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Hello everybody, very warm welcome to press tv world news and now destruction, death and suffering are corners israel continues pounding the besege enclave with no paws. Regime fresh air rais killed at least 40 colosins across the gaza strip, 15 of them lost their life and khan yunis south of the black territory. War in gaza is now in its 21st death tools cross 7,000 at least 70 of those been killed or women and children. Humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate as well, and thats because israel has laid total sige on. Gaza cutting off water, electricity, food, fuel and medicine in the territory. We forced to release all our previous patients during the war, and now were only admitting injured people who need surgeries. There are no more beds for incoming injured. We have been experiencing severe shortage of capabilities in all the apartments and hospitals since before this war began and medical equipment and supplies are in short supply at the. Ministry of health, however, days after this aggression, our stock is barely sufficient to meet the necessities of these patients putting their lives at risk, the lack of fuel poses another critical threat to the lives of hundreds of patients in care departments and it negatively affects the unabtractable electricity, and we are forced to minimize the mechanical ventilators in the unit. And now the israeli blockade has at least four palestinians have been killed in latest israeli reids and occupied westbank troops raid the towns of kalkily and jane before don killing four including newly prisoner. The forces has also arrested dozens of people in those two towns and several other locations throughout the west bank. Situation has remained in occupied territories, thats because there are outrage at israel regimes war on the besiege gaza strip at least 110 people have been killed in israeli raids on west Bank Since Gaza War began of 21 days of ago. Of tensions have also spread to other part of the region as israel region continues its war on gaza in complete disregard of global calls to stop. Asparatic plashes have taken place in the past few days in lebanon southern borders between Resistance Movement hezbollah and israel. Our correspondent matt is now joining us from beirut to tell us about Current Situation in lednon. Hello madyam, hope youre saying doing well out there. Can you tell us with respect to . Were experienceng along the lebanese border, well basically what we have seen is the same since the beginning of this these closshes and this confrontation began basically on the 8th of october has begun like wave of resistance operations very much reminescent of time during the occupation when would strike of course has did this through several phases, the first phase was basically to launch operate against military targets and lebanese occupied territories, but because the israelies were shelling in areas that was in lebanese territories and targeted civilians and journalists especially that led to the marteridom of. The journalists who was in a area where supposedly they were safe uh and of course they were doing job of reporting and documenting uh the the fire that occurred or the that occurred that led to direct and we know from the unifil and Lebanese Army that those journalists were targeted directly so decided that this is a time for retaliation against the israeli crimes also here in lebanon and therefore they began new way and second phase uh witnessed um operations all along the. Border uh basically again like you said specific military targets and even those targets uh were basically ascend in ascending mode first of all we began they began with just targeting the post itself then they were targeting gatherings of troops whenever there were uh troops gathering and then they started with the markava tanks we have over 40 markava tanks that have already been destroyed uh reportedly by hazballah and we do have the documents have the videos where they say these prove that we did target those marava tanks. As you know that is considered invincible tank and they have they said that after the 2006 war and after the fact that they had a what called a graveyard of tanks in the khiam area in the world area where you had six sometimes 10 tanks all at once being destroyed by 2004 they said they advance these tanks they are much more advanced they are much more capable to uh adeere to the situation and not be targeted by thels but means has missiles still are able to destroy the the markava tank and then we had also the Armored Vehicles that were targeted by hezballah so basically going step by step the third phase which was very evidently um a part of hezbollahs intelligence war and that was the beginning of it where they targeted the israeli surveillance equipment uh and espianage equipment devices all along the border as well and we know that the is have actually put in uh new uh new cameras in some areas in the where they can reach, of course in the right on the border of fence or the wall, separation wall that was built by these, its very difficult, difficult for these to come near that wall and replace the cameras, but they are able to do so in the bigger ones also have sort of like hot air balloons with uh devices that are used for surveillance and are used for um have been put in the place of those that were ardered by hezbollah, but of course the israelies have other methods since they did lose lot of. Their cameras thatre using surveillance planes, but surveillance planes, it seems like the uavs and drones that are being used by the israelis, it seems have also been advanced to the extent that they are used to target uh fighter are used to target several areas, its not only artillery fire that or um phosphorus bombs and flare bombs, were also seeing that the uad themselves are targeting um areas where you have uh fighters, where you have other also fighters from resistance groups like hamas and islamic jihab, they have also launched operations in area, so basically we are seeing that, we also know from hamas, they said that they are expecting that we will be seeing more from hazballah, its not clear what we will be seeing from hezballah, what type of tactic they might use next and what type of issue they might of course launch against the israelis in that area and as you know the entire border areas deep within lets say four or six kilometers has been almost completely evacuated, we know that there are only military personnel there, theres tanks, the tanks are even hiding in civilian homes and settlements in those areas, so basically even if theres a civilian that needs to go back to their house, they will be, of course theyre using area as shield for their cover, but hazbil has in one area that actually targeted one m that was hiding uh among those houses, so basically this is it is, like we said, its become like new status quo, hazballah has kept to, enforcing the israels to to keep to that rules of engagement, the israelis of are also at odds whether they would launch a preemptive war against, or that they would wait and see in order to focus on gaza, and that is where basically highlight, that is where the resistance, all the resistance groups are looking at the same time showing that support through these operations and has that all of the marters that have are considered marters on the path al kut so that in itself is very much telling and very significant and we also have resistance groups that have begun their efforts whether in syria or in iraq and even yemen, they seem to be telling the resistance in palestine that they are not alone. Okay, if i could have you on standby for second, let me welcome mr. John stepling, author and commentator to the program to our discussion out of indoor. Hello john, i was a pleasure to check in with you and get your take on thing, your thoughts on the over 700 People Killed gaza strip for the last 21 days over 3,000 children, why does the civilian population john have to answer for . Operation alaxa flood by hamas, why do women and children have . I mean as if they havent answered for last 17 years in neces for last 70 years of 75 years of occupation . Well thats thats the point is is uh if if you listen to israeli uh arguments and and i went back and looked at at some debates from 10 years ago, 15 years ago and and israelis will always end up making this claim that that that this is their land. And they have biblical connection to it and so forth and so on. Never, never mind that that king david is a mythical figure, theres no evidence there ever was the king david. Uh, the the 1947 displacement of the People Living in palestine, in the british mandate of palestine, they were violently displaced, they were driven from their homes, those were homes they had been in for generations in fact, um, and and that has continued uneabated, i mean most recently before the hamas attack in the shake jaw neighborhood, armed settlers came in, killed pales, there was a major conflict there and confrontation, the settlers were armed, illegally trying to get rid of palestinians, drive them from their homes, they wanted to cleanse the shake jaw area and take it over, the police came, the military came and stu good with the settlers, now all of this is of course illegal, it violates every agreement you could appeal to, and and yet thats thats what happens, but you dont really hear about it that way in western media, that this 75 years of displacement, land, theft and occupation uh gets gets erased in western media, so when the un, chief said yesterday, antonio guterez, guess two days ago, um may critical remark, mean comparatively mild and stating the obvious, but he made remarks that were critical of the israely uh response to the hamamas attacks, and said the hamamas attacks did not happen in a vacuum, which is demonstratably true, but israel immediately launches a pr campaign against that, demanding his resignation, people like eli cohen and and avegore leberman and uh they. On tv, they theyre given prime time spots, they demand good a step down, this is blood libel, this is racism, he hates jews, this antisemitism, all of this stuff is untrue, mean remarks were perfectly reason, there was nothing he said that that wasnt again obviously factually true, so so what you are up against here is the the media machine of the west, if you google camp david, the story is that palestinians could have had a great deal and they turned it down, well it wasnt a great deal, the osl of course, not, nothing has ever been presented to the palestinians that was what you would term a reasonable deal, and uh, this is because at the beginning we have 1947, the nabaka, the complete uh terrorist takeover of palestine, and thousands of people were murdered, you can, you can see interviews. With the original uh members of urgun and the hognon and so forth the stern gang, you some them are still alive, they talk about, they laugh about it, they brag about slaughtering civilians, women, children, not just military personnel, uh, and again, this is not, this is, this is the sensibility that has continued unabated for 70 some years, and uh, at this point, when people demand to see fire, great, i want. There to be secefire, but its not enough, there has to be a lifting of the bloccade and a dismandling of this apartite state, its 20, 23 or something now, were not, were not in in 1860, colonialism is over, it was, it was, there were wars of liberation and independence all over the world, especially in africa, do away with colonialism, the last colonial state is israel, and the reason and it survives of course is its its subsidized by the United States and and you cant separate those two entities its politically the us and israel are one and and you know this becomes bidens war because uh i think the us feels a bit desperate at this point uh ucraine didnt go very well and and they cant afford they see the riding on the wall theres you know. Israel is losing the the population war, the demographic war, theyre outnumbered, and lot of people have suggested that the us recognizes that that. Its quite possible in five years israel will cease to exist, because these policies are untenable, the majority of the world is against israel and defending palestine, they want the suffering to stop, murdering children, bombing hospitals, killing civilians is completely unacceptable, and and the the framing is always, people ask, im asked repeatedly, oh, are you justifying hamas . Its not, thats the wrong question. This is a war of liberation and nothing except Armed Struggle seems ever get occupiers to leave their country. Mercifully, i dont live in palestine, i, i live in norway, so this is a great luxury and privilege. Im, im not occupied. What would i do if i were, i would struggle, and and thats what you see. Its not, its not terrorism to struggle against tyranny and oppression and occupation. Nobody likes to be occupied. So. Thats what were seeing, but but the media, again, the media asks the wrong questions, frames the entire less century in in a very biased and prejudiced way, and you also seeing the the resurfacing of islamophobic um kind of orientalism and and and the same stuff you saw after 2001, and the us is and the us media cultivate that, you see it across europe. Um a precipitous rise in antimuslim sentiment and the the rise of rightwing parties in europe uh that are that are uh plat the platform is essentially you know stop immigrants stop muslim immigrants yeah all right john if you could just have you stand by for second um we we have to show you some live images for our viewers that are just tuning in uh it seems like we have there we go these are live images youre about to witness there is a funeral taking place of fort hezbollah fighters that were killed by Israeli Forces along that lebanese border, joining us as our correspondent now were showing viewers uh from lebanon this um procession taking place for fighters uh the resistance fighters there that were slain by Israeli Forces man held talks with hamases alaruri a few days ago and of the Islamic Jihad do we know exactly what was discussed or determined at at that meeting, of course we cant know all the details, they did sit together for quite a while and for security reasons of course it wasnt even known until after they finished the meeting, but it is significant in itself, first of all it choose and proof that there is continuous cooperation coordination between the resistance factions especially hizbullah and Islamic Jihad in hamas, which is which will probably tell the israelis that they are united, theres no divisions among them, and they are ready to get to basically work on the road, up uh for the future ahead and how to look at things, they did a few things that we could probably understand from them, first of all the that theyre looking at all the Development Since october 7th until now, and were also looking at the stances, international stances and regional stances, so basically they are looking at of course definitely the support that is given for the israelis from the western world, but at the same time looking as well at the stances protest from the people who are standing with palestine, they also said that this is a critical period uh of course definitely its not going to be uh something very easy or a phase that just going to pass since what happened in on october 7 is something very strategic that would change the face of the region basically um and while the us and the west are trying to change the have been trying to change the middle east since the 2006 war now we are seeing basically a repetition history seems to be repeating itself now as well in whats happens in 2006, it was obvious hazballah was basically alone in this war um with all the arab states basically standing against them with the us support so therefore now is very similar to that and they together have proven that they will cooperate and work towards the next phase in order to bring on what they called a true victory for gaza and palestine before before i swing back over to john this becca uh lebanon uh we seeing do you know uh which is of fighters uh its been held for and uh when they were killed exactly do you have any information on this funeral that were sharing with yours, i cant see the images right now but i think one of the fighters that murdered just yesterday and he is from town of labaya, i think if im not mistaken, im not sure if that that is the one, we do have of course several funeral have we have at least 30 um members that have been murdered as a result of thinks believe. So this is part of their normal strategy for them, these are marters, they believe they are, of course definitely on the immortal beings that are on the path of liberation, if it had not been for marters, there would not be liberation, that is their ideology, that is what they believe in, and we can see even parents, the families, the fathers, the mothers, the wives, the children of these marters, basically smiling, saying that, one day they will be together when it is, of course world has become better place, and there is liberty, and this is what they are fighting for, and they also saying that they are on the path of alqs, that itself is very significant as well, since they believe that this is the beginning of liberation that would extend not only lebanese territory. Or even maybe palestinian territory, were talking about all of palestine, and this is what the resistance has always, we are hearing more and more protest across the world, from the river to the sea, palestine will be free, so this is something many people could not dare to speak out on whether in the us or in france or these these western countries that are ruled by those, probably call them dictators, so basically yes, this is one of the funerals and we might see more these funerals, but this is part of hezballah. Ideology on the path of liberation. Thank you. We dont have that much time left. I want to get the second question out to mr. John stepling. Now john, you heard pressb correspond am out of saying 30 hezb fighters have been killed. Now if the Israeli Regime continues um trying to stoke tensions with hezbol along that um that border, lebanese border area there john, what are the ramifications of that . We know that the israel regime could not stand in front of hezballah in 2006 and today its a far more advanced and sophisticated animal militarily than it was in 200. And sick, its a much better armed uh as well right now too, i think you know the us flew in several thousand marines and equipment to help in quotation marks um destroy hamas and go into gaza, theyve made a couple of of timid four so for uh, but you get the impression that that is really load to to mount a ground invasion, theyre not equipped to do it, and and really neither is the. United states would have effects as a unpopular a poll the other day in in huarat Jerusalem Post that 90 of israel gone, thats a singling statistic, so and they blame him for the attack and they say its incompetent security and so forth and so on, and theres all kinds of conspiracy theories floating about as well, but the image israeli invincibility has been shattered, probably forever, the soldiers, the idea for making tick videos, dance parties, trying to give the impression of um, of being happy and secure and they cant wait to go fight, and its not convincing, israel is perceived, i think right now by most people as terrified, they they because theyre presented with lose lose options, theres theres no good, theres no good. Way to resolve this from the israeli point of view and Global Opinion is overwhelmingly against them, it is only the people in the eu and north america that support the israelis at this point, and lot of those countries in the eu are waffling, so really its just the United States and United Kingdom that wholeheartedly support israel, otherwise um the zianist state is incredibly isolated right . Now all right, but thanks, all the pleasure of checking with you, stay safe, mr. John, stapling there, joining us from indonesia norway and earlier we joined out of beirout, press tv, correspondent maters, that brings us to the end of this extent conversation on the besiege, gaza strip and atrocities being committed against palestinians, there are 700 dead, over 3100 them children, 60 or 50 of the complete uh residential infrastructure has been leveled or partially leveled there in the besieg gaza strip and were following development on the ground very closely here on prv state. And for now. Has been deprived of their homeland, our homeland, we would like to respectfully remind our president that is crucial allowing these displaced palestinians to return to their towns of origin, we must reject israels displacement of 1 million palestinian prohibiting any medical supplies to enter the area. For palestine from the river to the sea, show solidarity with our Palestinian People and their ongoing struggle for when people are colonized, resistance is justified, an end to all normalization. Stories on press tv at least 40 palestinians killed in israels latest aril attacks against the gazo strip, 15 of them lost their lives in the blockaid enclave, more than 7,000 palestinass and killed since the israel regime began its onslot on the 7th of october. Doctors in the gazo of strip say theyre only able to accept critical cases as hospitals and intensive care in his beds are filled with warvits. World Health Organization said third of gaza hospitals are not operational

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