Feature by Ed Thorn Senior Staff Writer Published 21 Feb, 2021 The Sunday Papers is our weekly roundup of great writing about (mostly) videogames from across the web. Sundays are for watching yet another episode of Married at First Sight Australia, perhaps some of the most dramatic TV I've ever seen. Before we turn on the telly, let's read some of the best writing about games this week. For Polygon, Patricia Hernandez wrote about video game historian Kate Willaert's hunt for Ban Tran, a developer that's responsible for the first depiction of a female protagonist in video games. She’s been working on this project for a decade now, which is also about as long as she and other internet sleuths have been trying to find Tran. So far, despite tapping other gaming historians, putting out a call on social media, and sending many physical letters, the search for Tran has hit a wall. We can’t ask Tran if Wabbit was influenced by the existence of Space Invaders, or what her other wild ideas apparently were. We don’t know what she went on to do, or if she’s still in tech at all. We don’t even know if she’s still called Ban Tran.