Theyve met with the us secretary of state, anthony blink. And theyve met with law makers on capitol hill. Theyve appealed to the criminal court, providing evidence many different independent investigation binding, 0 doubt that it was these really soldiers present on that day in janine, in the morning that shocked her. The question here is of course, the lack of accountability to put this soldier on trial because what alice thing and will tell you what the family will tell you, is that the sets of precedent, someone like should he who has so well know so loved the jewel passport holder, palestinian and merican if there is no accountability for the killing of someone like should be worked for a major powerful news organization. And what hope is there for the ordinary palestinian which of course happened on a day to day basis . So i think the dialogue that were having now to read, trying to spotlight on this issue is very important. The family certainly at the moment, frustrated in the sense that accountability justice is nowhere to be seen. And certainly, despite there are many efforts or many, you know, multiple high level areas is still proving very difficult to get accountability to bring the soldier to jump to justice and kills. How does that force at baskin city . Thank you. The former head of the Catholic Church in hong kong, as appeared in court along with 5 other prominent pro democracy activists charged with failing to register a fund that was used to pay the legal fees of demonstrators in the 2019 protests. Jessica washington has more from hong kong. Long life spent 6 months in hong kong prison for taking part in an unauthorized demonstration in 2014. It was their hong kong, 90 year old former bishop cardinal joseph, then came to meet him and all the inmate. O 5, although her it took him at least 3 hours to travel that which is so physically demanding for an elderly person. Im so grateful that he came all that way just to visit us along. Now the cardinal is on his mind once again as he faces a challenge of his own, he and 5 Co Defendants are accused of failing to register a fund to support those arrested during the 2019 protests. Theyve pleaded not guilty. The prosecution says the fund raise more than 34400000. 00 and was used for Political Activities and non charity events. But the defense argues the right to form an association is guaranteed under hong kong basic law. While the penalty is likely to be only a fine legal experts say they are worried is a concern thats been raised that you know the process of going through this or that the government is trying to get more ah, materials and more information to possibly. Then charge them under the more serious offenses. Reverend tobias, brandon says he would often see cardinals then on prison visits, and describes him as someone who tried to comfort those in need. His social justice role is may be well known, but there is also very watched his role as a very humble servant of god. During his career cardinals in has been a staunch critic if beijing he openly opposed to plans to allow badging to jointly appoint bishops with the that again, what they know about the qualities required to be a bishop and this week that agreement was renewed. More than 1200000 christians live in hong kong, some probate in lawmakers in the territories say the trial has nothing to do with religious freedom. That it is expected in november. Jessica washington, our sera, hong kong still had here the al jazeera questions in new gander. After 11 girls died a fire at their boarding school near. Come paula to lou. Oh, pasting videos of herself singing and instagram to recording the 1st world cup song. For kat are 2022, we sit down with asha to hear what it means to be singing for her country. Ah, how i weve got more very heavy showers pushing into our vietnam at the moment. Dick one live a system just to the, to the philippines as well. That may well give cause for concern as we go on through the next couple days as i went to whether into where vietnam, central areas, 131 millimeters of brain, some rather wet weather to into or java, or recently written 31 millimeters of rain coming in here are more the same as it go on through where thursday good scattering a showers for indonesia, malaysia, pushing up towards the philippines, some heavy shower still drill, then on that to ne monsoon. Now, finding some way, whether theyre into southern parts of indo charter, theres that developing feature just to close to the philippines and it may well develop into a Tropical Storm over the next few days. Either way, bring you some very heavy rain in too much of the philippines as we go on towards the weekend to set. We want to watch out for light to see some flooding. Now flooding concerns of course, right across the eastern part civil australia, more showers in the full cost here, but hopefully not quite is intensely happen recently. Still in the area of low pressure down towards the south east aiding some heavy showers there across at tasmania. Victoria walsh, i was there to New South Wales showers while they are stretched up into a queens land all the way to Northern Territory with them. Ah ah, look about what channel does it with me. So robin doha, reminder of all top stories, lebanon had started repent, tracy, hundreds of Syrian Refugees. Officials say that returning home ball integrity, but Rights Groups are concerned about that safety people in or on a monkey 40 days since the death of 20 year old mom a meeting. She died shortly after her rest by the cycle. Morality, police, boston protests in the wrong and around the world. Hope francis is to meet the family as a bed and veteran out there agenda should be double act play in vatican city. She was targeted and shalt fines. Radio full says one on assignment to the occupied west bank in may the case, new leader richie sooner has held his 1st Cabinet Meeting and is sent to face the house of commons, a Prime Minister question time in the coming hours. Members of the new government have been meeting number 10 downing street soon took office on tuesday. One of the difficult decisions to come is also probably to fix the mistakes of his predecessor and says, economic stability is a priority. Will follow events for us by the parliament. Andrew simmons, hes in london right now. And andrew obviously this morning continues to be a scenario of whos in the cabinet and whos not yeah, 11 sacking zack Cabinet Meeting has just ended stability, continuity, and unity. The key words that service new Prime Minister has outlined as being his priorities. And certainly the stability question is more or less answered by keeping gera, jeremy hunts in position as finance minister. And hes calm the markets and hopefully are the Prime Ministers, hoping that markets will stay calm as they continue to work out how theyre going to make saving something in the excess of 40000000000. 00 has to be found to try and fill the economic black hole um, in terms of other appointments, James Cleverly is foreign minister. He was embarrassed. Johnson supporter, so that is definitely covering ground of trying to bring in some unity. Also been wallace who is voiced some support for johnson and the pastor ben wallace is the defense minister. He keeps his post, and so those 2 are not both trust appointments kept in place. And then you have a situation that is a standout moment in the forming of this new government. And that is. So ela brahman being appointed home secretary, shes got her job back. She was only fired or certainly fired, or forced to resign or voluntarily resign. No one quite sure. But that happened 6 days ago, and suddenly shes come back. Now, the opposition part is a pretty convinced that theres been some dodgy dealing in the back ground because the e r g, thats the European Reform Group Research Groups i say, which is to the right wing of the party. Its thought that she in getting that position was the price that soon i had to pay to get the support of the right wing of the party. Thats the way they feel in opposition. And theyre very annoyed about that. Its a weak point in all of this. And in terms of allies, sir, there is a dominic rob, deputy Prime Minister, a key figure there. But theres another aspect to all of this penny mordant arm we are seeing there. I think that is a question mark over her position because she keeps her same the same job she had before leader of the commons and the feeling is that she was, she feels she should have got a top job for a minister was in her mind because she was the only opponent threatening at that soon act at the last moment she left it to the last moment before she pulled out sooner. Keiths sad feels she should have pulled out much earlier and lent and support to him and let made less things less tense and they were in that run up to the nominations going through. And of course, andrew, as we had towards next yowse richie sooner. Kurt will be facing you might say who the lions, dan as he enters a parliament where the great deal of criticism in questions to be answered yes, scarce darma must have been spending a lot of time working on this. Hes got quite a lot of ammunition to throw at this new Prime Minister. He is certainly going to touch on the issue of swell a brother mon getting a job back. And hell be jiving on that he is bound to make some remarks about the wealth of this new Prime Minister, who is a member of the super rich class. He will gibe him on that. He will gibe him on his, his background as being part of the forest johnson government and being part of party gates in effect because he did get a fine for wont be attending one of the many parties in downing street. And thats, it is a weak point. However, its only one offense. You could say he will also push hard on the issue of a general election and about how soon ok, hes saying it, hes accountable. But the point is that he got this job without any one making any votes, not even just the conservative party. He was pushed in as a record speed. And hell also jive them about being the runner up to trusts. Its very likely hell job him on that. So right across the board. And that has to be said that this isnt just the labor party thats on the attack. Is the liberal democrats, another opposition party, which is demanding an inquiry into why bronman was given the home secretaries job back to her when she is is already known to have sent a confidential, an e mail to another m p in breach of security regulations. Thats the reason she was either fired or forced to resign. Andrew simmons in london forest, thanks very much. Its all about her law shall inquiry into the killing of a barcus on the journalist in kenya. Or should sharif died on sunday when Police Open Fire on his vehicle is body has not been returned. Home offices said the car failed to stop at a roadblock. Can he is police watch dog is investigating the incident terese with us as well. Thought hes there must answer to the family, but at least 22 people are being killed and thousands. War left homeless have to sign close to tongue slammed into bung with ashes Coastal Regions authorities and are working to help affected communities. Tanveer cherry reports now from battle. Holly franklin set during beryl lane from the bale bengal early tuesday with wind gusting up to 88 kilometer per hour. And a storm surge up about 3 meters. Heavy winds with rain and storm side damage thousands of homes in the Coastal Region and flooding low lying coastal areas on misty that would be yesterday during the storm and heavy rain. The part of our house got all inundated. There was a strong wind and many trees also fell and we couldnt even venture out and were very scared about the fact lumber drains and flooding and other parts of the country, including the capital dock up. Its gone. I want you to the store, marine, were struggling a lot is all the streets and data by its very difficult to drive. Our trade shows the cycle and originated in the bay are bingo before turning not to a coastal bangladesh. Ali wanting timely and massive evacuation, say live during cycle and sit drunk that slammed the coastal areas of bangladesh. Electricity supplied telecom and road communication were severely disrupted in many regions. I live or hundreds of electric poles were damaged or tilted due to the storm and some were totally destroyed. Electric lines are now disrupted, but were working to restore them within a few days. My mother, shes government says it is assessing the physical and financial damage. You did the psych loan and on 10000 homes, 6000 heck, death of problem and a 1000 heck, death of fish had to these were damaged a site. And of course the lady, us the stammers, under hit either lead in the country. Also, bangladesh is situated in one of the Worlds Largest deltas, making it prone to natural disasters. Scientists say Climate Change is making psyched, runs, and floods more intense and frequency of us making bangladesh among the 10 most vulnerable country. Most people who live in coastal belts are poor, subsystem farmers and fishermen. For many of them, theres little left of their belongings and homes to come back to can reach audrey al jazeera, put to our cali bangladesh. Thirdly, 7 children been killed at a fire at a school for the blind in uganda, 6 others in a Critical Condition called me. It happened in makoto near the capital compiler. Li say its unclear how the blaze started. A well known journalist haiti is survived an assassination attempt. Roboson alphonso was shot in his car. His way to work and puerto prince on tuesday, is expected to recover after undergoing several surgeries, the attack comes just weeks after haitis government appealed to Foreign Military help to combat its powerful gangs in rest has led to critical shortages of fuel and water and complicated efforts to respond to a cholera outbreak ah, other than shiraz wacko wacker official, well cut songs often get forgotten after the end of the tournament. But one category singer is hoping that her performance will open the door for more young girls in the region to become musical artists. Charlie gotcha. Raska went to meet ayesha and sunny. Oh. 6 if you dont know this song yet, by the end of the world, cut the living rent free in your head. Ah. My a higher, Better Together was the 1st track to be released for council 2022. I got to meet one of the stars of the song catch re singer. I shall, im so thrilled to be speaking to you. Were all singing in the office higher, higher, higher for what does higher, higher actually mean . So the meaning in arabic, me is like, lets go it kind of, its kind of calling people to get up and, ah, celebrate, enjoy. So thats like the general meaning of the word pe. And when i 1st became aware a few, you were posting videos of your singing on instagram, to blue. How did you go from posting your videos on instagram to then suddenly singing the well kept song . I think it has a lot to do with peoples reaction to my music. My singing. Ok for me i was just doing it for fun. I never like, never thought that i would be here just because im posting things on instagram blue. I think it was very rare to see like a category, a woman singing online. Ah. And i remember you walking out onto the stage in april at the fee for draw, singing your song higher, higher. It seemed like such a groundbreaking moment because like you mentioned earlier, we havent seen singers looking like you on such a global stage. Tell me about that. There was another life changing experience for me. I just really focus on myself, focus on whatever mission i have to fulfill that moment, and i dont think i just dont think i just feel and thats how i like go through it. And then when im done, thats when i look back at the videos and im just like what, what did i do . Did i really do that . Did i just do that . You know, thats when it hits me that like such as a real moment such a big achievement the when youre standing on stage and you see, do you feel that youre singing for your country and for catherine women . Definitely. I definitely feel like i have a mission and its not an easy one. Although im getting a lot of support, its much more than i ever thought i was going to get but its still emission. Im still doing something thats different. Im still opening a new door, but just being that initiator, her other woman, it makes it worth it. Im happy to be that person for other women. Im happy when i get

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