(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu) I love the smell of inevitability in the morning, and an election to Recall Gavin Newsom just became inevitable. The final count of verified signatures by the California Secretary of State: 1.7 million. Confirmed by the local news. NEW: The campaign to recall Governor Newsom announces that the California Secretary of State confirmed today that the campaign collected 1,719,943 verified signatures, which is more than 200,000 over the 1.5 million that was required. Goes to the ballot later this year. And the data geeks. 1,719,943 Opponents hoping to short circuit the recall need to convince 224,234 voters to withdraw their signatures by June 8th, which seems like a tall order.https://t.co/Khb5QWeetDpic.twitter.com/zfitjtWWip