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Brazil appears to be headed to a president ial ronald vote between incumbent jack boston auto band, former president lewis, and i feel like the silver ah, roberson, this is al jazeera live from doha. Also coming up, i am indonesia moines, victims of one of the worlds worst. Sporting disaster is a 125 people die during a stampede. At a football match, were in the region of done yet scored Ukrainian Forces are set to be taking control of ki tons and no agreement on extending a cease fire in yemen. Not the longest, pauls and fighting there is under threat also being counted in brazils president ial election, 9 candidates vying for the top job, former president lewis in that field. Lyla da silva, has taken a slight lead over an incumbent jadem ball sonata, but it appears that the race may be headed to a run off if no candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote plus one. Our latin america added to lucy and newman is lula de silvers headquarters in sal, paula, were going to be speaking to her in just a few minutes. First, lets go to manual of apple. Oh, whos in brasilia for us at mighty. Bring us up to date with the figures so far and talk us through the process that this is going to go through. Rod things have finally started to move a bit faster than earlier today. There was a little bit of concern that things were moving along quite well. But let me give you these latest numbers here. As you can see over my shoulder here, these numbers are, are moving a lot faster, right now. The total number of votes counted stands at 94. 88 percent with former president lou let the silver leading with 47. 62 percent of the vote. And j are bull scenario trailing with 43. 8. 9 percent of the vote. Throughout the course of this afternoon, president lou former president lula. The silva was trailing behind. It was not looking good. And that changed a little over an hour and a half ago when the, when the, when it basically flipped as you could hear, the cheers are not here in this room. We are, let me give you a sense of where we are right now. Were essentially in the bull pen of the supreme Electoral Court. Were surrounded by National Press here in brazil, international journalists. There are election observers from the European Union from the organization of american states. There are former and current and government officials from brazil. Here. This is the governing, this is the government body that essentially is going to be determining the outcome of the vote today. Now in terms of expected scenarios, ill give you an idea of how the electoral law worse here in brazil, according to brazilian electoral law, a candidate needs at least 50 percent of the vote, plus one vote to avoid a run off election to be declared a winner right off the bat, that is not the scenario that is expected to play out tonight. We gave those numbers. Neither one of the candidates have reached that threshold of 50 per cent. If neither of them are able to reach that threshold before the end of the night before the, the total number of votes are tallied. Then were looking at a scenario of a run off election that would bring out a brazilian voters for 2nd route of voting at the end of the, at the end of the month on october 30th. Theres another scenario as well that has sort of stirred up a little bit of controversy, a little bit of concern over the possibility of legal violence out on the streets. Thats if a winner were to be declared tonight and the other candidate did not accept the results of that election. Thats what makes this government body the supreme Electoral Court. So special, so important because ultimately it is up to the Electoral Court to determine the final outcome of this election by your thank you very much indeed my your up. No. Talking to us from presidio. There were going to go live to our latin america editor, the sin human, and so paulo she said little to service headquarters, money. Theyre just telling us better. But 94 percent of the votes are counted. Of course we still get 6 percent to go, but it does look as though brazilians are gonna have to wait to find out whos going to be leading their country. Absolutely. Its now 95. 04 percent. Doug hasnt changed very much. Lula desilva is ahead by about 3 and a half Percentage Points about 4000000 votes, but youre not seeing a lot of happy faces out here. And thats because they had expected not only for lula to, to win in this 1st round, but also for the difference between the former left wing president and current president james bond for now to, to be much, much greater as all of the polls had predicted, they had predicted that luna would be ahead by 10. 00 to 15. 00 Percentage Points. Clearly that has not happened that demonstrates that that a present in both. So nato is certainly still a force to be reckoned with. The very likely scenarios that this will go into a run off. Joining me to talk a bit more about what all that means is kyle, yoko at the front is a political scientist from the jet beauty of ideas institute, a cloud hotel. This is why is this . Why do you think that does that . Does lula has gone or not done as well as all of the polls had demonstrated . Does this mean that they were wrong . People are not reading the tea leaves properly. I think that the, these who think they have a problem to deal with is the problem that, that the brazilian sounds was the last time it was done. It was 12 years ago. And so many of the data that are important for these to, to organize their paws to know exactly what are the differences tracks of the brazilian population to consider and to evaluate the ways of each one of the sectors of the prison population in their estimate. If they are clearly wrong, they have to estimate what are the chair of each part of the prison population and some of them estimate better, some of their not. All right, now one of the interesting things in this election was that no lead that sheila has as his running mate yet i but i came in, he is a center right wing conservative who had actually been his very, very staunch rival in several elections. What does this mean that knowledge trying to move more to the center to win more votes . Certainly this is what hes trying to do because he realized that was be very important for him in this moment to build normally coalition. But that general from the democrat wrong. And so to build the democrat brokers in quote, to have different factors of the political spectrum. There are not on people on the left wing liberal from the sent to the left. But even more conservative people. And alchemy represent, one of this is this goes into a runoff, as it seems likely at this stage. They are still a few more boats that have to be counted, but it doesnt look like late or what are the chances that president , also not of tank catch up . They are very, very close. Yeah, theyre very close. It depends on the votes that went into the 1st round for the other 2 bearer position, the candidate fil gomez. And i asked him on the tablet, if the both of those guys they go mostly horrible. So not a point for him, but you can consider again what the polls showed before that is that his both were more likely to go to more about his leisure too. They were somewhat wrong or at least imprecise. During the 4th round, we are not sure that are also certain about this. Yeah, so this continues to be a nail biter glare. Well go with them. Thank you so much for being with us. Right now we are waiting for a former president lulac to speak inside of a hotel where we are right now. This is as 8 quarters and or printed in more sonata. I. Both of them are expected to address the nation very, very shortly, and will certainly bring that to you as soon as we have it this year. Thank you very much. Indeed. Our latin america editor, massena newman, now to the war in ukraine president Vladimir Zalinski says his forces of re taken to settlements in the castle legion as part of a counter offensive in the east. The character of the town of layman and saturday is seen as a key moment in the fighting. Let us as the victory is a sign of progress. The town is in the occupied region of done yet, which moscow declared part of russia on friday. Shall strafford reports from to be our task close to lehman. Ukrainian armies repositioning close to the front line town of lehman. In the dawn at screeching of east in ukraine, president putin says this is now part of russia. But the ukraine, an army is back in control of 2 weeks of heavy fighting. Everywhere you look, devastation is nearly complete, burnt out russian and Ukrainian Military vehicles. And home after home destroyed russian soldiers were forced to retreat from this area, but the Ukrainian Army says they are prepared for a counter attack. And one, even using as russian president Vladimir Putin has implied the nuclear auction, he would enter so curse. This is also possible on liberated territories, sir, we dont keep our troops together that we keep them dispersed to ensure maximum safety of our personnel. But it does not affect the performance of their task. Some of its spires have been damaged by the shilling, but this 16th Century Russian orthodox monastery remains relatively unscathed. The level of destruction here proves just how fierce the fighting has been. In recent weeks, this Russian Orthodox monastery has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. But now the ukrainian soldiers here tell us they fear that priests inside sheltering what they describe as russian collaborators the bridge to the monastery over the soviet ski donates river has been blown up on both sides. Unlike most of the population of the village, the priests are still here. Liver, now taco bell, im for my to this monastery comes under the moscow patriarch, which from the start has been destroying ukraine from the inside. Therefore, we see all these monks as russian agents. So theres a very high chance theyve been hiding collaborators and nothing. Some of the few people who stayed and survived the fighting, a sheltering in the basement of another damage nearby church. Because their homes have been destroyed. Glued millers husband passed away in may. Her children fled to halt give when the fighting started. I knew them by the way, were not leaving because this is our land, our mother land. We are even prepared to live in a dog out if it means we can stay near. Another homeless family descend the stairs into the church crit, with a sleep. The Ukrainian Village lies in ruins on land. Vladimir putin says is now part of russia, and has vowed to take full control of by any means. Cha strafford al jazeera sphere to hear ask, eastern ukraine. Finance are being held in the indonesian city of my lying after one of the deadliest stadium incidents in history. 125. 00 people were killed in a stampede after police fired tear gas and spectators out as it is. Jessica washington is in molina, where she met survivors and their family members. In milan, this is a community in the morning and shock. 17 year old. We dad went to a football match. His family never expected that he wouldnt make it home. The game turned to tragedy after police fired tear gas at spectators, apparently to control fans who entered the field after the match ended. People panicked triggering his stampede as they rushed to the gates. Re hahns elani survived, but his friend didnt. But please to target to the lower part of the stadium, i saw children dying in front of my eyes. People were scattering round and panic trying to escape, but the exits were locked and so they were piling up. Their hundreds were injured in the chaos. Witnesses paint a rift picture. I make some work on to see god. So tomorrow, as people ran towards the exit and it was light, and then the lights dimmed in the stadium, it was dark. People were pushing each other and even stepping over each other, trying to get out of the pool. This is the waiting area of the cycle unwind hospital in milan. One of the hospitals close to the stadium. Most of the people waiting here are parents waiting anxiously for updates on their children. 17 year old refiner, dewey freon shaw is in the intensive care unit. Oh wow, i was staying up waiting for him. It was so late and he hadnt come home. Every one else in our neighbourhood who had been to the march had started to come home. Where was my son . And she worries about her son. She pondered why he ended up in hospital in the 1st place, brought my arrows. Why did police gas them . There were many children up there and mothers too. Now you see who the victims are. Many of them are just young boys, like my son. Deonte was beat the patrice mother is also waiting for an update from the i see you need the wi fi, her face so swollen on the bones in her neck, dislocated. Shes unconscious. Ah, entities as president has asked for, an investigation. And human Rights Groups are calling for answers and accountability, criticizing police for using t against in a confined space. For now, many of the parents who spoke to rhonda 0 say the only question on their mind is whether their child will make it through. Jessica, washington al jazeera milan still ahead on al jazeera hundreds protests against you, case controversial tax and borrowing plan. As the conservative Party Conference begins, ah, anticipation is rising. And so with sponsored my cattle aways, now a good part of east asia hadnt recognized that summer has gone the still a lingering heat wave south of the yangtze. Its being pushed out of the way by this line of cloud brain, which is effectively the winter front attempt just to the south of that or well above where they should been setting new records in both eastern china. The green for japan, b. C. Thats already changed by monday the rain will have certainly cool things down during tuesday. That rain spreads into japan as well. Bringing with an adventure drop in tempt, you have to wait for wednesday to that. Same is true back on the chinese and as well. So it takes till wednesday for most of east asia to recognize weve changed season jumping south though this is more seasonally normal, does rain all over the place. The concentration usually is going to be the in the china, down through sumatra and towards java and weston bornea. But to be honest in the philippines is pretty sherrys well, which is again to be expected. And the monsoon though, to pitt, you rapidly disappearing, has wound up into a big, lazy low in the bay bank goal, which means more rain to disha back into behind probably up to the poll as well. That is likely to creep up during tuesday, wednesday, even to please show up in new delhi and maybe the hall. But for the most part, those wet on the ground, pakistans dry. The weather sponsored by cattle and i was in 1996. A group of young people need to know when described the immigration experiences. I dont know what i, if they sent me back to synagogue 25 years on alex is the real world asks how norwegian they now feel. Well, you have to accept that you might never be seamless. Norwegian blood didnt belong. They knew who were they now . No waste. Lauren is the time. Oh, now g 0. Lou ah, what your, ill just need a reminder of our top story, is this our ukranian president of lawyers. Lensky says his forces of re taken to settlements in the household region as a counter offensive continues in the east. The capture of the town of label on saturday is seen as a key moment in not fighting vigils being held in indonesia to remember the 125 people who killed during a stampede at a football match. President joker with dodo has ordered a review of security of Football Games in response. Vote counting is nearly over in brazils president ial and Congressional Election is left wing front want to lose in the field. The da silva is taken of a slight lead over president shire to bowl scenario while lets stick with that story and were going to speak to eric funds wash is Vice President of the council of the americas. Hes joining us live from a washington dc. Very good, happy with us on ology 0, the campaigning, and the run up to these elections, to seem to santa, around the 2 main candidates, essentially trading insults are all that im talking about. Any of, of the policies. If this does go to run off and it seems as though it will, how do you think things are going to play out . Well, thanks for having me. Again, its great to join you. I think its going to be more of the same only with greater intensity because to this point there been additional candidates in the race. But if it does go to the run, often you say it does look like its going to on october 30th. Youre going to have only 2 in the race. Louis louis janasia la desilva and Sharon Wilson are off of both of whom, and their supporters dont like each other that much. And so i think youre going to have continued criticisms and complaint. Lets talk about policy more talk about trying to notify the opposition. Is it a surprise . Do you think that the margin between the 2 is so close, given that one point seemed to be predicted to have a very significant lead over boston . Yeah, absolutely. In fact, people were talking even as early as this morning, about whether would wind in the 1st round and other ones get more than 50 percent of the vote total. But people were suggesting pollsters were suggesting that both nora would camp out in the mid thirtys, in terms of his vote count. So he clearly out performed today. And thats a huge surprise. Pull prove to be incorrect in brazil. The question will be whether they can do a better job run enough to october 3rd, yet, we cant forget, of course, and hes also votes for congressional seats as well. And whoever the new president is going to be, its going to need. Theyre going to need congress to be able to help them pass the policies. When do you think were going to be able to get an idea of the structure of congress and get therefore an idea about how effective whoever is the president is going to be . I think youre really a really important point. Brazil is a almost perfectly divided country. Ready very polarized that geographically politically and the results from this evening in terms of the legislative elections also show that there is a wilson, our eastern ways, in other words, a lot of to support and elected into the Senate Already him. So if the law is finally elected on october 30th, hes going to be dealing with a very complicated legislature. So if he has big ambitions, hes going to have to find a way to work with an opposition legislature in a very polarized environment. Its not scenario justin necessarily for a lot of Immediate Progress or a honeymoon. Theres going to be a lot of politics to work through the income and job loss and has already been showing some sort of suspicion of the voting process and suggestions that there could be fraud involved. One would imagine that he will invoke that in the event that he loses if he does, how difficult and awkward is that going to make the whole process from looking at it from an outside point of view. What kind of impact is not likely to have . Well i think its huge. Busy i think we have to take a step back look at he accepts the results from the evening and why wouldnt he . Because he very much out perform. Its going to be difficult to claim fraud just a couple weeks from now under the same system with the same people running the vote count. So i think thats something that would argue against a suggestion that theres a lot of claims of fraud. But having said that, if he does made such claim for his support as make such claim that will clearly create volatility in the political process. It will create uncertainty. The question of violence has been raised by others, but one of brazil, strange to turn to democracy just a couple decades ago is that its voting systems have been very strong. If people have supported democracy, they dont want to go back to that. And so one would presume that whether or not father made nonetheless the brazilian system will be Strong Enough to read just that. Certainly my as always, we appreciate you being, but its giving us the benefit of your expertise and funds with thank you very much. Indeed. Preliminary results are starting to be released in elections held and both in the house the governor, the governor system in boston, is known as one of the most complicated in the world. People are voting for 3 members of the shared presidency as well as parliamentary representatives. Also beg, has the latest and study able well for the 3 seats for the presidency, the bosnian serb and the crime that divides up in between these ethnic groups are for the bosnia accede to we have dentist, becerra, which was declared victory. Hes from the social Democratic Party and in fact, hes a rival. Her back is a bakovich has conceded defeat. Now this is a bit of an upset. Thats because hes a bag of it is party has more or less held power. So post war and this is the 1st time that the boss next seat has been won by a non nationalist group. As for the crow at c to will, that is neck and neck. We have a separatist leader, brianna kirk. Christo, who is a separatist, is right wing, but his neck and neck, with whats considered a moderate riches a gel co comsearch. Now this is somebody that doesnt play by boston as ethnic rules. He, even Bosnian Muslims support and vote for him, but again, that is neck and neck. And as for the serve, see to, well, thats to be expected. We have a separatist, a leader there who looks like they are going to rent. That is jessica savannah, which and thats to be expected, but all eyes are on that quiet seat because whoever wins that, if its a separatist, or if its a moderate, it will determine the 2 thirds of the presidency who will have control over those key institutions within the country and just to further complicate matters, the high representative Christian Schmidt has announced as the polls closed his powers to change the change, the electoral law church change. How people are selected for the hazard representatives and given a deadline for people to form a government. Now that will be seen as controversial by some people here in bosnia. Yet, mans warning signs of fail to reach an agreement to extend a nation wide seas far. Both sides blame each other for allowing the deal to expire on the un is calling for talks to continue. United nations. How broke of the truce in april . Its been renewed, twice the polls and fighting has been the longest and the a 2 year war, the conflicts killed hundreds of 5 thousands of people and created for the un calls the world was humanitarian crisis. If wanted to bone it as a communications and advocacy coordinator at address yemen, she says the truth gave him and his hope for peace. Children who goes to school, they are not afraid of planes anymore because he means in the last 6 months that every time they hear a playing the worse care thinking that a bomb, they will happen. But if we dont have a tools again, the children will have their, their life, wherever they can access to education. And so they know me as of tutor will have access to school. So having their next generation of yemen, not being afraid, not running, running from the war, and having the right to have their life again, is the most important thing that we can think when we think about the true defect that we received today. That then no longer off, the truth will affect me as of yet many, but also for money in a i didnt see it would fit in the scope that were not going to have access to the field of the 30000000 gemini, 23. Me, me for mondays are in a to survive and 70 medias dont have they dont know where to go to get their next plate of food. So they dont bring you up the truth. Well, well be very significant for our operations here in yemen. It is important for us to lashonda community to Pay Attention again to yemen because we are locking on funding just 47 percent of the money for young has been funded so far. And over 60 percent of that has been just focused on Food Security is the biggest, needing yemen by now. But what are some limitations education Protection Health has been on the farm, the lady. So we need the money time to meet you to support yemen. Again, to encourage the both parties to have a conversation and also to provide the fund needed for leaders of yemen need. Who is the beginning of the tools could see again whole. But again, has been taken away as a prime ministers back to us broker deal locking a maritime border with lebanon. You have left, he says it was safe god, the country, security and commercial interest is back. The idea of love on producing natural gas. But the opposition is criticizing the move my life sufficiently couple of and more than 10 years israel has been trying to achieve the steel. The security of the north will be strengthened. The korea rig will be activated and produce, guess the money will go into the coffer of this country, and Energy Dependence will be secured. This is a deal that strengthens israel, security and israels economy. We have no opposition to an additional liberties gas field being developed from which we would of course receive the royalties due on such fields would weaken lebanese dependency on iran, restrain heads vala and bring regional stability, but often is ish. Jayla. Pete has shamefully acquiesced to the thrall as threats by giving his blood a sovereign territory belonging to the state of israel, containing a giant gas tank that belongs to you, the citizens of israel. He does this without deliberation in connecticut and without a public referendum left. He does not have a mandate to give an enemy country sovereign territories and sovereign property which belonged to all of us. If this illegal hijacking passes, we will not be bound on november 1st, we will return to israel a strong and experienced leadership that maintain security for all of us. British prime minister, less trust has admitted she should have laid the ground better to avoid the turmoil, have many budget created in the International Country in bond markets on the 1st day of the annual conservative Party Conference trust, insisted she is confident her tax cutting package will boost economic growth. Paul bryan reports from birmingham. Wow. As honeymoon periods go, this has to be one of the shortest in political history. Less than a month since las trust took over the u. K. New conservative prime minister, a governments controversial tax and borrowing plans. Mean, the conservative Party Conferences, literally besieged by critics. From the p. M. And admission. I think stand by the package we announced. And i stand by the, by the fact that we announced it quickly because we had to lat, by do accept, we should have laid the ground better than right. Do you accept that you accept the Economic Strategy of trust and her chancellor is intended to dramatically boost growth . The plan to give tax cuts to the rich, funded by billions of pounds of government borrowing, sent the currency and bond markets into turmoil last week. And members of trust his own Parliamentary Party are threatening to vote against it. People need to feel a need to see ah, that, ah, when we allow making the case for tax cuts that the people who benefit fast on those who are are those who have leased to coincide with the 1st day of conference, several 1000 Campaign Groups and Union Members converged on Birmingham City center. If you want to preserve your hospital, your care center for the elderly. Top of their concerns is the fear that the government will start cutting Public Sector budgets. You want people to go be ready for an avalanche of cups in everything that they experience in public life. Its going about their business and we got to turn that round. Now is a direct attack on work and close communities. Less trust spoke about their being too much focused on it too much when houses look about ignores the reality or politics and that is to get things done in support. Support and present Parliament Support of the people in the why the company at the moment this trust is to have neither guarantee

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